Isabelle Severin


Chapter 7. Food Processing

International audience; Gases in Agro-food Processes is the ultimate reference covering all applications of gases in agro-Food processes, from farm to fork. Divided into 11 sections, the book covers chemical and physical gas properties, gas monitoring, regulation, heat and mass transfers. Sections are dedicated to agriculture and food processing, wastewater treatment, safety applications and market trends. Users will find this to be a valuable resource for industrial scientists and researchers in technical centers who are developing agro-food products. In addition, the book is ideal for graduate students in agro-food science, chemistry and the biosciences.

research product

Identification of genotoxic and endocrine disruption activities of 4,4’-dihydroxydiphenyl-methane (BPF) and its metabolites using human cell lines

research product

Multigenerational study of the obesogen effects of bisphenol S after a perinatal exposure in C57BL6/J mice fed a high fat diet.

International audience; Background : Bisphenol S is an endocrine disruptor exhibiting metabolic disturbances, especially following perinatal exposures. To date, no data are available on the obesogen effects of BPS in a mutligenerational issue.Objectives : We investigated obesogen effects of BPS in a multigenerational study by focusing on body weight, adipose tissue and plasma parameters in male and female mice.Methods : Pregnant C57BL6/J mice were exposed to BPS (1.5 μg/kg bw/day ie a human equivalent dose of 0.12 μg/kg bw/day) by drinking water from gestational day 0 to post natal day 21. All offsprings were fed with a high fat diet during 15 weeks. Body weight was monitored weekly and fat…

research product

Use of reliable bioassays to detect potential hazard of food contact materials extracts to ensure quality, safety and innovation of paperboards

International audience; Food contact materials (FCM) represent a major economic issue and also an important field of innovation for packaging industries. Food packaging production must currently meet manufacturing good practices, safety for human health and thus be in compliance with the article 3 of the European Regulation 1935/2004: “Material and articles in contact with food do not transfer substances in amounts which could endanger human health…”.

research product

EU régulations and general principles

International audience; This engineering book brings together two of the key strands in food packaging: active packaging and natural, often biobased, components. The text investigates the chemistry, effects and technical incorporation of bioactives into different forms of packaging. Specifically, chapters focus on techniques for impregnating natural substances into conventional and biodegradable food packaging materials with an emphasis on their antioxidant and antimicrobial functions. Oxygen scavengers, plant extracts, essential oils, enzymes, phytochemicals, polysaccharides are investigated. Chapters discuss how bioactives are combined with packaging to suppress microbes and improve the q…

research product

Toxicological profile of cereulide, the Bacillus cereus emetic toxin, in functional assays with human, animal and bacterial cells

International audience; Some strains of the endospore-forming bacterium Bacillus cereus produce a heat-stable ionophoric peptide, cereulide, of high human toxicity. We assessed cell toxicity of cereulide by measuring the toxicities of crude extracts of cereulide producing and non-producing strains of B. cereus, and of pure cereulide, using cells of human, animal and bacterial origins. Hepatic cell lines and boar sperm, with cytotoxicity and sperm motility, respectively, as the end points, were inhibited by <= 1 nM of cereulide present as B. cereus extract. RNA synthesis and cell proliferation in HepG2 cells was inhibited by 2 nM of cereulide. These toxic effects were explainable by the acti…

research product

Effects of genistein, vinclozolin and BPA on the proliferation and differentiation of a human salivary cell line – CIME project

Effects of genistein, vinclozolin and BPA on the proliferation and differentiation of a human salivary cell line – CIME project. Colloque PNR-PE

research product

Metabolism of N-butyl benzyl phtalate in the female wistar rat. Identification of new metabolites

International audience

research product

Genotoxic and endocrine activities of bis(hydroxyphenyl)methane (bisphenol F) and its derivatives in the HepG2 cell line

International audience; Human can be exposed to bis(hydroxyphenyl)methane (bisphenol F or BPF) and its derivatives as environment and food's contaminants. This study was investigated to identify and to compare toxic potency of BPF, BFDGE, and two of BPF metabolites using in vitro methods. BPF did not induce any genic mutation in bacteria when the Ames test was performed according to the OECD guideline. In contrast, using Human cell lines and Comet assay, we demonstrated that BPF and Bisphenol F Diglycidyl Ether (BFDGE) were effective on HepG2 cell DNA fragmentation at non-cytotoxic concentrations. DHB was also positive but at higher concentrations, near its limit of solubility. Neither BPF,…

research product

Caffeine increases the expression of cystatin SN in human submandibular acinar-like HSG cells

The study aimed at evaluating in vitro the effect of caffeine on expression of cystatin SN, a potential marker of sensitivity to bitterness in humans.Differentiation of human submandibular gland (HSG) cells was induced by culturing cells on Matrigel. Caffeine cytotoxicity was assessed over 3 days by the Resazurin test. Finally, effects of 5, 50 and 100μM caffeine exposure on cystatin SN expression were explored over 3 days by ELISA.At concentrations relevant to human adult plasma levels (5, 50 and 100μM), caffeine did not affect cell viability whether cells were differentiated or not. Cystatin SN levels were overall higher in differentiated cells and increased with time in both conditions. …

research product

Principes généraux d'évaluation/gestion du risque des matériaux au contact des denrées alimentaires

International audience; Les matériaux au contact des denrées alimentaires (MCDA) jouent un rôle incontournable en matière de conservation et de protection des aliments. Cependant, des substances de l'emballage (monomères, additifs) peuvent migrer dans les aliments. Ainsi, pour être aptes au contact alimentaire, les MCDA ne doivent pas libérer des substances en une quantité qui pourrait mettre en danger la santé humaine ou modifier les caractères organoleptiques et la composition des aliments : c'est le principe d'inertie du Règlement no 1935/2004 du Parlement européen et du Conseil sur les MCDA. De plus, une réglementation harmonisée au niveau européen existe pour certains matériaux (cas de…

research product

Lemon Juice, Sesame Paste, and Autoclaving Influence Iron Bioavailability of Hummus: Assessment by an In Vitro Digestion/Caco-2 Cell Model

Hummus, an iron-containing plant-based dish mainly made from chickpea pur&eacute

research product

Évaluation et gestion des risques–Matériaux d’emballage à contact alimentaire

Resume Les materiaux d’emballage a contact alimentaire jouent un role incontournable en matiere de conservation et de protection des denrees. Ils se caracterisent aussi par une innovation constante comme le developpement des materiaux actifs et intelligents. Enfin, ils ont une fonction marketing tres importante et se doivent d’etre valorisables. L’aptitude des materiaux a entrer en contact avec les aliments est menee sur les constituants de depart introduits dans une formulation (reglement europeen n° 1935/2004). L’objectif de cette publication consiste a etudier comment mieux apprehender le risque lie aux produits neoformes apparaissant au cours du procede de fabrication de l’emballage ou …

research product

The consequences of physical post-treatments (microwave and electron-beam) on food/packaging interactions: A physicochemical and toxicological approach

IF 4.052; The safety of microwave and electron-beam treatments has been demonstrated, in regards to the formation of reaction products that could endanger human health. An integrated approach was used combining the potential toxicity of all the substances likely to migrate to their chemical characterizations. This approach was applied to polypropylene (PP) films prepared with a selection of additives. Components were identified by liquid and gas chromatography using a mass selective detector system. Their potential toxicity was assessed using three in vitro short-term bioassays and their migrations were carried out using a standards-based approach. After the electron-beam treatment some add…

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