Mauro Sarno
Shade effects on overseeded bermudagrass athletic fields: II. rooting, species composition, and traction
Shade from athletic stadium structures can be a significant detriment to turfgrass performance. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of shade on rooting and playing surface stability, measured as traction, on overseeded or non-overseeded bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) turf. An experiment was established in 2013 on a mature bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. cv. Riviera] turf that was either overseeded with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) or non-overseeded. Shade structures were installed to create four light level treatments, including 0%, 30%, 60%, or 90% light-reducing shade cloth. The light treatments resulted in average daily light integrals (DLI) of 40.8,…
Valutazione tecnico-agronomica di due diverse tipologie di impianto di origano in funzione della raccolta meccanica
Harvest is one of the most important agronomical techniques of oregano cultivation. Traditionally, oregano is manually harvested but the times of this operation are very long. On the contrary, the mechanical harvest could decrease the harvest times and, therefore, the production costs. Tests of mechanical harvest were carried out between 2003 and 2004 in an experimental field of Dipartimento di Agronomia Ambientale e Territoriale of Palermo University, using a reaper-binder made by BCS for cereal and forage crops but specifically modified for harvesting oregano. The working capacity, productivity and efficiency of this machine were evaluated according to the variation of minimum forward spe…
Le varietà migliori per l’orzo da birra
Il 2016, come già il 2015, è stato un anno assai variegato per le produzioni, ma certamente più favorevole per la coltura dell’orzo primaverile al Centro-Nord rispetto al biennio 2013-2014
Valutazione di varietà da seme di Cynodon dactylon L. (Pers.) in ambiente mediterraneo
Nel biennio 2000-2001 è stata condotta una prova di valutazione agronomica di 8 varietà da seme di Cynodon dactylon presso il Podere didattico sperimentale “Orleans” dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo (31 m s.l.m., 38°06’26,2’’N, 13°20’56,0’’E – Sistema di riferimento WGS 84). Lo scopo della ricerca è stato quello di individuare le varietà che meglio si adattano all’ambiente pedo-climatico siciliano. I rilievi effettuati hanno riguardato: la tessitura fogliare, la densità dei culmi, l’aspetto estetico globale, il colore, la ripresa vegetativa primaverile e la ritenzione del colore in autunno. Per i caratteri esaminati sono state riscontrate differenze tra le accessioni in prova; la vari…
Valutazione bio-morfologica e produttiva di ecotipi siciliani di origano
Speciale orzo: produzioni ottime al Nord e buone al Centro-Sud
Il clima ha consentito una delle migliori stagioni a livello di rese compensando i prezzi bassi. Seconda stagione consecutiva positiva per gli agricoltori che hanno puntato sull’orzo. La produzione media complessiva al nord (33 varieta’ testate in 8 localita’ diverse) ha raggiunto le 7,6 t/ha; nel centro Italia, le 32 varieta’ testate nelle 6 località hanno registrato una media di 6,7 t/ha; infine, il sud ha registrato una rea media decisamente buona (5 t/ha) e superiore allo scorso anno. Inoltre, quest’anno l’andamento climatico ha reso conveniente fare orzo da birra anche al centro-nord.
Annata straordinaria per l’orzo al Nord Italia
La Rete delle prove nazionali di orzo da zootecnia per l’annata 2015-2016 evidenzia ottimi risultati produttivi soprattutto al Nord Italia. In questo articolo riportiamo la valutazione di 39 varietà ripartite in tre diversi gruppi varietali a seconda dell’areale interessato dalla sperimentazione (Nord, Centro, Sud e Isole)
Effetti delle tecniche di interramento di due cover crop sui flussi di carbonio del suolo in ambiente Mediterraneo
The aim of the study was to examine the performance of turfgrass warm season species, including 6 varieties of Cynodon dactylon in comparison with Zoysia japonica and Paspalum vaginatum in three substrates with different soil textures (sandy loam, sandy clay loam, clay), to find the one or the ones that adapt best in the Mediterranean environment. The results showed the best perfomances in sandy loam substrate and for C.dactylon cv. Transcontinental, Capriola and La Paloma. Z. japonica, Zenith, had lower values.
Effetti del volume d’adacquamento in funzione dell’interdistanza tra gli irrigatori in un campo di pomodoro
Studio della variabilità in accessioni di cicerchia
Effetti della dose e della modalità di distribuzione dell'azoto e sul sorgo da granella in ambiente semiarido e in condizioni di limitati apporti idrici.
Valutazione bioagronomica di diverse accessioni di cicerchia (Lathyrus sativus L.) in ambiente semi-arido
Bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) is the most widely used warm season turf species in the world for sport, lawn and utility turfs. The species is widespread in Sicily (Italy) where it exhibits a large range of diverse morphological characteristics due to a long process of adaptation to varying climatic and soil conditions of the island. In order to exploit the bermudagrass genetic resources and establish a germplasm bank for use in various plant breeding programmes, bio-agronomic evaluation tests were carried out on the 40 Sicilian biotypes of Cynodon spp. from 2002 to 2004 at the experimental farm “Orleans”, University of Palermo. The accessions were compared to the standard cultivar ‘Savannah’,…
Shade Effects on Athletic Field Playing Characteristics of Overseeded and Non-Overseeded Bermudagrass
In many athletic stadiums around the world, reduced light levels from the stadium structure can significantly reduce turfgrass quality and playing characteristics. In most warm-weather stadiums, the primary surface is bermudagrass which is commonly overseeded with perennial ryegrass to provide a winter and spring playing surface. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of four shade levels on turfgrass quality and playing characteristics of overseeded and non-overseeded bermudagrass (cv. Riviera). Shade levels included a non-shaded control and shade treatments which blocked 30%, 60%, and 90% of ambient light. These shade levels resulted in average daily PAR loads of 45.1, 29.…
Effect of cropping system and irrigation on the bio-agronomic and quality response of industrial tomato (Licopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Biodiversità e caratteristiche bio-agronomiche in lenticchia (lens culinaris medik.).
Tra le leguminose da granella la lenticchia (Lens culinaris Medik.), occupa un posto importante nella alimentazione umana, per la quantità e qualità di proteine contenute nel seme e per il contenuto di carboidrati associati alla bassa presenza di sostanze antinutrizionali. La coltivazione della lenticchia è ancora basata, nella maggior parte del mondo, su ecotipi locali e solo in pochi Paesi, come il Canada, si utilizzano varietà selezionate. La coltura, come molte leguminose minori, risulta poco presente negli ordinamenti colturali italiani e, negli ultimi decenni, la superficiecoltivata ha registrato una notevole riduzione a causa di ,molteplici fattori, come mancanza di germoplasma selez…
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield stability and reliability in the Mediterranean semi arid environment
Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is the typical cereal crop in semi-arid Italian environments, and Sicily, is one of the regions of southern Italy where the cultivation of durum wheat is very spread. The thesis was the comparison of 14 genotypes of durum wheat located in 11 locations typical of the Sicilian cropland in the years 2006-2011. The analysis of the results has allowed to study the productive and qualitative behavior of the tested genotypes. In addition, the study of interaction genotype-environment, has allowed to verify the yield stability in quantity and the quality of the grain by the individual genotypes.
Le varietà per l’orzo da malto
Per il Centro-sud e Isole la produzione ha superato di 0,3 t/ha quella dell’annata precedente attestandosi a 4,8 t/ha, mentre per il Centro-nord la media è stata di sole 3,1 t/ha. La sofferenza della coltura si è manifestata chiaramente anche in termini di ritardo della spigatura, avvenuta nell’ultima decade di maggio
This paper shows the results obtained in 2007 of a study carried out at the Sparacia experimental farm (Cammarata AG, 37°37’N, 13°42’E) aimed at identifying and evaluating 26 populations of “long-life tomato” collected from the Province of Palermo, Agrigento and Trapani. The farm, which belongs to the Sicilian Agricultural Development Agency (E.S.A), is located in a sub-arid area with average rainfall levels of approx. 500 mm and average min/max temperatures of 9 and 21°C. The soil is characterised by level land, deep soil with sandy clay texture and subalkaline soil pH classified as Eutric Vertisols, WRB (FAO-ISRIC-ISSS, 1998). The planting tomato crop was carried out according to traditio…
Phenolic Profiles, Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Hydrodistillation Wastewaters from Five Lamiaceae Species
Distillation is the most widely used method to obtain an essential oil from plant material. The biomass used in the process is returned as a solid residue together with variable amounts of water rich in water-soluble compounds, which currently are not addressed to any further application. The scope of this work was to evaluate the phytochemical composition of wastewaters coming from hydrodistillation (DWWs) of five aromatic plants belonging to the Lamiaceae family, and to assess their in vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. The phenolic profiles of the DWWs were determined by HPLC-DAD and HPLC-ESI/MS. Free radical scavenging ability, oxygen radical antioxidant capacity and su…
Long-Term Field Evaluation of Conventional vs. Micropropagated Plants of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium
Pyrethrum is a perennial herbaceous plant endemic to the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, and introduced in large areas of nearly all continents, where it is cultivated for the industrial extraction of pyrethrins. Pyrethrins are a group of six closely related monoterpene esters, widely used as natural insecticides. The world production of natural pyrethrins is lower than the market demand, and a wider introduction of this crop within the Mediterranean agrosystems could be an appealing opportunity for farmers and manufacturers. The availability of adequate amounts of selected plant material to bring into cultivation is, however, one of the major issues. Therefore, the in vitro propagation …
Productive, Commercial and Qualitative characterization of tomato sicilian landraces
Effects of cropping systems and irrigation on the bio-agronomic and quality response of industrial tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum mill.).
This paper shows the results obtained in 2009 of a study carried out by the Dipartimento di Agronomia Ambientale e Territoriale (D.A.A.T.) aimed at identifying and evaluating various low input cropping systems for industrial tomato varieties, a traditional farming crop in Sicily. The tests were carried out on the Sparacia experimental farm (Cammarata AG, 37°37’N, 13°42’E). The farm is located in a sub-arid area with average rainfall levels of approx. 500 mm and average min/max temperatures of 9 and 21°C. The soils, typical of soil types in the area, are Eutric Vertisols. A split-split plot design with three repetitions was adopted and the following variables were studied: 1) management of c…
Yield and quality of durum wheat as affected by foliar glycinebetaine applicated in rainfed Mediterranean conditions
Orzo da zootecnia: ripresa al Centro, cali al Sud
La rete delle prove nazionali di orzo da zootecnia per l’annata 2014-2015 mostra risultati molto diversi a seconda della località. La media produttiva al Nord risulta di 6,5 t/ha come lo scorso anno, al Centro in deciso aumento con 6,7 t/ha, mentre al Sud la produttività evidenzia una perdita di 1 t/ha.
Straw uses trade-off only after soil organic carbon steady-state
Soil organic matter (SOM) is the key for a healthy soil and a relevant property to achieve the sustainability on soil management. However, soils are still net exporters of organic matter. One example is the use of wheat straw residue for industrial and energy applications, which has gained attention in the last years. The offfarm use of this abundant and low cost resource should follow sustainability criteria to avoid soil degradation and SOM losses. Straw residue incorporation is recognized as a recommended management practice to control erosion and mitigate CO2 emissions by increasing SOM. The goal of this work was: i) to evaluate the steady-state carbon (C) level in relation to C input a…
Valutazione di indicatori fenologici per la previsione dell'emergenza di specie infestanti graminacee dei tappeti erbosi in ambiente mediterraneo
Tappeti erbosi in ambiente mediterraneo
Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum L.) as a Novel Multipurpose Crop for Agriculture in Marginal Environments: A Review
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) is a versatile crop that has adapted to the broadly different soil and environmental conditions throughout all continents. To date, the fruits (“seeds”) of the plant are the only reliable source of silymarin, which, given its recognized therapeutic effects and its many present and potential uses, has led to a significant re-discovery and enhancement of the crop in recent years. Overall, although many studies have been carried out globally on the bioactivity, phytochemistry, and genetics of milk thistle, few and discontinuous research activity has been conducted on its basic agronomy as well as on the farm opportunities offered by the cultivation …
Caratterizzazione bio-agronomica di varietà di Veccia (Vicia sativa L.) in un ambiente interno siciliano
Hop (Humulus lupulus L.): Suitability of Traditional Cultivars to a Low-Trellis Farming System in a Semiarid Environment
Humulus lupulus is a dioecious twining herb, with an outstanding vertical development capacity. Hop plants are usually grown on trellises up to 4.5 to 6.0 m high, whose management requires intense use of water, fertilizers, pesticides, and labor. In semiarid Mediterranean areas, where native resources are often scarce, the adoption of low-trellis farming systems could be a sustainable option for hop cultivation. With the aim of evaluating hop suitability to low-trellis cultivation in a Mediterranean environment, in 2018 and 2019 three traditional hop genotypes (‘Cascade’, ‘Chinook’, and ‘Nugget’) were grown, and their development rate was evaluated and put in relation with the plants’ cone,…
Role of rotation and nitrogen fertilization on the productive and qualitative response of a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Ipotesi progettuale di un giardino botanico nell’area del Villaggio della Gioventù di Raffadali (AG)
Biodiversità e caratteristiche bio-agronomiche in lenticchia (Lens culinaris L.)
A low-cost multispectral imaging system for the characterisation of soil and small vegetation properties using visible and near-infrared reflectance
Current Proximal Sensing technologies are based on multispectral imaging systems able to capture images in a few spectral bands, usually centred in VIS and NIR regions, to derive vegetation indices. However, most of such systems lack an internal radiometric calibration to estimate the actual reflectance of the observed target, making them sensitive to the local radiative environment and requiring a per-session calibration against a reference target. To overcome such dependence, the instrument described adopts an active illumination of the target surface, allowing the monitoring of soil and low vegetation surfaces by a radiometrically pre-calibrated imaging camera. The system, driven by a mi…
Biodiversità e caratteristiche bioagronomiche in lenticchia (Lens culinaris L.)
An evaluation of cool season turfgrassess in order to identify the species and varieties most suitable for the Mediterranean environment
The cultivars of cool season Graminae species diffusely used to establish turfgrasses, are grown in northern areas of Europe. The aim of the research described in this paper was to identify the turfgrass species and cultivars most suitable for the Mediterranean environment. The trial was carried out in 1999 and 2000 at the experimental farm “Parco d’Orleans” belonging to the Department A.C.E.P. of University of Palermo. During the trial sixty different cultivars of cool season turf species were compared – 20 cultivars of Festuca arundinacea Schreb., 20 cultivars of Poa pratensis L., and 20 cultivars of Lulium perenne L. The main biometric and qualitative parameters examined were ground cove…
Orzo da malto, quali varietà scegliere
In generale, il 2015 è stato un anno decisamente diversificato per quanto riguarda le produzioni, ma certamente più favorevole per la coltura dell’orzo primaverile al Centro-Nord, che dopo due anni negativi si riallinea al 2012 con una media produttiva di 5,3 t/ha.
No till soil organic carbon sequestration could be overestimated when slope effect is not considered
Abstract No tillage (NT) soil management has been considered a strategy for the implementation of environmental sustainability and a possible tool of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. Considering the wide range of data on SOC change after NT application in relation to conventional tillage (CT) in different studies, further researches are needed over a diverse range of soil and climate before a proper estimation of the benefits can be provided by the NT. A data set composed of cereal cropping system studies, comparing the SOC content under CT and NT was compiled from the literature using the scientific repositories “Scopus” and “Science direct”. This aims to i) discriminate and quanti…
Valutazione della variabilità bioagronomica in genotipi di pisello da granella in due ambienti siciliani
Effetto della precessione colturale e dell’irrigazione sulla risposta bio-agronomica e qualitativa del pomodoro da industria (lycopersicon esculentum MILL.)
Al centro-nord vince la pioggia, bene solo il Meridione
Varietà di orzo zootecnico: bene al Sud, meno al Nord
Al Nord la media dell' areale è stata di 6,5 t/ha in ripresa rispetto al tracollo della scorsa annata, al Centro è risultata di sole 5,1 t/ha, dato al di sotto delle potenzialità produttive; al Sud la produttività media è stata di 5,7 t/ha, un ottimo risultato che riporta l' areale su livelli elevati
Un triennio di valutazione bio-agronomica e produttiva di alcune accessioni di origano in ambiente mediterraneo
An initial study into the suitability of Sicilian ecotypes of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. for turfgrass use
The aim of the study is to evaluate the biodiversity of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. in Sicily (Italy), observing several ecotypes collected in specific areas of the island. The ultimate goal was to identify ecotypes that have the qualitative standards required to establish turfgrasses and/or for specific plant breeding programmes. For each of the 22 bermudagrass ecotypes that were collected from Sicily, leaf texture, stolon internodes length, stolon diameter, turf colour, uniformity and quality rating were the main biometric and qualitative parameters monitored. The speed of recovery was also determined for each ecotype. Interesting variability was recorded in the collected vegetative mater…
Resilience of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) to salinity, heat and drought stresses: A mini-review
Over recent years, the cultivation of hops (Humulus lupulus L.) has spread widely in the Mediterranean, also affecting the southern regions of Spain and Italy with a typical semi-arid climate. Several and recent studies have investigated the responses of this species to the main abiotic stresses, which is an aspect of absolute relevance to the knowledge of the adaptive capacity of hops to the growing conditions of a new cultivation environment. Moreover, given the fact that hops’ phytochemical composition is determined primarily by genetic and environmental factors, and that the species is perennial, the lack of knowledge on the effects of abiotic stress could be reflected in subsequent yea…
Valutazione bioagronomica e stabilità produttiva in genotipi di veccia comune (Vicia sativa L.).
La Veccia (Vicia sativa L.) rappresenta per le regioni caldo-aride del bacino del Mediterraneo una specie di notevole interesse sia per la produzione di biomassa utile per l’alimentazione dei ruminanti, sia per la produzione di granella e sia per il posto che occupa all’interno degli avvicendamenti colturali asciutti. In Italia nonostante la produzione di seme certificato è abbastanza diffusa in quasi tutte le regioni del centro-sud, annualmente una quantità significativa di granella per uso zootecnico viene importata da Paesi europei ed extra-europei e poi utilizzata anche come seme non certificato. Per questo motivo si è ritenuto opportuno avviare uno studio del comportamento bio-agronomi…
TURF-BOX: an active lighting multispectral imaging system with led VIS-NIR sources for monitoring of vegetated surfaces
A microcontroller driven system suitable to monitor soil and low vegetation is described. A radiometrically pre-calibrated imaging camera driven by a microcontroller is contained in a light-tight box aiming at an actively illuminated target surface area of 50×38 cm, using LED sources with different emission wavelengths (blue, green, red and infrared). The adopted arrangement allows measurements independent from local lighting conditions and from the in situ, per-session calibrations necessary with the conventional instrumentation adopted for field measurements. Sequential lighting of the target surface with the monochromatic LED sources allows capturing multispectral images at a relatively …
Real cover crops contribution to soil organic carbon sequestration in sloping vineyard
Abstract The research focused on the evaluation of the effect of soil erosion processes on SOC sequestration rate after 5 years of cover crop soil management in Mediterranean vineyards (Sicily, Italy). Two paired sites, one in a sloping area and another one in a contiguous flat area, were chosen. The vineyard soils of the two plots of each paired site were managed with conventional soil tillage (CT) and Vicia faba cover crop (CC) the preceding 5 years. SOC was measured in three points along the slope (top, middle and foot parts) and in the flat area. Results showed that in the slope area the highest SOC content was found in CC management, with an average value of 9.52 ± 0.34 g kg−1, whereas…
Cultivation trials of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) in semi-arid environments
Abstract The recent developments in the market and craft beer industry in Italy have led to an increasing demand for local raw materials, such as barley malt and hops. Few works have been addressed to evaluate suitability and productivity of hop in semi-arid Italian environments. With this purpose, two experiments were carried out in 2018 and 2019, testing the suitability to cultivation of three commonly used hop varieties (Cascade, Chinook and Nuggett) in two typical semi-arid environments in Sicily. Phenological stages were also evaluated, and GDDs accumulated in vegetative and reproductive stages were calculated according to 9 different methods, dealing with three Tbase temperatures (0 °…
Dispositivo per il monitoraggio di superfici vegetali
La presente invenzione si riferisce al settore della diagnostica ambientale poiché fornisce un dispositivo che consente il monitoraggio dello stato fisiologico dei tappeti erbosi e di altre tipologie di coperture naturali che può essere anche impiegato per una accurata caratterizzazione e gestione delle coperture vegetali quali ad esempio campi sportivi, aree verdi naturali o artificiali e il relativo metodo.
Characterization of Sicilian rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) germplasm through a multidisciplinary approach.
In Sicily, small differences exist between wild and cultivated rosemary biotypes; VOCs and genetic profiles may be a useful tool to distinguish them. A germplasm collection of Rosmarinus officinalis L. was harvested from 15 locations in Sicily. Eleven wild and four cultivated populations were collected and, due to the surveyed area covered, they can be considered as a representative panel of Sicilian genetic background of the species. Ex situ plant collection was transferred to the field cultivation in homogeneous conditions for characterizing through a multidisciplinary approach. The study included morphological traits observations (growth habitus, flower color, number and size of leaves, …
Studio della variabilità in accessioni (linee e popolazioni) di cicerchia.
Crop rotation, nitrogen fertilization and genotype effects on durum wheat productive characteristics
A field trial was performed in 2000/01 and 2001/02 in the experimental farm “Sparacia” (Cammarata – AG – Sicily) in order to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative response of four varieties of durum wheat when grown after a legume crop (field pea) or in rotation with itself and when submitted to different N-fertilization levels: no fertilization (N0, control), 60 kg ha-1 (N 60, rate advised by the EC n. 2078/92 for the Sicilian territory) and 120 kg ha-1 (N 120, fertilization rate commonly used under the “traditional” cropping technique). In the first trial year, the fertilized trial expressed a better yield performance than the control, but in 2001/02, characterized by severe and prolo…
Long‐Term Durum Wheat‐Based Cropping Systems Result in the Rapid Saturation of Soil Carbon in the Mediterranean Semi‐arid Environment
Climate, soil physical–chemical characteristics, land management, and carbon (C) input from crop residues greatly affect soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. According to the concept of SOC saturation, the ability of SOC to increase with C input decreases as SOC increases and approaches a SOC saturation level. In a 12-year experiment, six semi-arid cropping systems characterized by different rates of C input to soil were compared for ability to sequester SOC, SOC saturation level, and the time necessary to reach the SOC saturation level. SOC stocks, soil aggregate sizes, and C inputs were measured in durum wheat monocropping with (Ws) and without (W) return of aboveground residue to the…
Effectos de la precesión del cultivos, gestión de los residuos y dela irrigación en la respuesta bioagronomica y cualitativa del tomate y sobre algunas caracteristicas del suelo
Valutazione e caratterizzazione bio-agronomica e qualitativa di gentipi di cece
A Two-Year Bio-Agronomic and Chemotaxonomic Evaluation of Wild Sicilian Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) Berries and Leaves.
A collection of nine Myrtus communis samples from different localities of Sicily was evaluated. Morphological traits and production characteristics have been chosen as parameters to arrange the samples into homogeneous groups and to identify the best biotypes for possible future agro-industrial exploitation. The plant material has been subjected to taxonomic characterization from biometric and phytochemical perspectives. Myrtle berries and leaves have been analyzed for their content in metabolites, applying a cascade extraction protocol for M. communis leaves and a single hydroalcoholic extraction for berries, whereas hydrodistillation procedures have been applied to obtain the essential oi…
Shade effects on overseeded bermudagrass athletic fields: I. Turfgrass coverage and growth rate
Shade from athletic stadium structures can be a significant deterrent to turfgrass performance. The objective of this study was to determine the daily light requirements of an overseeded or non-overseeded bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) turf maintained to simulate an athletic field. An experiment was established in 2013 on a mature bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. cv. Riviera] turf that was either overseeded with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) or non-overseeded. Plots were re-seeded with ryegrass each fall, but ryegrass was allowed to transition without chemical removal. Shade structures were installed to create four light level treatments including a full-sun control (0% shade…
Caratterizzazione bio-morfologica e produttiva di ecotipi siciliani di Origanum vulgare L
I giardini siciliani nella storia www.giardinisiciliani.it
Il sito e la logica conclusione di una ricerca chenasce dalla volontà di mettere a disposizione delle attività produttive la risorsa “giardino” e, dunque, dalla necessità di capire in quali termini detta risorsa possa effettivamente essere usata a questo scopo. Ma si è, anche, pensato che ai destinatari principali se ne potessero affiancare altri: i gestori degli enti locali, per esempio, i comuni cittadini, i progettisti e, forse, gli studiosi. Sicché, si perseguiti due obiettivi principali 1. costruire una conoscenza del giardino nella quale fossero: a. descritto in forma compiuta ed esauriente il manufatto giardino; b. precisate le questioni scientifiche di fondo; c. individuati criteri …