Harald W. Weber
Radiation-induced defects in antiferroelectric thin films
Abstract Radiation effects on highly oriented antiferroelectric (AFE) PbZrO3 (PZ) films with a thickness of approximately 400 nm are investigated in view of their possible application as a temperature sensitive element in a new bolometer system for fusion devices like ITER. The films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The dielectric constant was measured in the frequency range from 1 to 250 kHz in a stepwise cooling mode (∼2 °C min−1) from 400 °C to room temperature before and after irradiation to a fast neutron fluence of 2×1022 m−2 (E>0.1 MeV). After irradiation, the films were annealed in several steps up to ∼400 °C to remove the radiation-induced defects. The results are di…
Computational study of the influence of oxygen vacancies on the polarization in irradiated and annealed PLZT ceramics
A physical model for the oxygen defect evolution in PLZT ceramics under neutron irradiation and annealing is proposed. The influence of the defect system on the polarization of these materials has been investigated. The influence of the La content on the material structure and the oxygen defects has been taken into account. Satisfactory agreement between the theoretically estimated oxygen defect concentration after irradiation and annealing and the experimentally determined polarization has been obtained.
ABSTRACT Neutron irradiation effects on highly oriented antiferroelectric PbZrO3 (PZ) and ferroelectric PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 (PZT) thin films are investigated in view of their possible application as a temperature sensitive element in a new bolometer system for fusion devices like ITER. All investigated thin films were prepared by a sol-gel technique and by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) respectively. The dielectric properties were investigated in a frequency range from 1 to 250 kHz and at temperatures up to 400°C, prior to and after irradiation to a neutron fluence of 3 * 1022 m−2 (E > 0.1 MeV). After irradiation, the films were anneald in several steps up to 400°C in order to remove the radiat…
<title>Changes in the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant in irradiated antiferroelectric thin films</title>
A model describing the changes of the Curie-Weiss temperature in lead-zirconate thin films under neutron irradiation is proposed. The Curie-Weiss temperature in the irradiated material decreases which is connected to charges caused by neutron irradiation. The charges located near the surfaces due to Schottky effect and in the bulk of the film results in different rates of the Curie-Weiss temperature decreases with neutron fluence. However the influence of the Schottky layers seems to be more pronounced. Satisfactory agreement between the theoretical results and the experimental data is obtained for different neutron fluences.© (2003) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Eng…
Computer simulation of ferroelectric property changes in PLZT ceramics under neutron irradiation
The response of ferroelectric materials to high energy irradiation is of great interest because of their possible application in radiation environments such as thermonuclear reactors. In the present work a physical model for the defect evolution in PLZT ceramics under neutron irradiation and annealing is proposed. The influence of the defect system on the ferroelectric properties of these materials has been investigated. Satisfactory agreement between the theoretical estimated oxygen defect concentration after irradiation and annealing and the experimentally determined polarization has been obtained.
<title>Irradiation effects in lead zirconate thin films</title>
Lead zirconate PbZrO3 (PZ) and PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 (PZT) sol-gel films with a thickness of up to 1.5 μm were deposited on TiO2/Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si substrates by spin coating technique and heterostructures of the same composition as well as on Pb0.92La0.08 (Zr0.65Ti0.35)O3 (PLZT-8) (with a thickness of 0.4 μm) were pulse laser deposited (PLD) on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si. Observation of a typical antiferroelectric (AFE) double hysteresis loop in obtained PZ heterostructures at room temperature was attributed to the superior dielectric strength in case of thin film materials. The thermal behavior of dielectric permittivity e of PZ film reveals a maximum near 225°C on heating and 219°C on cooling. The higher res…
Dielectric properties of reactor irradiated ferroelectric thin films
Abstract Radiation effects in highly oriented Pb1Zr0.53Ti0.47O3 (PZT), Pb0.94La0.06Zr0.65Ti0.35O3 (PLZT-6), and PbiZriO3 (PZ) ferroelectric (FE) and antiferroelectric (AF) thin films are investigated in view of their possible application as a temperature sensitive element in a new bolometer system for ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). The dielectric properties (i.e. hysteresis loops, dielectric constants) of the films were investigated in a frequency range from 20 to 105 Hz and at temperatures up to 450 °C, before and after neutron irradiation to a neutron fluence of 5×1021 m−2 (E<0.1 MeV). The dielectric constant was measured during cooling with 1.7 °Cmin−1. The diel…
Antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin films: structure, properties and irradiation effects
Abstract Irradiation effects on highly oriented antiferroelectric PbZrO 3 and ferroelectric Pb 0.92 La 0.08 (Zr 0.65 Ti 0.35 )O 3 thin films are investigated being exposed to neutron irradiation up to fluence 2*10 22 m −2 . The higher resistance of antiferroelectric PbZrO 3 thin films as compared to ferroelectric heterostructures to large fluences of neutron irradiation is recognized and discussed. Influence of two factors (structural and charge) was taken into account analysing irradiation effects on materials of different polarization states: ferroelectric PLZT (ceramics and thin films) and antiferroelectric PbZrO 3 films.
Radiation effects in transparent ferroelectric ceramics
Radiation of different types ((gamma) -rays, electrons, neutrons) and fluence has been used to study the defect processes as well as the change of physical parameters in PLZT X/65/35 (X equals 4.5 - 11 at.%) and PbSc 0.5 Nb 0.5 O 3 (PSN) ceramics and to evaluate critical irradiation conditions. Effects on optical (extinction) spectra and dielectric characteristics (polarization, thermal and frequency dependences of dielectric permittivity (epsilon) and losses), dependent on composition and state of phase and polarization have been analyzed by means of annealing in isochronic and prolonged time regimes. A gradual shift of extinction edge to longer wavelengths, reduction of polarization and (…