Laura Badenes-ribera
The relationship between internalized homonegativity and body image concerns in sexual minority men: a meta-analysis
It remains unclear whether internalised homonegativity, a recognised predictor of internalising mental health problems, is related to body dissatisfaction in sexual minority men. We conducted a met...
The relationship between animal cruelty in children and adolescent and interpersonal violence: A systematic review
Abstract The following study is a systematic review of the relationship between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence. The systematic literature review following PRISMA guidelines and combined with the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, enabled us to locate 32 studies published between 1995 and July 2017. Overall, the results show that episodes of animal cruelty during childhood and adolescence tend to co-occur alongside other forms of violent and antisocial behaviors. Cruelty to animals was associated with bullying, behavioral problems, experiences of abuse (emotional, physical and sexual), and juvenile delinquency. Furthermore, recurrent animal cruelty during childhood a…
The association between muscle dysmorphia and eating disorder symptomatology: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Background and aimsResearch shows inconsistent findings about the link between muscle dysmorphia (MD) and eating disorder (ED) symptomatology. The aim of this study is to synthesize the scientific evidence available on this topic, the researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis.MethodsThe literature search enabled us to identify 39 published articles, which provided 36 independent estimations of the correlation between the two variables.ResultsOur analysis found a positive association between MD and ED symptoms (r+ = .36; 95% CI = 0.30, 0.41). Moderator analyses showed that the type of sample and the tools for assessing MD and ED were statistically associated with the MD–ED …
The effectiveness of the GoKoan e-learning platform in improving university students’ academic performance
Abstract The GoKoan e-learning platform supports face-to-face training in an educational community. Its aim is to optimise the way and the time of study in order to improve academic performance. To evaluate the GoKoan platform’s effectiveness as a tool for improving academic performance, an experimental study was carried out using a sample of 171 university students enrolled in the psychology degree programme who were randomly assigned to the two different conditions (the experimental group: traditional learning + e-learning with the GoKoan platform; and the control group: traditional learning without e-learning). The findings showed that using GoKoan had a positive impact on the students’ …
Intimate Partner Violence in Self-Identified Lesbians
This article presents the first systematic review on intimate partner violence (IPV) in self-identified lesbians in same-sex couples. Studies published from January 1990 to December 2013 were analyzed. Of the 687 studies reviewed, 59 were preselected, of which 14 studies were selected that met the inclusion and methodological quality criteria. A summary is presented of the characteristics of the studies, the participants, the prevalence of IPV victimization and perpetration, and its correlates. All the studies were carried out in the United States and used a nonprobabilistic sampling method. The majority of participants were White with a high educational level. The results indicate that all…
Editorial: Scale Development and Score Validation
Factorial Invariance of the Scale Beliefs About Children’s Adjustment in Same-Sex Families in Spanish, Chilean, and Hispanic University Students
This study examines the factorial invariance of the Scale on Beliefs About Children’s Adjustment in Same-Sex Families (SBCASSF) across countries in three samples: Chilean, Spanish, and Hispanic university students. The scale analyzes attitudes toward the consequences of the rearing and education of children by parents with a homosexual sexual orientation. The instrument consists of two subscales: Individual Opposition and Normative Opposition. The Spanish sample is composed of 199 university students, the Chilean sample is made up of 279 students, and the Hispanic sample consists of 114 students. The results provide empirical evidence for the reliability of the SBCASSF in the samples from …
Spanish Validation of the Polymorphous Prejudice Scale in a Sample of University Students
ABSTRACTThe shortened version of the Polymorphous Prejudice Scale (PPS) analyzes new manifestations of prejudice toward gay men and lesbian women. Specifically, this instrument consists of 16 items distributed in four subscales: values gay progress, positive beliefs about gay men, positive beliefs about lesbian women, and resistance to heteronormative expectations. The aim of the current study is to add new evidence about the reliability and validity of the scale. The scale is administrated to 348 heterosexual university students from Spain with a mean age of 22.62 years (SD = 7.63). Reliability and factorial validity estimates are presented. A four-factor structure is supported using confi…
Parent and peer attachment as predictors of facebook addiction symptoms in different developmental stages (early adolescents and adolescents)
Abstract Facebook Addiction (FA) is a problem that concerns minors all over the world. The attachment bond with peers and parents has been proven to be a risk factor for the onset of FA. However, the family and peer group can have a different importance depending on the developmental period of the minor. This study examined the influence of peer and parental attachment on the symptoms of FA in early adolescents and adolescents to verify whether attachment to peers and parents predicts FA symptoms in both categories respectively. The sample was composed of 598 participants (142 early adolescents) between the ages of 11 and 17 years (M age = 14.82, SD = 1.52) recruited in the school setting. …
School Adjustments in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Peer Relationships, the Quality of the Student-Teacher Relationship, and Children’s Academic and Behavioral Competencies
This study aimed to investigate how children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) adjust to school when compared to typically developing students. The convenience sample consisted o...
Prevalence and Co-Occurrence of Different Types of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Among Men Having Sex with Men
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a relatively common psychiatric condition of which the prevalence has not been fully investigated in the non-clinical population, and in particular among men having sex with men (MSM). MSM have proven to be more inclined to develop body dissatisfaction and body image disorders compared to non-MSM. Our study investigates the prevalence of BDD and the prevalence and co-occurrence of muscle dysmorphia (MD) and penile dysmorphic disorder (PDD) in a sample of 261 Italian MSM recruited online. From our data, gathered through self-report measures, the prevalence of BDD, MD, and PDD in our populations was 5.4%, 8.8%, and 4.2%, respectively. Compared to their elders…
Homicide as a Source of Posttraumatic Stress?: A Meta‐Analysis of the Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Committing Homicide
There is a growing body of literature on the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after committing homicide that has examined the prevalence of this phenomenon among individuals who have been convicted, but these studies considerably vary. The present study was the first meta-analysis to synthesize scientific evidence regarding the prevalence of offense-related PTSD among convicted killers. A total of 691 articles were identified through an initial screening process, and the final analysis included 11 studies that met the analysis criteria. We examined the prevalence of PTSD after committing homicide and explored how these rates varied by sample type, offender type, diagnosis t…
Bullying victimization and muscle dysmorphic disorder in Italian adolescents: The mediating role of attachment to peers
Abstract Bullying victimization has a negative impact on the psychological health of individuals, including in cases of muscle dysmorphic disorder (MD). However, research into possible mediation factors is sparse. The present study aimed to investigate the role of attachment to peers in the association between bullying victimization and MD. This study included 1,062 participants with an average age of 17.44 years (range 15–21 years; SD = 1.14) from four high schools in northwestern Italy. The hypothesized relationships among the variables were tested through structural equation model. Path analysis modeling yielded significant results showing an indirect path from bullying victimization to …
School adjustment in children who stutter: The quality of the student-teacher relationship, peer relationships, and children's academic and behavioral competence
Abstract Introduction The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of the student-teacher relationship, peer relationship, emotional and behavioral outcomes and academic performance in school adjustment of children who stutter. Methods The convenience sample consisted of 536 children – 62 affected by stuttering and 474 in the control group – and 36 prevalent teachers from six primary and secondary schools in Northwest Italy. Children were assessed with a sociometric questionnaire. Teacher evaluations were also used to assess their perception of their relationships with the student (Student-Teacher Relationship Scale), children’ behavior (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire), an…
sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254221128280 – Supplemental material for The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis
Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254221128280 for The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis by Laura Badenes-Ribera, Carmen Duro-García, Carmen López-Ibáñez, Manuel Martí-Vilar and Julio Sánchez-Meca in International Journal of Behavioral Development
Abstract.ERRORS OF INTERPRETATION OF P VALUES AMONG SPANISH PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGISTS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDYThis paper analyzes the misinterpretatons of the p-value made by Spanish practitioner psychologists given that lack of knowledge and understanding of p value might affect the professionals’ decisions and jeopardize the quality of psychological interventions. We carried out a survey on 77 practitioner psychologists from Spain (68.8% women, mean age of 41.44 years, SD = 9.42). Our findings are consistent with previous research and suggest that many participants did not know how to correctly interpret p values. More than a third of them believed that p-value indicate the clinical or prac…
The student–teacher relationship quality in children with selective mutism
A reliability generalization meta‐analysis of self‐report measures of muscle dysmorphia
This study is a reliability generalization meta‐analysis that reviews continuous measures used to assess muscle dysmorphia (MD): The Muscle Appearance Satisfaction Scale, Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory, four different versions of the Muscle Dysmorphia Inventory, Adonis Complex Questionnaire, and the Modified Dysmorphia Symptoms Questionnaire. A total of 15,156 individuals from 61 studies provided 73 reliability estimates (alpha coefficients and/or test–retest reliability coefficients) for this meta‐analysis. Random‐ and mixed‐effects models were applied in the statistical analyses. We present the average reliability estimates for each measure, moderator analysis of reliability estimat…
Beliefs about children's adjustment in same-sex families: Spanish and Chilean university students.
AbstractThe main purpose of our study is to compare the beliefs of Spanish and Chilean university students about the effects that same-sex parents might have on their children. A total of 491 participants completed the study (208 Spaniards and 283 Chileans). The results indicate a kind of modern and subtle rejection based on hetero-normativity. Furthermore, the results indicated the effects of sex (men have a greater degree of rejection), traditional and sexist opinions linked to a greater rejection of same-sex parents, and the contact variable which inversely correlates with this rejection. The results show that the etiology of homosexual orientation also correlates with rejection of same-…
The Relationship Between Internalized Homophobia and Intimate Partner Violence in Same-Sex Relationships: A Meta-Analysis
A meta-analysis was conducted to investigate the association between internalized homophobia and intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration and victimization in same-sex relationships. The literature search and the application of the inclusion criteria made it possible to identify 10 studies, 2 of which were excluded due to missing data. Therefore, eight studies were finally included in the meta-analysis. The results showed positive and statistically significant associations between internalized homophobia and IPV perpetration and victimization, indicating that higher levels of internalized homophobia were related to higher levels of IPV. Specifically, the pooled effect size for the relat…
Perceived statistical knowledge level and self-reported statistical practice among academic psychologists
Introduction: Publications arguing against the null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) procedure and in favor of good statistical practices have increased. The most frequently mentioned alternatives to NHST are effect size statistics (ES), confidence intervals (CIs), and meta-analyses. A recent survey conducted in Spain found that academic psychologists have poor knowledge about effect size statistics, confidence intervals, and graphic displays for meta-analyses, which might lead to a misinterpretation of the results. In addition, it also found that, although the use of ES is becoming generalized, the same thing is not true for CIs. Finally, academics with greater knowledge about ES sta…
Un estudio exploratorio sobre el nivel de conocimiento sobre el tamaño del efecto y meta-análisis en psicólogos profesionales españoles
El enfoque de la Práctica Basada en la Evidencia se basa en la utilización de la investigación científica en la toma de decisiones profesionales en un esfuerzo por producir los mejores servicios posibles en la práctica clínica. El nivel de conocimiento sobre los estadísticos del tamaño del efecto y estudios de meta-análisis puede afectar a las decisiones de los profesionales y poner en riesgo la calidad de las intervenciones psicológicas. Este trabajo recoge los resultados de una encuesta on line sobre el grado de conocimiento de estos tópicos entre psicólogos profesionales españoles. La muestra estuvo formada por 77 participantes (68.8% mujeres y 31.2% hombres), con una edad media de 41.44…
Fallacies about p-Value Shared by Professors and University Students
Resumen La “Práctica Basada en la Evidencia” requiere a los profesionales valorar de forma crítica los resultados de las investigaciones psicológicas. Sin embargo, las interpretaciones incorrectas de los valores p de probabilidad son abundantes y repetitivas. Estas interpretaciones incorrectas pueden afectar las decisiones profesionales y poner en riesgo la calidad de las intervenciones y la acumulación de un conocimiento científico válido. Por lo tanto, identificar el tipo de falacia que subyace a las decisiones estadísticas es fundamental para abordar y planificar estrategias de educación estadística dirigidas a intervenir sobre las interpretaciones incorrectas. En consecuencia, el objeti…
Validation of the Beliefs about Children's Adjustment in Same-Sex Families Scale in Italian University Students.
Assessing attitudes toward same-sex parenting has important implications for both intervention and prevention programs designed to foster the tolerance and normality of sexual and family diversity. Few empirically validated measures of rejection of same-sex parenting have been developed. The current study examined the psychometric properties of an Italian translation of the Beliefs about Children's Adjustment in Same-Sex Families Scale, a 14-item scale distributed in two subscales that measure direct and subtle rejection toward same-sex parenting, for its use in assessing heterosexual people's attitudes toward same-sex parents in Italy. The sample consisted of 344 Italian heterosexual unive…
Misconceptions of the p-value among Chilean and Italian academic psychologists
Common misconceptions of p-values are based on certain beliefs and attributions about the significance of the results. Thus, they affect the professionals' decisions and jeopardize the quality of interventions and the accumulation of valid scientific knowledge. We conducted a survey on 164 academic psychologists (134 Italian, 30 Chilean) questioned on this topic. Our findings are consistent with previous research and suggest that some participants do not know how to correctly interpret p-values. The inverse probability fallacy presents the greatest comprehension problems, followed by the replication fallacy. These results highlight the importance of the statistical re-education of researche…
sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254221128280 – Supplemental material for The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis
Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254221128280 for The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis by Laura Badenes-Ribera, Carmen Duro-García, Carmen López-Ibáñez, Manuel Martí-Vilar and Julio Sánchez-Meca in International Journal of Behavioral Development
Diferencias sexuales en prejuicio sexual. El contacto como variable mediadora
El presente artículo analiza la relación entre el sexo y la nacionalidad, y el prejuicio hacia hombres gay y lesbianas, y el rechazo de padres del mismo sexo, en España y Chile. Los participantes fueron estudiantes universitarios (N=491). Los resultados señalan que los hombres son más prejuiciosos que las mujeres, y los participantes chilenos mostraron más prejuicio que los participantes españoles. Además, las diferencias sexuales en actitudes hacia las lesbianas y los hombres gay, y las diferencias por nacionalidad, estuvieron mediadas por la variable contacto. Las diferencias en nacionalidad respecto a las actitudes hacia los padres del mismo sexo (escala de oposición normativa) estuviero…
Reliability Generalization Meta-Analysis
Un meta-análisis de generalización de confiabilidad (MA GF) es un método para integrar estadísticamente las estimaciones de fiabilidad obtenidas en diferentes aplicaciones de un test. El MA GF permite a los investigadores caracterizar la fiabilidad promedio de las puntuaciones obtenida en un test en múltiples estudios y situaciones y estimar el grado de variabilidad en los coeficientes de fiabilidad en diferentes tipos de medidas, muestras y contextos. Por lo tanto, sus resultados permiten ofrecer pautas a los investigadores y profesionales aplicados sobre qué escalas son más fiables para evaluar un constructo y en qué circunstancias. Así pues, los investigadores y profesionales necesitan s…
Etiology of Homosexuality and Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Parenting: A Randomized Study
Attribution theory suggests the hypothesis that heterosexuals' attitudes toward homosexual sexual orientation will be more negative when homosexuality is attributed to controllable causes. Our randomized study analyzed (a) whether beliefs about the genetic or environmental etiology of the homosexual sexual orientation can be immediately modified by reading a text and (b) the causal effect of attributions about the controllability (environmental etiology) or noncontrollability (genetic etiology) of homosexual sexual orientation on the rejection of same-sex parenting and their social rights. The sample was composed of 190 Spanish university students with a mean age of 22.07 years (SD = 8.46).…
Emotional Intelligence in Child Molesters
Various studies have examined intelligent quotients (IQs) in samples of pedophiles and child molesters. However, intelligence is not a monolithic construct; rather, it is made up of different dimen...
Prevalence of student violence against teachers: A meta-analysis.
Bullying in Students Who Stutter: The Role of the Quality of the Student–Teacher Relationship and Student’s Social Status in the Peer Group
Children who stutter are at risk of being excluded, rejected, or bullied at school because of their impairment. The aim of the current research is to assess the relationship between students and te...
The adult Prosocialness behavior scale: A reliability generalization meta-analysis
The Adult Prosocialness Behavior Scale (APBS) is most often used to measure adult prosociality. We conducted a reliability generalization meta-analysis to compute the average APBS reliability and examine the heterogeneity among reliability estimations and the influence of moderator variables. An exhaustive search identified 74 articles that applied the APBS with 16 items assessed on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Of these, 58 had reliability coefficients with the current data, and 76 reliability estimates were provided. Random- and mixed-effects models were used. The average reliability coefficient was .903 for Cronbach’s alpha, .896 for McDonald’s omega, and .674 for test–retest. Moderator …
Falacias sobre el valor p compartidas por profesores y estudiantes universitarios
Resumen La “Práctica Basada en la Evidencia” exige que los profesionales valoren de forma crítica los resultados de las investigaciones psicológicas. Sin embargo, las interpretaciones incorrectas de los valores p de probabilidad son abundantes y repetitivas. Estas interpretaciones incorrectas afectan a las decisiones profesionales y ponen en riesgo la calidad de las intervenciones y la acumulación de un conocimiento científico válido. Identificar el tipo de falacia que subyace a las decisiones estadísticas es fundamental para abordar y planificar estrategias de educación estadística dirigidas a intervenir sobre las interpretaciones incorrectas. En consecuencia, el objetivo de este estudio e…
Virtual Reality as a Medium to Elicit Empathy: A Meta-Analysis.
The current meta-analysis aims to investigate and clarify existing research on virtual reality (VR) as a medium to elicit empathy. An exhaustive literature search (updated to February 29, 2020) enabled us to locate seven published articles, yielding a total of nine independent samples. The results reveal statistically significant positive changes in perspective-taking outcomes after VR exposure (
Alexithymia and Adult Attachment: Investigating the Mediating Role of Fear of Intimacy and Negative Mood Regulation Expectancies
Literature suggests an association between alexithymia and insecure adult attachment, but the mediation factors involved in this relationship are under-investigated. The study was carried out to test the possible mediation roles of the fear of intimacy and negative mood regulation expectancies in explaining this relationship. A convenience sample of 258 Polish adults (mean age: 30; 45% male), completed self-reporting measures related to adult attachment (RAAS), alexithymia (TAS-20), fear of intimacy (FIS) and negative mood regulation expectancies (NMRE). The results showed that alexithymia directly and indirectly predicts insecure adult attachment. Alexithymia positively predicts the fear …
Elder Mistreatment in an Italian Population: Prevalence and Correlates
This study aimed to examine the prevalence of elder mistreatment (EM) in an Italian population and to determine the risk factors. The sample consisted of 393 older adults ( Mage = 77.07; standard deviation = 9.45) of whom 60.1% were females. The prevalence of EM was of 20.1%. Older elders who were separated, divorced, with a poor state of health, and problems of autonomy were more likely to experience EM. The most common forms of EM were physical/sexual (9.9%) and emotional mistreatment (9.9%). The most common perpetrators were paid caregivers and members of the victim’s family. A path analysis model suggested that limited autonomy and poor perceived health status appeared to be predictors…