Effects of Tray-Drying on the Physicochemical, Microbiological, Proximate, and Sensory Properties of White- and Red-Fleshed Loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica Lindl.) Fruit
Loquat fruits, highly valued by consumers for their characteristic aroma and pleasant taste, have a short post-harvest life and are susceptible to mechanical damage, loss of firmness, and initial organoleptic characteristics. The aim of this work was to develop a drying method suitable for storing loquat fruits in polyamide/polyethylene (PA/PE) bags containing two gaseous mixtures (treatments): MAPN2 (100% N2) and MAPP (21% O2 and 0.04% CO2), at room temperature (20 ± 1 °C) for at least 2 months. The effects of these conditions on the physico-chemical, microbiological, proximate, and sensory properties of fruit stored over a 50-day time interval were studied. The results showed that convect…
Studio della qualità dei frutti e della risposta fotosintetica di tre cultivar di Mango (Mangifera indica L.) coltivate in serra in Sicilia
La coltivazione del mango all’interno di una serra in Sicilia sottopone le piante a temperature estremamente elevate, fino a 50 °C, mentre le temperature minime registrate in serra durante la notte nel corso dell’anno non differiscono da quelle registrate all’aperto. Nonostante le alte temperature estive, l’attività fotosintetica delle piante ha mostrato valori elevati (fino a 20μmol (CO2)/s), ovvero uno dei più alti per il mango sulla base di quanto finora riportato in letteratura. I frutti ottenuti erano di alta qualità, non presentavano imperfezioni derivanti da danni di natura biotica o abiotica. Avevano, inoltre, un elevato contenuto zuccherino e sono stati pienamente apprezzati dai gi…
Use of Hanseniaspora uvarum and a novel strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from manna ash to produce loquat beer
Avocado “born in Sicily”, gli agricoltori scommettono su questa produzione
In questo lavoro è stato possibile mettere a confronto la qualità dei frutti di avocado Born in Sicily e di quelli Imported. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano per i frutti raccolti in Sicilia valori più elevati del contenuto di sostanza grassa, di alcune vitamine e minerali rispetto a quelli importati, indicando nell’avocado isolano un frutto ricco di componenti dall’alto valore nutrizionale.
Nespole disidratate: un nuovo prodotto creato a partire da frutti di scarto
La disidratazione delle nespole, sia a polpa gialla che a polpa bianca, rappresenta un metodo innovativo per prolungare la shelf-life dei frutti e per poter reinventare un prodotto che altrimenti verrebbe individuato come scarto alimentare. Anche se alcuni parametri, come il colore e la consistenza, hanno subito un cambiamento, rimangono comunque apprezzati a livello sensoriale. Tra tutti i trattamenti le nespole disidratate a polpa bianca della cv Claudia hanno mostrato una migliore evoluzione dei parametri qualitativi e la tecnica di packaging in MAP non ne ha influenzato l’evoluzione dei parametri. In definitiva, tramite una semplice trasformazione, come la disidratazione in corrente di …
New Clones and Old Varieties: Quality of Sicilian Hillside Apple Cultivation
Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the qualitative characteristics of the new clones according to the Mediterranean hillside growing environment and, at the same time, to highlight the qualitative peculiarities of the old varieties in order to avoid genetic loss. Introduction: Several apple varieties are constantly selected for improved quality traits and introduced for cultivation and marketing in addition to a few traditional and affirmed varieties. On the other side, local genotype and ancient varieties are still valorised due to the request of a niche market. Methods: We have studied the physico-chemical quality and the sensory traits of the fruit obtained in this particular en…
La coltivazione della papaia (Carica papaya L.) in Sicilia: aspetti agronomici e qualità dei frutti
Tutte le cultivar analizzate raggiungono tratti chimico-fisici che soddisfano le esigenze del mercato. Tuttavia, i nostri risultati hanno mostrato una vasta gamma di variabilità in termini di tratti fisicochimici, composizione prossimale, capacità antiossidante e caratteristiche sensoriali che potrebbero essere dovuti all’alta variabilità genetica. Per quanto riguarda l’analisi sensoriale, i descrittori relativi a difetti o sensazioni sgradevoli hanno sempre punteggi molto bassi. In conclusione, possiamo dire che i nostri dati sono paragonabili ai frutti tropicali e subtropicali. Dunque, esiste la possibilità di ottenere frutti di papaia di qualità in un clima mediterraneo raccogliendo frut…
Use of Aloe vera gel-based edible coating with natural anti-browning and anti-oxidant additives to improve post-harvest quality of fresh-cut 'Fuji' apple
Recently, there is increasing use of edible and biodegradable films and packaging that are both environmentally friendly and functional for storage and market distribution. Fresh-cut &lsquo
Influence of indigenous Hanseniaspora uvarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae from sugar-rich substrates on the aromatic composition of loquat beer
The demand for unique and exclusive food products and beverages is constantly on the increase. One of the products that mostly evolved to encounter market dynamics in the last decade is craft beer. For a long time, craft breweries have included fruit in beer production to enrich flavour and aroma profile of different beer styles. In this study, for the first time, the use of Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeast strains isolated from high -sugar matrices (manna and fermented honey by-products) were investigated to diversify fruit craft beer pro-duction, in order to improve the fermentation process and highlight the complexity of aroma profiles generated during alcoholic fermentation. Tw…
Aloe-Based Edible Coating to Maintain Quality of Fresh-Cut Italian Pears (Pyrus communis L.) during Cold Storage
Pear fruits are known for their antioxidant and nutritional characteristics. However, they are very susceptible to rapid decay. Edible coating (EC) represents a good strategy to maintain postharvest quality. The effects of two EC in slowing down the senescence processes in fresh-cut ‘Coscia’ pears were investigated: EC1 (A. vera gel, hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose and pomegranate seeds oil (PSO), EC2 (A. vera gel and hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose). Weight loss, firmness and colour decrease more slowly in both EC-treated than in untreated (CTR) slices; soluble solid content increases faster in CTR, indicating a faster ripening process. The specific investigation of undesired microorganisms di…
Pomegranate Cultivation in Mediterranean Climate: Plant Adaptation and Fruit Quality of ‘Mollar de Elche’ and ‘Wonderful’ Cultivars
Two pomegranate cultivars, Mollar de Elche, native to Spain, and Wonderful, the most widely cultivated pomegranate variety in the world, were studied in a commercial orchard in Sicily, and their phenological behavior was compared. During the development of the fruit, their dimensional growth was monitored, and after harvest, physicochemical and sensory analyses were carried out to highlight the differences between fruit of the two cultivars. Results showed that Mollar de Elche fruit require less time from flowering to fruit maturity, resulting in an earlier harvest, which was due also to a higher relative growth rate of the fruit&rsquo
Ricerca Unipa su diradamento e tasso di crescita dei frutti in piante di nespolo del Giappone
Il trattamento di diradamento dei frutti di nespolo del Giappone, effettuato in una sola occasione, quando i frutti si trovano a circa il 30% delle loro dimensioni finali, ha mostrato alcuni effetti positivi: in primis, i frutti ottenuti in seguito a diradamento hanno una maggiore probabilità di ricadere nelle classi commerciali superiori, le quali sono in genere più apprezzate dai consumatori e pagate a un prezzo più alto al produttore; gli stessi frutti raggiungono al contempo anche un grado zuccherino più alto, altro indice del possibile gradimento del consumatore finale e della richiesta da parte del mercato. Questo lavoro preliminare apre le porte a nuovi studi volti alla valutazione d…
Chemical–Physical, sensory analyses and consumers’ quality perception of local vs. imported loquat fruits: a sustainable development perspective
Local products and their distribution through short supply chains play a key role in the sustainable development of many rural areas, as affirmed by the 2030 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Agenda. Moreover, in the last years, more and more consumers have shown a specific interest towards local production, pushed by the need for healthy eating, protecting the environment, and boosting the local economy. However, the cultivation of local fruit varieties or ecotypes has considerably decreased in the last decades because of their low production potential. As a result, many farmers have been forced to replace local orchards with few worldwide grown cultivars, causi…
From a sustainable progress perspective, the circular economy model is widely used today. One of the main purposes of last years is to valorize wastes of agri-food industries, as new sources of bioactive components, from the approach of a circular and biorefinery economy both for environmental and economic reasons. Avocado (Persea americana cv Hass) seeds and peels are an example of promising bio-sustainability raw materials with a high nutritional value that can be obtained from industrial byproducts. The objective of this work was to study also chemical qualities of avocado peels and seeds. Avocado peel and seeds samples from fruit collected in Sicily were dried in a convective hot-air dr…
Effect of Different Modified Atmosphere Packaging on the Quality of Mulberry Fruit (Morus alba L. cv Kokuso 21)
The control of temperature and gas composition is essential to maintain the fresh flavor and quality of perishable fruits like mulberry. This study presented a modified atmosphere experiment (MAP) for fresh fruit showing the potential benefits of innovative gas mixing with argon. The effects of MAP were studied on the physicochemical and qualitative attributes of mulberry preserved at4±1°C and90±5%R.H. Fresh mulberries were packaged with different gas combinations: MAP1 (4%O2+6%CO2+90%N2), MAP2 (10%O2+5%CO2+85%Ar), CTR1 (20.9%O2+0.04%CO2), and CTR2 (10%O2+5%CO2+85%N2). Changes in quality parameters were evaluated after 0, 4, 8, and 12 days of storage. Mulberries packaged with MAP had a lowe…
Phenology and Fruit Growth Dynamics of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) in Greenhouse and Open Air in Mediterranean Climate
AbstractPhenological evolution of shoots and fruit growth of three mango varieties—Keitt, Osteen and Tommy Atkins—were monitored during two reproductive seasons, from full flowering to fruit harvest on trees cultivated in the open air and inside a greenhouse, in the island of Sicily—Italy. The aim of the study was to assess the behavior of mango trees subjected to summer high temperatures under a permanent plastic cover in the Mediterranean climate. Differences between open air and greenhouse emerged in the dates of first record of major phenological stages and in their duration, and in the fruit growth rates. Greenhouse cultivated trees showed a significant anticipation of flowering and ri…
Modified Atmosphere Packaging and low temperature storage extend marketability of cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.)
Cherimoya is a subtropical fruit characterized by a delicious, sweet flavor and beneficial health properties, which found suitable growing conditions in the South of Italy. However, the marketing of this product is halted by its high perishability, which limits the shelf-life of the fresh fruit to few days after harvest and does not allow for commercialization beyond local markets. Studies have shown that storage of this fruit in controlled atmosphere, using Modified Atmosphere Packaging technologies, extended the post-harvest life of Cherimoya, but little is still known about the evolution of its sensory, nutraceutical and microbiological characteristics during such storage period. In this…
Fresh-Cut Mangoes: How to Increase Shelf Life by Using Neem Oil Edible Coating
The mango is the most widely cultivated tropical fruit. Fresh-cut mango is very useful, but it is very perishable. The purpose of this study was to highlight the effects of neem oil on fresh-cut mango fruits kept for 9 days at 4 ± 1 °C and 80 ± 5% relative humidity. The neem plant (Azadirachta indica) has numerous antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Despite this, very few studies have been carried out on neem oil added to edible coatings (EC) to retard ripening processes. Two formulations were tested: EC1 (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose + CaCl2) and EC2 (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose + CaCl2 + neem oil), both compared with an untreated sample (control). Physicochemica…
Physicochemical, Nutraceutical and Sensory Traits of Six Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Cultivars Grown in Greenhouse Conditions in the Mediterranean Climate
Six papaya (Carica papaya L.) cultivars, grown in a Mediterranean climate under greenhouse conditions, were screened for physicochemical properties, antioxidant capacity, nutritional and sensory characteristics. The fruits, harvested with more than 50% of yellow surface (between 60% and 77%) were tested for carotenoids content, phenolic content, reducing activity (ABTS) and cellular antioxidant activity (CAA50). The physicochemical traits were measured in terms of the titratable acidity and soluble content whereas proximal composition along with moisture, fats, total sugar, ash, vitamin A, C and E content. Moreover, the sensory profile was analyzed by a semi-trained panel. Although the six …
Melograno, studio sulla qualità degli arilli con la conservazione in atmosfera modificata
In conclusione possiamo dire che lo studio sull’ applicazione della tecnologia MAP su arilli di melograno ha dimostrato la sua applicabilità e la sua efficacia per tutto il tempo di conservazione, mostrando, congiuntamente alle analisi sensoriali, un miglior mantenimento delle caratteristiche qualitative fino a 8 giorni di conservazione alla temperatura di 4±1°C con umidità relativa del 90-95%. Successivamente ad 8 giorni di conservazione gli arilli, pur mantenendo buoni parametri qualitativi, subiscono un eccessivo calo nella valutazione sensoriale, tale da non giustificare l’applicazione della tecnologia MAP. Infine, la sperimentazione effettuata ha dimostrato che l’utilizzo di Argon nell…
Comparing different application procedures of the water drop penetration time test to assess soil water repellency in a fire affected Sicilian area
Abstract The Water Drop Penetration Time (WDPT) technique was applied in two subsequent years (2016 and 2017) to check surface soil water repellency (SWR) in a Sicilian mountain area affected by a wildfire on June 2016. A total of 93 sites were sampled and from 3 to 100 droplets were used to characterize a site. The detected SWR varied with the severity of the wildfire, being practically absent in the unburnt control area and slight to extreme in the burnt areas. The percentage of extremely repellent sites increased with wildfire severity. SWR vanished one year after the passage of the fire in sites where fire severity was moderate but it persisted in the case of a severe wildfire. In gener…
Pera Coscia siciliana di IV gamma, effetti degli edible coating sulla qualità dei frutti
Questo studio ha voluto mettere in evidenza gli effetti dell’edible coating nel tempo, in particolare individuando le differenze nel mantenimento delle caratteristiche fisico-chimiche e sensoriali tra frutti di pero trattati e quelli di controllo. Dall’analisi dei risultati ottenuti è emerso che i trattamenti hanno consentito di ottenere effetti positivi sui parametri qualitativi considerati, permettendo una più lunga conservazione. Infatti, durante la frigoconservazione, i frutti che hanno subito i trattamenti (AVG+HPMC+PEO - EC1 e AVG+HPMC - EC2) hanno mostrato risultati migliori rispetto ai frutti non trattati (CTR), mantenendo, durante i 7 giorni di conservazione, valori più elevati in …
Primi risultati sulla disidratazione del mango siciliano: un prodotto nuovo che fa bene alla salute
Prendendo spunto dall’essiccazione al sole, tecnica antica legata alla nostra tradizione utilizzata per conservare a lungo frutti e ortaggi, abbiamo disidratato il mango siciliano in corrente di aria calda, ottenendo un prodotto nuovo, naturale, ricco di colore, aroma e gusto
Can Dried Fruits Replace Unhealthy Snacking among Millennials? An Empirical Study on Dried Fruit Consumption in Italy
The consumption of dried fruits in place of unhealthy snacks, which are rich in sugars, salt, and fats, could represent a valid option for reaching the daily intake recommended by the WHO for fruits and for encouraging the adoption of a sustainable diet. However, the consumption of dried fruits is lower than that of unhealthy snacks, especially among young people. Therefore, to foster young people’s intentions to consume dried fruits instead of unhealthy snacks, it is important to identify the factors underlying millennials’ consumption intentions. Using a convenience sample of 174 Italian millennials, this paper aimed to understand the factors influencing young people’s i…
Mango siciliano di IV gamma: come aumentarne la shelf life con l’uso di film edibili di origine naturale.
Un nuovo edible coating, a base di olio di neem e gel di aloe, allunga la vita commerciale di frutti di mango in IV gamma senza alterarne il gusto
Postharvest Application of Aloe vera Gel-Based Edible Coating to Improve the Quality and Storage Stability of Fresh-Cut Papaya
Ready-to-eat products are damaged by various factors, including exposure to O2 and CO2, extreme temperatures, and rapid decay, due to trauma during processing. The use of natural antimicrobial agents and antioxidants might extend the shelf-life of the fruits. The aim of this work is to investigate the effects of four different antibrowning and gelling agents added into the Aloe vera gel-based edible coatings and applied to fresh-cut papaya. EC1 treatment consists of Aloe vera gel (30% v/v), EC2 contains CaCl2 (5% v/v), EC3 contains K carrageenan (0.5% v/v), and EC4 contains sodium alginate (1.5% v/v) and K carrageenan (0.5% v/v). The fruits treated with EC2 showed the best results while mai…
Gelso in Sicilia: qualità, caratterizzazione e comportamento dei frutti in post-raccolta
Il gelso è una pianta arborea originaria dell'Asia e della Persia, introdotta in Italia dai Romani per le sue proprietà medicinali, oltre che per fini alimentari. Si distinguono due specie principali, comunemente denominati: gelso bianco e nero. I frutti, tipiche more di colore bianco violaceo o nero, sono molto apprezzati dall'uomo sin dall'antichità, sebbene vengano spesso collocati tra i frutti minori per la loro scarsa diffusione commerciale. Oggi, l'elevato interesse per le proprietà nutraceutichedi tali frutti spinge gli agricoltori ad una rivalutazione della gelsicoltura. Punto dolente della commercializzazione del gelso è la gestione post-raccolta a causa della brevissima shelf-life…
Effects of Argon-Based and Nitrogen-Based Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology on the Quality of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L. cv. Wonderful) Arils
Ready-to-eat pomegranate arils are considered a “functional food” for their health benefits and have desirable sensory characteristics, which have caused an increasing interest by the consumers for this product. The preparation process of ready-to-eat fruit products can cause severe injuries and worsen their quality and shelf life significantly. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) has been used broadly in the last years to maintain the quality of processed fruits and showed optimal results, in spite of the possible problems caused by the depletion of O2 and corresponding accumulation of CO2 in the package. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different MAP treatments, based o…
Hydrolate and EO Application to Reduce Decay of Carica papaya during Storage
Postharvest fruit loss is caused by the absence of advanced handling and storage technologies and the quiescent presence of fungal pathogens. Therefore, there is a growing demand for sustainable decisions for the planet. This study focused on the use of two types of edible coatings: one was based on the essential oil of Origanum vulgare L. subsp. viridulum with Aloe arborescens Mill. gel (EC1), and the other was based on the hydrolate only (EC2). These treatments were applied to provide defense against fungal infections in papaya (Carica papaya L. cv Solo), and the storage time was 25 days (T5 ± 1 °C). Fruits coated with EC1 were more contaminated with fungal pathogens than both control (CT…