Marie-denise Sclafani

The teaching of frozen expressions through the graphic novel Persépolis

The constant search for suitable teaching materials to achieve the linguistic skills provided by a language teaching course, finds in authentic documents an important instrument for teaching foreign languages. The scientific literature attesting to the effectiveness of the authentic material is wide and consolidated; indeed, a text conceived by a native for a native, and, therefore, not developed for the sole purpose of teaching a foreign language, is intrinsically carrying a cultural richness and a linguistic variety, which are rarely present in any didactic artifact. The authentic material therefore represents an opportunity to meet the fixed expressions that are part of the communicative…

research product

Le manuel de conversation sur Palerme et la Sicile de Giuseppina Catalano

Le livre de Giuseppina Catalano, Palerme et la Sicile, Causeries familiaires (sic) servant à la conversation française par Mme Joséphine Catalano, édité à Palerme en 1907, s’insère dans une longue tradition de manuels de conversation à l’usage de l’enseignement de la langue française dans les écoles ou simplement en tant que support dans l’autoapprentissage.

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Le Dizionarietto degli scrittori francesi classici e moderni de Decio Cinti et l’enseignement du français en Italie durant le fascisme

L’article décrit le Dizionarietto degli scrittori francesi classici e moderni de Decio Cinti dans le contexte historique de la politique linguistique du fascisme. La dictature a un impact considérable sur l’enseignement de la langue française, ainsi le Dizionarietto exprime son originalité en se démarquant des choix anthologiques des manuels utilisés dans les écoles.

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« Traduction verte »: le langage des tranchées et l’argot dans le roman graphique

The translation of slang is a thorny issue for any translator. First, we define the object of study, the classic slang and the language of the trenches, to clarify the choice that pushes the authors of comics and graphic novels to privilege this language. We then discuss, on the one hand, the difficulties of translating this lexicon into Italian and, on the other hand, the possible translational strategies to be able to align, as faithfully as possible, with the style of the original text without transforming it; to do this, we have taken into consideration Tardi and Verney’s graphic novel Putain de guerre, Seif Eddine Nechi’s comic De plomb et de sang and Bagères and François’s graphic nov…

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Les débuts de l’enseignement du français commercial en Italie, de la Loi Casati à la Réforme Gentile

In this paper, the focus is, first of all, on the organization of commercial education and French language teaching programs after the coming into force of the Casati Law; then the study focuses on the pedagogical aspects of a body of textbooks. For each aspect, we highlight the differences and, at the same time, the similarities of the methods present in the textbooks used for the teaching of the French language in schools and technical institutes.

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Les exercices gradués dans la méthode du Grammalessico francese a uso degl’italiani d’Arminio Wurmbrand Bianchi

L’article se propose d’analyser les exercices du manuel d’Arminio Wurmbrand Bianchi, Grammalessico francese a uso degl’italiani, qui ont une forme et une structure que l’on retrouve dans de nombreux manuels s’inspirant des méthodes dites « synthétiques ». Wurmbrand, en effet, introduit dans son manuel une nouveauté pour pourvoir au caractère incomplet de la méthode synthétique : il propose, ainsi, avant chaque exercice, la traduction des seuls termes « radicalement dissemblables » des deux langues « similaires à l’origine » qui caractérisent la langue française et la langue italienne. Le but est de fournir aux élèves la maîtrise lexicale de la langue française avec une attention toute parti…

research product

Le manuel Corso di Lingua francese a base intuitiva de Romeo Lovera

We analyze the three volumes of Romeo Lovera’s manual, Corso di Lingua francese a base intuitiva, which were intended for teaching French in secondary schools. The manual was first published in 1902 in Venice by Libreria editrice del Bollettino di Filologia Moderna, and there will be many reissues. Romeo Lovera is Italy's biggest supporter of methodological reform in the teaching of foreign languages ; it discloses, through the Bollettino di Filologia Moderna, new theories, scientific methods and their didactic applications. In their manuals, from the first lesson, through the direct and indirect intuition of the foreign language, the student learns to speak the French language by studying …

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Le roman graphique en méthodologie CLIL

L’article se propose de cerner les applications du roman graphique dans les modules CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) en analysant les aspects principaux de cette méthodologie, l’importance des documents authentiques et l’organisation des modules de formation. Les caractéristiques présentes dans les romans graphiques « On les aura ! » de Barroux et « Putain de guerre » de Tardi et Verney seront mises en évidence pour tracer un module didactique d’histoire et langue française. L’articolo si propone di individuare le applicazioni del romanzo grafico nei moduli CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) analizzando i principali aspetti di questa metodologia, l’importanza del…

research product

Les termes du commerce dans les dictionnaires bilingues et plurilingues

In this article, we analyze a corpus made up of two general French-Italian and Italian-French bilingual dictionaries and two multilingual dictionaries. We take into account, in particular, the macrostructure, the microstructure, the technical terminology and the phraseology of these dictionaries. Using a magnifying glass metaphorically, we focus on the treatment of the specialty language of commerce within the articles of the general bilingual dictionaries. With regard to plurilingual dictionaries, we try to show the lexicographical choices dictated by a requirement of extreme synthesis; the size of a dictionary, especially for schools, influences not only the convenience of consultation bu…

research product

Le figement dans le Nuovo vocabolario commerciale fraseologico de Caricati et Mariotti

L’article, tout d’abord, aborde le concept de langue de spécialité ou Microlingua, l’attention se focalise ensuite sur l’analyse du Nuovo vocabolario commerciale fraseologico italiano-francese ad uso degli studenti delle scuole commerciali, dei commercianti, corrispondenti, professionisti de Caricati et Mariotti et prend en considération le traitement du figement dans la préface, dans la macrostructure et enfin dans la microstructure.

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Les dictionnaires du commerce bilingues franco-italiens

L’article analyse les caractéristiques fondamentales des premiers dictionnaires du commerce italien-français : Endimio Spezia avec son Terminologia e fraseologia commerciale italiana-francese de 1899, Mario Edmondo Dozin avec le Dizionario tecnico commerciale italiano-francese de 1910 et Pasquale De Franciscis avec le Dizionarietto commerciale italiano-francese : ad uso degli alunni delle scuole serali superiori de 1911. Ces dictionnaires combleront un vide dans le panorama éditorial scolaire commercial italien.

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L’enseignement de la civilisation française en Italie durant la période fasciste dans le discours préfaciel des manuels publiés entre 1923 et 1933

In this article, we have chosen to study the prefaces of textbooks for the teaching of the French language published between 1923 and 1933 which mention, and this for the first time in Italy, in the title or the subtitle, the term Civilization. We analyze the way in which the authors of the textbooks for teaching the French language decided to present Civilization. We identify their objectives by taking into consideration the introductory texts of these manuals where we can capture the ‘declarations of intent’ of the authors. We highlight the main speeches that crisscross the prefaces of these manuals.

research product


Dans cet article, l’on examine les caracteristiques fondamentales des discours de presentation des dictionnaires de commerce bilingues italien-francais et francais-italien publies en Italie. Le corpus etudie permet de mettre en exergue les fonctions et les aspects principaux des textes de presentation, notamment les motivations des auteurs, le public vise, la macrostructure et les sources utilisees. L’analyse du corpus souligne les points communs et les quelques dissemblances de cette typologie de dictionnaires, outre l’importance qu’ils detiennent au sein de l’enseignement de la langue francaise de specialite.

research product

L'apprendimento della lingua francese. Un'analisi delle proposte educative CLIL ed EsaBac

L’acronimo CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) descrive una grande varietà di modelli di insegnamento e apprendimento della lingua e nasce sulla traccia delle politiche linguistiche in Europa per l'adeguata acquisizione delle competenze di una seconda lingua. Un altro progetto politico-linguistico, avente anch'esso come metodo l’insegnamento di discipline non linguistiche in lingua straniera è l’EsaBac (Esame di Stato e Baccalauréat francese). Il volume descrive il concetto di autenticità e di materiale autentico in glottodidattica, per poi considerarlo nell'uso specifico in ambito CLIL in lingua francese ed EsaBac. In questi due approcci, il materiale autentico ritrova un ruolo…

research product

L’enseignement des expressions figées par le biais du roman graphique Persépolis

The constant search for suitable teaching materials to achieve the linguistic skills provided by a language teaching course, finds in authentic documents an important instrument for teaching foreign languages. The scientific literature attesting to the effectiveness of the authentic material is wide and consolidated; indeed, a text conceived by a native for a native, and, therefore, not developed for the sole purpose of teaching a foreign language, is intrinsically carrying a cultural richness and a linguistic variety, which are rarely present in any didactic artifact. The authentic material therefore represents an opportunity to meet the fixed expressions that are part of the communicative…

research product

Le discours préfaciel des dictionnaires unilingues, bilingues, spéciaux et de spécialité. Hommage à Bernard Quemada

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