Zanda Rubene
The study summarises scientific and theoretical information that provides the basis for the use of telerehabilitation methods in the promotion of the development of physical, emotional and social balance for 12 – 13 year old adolescents in the context of inclusive education. The study describes the efficiency of modern technologies for the improvement of the physical and mental health of adolescent learners, as well as suggests services of social rehabilitation which could be provided from the distance. The target audiences of the study are teachers with different professional competence, researchers and the education policy makers.
Kritiskā domāšana: izglītība, medijpratība, spriestspēja
Šā pētījuma iniciatīva izriet no LU Ekspertu Padomes1 2017. gada 20. septembra apaļā galda diskusijas “Kritiskā domāšana — kā to mācīt, veicināt un sasaistīt ar mediju lietotprasmi Latvijā?”. Diskusijas gaitā šīs jomas ekspertu lokā skaidri izkristalizējās iepriekš izklāstītās problemātikas aktualitāte Latvijā, tostarp būtiskas nepilnības gan vispārējās, gan augstākās izglītības sistēmā attiecībā uz kritiskās domāšanas prasmju attīstības veicināšanu, trūkumi Latvijas mediju politikā, kā arī saistībā ar mediju lietotprasmi sabiedrībā. LU rektora Ekspertu padome sadarbībā ar LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūtu, kura pārziņā ir prioritārā joma “Kritiskā domāšana, inovācija, konkurētspēja …
How Do Adolescents Obtain Health Information
Adolescent health literacy is a promising innovation in health education. This article reports the findings of research in the experience of adolescents in the methods they used in obtaining health information. A phenomenographic research approach was used to understand how adolescents conceptualized health information obtaining. The study examined data provided by 24 adolescents aged 13 to 16 living in Latvia. The data was collected through qualitative interviews. Phenomenographic data analysis uncovered five categories of description by adolescents in the way they perceived health information obtaining: 1. An opportunity to find out “things” regarding health; 2. The use of different sourc…
Проект науково-технічної програми Міністерства освіти і науки Латвійської Республіки та Міністерства освіти і науки України
Izdevumā atspoguļota starptautiskā projektā «Migranti sabiedrībā: izaicinājumi izglītībā» veiktā pētījuma gaita un rezultāti. Projekts tapis Latvijas Republikas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas un Ukrainas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas Zinātnes Tehnoloģiju programmas ietvaros. Tā partneri ir Latvijas Universitāte un Ukrainas Nacionālā Dragomanova pedagoģiskā universitāte. Projekta ilgums - 2 gadi.
The role of parents in the engagement of young children with digital technologies: Exploring tensions between rights of access and protection, from ‘Gatekeepers’ to ‘Scaffolders’
This study investigates the role played by parents as mediators of young children’s access and engagement with digital technologies. In Belgium, Germany, Latvia and Portugal, qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 families in each country, including one child between 6 and 7 years old. Our findings show that parents of young children mainly play the role of ‘gatekeepers’ when it comes to facilitating and constraining access to and use of digital technologies. Parents’ perceptions of the efficacy of digital technologies as responsible entertainment and as educational tools influence the technologies available at home and accessible to the child. These perceptions in turn impa…
Integration Approaches of Digital Media in the Teaching/Learning Process
During the last two decades, a generation for which the life in the media environment and the use of media in everyday life has become a norm in Europe and beyond its boundaries. The representatives of this generation are engaged with technologies both at home for their entertainment and use them for learning at school and university. In addition, they would like to experience the integration of technologies in education more frequently and more extensively. The researchers in the field of social sciences have concluded that in general the social contexts in which any individual, including the school student, acquires experience and is learning in modern society have changed radically. Rese…
The Portret of a Contemporary Child and Youngster in the Global Education Space
The world of transformations changes radically the education process. Theoreticians and practitioners of pedagogy recognize that methods and strategies consolidated over centuries very often have become ineffective in modern education practice. Therefore, the researchers' interest in childhood studies nowadays is natural. They define children's and youngster`s culture as different, unknown and incomprehensible. The researchers initiate a number of questions that need to be answered in order to cooperate with children and youngsters in school and in the family. How can teachers work efficiently in the modern school? How should adults implement modern pedagogical goals and which pedagogical m…
Entrepreneurship Pedagogy
With Latvia's education reforms, the demand for transversal skills in the education process has increased. Although there has been a growing call to educate pupils and students in a way that develops entrepreneurial skills, there is no defined methodology for how to do it, and the definitions of entrepreneurial skills and entrepreneurship pedagogy have no common foundation. This study, therefore, compiles research from various scientific publications and offers a theoretical framework for the concepts of entrepreneurial skill and entrepreneurial pedagogy. It also reviews the noble practices of diverse European countries and analyzes Latvia's higher education experience and examples of entre…
The New Soviet Man With a Female Body: Mother, Teacher, Tractor Driver…
Naujojo žmogaus sukūrimo idėjos užuomazgų galima rasti senovės Graikijoje ir Romoje, taip pat utopistų, švietėjų kūriniuose, teologiniuose tekstuose, tačiau ši ideologema galutinai susiformavo XIX a. pabaigoje, o bandymai ją realizuoti praktiškai sietini su (para)totalitarizmo įsigalėjimu. Vienas iš žinomiausių tokių bandymų pavyzdžių – siekis sukurti Naująjį sovietinį žmogų. Šis bandymas nuo kitų skiriasi komunistine ideologija, kuri kiekvienam reiškiniui suteikia „papildomų reikšmių ar funkcijų“ (Prozorov, 2013, p. 210). Kitaip tariant, visus dalykus SSRS galima suprasti ir paaiškinti tik diktatūros tikslu – utopinė ateities visuomenė „komunizmas“, kurios vardu valstybė viską ir visus reg…
Conceptualization of Digital Competence
The aim of the present research is to study the essence, structure, implementation, and indicators of the concept of the digital transversal competence of university students for its improvement in the study process. This article includes the relevance of transversal competences and the essence of the concept of digital competence. This concept is then developed, the methodology of digital competence assessment and measurement is adapted, and the content analysis method was used to classify and analyze the expression of digital competence in eight professional areas.
Topicality of Critical Thinking in the Post-Soviet Educational Space
After the reestablishment of independence in 1991, Latvia implemented large-scale educational reforms that enabled the transformation of the educational system from Soviet ideology to a democratic society. The critical thinking approach has been purposefully put into practice in the educational system of Latvia since 1998, as it was regarded as an instrument of the education and democratization of the whole society. The Soviet ideological heritage, which is manifest in the value orientation and daily experience of teachers and parents, encumbers the implementation of the educational reform, as it creates a gap between the reform's objectives and the reality of modifications at the level of …
Foro de educación
Resumen basado en el de la publicación Monográfico con el título, Enseñanza superior en Europa : objetivos contemporáneos para instituciones históricas Se describe el desarrollo de las universidades en Letonia desde la década de 1950 hasta la actualidad. Lo más alto del sistema educativo experimentó cambios junto con las transformaciones políticas del país. Letonia paso a ser parte de la Unión Soviética en 1940 y recuperó su independencia en 1991, pasando a unirse a la UE en 2004. Desde 2012 Letonia es una participante incipiente del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Se describen las transformaciones de las universidades en Letonia desde la perspectiva de una teoría del aprendizaje cul…
Immigrants in Society
This article deals with the problems which are arising in the process of adaptation of immigrants to educational spaces in Ukraine and Latvia upon their arrival in the country of settlement. Among these problems are the differences in educational systems of the output and input countries, difficulties in mastering languages of a learning process in the countries, overcoming misunderstanding in intercultural communication within and outside of schools, unpreparedness of teachers and trainers to face and to solve challenges that are generating by immigrants and the host societies. The discussion is based on the preliminary results obtained during the implementation of the joint Ukrainian-Latv…
Health Literate Child: Transforming Teaching in School Health Education
<p><em>Health literacy and health education are reciprocally connected concepts in modern scientific discourse. Educational institutions, especially schools, are defined as one of the main arenas for the development and promotion of the child’s health literacy. Thus, health literacy, conceptualized as the outcome of school learning, becomes the aim of school health education. As concept of health literacy becomes more complicated its attainment requires more advanced and specific teaching methods, which, in its turn, demands transformations in teacher education and teachers’ professional development as well as to perceive the child as an active participant in the teaching/learni…
Introduction: power – invisible architecture of education
Looking at the focus of power, the entire history of society, in the past and present, can be explained as changes and interactions of power relations or networks of power and power play.1 Westwood...
The goal of the paper was to research the emotional well-being of students, teachers, and factors that impact it using quantitative research methods. Research was a case study and reflects a situation in one particular school. Emotional well-being plays an important role in personality development. Presence or absence of emotions like joy, satisfaction, trust, and reliance determines the perception, thinking, and actions of students. Positive emotions cause energetic and functional mobilization of the central nervous system and the whole human organism, promotes purposeful actions by connecting cognitive processes with fulfillment of student’s current needs. Emotions either enable or disabl…
A Phenomenographic Study of Adolescents’ Conceptions of Health Information Appraisal as a Critical Component of Adolescent Health Literacy
This paper reports on a health literacy study that explored adolescents’ conceptualizations of health information appraisal as a social practice in Latvia. The study was guided by phenomenography, a qualitative research approach used to describe people’s conceptions of a particular phenomenon. A purposive, maximum variation sampling was used, and 24 adolescents were recruited to take part in the study, ranging from 13 to 16 year-olds. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken for data collection. A phenomenographic method for data analysis was performed using the guidelines proved by Sandberg. The data analysis presented seven categories of description and an outcome space representing the…
Heritage of the Soviet Ideology in parenting nowadays : the case of Latvia
The Soviet period has shaped the history of Latvia in different areas. This article offers an insight into the ideological heritage which has significantly transformed the pedagogical discourse in theoretical as well as instrumental level. Article describes a part of two researches “Social transformations of the child's image in children's room” and “Father`s Pedagogical Competence in Family Nowadays”, revealing common features characterizing Soviet issues. Narrative explores crucial systemic changes, transformation of social and family life, deals with the deformed relationship between individuals in public sphere and family members in private and shows consequences still actual nowadays, …
Wrong Hand, Wrong Children? The Education of Left-Handed Children in Soviet Latvia
Left-handers have always been surrounded by stigma and controversy, and attitudes toward this group have always been rooted in the ideas and traditions of power relations existing in a given society. Thus, the goal of this study is to describe the retraining of left-handers as it was conducted in Soviet education. The impact of political power on an individual’s body-mind interaction is a significant problem in research on the creation of the “New Soviet Man.” The teaching of left-handed children in the Soviet Union is a noteworthy example of the totalitarian regime’s illusionary endeavors to change human nature. The Soviet education envisaged neither a special attitude nor any particular p…