Maurizio Cellura

Life Cycle Assessment of organic apple supply chain in the North of Italy.

The goal of the study is the assessment of the energy and environmental impacts of 1 ton of organic apples cultivated in the North of Italy, by applying the Life Cycle Assessment methodology. The authors examined the supply chain of apples, by including the supply of raw materials and energy sources, and the farming step. In addition, an assessment of apple distribution to the final users was made. The results show that a relevant share of the total impacts is caused by the transport to the final users, assuming that the product is distributed on local, national and international markets. A detailed analysis of the farming step shows that a significant share in the overall energy and enviro…

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The Evaluation of the Energy Performances of a Net Zero Energy Building: an Italian Case Study

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Energy and environmental assessment of residual bio-wastes management strategies

Abstract This paper assesses the potential energy and environmental impacts of an anaerobic digester coupled with a combined heat and power plant powered with bio-wastes from the agri-food sector. The analysis is carried out through the Life Cycle Assessment methodology following a “cradle-to-grave” approach and is based mostly on primary data. The anaerobic digester - combined heat and power plant is analysed considering a twofold perspective: one more energy – oriented where the main function of the system is to generate renewable electricity and a waste – oriented one in which the main function is treating bio-wastes. In addition, the environmental indirect effects related to potential c…

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Environmental effects of the Sicilian Energy Policy

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LCA of a solar heating and cooling system equipped with a small water–ammonia absorption chiller

The development of renewable energy technologies is a critical tool for reducing climate change and the reliance on fossil fuels. However, renewable energy technologies cannot be considered totally clean because they require energy consumption and have environmental impacts that cannot be neglected during their life cycle. In this paper, the life cycle assessment methodology was applied to assess resource use and other environmental burdens related to the entire life-cycle steps of a solar cooling plant. The investigated system works with an absorption chiller assisted by a solar plant. Two back-up configurations (hot back-up and cold back-up) were examined in two localities: Palermo (south…

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Sustainable Development Goals and Performance Measurement of Positive Energy District: A Methodological Approach

The “Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods for Sustainable Urban Development” program launched by the European Union can be considered a milestone towards the clean energy transition and carbon neutrality of urban areas. The achievement of this ambitious transition requires properly defined methodologies and action plans grounded on the main environmental, economic, and social pillars of sustainability. This paper is focused on the definition of a methodology for the characterization of PEDs sustainability assessment in terms of Sustainable Development Goals. In particular, the main research question to be answered regards the allocation of the surplus energy of PEDs to target the su…

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Decision making in energy planning: The electre multicriteria analysis approach compared to a fuzzy-sets methodology

Every planning activity generally requires to make some choices. After a preliminary analysis of the sector under examination, a forecast of trends of input-output items, the planner must define an action plan voted to arrange all the strategies and specific interventions able to fit demand and supply during the planned time. The redaction of an action plan implies a strong effort in order to synthesize either suggestions coming from the analysis phases either all the constraints linked to technical choices. In the same time, a large number of "external" variables plays a role in orienting decision making. Some of these can be handled by numerical models (economic cost-benefit analyses, mar…

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Combined gasification-oxidation system for waste treatment with supercritical water: Lca and performance analysis

In this study the environmental performance of a first-of-its-kind integrated process based on supercritical water gasification and oxidation (SCW-GcO), was evaluated using life cycle assessment (LCA). The process was applied to the treatment of carbon black and used oil as model wastes. Mass and energy balances were performed using Aspen Plus, and the environmental assessment was carried out through SimaPro. A “from cradle to grave” approach was chosen for the analysis, considering impact categories such as climate change, ozone depletion, human toxicity, particulate matter, land use, resource depletion, and other relevant indicators. The environmental profile of the SCW-GcO process was co…

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Resource depletion of a Lithium ion battery cell technology

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are the dominating storage technology for electric vehicles (EVs). Different types of LIBs, using diverse cathode materials are available in the market, such as LiMn2O4, Li(Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3)O2. The cathodes contain a wide range of raw materials (RMs), among which e.g. cobalt is in the 2017 list of CRMs for the Europe Union (EU). CRMs are both of high economic importance for the EU, and vulnerable to supply security. In the last years, the increasing demand of LIBs has triggered a growing interest in the need to ensure the security and the sustainability of the supply of the CRMs used in LIBs and in general in EVs. In this context, lithium rich layered oxides from…

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Energy Use in the Building Sector and Climate Change: Modeling, Developments, and Future Trends

Climate change is going to have significant impacts among a wide range of areas and domains, including the building sector, characterized by constructions which may not be designed to be resilient to the evolutions in the warming climate that will occur in the next decades. The chapter investigates methodologies and approaches connected to the assessment of the effects of climate change to the energy use within the building sector. Methodologies are compared and the most relevant future trends expected are traced for the current century.

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“Analisi del ciclo di vita applicata alla produzione delle tegole “coppi siciliani”: confronto tra due processi produttivi”

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L’obiettivo del lavoro proposto è la definizione di una metodologia che consenta di testare il livello di integrazione della tecnologia fotovoltaica in contesti urbani ad alta densità edilizia. Il criterio adottato mira all’analisi contestuale dell’aspetto energetico, mediante valutazione della percentuale di copertura del fabbisogno di energia elettrica richiesto, e della convenienza economica degli impianti fotovoltaici installati sulle coperture degli edifici. A tal fine, per un quartiere della città di Palermo, sono state poste in relazione le superfici effettivamente disponibili all’installazione dei pannelli e il numero di utenze presenti. Le coperture, censite grazie all’ausilio dell…

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Life Cycle Assessment of electricity production from refuse derived fuel: A case study in Italy

Biomasses and bio-waste have an important role in decarbonizing the European energy mix, the latter contributing to the transition towards a circular economy. In particular, Refuse Derived Fuel (RFD) - a biofuel obtained from dry residue of waste - appears a really interesting energy option. In this framework this study aims at assessing the environmental profile of electricity generation from RDF in Italy, comparing two different kinds of RDF production and combustion plants. The functional unit is 1 kWh of net electricity from RDF delivered to the grid. Two Italian plants are examined: one located in Ravenna (RDF is produced in a direct flow treatment plant) and the other one in Bergamo (…

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Life Cycle Assessment in the Wine Sector

Currently, stakeholders’ increasing attention to quality is driving the wine sector to rethink and change its own production processes. Amongst product quality dimensions, the environment is gaining ever-growing attention at various levels of policy-making and business. Given its soundness, the use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has become widespread in many application contexts. Apart from applications for communication purposes, LCA has also been used in the wine sector to highlight environmental hot spots in supply chains, to compare farming practices and to detect improvement options, inter alia. Case studies whose focus is the wine industry abound in high quality publications. This Cha…

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Modeling the energy and environmental life cycle of buildings: A co-simulation approach

Abstract Building simulation is currently looking towards interdisciplinary experiences, aiming to the integration of simulation tools in different technical domains. At the same time, the interest of the building community to high performance buildings has also strengthened the interest on Life Cycle performances of such buildings, due to the reduction in their operational stage impacts. In this context, the paper proposes an integration of building simulation and Life Cycle Assessment through the programming of a TRNSYS component. It can perform Life Cycle Assessment studies, while having as output as well energy balances and energy and environmental payback times. Currently, the tool is …

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Energy planning methodology of net-zero energy solar neighborhoods in the Mediterranean basin

The article proposes a simplified methodology to optimize solar energy gains at district level in the Mediterranean area toward the achievement of the net-zero energy district target, to be applicable as well in similar hot climates. The approach includes a wide use of parametric analysis to explore the most impactful aspects of the design of solar net-zero energy districts: single unit shape, building mutual distances, road shape, building orientation, photovoltaics area availability to identify the optimal design solution. Thirty-two different district configurations are explored: results show that in the Mediterranean context, it is possible to reach the net-zero energy district target i…

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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of protected crops: an Italian case study

Abstract In this paper a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of protected crops was carried out. In particular, energy and environmental performances of peppers, melons, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, and zucchini in different typologies of greenhouses (tunnel and pavilion) were assessed. The study aimed at assessing the ecoprofile of each product and the share of each life-cycle step on the total environmental impacts. The related process flow chart, the relevant mass and energy flows and the key environmental issues were identified for each product. Collection of primary data was conducted by means of a detailed questionnaire distributed to a producer company in southern Italy. The analysis was devel…

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Energie e tecnologie sostenibili: stato dell'arte e life cycle assessment applicata a studi italiani di settore

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Load match and grid interaction optimization of a net zero energy building through electricity storage: An Italian case-study

The study aims at applying of Load Match and Grid Interaction indexes to a Net Zero Energy Building in order to optimize the performances of its energy systems. The case study is a modular prefabricated house that uses solar energy (photovoltaic) and natural gas (Fuel Cell) as energy sources and equipped with an Energy Management System addressing the optimal energy use.

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Life cycle assessment of a solar thermal collector: sensitivity analysis, energy and environmental balances

Abstract Starting from the results of a life cycle assessment of solar thermal collector for sanitary warm water, an energy balance between the employed energy during the collector life cycle and the energy saved thanks to the collector use has been investigated. A sensitivity analysis for estimating the effects of the chosen methods and data on the outcome of the study was carried out. Uncertainties due to the eco-profile of input materials and the initial assumptions have been analysed. Since the study is concerned with a renewable energy system, attention has been focused on the energy indexes and in particular the “global energy consumption”. Following the principles of Kyoto Protocol, …

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Net Zeb case studies. Leaf House

In this book, accomplished international experts present advanced modeling techniques as well as in-depth case studies meant to lead designers towards the optimal use of simulation tools for the design of net-zero energy buildings (Net ZEBs). The book discusses different design processes and tools used in designing Net ZEBs, starting from the fundamental concepts, design strategies, and technologies. These processes and tools are then evaluated by referring to four diverse Net ZEBs where the authors were intimately involved from the design concept to operation. The high resolution measured performance data from these case studies are compared with the predictions made using the respective d…

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Energy life cycle approach in two Mediterranean buildings: operation and embodied energy assessment

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Dichiarazione Ambientale di Prodotto applicata ai Materiali Bioedili

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Short-term prediction of household electricity consumption: assessing weather sensitivity in a Mediterranean area

Abstract Urban microclimatic variations, along with a rapid reduction of unit cost of air-conditioning (AC) equipments, can be addressed as some of the main causes of the raising residential energy demand in the more developed countries. This paper presents a forecasting model based on an Elman artificial neural network (ANN) for the short-time prediction of the household electricity consumption related to a suburban area. Due to the lack of information about the real penetration of electric appliances in the investigated area and their utilization profiles it was not possible to implement a statistical model to define the weather and climate sensitivities of appliance energy consumption. F…

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A Finite Difference Model of a PV-PCM System

Abstract The performances of a photovoltaic panel (PV) are defined according to the “peak power” that identifies the maximum electric power supplied by the panel when it receives an insolation of 1 kW/m2 and the temperature of the cell is maintained at 25 °C. These conditions are only nominal since the solar radiation has a variable intensity and also the panel is subjected to thermal excursions; due to these reasons the real power efficiency of the panel is considerably lower than that obtainable in the nominal conditions. The study focused on assessing a method to reduce the peak temperatures of PV systems using Phase Change Materials (PCM). To this aim it was created a numerical model ca…

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Valutazione energetica degli edifici – il bilancio energetico nel ciclo di vita

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The environmental product declaration EPD with a particular application to a solar thermal collector

The principles of sustainable development and of Integrated Product Policy are applied in new voluntary regulations, which have been internationally agree. The aim is to grant transparency of environmental information and to promote the diffusion of environmentally friendly products. A new tool under study is the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), a technical paper annexed to products that synthesises their energy and environmental performances. This paper points out the reasons for developing EPD for the energy sector, and puts special focus upon renewable energy systems, products whose environmental performances are often not clearly defined. We describe how results of a LCA upon a …

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Data fusion analysis applied to different climate change models: an application to the energy consumptions of a building office

The paper aims to achieve the modelling of climate change effects on heating and cooling in the building sector, through the use of the available Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecasted data. Data from several different climate models will be fused with regards to mean air temperature, wind speed and horizontal solar radiation. Several climatic models data were analyzed ranging from January 2006 to December 2100. Rather than considering each model in isolation, we propose a data fusion approach for providing a robust combined model for morphing an existing weather data file. The final aim is simulating future energy use for heating and cooling of a reference building as a conse…

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Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity Generation Scenarios in Italy

Hindering global warming and achieving a more competitive, secure and sustainable energy sector are some of the most relevant goals of the 2030 Framework for climate and energy of the European Union. European countries have to identify and implement strategies for contributing to these ambitious goals. In this context, the authors carried out a scenario analysis on the Sicilian electricity mix in order to estimate the life cycle energy and environmental benefits of the increase of the use of renewable energy technologies for electricity production, and the potential contribution of Sicily in the achievement of the European energy and environmental targets. In detail, the authors identified …

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La diffusione commerciale dei dispositivi fotovoltaici presenta negli ultimi anni un trend di crescita significativa a livello internazionale. Numerose ricerche sono state svolte al fine di incrementare l’efficienza di conversione elettrica dei pannelli fotovoltaici e tra le soluzioni indagate è stato sperimentato l’impiego di materiali a cambiamento di fase (MCF) per ridurre i picchi di temperatura di funzionamento. Nel lavoro è stato sviluppato un algoritmo di calcolo in grado di fornire l’andamento temporale della temperatura di un pannello fotovoltaico accoppiato a materiale a cambiamento di fase (Sistema PV-MCF). La determinazione della distribuzione di temperature che interessano un s…

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A life cycle assessment of tri-generation from biomass waste: The experience of the “agro-combined” of Thibar

Abstract The paper presents a life cycle assessment of energy produced by biogas obtained by biomass waste and fuelled in a tri-generation pilot plant located in Tunisia. The results, referred to 1 MJ of exergy, showed that the plant construction causes 76% of primary energy consumption and gives a contribution higher than 90% on resource depletion and ionizing radiation, and of 50% on ozone depletion. Operation causes 66% of the impact on human toxicity—cancer effects and more than 90% of the other impacts, except for ecotoxicity of freshwater mainly caused during the end of life. The study is one of the first applications of environmental analysis to tri-generation from waste in developin…

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Construction of a webgis tool based on a gis semiautomated processing for the localization of p2g plants in sicily (Italy)

The recent diffusion of RES (Renewable Energy Sources), considering the electric energy produced by photovoltaic and wind plants, brought to light the problem of the unpredictable nature of wind and solar energy. P2G (Power to Gas) implementation seems to be the right solution, transforming curtailed energy in hydrogen. The choice of the settlement of P2G plants is linked to many factors like the distances between the gas grid and the settlement of RES plants, the transportation networks, the energy production, and population distribution. In light of this, the implementation of a Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) into a Geographic Information System (GIS) processing represents a good strategy …

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A Novel Lab‐Scale Fixed‐Bed Pyrolysis Reactor for Biofuel Production from Agro‐Waste: Experimental Set‐up and Preliminary Life Cycle Assessment Study

The present study reports the features and set-up of a novel lab-scale fixed bed pyrolysis reactor for the production of solid and liquid bio-fuels from waste biomass. The fixed bed reactor is tested by carrying out pyrolysis experiments using two different waste biomasses. Olive tree trimmings (OT) and olive pulp (OP), olive cultivation and olive mill industries residues respectively, are pyrolyzed, under nitrogen atmosphere, between 200 and 650 °C for a residence time of 0.5 h. The OT and OP pyrolysis chars were characterized in terms of mass yields, high calorific values (HHVs), proximate and elemental analysis. Char mass yields, on a dry basis (d.b.), decreased from 91 to 23 wt% and fro…

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The energy and environmental impacts of Italian households consumptions: An input–output approach

Abstract Promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns is a key challenge for the future, in order to use the Earth resources efficiently, to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, and to decouple the economic growth from the environmental degradation. New or customized methods have to be applied to support decisions makers in the choice of environmental-friendly products, and to select policy priorities and sustainable strategies. A modified input–output model can aid to analyse the relationships among economic growth, energy consumptions and pollutants, in order to assess the energy and environmental impacts due to the actual production and consumption patterns. The following pa…

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Energy performances and life cycle assessment of an Italian wind farm

Abstract Renewable energy sources are often presented as “ clean ”. A more correct definition is that they are “cleaner” than ones based on fossil fuel conversion. When the energy consumption and the environmental impacts related to the plant's life-cycle are considered, a more comprehensive assessment of these technologies can be carried out. This paper aims to evaluate the energy and the environmental performances of the electricity production of a wind farm. The impacts related to all the phases of the wind farm construction and operation have been compared to the environmental benefits due to the “green” electricity generation during its useful life. In other terms, the goal is to trace…

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“A proposal of guidelines for energy certification of the Mediterranean building typologies: the Life project “Sun&Wind”;

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Energy, economic and environmental analysis on RET-hydrogen systems in residential buildings

The aim of this study was to analyze energy, economic and environmental performances of a set of scenarios dealing with the production and the use of hydrogen as energy carriers in residential applications in combination with renewable energy (RE). The authors also made an investigation into the required economic conditions necessary for making H2–RE residential systems competitive with conventional ones, which are based on the use of grid electricity and natural gas. A case study was enacted in a small residential district in Palermo (Italy) made by five multi-storey buildings. Many energy systems have been considered according to several fuel-device combinations (electric grid, fuel cell,…

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Sensitivity analysis to quantify uncertainty in Life Cycle Assessment: The case study of an Italian tile

Abstract The results of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study can be affected by several uncertainty sources, mainly due to the methodological choices, the initial assumptions, i.e. allocation rules, system boundaries and impact assessment methods, and the quality of the available data. Then, the experts should estimate the extent of the above-mentioned sources of uncertainty for improving the reliability and the representativeness of the obtained eco-profiles. To estimate the uncertainty is necessary to obtain reliable, transparent and representative LCA results and to correctly support decision-makers in the selection of different product or process options. The following paper starts from …

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Parametri di traffico urbano nella raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti solidi urbani

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Primary Data Collection and Environmental/Energy Audit of Hot Mix Asphalt Production

The development of the road construction sector determines the consequences on consumption of non-renewable resources, energy expenditure and environmental pollution. Recent sustainability issues have highlighted the importance of efficient design and quality-oriented techniques in this sector, due to the huge amount of materials involved in construction and maintenance activities. Thus, it is necessary to properly quantify the environmental impacts of asphalt mixtures used for pavement construction, considering the whole life cycle of the products. Life cycle assessment (LCA) represents the most appropriate methodological framework for assessing the environmental burdens of a product, from…

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Comparison of the greenhouse gas emissions of a high-rise residential building assessed with different national LCA approaches– IEA EBC Annex 72

Introduction: The international research project IEA EBC Annex 72 investigates the life cycle related environmental impacts caused by buildings. The project aims inter alia to harmonise LCA approaches on buildings. Methods: To identify major commonalities and discrepancies among national LCA approaches, reference buildings were defined to present and compare the national approaches. A residential high-rise building located in Tianjin, China, was selected as one of the reference buildings. The main construction elements are reinforced concrete shear walls, beams and floor slabs. The building has an energy reference area of 4566 m2 and an operational heating energy demand of 250 MJ/m2a. An ex…

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A LCA study for citrus products in the Italian context

A LCA study for citrus products in the Italian context

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Valutare la qualità energetico-ambientale nell’edilizia

The building sector is one of the most important in terms of wealth and employment, but it also involves significant resource consumption and environmental impacts. In particular, it affects the energy balance and the greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. It is responsible for 50-60% of the natural resource consumption and for 40% of the total energy consumption in Europe, and this percentage will increase without strategies and actions aimed at enhancing the use of renewable energy resources. Therefore, the reduction of resource consumption and the minimization of environmental impacts have become in recent years the main goals in the design and construction of sustainable buildings (eco-des…

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Un approccio combinato neurale e geostatistico per la stima dei campi di vento in Sicilia

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Life cycle energy performances and environmental impacts of a prefabricated building module

Abstract The paper explores the energy performances and environmental impacts of a prefabricated building module located in Messina (Sicily, Italy) through an approach that combines both the non-steady state building simulation and the Life Cycle Assessment methodology. The building uses renewable energy technologies and is usable in emergency situations or as simply temporary housing. Results show that the building module causes the emission of 1.5 t of CO2eq/m2 and consumes 29.2 GJ/m2 of primary energy during its life cycle. The building achieves the Net Zero Energy Building target even if it has relevant environmental impacts in the materials production stage (72% on average of the total…

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Life Cycle Assessment of Luminescent Solar Concentrators Integrated into a Smart Window

Energies : open-access journal of related scientific research, technology development and studies in policy and management 16(4), 1869 (2023). doi:10.3390/en16041869

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Life Cycle Assessment della pirolisi di biomasse residuali dal settore agro – alimentare

Il presente studio si propone di valutare gli impatti energetico - ambientali connessi al processo di pirolisi di rifiuti agro – alimentari attraverso l’applicazione della metodologia Life Cycle Assessment seguendo un approccio dalla culla al cancello. Il sistema analizzato consiste in un reattore di pirolisi al quarzo a letto fisso realizzato a scala di laboratorio. L’unità funzionale per l’analisi è 1 MJ di energia termica potenzialmente generata dalla combustione del bio-char prodotto dalla pirolisi di residui della potatura di olivi e dei residui della spremitura delle arance a tre diverse temperature (400 °C, 500 °C e 650 °C). Lo studio fornisce un ampio set di indicatori ambientali e …

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New exergy criterion in the “multi-criteria” context: a life cycle assessment of two plaster products

This paper deals with the exergy analysis (EXA) of plaster materials and ranks the environmental burdens due to the production of such materials. The calculation of the exergy loss during the whole examined process represents a relevant index, looking at the technology improvement of a process, as a suitable tool in aid of the trade-off of alternative materials in the decision making. A life cycle inventory is performed for building plaster products and the matrix method is used. The authors extend the application of EXA to life cycle assessment, conducting an exergetic life cycle assessment, and propose an exergetic index in the framework of multi-criteria decision making. An exergy balanc…

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PCM thermal storage design in buildings: Experimental studies and applications to solaria in cold climates

Abstract As energy availability and demand often do not match, thermal energy storage plays a crucial role to take advantage of solar radiation in buildings: in particular, latent heat storage via phase-change material is particularly attractive due to its ability to provide high energy storage density. This paper analyzes the performance of a building-integrated thermal storage system to increase the energy performances of solaria in a cold climate. A wall opposing a highly glazed facade (south oriented) is used as thermal storage with phase change materials embedded in the wall. The study is based on both experimental and simulation studies. The concept considered is particularly suited t…

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Energy and environmental impacts of Energy related products (ErP): a case study of biomass-fuelled systems

Abstract Energy-related Products (ErP) account for a large proportion of European energy and natural resource consumption. In 2007, ErP were responsible for the consumption of about 239 Mtoe of electricity and about 555 Mtoe of fuels. In order to reduce the energy and environmental impacts of these products, the European Commission published the Directive 2009/125/EC on the eco-design of ErP. This Directive represents a key component of European policy for improving the energy and environmental performances of products in the internal market. In this context, it is important to develop scientific research aimed at assessing the energy and environmental impacts of ErP, and at defining their …

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Investigation of design strategies and quantification of energy flexibility in buildings: A case-study in southern Italy

Abstract The need for nearly (net) zero energy buildings in the current European landscape does not merely refer to energy balances: the aim to investigate the interaction between generation and load and find sources of technical-economic energy efficiency is marking the rise in interest throughout research and practice of energy flexibility solutions in buildings. In this regard, the study aims at enhancing the energy flexibility of a building in southern Italy through Rule-Based Control algorithms for the control of the space heating system and the charge and discharge of an electricity storage. The influence of electricity pricing and the thermal comfort conditions on flexibility is also…

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Energy and environmental management protocols of an agrocombined system for biogas production from biomass waste: the experience of the project Italy Tunisia VEDe.R

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Analysis of Load Match in Nearly Zero Energy Buildings

The concept of load matching refers to the degree of agreement or disagreement of the on-site generation with the building load profiles: it can be increased and optimised with modifications on both the energy demand and generation. In this context, the paper presents the load match analysis of a case study: a modular housing construction (it has an area of 45 m 2 and S/V ratio equal to 2.75 m −1 ) built in Messina (Italy). Moreover, in order to optimize the design of the next test module to be built, a parametric analysis was performed considering different scenarios on the generation side, to explore the effectiveness of the solutions sets used in current design and plan different solutio…

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Solar heating and cooling systems versus conventional systems assisted by photovoltaic: Application of a simplified LCA tool

Abstract Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an effective methodology to assess the energy and environmental impacts of energy systems during their life cycle, including manufacturing, operation and end-of-life. The aim of the paper is the application of a simplified LCA tool, developed in the framework of the International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling Task 48, for comparing different typologies of solar assisted heating and cooling systems. In detail, solar thermal heating and cooling systems located in Palermo (southern Italy) and in Zurich (Switzerland) were compared with conventional systems assisted by grid connected and stand-alone photovoltaic plants. A validation of the tool w…

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Managing Municipal Solid Waste: Energetic and Environmetal Comparison among different options

Goal. This research aims to assess the environmental effects of integrated strategies in a municipal waste management system. In particular, analysis is focused on a waste stream in Palermo, where landfill involves the prompt disposal of the most waste after collection. The current local management system is compared with two integrated waste management alternatives. Both the options comply with Italian regulations, but each one predicts adopting the available technologies in different ways. Methods and objectives. Energetic and environmental balances are carried out in each management system referring to local waste composition in order to quantify energy consumption, the recovery of mater…

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La certificazione energetica – Analisi della direttiva europea

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La Life Cycle Assessment applicata alla valutazione della sostenibilità ambientale del riuso delle batterie da trazione

In un’ottica di economia circolare, le batterie da trazione rimosse dalle auto elettriche possiedono una capacità residua sufficiente per essere riutilizzate in applicazioni stazionarie di seconda vita in edifici residenziali dotati di tecnologie per la produzione di energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabili, allo scopo di aumentare l’autoconsumo degli edifici e ridurre lo stress sulla rete elettrica. In questo contesto, lo studio propone un approccio metodologico che combina la modellizzazione energetica del sistema che fornisce l’energia elettrica richiesta in una specifica applicazione, l’analisi di load – match e la Life Cycle Assessment, da impiegare per identificare la configurazione del…

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A simple tool for life cycle assessment of solar heating and cooling systems

-The assessment of energy and environmental performances of energy conversion systems can be carried out following a life cycle approach, by including the raw materials supply, the production of the plant, the operation and maintenance, and the end-of-life. The paper presents a user-friendly LCA tool for assessing the energy and environmental impacts of solar heating and cooling (SHC) systems following the life cycle approach. The tool was developed within the Task 48 “Quality Assurance & Support Measures for Solar Cooling Systems” of the International Energy Agency and can be used to support researchers, designer and decision-makers to understand the real benefits of SHC technology in …

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Analisi del ciclo di vita nel settore delle costruzioni e database ambientali

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Application of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to Natural Parks and reserves

Natural parks and reserves have to face problems concerning the conservation of their natural resources. Citizens and firms often perceive the institution of new protected areas more as a bind or a restriction to their activities than an added value of the territory. Following the principles of sustainable development, it is necessary to integrate the environmental protection with the needs of neighbouring urban areas and production sites. The implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS) according to international standards (ISO 14001, EMAS) can support the Park administration in their complex management activities. This paper analysed the criticisms related to the application…

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Il tecnico di fronte alla sostenibilità ambientale degli edifici

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The Evaluation of Energy Performances of a Net Zero Energy Building: An Italian Case Study

Over the past decades the impact of construction on the primary energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions has highlighted [1]. The interest of the international scientific community has therefore focused on the concept of a Net Zero Energy Solar Building (NZESB), which is generally defined as a building that produces all primary energy it needs during a year [2]. Among the many research activities focused on these buildings, it should be mentioned the case study developed within the IEA SHC Task 40/ECBS Annex 52 "Towards Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings". The paper shows a case study of a Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) located in Ancona (Italy):“Life Energy And Future (Leaf) House” (L…

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An integrated energy simulation and life cycle assessment to measure the operational and embodied energy of a Mediterranean net zero energy building

Abstract Net Zero Energy Buildings can play a key role in reducing the energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and the use of natural resources associated to the built environment. It is widely recognized that in low energy building a shift in relevance may occur from the operational to the embodied impacts. However, building performance assessment focus mostly on the operational phase and on primary energy consumption. This study aims to assess the energy and environmental impacts of a residential net zero energy building expanding the analysis to the full life cycle and to a wide range of environmental impact categories. The methodological approach integrates a non-steady state building ener…

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Modeling and design of Net ZEBs as integrated energy systems

Net-zero energy buildings (Net ZEBs) are emerging as a quantifiable design concept and a promising solution to minimizing the environmental impact of buildings. This is the main concept that is focused on this chapter with emphasis on dynamic modeling and examples of technological approaches to achieve net-zero energy. Appropriate modeling of building-integrated solar energy systems is essential for the design of Net ZEBs and the study of optimal control strategies. The net-zero energy balance may be achieved through a combination of passive and active solar technologies, heat pumps, combined heat and power, and energy efficiency measures to reduce energy consumption for lighting and applia…

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From the LCA of food products to the environmental assessment of protected crops districts: A case-study in the south of Italy

In the present study, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology was applied to evaluate the energy consumption and environmental burdens associated with the production of protected crops in an agricultural district in the Mediterranean region. In this study, LCA was used as a ‘support tool’, to address local policies for sustainable production and consumption patterns, and to create a ‘knowledge base’ for environmental assessment of an extended agricultural production area. The proposed approach combines organisation-specific tools, such as Environmental Management Systems and Environmental Product Declarations, with the environmental management of the district. Questionnaires were distribute…

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Climate change and the building sector: Modelling and energy implications to an office building in southern Europe

Abstract The building sector is one of the most relevant sectors in terms of generation of wealth and occupation, but it is also one of the main contributor to energy use and greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. at the European level it is currently responsible for 36% of CO2 emissions). For these reason this sector must play a key role in achieving a low-carbon economy consistent with the objective of holding the increase of the average temperature of the globe below 2 °C if compared to pre-industrial levels. In this context, the paper analyses the potential impact of climate change on the energy uses for heating and cooling in southern Europe, based on the assumptions of the latest Intergovernm…

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Solar Energy in Sicily and the Regional Energy Master Plan: lessons learnt and proposal for future policies

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Constructal law optimization of a boiler

The paper aims at the optimization of the design of a biomass boiler under the inspiration of the Constructal Law by Bejan. The boiler is of the smoke tubes typology, fuel being biomass pellets. The smoke tubes are 16 and are placed in a staggered configuration. A model is built in MATLAB environment, based on empirical correlations and the mean log temperature methodology. The analysis is based on the development of a wide parametric analysis that involves variations of diameters, numbers and positioning of the tubes. Results are based on the concept of the overall performance coefficient methodology and investigate both the pressure drops variation and the thermal power generated in the d…

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Assessment of Energy and Economic Effectiveness of Photovoltaic Systems Operating in a Dense Urban Context

A methodology that permits testing the level of integration of the photovoltaic technology in urban areas is presented. The percentage of coverage of the electricity demand of grid-connected photovoltaic systems installed on the roofs of buildings were investigated in a district of the city of Palermo (Sicily). After classifying roofs according to their shape, orientation and pitch by means of satellite images provided by Google Earth, the ratio of the productivity of the PV systems and the consumption of electricity of the households was analysed. The results of the energy assessment have been screened considering the economic feasibility of grid-connected photovoltaic systems: the energy …

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A Review of Key Performance Indicators for Building Flexibility Quantification to Support the Clean Energy Transition

The transition to a sustainable society and a carbon-neutral economy by 2050 requires extensive deployment of renewable energy sources that, due to the aleatority and non-programmability of most of them, may seriously affect the stability of existing power grids. In this context, buildings are increasingly being seen as a potential source of energy flexibility for the power grid. In literature, key performance indicators, allowing different aspects of the load management, are used to investigate buildings’ energy flexibility. The paper reviews existing indicators developed in the context of theoretical, experimental and numerical studies on flexible buildings, outlining the current status a…

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Life Cycle Environmental Assessment of Energy Valorization of the Residual Agro-Food Industry

This study assesses the potential environmental impacts related to the energy valorization of agro-food industry waste thought the Life Cycle Assessment methodology (ISO 14040). The system examined consists of a real anaerobic digester coupled with a combined anaerobic digester and heat and power plant (AD-CHP) operating in Sicily. The analysis accounts for all the impacts occurring from the delivery of the biomass to the AD-CHP plant up to the electricity generation in the CHP. The main outcomes of the study include the eco-profile of the energy system providing electricity and the assessment of the contribution of each life cycle phase aimed at identifying the potential improvement area. …

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A generalization of the orthogonal regression technique for life cycle inventory

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a method used to quantify the environmental impacts of a product, process, or service across its whole life cycle. One of the problems occurring when the system at hand involves processes delivering more than one valuable output is the apportionment of resource consumption and environmental burdens in the correct proportion amongst the products. The mathematical formulation of the problem is represented by the solution of an over-determined system of linear equations. The paper describes the application of an iterative algorithm for the implementation of least square regression to solve this over-determined system directly in its rectangular form. The applied …

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Forecasting household electricity consumption with a neural network-based approach

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La LCA di sistemi solari per il condizionamento

L'edilizia è uno dei settori più rilevanti in termini di produzione di ricchezza e di occupazione, ma è anche responsabile di significati consumi di risorse naturali e impatti ambientali. SI stima, infatti, che nell'Unione Europea l'edilizia sia responsabile del 50/60 % del consumo di risorse naturali, e tali percentuali difficilmente decresceranno senza l'avvio di strategie e azioni orientate alla riduzione dei consumi di combustibili fossili e all'aumento dell'impiego delle risorse rinnovabili.

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Energy and environmental life-cycle impacts of solar-assisted systems: The application of the tool “ELISA”

Abstract Solar heating and cooling (SHC) systems can be relevant in the achievement of energy and climate European goals. The benefits of these technologies should be evaluated taking into account their life-cycle energy and environmental impacts, calculated by applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The development of a complete LCA can be difficult and time-consuming particularly for non-experts in LCA, discouraging them in developing the life-cycle assessments. To overcome this issue, the paper presents “ELISA - Environmental Lifecycle Impacts of Solar Air-conditioning systems”, a user-friendly simplified tool for estimating the life-cycle energy and environmental benefits/impacts of s…

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Le strategie di Produzione e Consumo Sostenibili a supporto delle Piccole e Medie Imprese

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Decision-making in energy planning. Application of the Electre method at regional level for the diffusion of renewable energy technology

The authors show an application of the multicriteria decision-making methodology used to assess an action plan for the diffusion of renewable energy technologies at regional scale. This methodological tool gives the decision-maker considerable help in the selection of the most suitable innovative technologies in the energy sector, according to preliminary fixed objectives. In this paper, a case study is carried out for the island of Sardinia. This region presents, on one hand, a high potential for energy resources exploitation, but on the other hand, it represents a specific case among other Italian regions, because of its socio-economic status and history. Three decision scenarios have bee…

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Multi-Objective Building Envelope Optimization through a Life Cycle Assessment Approach

This work describes a methodology for the identification of the optimal features for the envelope of a residential building. The optimization process allows minimizing operating energy consumption, investment costs and life cycle energy and environmental embodied impacts. A dynamic model for the estimation of building energy consumption during its use phase has been employed, while literature data were adopted for embodied energy and global warming potential impacts. The considered variables refer to the envelope of the building, i.e. external walls and roof insulation and external walls thermal mass. The model was obtained combining EnergyPlus building energy simulator and MOBO, a versatil…

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New exergy criterion in the multicriteria context: a life cycle assessment of two plaster products

This paper deals with the exergy analysis (EXA) of plaster materials and ranks the environmental burdens due to the production of such materials. The calculation of the exergy loss during the whole examined process represents a relevant index, looking at the technology improvement of a process, as a suitable tool in aid of the trade-off of alternative materials in the decision making. A life cycle inventory is performed for building plaster products and the matrix method is used. The authors extend the application of EXA to life cycle assessment, conducting an exergetic life cycle assessment, and propose an exergetic index in the framework of multi-criteria decision making. An exergy balanc…

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Building energy certification in Italy

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Il binomio energia rinnovabile-idrogeno per il fabbisogno energetico di un complesso residenziale. Valutazioni di carattere tecnico-economico

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Life Cycle Assessment of organic and conventional apple supply chains in the North of Italy

Abstract This paper compares the energy and environmental impacts of organic and conventional apples cultivated in the North of Italy, by applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. The authors examined the supply chain of apples, including the input of raw materials and energy sources, the farming step, the post-harvest processes and the distribution of apples to the final users. The paper develops two original contributions: 1) it enhances the limited number of studies on LCA applied to apples; 2) it compares organic and conventional apples produced in lands characterized by the same climatic conditions, to evaluate which of the two products is more competitive from an energy an…

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An overview of sustainability issues in manufacturing and building sector: a life cycle assessment approach

In the latest decades, the industrial consumption of materials and energy has undergone a growth which may exceed the limits of earth resources. Therefore, a strong awareness of the need to use materials and energy in a more efficient way has arisen. A wide research interest on sustainability is present in the modern technical literature: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and Design for Environment (DFE) procedures are nowadays widely investigated in many research labs all over the world. In this context, this paper focuses on LCA approaches in two main fields: manufacturing and building sector. As the former is regarded, sustainability issues are crucial topics and the reduction of e…

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A Simplified LCA Tool for Solar Heating and Cooling Systems

Abstract This paper presents a user-friendly Life Cycle Assessment tool, which aims to support researchers, designers and decision-makers in evaluating the life cycle energy and environmental advantages related to the use of solar heating and cooling (SHC) systems in substitution of conventional ones, considering specific climatic conditions and building loads. The tool was developed within the Task 48 “Quality Assurance & Support Measures for Solar Cooling Systems”, promoted by the International Energy Agency in the framework of the SHC Programme.

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An Italian input–output model for the assessment of energy and environmental benefits arising from retrofit actions of buildings

Abstract The paper presents an energy and environmental extended input–output model combined with the life cycle assessment, applied to assess the energy and environmental benefits arising from the Italian policy of tax deduction for energy retrofit actions of buildings. The study allowed to assess the advantages due to the above policy, taking into account both direct and indirect energy saving and avoided CO 2 emissions obtained with the retrofit actions and indirect energy consumption and related CO 2 emissions due to the realization of the above actions. Moreover, the authors defined an original model to assess the indirect rebound effect caused by the energy saving actions. The obtaine…

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Applicazione della metodologia Life Cycle Assessment al Passito di Pantelleria

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The use of Genetic Algorithms to solve the allocation problems in the Life Cycle Assessment

The paper applies a GA (Genetic Algorithms) to a multi-output productive process of essential oils, natural and concen-trated juices from oranges and lemonsThe results obtained for the case study taken into consideration showed that the application of GA allows to respect the energ y and mass balances for the examined system .

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Impatti energetico-ambientali (e carbon footprint) del settore agroalimentare: il caso studio di tre prodotti siciliani

La sostenibilità ambientale della filiera agro – alimentare è di primaria importanza per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi europei in tema di clima ed energia, considerato che il settore è responsabile di elevati consumi energetici e impatti ambientali. In tale contesto, nel presente lavoro è stata applicata la metodologia Life Cycle Assessment allo scopo di stimare gli impatti energetico – ambientali di tre tipologie di prodotti coltivati in aree di interesse naturalistico: la provola delle Madonie, il pane di Monreale e un olio monovarietale siciliano.

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Analisi energetico-ambientale di impianti ibridi di micro-cogenerazione a energia solare

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Un approccio neural kriging per la stima spaziale dei campi di vento in Sicilia

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Optimal Energy Management of Smart Grids With Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles

In this paper, smart grids based on Renewable Energy Sources are addressed. An Italian case study which has been developed in the frame of the research project i-NEXT (Innovation for green Energy and eXchange in Transportation) is presented. Storage elements are included. Electric and fuel cell powered vehicles' charging stations are here included as local loads. In this paper, power management algorithms and the control logic are described. The control subsystem aims at an efficient management of the involved renewable energy sources avoiding faults in the power system and ensuring a fully functional supply of local loads. A “Service Center” software collecting data from renewable sources,…

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Decision making in energy planning. Application of the electre method at regional level for the diffusion of renewable energy technology

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Life cycle assessment of solid oxide fuel cells and polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: A review

Fuel cells (FCs) are among the key technologies that Europe will have to rely on in order to comply with the most recent environmental targets inspired by decarbonization and circular economy. The assessment of the real advantages of using FCs for producing energy must include a reliable analysis of the energy and environmental impacts during the life cycle of these systems, including the raw materials supply, production, use, and disposal. In this context, the life cycle assessment (LCA) is a well-established methodology for assessing the eco-profile of products and services and for identifying the components and the life cycle steps having the largest contribution to energy and environmen…

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Le certificazioni ambientali nel settore delle costruzioni

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Combined Oxidation-Gasification system for waste treatment with supercritical water: LCA and performance analysis

In this study the environmental performance of a first of a kind integrated process based on supercritical water gasification and supercritical water oxidation, was evaluated using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The process was applied to the treatment of carbon black and used oil as model waste. Mass and energy balances were performed using Aspen Plus, and the environmental assessment was carried out through SimaPro. For the analysis was chosen a “From cradle to grave” approach, considering impact categories like climate change, ozone depletion, human toxicity, particulate matter, land use, resource depletion and others relevant indicators. The environmental profile of SCW-GcO process was co…

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Life Cycle Environmental Impacts and Health Effects of Protein-Rich Food as Meat Alternatives: A Review

The food sector is responsible for a considerable impact on the environment in most environmental contexts: the food supply chain causes greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, reduction in cultivable land, and other environmental impacts. Thus, a change in food supply is required to reduce the environmental impacts caused by the food supply chain and to meet the increasing demand for sufficient and qualitative nutrition. Large herds of livestock are inappropriate to achieve these goals due to the relevant impact of meat supply chain on the environment, e.g., the land used to grow feed for animals is eight times more than that for human nutrition. The search for meat alternatives, espe…

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Life-Cycle Assessment Applied to Future Scenarios of Electricity Generation in Sicily

Fighting global warming and increasing the energy security are some of the most relevant objectives of the European energy policy. Thus, defining potential low carbon pathways for the energy sector is of paramount importance in order to identify strategies with the lowest impact on climate. This paper presents an overview of environmental assessment of future electricity scenarios in Sicily (Italy), for 2020 and 2030, characterized by a high exploitation of renewable energy sources. Authors apply the Life Cycle Assessment methodology, according to the standard of the ISO 14040 series, in order to evaluate the environmental impacts of electricity generation in the future scenarios in compari…

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Applicazione del metodo GBTool ad edifici dell’area mediterranea

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LCA of an Asphalt Mixture Produced in a Southern Italian Plant: Analysis and Perspectives

In recent years, a growing attention on environmental issues affecting all fields and procedures of the productive sectors has raised, aiming to reduce energy and raw-material consumptions and pollution effects on environment. Due to the involved volumes and to the nature of the related materials and productive processes, the civil and road sectors have been strongly invested by this change of perspective. Therefore, a proper estimation of the environmental impacts for the entire life cycle of the asphalt mixtures for road construction and maintenance activities is extremely important. For performing similar investigations, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has become one of the most reliable and…

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Life Cycle Assessment of a compact Desiccant Evaporative Cooling system: The case study of the “Freescoo”

Abstract The paper aims at exploring the performances of a compact Desiccant Evaporative Cooling system called “Freescoo” (Free Solar Cooling) in comparison to standard conventional technologies. The Freescoo – that aims at applications in the residential sector and in small office buildings and includes a photovoltaic–thermal system – is analyzed, its monitored performance discussed and reported: under cooling conditions an Energy Efficiency Ratio of 12.8 is calculated, that reaches 50.7 if also photovoltaic generation is considered. To assess the performance of the proposed system a Life Cycle Assessment study was performed to investigate the system covering all its life, from the product…

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Refurbishment scenario to shift nearly net ZEBs towards net ZEB target: an Italian case study

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Energy-related GHG emissions balances: IPCC versus LCA

Addressing climate change is one of the greatest environmental challenges. Due to the impact of cities to energy consumption, the involvement of the local authorities in environmental policies is rapidly increasing. The Covenant of Mayors (CoM), launched by the European Commission, is an urban initiative aimed at reducing CO2 emissions. The signatories have to compile the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) balance of their territory and, to do so, they can use the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Moreover, the signatories have to define strategies to reduce the GHG emissions. In this context, authors estimate the GHG balance of an Italian muni…

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Energy and environmental impacts of energy related products: the case study of a device for reducing natural gas consumption in the production of sanitary hot water

The European Commission identified the Energy related Products (ErP) as products that account for a large share of the European energy and natural resources consumption. In order to reduce the energy and environmental impacts of ErP, the European Commission published the Directive 2009/125/EC, which establishes a framework for setting the eco-design requirements for these products. The above Directive represents a key component of the European policy for improving the energy and environmental performance of products on the market. In this context, it is of paramount importance to develop scientific researches aimed to assess the energy and environmental performances of the current products …

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Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Technologies

This chapter analyses the most common solar technologies and assesses their energy and environmental performance, based on a life cycle perspective. After a preliminary description of the main technologies, the chapter presents a review of studies on solar plants, as published in scientific journals in the past decade. Successively, the chapter assesses solar plants in comparison to other renewable and non-renewable based technologies, including a discussion of uncertainties and criticalities in the assessment

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POEMS: A Case Study of an Italian Wine-Producing Firm

Over the last decade, researchers paid much attention to concepts such as Design for Environment, Extended Producer Responsibility, Responsible Chain Management, and Eco-design. Many management tools and standards (such as EMAS, ISO 14001, LCA, EPD, Ecolabel) have been developed to support companies in the evaluation and management of their environmental performance and to pursue continual environmental improvement. The more recent development of the aforesaid fields looks at interorganizational environmental management. Such an approach can complement the more traditional intraorganizational corporate environmental management approaches and tools. A typical example of this new trend is the…

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The paper presents an application of the Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) to the planning and environmental management of an ‘‘eco-industrial cluster.’’ A feasibility study of industrial symbiosis in southern Italy is carried out, where interlinked companies share subproducts and scraps, services, structures, and plants to reduce the related environmental impact. In particular, the research focuses on new recycling solutions to create open recycling loops in which plastic subproducts and scraps are transferred to external production systems. The main environmental benefits are the reduction of resource depletion, air emissions, and landfilled wastes. The proposed strategies are also economically…

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Economic Allocation in Life Cycle Assessment The State of the Art and Discussion of Examples

Summary This article examines methods for analyzing allocation in life cycle assessment (LCA); it focuses on comparisons of economic allocation with other feasible alternatives. The International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) guideline 14044 indicates that economic allocation should only be used as a last resort, when other methods are not suitable. However, the LCA literature reports several examples of the use of economic allocation. This is due partly to its simplicity and partly to its ability to illustrate the properties of complex systems. Sometimes a price summarizes complex attributes of product or service quality that cannot be easily measured by physical criteria. On th…

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Assessment of technical and economical potential of biomass exploitation in Sicily – A GIS based methodology

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An Innovative Photovoltaic Luminescent Solar Concentrator Window: Energy and Environmental Aspects

Over the years, different types of smart windows have been tested and developed. In this study, an innovative prototype of a photovoltaic smart window, that integrates luminescent solar concentrators, was analysed. The device independently regulates the movement of the shading system and allows energy surplus, through the electricity generated by modules. Considering the peculiar structure (characterized by the presence of a light shelf) and the thermal characteristics of the device, the analyses focused on optical, thermal, and electrical performances, comparing them with those of a traditional window. The analysis followed an experimental approach that involved lighting and electrical mon…

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I database ambientali per l’edilizia

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Life cycle GHG and energy balance of organic apples: a case study in Italy

The main household environmental impacts are concentrated in food, transport and building sectors. The food sector is responsible for 20-30% of the various environmental impacts due to the final consumptions, and in the case of eutrophication for even more than 50% (Tukker at al., 2006). Every stage of the production and consumption chain of food, from growing crops, to transportation and storage, manufacturing, distribution, purchasing and consumption, and treatment of waste, has environmental effects. Consumers choices can significantly influence the environmental impacts of production, retail and distribution phases of food (EEA, 2005). In particular, they can choose to consume more orga…

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The use of genetic algorithms to solve the allocation problems in the life cycle inventory

One of the most controversial issues in the development of Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) is the allocation procedure, which consists in the partition and distribution of economic flows and environmental burdens among to each of the products of a multi-output system. Because of the use of the allocation represents a source of uncertainty in the LCI results, the authors present a new approach based on genetic algorithms (GAs) to solve the multi-output systems characterized by a rectangular matrix of technological coefficients, without using computational methods such as the allocation procedure. In this Chapter, the GAs' approach is applied to an ancillary case study related to a cogeneration pr…

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LCA applicata alle tecnologie alimentate da energia solare: peculiarità e limiti metodologici

La Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) rappresenta una metodologia valida ed affidabile per la valutazione degli impatti energetico-ambientali connessi al ciclo di vita delle tecnologie alimentate da fonti rinnovabili di energia. Il lavoro di seguito presentato focalizza l’attenzione sui sistemi alimentati da energia solare. Gli autori, dopo un’analisi degli studi di letteratura inerenti la LCA applicata ai sistemi solari termici e fotovoltaici, descrivono le principali questioni metodologiche connesse alla valutazione delle prestazioni energetico-ambientali di tali tecnologie.

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A Web-based Weather Monitoring Network in the city of Palermo

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Introduzione - Criteri innovativi per la progettazione e produzione ecocompatibile (Eco-design) di prodotti che consumano energia (EuP) nel settore civile d'utenza

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Life Cycle Assessment and eco-design of building materials: the case study of a Sicilian cement plaster

Buildings in the European Union (EU) account for the largest share of the total EU final energy consumption (42%), and greenhouse gas emissions (35%). Therefore, the reduction of energy use, the development of quality-oriented processes and the improvement of energy performance in the building sector are important measures needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the energy dependency of the European Union from foreign countries. In this context, it is necessary to develop sustainable building products, with low energy and environmental impacts during their life cycle, from the extraction of raw material to the manufacturing, use and end-of-life. The main goal of the study is to define…

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Application of Sustainable building indexes in the Mediterranean Constructions

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Effect of Climate Change on Building Performance: the Role of Ventilative Cooling

Climate Change represents a priority, due to the large variety of implications and importance that it has reached throughout the last decades. In an effort to address this global and local challenge and in order to restrict temperature rise to 2 °C over the next century, it will need to address this topic from several angles, as confirmed by the last COP meetings in Paris and in Marrakech. In this context, the paper presents the modelling and assessment of ventilative cooling applicability in the future of the Mediteranean area under the effects of climate change. Results show that natural ventilation will continue to be of paramount importance in the Mediterranean climate but its highest e…

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Life cycle assessment of solar communities

Abstract This study presents the comparison of the life cycle performance of two different urban energy systems, applied to a large mixed-use community, in Calgary (Canada). The two systems investigated consist of an energy efficient conventional system, using heat pumps for heating, cooling and domestic hot water; the second design widely deploys solar thermal panels coupled to district heating infrastructure and a borehole seasonal thermal storage. The analysis is based on the Life Cycle Assessment methodology and includes the stages of raw materials and energy supply, system manufacturing, use stage of the systems, generation and use of energy on-site, maintenance and components’ substit…

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Design of the seismic retrofit of a school in accordance to a life cycle thinking approach

The public consciousness of the seismic risk is continuously increasing, although the damage on existing and older buildings due to earthquakes is still high, due to a former structural design not accounting for the latest knowledge achieved in the seismic field. This is particularly true considering the damage recorded in the last earthquakes that hit Central Italy in August and October 2016. The paper deals with the repair actions required in the elementary school of Pievebovigliana (Macerata-Italy) after the aforementioned seismic events. The school is a one-story building characterized by an irregular plan layout; masonry walls with regular blocks are the main supporting structure. An a…

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Wind speed spatial estimation for energy planning in Sicily: introduction and statistical analysis

Abstract The exploitation of the renewable energy sources plays a key role for achieving the CO 2 emissions reduction targets established by the Kyoto Protocol, as well as for facing the shortage of world fossil fuels reserves. In countries like Italy, with an high potential in terms of wind power generation, an efficient energy planning based on renewables is a very complex task. It encompasses many aspects: the resource availability assessment, the compliance with environmental and legislative constraints and last, but not least, the technical aspects linked to the safe integration to the grid of the intermittent power generated by the wind farms. This paper is the first part of a study a…

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Valutazione della sostenibilità delle tecnologie: prime riflessioni e future attività

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The role of LCA in reporting emission inventories for municipalities: experiences from the Convenant of Majors

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Strumenti per la valutazione ambientale degli edifici

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Energy and environmental benefits of circular economy strategies: The case study of reusing used batteries from electric vehicles

Abstract According to recent literature and technical analyses, used batteries from electric vehicles can still be used, before the final treatment at the end-of-life, in stationary applications that are usually less stressing than the automotive ones. In this framework, a circular economy inspired pathway is emerging between the building and the transportation sector, generally called “second life” of batteries. Used batteries from electric vehicles can be re-used in residential buildings together with renewable electricity generation technologies to improve the matching between the highly variable electricity generation from renewables and the electricity demand in buildings. This study a…

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A bottom-up harmonized energy-environmental models for europe (BOHEEME): A case study on the thermal insulation of the EU-28 building stock

Abstract The paper presents a methodological approach, called “BOttom-up Harmonized Energy-Environmental Models for Europe” (BOHEEME), that combines bottom-up modeling, energy dynamic simulation, and life cycle assessment for evaluating and comparing the energy and environmental effects of different renovation strategies of the residential EU building stocks, from micro to the macro level. The study defines 672 building models representative of the residential EU-28 building stocks built before 2010, called archetypes, and the improvement of their envelope, applying different insulation materials from a traditional one to bio-based materials and studying their environmental effects via LCA.…

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Energy flexibility in Mediterranean buildings: a case-study in Sicily

Since the building sector is responsible for 40% of the world’s electricity demand, it is essential to act on it in order to reduce emissions of climate change gases on a global scale, as expressed also in the latest directive on the energy performance of buildings. A design approach that focuses on the energy flexibility of buildings can contribute to the improvement of its energy-environmental performances. In this context, the objective of the study is the analysis of the energy performance of a residential building in Sicily and the definition of strategies aimed at increasing its energy flexibility. In particular, the case study is a 631 m2 single-family house, modeled and simulated in…

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The influence of air conditioning systems on the residential electricity consumptions: a neural network application

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Energy and Environmental Analysis of an Italian Wind Farm

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La Life Cycle Assessment come strumento di supporto per le piccole e medie imprese: un caso studio siciliano

L’Unione Europea mira ad orientare il mercato verso una crescente domanda di prodotti e servizi ecoefficienti ed eco-sostenibili. Le PMI, per essere competitive sul mercato, hanno la necessità di superare il gap tecnologico e di competenze che spesso le caratterizza ed avviare processi produttivi eco-orientati. In tale contesto nasce il Centro di Ricerca Italo-Maltese per la Sostenibilità Ambientale e le Fonti Rinnovabili (CRIM-SAFRI), che si propone di offrire una significativa opportunità di crescita e sviluppo per il tessuto produttivo dell’area del Mediterraneo, contribuire a ridurre i consumi energetici, le emissioni di gas serra e di altre sostanze inquinanti connessi ai processi prod…

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Towards Positive Energy Districts: Energy Renovation of a Mediterranean District and Activation of Energy Flexibility

The paper presents the analysis of energy retrofitting, integration of renewable energy and activation of energy flexibility in a cluster of buildings in the surroundings of a port on the Mediterranean Sea in Southern Italy, with the aim of checking the potential for it to achieve the status of positive energy district (PED). The objective of this study is to improve the contemporaneity between local energy generation and energy demand and reduce CO2eq emissions by considering signals that reflect the environmental variability of the electricity grid, through flexibility solutions applied to the HVAC system. The proposed scenarios are based on the dynamic simulation of the district and anal…

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Luminescent Solar Concentrator (LSC): preliminary phases of the LCA analysis applied to the Smart Window-LSC

Luminescent solar concentrators (LSC) represent one of the innovative technologies related to Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics (BIPV). T hanks to their characteristic of being semi-transparent and of functioning both with direct and diffused radiation, the se devices can be integrated to the surface of the buildings, in particular in replacement of openings such as skylights or windows. They do not require solar tracking systems that are used in classic solar concentrators and allow reducing the presence of silicon compared to traditional photovoltaic panels.

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Eco-profilo di un laterizio porizzato: confronto con altri manufatti surrogabili

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Studio di fattibilità di un impianto per la produzione e accumulo di idrogeno da energia eolica per trasporto pubblico urbano nella Sicilia occidentale

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Different energy balances for the redesign of nearly net zero energy buildings: An Italian case study

Abstract The currently developing concept of a Net Zero Energy Building introduces new challenges and research problems. The calculation of a net zero energy balance is heavily influenced by the energy carrier weighting factors that are chosen, which can deeply influence the future energy market towards adopting specific energy technologies. The following paper proposes an analysis of different definitions and conventions for Net Zero Energy Buildings that employ different calculation methodologies and apply different weighting factors to an Italian case study. The case study, which is called “the Leaf House”, is one of the first examples of a nearly net zero energy building in Italy. A bui…

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Gestione rifiuti, caso studio: blocco da materiale riciclato

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Life Cycle Assessment for Supporting Eco-Design: The Case Study of Sodium–Nickel Chloride Cells

The European Union is moving towards a sustainable, decarbonized, and circular economy. It has identified seven key value chains in which to intervene, with the battery and vehicle value chain being one of them. Thus, actions and strategies for the sustainability of batteries need to be developed. Since Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a strategic tool for evaluating environmental sustainability, this paper investigates its application to two configurations of a sodium–nickel chloride cell (planar and tubular), focusing on the active material and the anode, with the purpose of identifying the configuration characterized by the lowest environmental impacts. The results, based on a “from cradle…

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Building Energy Performance: A LCA Case Study of kenaf-fibres insulation board

Abstract The paper presents a life cycle assessment of a kenaf-fibre insulation board following the international standards of the ISO 14040 series. Each life-cycle step has been checked, from kenaf production and board manufacture by an Italian firm, to use and disposal. The aim is to assess the board eco-profile and to compare, on the basis of a life-cycle approach, the energy and environmental benefits and drawbacks related to its employment into a typical residential dwelling. A comparison among various insulating materials has been carried out. The study focuses also on processes and input materials which cause the main environmental impacts of the product, and points out critical issu…

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Wind Energy Potential and its Sustainable Implementation in Sicily - A GIS Based Methodolgy

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Comparison of the environmental assessment of an identical office building with national methods

The IEA EBC Annex 72 focuses on the assessment of the primary energy demand, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impacts of buildings during production, construction, use (including repair and replacement) and end of life (dismantling), i.e. during the entire life cycle of buildings. In one of its activities, reference buildings (size, materialisation, operational energy demand, etc.) were defined on which the existing national assessment methods are applied using national (if available) databases and (national/regional) approaches. The ?be2226? office building in Lustenau, Austria was selected as one of the reference buildings. TU Graz established a BIM model and quantified the amou…

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Preface of "Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Systems and Sustainable Energy Technologies. The Italian Experience"

This book deals with the application of life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to sustainable energy systems and technologies. It reviews the state-of-the-art of the Italian experiences on the LCA applied to energy, and the most recent results from research in this field, with a particular focus on renewables, bio-energy and sustainable solutions.

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Impatti energetico-ambientali connessi alla produzione di energia elettrica in Sicilia

Negli ultimi anni l’attenzione verso le problematiche connesse al cambiamento climatico e all’approvvigionamento energetico è diventata sempre più rilevante. L’Unione Europea ha approvato il “pacchetto clima-energia” che mira, entro il 2030, a ridurre le emissioni di gas ad effetto serra del 40% rispetto al 1990 e ad incrementare la quota di energia prodotta da fonti rinnovabili almeno al 27%. Per iniziare a stimare i benefici indotti dall’incremento della produzione di elettricità da fonti rinnovabili, nel presente lavoro vengono stimati gli impatti energetico-ambientali connessi alla produzione di 1 kWh di energia elettrica in Sicilia nell’arco temporale 2000 – 2011, tramite l’applicazion…

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Analisi di inventario di un sistema di valorizzazione energetica di biomasse residuali di origine forestale in un’ottica di ciclo di vita

Il presente lavoro descrive i risultati dell’analisi di inventario di un impianto integrato “gassificatore – cogeneratore” impiegato per la valorizzazione energetica di biomasse residuali di origine forestale, in un’ottica di ciclo di vita. Il sistema gassificatore – cogeneratore è un prototipo realizzato presso il laboratorio di Bioenergia e Biocombustibili dell’Università di Bolzano. L’impianto è costituito da un gassificatore down-draft e un cogeneratore con motore diesel dual – fuel e una potenza elettrica di 3 kW. L’analisi di inventario è stata sviluppata in accordo agli standard della serie ISO 14040. L’unità funzionale (UF) è 1 kWh di energia elettrica immessa in rete. I confini del…

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Approccio “Life Cycle Thinking” applicato alla riparazione di una scuola danneggiata dal terremoto dell’Italia centrale

L’adeguamento sismico ed il miglioramento energetico delle strutture sono diventati al giorno d’oggi una priorità. Buona parte del patrimonio edilizio esistente si trova in stato di grande obsolescenza strutturale, architettonica ed energetica. Oltre alla prevenzione, tuttavia, un aspetto molto importante riguarda la riparazione e riqualificazione degli edifici resi inagibili dagli eventi sismici recentemente accaduti nel territorio nazionale. In modo particolare, nel presente articolo verrà preso in considerazione un edificio del plesso scolastico sito nel Comune di Pievebovigliana, provincia di Macerata, danneggiato dai terremoti che hanno colpito l’Italia centrale il 24.08.2016 e il 30.1…

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Towards achieving net-zero energy communities: Investigation of design strategies and seasonal solar collection and storage net-zero

Abstract This paper explores a solar mixed-use community and its potential towards achieving net-zero energy status. This mixed-use community combines residential and commercial/institutional buildings. Energy performance of this neighbourhood is estimated in terms of energy consumption and generation potential by means of building integrated PV systems. A solar thermal collector system combined with a borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) is designed to investigate the impact on the overall performance of the neighbourhood. The design of solar thermal collectors and the sizing of short-term thermal energy storage is based on the analysis of the thermal loads for heating and domestic hot w…

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Integrazione della LCA nella simulazione termofisica degli edifici: un’applicazione in ambiente TRNSYS

I sistemi “edificio-impianto” di nuova costruzione, caratterizzati da migliori prestazioni energetiche, stanno riducendo sensibilmente gli impatti energetico-ambientali connessi alla loro fase d’uso. Per quantificare i costi energetici ed ambientali necessari ad ottenere tali prestazioni è necessario l’utilizzo di un approccio integrato alla progettazione, che coinvolga sia una simulazione termofisica della fase d’uso, che uno studio di Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) applicato all’intero ciclo di vita dell’edificio. L’articolo presenta un componente informatico innovativo integrato in ambiente TRNSYS che permette di integrare uno studio LCA di un edificio alla simulazione termofisica, in accor…

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Integration of Building Simulation and Life Cycle Assessment: A TRNSYS Application

Abstract The study proposes a tool developed within the TRNSYS environment aimed at integrating its building simulation features during the use phase with a Life Cycle Assessment approach. The tool can be used to investigate the relevance of each life-cycle step of the building on the primary energy consumption and global warming potential. The Life Cycle stages can be modelled with different approaches: direct input of the embodied energy and global warming potential values for each life cycle step as defined in the EN 15978, use of an internal database of embodied energy and global warming potential of construction materials and energy systems, direct connections of building simulation ou…

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Redesign of a Rural Building in a Heritage Site in Italy: Towards the Net Zero Energy Target

In order to achieve the ambitious objective of decarbonising the economy, it is mandatory, especially in Europe and in Italy, to include the retrofitting of existing buildings. In a country where a large share of existing buildings have heritage value, it is important to design effective retrofit solutions also in historical buildings. In this context, the paper describes the experience of re-design of an existing rural building located in Sicily, inside the ancient Greeks' “Valley of the Temples”. An energy audit was performed on the building, and its energy uses were thoroughly investigated. A building model was developed in the TRNSYS environment and its performances validated. The valid…

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Luminescent Solar Concentrator (LSC): principio di funzionamento e fasi preliminari dell’analisi LCA applicata alla Smart Window-LSC

Una delle tecnologie più promettenti nel panorama dei sistemi fotovoltaici integrati negli edifici è quella dei concentratori solari luminescenti (LSC - Luminescent Solar Concentrator). La peculiarità di questi dispositivi risiede nel fatto che possono essere installati in zone dell’edificio difficilmente sfruttabili da altre tecnologie fotovoltaiche, in particolare in sostituzione di aperture quali lucernari o finestre, grazie alla loro caratteristica di essere semi-trasparenti e di funzionare sia con radiazione solare diretta che diffusa. L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è stato ricostruire i percorsi di produzione dei principali componenti del pannello LSC, in modo da ottenere un parziale…

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Life cycle assessment of a solar thermal collector

Abstract The renewable energy sources are often presented as ‘clean’ sources, not considering the environmental impacts related to their manufacture. The production of the renewable plants, like every production process, entails a consumption of energy and raw materials as well as the release of pollutants. Furthermore, the impacts related to some life cycle phases (as maintenance or installation) are sometimes neglected or not adequately investigated. The energy and the environmental performances of one of the most common renewable technologies have been studied: the solar thermal collector for sanitary warm water demand. A life cycle assessment (LCA) has been performed following the inter…

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L'applicazione della Direttiva ErP presso le piccole e medie imprese: punti di forza e criticità

La Direttiva ErP sulla progettazione ecocompatibile dei prodotti connessi all’energia richiede che le imprese applichino dei criteri di eco-design orientati alla riduzione degli impatti energetico-ambientali lungo tutte le fasi del ciclo di vita dei loro prodotti. In tale contesto la Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) rappresenta uno strumento di fondamentale importanza per individuare le “key issues” energetico-ambientali connesse ai processi produttivi. L’articolo presenta i risultati di una LCA applicata ad una caldaia a biomassa prodotta in Sicilia, evidenziando i punti di forza e le criticità connessi all’attuazione della Direttiva da parte delle piccole e medie imprese.

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The role of the building sector for reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gases: An Italian case study

The paper presents one of the first Italian experiences assessing the effectiveness of sustainable production and consumption strategies. The authors developed an energy and environmental extended input–output model, combined with the life cycle assessment, to analyse the role of the building sector in the reduction of Italian energy consumption and CO2 emissions. In detail, the model allows to assess the energy and environmental benefits arising from the Italian tax deduction policy for energy retrofit actions of buildings. Moreover, the authors defined an original model to assess the indirect rebound effect caused by the energy retrofit actions. The outcomes of the research point out that…

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Life cycle assessment of Italian citrus-based products. Sensitivity analysis and improvement scenarios

Though many studies concern the agro-food sector in the EU and Italy, and its environmental impacts, literature is quite lacking in works regarding LCA application on citrus products. This paper represents one of the first studies on the environmental impacts of citrus products in order to suggest feasible strategies and actions to improve their environmental performance. In particular, it is part of a research aimed to estimate environmental burdens associated with the production of the following citrus-based products: essential oil, natural juice and concentrated juice from oranges and lemons. The life cycle assessment of these products, published in a previous paper, had highlighted sign…

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La LCA di sistemi di accumulo impiegati nel settore edile

L’edilizia è uno dei settori più rilevanti in termini di produzione di ricchezza e di occupazione, ma è anche responsabile di significativi consumi di risorse naturali e impatti ambientali. Si stima, infatti, che nell’Unione Europea l’edilizia sia responsabile del 50÷60% del consumo di risorse naturali, e tali percentuali sono destinate ad aumentare senza l’avvio di strategie e azioni orientate alla riduzione dei consumi di combustibili fossili e alla promozione delle risorse rinnovabili. Per migliorare l’eco-profilo del settore edile, la riduzione del consumo di risorse e la minimizzazione degli impatti ambientali negli ultimi anni costituiscono gli obiettivi principali da perseguire nella…

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Efficienza energetica ed ambientale delle aree industriali- un caso studio di simbiosi industriale nella provincia di Palermo

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Life cycle assessment of a solar PV/T concentrator system

The paper shows the energy and environmental analysis of a solar low Concentrating Photovoltaic-Thermal (CPVT) system, installed on the roof of the Energy Department building at University of Palermo (Italy). LCA methodology was applied to assess the whole life-cycle of the selected Functional Unit. Data survey from the producing company regarding the consumption of energy sources and of materials were developed. The assessment allowed to identify the steps and the system components addressing the highest energy and environmental impacts. Energy and environmental benefits and drawbacks related to the CPVT system. The research was developed within the National Relevant Research Programme (PR…

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Data fusion analysis applied to different climate change models: An application to the energy consumptions of a building office

Abstract The paper aims to achieve the modelling of climate change effects on heating and cooling in the building sector, through the use of the available Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecasted data. Data from several different climate models will be fused with regards to mean air temperature, wind speed and horizontal solar radiation. Several climatic models data were analysed ranging from January 2006 to December 2100. Rather than considering each model in isolation, we propose a data fusion approach for providing a robust combined model for morphing an existing weather data file. The final aim is simulating future energy use for heating and cooling of a reference building a…

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A photovoltaic panel coupled with a Phase Changing Material heat storage system in hot climates

Nowadays, there is a great impulse in the field of photovoltaic cell systems (PV) to develop new devices with better energy conversion performances and higher cost effectiveness. This paper is focused on the design and development of a modified PV system, consisting of a normal PV panel coupled with a Phase Change Material (PCM). PCMs are "latent" energy storage materials, using chemical bonds to store and release heat. The system is based on the idea that decreasing the operating temperature of the panel causes an increase in its energy conversion efficiency. A theoretical analysis of the system was accomplished by using COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS, a partial differential equations (PDEs) solver. …

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Costructal law, exergy analysis and life cycle energy sustainability assessment: an expanded framework applied to a boiler

Purpose Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) is one of the most relevant tools delving in sustainability science, based currently on the triple bottom line idea that is defined as the contemporary implementation of the three tools of life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle costing (LCC) and social life cycle assessment (S-LCA). The methodology is currently being applied to a wide set of products and systems. However, as per in the large interest towards energy-related products, the sustainability assessment of energy systems—in particular those where fluid streams are used—could be more effective if some further stages could be included in the analysis, i.e. a process level analysis …

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CLCA for Assessing Environmental Impacts of Power Sector in the GHG Policy Context

Purpose: Current greenhouse gas (GHG) policy aims at reducing emissions from power sector. However, there are some known trade-offs of GHG emission reductions, in terms of other types of environmental impacts and impacts on other economic sectors. Consequential life cycle assessment (CLCA) has been developed to assess the environmental impacts of the power sector in relation with changes in the policy and its indirect impacts on other economic sectors. Methods: A systematic review of CLCA method is conducted in the power sector. CLCA studies since 2005 are reviewed in terms of obtained results and methodology to identify whether CLCA is a more suitable approach for assessing environmental i…

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Analisi della correlazione clima consumi elettrici tramite rete neurale artificiale

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La Metodologia dell'Analisi del Ciclo di Vita (LCA) Applicata alle Tecnologie per le Energie Rinnovabili

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Hidden energy and environmental loads of solar thermal collectors: A case study.

The general aim of this work was to investigate a solar thermal collector and the energetic and environmental impacts related to this renewable technology. It was realised an eco-profile of an exemplary equipment, calculating the Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) and the Cumulative Emissions related to the production and use of a collector and the energy (or emissions) saved employing the renewable technology.

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Environmental Assessment of a Hybrid Energy System Supporting a Smart Polygeneration Micro-grid

To support the global transition towards a climate-neutral economy by 2050, countries all over the world are implementing low carbon and energy effi ciency policies. This is leading to a rapid increase in the installations of distributed generation technologies. A hybrid system consisting of two or more energy sources could provide a more reliable supply of energy and mitigate storage require ments. In this context, this paper develops an environmental early analysis by the employment of a simplified Life Cycle Assessment approach. The above mentioned approach is used to investigate the environmental performances of the hybrid energy system of the smart polygeneration micro-grid of the Univ…

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Sustainable Strategies and Industrial Ecology: a new Approach for the Environmental Management

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Materiali edilizi e sostenibilità

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Reuse of electric vehicle batteries in buildings: An integrated load match analysis and life cycle assessment approach

Abstract The increasing use of renewable energy technologies for electricity generation in buildings will require a growing number of battery energy storage systems (BESS) to enhance the reliability of electricity supply. The increasing number of retired electric vehicle (EV) batteries, expected from the automotive sector, can match this demand as EV batteries can be used as BESS, considering that they have about 80% of their original energy capacity. In this context, the study aims at examining the system, consisting of a BESS made by retired Li-ion EV batteries, a photovoltaic plant (20 kW) and the electricity grid, that provides the electricity required by an existing nearly net zero res…

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A GIS-based optimization model finalized to the localization of new power-to-gas plants: The case study of Sicily (Italy)

In 2020 the European Commission approved the GND (Green New Deal), a strategic plan aimed at the decarbonization of the EU by 2050. In this scenario, the diffusion of alternative renewable energy sources (RESs) play a key role, particularly electric energy production from wind and photovoltaic power plants. Regardless, the nonprogrammable nature of these power sources led recent studies to focus the interest on the power-to-gas solution (PtG), consisting of the electrolytic transformation of excesses of unused electric energy into hydrogen. The complexity of this technology requires the development of strategic optimization models aimed at finding the best locations for new PtG plants in sp…

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Effetti energetico-ambientali di interventi di retrofit su un edificio residenziale monofamiliare in area mediterranea

Gli interventi di retrofit sugli edifici esistenti costituiscono soluzioni tecnologiche fondamentali al fine di ridurre i consumi energetici e gli impatti ambientali degli edifici in fase di uso e di raggiungere condizioni di comfort negli spazi confinati. Per poter raggiungere gli obiettivi fissati dall’Unione Europea relativi alla diminuzione dei consumi di energia del settore civile, occorre individuare quali siano gli edifici che per primi devono essere sottoposti a interventi di retrofit e devono individuare le azioni che intendono promuovere. Questo capitolo rappresenta un utile strumento, per le amministrazioni così come per gli utenti finali, per stimare il risparmio di energia cons…

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Overview and future challenges of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) design in Southern Europe

In times of great transition of the European construction sector to energy efficient and nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB), a market observation containing qualitative and quantitative indications should help to fill out some of the current gaps concerning the EU 2020 carbon targets. Next to the economic challenges, there are equally important factors that hinder renovating the existing residential building stock and adding newly constructed high performance buildings. Under these circumstances this paper summarises the findings of a cross-comparative study of the societal and technical barriers of nZEB implementation in 7 Southern European countries. The study analyses the present situat…

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Computer Fluid Dynamics Assessment of an Active Ventilated Façade Integrating Distributed MPPT and Battery

Ventilated Façades integrated with photovoltaic panels have become a popular way to improve both the thermal-physical performances of the existing built environment. The increased usage of not-programmable renewable energy sources implies the adoption of energy storage systems to mitigate the mismatch between the power generation and the building’s demand. Aiming at properly integrates a photovoltaic panel and a battery (Lithium based) as a module of an active ventilated façade, the prototype design has been carried out in terms of thermo-fluid dynamics performance. Based on experimental setup, a numerical study of flow through the air cavity of the active ventilated façade has been carried…

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Is the transfer function method reliable in a European building context? A theoretical analysis and a case study in the South of Italy

Abstract The available tools for dynamic simulation of the buildings thermal behaviour are manifold, and the most modern ones, known as TRNSYS, are founded upon the use of the Z-transform (ZT) set also called transfer function method (TFM). The transfer function method (TFM), recommended by American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), is one of the most modern tools available to solve heat transfer problems in building envelopes and environments. TFM utilises Z-transforms to solve the equation system that describes the heat transfer in a multi-layered wall. Due to an analogy with an electric circuit, it is possible to write the equation system in a mat…

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Second life employment of a traction battery for load match optimisation of a residential building: Life cycle and operation applications

The increasing use of renewable energy technologies for the electricity generation in buildings will require a growing number of energy storage systems (ESSs) in the next years in order to reduce the mismatch between the highly variable on-site electricity generation and the building load. Retired electric vehicle batteries (EVBs), before recycling, can be used for this purpose, considering that they have about 80% of the original energy capacity. In this context, the study aims at examining an ESS made by retired EVBs, in order to identify its optimal size for reducing the mismatch in a net zero energy building equipped with a photovoltaic plant and to assess the life cycle energy and envi…

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Life Cycle Assessment of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Abstract Fuel cells (FCs) are among the key technologies that Europe will have to rely on in order to comply with the most recent environmental targets inspired by decarbonization and circular economy. The assessment of the real advantages of using FCs for producing energy must include a reliable analysis of the energy and environmental impacts during the life cycle of these systems, including the raw materials supply, production, use, and disposal. In this context, the life cycle assessment (LCA) is a well-established methodology for assessing the eco-profile of products and services and for identifying the components and the life cycle steps having the largest contribution to energy and e…

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An innovative approach to manage uncertainties and stock diversity in the EPBD cost-optimal methodology

The EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) 2010/31/EU is a step in the right direction to promote near zero energy buildings (NZEB) in a step-wise manner, starting with minimum energy performance and cost optimal thresholds for “reference buildings” (RBs) for each category. Nevertheless, a standard method for defining RBs does not exist, which led to a great divergence between MS in the level of detail used to define RBs for the EPBD cost-optimal analysis. Such lack of harmonisation between MS is further evident given the resulting large discrepancies in energy performance indicators even between countries having similar climate. Furthermore, discrepancies of 30% or higher betw…

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A neural classifier for the optimal selection of conduction transfer functions

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Forecasting daily urban electric load profiles using artificial neural networks

The paper illustrates a combined approach based on unsupervised and supervised neural networks for the electric energy demand forecasting of a suburban area with a prediction time of 24 h. A preventive classification of the historical load data is performed during the unsupervised stage by means of a Kohonen's self organizing map (SOM). The actual forecast is obtained using a two layered feed forward neural network, trained with the back propagation with momentum learning algorithm. In order to investigate the influence of climate variability on the electricity consumption, the neural network is trained using weather data (temperature, relative humidity, global solar radiation) along with h…

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Benefici ambientali derivanti dall’impiego del vettore energetico idrogeno all’interno di un complesso residenziale

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Purpose: The matrix method for the solution of the so-called inventory problem in LCA generally determines the inventory vector related to a specific system of processes by solving a system of linear equations. The paper proposes a new approach to deal with systems characterized by a rectangular (and thus non-invertible) coefficients matrix. The approach, based on the application of regression techniques, allows solving the system without using computational expedients such as the allocation procedure. Methods: The regression techniques used in the paper are (besides the ordinary least squares, OLS) total least squares (TLS) and data least squares (DLS). In this paper, the authors present t…

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A new approach to model the effect of climate change on the building sector: A climate models data fusion

Several climate models have been developed and used to forecast the effects of the climate changes, however the variability of results due to different models lead to a significant uncertainty on the estimation of the building energy use for the next century. In this context, the paper analyses this uncertainty and combines different climate models in order to improve the robustness of energy consumption predictions. The data of the climate models were then used to generate hourly weather files for the future period 2020-2099 and energy simulations for a case study located in Palermo (Italy) were performed. Results show a wide variability among all models (either alone or combined with our …

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La direttiva EUP per la progettazione ecocompatibile dei prodotti che consumano energia

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Environmental effects of energy policy in sicily: The role of renewable energy

The saving of primary energy from fossil fuels and the promotion of exploitation of renewable sources are two of the most relevant goals to be achieved in order to match the climate protection target fixed by the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. For Italy, the commitment is the reduction of the greenhouse emissions by 6.5% below 1990 levels over the commitment period 2008–2012. It requires the introduction of suitable political strategies and programmes aimed to establish a sustainable energy system together with the application of a set of actions either at national scale, either at regional one. This study presents the results of a survey in the context of the Regione Sicilia about the potential s…

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A Review on Consequential Life Cycle Assessment in the Power Sector

The existing policy for greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement aims at decarbonisation of the power sector. The interrelations between the power sector and other economic sectors raise a question of whether the GHG emission reduction policy in the power sector is as effective as it is claimed. Consequential life cycle assessment (CLCA) has been developed to assess the environmental impacts of any industrial/productive sector in relation with changes in the policy and its indirect impacts on other economic sectors. This review is conducted on CLCA studies in the power sector in terms of system boundaries expansion and socio-economic interactions and the ability to quantify indirect environmental imp…

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Sistema di rilevazione e pubblicazione dati meteo per la città di Palermo.

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ELISA: A simplified tool for evaluating the Environmental Life-cycle Impacts of Solar Air-conditioning systems

The paper presents ELISA, a simplified tool for estimating the Environmental Life-cycle Impacts of Solar Air-conditioning systems. The tool is designed to support researchers, designers and decision makers in a simplified evaluation of the life cycle energy and environmental potential benefits related to the installation of solar heating and cooling systems in substitution of conventional ones. The tool was developed within the research activities of Task 53 “New Generation Solar Cooling & Heating Systems (PV or solar thermally driven systems)” of the International Energy Agency.

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Multi-objective optimization of building life cycle performance. A housing renovation case study in Northern Europe

While the operational energy use of buildings is often regulated in current energy saving policies, their embodied greenhouse gas emissions still have a considerable mitigation potential. The study aims at developing a multi-objective optimization method for design and renovation of buildings incorporating the operational and embodied energy demands, global warming potential, and costs as objective functions. The optimization method was tested on the renovation of an apartment building in Denmark, mainly focusing envelope improvements as roof and exterior wall insulation and windows. Cellulose insulation has been the predominant result, together with fiber cement or aluminum-based cladding …

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Energia incorporata negli edifici a energia netta zero

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Energy and environmental assessment of the institutional catering in Lombardy (Italy)

Climate change calls for decisive actions to match sustainable development goals, among which key factors are the reduction of energy consumption and carbon footprint. Agri-food sector is one of the main priority areas contained in the European Sustainable Production and Consumption policies, aiming to create more sustainable consumption and production patterns and pushing for environmental international agreements for climate change mitigation and national laws for the efficient use of resources. Public restoration plays a central role in the food consumption sector, at least in developed countries. In particular, institutional catering is playing a relevant role in outdoor meals provided …

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Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamic study of an active ventilated façade integrating battery and distributed MPPT

Ventilated Façades integrating photovoltaic panels are a promising way to improve efficiency and the thermal-physical performances of buildings. Due the inherent intermittence of the non-programmable renewable energy sources, their increasing usage implies the use of energy storage systems to mitigate the mismatch between power generation and the buildings’ load demand. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the thermo-fluid dynamic performances of a prototype integrating a photovoltaic cell and a battery as a module of an active ventilated façade. Based on an experimental setup, a numerical study in steady state conditions of flow through the air cavity of the module has been car…

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Energy retrofit of a single-family house: Life cycle net energy saving and environmental benefits

Abstract When a building undergoes a retrofit project, the goal of assessing energy and environmental performances of retrofit actions is a complex matter. Building and its environment are complex systems in which all sub-systems are strongly interdependent and influence the overall efficiency performance. In the following paper, starting from a literature review of building life-cycle studies, the authors highlight that there is a strong interplay among all the phases of a building life-cycle, as each one can affect one or more of the others. In detail, starting from the results of a “cradle to grave” life cycle study of an existing Mediterranean single-family house, a set of retrofit acti…

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Life Cycle Assessment of a building insulating biomaterials. A case study on the Kenaf-fibre thermo insulating board

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Reaching net zero energy at the neighbourhood scale: feasibility studies in the south of Italy

Il concetto di “edificio a energia netta zero” è stato recentemente implementato in tutti i regolamenti dei paesi europei. Tuttavia, l’approccio dettato dall’Europa si concentra principalmente sulla scala dell’edificio singolo, tralasciando alcuni aspetti riguardanti ad esempio l’interazione di generazione e carico tra edifici e le interazioni energetiche tra edifici. L’obiettivo di questo studio consiste nell’applicazione della definizione di net zero energy building ad un gruppo di edifici ubicati nell’Italia meridionale e caratterizzati da una destinazione d’uso variegata. Lo status quo di una ventina di edifici è stato simulato in ambiente energy plus e sono state successivamente selezi…

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Energy and environmental benefits in public buildings as a result of retrofit actions

Abstract The paper presents the results of an energy and environmental assessment of a set of retrofit actions implemented in the framework of the EU Project “BRITA in PuBs” (Bringing Retrofit Innovation to Application in Public Buildings – no: TREN/04/FP6EN/S07.31038/503135). Outcomes arise from a life cycle approach focused on the following issues: (i) construction materials and components used during retrofits; (ii) main components of conventional and renewable energy systems; (iii) impacts related to the building construction, for the different elements and the whole building. The results are presented according to the data format of the Environmental Product Declaration. Synthetic indi…

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Energy and environmental life cycle assessment of an institutional catering service: An Italian case study

Food production is recognised as one of the major drivers for global environmental pressure. In the last years, changes in consumption models result in an increasing population consuming food out of home that pose the catering service sector at the centre of the European Union policies aimed at improving the environmental sustainability of the food sector. In this framework, better technical knowledge on the environmental impacts of catering service is essential in order to identify potential actions towards a more sustainable food sector. This article presents an environmental assessment of a school catering service operating in Italy and delivering approximately 2,518,128 meals per year. …

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A web-based autonomous weather monitoring system of the town of Palermo and its utilization for temperature nowcasting

Weather data are crucial to correctly design buildings and their heating and cooling systems and to assess their energy performances. In the intensely urbanized towns the effect of climatic parameters is further emphasized by the "urban heat island" phenomenon, known as the increase in the air temperature of urban areas, compared to the conditions measured in the extra-urban areas. The analysis of the heat island needs detailed local climate data which can be collected only by a dedicated weather monitoring system. The Department of Energy and Environmental Researches of the University of Palermo has built up a weather monitoring system that works 24 hours per day and makes data available i…

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A comparison of different DC-DC converters for energy storage management in nearly-Zero Energy Buildings

In the recent years, there has been a notable interest towards renewable sources, energy saving and efficiency optimization, in order to reduce the damages brought by fine dust and greenhouse gases in terms of safety, health and environmental protection. In the building sector renewable sources and energy efficiency optimization are leading to a large scale employment of nearly-Zero Energy Buildings (n-ZEBs), meaning that the balance between produced and required energy is negligible. For a proper n-ZEB implementation, a power system architecture has to be accurately designed, according to the existing renewable sources, loads and storage systems. In this paper, an investigation on differen…

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Wind speed spatial estimation for energy planning in Sicily: A neural kriging application

Abstract One of the first steps for the exploitation of any energy source is necessarily represented by its estimation and mapping at the aim of identifying the most suitable areas in terms of energy potential. In the field of renewable energies this is often a very difficult task, because the energy source is in this case characterized by relevant variations over space and time. This implies that any temporal, but also spatial, estimation model has to be able to incorporate this spatial and temporal variability. The paper deals with the spatial estimation of the wind fields in Sicily (Italy) by following a data-driven approach. Starting from the results of a preliminary study, a novel tech…

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Life-cycle optimization of building performance: a collection of case studies

The building sector is one of the most impacting on the energy demand and on the environment in developed countries, together with industry and transports. The European Union introduced the topic of nearly zero-energy building (nZEB) and promoted a deep renovations in the existing building stock with the aim of reducing the energy consumption and environmental impacts of the building sector. The design of a nZEB, and in general of a low-energy building, involves different aspects like the economic cost, the comfort indoor, the energy consumption, the life cycle environmental impacts, the different points of view of policy makers, investors and inhabitants. Thus, the adoption of a multicrite…

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Requisiti di qualità dei dati negli studi di Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) e nelle Dichiarazioni Ambientali di Prodotto (DAP)

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Qualità ambientale degli edifici: analisi della trasferibilità dell’ecolabel europeo per i servizi turistici

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A review of thermochemical energy storage systems for power grid support

Power systems in the future are expected to be characterized by an increasing penetration of renewable energy sources systems. To achieve the ambitious goals of the “clean energy transition”, energy storage is a key factor, needed in power system design and operation as well as power-to-heat, allowing more flexibility linking the power networks and the heating/cooling demands. Thermochemical systems coupled to power-to-heat are receiving an increasing attention due to their better performance in comparison with sensible and latent heat storage technologies, in particular, in terms of storage time dynamics and energy density. In this work, a comprehensive review of the state of art of theore…

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La qualità ambientale nella gestione dei siti di ricerca: considerazioni sulla registrazione EMAS di un dipartimento universitario

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Ottimizzazione Multi-Obiettivo delle Prestazioni Energetiche e Ambientali di un Edificio Residenziale

Il presente lavoro, svolto nell’ambito dell’Annex 72 dell’International Energy Agency, descrive un approccio metodologico volto all’identificazione di interventi ottimali di ristrutturazione da effettuare sull’involucro di un edificio residenziale, permettendo di minimizzare contemporaneamente quattro funzioni obiettivo: i consumi energetici in fase d’uso, i costi d’investimento e gli impatti energetici e ambientali di ciclo di vita. L’ottimizzazione, eseguita tramite un algoritmo multi-obiettivo, ha permesso di identificare gli spessori di materiale isolante e di materiali massivi da aggiungere sul tetto e sulle pareti perimetrali dell’involucro edilizio per minimizzare le quattro funzioni…

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A Set of Key Performance Indicators for Solar Heating and Cooling Systems

The application of solar heating and cooling systems for building air-conditioning actually shows a significant potential of exploitation, particularly in sunny regions. The choice whether or not to apply such technologies in different climates should be based on the assessment of their energy/environmental, economic and social sustainability, as well as their technical characteristics as reliability, durability and energy efficiency. To support researchers and decision-makers in the selection of the best solar air-conditioning solution in a specific geographic and energy context, the paper proposes a set of technical, economic, energy/environmental and social key performance indicators. Th…

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The product oriented environmental Management Systems (POEMS): an experience in the Sicilian agricultural and food context

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Refurbishment Scenario to Shift Nearly Net ZEBs Toward Net ZEB Target: An Italian Case Study

The idea of a Net ZEB arises from the development of design criteria and construction methods, addressed to curb the operating energy, increasing the energy efficiency of building equipment and appliances, and of the thermal insulation of envelope components, and enhancing the on-site energy generation, by means of renewable energy sources, to cover the annual building energy loads. In this chapter, the energy and environmental performances of an Italian nearly Net ZEB following a life cycle approach are carried out. Then, a scenario of refurbishment is foreseen in order to shift the studied building from the nearly Net ZEB condition toward the Net ZEB target, and the arising energy and env…

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Modellizzazione energetico – ambientale per la valutazione di criteri di efficienza energetica

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PCM Thermal Energy Storage in Buildings: Experimental Study and Applications

Abstract The study aims at analyzing the performance of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in residential housing for different climates. This paper presents the results of an experiment performed in the Concordia University Solar Simulator and Environmental Chamber research facility (SSEC, Montreal, Canada). PCM boards were embedded on the back wall of a test hut placedin the climatic chamber. Several experiments were performed to explore the potential for verification of the proposed analysis and to produce enough data to perform model calibrations. Results show a strong increase in the apparent thermal inertia of the room allowing for a reduction in daily temperature fluctuations in the test …

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Impianti energetici in edifici nZEBs: uno studio di LCA

Il presente lavoro descrive l’applicazione della LCA per stimare gli impatti energetici e il global warming potential (GWP) associati a due configurazioni di un edificio nZEB ad uso ufficio che differiscono per la presenza di un sistema di accumulo di energia elettrica. I risultati mostrano che l’impiego del sistema di accumulo consente di ridurre sia l’energia primaria del 2% sia il GWP di circa il 4%. Tuttavia, i vantaggi ambientali che si ottengono sono di ridotta entità a causa della limitata riduzione dell’import conseguibile con il sistema di accumulo (-15%) e della contemporaneità tra generazione e consumo per la maggior parte delle ore di utilizzo dell’edificio. Pertanto, si evidenz…

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A net zero energy building in italy: Design studies to reach the net zero energy target

In the framework of international actions to reduce the energy requirements and greenhouse gases emissions due to buildings, a new International Energy Agency task has been recently established in order to study Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs). The commonly shared concept of NZEB, is a building whose annual balance of energy consumptions tends to zero. This concept is still too imprecise and the authors of this paper participate to the activities of SubTask B of IEA Task40 with the aim of establishing an internationally agreed understanding on NZEBs. The task is based on a common methodology for identifying and refining design approaches and tools to support industry adoption of innovativ…

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Though many studies concern the agro-food sector in the EU and Italy, and its environmental impacts, literature is quite lacking in works regarding LCA application on citrus products. This paper represents one of the first studies on the environmental impacts of citrus products in order to suggest feasible strategies and actions to improve their environmental performance. In particular, it is part of a research aimed to estimate environmental burdens associated with the production of the following citrus-based products: essential oil, natural juice and concentrated juice from oranges and lemons. The life cycle assessment of these products, published in a previous paper, had highlighted sign…

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Data Least Squares solution of the inventory problem in Life Cycle Assessment

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Il ruolo della Life Cycle Assessment nella decarbonizzazione del settore edile

L’edilizia è uno dei settori più rilevanti in termini di produzione di ricchezza e di occupazione, ma è anche responsabile di significativi consumi di risorse naturali e impatti ambientali. Si stima, infatti, che nell’Unione Europea l’edilizia sia responsabile del 50÷60% del consumo di risorse naturali, e tali percentuali sono destinate ad aumentare senza l’avvio di strategie e azioni orientate alla riduzione dei consumi di combustibili fossili e alla promozione delle risorse rinnovabili. Per migliorare l’eco-profilo del settore edile, la riduzione del consumo di risorse e la minimizzazione degli impatti ambientali negli ultimi anni costituiscono gli obiettivi principali da perseguire nella…

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Eco-sustainable energy and environmental strategies in design for recycling: the software “ENDLESS”

Abstract This paper describes a model, named “ENDLESS”, useful to address the design process towards more eco-compatible solutions. In particular, this tool can support the designer in the choice of the product with an higher recyclability potential from a set of different alternatives. The model takes into consideration a Multi-Attribute Decision-Making method and allows calculating a “Global Recycling Index” (GRI) starting from a set of energy, environmental, technical and economic indicators. A weight is assigned to each parameter following the experience of the designer; a sensitivity analysis is then performed to state how the different assumptions can affect the final results. The mod…

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Energy balance and life cycle assessment of small size residential solar heating and cooling systems equipped with adsorption chillers

Abstract Solar heating and cooling systems for space heating and cooling are experiencing a growing trend and interest. However, the actual energy and environmental performance of small/medium size installations is not clearly foreseeable. In this paper, an analysis of such systems using adsorption chillers in different European climates is presented. Solar systems have been simulated in TRNSYS and compared to a conventional system employing a vapour compression unit. The results have been used for a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study, determining the potential impact during the whole life of the system, from raw materials supply to its end-of-life. The LCA has been carried out by using the …

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Life Cycle Assessment applicata alla Provola delle Madonie

La sostenibilità ambientale della filiera agro – alimentare è di primaria importanza per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi europei in tema di clima ed energia, considerato che il settore è responsabile di elevati consumi energetici e impatti ambientali. In tale contesto, nel presente lavoro la metodologia della Life Cycle Assessment è stata applicata ad un tipico formaggio siciliano, la Provola delle Madonie, allo scopo di stimare gli impatti energetico – ambientali ad esso connessi e di identificare possili strategie di riduzione di tali impatti. I risultati dell’analisi hanno evidenziato che la fase di allevamento del bestiame è responsabile dei maggiori impatti energetico – ambientali. D…

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Energy and environmental assessment of retrofit actions on a residential building

Energy and environmental performances of buildings strictly depend on many factors related to the choice of construction materials, technical equipment, installation and use. In the following chapter a set of retrofit actions to improve the thermal performance of an existing conventional building is presented. The energy and environmental assessment of these actions is carried out following a life cycle approach. The embodied energy and the environmental impacts arisen from the production, transportation and installation phases of the required materials and components are calculated. Further, energy saving and environmental benefits and drawbacks concerning the assessed retrofit actions are…

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Life Cycle Assessment of Flow-Redox Cells: A Case Study

European Union identified the battery value chain as strategic for achieving a sustainable and decarbonized economy. Focusing on the environmental sustainability of batteries, this paper presents an application of the Life Cycle Assessment methodology to three flow-redox cells characterized by electrodes made by different materials. The results are referred to one kWh of energy supplied by the cell during its useful life and are calculated following a “from cradle to grave” approach. Negligible differences (lower than 1.5%) are observed in the energy and environmental impacts of the three types of cells, mainly due to the type of electrode and the use phase. A dominance analysis shows that …

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Life cycle assessment of building materials: A comparison by electre methodology

There is a growing awareness that in selection of building materials the designer must also consider environmnental impacts, either in global and local scale. Unfortunately, design community has an inadequate knowledge about the factors that affects environmental consequences of producing and operating buidings. To increase understanding on selection criteria and comparison of building alternatives in an “energy and environmental point of view”, is a significant goal for restraining gloabl enevironmental degradation. An interesting approach for assessing comparable products is the so called “multicriteria decision making”, but there is much debate about aggregation of criteria and weights a…

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An integrated building energy simulation early—Design tool for future heating and cooling demand assessment

Climate change and its effects are becoming clear on a global scale either from the perspective of global warming and the increase in the rate of occurrence of weather events of extreme magnitude. This has impacts also for sure on the standard building performance analysis approach, since the buildings designed today are supposed to withstand for the following decades climate impacts that may be different than those they were designed for. The paper proposes a simple, easy to use and freely available building simulation utility which performs morphing of existing weather data files and, by connecting to the Energy Plus simulation routine, allows to perform future climate building simulation…

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Energy and environmental assessment of heritage building retrofit

In the transition to a low-energy economy, the building stock renovation should address the reduction of the environmental impacts, by means of suitable energy retrofits oriented to meet current energy efficiency regulations, construction guidelines, and standards on comfort and operation. With regard to the historic segment of the building stock, suitable refurbishment policies are needed to avoid the loss of their heritage values, even if this is a complex issue requiring interdisciplinary approaches, dedicated diagnostic procedures, and specific tools. In this paper a suitable method for energy and environmental assessment specifically devoted to historical building retrofit, following a…

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Impatti energetico-ambientali delle produzioni agricole biologiche: il caso studio delle mele

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A Constructal Law optimization of a boiler inspired by Life Cycle thinking

Abstract The aim of the paper is to explore how design optimization contributes to a technology's ecological evolution. The article develops this concept through an application of Constructal Law, used to account for the “evolution” of technologies design (configuration, shape, structure, pattern, rhythm), and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), used for quantifying the environmental impacts of the design choices. The combination of both methods assesses how technology evolution affects the environment during its life, extending the concept of evolution of design. The study is applied to a case study of a real biomass boiler. The study analyses basic case and a series of alternative scenarios opti…

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Benefits of Refurbishment

Energy and environmental performances of buildings strictly depend on many factors related to the choice of construction materials, HVAC plants and equipment, design, installation and use. By definition, a building interacts closely with its environment. The interactions between building and climate, plants and users have to be taken into account. This aspect is evident in new buildings design process, but it is even more important in the design phase of an existing building renovation, during which actions of energy saving are developed. This chapter summarises the results of the energy and environmental assessment of a set of retrofit actions implemented in the framework of the EU Project…

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Assessment of building energy modelling studies to meet the requirements of the new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

Abstract The cost optimal method (COM) as applied in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) uses “non-calibrated deterministic reference buildings (RBs)”. Such RBs are defined with single envelope and equipment parameter values, for which calibration with actual building stock energy performance (EP) is not undertaken. Thus, it is not possible to visualise the effect of uncertainties or diversity in the input parameters on cost-optimal level benchmarks and to verify the choice of RBs. The paper proposes an update to the COM via use of “Probabilistic Bayesian calibrated RBs” to handle uncertainties and produce more realistic cost optimal levels to support policy makers in devis…

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Methodological insights on Life Cycle Assessment of solar energy technologies

Renewable energies are reliable sources to move the world toward a sustainable energy economy, to achieve the emission reduction targets and to face the shortage of worldwide fossil fuels reserves. A reliable energy and environmental profile of renewable energy technologies (RETs) may not leave out considerations on the impacts of the background system, including also the production, use, and disposal of such systems. In this context the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an established methodology to estimate the energy and environmental benefits and drawbacks of RETs and to identify components and life cycle stages having the largest impacts. In the present Chapter the authors focus on the an…

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Transferability to LDC of Some European standards concerning the environmental certification of products and services

Goal and Scope. Western developed countries (DC) are currently involved in an important process of releasing new rules and standards devoted to the environmental certifications of urban systems, in order of accomplishing the requirements established by the international protocols (Kyoto, among them), aimed at the reduction of greenhouse gases emitted in the atmosphere and at the limitation of the environmental impact as well. Within this frame, the European Union is giving a rising importance to the so-called 'Integrated Product Policy' (IPP), that is an integrated approach of the environmental policy, aiming to an improvement of the environmental performance of products and services during…

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Electrochemical energy storage mitigating impact of electric vehicle on the electric grid: Two Italian case studies

In the framework of the Italian R&D project i-Next two pilots plants were realized aiming at demonstrate benefits coming from the adoption of electrochemical energy storages (Lithium ion batteries and hydrogen) integrated with renewable energy sources. In the present study the preliminary results coming from the demo sites operations are reported paying attention to the impacts to the grid.

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Edilizia sostenibile e greening urbano nella riduzione delle emissioni di gas climalteranti


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Energy life-cycle approach in net zero energy buildings balance: operation and embodied energy of an Italian case study

Abstract The paper starts from the results of one of the six case-studies of the SubTask B in the International Energy Agency joint Solar Heating and Cooling Task40 and Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Annex 52, whose purpose is to document state of the art and needs for current thermo-physical simulation tools in application to Net Zero Energy Buildings. The authors extend the Net Zero Energy Buildings (Net ZEB) methodological framework, introducing the life-cycle perspective in the energy balance and thus including the embodied energy of building and its components. The case study is an Italian building, tailored to be a Net ZEB, in which the magnitude of the deficit…

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Benefici ambientali derivanti dall'impiego del vettore energetico idrogeno all'interno del complesso residenziale

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Load match optimisation of a residential building case study: A cross-entropy based electricity storage sizing algorithm

Abstract The EU EPBD recast regulation marked the application of the net zero energy building (Net ZEB) concept in all fields of building construction in Europe as a building able to generate as much energy as it consumes over a selected time frame. A more detailed insight is however needed, as even if a building achieves a long-term energy balance between energy generated and consumed, smaller time scales must also be considered. For example, from the utility’s point of view, if a Net ZEB is a heavy consumer in the winter, it will appear to be quite similar to a conventional building, requiring the use of additional generation. The increase in the generation-load match means reducing the s…

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Solar heating and cooling systems can significantly contribute to the energy and climate European goals. A complete assessment of this contribution needs the analysis of these systems from a life-cycle perspective, in order to estimate the energy and environmental costs of their manufacturing and end-of-life, and to compare these costs with the benefits obtained during operation. A well-established methodology to fulfil this task is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The paper describes some LCA experiences of solar heating and cooling systems, developed within the Task 53 “New generation solar cooling & heating systems (PV or solar thermally driven systems)” of the International Energy A…

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Single thermal zone balance solved by Transfer Function Method

We present an algorithm that uses the Z-transform operator to face the problem of heat transmission in a single thermal zone composed by multilayered walls. The method is very flexible and could be adopted to calculate the transfer function coefficients able to simulate the thermal behaviour of a room in free floating. Knowing the transfer function coefficients, it is possible to simulate the dynamic profile of each inner surfaces temperature and furthermore of the inner air temperature. The proposed algorithm is fully described granting maximum clarity. The explicitness of all steps of the calculus make possible the definition of a method that is able to vary all of the calculus parameters…

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Il mercato dei condizionatori d’aria nel residenziale ed il loro impatto sui bilanci energetici urbani. Il caso di Palermo

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Special Issue on Analysing, Modelling and Visualizing Spatial Environmental Data (Part1)

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F.A.L.C.A.D.E.: A fuzzy software for the energetic and environmental balances of products

It is generally well known that the reliability of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) studies depends upon exact, complete and sharp input data that, unfortunately, are not always available. Furthermore, when available, the input data are affected by uncertainty whose importance is not always adequately taken into consideration. This paper describes the software F.A.L.C.A.D.E. (Fuzzy Approach to Life Cycle Analysis and Decision Environment): a tool designed for the calculation of the eco-profile of products, based on a fuzzy logic approach. The originality of the method already treated in other papers is to use the fuzzy representation to manage the complex relationships that arise in compiling an e…

research product

Energy and environmental assessment of a traction lithium-ion battery pack for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

Abstract Traction batteries are a key factor in the environmental sustainability of electric mobility and, therefore, it is necessary to evaluate their environmental performance to allow a comprehensive sustainability assessment of electric mobility. This article presents an environmental assessment of a lithium-ion traction battery for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, characterized by a composite cathode material of lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4) and lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide Li(NixCoyMn1-x-y)O2. Composite cathode material is an emerging technology that promises to combine the merits of several active materials into a hybrid electrode to optimize performance and reduce cost…

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Life Cycle Assessment di sistemi per le auto elettriche

Lo sviluppo della trazione elettrica stradale, in particolare con l’uso di batterie al litio, è uno degli approcci più promettenti alle problematiche di carattere ambientale e per la diversificazione delle fonti di energia. Il lavoro descrive una delle attività svolta nell’ambito dell’Accordo di Programma Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ed ENEA sulla ricerca del sistema elettrico. In particolare l’ENEA e il Dipartimento dell’Energia dell’Università di Palermo hanno condotto uno studio di LCA delle batterie per autotrazione per valutare le prestazioni energetico-ambientali di questi sistemi.

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Efficientamento energetico di un distretto di edifici: uno studio di LCA semplificato

Il presente lavoro si propone di individuare delle soluzioni di redesign per un piccolo gruppo di edifici con l’obiettivo di raggiungere il target di Positive Energy District e di valutare, attraverso la metodologia LCA, gli impatti ambientali incorporati nelle soluzioni proposte. I risultati ottenuti mostrano che il redesign induce una riduzione dei consumi energetici pari al 40,30% in fase d’uso rispetto agli edifici esistenti e si evidenziano miglioramenti significativi (fino al 56,03% per l’esaurimento delle risorse abiotiche, combustibili fossili) per la maggior parte degli indicatori ambientali. Pertanto, gli impatti connessi alla realizzazione degli interventi di redesign sono parzia…

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Stochastic model for electrical loads in Mediterranean residential building: validation and applications

A major issue in modelling the electrical load of residential building is reproducing the variability between dwellings due to the stochastic use of different electrical equipment. In that sense and with the objective to reproduce this variability, a stochastic model to obtain load profiles of household electricity is developed. The model is based on a probabilistic approach and is developed using data from the Mediterranean region of Spain. A detailed validation of the model has been done, analysing and comparing the results with Spanish and European data. The results of the validation show that the model is able to reproduce the most important features of the residential electrical consum…

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Multi-Objective Optimization of Urban Microgrid Energy Supply According to Economic and Environmental Criteria

This study is focused on the optimization of the annual cost and greenhouse impact related to the supply of natural gas and electricity of an urban microgrid through the installation of components as renewable energy sources, energy storage units and converters. As input parameters of the optimization model, the energy demand of a medium density urban district was estimated, while average costs and emissions of equipment were collected in market reports and literature. The outputs of the model are the optimal size and the schedule of each component. Moreover, optimization analysis was carried out for two different scenarios, comparing Italian and Vietnamese energy system cost and environmen…

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Energy and environmental analysis of a mono-familiar Mediterranean house

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Multicriteria-Oriented Optimization of Building Energy Performances: The Annex 72 IEA-EBC Experience

International audience; This chapter describes the research experience of the International Energy Agency-Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme Annex 72 members on the application of multi-objective optimization processes for the selection of design or retrofit actions that allow for improving different aspects (energy, environmental, economic, etc.) of buildings in a life cycle perspective. Thirteen case studies were examined focussing on methodologies, applications and results and deriving generic conclusions and guidelines for building designers and decision-makers.

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F.A.L.C.A.D.E.: a fuzzy software for the energy and environmental balances of products

Abstract It is generally well known that the reliability of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) studies depends upon exact, complete and sharp input data that, unfortunately, are not always available. Furthermore, when available, the input data are affected by uncertainty whose importance is not always adequately taken into consideration. This paper describes the software F.A.L.C.A.D.E. (Fuzzy Approach to Life Cycle Analysis and Decision Environment): a tool designed for the calculation of the eco-profile of products, based on a fuzzy logic approach. The originality of the method already treated in other papers is to use the fuzzy representation to manage the complex relationships that arise in compi…

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Application of the IO Methodology to the Energy and Environmental Analysis of a Regional Context

Performing an energy and environmental analysis, researchers have to face many problems regarding the data quality and availability. Data are often out-of-date, not representative and consistent or, frequently, referred to faraway geographic and productive contexts. The Input-Output (IO) model, due to its simplicity, allows to acquire information regarding the energy and environmental performances of productive sectors.

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Photovoltaic electricity scenario analysis in urban contests: an Italian case study

Abstract This paper shows a methodology for the assessment of the photovoltaic potential in urban areas using Google Earth™ tool that provides either satellite images of the roofs of buildings or their number of floors by means of the Street View function. The applicability of the methodology has been tested on a selected urban area of the city of Palermo in the South of Italy. After classifying roofs according to the shape, orientation and pitch of buildings with different morphologies, the share of energy generated by the installable PV systems was evaluated with regard to the number of floors. Moreover the coverage of the electricity demand was investigated on the basis of the consumptio…

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Environmental assessment of a waste-to-energy practice: The pyrolysis of agro-industrial biomass residues

Abstract The bio-wastes pyrolysis is a waste to energy strategy that converts bio-wastes into valuable products (bio-char, bio-oil) with wide use in the agri-food sector. However, limited efforts are paid to the investigation of its environmental sustainability: in this context, the study contributes the need towards the assessment of a wide range of environmental impacts for the pyrolysis process of different types of bio-wastes under different operating conditions. The study estimates the potential environmental impacts related to bio-char production from the pyrolysis of several different agro-industrial residues and different temperatures and identifies the process “hot spots”. The anal…

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An integrated approach based on Life Cycle Assessment and Thermoeconomics: Application to a water-cooled chiller for an air conditioning plant

Abstract A large number of methods for energy systems analysis were developed in the last decades, aimed at acquiring an in-depth understanding of plant performances and enabling analysts to identify optimal design and operating conditions. In this work an integrated approach based on Life Cycle Assessment and Thermoeconomics is proposed as a method for assessing the exergo-environmental profile of energy systems. The procedure combines the capabilities of these two techniques, to account simultaneously for aspects related to thermodynamics of energy conversion processes and to the overall impacts along the plant life cycle related to other phases, i.e. from raw material extraction to the d…

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Valutazione energetica degli edifici – caso studio: collettore solare termico lca

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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of solar cooling systems with 12 kW absorption and 8 kW adsorption chillers

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sistemi di gestione ambientale applicati al prodotto: un caso studio viti-vinicolo

I Sistemi di Gestione Ambientale (SGA) Orientati al Prodotto (POEMS – Product Oriented Environmental Management System) rappresentano un’evoluzione dei SGA già diffusi nel contesto nazionale ed internazionale. I POEMS combinano elementi consolidati dei SGA con aspetti di ciclo di vita dei prodotti, permettendo alle aziende di sviluppare e promuovere nel mercato prodotti che si contraddistinguano per la loro qualità ecologica. L’articolo presenta un’analisi delle peculiarità metodologiche dei POEMS e descrive un’applicazione sperimentale ad un’azienda vitivinicola siciliana.

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La qualità energetico-ambientale e l’applicabilità dello schema Ecolabel: le iniziative in corso

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Life cycle performance assessment of small solar thermal cooling systems and conventional plants assisted with photovoltaics

Starting from the results of a Life Cycle Assessment of small solar assisted heat driven chillers, the application of such methodology has been extended to systems with a conventional compression chiller assisted by a photovoltaic plant (PV). This study aims to provide a comprehensive compared investigation of these two families of solar assisted cooling systems (with solar thermal or PV). Results indicate that, in many cases, the systems with the PV grid connected plant performed best. In addition, two more configurations were investigated to further define the PV assisted systems, which minimise their interaction with the grid through the use of electricity storages. These systems performed…

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Electrical characterization of low power CIGSSe photovoltaic modules

This paper presents the electrical characterization of low power CIGSSe photovoltaic (PV) modules. Such investigation is achieved to perform a comparison of their performances with conventional silicon PV modules. For this purpose, a test bench, suitable for the characterization of both traditional and innovative low power modules, has been set-up and experimental results are accurately described and discussed.

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Environmental assessment of 2030 electricity generation scenarios in Sicily: An integrated approach

Abstract This paper deals with the environmental assessment of two electricity scenarios in Sicily, for 2030, characterized by a high exploitation of renewable energy sources in order to quantify the potential contribution of the local strategies in the achievement of the European climate policies and the potential improvement in the future electricity mix, compared to the current one (2014). In order to match these goals, authors integrate the Life Cycle Assessment with a scenario analysis. The future electricity mix scenarios, characterized by a share of renewables (57% for 2030-BS scenario and 51% for 2030-DS scenario) show a reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions per kWh of electri…

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Certificazione energetico-ambientale: l’esperienza del Progetto LIFE Sun & Wind sulle tipologie edilizie mediterranee

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Progettare i Net Zeb

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Life Cycle Assessment Performance Comparison of Small Solar Thermal Cooling Systems with Conventional Plants Assisted with Photovoltaics

Abstract Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) allows for the consideration of energy consumption and environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life, from the cradle to the grave . Starting from the results obtained in the IEA SHC Task 38 framework for the LCA of small solar assisted heat driven chillers, the application of such methodology has been extended to systems with a conventional compression chiller assisted by a photovoltaic plant. This study aims to provide a more comprehensive investigation through a comparison of these two families of solar assisted cooling systems (with solar thermal or PV), which is an important topic for studies concerning the research of eff…

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Natural ventilative cooling in school buildings in Sicily

The paper shows analysis of the impact on thermal comfort of natural ventilation in a nonresidential Mediterranean case-study. Results are based on the EN 15251 approach on adaptive comfort. Different scenarios are proposed, granting an improvement of up to 10% in the number of summer comfort hours.

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Studio per l’istituzione di un centro di competenza per la sostenibilità ambientale e le fonti rinnovabili e valutazione dei percorsi per la diffusione delle energie rinnovabili e per lo sviluppo di un turismo sostenibile a Malta

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Analisi comparata di sistemi solari per il condizionamento tramite la metodologia LCA

Lo studio mostra un'applicazione della metodologia Life Cycle Assessment finalizzata alla valutazione delle prestazioni energetico-ambientali di due differenti tipologie di sistemi di raffrescamento che utilizzano energia solare per applicazioni nel settore civili d'utenza. In dettaglio, sono analizzati sistemi energetici basati su macchine frigorifere convenzionali connesse a impianti fotovoltaici e sistemi di solar cooling alimentati da fluidi a bassa temperatura. I risultati evidenziano che le prestazioni energetico-ambientali dei sistemi connessi alla rete sono superiori a quelle degli altri sistemi, mentre la produzione dei sistemi di accumulo limita la competitività dei sistemi stand-…

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Industrial symbiosis for increasing the efficiency in the use of materials and energy

In industrial ecosystems efficiency and optimization of resources and energy, waste minimization and enhancement of the products represent an important strategy in a perspective of circular economy. From this comes the concept of industrial metabolism, intended as the whole process that includes resource fluxes through the industrial systems, their transformation and finally their disposal in minimum percentage, as waste. Currently Industrial Ecology (EI) includes all those multidisciplinary contributions for the eco-optimization of the relationship between industry and the environment as a further step forward in the concept of sustainable development. The industrial symbiosis, which repre…

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Resource consumption and environmental impacts of the agrofood sector: life cycle assessment of italian citrus-based products

Though many studies concern the agro-food sector in the EU and Italy, and its environmental impacts, literature is quite lacking in works regarding LCA application on citrus products. This paper represents one of the first studies on the environmental impacts of citrus products in order to suggest feasible strategies and actions to improve their environmental performance. In particular, it is part of a research aimed to estimate environmental burdens associated with the production of the following citrus-based products: essential oil, natural juice and concentrated juice from oranges and lemons. The life cycle assessment of these products, published in a previous paper, had highlighted sign…

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Environmental benefits due to hydrogen uses in residential buildings

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Life Cycle Energy nei Net ZEB: Energia incorporata e consumo di energia in fase di uso

Il concetto di edificio a energia netta zero si sta progressivamente affermando nel panorama scientifico internazionale anche in riferimento ai contenuti delle direttive della comunità europea, secondo cui dal 2020 tutti gli edifici di nuova costruzione in Europa dovranno essere a energia netta quasi zero. Un aspetto chiave della definizione di edificio a energia netta zero riguarda i consumi di energia relativi alla fase di uso: un edificio deve riuscire a garantire una generazione di energia in sito pari ai consumi della fase di uso. L’approccio generalmente condiviso dalla maggior parte degli studi di letteratura è quello di considerare solamente l’energia della fase di uso, a causa dell…

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A decision support system to compare different strategies for achieving the Italian Kyoto Protocol commitment

Abstract: In order to meet the Italian Kyoto Protocol commitment, in 2002 the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning (CIPE) approved the national allocation plan for the reduction of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), envisioning various alternative scenarios. In this paper an extended impact assessment of the plan is accomplished and some further options are conceived and analysed in order to find an optimal trade-off among the different economic, environmental and social items at stake. After the selection of a set of independent indicators, nine different scenarios for the GHG reductions were evaluated and they were sorted according to the principles of the multicriteria analysis. The re…

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Design, Optimization and Modelling Issues of Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings

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Materiali ecologici, isolanti naturali – il Kenaf

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Impact Analysis Using Life Cycle Assessment of Asphalt Production from Primary Data

Road construction and maintenance have a great impact on the environment, owing to the huge volumes of resources involved. Consequently, current production procedures and technologies must be properly investigated, for identifying and quantifying the life cycle environmental impacts produced. In this paper, primary data, i.e., site-specific data directly collected or measured on a reference plant, are analyzed for calculating the impact of the production of a hot mix asphalt. The analysis is performed in a from &ldquo

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Life Cycle Energy and Environmental Assessment of the Thermal Insulation Improvement in Residential Buildings

The refurbishment of the building stock is a key strategy towards the achievement of the climate and energy goals of the European Union. This study aims at evaluating the energy and environmental impacts associated with retrofitting a residential apartment to improve its vertical envelope thermal insulation. Two insulation materials, stone wool and cellulose fibers, are compared. The life cycle assessment methodology is applied assuming 1 m2 of retrofitted vertical envelope as functional unit. Moreover, to estimate the net energy and environmental benefits achievable in the retrofitted scenario compared with the non-retrofitted one, a second analysis is performed in which the system boundar…

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Ventilative cooling application in Mediterranean buildings: impacts on grid interaction and load match

The concept of load matching refers to the simultaneous occurrence of loads and generation in buildings: it can be increased and optimised with modifications on both the energy demand and generation, but its pre-requisite is to guarantee passive energy efficiency. In the Mediterranean areas, a major challenge in new buildings is the increasing overheating even during mildly hot seasons. Ventilative cooling can be a potential solution to such issues and have an impact on load match in buildings and their grid interaction. The study analyses the potential of ventilative cooling to improve the load match in three different case studies in Italy. Ventilative cooling proved viable in moderately …

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Life cycle assessment of storage systems: the case study of a sodium/nickel chloride battery

This study assesses the energy and environmental impacts of sodium/nickel chloride batteries, one of the emerging battery technologies for energy storage and smart grids. The analysis was conducted using the Life Cycle Assessment methodology according to the standards of the ISO 14040 series. The study system was one sodium/nickel cell battery providing electric storage for a photovoltaic system, and the manufacturing, operation, and end-of-life steps were analysed. The results indicated that the operation step has the greatest energy impact (55-70% of the total), with the manufacturing step, particularly cell manufacturing, contributing the greatest environmental impact (>60% of the total)…

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Life Cycle Energy Consumption and Air Emissions Comparison of Alternative and Conventional Bus Fleets in Vietnam

The study (a) assesses the life cycle energy consumption and air emissions impacts of battery electric buses (e-buses) and conventional buses operated in Vietnam, and (b) compares them with those of hydrogen buses. The results indicate that e-buses and hydrogen buses are preferred options compared to conventional buses in terms of energy consumption, GHG emissions and other air quality impacts over their whole life cycle. Life cycle energy consumption of diesel buses is triple that of e-buses, and is significantly higher than that of hydrogen buses. Replacing conventional buses with e-buses can reduce energy consumption by 50%. For GHG emissions and air quality impacts, the adoption of elec…

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Multidiscipline LCA application to an experience of industrial symbiosis in South of Italy

The paper presents an application of the Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) to the planning and environmental management of an “eco-industrial cluster.” A feasibility study of industrial symbiosis in southern Italy is carried out, where interlinked companies share subproducts and scraps, services, structures, and plants to reduce the related environmental impact. In particular, the research focuses on new recycling solutions to create open recycling loops in which plastic subproducts and scraps are transferred to external production systems. The main environmental benefits are the reduction of resource depletion, air emissions, and landfilled wastes. The proposed strategies are also economically v…

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State of the Art on Sustainability Assessment of Positive Energy Districts: Methodologies, Indicators and Future Perspectives

The concept of Positive Energy District is one of the main areas of research and extensive applications of the principles of the clean energy transition within the building sector. In the past years, the most widely accepted definitions have focused specifically on carbon neutrality, while several other aspects regarding all sustainability approaches (including environmental, social and economic perspective) were included qualitatively or to a lesser degree. This paper proposes a discussion on the state of the art of the sustainability assessment of Positive Energy Districts, by investigating environmental, social and economic sustainability applications. The three sustainability dimensions…

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A Decision Support System applied to the Italian national allocation plan for the reduction of the GHGs emissions

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Sustainable production and consumption in remote working conditions due to COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: An environmental and user acceptance investigation

Abstract In response to the disruptive changes brought upon our society by the COVID-19 pandemic, most work activities and service providers had to resort to remote working. This is credited to reduce emissions for transportation, however the role of forced confinement within dwellings, especially if not designed for hosting working stations, deserves to be properly evaluated in terms of both user acceptance and long-term environmental impact. In this work, a dedicated survey campaign is used for investigating the potential pros and cons of remote working. In more detail, logistic regression and generalized linear models are used for capturing the effect of several independent variables on …

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Environmental Sustainability Approaches and Positive Energy Districts: A Literature Review

During the last decade, increasing attention has been paid to the emerging concept of Positive Energy Districts (PED) with the aim of pushing the transition to clean energy, but further research efforts are needed to identify design approaches optimized from the point of view of sustainable development. In this context, this literature review is placed, with a specific focus on environmental sustainability within innovative and eco-sustainable districts. The findings show that some sustainability aspects such as sustainable food, urban heat islands mitigation and co-impacts, e.g., green gentrification, are not adequately assessed, while fragmented thinking limits the potential of circularit…

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Energy and environmental impacts of home automation components

Life Cycle Assessment is applied to estimate the life cycle energy and environmental impacts of five components used in the home automation systems: an electricity meter, an actuator with an integrated current sensor, a web server audio/video, an interface with infrared emitter, a multimedia touch screen. For each component, the impacts related to “one unit of product” (selected as functional unit) are assessed following a “from cradle to grave” approach, including the manufacturing, operation and end-of-life steps. The results showed that the operation step gives a contribution higher than 54% on primary energy consumption and variable from about 54% to about 99% on environmental impacts, …

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L’industria, il sistema dei trasporti e l’edilizia sono i tre principali macro settori economici che più determinano un consumo di energia: In Italia, in particolare, ben il 30% dell’energia elettrica e il 40% di quella termica vengono impiegate nel settore civile d’utenza [1]. La necessità di ridurre i consumi energetici, determinata da sempre più restrittivi vincoli di natura ambientale e dal crescente costo dell’energia, gioca un ruolo importante nel modificare i canoni di progettazione e le modalità di manutenzione energetica degli edifici. Da ciò discende anche la crescente attenzione della comunità scientifica internazionale verso il concetto di Edificio ad Energia Netta Zero (EENZ), …

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Life-Cycle Land-Use Requirement for PV in Vietnam

Over the last 15 years, photovoltaics (PV) in Vietnam has experienced development. The increased installed capacity of PV requires more land for installation sites as well as for manufacturing the plants’ component and waste treatment during the plants’ decommissioning. As a developing country, in which more than 80% of the population’s livelihood depends on agriculture, there are concerns about the competition of land for agriculture and solar development. This paper estimates the life-cycle land-use requirement for PV development in Vietnam, to provide the scientific-based evidence for policy makers on the quantity of land required, so that the land budget can be suitably allocated. The d…

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Energie e tecnologie sostenibili: stato dell'arte e life cycle assessment applicata a studi di settore

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Life cycle energy and environmental impacts of a solid oxide fuel cell micro-CHP system for residential application

Abstract Fuel cells are considered one of the key technologies to reach the ambitious European goal of a low carbon economy, by reducing CO2 emissions and limiting the production of other pollutants. The manuscript presents an assessment of the life cycle energy and environmental performances of a solid oxide fuel cell system for household applications using primary data from the manufacturing phase and experimental data for the start-up and operation phases. The Life Cycle Assessment methodology is applied, based on a functional unit of 1 MJ of exergy and includes the life cycle steps from the raw materials extraction to the maintenance. The results show a particular relevance of the opera…

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Edifici ad energia netta zero

I significativi consumi di energia primaria riconducibili al settore civile d’utenza in Europa necessitano di incisivi interventi di retrofit energetico e di significative variazioni al design degli edifici di nuova costruzione per conseguire gli ambiziosi obiettivi contenuti nella programmazione energetica Europea previsti per il 2030. Un ruolo fondamentale nel conseguimento di tali obiettivi sarà svolto dagli edifici a energia netta zero. Gli Edifici a Energia Netta Zero ("Net Zero Energy Buildings" in breve NZEB), già entrati nel dibattito scientifico e nella legislazione comunitaria e nazionale, non rappresentano più un prototipo tecnologico dai confini incerti e dalle prestazioni non q…

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Mobility scenarios in the Valley of the Temples

The valley of the Temples in Agrigento is one the most known wonders of the ancient Greek time to be still standing is South Italy. Chosen as an emblematic location in the center of the island, it is the exemplary site used to assess the potential for electric mobility in terms of energy and environmental benefits of electricity over standard fuels. Such an assessment is performed by means of a life-cycle approach, including the use of the Life Cycle Assessment methodology, the use of the standard ILCD-PEF indicators and the development of a parametric analysis investigating the impact of different electricity penetration levels in the local transports system. The results identify relevant …

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Nonlinear black-box models for short-term forecasting of air temperature in the town of Palermo

Weather data are crucial to correctly design buildings and their heating and cooling systems and to assess their energy performances. In the intensely urbanized towns the effect of climatic parameters is further emphasized by the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon, known as the increase in the air temperature of urban areas, compared to the one measured in the extra-urban areas. The analysis of the heat island needs detailed local climate data which can be collected only by a dedicated weather monitoring system. The Department of Energy and Environmental Researches of the University of Palermo (Italy) has built up a weather monitoring system that works 24 hours per day and makes data availa…

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Energy flexibility in Mediterranean buildings: a case-study in Sicily

Since the building sector is responsible for 40% of the world’s electricity demand, it is essential to act on it in order to reduce emissions of climate change gases on a global scale, as expressed also in the latest directive on the energy performance of buildings. A design approach that focuses on the energy flexibility of buildings can contribute to the improvement of its energy-environmental performances. In this context, the objective of the study is the analysis of the energy performance of a residential building in Sicily and the definition of strategies aimed at increasing its energy flexibility. In particular, the case study is a 631 m2single-family house, modeled and simulated in …

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Life cycle energy performances of a Net Zero Energy prefabricated building in Sicily

The paper presents the energy performances in a life cycle perspective of a prefabricated building. The building was simulated in energy plus and validated on monitored data. To avoid the shifting of energy burdens from one life cycle stage to others, a Life Cycle Energy Assessment was performed. The primary energy use throughout the building's life cycle is 1,242 GJ. The materials production stage consumes the highest amount of primary energy (680 GJ) followed by the use stage (484 GJ), while the construction and end-of-life require respectively 1.7 % and the 4.6 % of total primary energy. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific c…

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A photographic method to estimate the shading effect of obstructions

Abstract A new, simplified photographic method is proposed to estimate the shading effects of obstructions. In spite of the complex mathematical background of the new tool, its practical application is very simple, and only requires the measurements of three angles for each photograph. The proposed method is particularly useful for overcoming the difficulties caused by the need to accurately describe surrounding objects to estimate shading effects. The new method uses the information contained in a picture and allows one to draw daily solar paths directly on the photograph. The procedure is useful to verify the suitability of a generic site for solar exploitation; its main benefit is the si…

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Climate change in the building sector: a scenario analysis in the Mediterranean basin

The paper presents an energy simulation-based study to investigate the impacts of climate change on the building energy use for heating and cooling in the Mediterranean basin.

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Life-Cycle Assessment of Buildings

The chapter presents a complete overview of LCA applied to buildings. After a brief introduction on the origin and developments of the LCA, it describes four steps of the LCA methodology, according to the framework of the International standards of ISO 14040 series. Then, the authors focus on the LCA applied to the building sector and on the standard EN 15978. They identify the main issues related to the application of the methodology to buildings, such as the selection of the functional unit, the systems boundaries,the environmental indicators, etc. In the context of the sustainability, a brief overview on the economic and social aspects of buildings and on the available building life-cycl…

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Life Cycle Assessment della filiera di trattamento di biomasse residuali: un caso studio

Il presente lavoro descrive i risultati dell’analisi di Life Cycle Assessement, sviluppata in accordo agli standard della serie ISO 14040, di un processo di trattamento di biomasse residuali di origine forestale da impiegare per la successiva valorizzazione energetica. L’analisi è riferita ad 1 kg di cippato, selezionato come unità funzionale. I confini del sistema hanno incluso le fasi di raccolta della biomassa residuale (strascico indiretto e diretto), cippatura della biomassa, raccolta e trasporto del cippato all’impianto di valorizzazione energetica. I risultati dello studio mostrano che la filiera in esame, con riferimento all’unità funzionale, causa un impatto di 0,027 kg CO2eq e det…

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Introducing exergy analysis in life cycle assessment: A case study

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology for assessing the potential environmental aspects associated with a product or service along its life cycle. However, in the case of energy technologies, it is suggested that the LCA of a product encompasses also further aspects other than environmental aspects and primary energy calculations. In particular, to optimize the reduction of raw materials during the whole life cycle, it is important to introduce the assessment of the irreversibility, applying the exergy analysis. In this paper, an integrated approach of exergy analysis and LCA is proposed, developing the Life-cycle quality index able to suggest potential exergy inefficiencies and the …

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A Conceptual Review on Using Consequential Life Cycle Assessment Methodology for the Energy Sector

Energy is engaged in the supply chain of many economic sectors; therefore, the environmental impacts of the energy sector are indirectly linked to those of other sectors. Consequential life cycle assessment (CLCA) is an appropriate methodology to examine the direct and indirect environmental impacts of a product due to technological, economic or social changes. To date, different methodological approaches are proposed, combining economic and environmental models. This paper reviews the basic concept of CLCA and the coupling of economic and environmental models for performing CLCA in the energy sector during the period 2006–2020, with the aim to provide a description of the different tools, …

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Environmental assessment of energy valorisation of residual agrofood industry biomass in Sicily: a life cycle approach

Anaerobic digestion (AD) uses biomass to produce biogas to generate heat and/or electricity. Several studies have reported that the adoption of AD may not necessarily lead to sustainable practices. For example, energy crops may cause significant impact due to the requirement of intensive agricultural practices. Then, residual biomasses are starting to be considered as alternative biomass for energy valorisation trough AD. In this context, this study assesses the potential environmental impacts related to the energy valorisation of agro-food industry waste though the Life Cycle Assessment methodology (ISO 14040). The system examined consists of a real anaerobic digester coupled with a combin…

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La valutazione energetico-ambientale degli adifici

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Impatto ambientale dei pannelli fotovoltaici

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Embodied energy and environmental impacts of a biomass boiler: a life cycle approach

The 2030 policy framework for climate and energy, proposed by the European Commission, aims towards the reduction of European greenhouse gas emissions by 40% in comparison to the 1990 level and to increase the share of renewable energy of at least the 27% of the European's energy consumption of 2030. The use of biomass as sustainable and renewable energy source may be a viable tool for achieving the above goals. However, renewable energy technologies are not totally clean because they cause energy and environmental impacts during their life cycle, and in particular they are responsible of air pollutant emissions. In this context, the paper assesses the energy and environmental impacts of a …

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Life cycle assessment of a solar thermal collector

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Energy-environmental assessment of the UIA-OpenAgri case study as urban regeneration project through agriculture

Abstract Sustainable agriculture is strongly promoted by Agenda 2030 and peri-urban agriculture is considered strategic for agri-food sustainability. Although, innovative farming practices are being implemented, the analysis of their impacts often does not reach the required depth. Within the EU project ‘UIA-OpenAgri - New Skills for new Jobs in Peri-urban Agriculture’, a regeneration process of a peri-urban area in Milan (Italy) was started, through the development of an innovative food hub. 28 innovative foodchains are assessed by a Life Cycle Assessment approach based on primary data collected from the involved start-ups. Non-Renewable Cumulative Energy Demand and the Global Warming Pote…

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Towards the Environmental Sustainability of the Construction Sector: Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Buildings Retrofit

In the context of the need for carbon emissions reduction, the buildingsector, as one of the most energy intensive one, needs tools and approaches towards carbon neutrality and the increase of the buildings overall energy performances. The paper proposes an integrated approach towards the environmental performances analysis of a small neighborhood having as goal the achievement of the Positive Energy District target and the assessment of its environmental impacts. The methodology proposed includes building modeling and dynamic energy simulation using the Energy Plus engine and a simplified Life Cycle Assessment approach. Two scenarios are investigated: i) the existing neighborhood, ii) the …

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Effetti energetico-ambientali di interventi di retrofit su un edificio residenziale monofamiliare in area mediterranea.

La rilevanza dei consumi di energia primaria nel settore civile d’utenza impone la necessità di definire strategie progettuali orientate al risparmio energetico, quali l’impiego di tecnologie alimentate da fonti rinnovabili, di materiali a basso impatto ambientale e di tecnologie energeticamente efficienti, in tutte le fasi di ciclo di vita dell’edificio. La durata della vita utile di un edificio, il tasso di sostituzione annuale del patrimonio edilizio e il tasso ancora minore delle demolizioni sono fattori peculiari degli edifici, per i quali gli interventi di riqualificazione energetica (retrofit) sugli edifici esistenti costituiscono soluzioni progettuali fondamentali al fine di ridurre…

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I metodi a punteggio per la valutazione energetica ed ambientale degli edifici

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Application of the Structural Decomposition Analysis to assess the indirect energy consumption and air emission changes related to Italian households consumption

Abstract The design of sustainable production and consumption strategies and the assessment of implemented actions require to identify the driving forces that influence the trend of energy consumption and environmental impacts. For this purpose, the Structural Decomposition Analysis (SDA) was developed as a suitable methodology to analyse the driving forces of the changes in economic, energy and environmental indicators. The paper presents one of the first Italian studies that apply an energy and environmental extended input–output model, opportunely shaped to the examined context, combined with SDA. In detail, it aims at: (1) investigating the energy use and the air emissions arisen from t…

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Review on Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Photovoltaic Panels

The photovoltaic (PV) sector has undergone both major expansion and evolution over the last decades, and currently, the technologies already marketed or still in the laboratory/research phase are numerous and very different. Likewise, in order to assess the energy and environmental impacts of these devices, life cycle assessment (LCA) studies related to these systems are always increasing. The objective of this paper is to summarize and update the current literature of LCA applied to different types of grid-connected PV, as well as to critically analyze the results related to energy and environmental impacts generated during the life cycle of PV technologies, from 1st generation (traditiona…

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Phase Change Materials Applications to Optimize Cooling Performance of Buildings in the Mediterranean Area: A Parametric Analysis

Abstract Building integrated thermal energy storage systems cover a wide range of techniques and solutions depending on technology applications and aims. They however all have in common the concept behind: being able to store energy for later use in order to reduce the time mismatch between energy availability and demand. In this context, Phase Change Materials (PCMs) fit the above description, since they would allow for mostly isothermal phase change within normal thermal comfort range. In order to face the typical challenges of the Mediterranean climate, the following concept was elaborated: the idea is to use the phase change mechanics as a substitute to the thermal inertia of massive wa…

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A Neural Network Model to Forecast Urban Electricity Consumptions from Weather Data

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Ecoprofili di componenti edilizi

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Novel techniques for wind speed spatial estimation

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Design di edifici a energia netta zero alla luce della Direttiva Europea 2010/31/CE (EPBD recast) sulla prestazione energetica nell'edilizia [GU europea del 18 giugno 2010 (L 153)]

Il presente lavoro descrive dettagliatamente gli studi e le attività svolte in seno al progetto di ricerca “Design di edifici a energia netta zero alla luce della direttiva europea 2010/31/CE (EPBD Recast) sulla prestazione energetica nell’edilizia GU Europea del 18 giugno 2010 (L153)”. L’attività di approfondimento sull’edificio oggetto di studio, la Leaf House, è stata svolta nell’ambito dei diversi filoni di ricerca di seguito elencati: 1. Analisi dei dati dell’edificio esistente, 2. Redesign dell’edificio esistente, 3. Embodied energy dell’edificio esistente. 4. Partecipazione a gruppi di lavoro internazionali in seno alla task 40 dell’IEA. Gli indicatori sviluppati nel corso dei lavori…

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Decision Making in energy planning. Application of the electre method at regional level for the diffusion of renewable energy technology

The authors show an application of the multicriteria decision-making methodology used to assess an action plan for the diffusion of renewable energy technologies at regional scale. This methodological tool gives the decision-maker considerable help in the selection of the most suitable innovative technologies in the energy sector, according to preliminary fixed objectives. In this paper, a case study is carried out for the island of Sardinia. This region presents, on one hand, a high potential for energy resources exploitation, but on the other hand, it represents a specific case among other Italian regions, because of its socio-economic status and history.Three decision scenarios have been…

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Life Cycle Assessment di sistemi per le auto elettriche

Il documento descrive la valutazione delle prestazioni energetico – ambientali di batterie Li- Ione adatte all'alimentazione della propulsione elettrica pura, comprensive del sistema BMS (Battery Management System), realizzata tramite l’applicazione della metodologia dell’Analisi del Ciclo di Vita (Life Cycle Assessment – LCA), in accordo alle norme della serie ISO 14040 ed all’International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook. L’attività è iniziata con un’analisi dettagliata dello stato dell’arte internazionale sulla LCA applicata alle batterie al Li-Ione, che ha definito il contesto scientifico di riferimento della valutazione energetico-ambientale condotta. E’ stata poi svil…

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Le caratteristiche termofisiche del patrimonio edilizio della città di Palermo

Un ambiente confinato è un rapporto continuo con il contesto bioclimatico esterno attraverso l'involucro edilizio, che notoriamente svolge una funzione di protezione e di filtro rispetto agli input esterni. Una corretta ottimizzazione della interfaccia edificio clima è legata, fra gli altri fattori, anche alla selezione di materiali le cui carayyeristiche termofisiche siano tali da agevolare il conseguimento della suddetta ottimizzazione. In particolare, la conoscenza del tempo di ritardo fra l'onda termica incidente e quella emergente all'interno dello spazio confinato, associata alla stima del fattore di attenuazione del flusso di calore, è presupposto di base per una corretta progettazio…

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Catalogo tipologico degli elementi della architettura mediterranea - "Le caratteristiche termofisiche del patrimonio edilizio della città di Palermo"

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Studio e progettazione di un sistema di smaltimento statico del calore

Nell’ambito di questa attività sono stati svolti lo studio e la progettazione di un sistema di smaltimento statico del calore da adottare in accoppiamento con sistemi solari termici per evitare il rischio di stagnazione dovuto al mancato utilizzo dell’energia termica prodotta (bassa richiesta di energia termica, assenza dell’alimentazione elettrica). I componenti idraulici comunemente installati negli impianti solari ovvero vaso di espansione, valvole di sicurezza, sfiati e valvole di scarico termico garantiscono l’incolumità degli utilizzatori dai possibili problemi che nascono dall’aumento incontrollato di pressione e temperatura all’interno dell’impianto, ma possono portare ad un parzial…

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Life Cycle Assessment di sistemi per le auto elettriche, Report Ricerca di sistema elettrico RdS/2012/093


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Task 38 Solar Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration “Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Cooling Systems” A technical report of subtask D Subtask Activity D3

Renewable energy (RE) systems can certainly allow reducing the use of fossil fuels and the related environmental impacts for building air-conditioning. It is more and more clear that good design of the system and appropriateness of the technology are a key issues on the way to maximise the benefits. Therefore, for systems dealing with solar thermal systems, it has been experienced that wrong choices among RE technologies to meet specific applications could also lead to negative effects in terms of Primary Energy (PE) saving.

research product

Sviluppo di piattaforme innovative per il calcolo dell’energia incorporata nell’edilizia e di modelli per la quantificazione del potenziale Ventilative Cooling nell’edilizia

Il presente report si inserisce nell’ambito dell’accordo di Collaborazione tra ENEA e il Dipartimento di Energia, Ingegneria dell’informazione e Modelli Matematici (DEIM), per l’attività dal titolo “Sviluppo di piattaforme innovative per il calcolo dell’energia incorporata nell’edilizia e di modelli per la quantificazione del potenziale del ventilative cooling nell’edilizia”, nel contesto del Piano annuale di Realizzazione 2014 del progetto “Sviluppo di modelli per la realizzazione di interventi di efficienza energetica sul patrimonio immobiliare pubblico”. L’attività prevede due linee di ricerca interne, sviluppate, rispettivamente, nelle Parti A e B del presente report: “Sviluppo di piatt…

research product

Caso studio: Provincia di Palermo - Installazione di impianti fotovoltaici a ridotto impatto visivo ed elevata efficienza

"L'energia è il filo d'oro che collega crescita economica, salute ambientale equità e opportunità sociali". L'assessorato Regionale dell'Energia e dei Servizi di Pubblica Utilità, unitamente a tutto il Governo Regionale, ha ben chiaro il senso di queste parole del Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite Ban Ki- Moon, pronunciate nel corso del suo intervento al 22°Congresso Mondiale dell'Energia di Daegu in Corea del Sud.L'impegno di Tutti è quello di creare le condizioni affinchè la Sicilia possa sfruttare al massimo le proprie potenzialità e le proprie risorse, per la realizzazione di un sistema energetico equo e sostenibile, che guardi con sempre più attenzione alle realtà locali come par…

research product