Víctor Pérez-samaniego

‘It’s not a part of me, but it is what it is’: the struggle of becoming en-wheeled after spinal cord injury

Many people who experience spinal cord injury become long-term wheelchair users. This article addresses the process of becoming en-wheeled through the case example of a disabled man called Patrick.An intrinsic case study informed by posthumanist developments was used. Within this design, Patrick and his manual wheelchair were the entangled participants of the inquiry.Interviews and fieldwork observation with Patrick were conducted. Qualitative data were analysed using the posthumanist notion of 'assemblages'.The results illuminate Patrick's struggle of negotiating a new embodied selfhood that includes the wheelchair. Patrick engaged in ableist rehabilitation after spinal cord injury to recu…

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Uso de blogs en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte

Se describe la experiencia de un proyecto de innovación educativa que consistió en el diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de diversos usos de blogs y que se desarrolló en la Universitat de València, durante el curso académico 2009-10. El análisis refleja la heterogeneidad con la que los diferentes profesores dieron respuesta a los problemas específicos planteados en sus materias. La principal conclusión es que esta flexibilidad en el uso de los blogs supone una singular ventaja para la innovación en educación superior centrada en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.

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Abjection and alterity in the imagining of transgender in physical education and sport: a pedagogical approach in higher education

In physical education (PE) and sports there is little theoretical and empirical knowledge about transgender people, and particularly, on how they are and can be imagined within this context. In this paper, we present and analyze a pedagogical activity based on the reading and discussion of a fictional representation of a transgender person within a group of undergraduate students of Sport Sciences. Our theoretical frame situates abjection and alterity as opposing concepts on a continuum. Results show several ways in which a transgender person is imagined by students, as well as constraints and possibilities for the pedagogical proposal to promote moral imagining of transgender. Students sit…

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Socio-ecological analysis of trans people’s participation in physical activity and sport

The purpose of this study is to explore and provide understanding of trans people’s participation in physical activity and sport through the socio-ecological perspective. A total of 43 Spanish trans people (21 trans women, 17 trans men and 5 with ‘other self-identifications’), between 15 and 62 years old, participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis identified six main themes, which highlight the multidimensional relations between individual, social and environmental factors in trans people’s participation in physical activity and sport. Results reveal that the importance of body appearance for ‘passing’ and the fear of being unmasked affect their participation. Trans peop…

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Harassment patterns and risk profile in Spanish trans person

This article describes the harassment patterns and the risk profile in trans people living in Spain. A sample of 212 trans persons, aged 10-62, participated in this cross-sectional study. Results showed a high percentage of harassment (59.9%) and frequency of daily harassment (12.6%), especially verbal attacks (59%) that occurred in public spaces (49.1%) and within educational contexts (46.2%). Harassment is more prevalent in trans women than men. Those who disclose their gender identities at a younger age experience higher percentages and frequency of harassment than those who disclose at an older age. They also suffer more harassment of different types. The risk profile of harassment indi…

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Predicting physical activity in university students with disabilities: The role of social ecological barriers in the theory of planned behaviour

Abstract Background Even though university students with disabilities are less active than their peers without disabilities, there is scarce knowledge on the predictors of physical activity (PA) in this population. Objectives To predict PA in Spanish university students with disabilities using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and to examine the role of social ecological barriers within this theoretical framework. Methods Participants (N = 1079; Mean age = 40.12) for this cross-sectional study were recruited through the disability care services of 55 Spanish universities. The TPB constructs were assessed using a questionnaire. The Spanish short form of the International Physical Activit…

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Experiencias de las personas trans en los vestuarios deportivos. Un espacio de intervención desde el trabajo social

Las personas utilizamos vestuarios en diferentes espacios y contextos deportivos. Por lo general, estos espacios son altamente sexuados y están pensados para que mujeres y hombres cisexuales los utilicen de forma separada. Por su fuerte carácter sexuado, los vestuarios generan incomodidad y conflicto en aquellas personas en las que su identidad de género no corresponde con su sexo asignado al nacer. De hecho, diversos estudios han considerado éstos como uno de los espacios más problemáticos para las personas trans. En concreto, los vestuarios que no cuentan con mecanismos que velen por la privacidad de los cuerpos, exigen su exposición pública, control y vigilancia. Las reacciones sociales …

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Narrative inquiry is a burgeoning form of research in social sciences that has received little attention in physical education and sport sciences. In this article, we seek to balance this situation by offering an understanding of what narrative inquiry can be and can offer to our field. In order to gain some theoretical purchase on a difficult field, we first define narrative. Next, a distillation of guiding assumptions and characteristics are offered. Finally, some reasons as to why narratives may be of benefit for the field of physical education and sport. In conclusion, we consider narrative inquiry as a useful, although problematic, way of theorizing and doing research in the domains of…

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Opening up to trans persons in Physical Education–Sport Tertiary Education: two case studies of recognition in queer pedagogy

ABSTRACTBackground: In western societies, commitment to social justice claims for politics of recognition when referring to gender diversity. Gender non-conforming people, such as trans persons, re...

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Exploring Trans People's Narratives of Transition: Negotiation of Gendered Bodies in Physical Activity and Sport

This paper explores how trans people who make transitions negotiate their gendered bodies in different moments of this process, and how their narrative storylines are emplotted in physical activity and (non)organized sports (PAS) participation. A qualitative semi-structured interview-based study was developed to analyze the stories of eight trans people (three trans women, two trans men, and three nonbinary persons) who participated in PAS before and during their gender disclosure. A thematic analysis was conducted to identify the patterns in the transition process and the structural analysis of the stories from the interviews. Three transition moments (the closet, opening up, and reassurin…

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The Anabasis of Patrick: Travelling an allegorical narrative map of illness and disability

Abstract Objectives This paper examines the stories of Patrick, a man living with cancer and a spinal cord injury. Design An intrinsic case study was used to address Patrick's experiences. The design of the study is underpinned by narrative dialogism. Method Photo-elicitation interviews were conducted. Visual and verbal data were analysed using a dialogical narrative analysis. Results Patrick aligned his experiences with a story titled Anabasis to organize and express them. Although Anabasis is not a story about illness, it provides Patrick with an allegorical narrative map of how to live with disability and survive illness. Within ‘The Anabasis of Patrick’, the analysis identified three st…

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The Impact of COVID-19 on Sport in Twitter: A Quantitative and Qualitative Content Analysis

The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has transformed many aspects of people’s daily life, including sports. Social networks have been flooded on these issues. The present study aims to analyze the tweets produced relating to sports and COVID-19. From the end of January to the beginning of May 2020, over 4,000,000 tweets on this subject were downloaded through the Twitter search API. Once the duplicates, replicas, and retweets were removed, 119,253 original tweets were analyzed. A quantitative–qualitative content analysis was used to study the selected tweets. Posts dynamics regarding sport and exercise evolved according to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, shifting from consideri…

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Social comparison processes, narrative mapping and their shaping of the cancer experience: a case study of an elite athlete.

Drawing on data generated by life history interviews and fieldwork observations we illuminate the ways in which a young elite athlete named David (a pseudonym) gave meaning to his experiences of cancer that eventually led to his death. Central to this process were the ways in which David utilized both social comparisons and a narrative map provided by the published autobiography of Lance Armstrong (2000). Our analysis reveals the selective manner in which social comparison processes operated around the following key dimensions: mental attitude to treatment; the sporting body; the ageing body; and physical appearance. The manner in which different comparison targets were chosen, the ways in…

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El miedo condiciona la manera de vivir, aprender y crecer en la escuela. Partiendo de datos etnográficos, este estudio explora la experiencia de miedo en Educación Física (EF) por medio de una perspectiva narrativa. Para analizar los datos y comunicar los resultados se utilizan prácticas analíticas creativas. El núcleo del artículo es una historia contada por Eva, una alumna que se enfrenta a un examen de EF. Su mirada evoca qué hace el miedo en diversos ambientes narrativos. La historia se presenta como un recurso para pensar con y sobre la experiencia del miedo en EF. 

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Este estudio explora cómo un grupo de mujeres con discapacidad (n=6) experimentan y perciben la práctica de actividad física en un gimnasio adaptado. Se utilizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas como instrumento de recogida de datos cualitativos y se realizó un análisis temático inductivo. Los resultados se agruparon en torno a cuatro categorías temáticas emergentes: condición física y autonomía personal; papel paliativo del ejercicio; bienestar psicológico; relación social y apoyo. Destaca la experiencia satisfactoria de las participantes, en la que predomina una valoración positiva de procesos autorregulativos, la concepción social-relacional de la actividad física, y la relevancia del gi…

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La concepción cultural del deporte como una actividad predominantemente masculina ha dificultado la participación de algunos grupos sociales como mujeres, personas trans o intersexuales. El carácter sexuado del deporte se apoya en las diferencias fisiológicas entre mujeres y hombres, y una supuesta desventaja de las mujeres. Por ello, se establecen pruebas de sexo para las mujeres y el acceso de las personas trans e intersexuales se ve obstaculizado. En este estudio reconstruimos, a partir de las normativas y el contexto socio-histórico internacional, la evolución de la participación de personas trans e intersexuales en el deporte competitivo contemporáneo. Asimismo, se profundiza en la apl…

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Looking back into trans persons’ experiences in heteronormative secondary physical education contexts

ABSTRACTBackground: School is one of the primary settings where non-gender conformer children and adolescents emerge as vulnerable groups at high risk of suffering violence and harassment. Within schooling contexts, embodied experiences in physical education (PE) may become particularly problematic for trans students. However, there is little research focusing on trans persons’s experiences in PE. The purpose of this paper is to gather memories and impressions of a group of adult trans persons on their experiences in secondary PE.Theoretical framework: The concept of heteronormativity is used as a theoretical framework to provide insights and understanding to trans persons’s experiences in …

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Traveling material↔semiotic environments of disability, rehabilitation, and physical activity.

In this article, we apply narrative dialogism and new materialism to health research. We examine how material↔semiotic environments (MSEs) affect the rehabilitation process of Patrick, a man who exercised with the aim to recover from spinal cord injury. The MSEs are considered embedded subcases within the overall holistic case of Patrick. Three MSEs were identified: the hospital gym, the personal gym, and the adapted gym. These are examined using the analytical lens of assemblages. First, the mutually affecting components of each MSE are described. Second, a larger environmental assemblage is identified, which is termed exercise-is-restitution assemblage. This composite assemblage illumina…

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La participación de las personas trans en la actividad física y el deporte: barreras y facilitadores

Las personas trans son uno de los colectivos más vulnerados en nuestra sociedad. A pesar de los beneficios fisiológicos y psicosociales que puede reportar la práctica de actividad física y deporte (AFD), las personas trans presentan niveles de práctica mucho más bajos que las personas cisgénero según algunos estudios. Para conocer el nivel de práctica en España, se pasó una encuesta sobre la participación en AFD a un total de 212 participantes trans. Posteriormente, 43 de esas personas fueron entrevistadas con el objetivo de conocer con mayor profundidad sus experiencias en este ámbito. Para el análisis de los datos se llevaron a cabo, por un lado, las pruebas de McNemar y Chi-cuadrado con …

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As revistas espanholas em Ciências do esporte incluidas no Catálogo Latindex

Este artigo analisa as revistas espanholas em Ciências do esporte incluídas no Catálogo Latindex. Examinam-se as principais características editoriais das publicações, o conteúdo que oferecem na Internet e a evolução da presença das revistas espanholas no Catálogo desde 2004. Também são analisados sete indicadores básicos para avaliar a qualidade editorial das publicações, selecionados dentre os critérios Latindex. Os dados obtidos permitem traçar um panorama da situação destas revistas na Espanha, destacando a melhora produzida durante os últimos anos em sua normalização, indexação em bases de dados e adaptação à editoração eletrônica.

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Resumen En Educación Física, el alumnado con baja competencia motriz puede verse humillado. La humillación suele quedar silenciada dentro de las personas que la sufren. Este artículo pretende sacar a la luz y reflexionar sobre los sentimientos de humillación de una alumna de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (CCAFD). Para ello, la alumna ofrece un relato autoetnográfico que representa sus experiencias de manera semificcional. Dentro del espectro autoetnográfico, se adopta una posición moderada. Tras justificar dicha posición, el artículo presenta algunas reflexiones acerca de cómo el campo de la educación físico-deportiva, y en particular los estudios de CCAFD, generan prácticas …

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Development and validation of the Barriers to Physical Activity and Sport Questionnaire for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning persons

Abstract Objective The objective of the study was to develop the Barriers to Physical Activity and Sport Questionnaire for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (BPASQ-LGBTQ+ [encompassing all spectrums of sexuality and gender]) persons (BPASQ-LGBT), which measures barriers using a socio-ecological model, and to validate it through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Study design Validation study. Methods First, content validity was achieved by (a) developing a bank of items, (b) discussing the adequacy of the items in a committee of experts and classifying the selected ones under three socio-ecological levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, environmental) and (…

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Environmental Barriers and Facilitators to Physical Activity among University Students with Physical Disability—A Qualitative Study in Spain

This paper qualitatively examines environmental factors operating as barriers and/or facilitators to participation in physical activity (PA) of people with physical disabilities. Interview data were collected from 27 Spanish university students through the innovative method of two-on-one interviews. Thereafter, data were subject to a flexible thematic analysis. Three themes were constructed: associations

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“Do you find it normal to be so fat?” Weight stigma in obese gym users

Weight stigma is a negative social process that involves discrimination against overweight and obese people. Gyms are important environments to promote exercise where weight stigma can be a hindrance for obese exercise practitioners. This critical-oriented study provides evidence-based answers to this question: How do obese users experience weight stigma in gyms? Six obese gym users (BMI >30) participated in semi-structured interviews and provided visual data for photo-elicitation. A thematic analysis enabled the grouping of their experiences around weight stigma into three forms of discrimination: 1) direct: negative comments about body weight and body size; 2) indirect: internalizatio…

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Experiences of trans persons in physical activity and sport: A qualitative meta-synthesis

• Language has negative consequences for trans people but also becomes an act of resistance.• Changing rooms are experienced as embarrassing and unsafe.• Trans persons use different strategies for ...

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