Ana Zornoza
Investigating face-to-face and virtual teamwork over time: When does early task conflict trigger relationship conflict?
North Carolina State UniversityPast research has indicated that early task consict can trigger subsequent relationshipconsict during teamwork. The current study examines conditions that may exacerbateor attenuate this relationship. SpeciÞcally, this study examines the moderating role ofprocess consict and communication medium on the link between task consict andrelationship consict over time. A longitudinal laboratory experiment was carried outcomparing 22 face-to-face (FTF) groups, 22 videoconference (VC) groups, and 22synchronous computer mediated (i.e., OchatO) communication (CMC) groups workingon a complex team task over a period of 1 month. Results highlight the robust insuenceof early…
The influence of organisational facilitating conditions and technology acceptance factors on the effectiveness of virtual communities of practice
The present study aimed to examine the influence of facilitating conditions on the effectiveness of a Virtual Community of Practice. To do so, we first analysed the influence of facilitating condit...
Reducing Relationship Conflict in Virtual Teams With Diversity Faultlines: The Effect of an Online Affect Management Intervention on the Rate of Growth of Team Resilience
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of an online affect management intervention on relationship conflict through the rate of growth of team resilience in virtual teams with diversity faultlines. Fifty-two 4-person teams participated in a randomized controlled trial design with repeated measures (i.e., three measurement occasions). Teams were randomly assigned to either an intervention designed to help them manage emotions in virtual teams or a control condition. Our findings showed that affect management can reduce the level of relationship conflict in virtual teams with diversity faultlines and that this effect can be explained by the pattern of change in team resilience in re…
Relational capital in virtual teams: the role played by trust
The study of social capital has emerged as a key construct in work and organizational contexts. Trust is its relational dimension and it is relevant for teams working in virtual environments. The purpose of our study is to determine whether the relationship between virtuality level (based on the characteristics of the technology used by each group) and three team-effectiveness criteria (group performance, group process satisfaction and group cohesion) is moderated by group trust climate or relational capital (i.e. trust perceptions shared by team members). A laboratory experiment was carried out with groups randomly assigned to two virtuality levels (videoconference and computer-mediated co…
The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in the Relationship Between Group Effectiveness and Group Potency
The aim of this research is to examine the role of information and communication technologies in the relationship between group effectiveness and group potency changes. A laboratory experiment compared 44 groups of four members, working in two communication media—face-to-face condition and computer-mediated communication (CMC). Groups developed a project during 4 weekly meetings during a 1-month period. No significant difference in group potency between communication media was found initially. However, different patterns of group potency development over time were identified. Group potency increased in the face-to-face condition, whereas it remained stable in the CMC condition. Results sho…
Relationships between leadership and professionals' job attitudes and perceptions: Comparison of two leadership models
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the power of the Average Leadership Style (ALS) and Vertical Dyad Linkage (VDL) models of leadership in explaining relationships between leader's initiating structure behaviour and consideration behaviour, and subordinates' attitudes and perceptions. The considered dependent variables were five facets of job satisfaction, two role stress variables (role conflict and ambiguity), one role strain indicator (job tension), and four dimensions of workteam climate. The relationships were investigated in two occupational samples comprising 127 family physicians and 155 nurses working in 28 Primary Health Care Teams. Within and between analysis (WABA…
The role of information and communication technologies in the relationship between group potency and group maintenance outcomes: a longitudinal study
Group potency is one of the major factors influencing work group success. However, little is known about the effects of potency on group maintenance outcomes, especially in virtual teams. The present study examines the moderating role of information and communication technologies ICTs in the relationships between potency and group maintenance outcomes in a longitudinal study. The study involved 44 groups of four members each, working in two communication media: face-to-face F-t-F and computer-mediated communication CMC. The groups developed a project during four weekly sessions over a 1-month period. The results showed that ICTs moderated the relationship between potency and maintenance out…
Testing relations between group cohesion and satisfaction in project teams: A cross-level and cross-lagged approach
Based on a two-dimensional perspective of group cohesion, this study examines the emergence of task cohesion and interpersonal cohesion in project teams and their roles in changes in members’ individual satisfaction with the team. Specifically, we tested a direct-effect and mediation model of the cross-level relationship between team task and interpersonal cohesion and individual satisfaction with the team over time. With a sample of 74 newly created project teams, the hypotheses were tested using a two-wave panel design. Results indicate that task cohesion emerges more strongly than interpersonal cohesion during the first stages of work in project teams. Moreover, the cross-lagged relation…
Roles of participation and feedback in group potency.
The roles of group participation and group performance feedback were examined as antecedents of group potency, i.e., beliefs shared among a work group's members about the general effectiveness of the work group. Also examined were how group participation and the congruence of the feedback received from different sources about performance predicted convergence in members' beliefs about group effectiveness. The sample comprised 61 work groups of professionals involved in Master in Business Administration (MBA) programs (284 participants). Mean group size was 4.6 members ( SD = .58). 65% of participants were male, and 51% were between 30 and 40 years of age. Data were gathered at two measurem…
Dialogue between workers and family members is related to their attitudes towards self-determination of individuals with intellectual disability
Background: This study focused on attitudes of workers and family members towards self-determination of individuals with intellectual disability. First, we compare their self-determination attitude...
Group interaction styles in a virtual context: The effects on group outcomes
The influence of communication and information technologies (TICs) on group functioning and group outcomes is an important topic. Interdependent group work implies the need to communicate in order to share information and knowledge related to the task. The importance of this group interaction in the group functioning and outcomes stands out. In this sense, a line of investigation has arisen to study the role of interaction styles in the relationship between communication technology and group outcomes, as some functional or dysfunctional outputs depend on group interaction styles. From this perspective, the objective of this study is twofold: (1) to analyze the group interaction styles in vi…
Sustainable virtual teams: promoting well-being through affect management training and openness to experience configurations
A disruptive digitalization recently occurred that led to the fast adoption of virtual teams. However, membership diversity and team virtuality threaten members’ well-being, especially if faultlines appear (i.e., subgroups). Considering the job demands–resources model and the role of group affect in shaping members’ perceptions of well-being, we test the effectiveness of a short-term affect management training for increasing members’ eudaimonic well-being. Moreover, based on the trait activation theory and the contingent configuration approach, we draw on the personality composition literature to test how different openness to experience configurations of team level and diversity together m…
El estudio de la incidencia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) sobre los procesos de influencia social ha sido el objetivo de diversas investigaciones. En ellas, el papel de estos procesos en la relación entre la modalidad de comunicación y los resultados grupales no queda definido. El objetivo del presente trabajo es clarificar el rol de los procesos de influencia en dicha relación, utilizando dos modalidades de comunicación: videoconferencia y comunicación mediada por ordenador. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio de laboratorio con 44 grupos distribuidos aleatoriamente entre las dos modalidades de comunicación. Los resultados indican que los procesos de influ…
Team Feedback Intervention and Team Learning in Virtual Teams: A Moderated Mediation Model of Team Cohesion and Personality
Part 2: ICT4D and Improvement of ICTs; International audience; Scholars and practitioners agree that virtual teams (VTs) have become commonplace in today’s digital workplace. Relevant literature argues that learning constitutes a significant contributor to team member satisfaction and performance, and that, at least in face-to-face teams, team cohesion fosters team learning. Given the additional challenges VTs face, e.g. geographical dispersion, which are likely to have a negative influence on cohesion, in this paper we shed light on the relationship between team cohesion and team learning. We adopted a quantitative approach and studied 54 VTs in our quest to understand the role of feedback…
Relationship, task and process conflicts on team performance
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine which communication contexts – virtual or traditional interactions – is more disruptive or beneficial to the effects of intragroup conflicts on team performance.Design/methodology/approachA laboratory experiment was conducted comparing 22 face‐to‐face (FTF) teams, 22 videoconference (VC) teams and 22 computer‐mediated communication (CMC) teams over a month.FindingsResults showed that VC teams are the highest performing teams and CMC teams the lowest. However, when task conflict increases VC team performance diminishes at the first stage of the teamwork. FTF team performance is also improved by task conflict, but also by process conflict. After …
Is team emotional composition essential for virtual team members’ well-being? The role of a team emotional management intervention
The aim of this study was twofold. First, we examined the relationship between virtual teams’ emotional intelligence composition and three indicators of their members’ well-being, members’ satisfaction with the team, and positive and negative affective states. Second, we analyzed the moderator role of an online team emotional management intervention in the effects of the team emotional intelligence composition. One hundred and two virtual teams participated in an experimental study with repeated measures. Teams were randomly assigned to either an intervention designed to help them detect and manage emotions during virtual teamwork or a control condition (with no intervention). We followed a…
Role Stress: Burnout Antecedent in Nursing Professionals
Abstract Burnout syndrome has been described by different authors as a reaction to work stress. Hence both the role stress components–role ambiguity and role conflict–appear in the literature as burnout antecedent variables. The correlation between these variables is positive. On the other hand, the work social support (from supervisors and colleagues) is a variable with influence on both role stress and burnout, so the people who perceive higher work social support feel lower role stress and lower burnout than the people who perceive lower social support. In this study we present the results of a correlational study of role ambiguity, role conflict, burnout levels (tested with Maslach Burn…
Conflict management in groups that work in two different communication contexts: Face-to-face and computer-mediated communication
The aim of this study is to test the differences in quality and frequency of conflict management behavior as a function of the interaction between task and communication medium, and practice time in continuing groups that work over two different media: computer mediated communication (CMC) and face to face communication (FTF). Conflict management behavior is studied through observed behavior and categorized by experts. Two conflict management behavior categories are differentiated: positive and negative conflict management behavior. A laboratory experiment was carried out comparing 12 groups of 4 members each, working over two communication media (6 groups FTF and 6 groups over CMC). Group…
Análisis de la interacción grupal a través de medidas de observación en comunicación mediada
ResumenEn la actualidad, las nuevas tecnologias estan favoreciendo la formacion de grupos de trabajo distribuidos. Estos grupos pueden tener un caracter relativamente permanente como un equipo editorial, o un equipo de diseno de distintos departamentos de una multinacional. Los Psicologos del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones estan retados a proporcionar teorias y modelos para el analisis y diseno de estos grupos. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de interaccion de los grupos que se comunican a traves de tecnologias de la informacion, centrandonos en aspectos que surgen o varian con mayor frecuencia a lo largo de ese proceso en funcion de la tecnologia utilizadapara …
The effects of virtuality level on task-related collaborative behaviors: The mediating role of team trust
This study aims to analyze the mediating role of team trust in the relationship between virtuality level and task-related collaborative behaviors. Three types of task-related collaborative behaviors were studied, namely team coordination, team cooperation, and team information exchange. Drawing upon theory and research on virtual teams and trust, we hypothesized that team trust partially mediated the effects of virtuality level on team coordination, team cooperation, and team information exchange. A laboratory experiment was carried out with 65 four-person teams randomly assigned to three communication media with different virtuality levels (face-to-face, video conference and computer-media…
The validity of collective climates
The objective of this study is to test the validity of the collective climate concept. It was expected that membership in collective climates was related to membership in the collectivities defined by departmental membership, hierarchical level, shift, job location and organizational tenure. The study sample was composed of 195 employees from a central administration agency. Using a combination of hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering methods, three different collective climates were obtained. The results showed that only hierarchical level was related to collective climate membership. Based on all the results obtained, the debate on the validity of collective climates is reconsidere…
How team feedback and team trust influence information processing and learning in virtual teams: A moderated mediation model
We study how team feedback influences information processing and learning in virtual teams.Group information is positively related to team learning in virtual teams.The indirect effect of team feedback on team learning via group information elaboration is moderated by team trust. This study examines a moderated mediation model in which team trust moderates the indirect effect of team feedback on team learning through group information elaboration in virtual teams. An experimental study in a laboratory was conducted with 54 teams randomly assigned to a team feedback condition or a control condition. Results provided empirical support to the moderated mediation model. We found that the indire…
Understanding the sense of community and continuance intention in virtual communities: The role of commitment and type of community
Virtual communities (VCs) have become essential in current organizations and society, and so their sustainability is a topic of interest for researchers and practitioners. We focus on the sense of virtual community (SoVC) and commitment as relevant antecedents in achieving the success and maintenance of different types of VCs (communities of interest, virtual learning communities, and virtual communities of practice). Specifically, this study examines a moderated mediation model in which the type of virtual community moderates the indirect effect of a SoVC on the intention to continue through the perceived commitment of the users of the VC. The sample consists of 299 members of Virtual comm…
Inspiriting Innovation: The Effects of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) on Innovative Behavior as Mediated by Mindfulness and Work Engagement
Continuous innovation has become a key to gaining a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations in the 21st century. By focusing on the underlying mechanisms (i.e., mindfulness and work engagement) by which it works, this study addresses the quality of leader–member relationships and their relevance for innovation in the workplace. Using a sample of 210 employees from 17 Spanish companies, a two-wave longitudinal design evaluated the mediational roles of mindfulness and engagement between leader–member exchange (LMX) quality and innovative work behavior (IWB) in an organizational context. Over the course of a year, two questionnaires were administered to measure LMX quality, mindful…