Taru Feldt
The 9-item Bergen Burnout Inventory: Factorial Validity Across Organizations and Measurements of Longitudinal Data
The present study tested the factorial validity of the 9-item Bergen Burnout Inventory (BBI-9) 1) . The BBI-9 is comprised of three core dimensions: (1) exhaustion at work; (2) cynicism toward the meaning of work; and (3) sense of inadequacy at work. The study further investigated whether the three-factor structure of the BBI-9 remains the same across different organizations (group invariance) and measurement time points (time invariance). The factorial group invariance was tested using a cross-sectional design with data pertaining to managers (n=742), and employees working in a bank (n=162), an engineering office (n=236), a public sector organization divided into three service areas: admin…
Työn ominaisuuksien merkitys työn ja yksityiselämän välisen rajan hallinnassa
Työn ja yksityiselämän välinen raja on nykyään monissa ammateissa häilyvä, koska työtä ei enää säätele aika ja paikka samassa määrin kuin ennen. Tässä tutkimuksessa etsitään vastausta kahteen pääkysymykseen. Ensinnäkin, millaisia tyylejä yksilöillä on hallita työn ja yksityiselämän välistä rajaa, kun huomioidaan sekä työasioiden kulkeutuminen yksityiselämään että yksityiselämän asioiden kulkeutuminen työhön? Toiseksi, määrittävätkö työn sisältämät vaatimukset ja voimavarat työn ja yksityiselämän rajanhallinnan tyylejä? Tutkimuksemme aineisto on kerätty keväällä 2013 verkkokyselyllä, johon osallistui 1106 eri ammattialoilla työskentelevää työntekijää. Aineistosta löytyi viisi työn ja yksityi…
The energy and identification continua of burnout and work engagement : Developmental profiles over eight years
Abstract Understanding of the mutual developmental dynamics between burnout and work engagement is limited due to the lack of longitudinal studies with long follow-ups and multi-wave data. This study sought to identify subgroups of employees characterized by long-term exhaustion-vigor (energy continuum) and cynicism-dedication (identification continuum). A further important aim was to investigate differences between the identified subgroups in their experiences of progress in their personal work goals. Five-wave, eight-year follow-up data among Finnish white-collar professionals ( n = 168) were studied using Latent Profile Analysis (LPA). The analysis yielded three exhaustion-vigor subgrou…
Self-esteem: An antecedent or a consequence of social support and psychosomatic symptoms? Cross-lagged associations in adulthood
Abstract This study investigated the relationships of self-esteem with social support and psychosomatic symptoms in cross-lagged longitudinal data with two measurement points and a time lag of 6 years. Two hundred thirteen participants were drawn from the ongoing Jyvaskyla Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development, Finland. The present study focused on data collected by questionnaires at ages 36 and 42. The cross-lagged analyses of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) indicated that high self-esteem at age 36 predicted high social support 6 years later and simultaneously, but to a lesser extent, high social support at age 36 predicted high self-esteem at age 42. In addition, lo…
Resurssien ja toimivaltuuksien puute eettisen kuormittuneisuuden riskitekijänä kaupunkiorganisaation sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin eettisen organisaatiokulttuurin toteutettavuuden hyveen yhteyttä eettiseen kuormittuneisuuteen (eettisistä dilemmoista johtuva stressi) sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen henkilöstöllä. Ilmiöitä ja niiden välisiä yhteyksiä tutkittiin sekä työyksikköjen jaettuina kokemuksina että työntekijöiden yksilöllisinä kokemuksina. Toteutettavuuden hyve kuvaa sitä, missä määrin organisaatio tarjoaa työntekijöilleen riittävät resurssit ja toimivaltuudet eettisesti kestävän työn tekemiseen. Tutkimukseen osallistui kaupunkiorganisaation sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen 1 243 työntekijää 142 työyksiköstä. Aineisto analysoitiin monitasomallinnuksella, joka huomioi sekä työyksiköiden vä…
Applying the Identity Status Paradigm to Managers’ Moral Identity
We investigated the applicability of the identity status paradigm in identifying different stages of moral identity maturity among managers, focusing on how they solve moral conflicts in the context of work. Researchers conducted two theory-driven studies. Study 1 was based on focus group discussions among 16 managers, while Study 2 was based on open-ended questionnaire items from 180 managers. Both studies supported the hypothesized identity statuses. The status named diffusion included a lack of commitment to moral values and associated with avoiding moral questions at work. In foreclosure, extrinsic (e.g., organizational) values were adopted and applied to personal decision-making. Manag…
Longitudinal factor analysis models in the assessment of the stability of sense of coherence
The present study examined the stability of sense of coherence using longitudinal factor analysis models. Sense of coherence was measured by Antonovsky’s [Antonovsky, A. (1987a). Unraveling the mystery of health. How people manage stress and stay well. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.] short-form (13-item) Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ). Analyses were carried out using one-year follow-up data consisting of 219 Finnish employees working in four organizations. A three-step analytic procedure was used. First, a one-factor, a three-factor, and a second-order factor model were specified and compared separately in two measurements. Second, the stability of the constructs in the three alternat…
Work–family conflict and psychological well-being: Stability and cross-lagged relations within one- and six-year follow-ups
Abstract The rank-order stability and cross-lagged relations between work-to-family conflict (WFC), family-to-work conflict (FWC), and psychological well-being were examined in two longitudinal studies with full two-wave panel designs. In Study 1 ( n = 365), the time lag was one year, and in Study 2 ( n = 153), six years. The Structural Equation Modeling showed that the stability for WFC was .69 over one and .73 over six years. The respective stabilities for FWC were .57 and .48. Cross-lagged relations were not detected between WFC/FWC and low psychological well-being (job exhaustion, marital adjustment, parental stress, and psychological distress), expected to exist on the basis of the i…
Job insecurity and self-esteem: evidence from cross-lagged relations in a 1-year longitudinal sample
The main purpose of the study was to investigate the cross-lagged relationships between job insecurity and self-esteem during a 1-year period, and thus assess the direction of the relationships between these two phenomena. The data were obtained by means of questionnaires which were completed twice, in 1999 and in 2000, by 457 Finnish employees. The results showed a cumulative relationship between job insecurity and self-esteem. In other words, high job insecurity seemed to predict subsequent low self-esteem, but at the same time, and to the same extent, low self-esteem seemed to predict subsequent high job insecurity. In addition, both perceived job insecurity and global self-esteem turned…
Job Characteristics, Recovery Experiences and Occupational Well-being: Testing Cross-lagged Relationships across 1 Year
The aim of the present study conducted among 274 Finnish employees was to examine the relationships between job characteristics, recovery experiences and occupational well-being across 1 year. We hypothesized that these relationships would follow normal causation, that is, job characteristics at T1 predict recovery experiences (detachment, relaxation, mastery and control at off-job time) and well-being (fatigue at work and work engagement) at T2, and recovery experiences at T1 predict well-being at T2. The structural equation modelling analyses lent support to the hypothesized normal causation model compared with the reversed causation and reciprocal models. However, only the longitudinal r…
Transformational leadership and depressive symptoms among employees : mediating factors
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the link between transformational leadership and depressive symptoms among employees is mediated by such personal resources as occupational self-efficacy, perceived meaningfulness of the work, and work-related rumination.Design/methodology/approach– The study was conducted using questionnaires among 557 Finnish municipal employees in various occupations. The statistical analysis was based on structural equation modeling. A multiple mediation model enabled us to investigate the specific indirect effects of each mediator. Model comparison was applied to ascertain whether the mediation should be considered as full or partial.Findings– Re…
Self-esteem, dispositional optimism, and health: Evidence from cross-lagged data on employees
Abstract The aims of this one-year follow-up study among Finnish employees ( n =426) were twofold: first, to investigate the relationship between self-esteem and optimism and, second, to examine the prospective relationships between these two personality constructs, mental distress and physical symptoms. The results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) showed that the latent variables of optimism and self-esteem were highly interrelated (Time 1, r =.90, Time 2, r =.87), forming the core construct of personal resilience, which turned out to be stable (stability coefficient .86) over the one-year period. The results of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) indicated that high personal resilien…
Do low burnout and high work engagement always go hand in hand? Investigation of the energy and identification dimensions in longitudinal data
The aim of the present 2-year follow-up study among young managers (N=433) was to investigate the intraindividual developmental patterns of burnout and work engagement as well as their interconnections. More specifically, we examined the interconnectedness of the varying patterns (i.e., latent classes) of exhaustion and vigor (i.e., the energy dimension) and cynicism and dedication (i.e., the identification dimension) across time. The latent class solutions supported by the growth mixture modeling indicated four latent classes for exhaustion and five for vigor. In addition, four latent classes were found for cynicism and six for dedication. Cynicism and dedication represented opposites with…
Luontoympäristön yhteydet työhyvinvointiin ja työssä suoriutumiseen : kysely-, interventio- ja haastattelututkimuksen tuloksia
Changes in personal work goals in relation to the psychosocial work environment: A two-year follow-up study
Associations between changes in the psychosocial work environment and changes in personal work goals were investigated in a two-wave, two-year longitudinal study. Psychosocial work environment was studied within the context of the Effort–Reward Imbalance model (ERI; Siegrist, 1996). The participants consisted of 423 young Finnish managers. Their most important personal work goals were categorized into seven content categories of competence, progression, well-being, job change, job security, organization, and finance at both measurement times. There were differences, especially in changes in the career opportunities factor of reward, between participants whose goals changed during the study.…
Change and stability of sense of coherence in adulthood: Longitudinal evidence from the Healthy Child study
Abstract The main aim of this three-wave 35-year follow-up study among Finnish employees ( n = 532) was to investigate whether Sense of Coherence (SOC) is more stable among those with high SOC compared to those with low SOC, as hypothesized by Antonovsky [Antonovsky, A. (1987). Unraveling the mystery of health: how people manage stress and stay well. San Francisco, CA, US: Jossey-Bass], using two measurement points over 13 years. The participants were first studied in adolescence in 1961–1963, after which they responded to two postal questionnaires measuring SOC, first in 1985, and again in 1998. The results of the Factor Mixture Modeling identified two groups of individuals with different…
Long-term stability in the Big Five personality traits in adulthood
This study investigated the stability of the Big Five personality traits in adulthood from age 33 to 42. Participants (89 men, 103 women) were drawn from the ongoing Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development. The results showed that the mean-level of Neuroticism decreased whereas the mean-level of Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness increased from age 33 to 42. The Structural Equation Modeling analyses revealed both gender differences and similarities in the rank-order stability of the Big Five: Neuroticism and Extraversion were more stable in men than in women, whereas Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousne…
Testing cross-lagged relationships between work-related rumination and well-being at work in a three-wave longitudinal study across 1 and 2 years
The aim of this three-wave longitudinal study conducted among 664 Finnish employees was to examine the cross-lagged relationships between various work-related ruminative thoughts (affective rumination, problem-solving pondering, lack of detachment from work) during off-job time and employee well-being (exhaustion, vigour). We tested normal, reversed, and reciprocal temporal relationships across 1 and 2 years using structural equation modelling. The analyses lent most support to the reversed temporal relationships, showing first that high exhaustion predicted low problem-solving pondering 2 years later and second, that high vigour predicted low affective rumination both 1 and 2 years later. …
Relationships of work–family coping strategies with work–family conflict and enrichment: The roles of gender and parenting status
This study investigated individual work–family coping strategies (WFCS). We focused on four types of coping efforts and behaviours that employees take up in order to balance their work and family life: (1) ‘Being super at work/home’, (2) ‘Being good enough at work/home’, (3) ‘Prioritizing at work/home’ and (4) ‘Delegating at work/home’. We examined the relationships between WFCS and work–family conflict and between WFCS and work–family enrichment. In addition, we investigated whether parenting status and gender relate to the use of WFCS and their potential moderator role in the linkage between WFCS and work–family conflict and enrichment. The study was based on a sample of Finnish health ca…
Intensified job demands, stress of conscience and nurses' experiences during organizational change
Background:Nurses frequently face ethically demanding situations in their work, and these may lead to stress of conscience. Working life is currently accelerating and job demands are intensifying. These intensified job demands include (1) work intensification, (2) intensified job-related planning demands, (3) intensified career-related planning demands, and (4) intensified learning demands. At the same time, many healthcare organizations are implementing major organizational changes that have an influence on personnel.Aim:The aim of the study was to investigate the association between intensified job demands and stress of conscience, and whether their association is moderated by organizatio…
Drivers or Drifters? The “Who” and “Why” of Leader Role Occupancy : A Mixed-Method Study
This study investigated the reasons that leaders have given for their leader role occupancy. By using a mixed-method approach and large leader data, we aimed to provide a more nuanced picture of how leader positions are occupied in real life. We examined how individual leadership motivation may associate with other reasons for leader role occupancy. In addition, we aimed to integrate the different reasons behind leader role occupancy into the framework of sustainable leader careers and its two indicators: leader’s health (occupational well-being) and performance (measured indirectly as followers’ occupational well-being). The survey data consisted of 1,031 leaders from various sectors of wo…
Personality Types and Applicant Reactions in Real-life Selection
The study aimed to determine if an applicant's personality type is associated with his/her reactions (fairness perceptions, face validity perceptions, and predictive validity perceptions) to the selection process. The participants (N = 258) were real-life applicants for admission to a vocational school. A person-centered approach was applied to find subgroups with similar personality profiles. Latent profile analysis found four personality types: Resilient (45%), Overcontrolled (13%), Undercontrolled (10%), and Bohemian (32%). The Resilient and Bohemian personality types had more favorable perceptions of test fairness than the Overcontrolled type. Personality type did not affect face validi…
Is Autonomy Always Beneficial for Work Engagement? A Six-year Four-Wave Follow-Up Study.
Work engagement is expected to result from job resources such as autonomy. However, previous results have yielded that the autonomy–work engagement relationship is not always particularly strong. Whereas previous longitudinal studies have examined this relationship as an average at a specific point in time, this study examined whether this relationship is different within individuals from one time to another over the years. Furthermore, experiences of work engagement are expected to affect how employees benefit from autonomy, but no studies have so far investigated whether the initial level of work engagement affects the autonomy–work engagement relationship. This study aimed to first ident…
Authentic leadership and team climate: testing cross-lagged relationships
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between authentic leadership and team climate across 22 months. More specifically, three alternative causation models (normal, reversed, reciprocal) were tested. Design/methodology/approach – The longitudinal study was conducted among 265 Finnish municipal employees (87.5 per cent women, mean age 48.4 years). The participants completed a questionnaire three times: at baseline (T1), about 14 months after baseline (T2) and about eight months after the second questionnaire (T3). Findings – The cross-lagged analyses based on structural equation modelling lent support to the reversed causation model more than the normal causati…
Leader motivation as a building block for sustainable leader careers: The relationship between leadership motivation profiles and leader and follower outcomes
This study investigates leaders' motivation to lead (MTL) as a personal resource for building a sustainable career as a leader. Using a person-centered methodology, we identified different latent profiles of leadership motivation. These motivational profiles were compared with leaders' occupational well-being and leadership-related career intentions, and with follower-rated leader behaviors and LMX relationship quality. The survey data consisted of 1003 Finnish leaders from various sectors of working life. Of these leaders, 233 recruited their followers to participate in this study, resulting in 987 follower participants. Latent Profile Analysis identified four distinctive MTL profiles: 1) …
Eettinen kuormittuneisuus ja sen yhteydet eettiseen organisaatiokulttuuriin kaupunkiorganisaatiossa, suunnittelutoimistossa ja pankissa
The study investigated inter-organisational differences in employees’ ethical strain and their evaluations of the ethical culture of their organisations. The second aim was to investigate associations between the ethical culture of organisations and employees’ experiences of ethical strain. Altogether 3894 employees responded to a web-based questionnaire in May 2011. Ethical strain was assessed by measuring the prevalence of ethical dilemmas (2 items) and the stress related to them (2 items). Ethical culture was measured using the 58-item Corporate Ethical Virtues scale (Kaptein 2008). Ethical strain was found to be highest among employees working in social and health services. Employees in…
“No Worries, there is No Error-Free Leadership!” : Error Strain, Worries about Leadership, and Leadership Career Intentions among Non-Leaders
The growing body of research suggests that leadership is not among the most attractive career goals, especially for the younger work force. However, the need for leadership has not diminished. To shed light on the “problem of supply”, this study addresses the question of why high-potential individuals (i.e., non-leaders) do not pursue leadership positions by focusing on worries about leadership (WAL) and error-related strain. We had two aims: (1) to identify different profiles of WAL among highly educated professionals, and (2) to explore whether their error strain and leadership career intentions differ among the identified WAL profiles. Data were gathered from 955 highly educated Finnish …
Development of need for recovery from work over one year: A person-centered approach
This longitudinal questionnaire study conducted among 274 Finnish employees (57% women, average age 45.9 years) in a variety of jobs aimed at identifying groups of employees who share similar mean levels and changes in need for recovery and finding out whether factors regarded as antecedents of need for recovery distinguish between the different groups of need for recovery across one year. Using mixture modeling eight groups of need for recovery were identified. The individuals identified as closely resembling each other with respect to need for recovery and its change across one year were considered to belong to the same need for recovery group. Five of these groups indicated stable (low, …
We investigated school psychologists’ experiences of ethical strain (the frequency of ethical dilemmas at work and the stress caused by these dilemmas) and dilemma-related rumination outside working hours. Individual latent profiles were estimated at the study baseline based on these three dimensions. The psychologists’ weekly well-being (vigor, exhaustion, and sleep quality) was compared against their profile during the following three working weeks. The sample included 133 school psychologists, among whom four groups were identified: Low ruminators (39%), an Intermediate group (39%), High ruminators (20%), and Atypical outliers (2%). High ruminators fared least well in terms of weekly wel…
Organisaatiokulttuurin eettisyys suomalaisten johtajien silmin : työhyvinvoinnin näkökulma
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten johtajien arvioita organisaationsa kulttuurin eettisyydestä. Eettistä organisaatiokulttuuria arvioitiin kahdeksalla kuvaajalla (selkeys, esimiehen esimerkki, johdon esimerkki, toteutettavuus, organisaation tuki, läpinäkyvyys, keskusteltavuus, toiminnan seuraukset) sekä näiden summana. Lisäksi tutkittiin eettisen organisaatiokulttuurin yhteyttä johtajien työhyvinvointiin (työuupumus, työn imu). Ilmiöitä tarkastellessa huomioitiin johtajien erot taustatekijöissä (sukupuoli, ikä, johtotaso, toimiala, yrityksen koko). Tutkimus perustuu syksyllä 2009 toteutettuun kyselytutkimukseen, johon osallistui 902 johtajaa eri puolilta Suomea. Vastaajista yli kaksi k…
The Relationship Between Generalized Resistance Resources, Sense of Coherence, and Health Among Finnish People Aged 65-69
Abstract. The present study investigated the appropriateness of Antonovsky's model, in which generalized resistance resources (GRRs) facilitate an individual's sense of coherence (SOC); which in turn is assumed to sustain health. The proposed model was tested using a sample of 320 Finnish persons (132 of them were men and 188 women) aged 65-69 years. The GRRs investigated were family income, cognitive functioning, years of formal education, marital status, and physical exercise. Health was measured by means of a multidimensional indicator composed of physical, social and mental health. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) within the framework of LISREL models were used to test the hypothesi…
Miksi johtotehtäville sanotaan "Ei kiitos"?
Hyvästä johtajuudesta ja laadukkaasta esimiestyöstä puhutaan paljon. Pitkä tutkimustraditio on pyrkinyt määrittelemään hyvälle johtajuudelle tunnusomaisia piirteitä huomioiden niin tuloksellisuuden, tehokkuuden kuin työyhteisön hyvinvoinninkin näkökulmat. Viime aikainen johtamistutkimus on kuitenkin nostanut esille kaksi uutta tarkastelunäkökulmaa: 2000-luvun alusta lähtien tehty tutkimus on keskittynyt tarkastelemaan johtajuuteen liittyvää uravalintaa puoleensavetävien (motivaatio) ja siitä poispäin työntävien (kielteiset tunteet) tekijöiden näkökulmasta. Millaiset motivaatiotekijät saavat suuntautumaan kohti johtotehtäviä? Entä millaisia ovat ne kielteiset tunteet, erityisesti huolenaihee…
Intensified job demands in healthcare and their consequences for employee well-being and patient satisfaction: A multilevel approach
Contains fulltext : 234355.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) Aims: Intensified job demands (IJDs) and their effects on employee burnout, work engagement and patient satisfaction were investigated across different work units and occupational groups in a healthcare setting. Design: A multilevel study. Methods One thousand twenty-four healthcare employees responded to a survey in 2019 and rated their experiences of IJDs, burnout and work engagement. Nine hundred fifty-one patients rated their satisfaction with care received from healthcare staff. Results: Work units and occupational groups who shared more experiences of increased time pressure and multitasking reported higher exhaustion…
A person-centred approach to investigate the development trajectories of job-related affective well-being: A 10-year follow-up study
The primary aim of this three-wave 10-year follow-up study was to investigate the intra-individual change trajectories of job-related affective well-being among Finnish managers (n = 402). Job-related affective well-being as indicated by anxiety, depression, comfort, and enthusiasm was measured in 1996, 1999, and 2006. The characteristics of the trajectories were sought from experienced career disruptions (i.e., periods of unemployment or lay-offs) and perceived job insecurity. The growth mixture modelling (GMM) revealed altogether three latent trajectories that differed from each other in their mean levels and regard to changes in job-related affective well-being over time: (1) high and im…
Job Resources and Work Engagement: Optimism as Moderator Among Finnish Managers
The aim of the present study was to investigate the moderating role of optimism in the relationship between job resources (organizational climate, job control) and work engagement among Finnish young managers (N = 747). Hierarchical regression analyses showed that both job resources and optimism exerted a positive effect on work engagement and its three dimensions of vigor, dedication, and absorption. The moderation results showed that optimism can diminish the negative impact of low job resources on work engagement. These findings provide evidence to the importance of including personal resources in future research conducted on motivational process. Additionally, these findings provide sig…
Intensified job demands and job performance : does SOC strategy use make a difference?
We examined intensified job demands (IJDs) and selecting-optimizing-compensating (SOC) strategies as predictors of job performance (task performance, organizational citizenship behavior). We also investigated SOC strategy use as a moderator in the linkages between IJDs and performance. We sampled three disparate occupational groups (N=4,582). We found that certain dimensions of IJDs showed significant associations with the indicators of job performance but there were also scale-based variations in these linkages, depending on the type of performance and on the sub-scale of IJDs. Specifically, some dimensions of IJDs (e.g., work intensification) related to poorer task performance whereas som…
Los directivos vinculados psicológicamente en el trabajo no son adictos al mismo: datos de un análisis longitudinal centrado en la persona
The aims of this two-year follow-up study among Finnish managers (n = 463) were twofold: first, to investigate the relation between work engagement and workaholism by utilizing both variable- and person-centered approaches and second, to explore whether and how experiences of work engagement and workaholism relate to job change during the study period. The variable-centered analysis based on Structural Equation Modelling revealed that the latent factors of work engagement and workaholism did not correlate with each other, thereby suggesting that they are independent constructs. The person-centered inspection with Growth Mixture Modelling indicated four work engagement-workaholism classes: 1…
Mikä johtamisessa huolestuttaa? : johtajien kokemuksia fokusryhmäkeskusteluissa
Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten johtajien kokemuksia johtamiseen liittyvistä huolista. Lisäksi näitä kokemuksia verrattiin aiemmassa tutkimuksessa kehitettyyn johtamisen huolenaiheiden malliin ja sen kolmeen ulottuvuuteen: huoli epäonnistumisesta, huoli itsen tai muiden vahingoittamisesta sekä huoli työn ja muun elämän epätasapainosta. Tutkimuksen laadullinen aineisto koostui johtajien välisistä fokusryhmäkeskusteluista, joihin osallistui yhteensä 17 johtajaa. Aineistolähtöisen luokittelun tuloksena havaittiin yhteensä 12 erilaista huoliteemaa, joista enemmistö luokiteltiin johtamisen huolenaiheiden mallin kahden alaulottuvuuden alle. Epäonnistumisen huolen alle kuului yksi lu…
Intensified job demands and job performance: does SOC strategy use make a difference?
We examined intensified job demands (IJDs) and selecting-optimizing-compensating (SOC) strategies as predictors of job performance (task performance, organizational citizenship behavior). We also investigated SOC strategy use as a moderator in the linkages between IJDs and performance. We sampled three disparate occupational groups (N=4,582). We found that certain dimensions of IJDs showed significant associations with the indicators of job performance but there were also scale-based variations in these linkages, depending on the type of performance and on the sub-scale of IJDs. Specifically, some dimensions of IJDs (e.g., work intensification) related to poorer task performance whereas som…
Sense of coherence as a mediator between hostility and health
Abstract Objective: We proposed and tested a model in which low sense of coherence (SOC) was hypothesized to underlie the association between hostility and health problems. Methods: Structural equation modeling was based on cross-lagged 7-year follow-up data, relating to five measurement points in 433 female municipal employees. Results: The mediated model fitted well with the data. After adjustment for baseline characteristics, hostility was associated with increased risk of health problems, as indicated by records of sickness absences and poor self-rated health. Incorporating SOC into the model attenuated this association by 33–50%, depending on the indicator of health. The mediated effec…
Recovery experiences as moderators between psychosocial work characteristics and occupational well-being
Abstract This study examined the direct and moderator roles of recovery experiences (psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery, and control) in the relationship between psychosocial work characteristics (i.e. time demands, job control, and justice of the supervisor) and occupational well-being (need for recovery, job exhaustion, and work engagement). The study was conducted among 527 Finnish employees from several occupational sectors who were employed in a variety of different jobs. Of the employees, 53% were women and the average age was 42.4 years. The moderated hierarchical regression analyses showed that psychological detachment and mastery were protective mechanisms agai…
The Role of Work-Nonwork Boundary Management in Work Stress Recovery
The aim of the present study conducted among 1,106 Finnish employees was to identify boundary management profiles based on cross-role interruption behaviors from work to nonwork and from nonwork to work. Adopting a person-oriented approach through latent profile analysis, 5 profiles were identified: Work Guardians (21% of the employees), Nonwork Guardians (14%), Integrators (25%), Separators (18%), and an Intermediate Group (22%). We then examined differences between these profiles with respect to recovery experiences (psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control during off-job time) and recovery outcomes (vigor and exhaustion). Work Guardians had the poo…
Long-Term Reward Patterns Contribute to Personal Goals at Work Among Finnish Managers
The research addresses the impact of long-term reward patterns on contents of personal work goals among young Finnish managers ( N = 747). Reward patterns were formed on the basis of perceived and objective career rewards (i.e., career stability and promotions) across four measurements (years 2006–2012). Goals were measured in 2012 and classified into categories of competence, progression, well-being, job change, job security, organization, and financial goals. The factor mixture analysis identified a three-class solution as the best model of reward patterns: high rewards (77%), increasing rewards (17%), and reducing rewards (7%). Participants with reducing rewards reported more progressio…
The stability of sense of coherence: comparing two age groups in a 5-year follow-up study
In the original theoretical formulation, Antonovsky (1987a) proposed that sense of coherence is a developmental construct that becomes stabilized at the age of 30. The present 5-year follow-up study was designed to test this hypothesis by investigating the differences in stability in sense of coherence among two age groups the younger group of which consisted of individuals under and the older group of individuals over 30 years of age. The participants were Finnish technical designers (N=352) of whom 40% (n=141) comprised the younger age group (25–29 years) and 60% (n=211) the older age group (35–40 years). The 13-item Orientation to Life Questionnaire (Antonovsky, 1987a) was used to measur…
Cross-national and longitudinal investigation of a short measure of workaholism
The present study investigated the factor structure of the 10-item version of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS). The DUWAS-10 is intended to measure workaholism with two correlated factors: working excessively (WE) and working compulsively (WC). The factor structure of the DUWAS-10 was examined among multi-occupational samples from the Netherlands (n=9,010) and Finland (n=4,567) using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). CFAs revealed that the expected correlated two-factor solution showed satisfactory fit to the data. However, a second-order factor solution, where WE comprised the first-order factors “working frantically” and “working long hours”, and WC the first-order factors “obsess…
Profiles of Nature Exposure and Outdoor Activities Associated With Occupational Well-Being Among Employees.
This research addresses the profiles of nature exposure and outdoor activities in nature among Finnish employees (N = 783). The profiles were formed on the bases of nature exposure at work and the frequency and type of outdoor activities in nature engaged in during leisure time. The profiles were investigated in relation to work engagement and burnout. The latent profile analysis identified a five-class solution as the best model: High exposure (8%), Versatile exposure (22%), Unilateral exposure (38%), Average exposure (13%), and Low exposure (19%). An Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted for each well-being outcome in order to evaluate how the identified profiles related to occupa…
The Associations between Ethical Organizational Culture, Burnout, and Engagement: A Multilevel Study
Purpose – Ethical culture is a specific form of organizational culture (including values and systems that can promote ethical behavior), and as such a socially constructed phenomenon. However, no previous studies have investigated the degree to which employees’ perceptions of their organization’s ethical culture are shared within work units (departments), which was the first aim of this study. In addition, we studied the associations between ethical culture and occupational well-being (i.e., burnout and work engagement) at both the individual and workunit levels. Design/methodology/approach – The questionnaire data was gathered from 2,146 respondents with various occupations in 245 differen…
Vocational Meaning Survey (VMS) -kyselyn rakenne- ja sisällön validiteetti suomalaisen työelämä- ja uraohjauksen näkökulmasta
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan uuden, Yhdysvalloissa kehitetyn Vocational Meaning Survey (VMS) -kyselyn soveltuvuutta työn merkitysten ja täyttymysten kokemusten kartoittamiseen osana ohjausprosessia suomalaiseen kyselyaineistoon (n = 218) perustuen. VMS-kysely sisältää neljä työn merkityksen ja täyttymyksen osa-aluetta: perustarpeet, itseen suuntautuminen, yhteisöön suuntautuminen ja itsensä ylittäminen. Konfirmatorisen faktorianalyysin tulokset osoittivat, että VMS-kyselyn neliulotteinen faktorirakenne vastasi odotettua ja osa-alueiden reliabiliteetit olivat hyvät, kun jäljelle jätettiin suomalaiseen aineistoon parhaiten soveltuvat väittämät. Tulokset tukevat VMS-kyselyn suomenkielisen…
Investigating occupational well-being and leadership from a person-centred longitudinal approach: congruence of well-being and perceived leadership
The overall objective of this longitudinal study was to investigate the association between perceived leadership and employee well-being from a person-centred approach utilizing the principles of the conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, S. E. (1989). Conservation of resources: A new attempt at conceptualizing stress. American Psychologist, 44, 513–524; Hobfoll, S. E. (2002). Social and psychological resources and adaptation. Review of General Psychology, 6, 307–324). First, we aimed to identify latent classes (i.e., subgroups) of employees that demonstrated similar mean levels of stability and change in occupational well-being (i.e., vigour and emotional exhaustion) across a mean time…
Why Do Managers Leave Their Organization? : Investigating the Role of Ethical Organizational Culture in Managerial Turnover
The aim of the present longitudinal study was to quantitatively examine whether an ethical organizational culture predicts turnover among managers. To complement the quantitative results, a further important aim was to examine the self-reported reasons behind manager turnover, and the associations of ethical organizational culture with these reasons. The participants were Finnish managers working in technical and commercial fields. Logistic regression analyses indicated that, of the eight virtues investigated, congruency of supervisors, congruency of senior management, discussability, and sanctionability were negatively related to manager turnover. The results also revealed that the turnove…
Work-family culture and job satisfaction: does gender and parenting status alter the relationship?
Previous studies on work-family culture have examined its relationship with different employee outcomes (e.g., work-family conflict, job satisfaction, commitment) but neglected one important question; namely, who are most likely to benefit from a supportive work-family culture in terms of positive employee outcomes? The aim of this study was to shed new light on the work-family culture–job satisfaction linkage by examining the moderator effects of gender and parenting status in this relationship. Specifically, we asked whether gender and parenting status would alter the association between work-family culture and job satisfaction. We hypothesized – on the basis of traditional gender roles –…
Long-term patterns of effort-reward imbalance and over-commitment: Investigating occupational well-being and recovery experiences as outcomes
The aim of this study was, first, to identify long-term patterns of effort-reward imbalance (ERI) and over-commitment (OVC), and, second, to examine how occupational well-being (burnout, work engagement) and recovery experiences (psychological detachment, relaxation, mastery and control) differ in these patterns. The study was based on follow-up data with three measurement points (2006, 2008, 2010) collected from Finnish managers (N=298). Latent Profile Analysis resulted in five long-term ERI-OVC patterns: a high-risk pattern (high ERI, high OVC), found in 20% of the participants; a low-risk pattern (low ERI, low OVC), found in 24% of participants; a relatively low-risk pattern (low ERI, mo…
Identity Status Change Within Personal Style Clusters : A Longitudinal Perspective From Early Adulthood to Midlife
Differences in identity stability and change from age 36 through 42 to 50 were examined between three male and female personal style clusters extracted at age 27. We expected, first, the identity statuses to consistently differ between the clusters and, second, those with the least mature identity to move closer to others during midlife. Differences between the personal style clusters were discovered on all identity statuses across ages. Although significant personal style × age interactions were not detected, some evidence of pace-of-development differences emerged for women: Initial differences in identity maturation between the female groups partially leveled off by midlife. In men, earl…
Egoistic and moralistic bias in real-life inventory responses
Response-faking tendencies can be divided into moralistic and egoistic bias according to the contents of the issue faked (Paulhus & John, 1998). Our hypothesis was that in a work-related selection context faking would occur on the egoistic sub-scales, as these are related to competence and talent, which are issues relevant in selection. To minimize the amount of conscious faking, half of 466 real-life applicants were warned about the presence of a socially desirable responding sub-scale in the Personality Research Form (PRF). Half of the respondents (control group) received standard instructions. Of all the PRF sub-scales, only the ones measuring either egoistic or moralistic traits were st…
The Role of Family Background, School Success, and Career Orientation in the Development of Sense of Coherence
Abstract. This study investigates family background (child-centered parenting, parental socioeconomic status), school success in adolescence, and career orientation (education, stability of career line) in adulthood as antecedents of adult sense of coherence (SOC; Antonovsky, 1987a ), which has been posited to be a disposition crucial to understanding individual differences in successful coping with stress. Participants (104 men and 98 women) were drawn from the ongoing Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS), which was started when the participants were 8- or 9-year-old children (in 1968). Data gathered at ages 14, 27, 36, and 42 were used in this study. …
Job demands-resources model in the context of recovery: Testing recovery experiences as mediators
The aim of the present study was to extend the original Job Demands– Resources (JD-R) model by taking into account recovery as an important mediation mechanism between work characteristics and well-being/ill-health. Specifically, we examined whether recovery experiences—strategies promoting recovery—might have a mediating role in the JD-R model among 527 employees from a variety of different jobs. The results showed that psychological detachment fully mediated the effects of job demands on fatigue at work and mastery partially mediated the effects of job resources on work engagement. Altogether, the results suggest that recovery merits consideration as a mediating mechanism in the JD-R mode…
A mediational model of sense of coherence in the work context: a one-year follow-up study
The aim of this study was to test a mediational model appropriate for explaining the effects of psychosocial work characteristics (influence at work, job insecurity, organizational climate and leadership relations) on general well-being, (psychosomatic symptoms) and on occupational well-being (emotional exhaustion at work) via sense of coherence (SOC) in a one-year follow-up study. The questionnaire data were gathered in four Finnish organizations in February 1995 and 1996. Altogether 219 employees participated in the study in both years. The results, based on structural equation modelling, showed that a good organizational climate and low job insecurity were related to strong SOC, which wa…
Identifying long-term patterns of work-related rumination: Associations with job demands and well-being outcomes
Item does not contain fulltext The aim of this 2-year longitudinal study was to identify long-term patterns of work-related rumination in terms of affective rumination, problem-solving pondering, and lack of psychological detachment from work during off-job time. We also examined how the patterns differed in job demands and well-being outcomes. The data were collected via questionnaires in three waves among employees (N = 664). Through latent profile analysis (LPA), five stable long-term patterns of rumination were identified: (1) no rumination (n = 81), (2) moderate detachment from work (n = 228), (3) moderate rumination combined with low detachment (n = 216), (4) affective rumination (n =…
Multilevel Latent Profile Analysis With Covariates : Identifying Job Characteristics Profiles in Hierarchical Data as an Example
Latent profile analysis (LPA) is a person-centered method commonly used in organizational research to identify homogeneous subpopulations of employees within a heterogeneous population. However, in the case of nested data structures, such as employees nested in work departments, multilevel techniques are needed. Multilevel LPA (MLPA) enables adequate modeling of subpopulations in hierarchical data sets. MLPA enables investigation of variability in the proportions of Level 1 profiles across Level 2 units, and of Level 2 latent classes based on the proportions of Level 1 latent profiles and Level 1 ratings, and the extent to which covariates drawn from the different hierarchical levels of the…
Personality profiles and health: Longitudinal evidence among Finnish adults
Kinnunen, M.-L., Metsapelto, R. L., Feldt, T., Kokko, K., Tolvanen, A., Kinnunen, U., Leppanen, E. & Pulkkinen, L. (2012). Personality profiles and health: Longitudinal evidence among Finnish adults. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 53, 512–522. This study investigates the associations of longitudinal Big Five personality profiles with long-term health in 304 adults (53% males). Personality traits (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness) were assessed at ages 33, 42, and 50. Subjective (self-rated health, symptoms, psychological distress) and objective (body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides) indicators of health were…
Yliopistolaisten johtamismotivaatiota ymmärtämässä
Tutkimus, opetus ja yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttaminen ovat professoreiden ja tieteentekijöiden kolme keskeistä perustehtävää. Johtotehtävät nousevat harvoin perustehtäviä koskevaan keskusteluun, vaikka ne kuuluvat lähes jokaisen professorin työnkuvaan. Ne koskettavat myös muita tieteentekijöitä – jos eivät juuri tässä ja nyt – niin todennäköisesti kuitenkin uran myöhemmissä vaiheissa. Mutta millaisella johtamisen motivaatiolla yliopistolaiset johtotehtäviinsä päätyvät? Siihen saimme vastauksia Johtamisen pelko -tutkimuksessamme. nonPeerReviewed
Ethical managers in ethical organisations? The leadership-culture connection among Finnish managers
PurposeThe main aim of the present study is to discover whether the managers’ self‐evaluations of their ethical leadership style are associated with their assessments of the ethical organisational culture (measured with an eight‐dimensional Corporate Ethical Virtues‐model). It aims to hypothesise that the more ethical the managers evaluate their own leadership style to be, the higher evaluations they give on the ethical culture of their organisation. The underlying assumption is that ethical managers can enhance the ethical culture by behaving in accordance with their own values.Design/methodology/approachThis quantitative research was based on a questionnaire study with 902 respondents thr…
Teacher coping profiles in relation to teacher well-being : a mixed method approach
The aim was to investigate teachers’ coping profiles and their relations to teacher well-being. Questionnaire data was collected from 107 Finnish teachers. Theory-driven content analysis of teachers’ responses revealed three coping categories: problem-focused, emotion-focused and mixed problem- and emotion-focused. Next, teachers were categorized into four coping profiles by using latent profile analysis: Low-coping users (21%), Problem-focused-coping users (15%), High-coping users (12%) and Emotion-focused-coping users (52%). Low-coping-user teachers reported less stress and fewer depressive symptoms and sleep problems compared to Emotion-focused-coping users. Using a compact amount of cop…
Do intensified job demands predict burnout? How motivation to lead and leadership status may have a moderating effect
ObjectivesThe aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate how intensified job demands (job-related planning demands, career-related planning demands, and learning demands) are associated with burnout. We explored whether affective-identity motivation to lead moderates this association and, thus, functions as a personal resource regardless of leadership status. We further investigated whether the possible buffering effect is stronger for those professionals who became leaders during the follow-up.MethodsOur sample consisted of highly educated Finnish professionals (n = 372): part of them (n = 63, 17%) occupied a leadership position during the 2-year follow-up while the rest maintained …
Structural invariance and stability of sense of coherence: A longitudinal analysis of two groups with different employment experiences
This 5-year follow-up study investigated the structure and the factorial invariance of the 13-item sense of coherence (SOC) scale (Antonovsky, 1987a) in two employment groups (unemployment/lay-off experiences vs. continuous full-time employment) and across two measurement times. In addition, the stability of SOC between these two employment groups was compared. The postal questionnaire data was collected twice, in 1992 and in 1997. The participants were Finnish technical designers (N=352) aged between 25 and 40 years in 1992. A total of 51% of the investigated participants had been employed full-time during the 5-year follow-up period and 49% had been unemployed and/or laid off for a total …
Palkkioiden ja optimistisuuden yhteydet henkilökohtaisiin työtavoitteisiin
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin työhön liittyvien psykososiaalisten palkkioiden (arvostus, etenemismahdollisuudet ja työn varmuus) ja optimistisuuden yhteyksiä suomalaisten toimihenkilöiden henkilökohtaisiin työtavoitteisiin. Kyselytutkimukseen osallistui 303 tutkittavaa vuonna 2012 ja he olivat iältään 30– 42 -vuotiaita (ka = 37 vuotta). Tutkittavista 85 prosenttia oli miehiä. Tutkittavia pyydettiin kirjoittamaan tärkeimmät henkilökohtaiset työtavoitteensa ja tavoitteet luokiteltiin niiden sisältöjen perusteella seitsemään luokkaan: ammatillinen osaaminen (28 %), työhyvinvointi (18 %), organisaation menestys (15 %), työn vaihto (12 %), uralla eteneminen (12 %), palkka (9 %) sekä työn jatkuvuus…
Suomalaisten johtajien itsearvioinnit eettisestä johtamistyylistään ja niiden yhteydet eettiseen organisaatiokulttuuriin
Finnish managers’ self evaluations of their ethical leadership styles and connections to ethical organisational culture The present study analyses managers’ evaluations of their own ethical leadership styles, and the association of these evaluations with the ethicality of their organisation’s culture. The results were based on a questionnaire study with 902 respondents throughout Finland. Sixty-nine point seven percent of respondents were male, ranging from 26 to 69 years old, with an average age of 46. Respondents worked in various managerial levels and business lines, in both large and small organisations. The results showed that managers evaluated both the culture of their organisations …
Ethical dilemmas and well-being in teachers’ work : A three-wave, two-year longitudinal study
The aim of the present longitudinal study was two-fold: First, to explore what kinds of ethical dilemma groups can be identified among Finnish teachers (n = 310) and second, to examine how these groups differ from each other with respect to occupational well-being and recovery from job strain over the two-year follow-up. Using Latent Profile Analysis, three ethical dilemma prevalence groups were identified: rare (27%), occasional (51%), and frequent dilemmas (22%). Teachers in frequent dilemmas group reported highest burnout, however, their recovery from job strain improved and their burnout (exhaustion) diminished over time. To reduce teachers’ ethical dilemmas different approaches are pro…
Types of work-family interface: Well-being correlates of negative and positive spillover between work and family
Item does not contain fulltext The aim of the present study was to test the structure of the work-family interface measure, which was intended to take into account both the positive and negative spillover between work and family demands in both directions. In addition, the links among the types of work-family spillover and the subjects' general and domain-specific well-being were examined. The sample (n= 202) consisted of Finnish employees, aged 42, who had a spouse/partner. Confirmatory factor analyses indicated that a four-factor model, including negative work-to-family spillover, negative family-to-work spillover, positive work-to-family spillover, and positive family-to-work spillover, …
The Role of Work-Nonwork Boundary Management in Work Stress Recovery
The aim of the present study conducted among 1,106 Finnish employees was to identify boundary management profiles based on cross-role interruption behaviors from work to nonwork and from nonwork to work. Adopting a person-oriented approach through latent profile analysis, 5 profiles were identified: Work Guardians (21% of the employees), Nonwork Guardians (14%), Integrators (25%), Separators (18%), and an Intermediate Group (22%). We then examined differences between these profiles with respect to recovery experiences ( psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control during off-job time) and recovery outcomes (vigor and exhaustion). Work Guardians had the po…
Miltä johtotehtävä tuntuisi? : johtotehtävien seurauksiin liittyvät huolenaiheet korkeasti koulutetuilla asiantuntijoilla, niiden selittäjät ja seuraukset
Long-term profiles of work-related rumination associated with leadership, job demands, and exhaustion : A three-wave study
ABSTRACTThis study extends previous research on recovery from work stress by investigating the role of qualitative job demands and leadership in employees’ work-related rumination (WRR). The long-term development of WRR was examined from a person-centred approach across 22 months. Drawing on the stressor-detachment framework and conservation of resources theory, we investigated whether different WRR profiles could be understood in terms of levels of and changes in quantitative, cognitive, and emotional job demands, several aspects of supervisory leadership, and exhaustion that was expected to result from the impeded energy restoration process. A three-wave questionnaire study was conducted …
School Psychologists' Ethical Strain and Rumination : Individual Profiles and Their Associations with Weekly Well-Being
We investigated school psychologists’ experiences of ethical strain (the frequency of ethical dilemmas at work and the stress caused by these dilemmas) and dilemma-related rumination outside working hours. Individual latent profiles were estimated at the study baseline based on these three dimensions. The psychologists’ weekly well-being (vigor, exhaustion, and sleep quality) was compared against their profile during the following three working weeks. The sample included 133 school psychologists, among whom four groups were identified: Low ruminators (39%), an Intermediate group (39%), High ruminators (20%), and Atypical outliers (2%). High ruminators fared least well in terms of weekly wel…
Johtotehtäviin liittyvien huolenaiheiden yhteydet urasuunnitelmiin ja työtavoitteisiin korkeasti koulutetuilla asiantuntijoilla
Worries about leadership among highly educated professionals: Associations with career aspirations and personal work goals.
 We investigated how highly educated professionals’ worries about leadership roles relate to their career aspirations and personal work goals. Altogether 1151 professionals without leadership positions participated in the survey study. Participants with a high number of leadership-related worries were not planning to pursue leadership positions. Instead, their goals included increasing personal well-being or ending their career. Vice versa, participants with least leadership-related worries strived for career advancement. These findings indicate that worries about…
Profiles of work intensification among Finnish managers: relationships with well-being and turnover intentions
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, millaisia työn intensifikaation eli työn kiihtymisen profiileja voidaan tunnistaa johtajilla ja miten eri profiilien johtajat eroavat toisistaan työhyvinvoinnin ja työnkuvan vaihtoajatusten suhteen. Kyselytutkimuksen otos poimittiin Professoriliiton, Tieteentekijöiden liiton, Suomen Ekonomien ja Tekniikan Akateemisten jäsenrekistereistä. Tutkituista johtajista (N=705) yli puolet (56 %) oli miehiä. Löysimme K-keskiarvojen klusterianalyysin avulla viisi profiilia: 1) Riskiprofiili (voimakas työn intensifikaatio, 31 %), 2) suotuisa profiili (työn- ja urasuunnittelun vaatimukset lisääntyneet kohtuullisesti, 19 %), 3) haitta- ja haastestressoriprofiili (työtahti ja ti…
The Path from Ethical Organisational Culture to Employee Commitment : Mediating Roles of Value Congruence and Work Engagement
Following the Job Demands-Resources model’s motivational process, this study investigates the role of person-organisation fit and work engagement as mediating processes between ethical culture and employee commitment, where ethical culture is seen as an organisational resource. It was expected that the stronger the ethical values and practices are experienced to be, the more compatible employees feel with the organisation. A good person-organisation fit was further hypothesised to act as a personal job resource for the employees, who would consequently experience higher work engagement leading to stronger affective commitment and less turnover intentions. The study used questionnaire data g…
Overcommitment as a predictor of effort-reward imbalance: evidence from an 8-year follow-up study.
Objective The effort–reward imbalance (ERI) model includes the personal characteristic of overcommitment (OC) and the job-related characteristics of effort, reward, and ERI, all of which are assumed to play a role in an employee’s health and well-being at work. The aim of the present longitudinal study was to shed more light on the dynamics of the ERI model by investigating the basic hypotheses related to the role of OC in the model, ie, to establish whether an employee’s OC could be a risk factor for an increased experience of high effort, low reward, and high ERI at work. Methods The study was based on 5-wave, 8-year follow-up data collected among Finnish professionals in 2006 (T1, N=747)…
How perceived changes in the ethical culture of organizations influence the well-being of managers: A two-year longitudinal study.
The first aim of this study was to identify long-term patterns of ethical organizational culture based on the perceptions of 368 Finnish managers over a period of two years. The second aim was to investigate whether there is a difference in the long-term occupational well-being (burnout and work engagement) of managers exhibiting different patterns of ethical culture. Based on latent profile analysis, five different patterns of the strength of ethical culture were identified: moderate, high, increasing, decreasing, and low. The results show that managers exhibiting either the low or decreasing pattern of ethical culture experienced significant changes in their well-being over time. Decreasi…
Testing cross-lagged relationships between work‐related rumination and well‐being at work in a three‐wave longitudinal study across 1 and 2 years
The aim of this three‐wave longitudinal study conducted among 664 Finnish employees was to examine the cross‐lagged relationships between various work‐related ruminative thoughts (affective rumination, problem‐solving pondering, lack of detachment from work) during off‐job time and employee well‐being (exhaustion, vigour). We tested normal, reversed, and reciprocal temporal relationships across 1 and 2 years using structural equation modelling. The analyses lent most support to the reversed temporal relationships, showing first that high exhaustion predicted low problem‐solving pondering 2 years later and second, that high vigour predicted low affective rumination both 1 and 2 years later. …
Muutosvoimavarojen yhteydet henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin sekä työpaikan ja alanvaihtoaikeisiin terveysalan organisaation muutosprosessissa
Tutkimme kahden vuoden seurantatutkimuksessa, miten muutosvoimavarat (viestintä, osallistuminen päätöksentekoon, muutostuki) ovat yhteydessä terveydenhuoltoalan henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin (työuupumus, työn imu) sekä työpaikan ja alanvaihtoaikeisiin organisaatiomuutoksen aikana. Tutkimukseen osallistui 303 sairaanhoitopiirin työntekijää, joista 87 prosenttia oli naisia ja potilastyössä toimivia 74 prosenttia. K-keskiarvoklusteroinnilla tunnistimme tutkimuksen lähtötilanteessa kolme muutosvoimavaraprofiilia: vähäiset muutosvoimavarat (41 % tutkittavista), korkeat muutosvoimavarat (23 %) ja keskimääräiset muutosvoimavarat (36 %). Vähäisten muutosvoima-varojen profiilissa yliedustettuina oliv…
Johtamismotivaation merkitys korkeasti koulutettujen urapoluilla ja työhyvinvoinnissa : MOTILEAD-hankkeen loppuraportti
Käsillä oleva raportti on Työsuojelurahaston rahoittaman MOTILEAD-tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti. Tutkimushankkeessa oli kaksi osaa. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä, MOTI-Survey-pitkittäistutkimuksessa selvitettiin korkeasti koulutettujen henkilöiden johtamismotivaatiota sekä sen merkitystä heidän työurilleen ja työhyvinvoinnilleen. Tutkimuksen toisessa, MOTI-Train-tutkimusosuudessa selvitettiin johtamisvalmennuksessa kerättyyn aineistoon perustuen johtamismotivaation ja johtajaidentiteetin rakentumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. MOTI-Survey-pitkittäistutkimuksessa tavoitteenamme oli tutkia johtamismotivaation pysyvyyttä neljän vuoden aikana sekä johtamismotivaation roolia johtajien taustojen, johto…
Young managers’ drive to thrive: A personal work goal approach to burnout and work engagement
This study approaches young managers’ occupational well-being through their work-related goal pursuit. The main aim was to identify content categories of personal work goals and investigate their associations with background factors, goal appraisals, burnout, and work engagement. The questionnaire data consisted of 747 young Finnish managers (23–35 years; M = 31 years) who were mostly men (85.5%). Seven work-related content categories were found on the basis of qualitative data analysis: (1) competence goals (30.5%), (2) progression goals (23.7%), (3) well-being goals (15.2%), (4) job change goals (13.7%), (5) job security goals (7.4%), (6) organizational goals (5.6%), and (7) financial goa…
Applicant reactions and faking in real-life personnel selection
Honkaniemi, L., Tolvanen, A. & Feldt, T. (2011). Applicant reactions and faking in real-life personnel selection. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 52, 376–381. Faking may affect hiring decisions in personnel selection. All the antecedents of faking are still not known. The present study investigates the association between applicants’ reactions about the selection procedure and their tendency to fake. The subjects (N = 180) were real-life applicants for a fire and rescue personnel school. After completing the selection process, the applicants filled out a questionnaire about their test reactions (Chan, Schmitt, Sacco & DeSohon, 1998b) and a faking scale, the Balanced Inventory of Desirabl…
Leaders’ intensified job demands : Their multi-level associations with leader-follower relationships and follower well-being
To study the ever-increasing pace of work practices, we investigated leader experiences of intensified job demands (IJDs) and their effects on followers. Based on the challenge-hindrance approach, different kinds of job demands may produce either negative or positive work-related outcomes. Using this perspective, we investigated the leaders IJDs against their followers’ satisfaction with them as leaders, follower evaluations of the leader-member exchange (LMX) relationship quality, and their personal well-being (burnout and work engagement). Of the four IJDs, (1) work intensification and (2) career-related planning demands were conceptualised as negative hindrances for leaders, whereas (3) …
Multilevel Latent Profile Analysis With Covariates : Identifying Job Characteristics Profiles in Hierarchical Data as an Example
Latent profile analysis (LPA) is a person-centered method commonly used in organizational research to identify homogeneous subpopulations of employees within a heterogeneous population. However, in the case of nested data structures, such as employees nested in work departments, multilevel techniques are needed. Multilevel LPA (MLPA) enables adequate modeling of subpopulations in hierarchical data sets. MLPA enables investigation of variability in the proportions of Level 1 profiles across Level 2 units, and of Level 2 latent classes based on the proportions of Level 1 latent profiles and Level 1 ratings, and the extent to which covariates drawn from the different hierarchical levels of th…
Economic stress and marital adjustment among couples: analyses at the dyadic level
This survey study of 608 Finnish couples investigated the question of how economic stress is reflected in marital adjustment on the basis of the model presented by Conger and colleagues. We used the couple as a unit of analysis, performing a dyadic-level analysis within the framework of LISREL models. The model showed that the path by which economic circumstances were linked to marital adjustment was as follows: poor economic circumstances were linked to economic strain, which was related to increased psychological distress, and psychological distress in turn was negatively reflected in marital adjustment. However, psychological distress only partially mediated the link between economic str…
Longitudinal profiles of mental well-being as correlates of successful aging in middle age
This study analyzed the multidimensional (including emotional, psychological, and social well-being) profiles of mental well-being and their links to various indicators of successful aging (SA; including diseases, cognitive and physical function, and engagement with life). The analyses were based on the Finnish Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development, where the age-cohort participants have been followed from age 8 to 50. Data on 335 participants collected in mid-adulthood were analyzed. Applying Latent Profile Analysis and measures of life satisfaction and psychological well-being at ages 36, 42, and 50 and social well-being at ages 42 and 50, four longitudinal w…
A new approach to stress of conscience's dimensionality : Hindrance and violation stressors and their role in experiencing burnout and turnover intentions in healthcare
Aims To identify a valid, longitudinally invariant factor model for stress of conscience and to investigate how stress of conscience dimensions associate with burnout and turnover intentions. Background There has been a lack of consensus about the number and content of stress of conscience dimensions, and a lack of longitudinal studies on its development and outcomes. Design A longitudinal, person-centred survey study using the STROBE checklist. Methods Healthcare personnel (n = 306) rated their stress of conscience in 2019 and 2021. Longitudinal latent profile analysis was used to identify different subgroups based on the employees' experiences. These subgroups were then compared in terms …
The structure of Antonovsky's Orientation to Life Questionnaire
The present study investigated the structure of Antonovsky's (1987) short-form (13-item) Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ). The OLQ was developed to measure sense of coherence, which consists of three interrelated components: meaningfulness, comprehensibility and manageability. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out using data on three occupational groups (technical designers n = 989, teachers n = 1012, managers n = 1035). The factor analysis models were specified and compared in the study: (1) a first-order one-factor model; (2) a first-order correlated-three-factor model; and (3) a second-order model with three first-order factors. The results suggested that the first-order c…
Longitudinal Patterns of Ethical Organisational Culture as a Context for Leaders’ Well-Being: Cumulative Effects Over 6 Years
AbstractThe aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate the temporal dynamics of ethical organisational culture and how it associates with well-being at work when potential changes in ethical culture are measured over an extended period of 6 years. We used a person-centred study design, which allowed us to detect both typical and atypical patterns of ethical culture stability as well as change among a sample of leaders. Based on latent profile analysis and hierarchical linear modelling we found longitudinal, concurrent relations and cumulative gain and loss cycles between different ethical culture patterns and leaders’ well-being. Leaders in the strongest ethical culture pattern exper…
Los directivos vinculados psicológicamente en el trabajo no son adictos al mismo:datos de un análisis longitudinal centrado en la persona
The aims of this two-year follow-up study among Finnish managers (n = 463) were twofold: first, to investigate the relation between work engagement and workaholism by utilizing both variable- and person-centered approaches and second, to explore whether and how experiences of work engagement and workaholism relate to job change during the study period. The variable-centered analysis based on Structural Equation Modelling revealed that the latent factors of work engagement and workaholism did not correlate with each other, thereby suggesting that they are independent constructs. The person centered inspection with Growth Mixture Modelling indicated four work engagement-workaholism classes: 1…
Psychological Detachment as a Mediator Between Successive Days Job Stress and Negative Affect of Teachers
The study investigated the mediating role of teachers' psychological detachment between successive days' job stress and negative affect. Fifty-seven Finnish teachers answered to a mobile diary four times a day on two successive workdays assessing their negative affect, three times a day assessing their job stress and once a day after work assessing their psychological detachment from work. Two-level modeling on both the between individual level and within day level was used to test the mediational model. The data supported the mediational model where teachers' job stress hinders their psychological detachment, which again increases their negative affect and job stress on the subsequent day.…
Sense of coherence and health: evidence from two cross-lagged longitudinal samples
We explored the stability of sense of coherence (SOC) and the relationship between SOC and health in two cross-lagged longitudinal samples by using structural equation modeling. In Study 1, comprising 577 municipal male and female employees, SOC was found to be stable in both sexes. In women, SOC significantly predicted sickness absences in the 4-year follow-up period. A low SOC, but not a high SOC, was associated with health prospects. Surprisingly, SOC did not influence sickness absences among men. Study 2 further tested the relationship between SOC and health in 320 male technical designers. Although SOC was cross-sectionally associated with psychological and somatic health complaints, i…
Incoherent Yet Still Moral? Followers’ Perceptions of Their Leaders’ Integrity
The aim of this study was to broaden the current understanding of leader integrity by applying a social-cognitive process model to leaders’ moral decision-making. Leaders (n = 223) were classified into different integrity styles (informational, normative, or diffuse-avoidant) based on their personal descriptions of how they approach moral questions and make moral decisions at work. We then investigated how followers (n = 963) perceived these leaders’ integrity (moral behavior, behavioral integrity, and consistency) and their leader-member exchange (LMX) quality by using a hierarchical leader-follower sample. Followers evaluated normative leaders to show the highest amount of consistency com…
Työn tuunaamisen profiilit sosiaali- ja terveysalan organisaatiossa : yhteydet työhyvinvointiin
Työn tuunaaminen on oma-aloitteista työn kehittämistä työn voimavaroja ja vaatimuksia muokkaamalla. Tutkimme, millaisia tuunausprofiileja voidaan löytää kolmesta erilaisesta tuunaustavasta, jotka olivat työn voimavarojen lisääminen, työn vaatimusten lisääminen ja työn vaatimusten optimoiminen. Selvitimme myös, miten työhyvinvointi vaihtelee profiileissa. Sähköiseen kyselyyn osallistui 1 024 sosiaali- ja terveysalan organisaation työntekijää. K-keskiarvojen klusterianalyysin avulla tunnistimme neljä työn tuunaamisen profiilia: aktiiviset tuunaajat (19 %, monipuolinen tuunaaminen), optimoivat tuunaajat (21 %, työn vaatimusten optimointi), passiiviset tuunaajat (27 %, keskimääräistä vähemmän t…
Back to Basics: The Relative Importance of Transformational and Fair Leadership for Employee Work Engagement and Exhaustion
This study contributes to the literature on the supervisors’ role in employee well-being by drawing on two separate lines of research: transformational leadership and organizational justice. The purpose of the study was to investigate the unique contributions of transformational and fair leadership (justice behaviours of supervisors) on work engagement and exhaustion among employees within the framework of the Job Demands-Resources model (Bakker and Demerouti, 2007). In determining the unique contributions, we additionally acknowledged the role of work characteristics. A questionnaire study was conducted among Finnish municipal employees in a variety of occupations (N = 333, 87% women). The…
Eettinen kuormittuneisuus ja eettisten dilemmojen sisällöt kaupunkiorganisaation eri ammattiryhmillä
Does work intensification relate to work engagement?
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin työn intensiivistymisen ilmenemismuotojen ja työn imun välisiä yhteyksiä yhdeksän ammattialan aineistossa (N = 7 786). Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselyllä, ja tuloksia analysoitiin regressioanalyyseillä ammattialoittain. Tulokset osoittivat, että yhteydet työn imuun vaihtelivat työn intensiivistymisen eri ilmenemismuotojen ja tason mukaan, mutta osin myös ammattialoittain. Kokemus työtahdin kiristymisestä oli yhteydessä heikompaan työn imuun lähes kaikilla ammattialoilla. Sen sijaan lisääntyneet oppimisvaatimukset työssä olivat joillakin ammattialoilla yhteydessä korkeampaan työn imuun. Toisaalta havaittiin, että työn imu on korkeinta silloin, kun oppimisvaatimukset …
Conflicting personal goals: a risk to occupational well-being?
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the moderating role of goal conflict in the relationship between the contents of managers’ personal work goals and occupational well-being (burnout and work engagement). Eight goal categories (organization, competence, well-being, career-ending, progression, prestige, job change, and employment contract) described the contents of goals. Goal conflict reflected the degree to which a personal work goal was perceived to interfere with other life domains. Design/methodology/approach – The data were drawn from a study directed to Finnish managers in 2009 (n=806). General linear models were conducted to investigate the associations between go…
Johtotehtäviin liittyvät huolenaiheet korkeasti koulutetuilla johtajilla : selittäjät, seuraukset ja alaisten kokemukset
Is work intensification bad for employees? A review of outcomes for employees over the last two decades
Work intensification (WI) is a notable job stressor, which has been hypothesised to result in various negative outcomes for employees. However, earlier empirical studies regarding this stressor hypothesis have not yet been reviewed. Our narrative review focused on the outcomes for employees of WI as a perceived job stressor. Our review was based on selected qualitative and quantitative empirical studies (k = 44) published in peer-reviewed journals between the years 2000 and 2020. Altogether, the findings of these studies showed that WI was related to various negative outcomes for employees, such as impaired well-being and motivation, supporting the stressor hypothesis. Stressful WI manifest…
Sense of coherence and work characteristics: A cross-lagged structural equation model among managers
This study investigated the dominance of predictive relationships between Sense of Coherence (SOC) and work characteristics (organizational climate and job control) in cross-lagged longitudinal data with two measurement points and a time lag of 3 years. The sample consisted of 615 (587 men and 28 women) managers, aged between 27 and 64 years. The cross-lagged longitudinal analysis was done by the use of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) within the framework by LISREL. The results of the chi-square difference tests indicated that the model where SOC at Time 1 predicted work characteristics at Time 2 better accounted for the data than the competitive models. However, the only significant pa…
The shortened Corporate Ethical Virtues scale
So far, the field of business ethics lacks validated measures for assessing virtues at the organizational level. The aim of this study is to investigate the measurement invariance of a shortened Corporate Ethical Virtues scale. In this manner, we contribute to validating an instrument that is both psychometrically sound and efficient to use. We conducted two survey studies of two independent groups (managers and school psychologists). Confirmatory factor analysis supported the eight‐factor model of the scale, and we found it to be invariant in two different occupational groups. The managers gave higher appraisals of ethical culture than the psychologists did in seven out of the eight dimens…
Is work engagement related to healthy cardiac autonomic activity? Evidence from a field study among Finnish women workers
The present study investigated whether work engagement is related to and can explain healthy cardiac autonomic activity as indicated by decreased heart rate (HR; i.e., sympathetic and parasympathetic activity) and increased high-frequency power (HFP) of heart rate variability (i.e., parasympathetic activity). A total of 30 healthy Finnish female cleaning workers underwent an ambulatory monitoring period of two nights and two regular workdays, and mean values of work period HR and HFP were utilized as dependent variables. Correlations revealed that work engagement was, as hypothesized, negatively related to HR and positively to HFP. Furthermore, in hierarchical linear regression analysis, wo…
Association Between Long-Term Job Strain and Metabolic Syndrome Factor Across Sex and Occupation
The present study investigated whether long-term job strain increases the prevalence of risk for metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, across sex and occupation. The participants (64 men, 62 women) were drawn from the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development, Finland. Job strain was measured by a combination of high job demands and low job control ( Karasek, 1979 ) at ages 36 and 42. Metabolic syndrome was measured at age 42. The results indicated that both sex and occupational group moderated the association between long-term job strain and the metabolic syndrome factor but in an unexpected way. In women, low long-term job str…
Interface between work and family: A longitudinal individual and crossover perspective
This study assessed longitudinal individual and crossover relationships between work-family conflict and well-being in the domains of work (job satisfaction) and family (parental distress) in a sample of 239 dual-earner couples. The results revealed only longitudinal individual effects over a 1-year period. First, high family-to-work conflict (WFC) at Time 1 was related to a high level of work-to-family conflict (WFC) 1 year later in both partners. Second, the wife's high level of FWC was related to her decreased job satisfaction 1 year later. Thus, the longitudinal effects identified supported normal causality, that is, work-family conflict led to poor well-being outcomes or increased perc…
The role of goal pursuit in the interaction between psychosocial work environment and occupational well-being
Abstract The relation of the core components of the Effort–Reward Imbalance model (ERI; Siegrist, 1996 ) to goal pursuit was investigated. Goal pursuit was studied through categories of goal contents – competency, progression, well-being, job change, job security, organization, finance, or no work goal – based on the personal work goals of managers ( Hyvonen, Feldt, Salmela-Aro, Kinnunen, & Makikangas, 2009 ). The study focused on the contribution of the ERI components (effort, reward, effort–reward imbalance, OVC) to goal contents, as well as on the mediating and moderating effects of goal contents between the ERI components and occupational well-being (burnout, work engagement) among youn…
Eettisesti haastavat tilanteet ja niiden kuormittavuus johtajien työssä: fokusryhmäkeskusteluiden analyysi
Tässä pilottitutkimuksessa tutkittiin laadullisesti johtajien työssään kokemia eettisesti haastavia tilanteita (sisällöt, kontekstit) sekä niissä koettuja ristiriitakokemuksia. Työtilanteita luokiteltiin laadullisen aineiston pohjalta. Aineisto kerättiin 16 suomalaisen johtajan fokusryhmäkeskusteluista (neljä ryhmää). Tulokset osoittivat, että johtajat kohtasivat usein työssään erilaisia eettisesti haastavia tilanteita suhteessa organisaation sidosryhmiin. Näitä sidosryhmiä olivat organisaation toimintaympäristö eli yhteiskunta, asiakkaat, omistajat sekä henkilöstö (johto, kollegat ja alaiset). Haastavien tilanteiden sisällöt jakautuivat viiteen luokkaan: 1) monimutkaiset työtilanteet, 2) r…
Illegitimate tasks in health care: Illegitimate task types and associations with occupational well-being.
Aims and objectives: The aims of the study were to identify content categories of unreasonable and unnecessary illegitimate tasks and to investigate how unreasonable and unnecessary tasks relate to occupational wellbeing. Background: Illegitimate tasks are a common stressor among healthcare professionals, and they have been shown to have negative associations with occupational well-being. Despite this evidence, research has not yet uncovered what kinds of tasks healthcare professionals consider illegitimate. Design and method: The data gathered by means of an online survey consisted of 1024 municipal healthcare organisation employees. A theory-driven qualitative content analysis was used to…
Warr's scale of job-related affective well-being: A longitudinal examination of its structure and relationship with work characteristics
Abstract The aims of this 3-year follow-up study among Finnish managers (n=615) were first, to test the theoretically-based structure of the job-related affective well-being scale (Warr, 1990b), and second, to examine the linear and curvilinear longitudinal associations between work characteristics and job-related affective well-being. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the hypothesized four-factor model best described the structure of the job-related affective well-being scale; that is, the scale included four interrelated factors of job-related anxiety, comfort, depression, and enthusiasm at both measurement times. Structural equation modelling showed that high feelings of comfort a…
Profiling development of burnout over eight years: relation with job demands and resources
The aim of the present study was twofold: First, to profile the long-term development of burnout symptoms (exhaustion, cynicism and reduced professional efficacy), and second, to investigate the associations of developmental burnout profiles with job demands and resources. The study focused on Finnish white-collar professionals (N = 169) who participated in a survey five times during eight years (in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014). At each measurement time, the participants filled in the same scales of burnout, job demands and job resources. Using Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), three developmental profiles of burnout symptoms were identified: 1) Stable, low burnout (78%), 2) Exhaustion in…
Concurrent and lagged effects of counterdispositional extraversion on vitality
Abstract There are two contrasting perspectives on the effects of state extraversion. One states that people benefit from behaving extraverted, regardless of their level of trait extraversion. The second entails that behaving concordant to one’s trait is natural while deviations from the trait level— counterdispositional behaviors—are effortful to maintain, leading to mental fatigue. We test the possibility that both perspectives are correct, with beneficial effects of high state extraversion showing immediately, while the depleting counterdispositional effects are delayed. Experience sampling data from 67 employees (N = 1,664), shows that extraverted behaviors are associated with high leve…