L. Vollrath
Third International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
The tissue distribution of enzymatic activities in intestinal metaplasia stomachs exhibiting chronic gastritis was compared histochemically with that of the small intestine in man.
Infradian rhythms of serotonin and serotonin‐N‐acetyltransferase in the pineal gland of male rats
Abstract The present investigation was carried out to determine whether in the pineal gland of male Sprague‐Dawley rats infradian rhythms with respect to serotonin, serotonin‐N‐acetyltransferase (NAT) activity, and hydroxyindole‐O‐methyltransferase (HIOMT) can be detected. The serotonin data obtained over a period of 4 weeks and subjected to power spectral analysis suggest the presence of infradian rhythms in the range of 6 and 4.3 days. NAT activity, obtained over a period of 28 days, revealed a 7‐day‐rhythm. A second peak occurring at 2.3 days remained just below the significance limit. HIOMT activity studied over a period of 8 days showed no statistically significant differences between …
Circadian and Infradian Activity Rhythms in the Mammalian Pineal Body
The neuroendocrine nature of the pineal organ is well established. Linked to the optic system via postganglionic sympathetic fibres coming from the superior cervical ganglia, the parenchymal cells of the pineal synthesize serotonin from tryptophan and convert it to melatonin, the most widely studied pineal substance, and other indoleamines. Melatonin synthesis is stimulated by noradrenaline released from intrapineal sympathetic nerve fibres, involving β-adrenergic mechanisms and the adenyl cyclase-cAMP-system. The rate-limiting enzyme of melatonin formation is serotonin-N-acetyltransferase (NAT) that converts serotonin to N-acetylserotonin. Hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) catalyze…
Electrical responses of homing pigeon and guinea pig Purkinje cells to pineal indoleamines applied by microelectrophoresis
The effects of microelectrophoretically applied melatonin (aMT), 5-methoxytryptophol (ML), 5-hydroxytryptophol (HL) and noradrenaline (NA) on the electrical activity of cerebellar Purkinje and other cells during both day- and nighttime were studied in urethane-anesthetized intact and pinealectomized homing pigeons and guinea pigs.
Abstract of the 68th Meeting (Spring Meeting) 6–9 March 1990, Heidelberg
Proliferation-associated oxygen consumption and morphology of tumor cells in monolayer and spheroid culture.
The oxygen consumption rate, proliferative activity, and morphology of EMT6/Ro mouse mammary sarcoma cells in monolayer and multicellular spheroid culture have been investigated in a comparative study. During the transition of monolayer cells from the exponential into the plateau growth phase, there is a distinct decrease in the cellular volume that is associated with a corresponding decrease in the proliferative and respiratory activity of the cells. The decline in cell volume is mainly due to a decrease in the content of cytoplasm, whereas the size of the nucleus is only slightly reduced. A concomitant decrease in the number of mitochondria per cell obviously accounts for the reduction in…
"Synaptic" ribbons and spherules of the guinea pig pineal gland: inverse day/night differences in number.
The present study deals with the functionally enigmatic "synaptic" ribbons and spherules of guinea pig pinealocytes. Whereas the ribbons have been shown to exhibit a 24-hr rhythmicity with low numbers during the day and high numbers at night, very little of a definitive nature is known about the spherules. Sixteen male guinea pigs of the Hartley strain were perfusion fixed, 8 between 0900-1100 hr, and 8 between 2100-2300 hr. The ribbons and spherules were counted in the pineal parenchyma of the proximal, intermediate, and distal regions. In confirmation of earlier studies, it was found that "synaptic" ribbons are equally abundant in the proximal, intermediate, and distal regions of the glan…
Demonstration of action-potential-producing cells in the rat pineal gland in vitro and their regulation by norepinephrine and nitric oxide
There is evidence that sympathetically innervated mammalian pineal glands contain cells that exhibit action potentials. It is unknown whether ex vivo pineal glands deprived of their nervous input are still capable of firing. In the present study, multiple-unit recordings from rat pineals revealed spontaneously active cell clusters with a mean firing frequency of 1.5 +/- 0.3 Hz which could be abolished by tedrodotoxin. Regularly firing clusters showed no inherent periodicity in the minute range, whereas rhythmical clusters with periodically repeated bursts had period lengths of 12.6 min (day) and 9.5 min (night). Superfusion of norepinephrine reduced the firing frequency of both cluster type…
‘Synaptic’ Bodies in the Pineal Glands of the Cow, Sheep and Pig
The present results show that ‘synaptic’ bodies (SB) are a heterogeneous group of organelles in the pineal glands of Artiodactyla. Basically, rod-like (ribbons) and sphere-like (spherules) SB can be distinguished. In the pig small numbers of both ‘synaptic’ ribbons (SR) and ‘synaptic’ spherules (SS) are found. In bovine and ovine pineal glands few SS but no SR were seen. The same results were obtained from animals of the same species but from different continents. This suggests that the numbers of SB are species specific rather than influenced by the different lighting conditions in Europe and in equatorial Africa.
Electrical responses of pineal cells to melatonin and putative transmitters
The effects of microelectrophoretically applied melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxy-tryptamine), noradrenaline (NOR) or acetylcholine (ACH) on the electrical activity of pineal cells during both the day- and night-time were studied in urethane anesthetised guinea-pigs. A total of 288 cells were tested with melatonin, and in addition with either NOR (120 cells) or ACH (138 cells). Of the 206 cells responding to melatonin application, 139 were excited and 67 inhibited. A total of 85 cells responded to the application of NOR, 45 being excited and 40 inhibited. Responses to ACH application were observed in 75 pineal cells, 49 units being inhibited and 26 excited. It was possible to observe excitation…
Chronic exposure to a GSM-like signal (mobile phone) does not stimulate the development of DMBA-induced mammary tumors in rats: results of three consecutive studies.
Certain epidemiological and experimental studies raised concerns about the safety of radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields because of a possible increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma. In this study, an RF field used in mobile telecommunication was tested using 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary tumors in female Sprague-Dawley rats as a model for human breast cancer. Three experiments were carried out under strictly standardized conditions and were started on the same day of three consecutive years. The field consisted of a GSM-like signal (900 MHz pulsed at 217 Hz, pulse width 577 micros) of relatively low power flux density (100 microW/cm(2) +/- 3 dB) and was appl…
Changes in the Three Dimensional Structure of Synaptic Ribbons in the Pineal Gland of the Guinea-Pig Caused by Constant Light
Synaptic bodies (SBs) are dynamic synaptic organelles of afferent synapses of the retina, inner ear, lateral line organ and pineal gland in vertebrates. When investigated in a transmission electron microscope, their electron-dense rod-like, round or irregular profiles are surrounded by electron-lucent vesicles. The three-dimensional structure of pineal SBs is not precisely known. Pineal glands of two guinea-pigs (one kept under an LD cycle of 12:12 h; one kept in constant light for 8 weeks) were investigated. SBs were reconstructed in three dimensions to visualise morphological changes in constant light. Transmission electron microscope micrographs from up to 18 serial sections with a known…
Number and size of rat thyroid C cells: No effect of pinealectomy
A method for the estimation of the size and total number of calcitonin-containing cells (C cells) in the rat thyroid gland has been devised. The total area, the number of C cells per unit area, and the areal fraction of C cells were determined for the C cell region using step serial sections. From these data it was estimated that from 0.3 X 10(6) to 1.0 X 10(6) C cells were evenly divided between the two thyroid lobes. Approximately 150 micron3 of cytoplasm were associated with each of these cells. In comparison with sham-operated rats, pinealectomy had little effect on the number of C cells. In an experiment terminated in the summer, there was a statistically insignificant decrease 6 weeks…
The effects of sex hormones, prolactin, and chorionic gonadotropin on pineal electrical activity in guinea pigs.
Microelectrophoretic application of sex hormones onto pineal cells in guinea pigs has shown different responses in pregnant females as compared to males. In pregnant females estrone caused excitation in 74% of the cells tested, while progesterone and testosterone, prolactin, and HCG were inhibitory in a majority of the cells tested, while progesterone and testosterone, prolactin, and HCG were inhibitory in a majority of the cells. In contrast, in males estrone caused excitation of only 19% but inhibition of 37%. A smaller percentage of cells was inhibited by progesterone, while the predominant response to testosterone was excitation. These results suggest that the pineal gland may be under …
Sleep Induction by Intranasal Application of Melatonin
The sleep inducing potency of melatonin was tested in a double-blind study against placebo. The application form was a nasal spray with a 0.85% solution of melatonin in ethanol. 70% of the subjects fell asleep after treatment with the hormone.
Effects of an Earth-strength magnetic field on electrical activity of pineal cells
Although magnetic fields can influence biological systems, including those of man and other vertebrates1–5, no central nervous structure has been identified that might be involved in their detection. From a theoretical point of view, the pineal organ might be such a structure for the following reasons: (1) It is involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms6 and is thus essential for migratory restlessness (‘Zugunruhe’)7. Orientation at that time can be altered by an artificial magnetic field (MF) with a direction differing by 90° from that of the Earth. Circadian rhythms can be inhibited from phase shifting by compensation of the Earth's MF and can be influenced by an artificial MF8. (2)…
The Effects of Microelectrophoretically Applied Melatonin, Putative Transmitters, Thyroxine and Sex Hormones on the Electrical Activity of Pineal Cells in the Guinea-pig
ABSTRACT The effects of microelectrophoretic application of melatonin, noradrenaline, acetylcholine, thyroxine, testosterone and oestrone on pineal cell electrical activity were evaluated. With the exception of acetylcholine and oestrone pineal cells showed a circadian rhythm in sensitivity to the application of the substances. It is apparent from these studies, that (1) transmitters and hormones can bring about direct changes in the firing frequency of pineal cells, (2) all pineal cells do not respond to these substances in the same way and (3) that melatonin either produced in the pineal organ or reaching the gland via the general circulation may be capable of directly influencing the cel…
"Synaptic" ribbons and spherules of the rat pineal gland: day/night changes in vitro?
In the present study pineal glands of rats aged 69–71 days were studied in vivo and in vitro with respect to day/night changes of “synaptic” ribbons and spherules. It was found that ribbons outnumber spherules by a factor of 3. In vivo, both ribbons and spherules show a roughly 3-fold increase in number at 1 a.m. when compared to 1 p.m. Up to 39 h in vitro, the two structures in question did not reveal day/night differences in amount, suggesting that diurnal rhythmicity of the gland did apparently not persist in organ culture. After 3 h in organ culture, the spherules, but not the ribbons, showed a striking increase in number, showing that ribbons and spherules may be governed by different …