Lucía I. Llinares-insa

“Developing Capabilities”. Inclusive Extracurricular Enrichment Programs to Improve the Well-Being of Gifted Adolescents

The educational inclusion of gifted students requires not only equity but also emotional accessibility and social participation. However, different studies indicate that gifted students constitute a vulnerable group (for example, the incidence of bullying is higher). Psychosocial variables are determinants for the development and expression of giftedness, particularly during adolescence. This study analyzes the impact of an inclusive extracurricular enrichment program for gifted secondary school students on the well-being of adolescents. The program was based on the enrichment model of Renzulli and Reis (2016). The objective was to develop a cluster to facilitate high-achieving learning in …

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Well-Being without Employment? Promoting the Employability of Refugees

There are more than 25 million refugees in the world. Many of them try to reach the Mediterranean in order to enter Europe. Spain is one of the countries that receive refugees and have to integrate them. Many refugees have experienced persecution in their countries, as well as forced migration, rape, diseases, etc. Their integration requires support and coordination from the government, health services, and social agents. The first step in achieving this integration is getting a job, which is currently an important issue. Thus, we aim to analyze the employability of a specific group of refugees in Spain and then develop and implement an intervention program to improve their employability. O…

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Emotional Intelligence Profiles and Self-Esteem/Self-Concept: An Analysis of Relationships in Gifted Students

The psychological well-being of students affects their academic achievement, social relationships and school coexistence and is something that families worry about. This aspect becomes vital when students have atypical development and/or specific needs. Studies on the impact of giftedness on students&rsquo

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Culture, Work, and Subjective Well-Being: The Role of LMX and Resilience in Spanish and Chinese Cultures

Globalization and interdependencies among nations require a better understanding of the influence of culture on organizational processes. In order to succeed in global business, leaders have to respond to practices that may be different in diverse cultures. This study was conducted within the framework of the leader member exchange approach and from a positive perspective of organizations linking successful businesses and workers&rsquo

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Envy and Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Moderation Role of Leadership in Public and Private Organizations

Envy is a frequent emotion in work contexts where there is strong competition for resources and the leader is the person who manages them. When employees feel envy, they are likely to use counterproductive work behaviors (CWB), but the use of these behaviors may differ depending on the organization&rsquo

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La alimentación como fuente de conflicto entre paciente y familia en cuidados paliativos

Resumen Introducción: los conflictos forman parte de las relaciones humanas. Pocos estudios han contemplado los conflictos que la alimentación puede producir en la fase final de la vida, los factores que inciden en su aparición y la forma de gestionarlos. Su conocimiento ayudaría al equipo asistencial a mejorar el cuidado de estos pacientes y sus familias. Objetivo: analizar la existencia del conflicto intrafamiliar vinculado con la alimentación en la enfermedad oncológica en cuidados paliativos, la gestión del mismo y la influencia en su aparición de los cambios en la alimentación, el control sobre la misma, la necesidad de comer, el acompañamiento, la adaptación a la enfermedad y la vincu…

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Employability Appraisal Scale (EAS): Development and Validation in a Spanish Sample

Employability is an important issue in the labor context. Currently, the European Union presents employability as the path to full employment and active citizenship, and a strategy to reduce unemployment and poverty. This study develops and validates an Employability Appraisal Scale. Specifically, we propose a multidimensional employability scale that analyzes both individual indicators and personal circumstances from the Bioecological Model of Employability. The Employability Appraisal Scale (EAS) assesses personal and social dimensions of employability. It was developed and tested using data from 489 people from a very heterogeneous sample (precarious workers, professionals, prisoners, lo…

research product

Subjective Well-Being, Emotional Intelligence, and Mood of Parents: A Model of Relationships. Impact of Giftedness

The well-being of parents could be either a protective or risk factor for themselves or their children. Our objective is to analyse the affective components of subjective well-being (SWB), emotional intelligence (EI), and parental mood. Parents of gifted children may be a vulnerable group because they face exceptional challenges in raising their children, sometimes with neither educational nor social support. We assess whether parents&rsquo

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Subjective Emotional Well-Being, Emotional Intelligence, and Mood of Gifted vs. Unidentified Students: A Relationship Model

Subjective well-being (SWB) is a basic component of the health of children and adolescents. Studies of SWB in gifted students are scarce and show contradictory results. Some researchers consider these groups to be vulnerable, and according to some reports they are more often involved in situations of harassment as victims and/or harassers. Emotional intelligence (EI) is related to SWB and can be a protective factor in these situations. However, the underlying mechanism remains relatively unexplored, especially in the affective dimension of SWB. The present study develops and tests a model for the mediating role of mood in the relationship between EI and SWB. The participants were 273 Spanis…

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Indicadores de empleabilidad: de la inclusión al desarrollo de las carreras laborales

De la misma forma que la educación tiene la responsabilidad de fomentar la inserción laboral, la empleabilidad está reconocida como una competencia para el logro y mantenimiento del empleo, es por ello que, la empleabilidad es un eje central en la educación. En la Declaración de Incheon y el Objetivo 4 de Educación 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible se destaca la importancia de las competencias básicas para hacer frente a la vulnerabilidad social y con el fin de conseguir el pleno empleo. Sin embargo, en la literatura científica sobre empleabilidad no hay acuerdo sobre los indicadores que la integran. Nuestro objetivo es delimitar qué indicadores resultan relevantes para el desarrollo de la empl…

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Women’s Job Search Competence: A Question of Motivation, Behavior, or Gender

We examined motivation and behaviors in women's active job search in Spain and the gender gap in this process. The current crisis in Spain and the increase in the number of unemployed people have revealed new inequalities that particularly affect women's employability, especially the most vulnerable women. This paper addresses two exploratory studies: the first study analyzes gender differences in the active job search using a sample of 236 Spanish participants; the second study explores the heterogeneity and diversity of unemployed women in a sample of 235 Spanish women. To analyze the active job search, the respondents were invited to write open-ended responses to questions about their jo…

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