Magdalena Szyszka
Research on the Interplay Between Language Anxiety and Pronunciation Learning Strategies
This chapter presents a detailed description of the empirical research, the general objective of which was to investigate the interplay between levels of language anxiety (LA) and pronunciation learning strategy (PLS) use in a group of EFL trainee teachers in Poland.
Foreign Language Anxiety in the Context of Foreign Language Oral Performance, Language and Pronunciation Learning Strategies
The aim of this chapter is to provide a theoretical background for the concept of language anxiety, emphasising the context of L2 oral performance and pronunciation. Thus, the construct of general anxiety is first explored and the definition of anxiety is analysed. Subsequently, the term foreign language anxiety is examined for the purpose of establishing its working definition. Next, a typology of causes of language anxiety experienced by L2 learners is proposed in order to fully grasp the complexity of the construct.
A Review of Selected Empirical Research on Pronunciation Learning Strategies and Language Anxiety
The previous chapter has outlined the concept of language anxiety, together with its sources and impact on L2 learning processes, particularly in the realm of L2 pronunciation acquisition. In this chapter, a review of recent empirical studies on pronunciation learning strategies, foreign language anxiety and oral performance encompassing L2 pronunciation is discussed in order to delineate the background for the empirical research assumptions and the directions taken during their investigation.
Foreign Language Learners’ Pronunciation Learning Beliefs and Strategies
This quantitative research investigates the extent to which adult L2 learners act in line with what they declare to believe in regarding pronunciation learning. In other words, this paper focuses on determining the strength of the relationship between the frequency of use of L2 pronunciation learning strategies (PLS) and the beliefs the individuals hold on selected factors affecting pronunciation acquisition, pronunciation instruction, self-efficacy, pronunciation learning goals and affective factors in pronunciation learning. A group of 116 learners of English as a foreign language who took an English phonetics course responded to the Pronunciation Learning Strategies Inventory (PLSI) and …
Pronunciation Learning Strategy Chains: A Qualitative Approach
Language learning is a daunting process frequently enhanced by a number of factors, for example, language learning strategies deployed in an orchestrated manner (Oxford 1990). Similarly, pronunciation learning may be supported by effective strategies used either separately or in logically combined chains. However, little attention has been given so far to the strategies L2 learners employ when learning the target language pronunciation, not to mention pronunciation learning strategy chains. Hence, there have been a limited number of empirical investigations into pronunciation learning strategies (PLS) in general and in particular the ones following the qualitative design (cf. Bukowski 2004;…
English pronunciation teaching at different educational levels: Insights into teachers’ perceptions and actions
The aim of the present paper is to reflect upon the place of pronunciation in English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching at different educational levels in Poland. To collect the data, an on-line survey was conducted among EFL professionals teaching at primary, lower secondary, and higher secondary schools in Poland. The questions focused on the respondents’ beliefs about pronunciation, teachers’ competences regarding pronunciation and pronunciation teaching, and the pronunciation teaching techniques they use. The results depict the most and least frequently used pronunciation teaching techniques at each of the three educational stages, and the beliefs of EFL teachers in Poland regarding …
At the Crossroads: Challenges of Foreign Language Learning
This book offers a valuable contribution to the discussion on the complexities of L2 learning processes that pose a challenge to learners. Focusing on the cognitive, affective and socio-cultural perspectives, the papers included provide important insights into the individual’s experiences in second language acquisition. This work also addresses social interactions and cultural background, shedding new light on their role in the context in L2 learning processes. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the challenges of foreign-language (FL) learning and teaching.
Researching pronunciation learning strategies: An overview and a critical look
Disparate goals that learners might have in learning second or foreign language pronunciation and the scant classroom time that can be dedicated to teaching this target language subsystem dictate that learner autonomy is of vital importance in this case and adept use of pronunciation learning strategies (PLS) can be viewed as key to the development of this attribute. Surprisingly, research on these strategies is scarce, mainly focusing on the identification and classification of PLS, diverse instruments are used for data collection and the findings are inconclusive. The paper provides an overview of the available research on PLS with respect to their identification, learners’ preferences co…
Good English Pronunciation Users and Their Pronunciation Learning Strategies
The study investigates pronunciation learning strategies (PLS) deployed by those with good English pronunciation, as well as their beliefs concerning the variables that affect pronunciation competence. In order to collect data for analysis this study surveyed 61 participants who had learned English as a foreign language. They comprised 28 higher education teachers and scholars specialising in English phonetics and phonology, who were defined as good pronunciation users (GPU), and 33 EFL teacher training students, viewed as average pronunciation learners (APL). This cohort responded to a survey on pronunciation learning strategies and expressed their views on several aspects affecting the L2…
Chapter 7. Pronunciation learning strategies
Learners’ attitudes to first, second and third languages pronunciation in structuring multilingual identity
Abstract This paper investigates multilingual learners’ attitudes to native (L1 – Ukrainian), second (L2 – Polish) and foreign (L3 – English) languages’ pronunciation, and discusses them from the perspective of structuring multilingual identity. In the study, the choice of the sample has been controlled in terms of the participants’ nationality and the context in which they acquire their second and foreign languages – variables that are interwoven in shaping identities. More specifically, the 40 Ukrainian individuals, taking part in the study, are in the process of a foreign language acquisition, English, embedded in the context of their second language, Polish. The attitudes to L1, L2 and …
Pedagogical and Psychological Background of Pronunciation Learning and Language Learning Strategies
The aim of this chapter is to provide the theoretical background for the concept of pronunciation, its pedagogical aspects, and selected factors affecting its acquisition. In the following section an array of definitions of pronunciation will be presented in order to provide a broad perspective. This will be followed by a diachronic overview of approaches to pronunciation teaching and learning, in order to present the pedagogical background. Subsequently, the chapter will address current issues linked to aspects of pronunciation and factors affecting pronunciation acquisition.
The ecosystem of the foreign language learner : selected issues
This volume examines selected aspects of the foreign language learning process from an ecological perspective, adopting a holistic view on complex interrelations among and within organisms (L2 language learners) and their milieus (family, school and society). First of all, the personal ecosystem of the learner is taken into consideration, whereby two powerful influences are intertwined: cognitive and affective aspects. The learning space formed by the individual is largely shaped by their affective states coexisting in conjunction with their cognitive processes. Moreover, this specific space is also modified by a wider array of other personal ecosystems or those of cultures. Hence, the ecos…
Towards crossing the borders in foreign language teacher training: A report on a pilot phase of the Tandem Learning for Teacher Training project
The aim of the paper is to present the results of a pilot project for foreign language (FL) teacher education, in which trainee teachers’ knowledge and awareness of intercultural and cross-educational similarities and differences between two cooperating institutions from socio-culturally and linguistically distant countries – Israel and Poland – are elicited. The data collected serves as a springboard for designing an international project for FL trainee teachers to be implemented as a part of a teacher training course. In the project the trainee teachers coming from geographically, culturally and linguistically detached backgrounds, Israeli and Polish, are to participate in tandem learning…
Multimedia in Learning English as a Foreign Language as Preferred by German, Spanish, and Polish Teenagers
This paper presents the findings of a small-scale study investigating the preferences of German, Polish, and Spanish teenage English as a foreign language (EFL) learners concerning their use of multimedia, such as Skype, Facebook, YouTube, e-mails, and TV-programmes in learning English. A group of 88 respondents was requested to complete an on-line questionnaire in order to specify how often some selected types of multimedia are used by adolescents in their autonomous EFL learning, and to determine their views on the extent to which some selected multimedia affect the development of their language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) and their English pronunciation. The outcom…