Manuel Maestre
Dirichlet approximation and universal Dirichlet series
We characterize the uniform limits of Dirichlet polynomials on a right half plane. In the Dirichlet setting, we find approximation results, with respect to the Euclidean distance and {to} the chordal one as well, analogous to classical results of Runge, Mergelyan and Vitushkin. We also strengthen the notion of universal Dirichlet series.
We study in this paper the relation between the polynomial numerical indices of a complex vector-valued function space and the ones of its range space. It is proved that the spaces C(K,X), and L∞(μ,X) have the same polynomial numerical index as the complex Banach space X for every compact Hausdorff space K and every σ-finite measure μ, which does not hold any more in the real case. We give an example of a complex Banach space X such that, for every k > 2, the polynomial numerical index of order k of X is the greatest possible, namely 1, while the one of X∗∗ is the least possible, namely k k 1−k . We also give new examples of Banach spaces with the polynomial Daugavet property, namely L∞(μ,X…
Banach spaces of general Dirichlet series
Abstract We study when the spaces of general Dirichlet series bounded on a half plane are Banach spaces, and show that some of those classes are isometrically isomorphic between themselves. In a precise way, let { λ n } be a strictly increasing sequence of positive real numbers such that lim n → ∞ λ n = ∞ . We denote by H ∞ ( λ n ) the complex normed space of all Dirichlet series D ( s ) = ∑ n b n λ n − s , which are convergent and bounded on the half plane [ Re s > 0 ] , endowed with the norm ‖ D ‖ ∞ = sup Re s > 0 | D ( s ) | . If (⁎) there exists q > 0 such that inf n ( λ n + 1 q − λ n q ) > 0 , then H ∞ ( λ n ) is a Banach space. Further, if there exists a strictly increasing sequ…
Entire Functions of Bounded Type on Fréchet Spaces
We show that holomorphic mappings of bounded type defined on Frechet spaces extend to the bidual. The relationship between holomorphic mappings of bounded type and of uniformly bounded type is discussed and some algebraic and topological properties of the space of all entire mappings of (uniformly) bounded type are proved, for example a holomorphic version of Schauder's theorem.
Vector-Valued Hardy Spaces
Given a Banach space X, we consider Hardy spaces of X-valued functions on the infinite polytorus, Hardy spaces of X-valued Dirichlet series (defined as the image of the previous ones by the Bohr transform), and Hardy spaces of X-valued holomorphic functions on l_2 ∩ B_{c0}. The chapter is dedicated to study the interplay between these spaces. It is shown that the space of functions on the polytorus always forms a subspace of the one of holomorphic functions, and these two are isometrically isomorphic if and only if X has ARNP. Then the question arises of what do we find in the side of Dirichlet series when we look at the image of the Hardy space of holomorphic functions. This is also answer…
On the zero-set of 2-homogeneous polynomials in Banach spaces
ABSTRACTGiving a partial answer to a conjecture formulated by Aron, Boyd, Ryan and Zalduendo, we show that if a real Banach space X is not linearly and continuously injected into a Hilbert space, t...
Flux of a Vector Field
In this chapter we concentrate on aspects of vector calculus. A common physical application of this theory is the fluid flow problem of calculating the amount of fluid passing through a permeable surface. The abstract generalization of this leads us to the flux of a vector field through a regular 2-surface in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). More precisely, let the vector field F in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) represent the velocity vector field of a fluid. We immerse a permeable surface S in that fluid, and we are interested in the amount of fluid flow across the surface S per unit time. This is the flux integral of the vector field F across the surface S
Hardy Spaces of Dirichlet Series
Cotype 2 estimates for spaces of polynomials on sequence spaces
We give asymptotically correct estimations for the cotype 2 constant C2(P(mXn)) ofthe spaceP(mXn) of allm-homogenous polynomials onXn, the span of the firstn sequencesek=(\gdkj)j in a Banach sequence spaceX. Applications to Minkowski, Orlicz and Lorentz sequence spaces are given.
Representaciones de espacios de funciones de clase C? con valores vectoriales
A note on the Schwartz space ?(? n ) endowed with the strict topology
On the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem for multilinear mappings
Abstract We study the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas property and the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas property for numerical radius. Our main aim is to extend some known results about norm or numerical radius attaining operators to multilinear and polynomial cases. We characterize the pair ( l 1 ( X ) , Y ) to have the BPBp for bilinear forms and prove that on L 1 ( μ ) the numerical radius and the norm of a multilinear mapping are the same. We also show that L 1 ( μ ) fails the BPBp-nu for multilinear mappings although L 1 ( μ ) satisfies it in the operator case for every measure μ.
Vector-valued meromorphic functions
A locally complete locally convex space E satisfies that every weakly meromorphic function defined on an open subset of \( \mathbb{C} \) with values in E is meromorphic if and only if E does not contain a countable product of copies of \( \mathbb{C} \). A characterization of locally complete spaces in the spirit of known characterizations of the (metric) convex compactness property is also given.
The Dirichlet-Bohr radius
[EN] Denote by Ω(n) the number of prime divisors of n ∈ N (counted with multiplicities). For x ∈ N define the Dirichlet-Bohr radius P L(x) to be the best r > 0 such that for every finite Dirichlet polynomial n≤x ann −s we have X n≤x |an|r Ω(n) ≤ sup t∈R X n≤x ann −it . We prove that the asymptotically correct order of L(x) is (log x) 1/4x −1/8 . Following Bohr’s vision our proof links the estimation of L(x) with classical Bohr radii for holomorphic functions in several variables. Moreover, we suggest a general setting which allows to translate various results on Bohr radii in a systematic way into results on Dirichlet-Bohr radii, and vice versa
Every Quojection is the Quotient of a Countable Product of Banach Spaces
It is proved that every quojection in the sense of Bellenot and Dubinsky [1] is the quotient of a countable product of copies of l 1 (I) for a suitable index set I.
Extendability and domains of holomorphy in infinite-dimensional spaces
Holomorphic mappings of bounded type
Abstract For a Banach space E, we prove that the Frechet space H b(E) is the strong dual of an (LB)-space, B b(E), which leads to a linearization of the holomorphic mappings of bounded type. It is also shown that the holomorphic functions defined on (DFC)-spaces are of uniformly bounded type.
Dynamics, Operator Theory, and Infinite Holomorphy
Homomorphisms and composition operators on algebras of analytic functions of bounded type
Abstract Let U and V be convex and balanced open subsets of the Banach spaces X and Y, respectively. In this paper we study the following question: given two Frechet algebras of holomorphic functions of bounded type on U and V, respectively, that are algebra isomorphic, can we deduce that X and Y (or X * and Y * ) are isomorphic? We prove that if X * or Y * has the approximation property and H wu ( U ) and H wu ( V ) are topologically algebra isomorphic, then X * and Y * are isomorphic (the converse being true when U and V are the whole space). We get analogous results for H b ( U ) and H b ( V ) , giving conditions under which an algebra isomorphism between H b ( X ) and H b ( Y ) is equiv…
Holomorphically ultrabornological spaces and holomorphic inductive limits
Abstract The holomorphically ultrabornological spaces are introduced. Their relation with other holomorphically significant classes of locally convex spaces is established and separating examples are given. Some apparently new properties of holomorphically barrelled spaces are included and holomorphically ultrabornological spaces are utilized in a problem posed by Nachbin.
Homomorphisms between Algebras of Holomorphic Functions
For two complex Banach spaces X and Y, in this paper, we study the generalized spectrum M-b(X,Y) of all nonzero algebra homomorphisms from H-b(X), the algebra of all bounded type entire functions on X into H-b(Y). We endow M-b(X,Y) with a structure of Riemann domain over L(X*,Y*) whenever.. is symmetrically regular. The size of the fibers is also studied. Following the philosophy of ( Aron et al., 1991), this is a step to study the set M-b,M-infinity (X,B-Y) of all nonzero algebra homomorphisms from Hb(b) (X) into H-infinity (B-Y) of bounded holomorphic functions on the open unit ball of Y and M-infinity(B-X,B-Y) of all nonzero algebra homomorphisms from H-infinity(B-X) into H infinity (B-Y…
On norm attaining polynomials
We show that for every Banach space X the set of 2-homogeneous continuous polynomials whose canonical extension to X∗∗ attain their norm is a dense subset of the space of all 2-homogeneous continuous polynomials P(2X).
Hardy–Littlewood Inequality
Cluster values of holomorphic functions of bounded type
We study the cluster value theorem for Hb(X), the Fréchet algebra of holomorphic functions bounded on bounded sets of X. We also describe the (size of) fibers of the spectrum of Hb(X). Our results are rather complete whenever X has an unconditional shrinking basis and for X = ℓ1. As a byproduct, we obtain results on the spectrum of the algebra of all uniformly continuous holomorphic functions on the ball of ℓ1. Fil: Aron, Richard Martin. Kent State University; Estados Unidos Fil: Carando, Daniel Germán. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas ; Argentina Fil: Lassalle, S…
We study the arithmetic Bohr radius of Reinhardt domains in ℂ n which was successfully used in our study of monomial expansions for holomorphic functions in infinite dimensions. We show that this new Bohr radius is different from the radii invented by Boas and Khavinson and Aizenberg. It gives an explicit formula for the n-dimensional hypercone (which means n-dimensional variants of classical results of Bohr and Bombieri), and moreover asymptotically corrects upper and lower estimates for various types of convex and non-convex Reinhardt domains.
Regular k-Surfaces
Roughly speaking, a regular surface in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) is a two-dimensional set of points, in the sense that it can be locally described by two parameters (the local coordinates) and with the property that it is smooth enough (that is, there are no vertices, edges, or self-intersections) to guarantee the existence of a tangent plane to the surface at each point.
Orientation of a Surface
We know from Chap. 4 that in order to evaluate the flux of a vector field across a regular surface S, we need to choose a unit normal vector at each point of S in such a way that the resulting vector field is continuous. For instance, if we submerge a permeable sphere into a fluid and we select the field of unit normal outward vectors on the sphere, then the flux of the velocity field of the fluid across the sphere gives the amount of fluid leaving the sphere per unit time. However, if we select the field of unit normal inward vectors on the sphere, then the flux of the velocity field of the fluid across the sphere gives the amount of fluid entering the sphere per unit time (which is the ne…
The Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem for operators
AbstractWe prove the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem for operators from an arbitrary Banach space X into a Banach space Y whenever the range space has property β of Lindenstrauss. We also characterize those Banach spaces Y for which the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem holds for operators from ℓ1 into Y. Several examples of classes of such spaces are provided. For instance, the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem holds when the range space is finite-dimensional, an L1(μ)-space for a σ-finite measure μ, a C(K)-space for a compact Hausdorff space K, or a uniformly convex Banach space.
Unconditional Basis and Gordon–Lewis Constants for Spaces of Polynomials
Abstract No infinite dimensional Banach space X is known which has the property that for m ⩾2 the Banach space of all continuous m -homogeneous polynomials on X has an unconditional basis. Following a program originally initiated by Gordon and Lewis we study unconditionality in spaces of m -homogeneous polynomials and symmetric tensor products of order m in Banach spaces. We show that for each Banach space X which has a dual with an unconditional basis ( x * i ), the approximable (nuclear) m -homogeneous polynomials on X have an unconditional basis if and only if the monomial basis with respect to ( x * i ) is unconditional. Moreover, we determine an asymptotically correct estimate for the …
A Riemann manifold structure of the spectra of weighted algebras of holomorphic functions
[EN] In this paper we give general conditions on a countable family V of weights on an unbounded open set U in a complex Banach space X such that the weighted space HV (U) of holomorphic functions on U has a Frechet algebra structure. For such weights it is shown that the spectrum of HV(U) has a natural analytic manifold structure when X is a symmetrically regular Banach space, and in particular when X = C-n. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bohr radii of vector valued holomorphic functions
Abstract Motivated by the scalar case we study Bohr radii of the N -dimensional polydisc D N for holomorphic functions defined on D N with values in Banach spaces.
On holomorphic functions attaining their norms
Abstract We show that on a complex Banach space X , the functions uniformly continuous on the closed unit ball and holomorphic on the open unit ball that attain their norms are dense provided that X has the Radon–Nikodym property. We also show that the same result holds for Banach spaces having a strengthened version of the approximation property but considering just functions which are also weakly uniformly continuous on the unit ball. We prove that there exists a polynomial such that for any fixed positive integer k , it cannot be approximated by norm attaining polynomials with degree less than k . For X=d ∗ (ω,1) , a predual of a Lorentz sequence space, we prove that the product of two p…
Integration on Surfaces
We intend to study the integration of a differential k-form over a regular k-surface of class C 1 in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). To begin with, in Sect. 7.1, we undertake the integration over a portion of the surface that is contained in a coordinate neighborhood. Where possible, we will express the obtained results in terms of integration of vector fields. For example, we study the integral of a vector field on a portion of a regular surface in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) and also the integral over a portion of a hypersurface in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). In Sect. 7.3 we study the integration of differential k-forms on regular k-surfaces admitting a finite atlas.We discuss the need for the surface to be orientable so t…
In this paper we provide versions of the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás Theorem for bilinear forms. Indeed we prove the first positive result of this kind by assuming uniform convexity on the Banach spaces. A characterization of the Banach space Y Y satisfying a version of the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás Theorem for bilinear forms on ℓ 1 × Y \ell _1 \times Y is also obtained. As a consequence of this characterization, we obtain positive results for finite-dimensional normed spaces, uniformly smooth spaces, the space C ( K ) \mathcal {C}(K) of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff topological space K K and the space K ( H ) K(H) of compact operators on a Hilbert space H H . On the other hand, the B…
The Spectrum of Analytic Mappings of Bounded Type
Abstract A Banach space E is said to be (symmetrically) regular if every continuous (symmetric) linear mapping from E to E ′ is weakly compact. For a complex Banach space E and a complex Banach algebra F , let H b ( E , F ) denote the algebra of holomorphic mappings from E to F which are bounded on bounded sets. We endow H b ( E , F ) with the usual Frechet topology. M ( H b ( E , F ), F ) denotes the set of all non-null continuous homomorphisms from H b ( E , F ) to F . A subset of G EF on which the extension of Zalduendo is multiplicative is presented and it is shown that, in general, the sets G EF and M ( H b ( E , F ), F ) do not coincide. We prove that if E is symmetrically regu…
Some Non-linear Geometrical Properties of Banach Spaces
In this survey we report on very recent results about some non-linear geometrical properties of many classes of real and complex Banach spaces and uniform algebras, including the ball algebra \(\fancyscript{A}_u(B_X)\) of all uniformly continuous functions on the closed unit ball and holomorphic on the open unit ball of a complex Banach space \(X\). These geometrical properties are: Polynomial numerical index, Polynomial Daugavet property and Bishop-Phelp-Bollobas property for multilinear mappings.
The Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás property for operators from c0 into some Banach spaces
Abstract We exhibit a new class of Banach spaces Y such that the pair ( c 0 , Y ) has the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas property for operators. This class contains uniformly convex Banach spaces and spaces with the property β of Lindenstrauss. We also provide new examples of spaces in this class.
Infinite Dimensional Banach spaces of functions with nonlinear properties
The aim of this paper is to show that there exist infinite dimensional Banach spaces of functions that, except for 0, satisfy properties that apparently should be destroyed by the linear combination of two of them. Three of these spaces are: a Banach space of differentiable functions on R(n) failing the Denjoy-Clarkson property; a Banach space of non Riemann integrable bounded functions, but with antiderivative at each point of an interval; a Banach space of infinitely differentiable functions that vanish at infinity and are not the Fourier transform of any Lebesgue integrable function.
The Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem for L(L1(μ),L∞[0,1])
Abstract We show that the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas theorem holds for all bounded operators from L 1 ( μ ) into L ∞ [ 0 , 1 ] , where μ is a σ-finite measure.
Two-dimensional Banach spaces with polynomial numerical index zero
We study two-dimensional Banach spaces with polynomial numerical indices equal to zero.
Integral holomorphic functions
We define the class of integral holomorphic functions over Banach spaces; these are functions admitting an integral representation akin to the Cauchy integral formula, and are related to integral polynomials. After studying various properties of these functions, Banach and Frechet spaces of integral holomorphic functions are defined, and several aspects investigated: duality, Taylor series approximation, biduality and reflexivity. In this paper we define and study a class of holomorphic functions over infinite- dimensional Banach spaces admitting integral representation. Our purpose, and the motivation for our definition, are two-fold: we wish to obtain an integral repre- sentation formula …
Gleason parts for algebras of holomorphic functions on the ball of $\mathbf{c_0}$
For a complex Banach space $X$ with open unit ball $B_X,$ consider the Banach algebras $\mathcal H^\infty(B_X)$ of bounded scalar-valued holomorphic functions and the subalgebra $\mathcal A_u(B_X)$ of uniformly continuous functions on $B_X.$ Denoting either algebra by $\mathcal A,$ we study the Gleason parts of the set of scalar-valued homomorphisms $\mathcal M(\mathcal A)$ on $\mathcal A.$ Following remarks on the general situation, we focus on the case $X = c_0.$
Norm or numerical radius attaining polynomials on C(K)
Abstract Let C(K, C ) be the Banach space of all complex-valued continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space K. We study when the following statement holds: every norm attaining n-homogeneous complex polynomial on C(K, C ) attains its norm at extreme points. We prove that this property is true whenever K is a compact Hausdorff space of dimension less than or equal to one. In the case of a compact metric space a characterization is obtained. As a consequence we show that, for a scattered compact Hausdorff space K, every continuous n-homogeneous complex polynomial on C(K, C ) can be approximated by norm attaining ones at extreme points and also that the set of all extreme points of the u…
Envelopes of open sets and extending holomorphic functions on dual Banach spaces
We investigate certain envelopes of open sets in dual Banach spaces which are related to extending holomorphic functions. We give a variety of examples of absolutely convex sets showing that the extension is in many cases not possible. We also establish connections to the study of iterated weak* sequential closures of convex sets in the dual of separable spaces.
Surfaces with Boundary
One of the objectives of this book is to obtain a rigorous proof of a version of Green’s formula for compact subsets of \(\mathbb{R}^2\) whose topological boundary is a regular curve of class C 2. These sets are typical examples of what we will call regular 2-surfaces with boundary in \(\mathbb{R}^2\). The analogous three-dimensional example would consist of a compact set of \(\mathbb{R}^3\) whose topological boundary is a regular surface of class C 2. The following example is perhaps instructive.
The General Stokes’s Theorem
Let ω be a differential form of degree k - 1 and class C 1 in a neighborhood of a compact regular k-surface with boundary M of class C 2. The general Stokes’s theorem gives a relationship between the integral of ω over the boundary of M and the integral of the exterior differential dω over M. It can be viewed as a generalization of Green’s theorem to higher dimensions, and it plays a role not unlike that of the fundamental theorem of calculus in an elementary course of analysis. Particular cases of the general Stokes’s theorem that are of great importance are the divergence theorem, which relates a triple integral with a surface integral and what we know as the classical Stokes’s theorem, w…
Functions of One Variable
A classical result of Fatou gives that every bounded holomorphic function on the disc has radial limits for almost every point in the torus, and the limit function belongs to the Hardy space H_\infty of the torus. This property is no longer true when we consider vector-valued functions. The Banach spaces X for which this property is satisfied are said to have the analytic Radon-Nikodym property (ARNP). Some important equivalent reformulations of ARNP are studied in this chapter. Among others, X has ARNP if and only if each X-valued H_p- function f on the disc has radial limits almost everywhere on the torus (and not only H_\infty-functions). Even more, in this case each such f has non-tange…
Polynomial numerical indices of 𝐶(𝐾) and 𝐿₁(𝜇)
We estimate the polynomial numerical indices of the spaces C ( K ) C(K) and L 1 ( μ ) L_1(\mu ) .
A characterization of the Schur property through the disk algebra
[EN] In this paper we give a new characterization of when a Banach space E has the Schur property in terms of the disk algebra. We prove that E has the Schur property if and only if A(D, E) = A(D,E-w). (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
AbstractIn this paper, we introduce the polynomial numerical index of order $k$ of a Banach space, generalizing to $k$-homogeneous polynomials the ‘classical’ numerical index defined by Lumer in the 1970s for linear operators. We also prove some results. Let $k$ be a positive integer. We then have the following:(i) $n^{(k)}(C(K))=1$ for every scattered compact space $K$.(ii) The inequality $n^{(k)}(E)\geq k^{k/(1-k)}$ for every complex Banach space $E$ and the constant $k^{k/(1-k)}$ is sharp.(iii) The inequalities$$ n^{(k)}(E)\leq n^{(k-1)}(E)\leq\frac{k^{(k+(1/(k-1)))}}{(k-1)^{k-1}}n^{(k)}(E) $$for every Banach space $E$.(iv) The relation between the polynomial numerical index of $c_0$, $l…
The Daugavet equation for polynomials
In this paper we study when the Daugavet equation is satisfied for weakly compact polynomials on a Banach space X, i.e. when the equality ‖Id + P‖ = 1 + ‖P‖ is satisfied for all weakly compact polynomials P : X −→ X. We show that this is the case when X = C(K), the real or complex space of continuous functions on a compact space K without isolated points. We also study the alternative Daugavet equation max |ω|=1 ‖Id + ω P‖ = 1 + ‖P‖ for polynomials P : X −→ X. We show that this equation holds for every polynomial on the complex space X = C(K) (K arbitrary) with values in X. The result is not true in the real case. Finally, we study the Daugavet and the alternative Daugavet equations for k-h…
Existence of Unconditional Bases in Spaces of Polynomials and Holomorphic Functions
Our main result shows that every Montel Kothe echelon or coechelon space E of order 1 < p ≤ ∞ is nuclear if and only if for every (some) m ≥ 2 the space ((mE), τ0) of m-homegeneus polynomials on E endowed with the compact-open topology τ0 has an unconditional basis if and only if the space (ℋ(E), τδ) of holomorphic functions on E endowed with the bornological topology τδ associated to τ0 has an unconditional basis (for coechelon spaces τδ equals τ0). The main idea is to extend the concept of the Gordon-Lewis property from Banach to Frechet and (DF) spaces. In this way we obtain techniques which are used to characterize the existence of unconditional basis in spaces of m-th (symmetric) tenso…
Selected Topics on Banach Space Theory
Basic topics on Banach space theory needed for the text are reviewed. Hahn-Banach theorem, Baire’s theorem, uniform boundedness principle, closed graph theorem, weak topologies, Banach-Alaoglu theorem, unconditional basis, Banach sequence spaces, summing operators, factorable operators, cotype, Kahane inequality.
Linearization of holomorphic mappings on fully nuclear spaces with a basis
In [13] Mazet proved the following result.If U is an open subset of a locally convex space E then there exists a complete locally convex space (U) and a holomorphic mapping δU: U→(U) such that for any complete locally convex space F and any f ɛ ℋ (U;F), the space of holomorphic mappings from U to F, there exists a unique linear mapping Tf: (U)→F such that the following diagram commutes;The space (U) is unique up to a linear topological isomorphism. Previously, similar but less general constructions, have been considered by Ryan [16] and Schottenloher [17].
The Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for bilinear forms and polynomials
For a $\sigma$-finite measure $\mu$ and a Banach space $Y$ we study the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property (BPBP) for bilinear forms on $L_1(\mu)\times Y$, that is, a (continuous) bilinear form on $L_1(\mu)\times Y$ almost attaining its norm at $(f_0,y_0)$ can be approximated by bilinear forms attaining their norms at unit vectors close to $(f_0,y_0)$. In case that $Y$ is an Asplund space we characterize the Banach spaces $Y$ satisfying this property. We also exhibit some class of bilinear forms for which the BPBP does not hold, though the set of norm attaining bilinear forms in that class is dense.
Some geometric properties of disk algebras
Abstract In this paper we study some geometrical properties of certain classes of uniform algebras, in particular the ball algebra A u ( B X ) of all uniformly continuous functions on the closed unit ball and holomorphic on the open unit ball of a complex Banach space X . We prove that A u ( B X ) has k -numerical index 1 for every k , the lushness and also the AHSP. Moreover, the disk algebra A ( D ) , and more in general any uniform algebra whose Choquet boundary has no isolated points, is proved to have the polynomial Daugavet property. Most of those properties are extended to the vector valued version A X of a uniform algebra A .
Vectors and Vector Fields
The purpose of this book is to explain in a rigorous way Stokes’s theorem and to facilitate the student’s use of this theorem in applications. Neither of these aims can be achieved without first agreeing on the notation and necessary background concepts of vector calculus, and therein lies the motivation for our introductory chapter.
Estimates for the first and second Bohr radii of Reinhardt domains
AbstractWe obtain general lower and upper estimates for the first and the second Bohr radii of bounded complete Reinhardt domains in Cn.
Holomorphic Mappings of Bounded Type on (DF)-Spaces
We study the holomorphic functions of bounded type defined on (DF)-spaces. We prove that they are of uniformly bounded type. The space of all these functions is a Frechet space with its natural topology. Some consequences and related results are obtained.
Holomorphic Functions on Polydiscs
This is a short introduction to the theory of holomorphic functions in finitely and infinitely many variables. We begin with functions in finitely many variables, giving the definition of holomorphic function. Every such function has a monomial series expansion, where the coefficients are given by a Cauchy integral formula. Then we move to infinitely many variables, considering functions defined on B_{c0}, the open unit ball of the space of null sequences. Holomorphic functions are defined by means of Frechet differentiability. We have versions of Weierstrass and Montel theorems in this setting. Every holomorphic function on B_{c0} defines a family of coefficients through a Cauchy integral …
A multilinear Lindenstrauss theorem
Abstract We show that the set of N -linear mappings on a product of N Banach spaces such that all their Arens extensions attain their norms (at the same element) is norm dense in the space of all bounded N -linear mappings.
Infinite Dimensional Holomorphy
We give an introduction to vector-valued holomorphic functions in Banach spaces, defined through Frechet differentiability. Every function defined on a Reinhardt domain of a finite-dimensional Banach space is analytic, i.e. can be represented by a monomial series expansion, where the family of coefficients is given through a Cauchy integral formula. Every separate holomorphic (holomorphic on each variable) function is holomorphic. This is Hartogs’ theorem, which is proved using Leja’s polynomial lemma. For infinite-dimensional spaces, homogeneous polynomials are defined as the diagonal of multilinear mappings. A function is holomorphic if and only if it is Gâteaux holomorphic and continuous…
The Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem for L(L1(μ),L∞[0,1])
AbstractWe show that the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás theorem holds for all bounded operators from L1(μ) into L∞[0,1], where μ is a σ-finite measure.
Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás property for certain spaces of operators
Abstract We characterize the Banach spaces Y for which certain subspaces of operators from L 1 ( μ ) into Y have the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas property in terms of a geometric property of Y , namely AHSP. This characterization applies to the spaces of compact and weakly compact operators. New examples of Banach spaces Y with AHSP are provided. We also obtain that certain ideals of Asplund operators satisfy the Bishop–Phelps–Bollobas property.
Regularity and Algebras of Analytic Functions in Infinite Dimensions
A Banach space E E is known to be Arens regular if every continuous linear mapping from E E to E ′ E’ is weakly compact. Let U U be an open subset of E E , and let H b ( U ) H_b(U) denote the algebra of analytic functions on U U which are bounded on bounded subsets of U U lying at a positive distance from the boundary of U . U. We endow H b ( U ) H_b(U) with the usual Fréchet topology. M b ( U ) M_b(U) denotes the set of continuous homomorphisms ϕ : H b ( U ) → C \phi :H_b(U) \to \mathbb {C} . We study the relation between the Arens regularity of the space E E and the structure of M b ( U ) M_b(U) .
A non-linear Bishop–Phelps–BollobÁs type theorem
Analytic structure in fibers of H∞(Bc0)
Abstract Let H ∞ ( B c 0 ) be the algebra of all bounded holomorphic functions on the open unit ball of c 0 and M ( H ∞ ( B c 0 ) ) the spectrum of H ∞ ( B c 0 ) . We prove that for any point z in the closed unit ball of l ∞ there exists an analytic injection of the open ball B l ∞ into the fiber of z in M ( H ∞ ( B c 0 ) ) , which is an isometry from the Gleason metric of B l ∞ to the Gleason metric of M ( H ∞ ( B c 0 ) ) . We also show that, for some Banach spaces X, B l ∞ can be analytically injected into the fiber M z ( H ∞ ( B X ) ) for every point z ∈ B X .
Isometries between spaces of multiple Dirichlet series
Abstract In this paper we study spaces of multiple Dirichlet series and their properties. We set the ground of the theory of multiple Dirichlet series and define the spaces H ∞ ( C + k ) , k ∈ N , of convergent and bounded multiple Dirichlet series on C + k . We give a representation for these Banach spaces and prove that they are all isometrically isomorphic, independently of the dimension. The analogous result for A ( C + k ) , k ∈ N , which are the spaces of multiple Dirichlet series that are convergent on C + k and define uniformly continuous functions, is obtained.
Behavior of holomorphic mappings on $p$-compact sets in a Banach space
We study the behavior of holomorphic mappings on p-compact sets in Banach spaces. We show that the image of a p-compact set by an entire mapping is a p-compact set. Some results related to the localization of p-compact sets in the predual of homogeneous polynomials are also obtained. Finally, the "size" of p-compactness of the image of the unit ball by p-compact linear operators is studied.
Dynamics, Operator Theory, and Infinite Holomorphy
The works on linear dynamics in the last two decades show that many, even quite natural, linear dynamical systems exhibit wild behaviour. Linear chaos and hypercyclicity have been at the crossroads of several areas of mathematics. More recently, fascinating new connections have started to be explored: operators on spaces of analytic functions, semigroups and applications to partial differential equations, complex dynamics, and ergodic theory. Related aspects of functional analysis are the study of linear operators on Banach spaces by using geometric, topological, and algebraic techniques, the works on the geometry of Banach spaces and Banach algebras, and the study of the geometry of a Bana…