Teresa Krzyśko-łupicka
Microbiological and physico-chemical composition of sewage sludge derived from the food industry=Skład mikrobiologiczny i fizykochemiczny osadów ściekowych pochodzących z przemysłu spożywczego
Abstract The aim of the study was to analyze the microbiological and physico-chemical composition of sewage sludge from the food industry. The research material was dewatered sewage sludge with and without lime, derived from the water and drink production plant in the Opole region, obtained for testing in March 2013. Physico-chemical analysis included the determination of: pH, temperature of sludge, sedimentation properties, the dry weight, mineral substances, biogenic elements and heavy metals. Microbiological evaluation included quantitative and qualitative determination of mesophilic, psychrophilic and potentially pathogenic microorganisms. Sewage sludge with and without lime characteriz…
Magazynowanie zbóż jest jednym z najważniejszych etapów łańcucha produkcji żywności. Zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologiczne, a w szczególności grzybami strzępkowymi mogą obniżać jakość przechowywanego ziarna oraz pośrednio generować straty ekonomiczne i niekorzystnie oddziaływać na zdrowie ludzi. Celem przeprowadzanych badań była ocena różnorodności grzybów strzępkowych obecnych w powietrzu i frakcji opadającej na powierzchnię magazynów zbożowych oraz w przechowywanym ziarnie zbóż. Badania przeprowadzono w magazynach płaskich w czasie składowania zbóż. Ogólną liczbę grzybów strzępkowych w powietrzu magazynowym oznaczono metodą wolumetryczną przy użyciu aparatu MAS-100 firmy MERCK w siedmiu wyzna…
Influence of bioremediation stimulators in soil on development of oat seedlings (Avena sativa) and their aminopeptidase activity / Wpływ pozostałości substancji ropopochodnych w glebie na rozwój owsa i aktywność aminopeptydazową
Abstract The selection of bioremediation techniques is important for purification of contaminated soil for agricultural use. Studies on soil contaminated with petroleum substances have indicated that the applied method of remediation has a bigger impact on the development of oat seedlings than the level of contamination. A yeast inoculum appeared to be a technique which was the friendliest to vegetation of oat
The effect of ash and compost on the content and bioaccumulation of selected heavy metals
Abstract Therefore the carried out study aimed at determination of the effect of high-calcium brown coal ash and compost being produced from municipal sewage sludge on the content and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in potato tubers, wheat grains and rapeseeds during a three-year period. Rapeseeds contained most Cd whereas wheat rains less. Potato tubers, wheat grains and rapeseeds contained more Mn, Ni and Zn in the fertilization objects with municipal sewage sludge with or without coal ash and compared to those where calcium carbonate or coal ash had been introduced into the soil at a dose corresponding to 1.5 Mg CaO · ha–1 at the beginning of this study. Differences in the Mn, Ni and Zn …
Chemical Composition of Two Different Lavender Essential Oils and Their Effect on Facial Skin Microbiota
Lavender oil is one of the most valuable aromatherapy oils, its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activities can be explained by main components such as linalool, linalyl acetate, lavandulol, geraniol, or eucalyptol. The aim of the study was to assess the anti-microbial effects of two different lavender oils on a mixed microbiota from facial skin. The commercial lavender oil and essential lavender oil from the Crimean Peninsula, whose chemical composition and activity are yet to be published, were used. Both oils were analysed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The composition and properties of studied oils were significantly different. The commercial ETJA lavender oil contain…
Chemical Composition of Herbal Macerates and Corresponding Commercial Essential Oils and Their Effect on Bacteria Escherichia coli
This study addresses the chemical composition of some commercial essential oils (clove, juniper, oregano, and marjoram oils), as well as appropriate herbal extracts obtained in the process of cold maceration and their biological activity against selected Escherichia coli strains: E. coli ATTC 25922, E. coli ATTC 10536, and E. coli 127 isolated from poultry waste. On the basis of the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis, it was found that the commercial essential oils revealed considerable differences in terms of the composition and diversity of terpenes, terpenoids and sesquiterpenes as compared with the extracts obtained from plant material. The commercial clove, oregano, a…
The active substance of new herbicide generation is N-(2-pirydyloamino) methylenobisphosphonic acid. Two strains Fusarium culmorum CB3 and Fusarium oxysporum XVI, isolated from soil treated with examined substance, were chosen to investigation of using it as a sole source of phosphorus, nitrogen or carbon in the concentrations at 1.0 mM. Interactions between the dominating strains of fungi and N-(2-pirydyloamino) methylenobisphosphonic acid, mycelium growth rate, the spore germinate index, the level chemical changes of N-(2-pirydyloamino) methylenobisphosphonic acid and pH were investigated after cultivation in mineral medium and its modifications. The results of growth kinetics of the stud…
Unconventional yeast in the degradation of hydrocarbons in contaminated soil
The influence of Yarrowia lipolytica inoculum on biodegradation of hydrocarbons, and changes in microbiota composition in the soil contaminated with petroleum have been investigated. The material under study was contaminated clay soil, containing petroleum-derived substances at approximately 17 000 [mg/kg d. m.]. Microbiological analysis was carried out by the cultivation method and the content of individual hydrocarbons (n-aliphatic, BTEX and PAHs) was determined by the GC/MS method. The largest decrease of oil-derived substances, versus the control sample, was recorded at the beginning of the process. During the first 30 days, the yeast inoculation caused most effectively removal of n-ali…
Comparison of oxidoreductive enzyme activities in three coal tar creosote-contaminated soils
This study used laboratory experiments to compare the effects of coal tar creosote on the activity of oxidoreductive enzymes in sandy loam, loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils. Different amounts of coal tar creosote were added to soil samples as follows: 0 (control), 2, 10 or 50 g kg–1 dry matter. The activity of soil dehydrogenases (DHAs), o-diphenol oxidase (o-DPO), catalase (CAT), nitrate reductase (NR) and peroxidases (POX) was determined. Contamination of soil with coal tar creosote affected oxidoreductase activity. Oxidoreductive enzyme activity following soil contamination with coal tar creosote was in the following order: DHAs > CAT > NR > POX > o-DPO in…
The Comparison of Cellulolytic Activity of the Modified Soil Treated with Roundup
Abstract The activity of soil microorganisms affects soil fertility and structure, what leads to satisfactory crop yields, thanks to changes in the decay of organic matter. Their activity may be impaired as a result of application by farmers both fertilizers and pesticides. The degradation of cellulosic biomass represents an important part of the carbon cycle within the biosphere. Cellulolitic microorganisms are responsible for this decomposition, as they produced the enzymes of the cellulase complex. The aim of the study was to compare the cellulolytic activity of soil with Roundup and modified using urea phosphate and / or manure. The pot experiment was conducted under laboratory conditio…
Evaluation of Fungistatic Activity of Eight Selected Essential Oils on Four Heterogeneous Fusarium Isolates Obtained from Cereal Grains in Southern Poland
The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the chemical composition of eight commercial essential oils (EsO) (garlic, grapefruit, lemon grass, tea tree, thyme, verbena, cajeput, and Litsea cubeba) and their fungistatic activity in relation to four species of Fusarium: F. avenaceum, F. culmorum, F. graminearum, and F. oxysporum. The species identification of Fusarium isolates was confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometer. The determination of qualitative and quantitative chemical composition of the EsO was carried out using the gas chromatography&ndash
The Influence of Chemical Composition of Commercial Lemon Essential Oils on the Growth of Candida Strains
Candida yeasts are saprophytes naturally present in the environment and forming colonies on human mucous membranes and skin. They are opportunistic fungi that cause severe and even fatal infections in immunocompromised individuals. Several essential oils, including eucalyptus, pine, cinnamon and lemon, have been shown to be effective against Candida strains. This study addresses the chemical composition of some commercial lemon essential oils and their antifungal potential against selected Candida yeast strains. Antifungal potential and minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined for six commercial lemon essential oils against five Candida yeast strains (Candida albicans 31, Candida t…
Hydrogen peroxide as a biodegradation stimulator in remediation processes of soils heavily contaminated with petrochemicals
Abstract The soil contaminated with petroleum products must be excluded from the crops and treated to reclamation processes. Natural processes of decomposition of hydrocarbon compounds go very slow, so it is necessary to use bioaugumentation or stimulation in order to accelerate the return of the soil to high culture. In this study the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the process of cleaning soil strongly contaminated with pertochemicals was investigated. For this purpose, a pot experiment lasting 60 days was carried. The dynamics of changes in the population of filamentous fungi, yeasts and bacteria were examined and also content of aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-alkanes), monoaromatic and polycy…
Pharmacological Properties and use of Ganoderma Lucidum in modern medicine
Currently, lignicolous fungi, commonly referred to as polypores, belonging to the division of Basidiomycota (basidiomycetes), are of great interest. Ganoderma lucidum is one of the representatives. They grow and develop in the wood of trees and shrubs, both living and dead ones. These fungi belong to the world’s most valued and sought-after medicinal plants, used as dietary supplements and applied in medicine. Fungal extracts can be used both for the purposes of prevention and treatment of the acute and chronic diseases. Clinical studies have confirmed the unique characteristics of parasitic medicinal fungi: wide possibilities of application, a high supportive and enhancing role taking into…
Combined effect of low-molecular-weight organic acids and creosote on phosphatase activities in sandy soil
This paper assesses the impact of creosote and low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOAs) on the activity of acid phosphomonoesterase, alkaline phosphomonoesterase, phosphotriesterase, and inorganic pyrophosphatase in soil. The experiment was carried out on loamy sand samples with organic carbon content of 8.71 g · kg -1 , with the following variable factors: dosages of creosote: 0, 0.5%, and 2.5%; type of LMWOAs: oxalic acid, tartaric acid, and citric acid in the amount of 50 mmol · kg -1 of soil; days of experiment: 1, 7, 14, 28, 56, 112. Obtained results showed that contamination with creosote caused decrease in the activity of soil phosphatases. The observed effect did not always incre…
Effectiveness of the Influence of Selected Essential Oils on the Growth of Parasitic Fusarium Isolated from Wheat Kernels from Central Europe
The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of selected seven commercial essential oils (EsO) (grapefruit, lemongrass, tea tree (TTO), thyme, verbena, cajeput, and Litsea cubeba) on isolates of common Central European parasitic fungal species of Fusarium obtained from infected wheat kernels, and to evaluate the oils as potential natural fungicides. The study was conducted in 2 stages. At each stage, the fungicidal activity of EsO (with concentrations of 0.025
The effect of spent bleaching earth ageing process on its physicochemical and microbial composition and its potential use as a source of fatty acids and triterpenes
This study was aimed at investigating the physicochemical and microbiological changes that took place during the ageing process of spent bleaching earth in the presence of autochthonous microorganisms. Research material included fresh spent bleaching earth (SBE0) and the same material after 3 years of storage at the constant temperature of 20 °C, without aeration and moistening (SBE3). Changes in the chemical composition of analysed waste material were observed during its ageing process point to a spontaneous bioconversion of fat substance towards formation and/or release of free saturated fatty acids C16:0 and C18:0 (14.3 g 100 g(-1) D.M.), triterpenes (8.48 g 100 g(-1) D.M.), cholesterol …
Effect of rhamnolipids on microbial biomass content and biochemical parameters in soil contaminated with coal tar creosote
AbstractThe objective of the present study was to compare the effect of rhamnolipids on the microbial biomass content and the activity of dehydrogenases (DHA), acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and urease (URE) in soil contaminated with two types of coal tar creosote: type C and type GX-Plus. The experiment was carried out on samples of sandy clay loam under laboratory conditions. Coal tar creosote was added to soil samples at a dose of 0 and 10 g·kg−1 DM, along with rhamnolipids at a dose of 0, 10, 100, and 1000 mg·kg−1 DM. The humidity of the samples was brought to 60% maximum water holding capacity, and the samples were incubated at 20°C. Microbial and biochemical param…
The use of glyphosate as the sole source of phosphorus or carbon for the selection of soil-borne fungal strains capable to degrade this herbicide
Abstract The herbicide glyphosate was used as a selection agent for isolation of fungal strains capable to degrade phosphorus-to-carbon bond from standard sandy-clay soil. The studies have shown that the herbicide used in Martin medium as a sole source of phosphorus br carbon caused the decrease of the fungal population and substantially changed strain composition, thus selecting those which are able to degrade glyphosate.
Analysis of Chemical and Biochemical Parameters of Petrol-Contaminated Soil after Biostimulation with an Enzyme Reagent
This study aimed to assess the effect of petrol and the Fyre Zyme reagent on selected chemical and biochemical properties of loamy sand. The experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions. First, petrol was introduced into the soil at doses of 0 and 50 g k-1dry matter (DM). Next, 6% Fyre-Zyme enzyme reagent solution was added to the samples contaminated and uncontaminated with petrol, in the following combinations: 0 (control), once at 40 cm3 kg&ndash
Evaluation of antifungal activity of three essential oils against selected isolates of Penicillium, Purpureocillium and Acremonium
Storage is a critical process of food production because incorrect conditions during this process lead to the growth of economic costs caused by material loss. It is important to maintain adequate microbiological purity of storage areas. The development of microbes present in warehouses may lead to secondary contamination of stored materials and reduce their quality. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of essential oils on the growth of Acremonium strictum , Penicillium citrinum, Penicillium expansum and Purpureocillium lilacinum . Fungal strains were isolated from the food warehouse. Studies on the influence of selected mix of phenolic substances were performed using three comm…
Antibiotics Resistance in Enterococcus Isolates from Poultry Waste
Abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate the drug resistance of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from different types of poultry waste. The study material consisted of feather samples (duck, turkey, chicken), sludge and centrifuge sediment, originating from three poultry farms. The study was conducted in two stages; isolation and identification of Enterococcus bacteria from the waste and evaluation of their drug resistance using Kirby-Bauer method. Contamination of the poultry waste with Enterococcus isolates included E. faecium species (79 %) and E. faecalis (21 %). The most contaminated were sludge and sediment from the centrifuge as well as chicken feathers, i…
Comparison of the Fungistatic Activity of Selected Essential Oils Relative to Fusarium graminearum Isolates
The aim of the study was to determine the chemical composition of lemon, rosewood, geranium and rosemary oils, and compare their effect on the sensitivity of Fusarium graminearum ZALF 24 and Fusarium graminearum ZALF 339 isolated from infected cereals. The tested oils were added to Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium at concentrations of 0.125%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0%. The activity of the oils on inhibition of the linear growth of mycelium was evaluated by measuring the growth of fungal colonies (growth index), while the fungistatic activity was evaluated on the basis of the percentage growth inhibition of a fungal colony and calculated according to Abbott&rsquo
Influence of environmental pollution with creosote oil or its vapors on biomass and selected physiological groups of microorganisms
Survival of microorganisms in soils from treatment facility and landfill of wooden railway sleepers contaminated with creosote oil as well as in two types of soils with different content of organic carbon, treated with creosote oil vapors, was assessed. Microbiological assays including determination of: the biomass of living microorganisms method and the number of proteolytic, lipolytic and amylolytic microorganisms were carried out under laboratory conditions. Chromatography analysis of the soil extract from railway sleepers treatment facility was performed using GC/MS. The highest biomass and the number of tested microorganisms were determined in soils from wooden railway sleepers landfil…
Response of soil phosphatase activities to contamination with two types of tar oil.
Tar oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbon compounds obtained from high-temperature distillation of coal tar. It has been used for over 100 years from now to protect wood and has been applied to wood products, primary utility poles, and railroad ties by pressure methods. Composition of the tar oil depends on the source and typically consists of 85% polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 10% phenolic compounds, and 5% heterocyclic compounds. In this research, we performed the laboratory experiment to compare two types of tar oil: C and GX-Plus, and their effects on P-cycling enzymes (phosphatases) in sandy loam and loamy sand. Tar oil was applied to soil samples at the following doses: 2,…