Jukka Rintala

Thermophilic hydrogen production from cellulose with rumen fluid enrichment cultures: Effects of different heat treatments

Elevated temperatures (52, 60 and 65 °C) were used to enrich hydrogen producers on cellulose from cow rumen fluid. Methanogens were inhibited with two different heat treatments. Hydrogen production was considerable at 60 °C with the highest H2 yield of 0.44 mol-H2 mol-hexose -1 (1.93 mol-H2 mol-hexose-degraded-1) as obtained without heat treatment and with acetate and ethanol as the main fermentation products. H2 production rates and yields were controlled by cellulose degradation that was at the highest 21%. The optimum temperature and pH for H2 production of the rumen fluid enrichment culture were 62 °C and 7.3, respectively. The enrichments at 52 and 60 °C contained mainly bacteria from …

research product

Landfill gas upgrading with pilot-scale water scrubber: Performance assessment with absorption water recycling

Abstract A pilot-scale counter current absorption process for upgrading municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill gas to produce vehicle fuel was studied using absorption, desorption and drying units and water as an absorbent. Continuous water recycling was used without adding new water to the system. The process parameters were defined by a previous study made with this pilot system. The effect of pressure (20–25 bar), temperature (10–25 °C) and water flow speed (5.5–11 l/min) on the upgrading performance, trace compounds (siloxanes, halogenated compounds) and water quality were investigated. Raw landfill gas flow was kept constant at 7.41 Nm3/h. Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) contents …

research product

Pilot-scale thermophilic anaerobic treatment of wastewaters from seasonal vegetable processing industry

Thermophilic anaerobic treatment of food industry wastewaters was studied using a 0.65 m3 upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor. The reactor was operated at 55°C and placed on the premises of a factory manufacturing deep-frozen goods from vegetables. The hot (>80-90°C) and concentrated (COD 14-79 g/l) wastewater streams, deriving from steam peeling and blanching of carrot and potato were used. The UASB reactor was inoculated with a small amount of granular sludge from a full-scale mesophilic UASB reactor. Prior to inoculation, the inoculum was acclimated to 55°C for 2 days. The reactor was fed with a mixture of wastewaters diluted to the desired COD. The reactor was started with loadin…

research product

Group-specific quantification of methanotrophs in landfill gas-purged laboratory biofilters by tyramide signal amplification-fluorescence in situ hybridization.

The aim of this study was to quantitatively analyse methanotrophs in two laboratory landfill biofilters at different biofilter depths and at temperatures which mimicked the boreal climatic conditions. Both biofilters were dominated by type I methanotrophs. The biofilter depth profiles showed that type I methanotrophs occurred in the upper layer, where relatively high O(2) and low CH(4) concentrations were present, whereas type II methanotrophs were mostly distributed in the zone with high CH(4) and low O(2) concentrations. The number of type I methanotrophic cells declined when the temperature was raised from 15 degrees C to 23 degrees C, but increased when lowered to 5 degrees C. A slight …

research product

Biomethane production from maize and liquid cow manure – Effect of share of maize, post-methanation potential and digestate characteristics

Abstract This study investigates the co-digestion of liquid cow manure and maize with different share of maize in continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs). The objective was to determine the methane yield of reactor and the post-methanation potential of the digestate from different reactor trials. The highest specific methane yield (259 Nl CH 4 /kg volatile solids (VSs)) was obtained when the share of maize in the feedstock was 40% (VS) and the second highest specific methane yield was when the proportion of maize was 60% (VS) (234 Nl CH 4 /kg VS). The post-methanation potential of the digestate was determined in batch assays. The minimum value (maize 40%, 75 ± 1 Nl CH 4 /kg VS feed ) occ…

research product

Effect of additives on process stability of mesophilic anaerobic monodigestion of pig slaughterhouse waste

The effect of two additives on anaerobic monodigestion of pig slaughterhouse waste was studied in three laboratory scale continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) operated for 242-284 days at 35°C. A higher organic loading rate (OLR), namely 2.25 kg volatile solids (VS)/m(3)d with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 30 d was feasible with an additive containing Fe, HCl and trace elements while an OLR of 1.5 kg VS/m(3)d (HRT 30 d) led to instabilities in CSTR with an additive consisting of Fe and HCl and in CSTR without additives. Methane yields of ca. 700 dm(3) CH(4)/kg VS(fed) were obtained in all reactors under stable conditions. Both additives decreased H(2)S concentration of the biogas…

research product

Effects of temperature on post-methanation of digested dairy cow manure in a farm-scale biogas production system.

A post-methanation process that could be adopted at farm-scale, operating at temperatures prevailing in farm manure digester post-storage tanks, was evaluated. Digested manure samples from a farm digester (35 degrees C) and post-storage tank (5-10 degrees C) were incubated in parallel batches at 5-20 degrees C and as reference at 35 and 55 degrees C. Specific methane yields (kg(-1) volatile solids (VS)(added waste)) were 0.20-0.26 m3 at 35-55 degrees C and 0.085-0.09 m3 at 10-20 degrees C for digester material (345 days of incubation) and 0.16-0.21 m3 at 35-55 degrees C, 0.053-0.087 kg(-1) VS(added waste) m3 at 15-20 degrees C and 0.026 m3 at 10 degrees C for post-storage tank material (250…

research product

Nitrogen removal from on-site treated anaerobic effluents using intermittently aerated moving bed biofilm reactors at low temperatures

Abstract On-site post-treatment of anaerobically pre-treated dairy parlour wastewater (DPWW e ; 10 °C) and mixture of kitchen waste and black water (BWKW e ; 20 °C) was studied in moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBR). The focus was on removal of nitrogen and of residual chemical oxygen demand (COD). Moreover, the effect of intermittent aeration and continuous vs. sequencing batch operation was studied. All MBBRs removed 50–60% of nitrogen and 40–70% of total COD (COD t ). Complete nitrification was achieved, but denitrification was restricted by lack of carbon. Nitrogen removal was achieved in a single reactor by applying intermittent aeration. Continuous and sequencing batch operation provid…

research product

Detailed internal characterisation of two Finnish landfills by waste sampling

The aim of this study was to characterise the internal structure and composition of landfilled waste at two Finnish landfills to provide information for active and post-landfill operations. The two sites, Ammässuo and Kujala, have been in operation for 17 and 48 years, respectively. Waste was sampled (total 68 samples) and analysed for total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), biological methane potential (BMP) and leaching of organic material (determined as chemical oxygen demand, COD) and ammonium nitrogen (NH(4)-N). The results showed high vertical and horizontal variability, which indicated that both the waste composition and state of degradation varied gre…

research product

Anaerobically digested poultry slaughterhouse wastes as fertiliser in agriculture

Chemical and physical analysis, 27-d plant growth assays with carrot (Daucus carota) and Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris var. chinensis), and 5-d phytotoxicity assays with Chinese cabbage and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) were used to investigate the suitability of anaerobically digested poultry slaughterhouse waste for fertiliser in agriculture and the effect of aerobic post-treatment on the properties of the digested material. The digested material appeared to be rich in nitrogen. In 27-d assays with digested material as nitrogen source, carrots grew almost as well as those fertilised with a commercial mineral fertiliser used as reference, whereas, the growth of Chinese cabbage…

research product

Comparison of laboratory-scale thermophilic biofilm and activated sludge processes integrated with a mesophilic activated sludge process

A combined thermophilic-mesophilic wastewater treatment was studied using a laboratory-scale thermophilic activated sludge process (ASP) followed by mesophilic ASP or a thermophilic suspended carrier biofilm process (SCBP) followed by mesophilic ASP, both systems treating diluted molasses (dilution factor 1:500 corresponding GF/A-filtered COD (COD(filt)) of 1900+/-190 mgl(-1)). With hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 12-18 h the thermophilic ASP and thermophilic SCBP removed 60+/-13% and 62+/-7% of COD(filt), respectively, with HRT of 8 h the removals were 48+/-1% and 69+/-4%. The sludge volume index (SVI) was notably lower in the thermophilic SCBP (measured from suspended sludge) than in …

research product

Occurrence and removal of organic pollutants in sewages and landfill leachates

Sewages of different composition and the effluents of four sewage treatment plants (STPs), plus sewage sludges were analysed for semivolatile organic priority pollutants. Furthermore, 11 landfill leachates were analysed to evaluate their contribution to sewage pollutants when co-treated. Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) was the pollutant occurring at highest concentrations (up to 122 microg/l) and it was present in all sewages and leachates; concentrations of other phthalates were usually below 17 microg/l. Some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (<1 microg/l) and 2,6-dinitrotoluene (< or =5.9 microg/l) were also present in many of the sewages and leachates. Phthalates were present in…

research product

Screening of physical–chemical methods for removal of organic material, nitrogen and toxicity from low strength landfill leachates

Physical-chemical methods have been suggested for the treatment of low strength municipal landfill leachates. Therefore, applicability of nanofiltration and air stripping were screened in laboratory-scale for the removal of organic matter, ammonia, and toxicity from low strength leachates (NH4-N 74-220 mg/l, chemical oxygen demand (COD) 190-920 mg O2/l, EC50 = 2-17% for Raphidocelis subcapitata). Ozonation was studied as well, but with the emphasis on enhancing biodegradability of leachates. Nanofiltration (25 degrees C) removed 52-66% of COD and 27-50% of ammonia, the latter indicating that ammonia may in part have been present as ammonium salt complexes. Biological pretreatment enhanced t…

research product

Comparative study of laboratory-scale thermophilic and mesophilic activated sludge processes.

Laboratory-scale mesophilic (20-35 degrees C) and thermophilic (55 degrees C) activated sludge processes (ASPs) treating diluted molasses wastewater were compared in effluent quality, removal of different COD fractions, sludge yield, floc size, and sludge settleability. The effect of polyaluminium chloride (PAC) with high cationic charge on sludge settleability and effluent quality was also studied. In the ASPs, the hydraulic retention time was 12h in both processes, corresponding to a volumetric loading rate of 3.2+/-1.0 kg COD(filt) m(-3)d(-1). The mesophilic ASP gave 79+/-18% and 90+/-2% and the thermophilic ASP gave 50+/-6% and 67+/-11% total COD (COD(tot)) and GF/A-filtered COD (COD(fi…

research product

Biogas production from boreal herbaceous grasses – Specific methane yield and methane yield per hectare

Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the specific methane yields of four grass species (cocksfoot, tall fescue, reed canary grass and timothy) cultivated under boreal conditions as well as how harvesting time and year of cultivation affects the specific methane yields per ha. The specific methane yields of all grasses and all harvests varied from 253 to 394 Nl CH4/kg volatile solids (VS) added. The average specific methane yield of the 1st harvest of all grasses was higher than the 2nd harvests. In this study the methane and energy yields from different harvest years were ranged from 1200 to 3600 Nm3 CH4/ha/a, corresponding from 12 to 36 MWh CH 4 /ha/a. The methane yield pe…

research product

Landfill gas upgrading with countercurrent water wash.

A pilot-scale countercurrent absorption process for upgrading landfill gas to produce vehicle fuel was studied using absorption and desorption units and water as absorbent. The height-to-diameter ratio of the absorption column used was 3:1 instead of the more conventionally used 20:1 ratio, and a higher pressure was used along with a lower water flow rate. The effects of pressure (10-30 bar) and water and gas flow-ratios on the upgrading process were studied. Methane content in the product gas increased to near or above 90% with both gas flows (50 and 100 l/min) used at over 20 bar pressure with 10 l/min water flow and at 30 bar pressure with 5l/min water flow. Carbon dioxide content with t…

research product

Interannual variation and long-term trends in proportions of resident individuals in partially migratory birds

Partial migration - a part of a population migrates and another part stays resident year-round on the breeding site - is probably the most common type of migration in the animal kingdom, yet it has only lately garnered more attention. Theoretical studies indicate that in partially migratory populations, the proportion of resident individuals (PoR) should increase in high latitudes in response to the warming climate, but empirical evidence exists for few species. We provide the first comprehensive overview of the environmental factors affecting PoR and the long-term trends in PoR by studying 27 common partially migratory bird species in Finland. The annual PoR values were calculated by divid…

research product

Effect of macro and micro nutrients addition during anaerobic mono-digestion of grass silage in leach-bed reactors

The effect of macro- (NH4Cl) (set I) and micro-nutrients (Fe, Ni, Co and Mo) (set II) addition on chemical oxygen demand (COD) solubilisation during anaerobic mono-digestion of grass silage was investigated in two sets of leach bed reactor experiments at 35°C. Results showed that addition of NH4Cl and micro-nutrients improved COD solubilisation by 18% (0.56 g SCOD g−1 volatile solids) and 7% (0.45 g SCOD g−1 VS), respectively than control. About 20–50% of the added micro-nutrients were bioavailable in the produced leachates, while the rest (50–80%) were adsorbed onto the grass silage. Results of biological methane potential assays showed that, specific methane yields of grass silage were im…

research product

Biological nitrogen removal from landfill leachate: a pilot-scale study

A pilot-scale two-stage process including an anaerobic pretreatment (up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket, UASB) unit and a pre-denitrification activated sludge process was studied for treating leachates from a municipal landfill (waste aged 4 to 5 years, area 2.5 ha) and from a windrow composting area (1ha). A single-stage pilot process was used for nitrification studies. The leachate characteristics were as follows: COD 740 to 2400 mg 1-1 (chemical oxygen demand), BOD7 (biochemical oxygen demand) approximately 1000 mg 1 -1, Ntot 40 to 120 mg 1-1 and the temperature was between 2 and 21°C. The results show that 45 to 50% COD removal could be achieved in the UASB reactor even at temperatures b…

research product

Start-up and Operation of Laboratory-Scale Thermophilic Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactors Treating Vegetable Processing Wastewaters

Thermophilic anaerobic treatment of hot vegetable processing wastewaters was studied in laboratory-scale UASB reactors at 55°C. The high-strength wastewater streams, deriving from steam peeling and blanching of carrot, potato and swede were used. The reactors were inoculated with mesophilic granular sludge. Stable thermophilic methanogenesis with about 60% COD removal was reached within 28 days. During the 134 day study period the loading rate was increased up to 24 kg COD m−3 day−1. High treatment efficiency of more than 90% COD removal and concomitant methane production of 7·3 m3 CH4 m−3 day−1 were achieved. The anaerobic process performance was not affected by the changes in the wastewat…

research product

Hydrogen and methane yields of untreated, water-extracted and acid (HCl) treated maize in one- and two-stage batch assays

Abstract In the present study, two-stage H 2 and CH 4 production was compared with one-stage CH 4 production from maize subjected to water extraction and acid (HCl) treatment. In addition, the effect of duration (2 and 14 days) of the first-stage H 2 process on the H 2 yields and subsequent CH 4 yields from the second-stage was also investigated. Results showed that the average H 2 yields from untreated maize were 5.6 and 9.9 ml/g volatile solids added (VS added ) after 2 and 14 days, respectively. On the other hand, H 2 yields from water-extracted and HCl-treated maize were 18.0 and 20.5 ml/gVS added (14 d), respectively. On comparison to one-stage CH 4 assays, the average increase in CH 4…

research product

Thermophilic aerobic wastewater treatment, process performance, biomass characteristics, and effluent quality

Thermophilic aerobic wastewater treatment is reviewed. Thermophilic processes have been studied in laboratory and pilot-scale while full-scale applications are rare. The paper focuses on the microbiology of aerobic thermophiles, performance of the aerobic wastewater treatments, sludge yield, and alternatives to enhance performance of thethermophilic process. Thermophilic processes have been shown to operate under markedly high loading rates (30–180 kg COD m−3d−1).Reported sludge production values under thermophilic conditions vary between 0.05 and0.3 kg SS kg CODremoved, which are about the same or lower than generally obtained in mesophilic processes. Compared to analogous mesophilic treat…

research product

Anaerobic and sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatments of municipal landfill leachate at low temperatures

Abstract Anaerobic treatment of municipal landfill leachate (COD 1–4 g l −1 , NH 4 -N c. 0.16 g l −1 ) was studied at 11 and 24°C by using laboratory-scale UASB and hybrid reactors. Aerobic post-treatment of the anaerobically treated leachate was also studied at 24°C using an activated-sludge process. In the 11°C reactors, a COD removal of up to 60–65% was obtained with 1.5-2 day HRT and 0.7-1.5 kg COD m −3 day −1 organic loading rates. At 24°C, a COD removal of up to 75% was achieved with a 10 h HRT. The highest organic loading rate applied was 10 kg COD m −3 day −1 at 24°C. Inorganic material accumulated in the reactor sludges at both temperatures. However, the specific methanogenic activ…

research product

Batch dark fermentative hydrogen production from grass silage: The effect of inoculum, pH, temperature and VS ratio

Abstract The potential for fermentative hydrogen (H2) production from grass silage was evaluated in laboratory batch assays. First, two different inocula (from a dairy farm digester and digested sewage sludge) were studied with and without prior heat treatment and pH adjustment. Only the inoculum from the dairy farm digester produced H2 from grass silage. Without heat treatment, methane (CH4) was mainly produced, but heat treatment efficiently inhibited CH4 production. pH adjustment to 6 further increased H2 production. The effects of initial pH (4, 5 and 6), temperature (35, 55 and 70 ∘ C ) and the substrate to inoculum volatile solids (VS) ratio (henceforth VS ratio) (1:1; 1.5:1 and 2:1) …

research product

Zinc removal in anaerobic sulphate-reducing liquid substrate process

Abstract Zinc and sulphate removal from synthetic wastewater was investigated by using four laboratory parallel upflow-mode reactors (referred as R1 to R4; R1 contained carriers to retain biomass, whereas R2–R4 were operated as suspended reactors). All reactors were inoculated with anaerobically digested cow manure. R1 and R2 were first fed with glucose- and sulphate-containing feed for 48 days after which all four reactors were fed with wastewater containing 50 mg l−1 of zinc in R1–R3 and 200 mg l−1 in R4 and operated for 96 days. In all reactors, hydraulic retention time, organic loading rate, and sulphate load were 5–6 d, 0.2–0.4 kg COD m−3 d−1 and 3.3–3.8 g SO4 l−1 d−1, respectively, wh…

research product

Two-stage anaerobic digestion of tomato, cucumber, common reed and grass silage in leach-bed reactors and upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors

Abstract Anaerobic digestion of tomato, cucumber, common reed and grass silage was studied in four separate two-stage reactor configuration consisting of leach bed reactor (LBR) and upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB). LBR studies showed that COD solubilization for cucumber and grass silage was higher (50%) than tomato (35%) and common reed (15%). Results also showed that 31–39% of initial TKN present in tomato and cucumber was solubilized in the leachates and 47–54% of the solubilized TKN was converted to NH4-N. The corresponding values for common reed and grass silage were 38–50% and 18–36%, respectively. Biomethanation of the leachates in UASB reactors resulted in methane yiel…

research product

Hydrogen and methane production in extreme thermophilic conditions in two-stage (upflow anaerobic sludge bed) UASB reactor system

Abstract Two-stage hydrogen and methane production in extreme thermophilic (70 °C) conditions was demonstrated for the first time in UASB-reactor system. Inoculum used in hydrogen and methane reactors was granular sludge from mesophilic internal circulation reactor and was first acclimated for extreme thermophilic conditions. In hydrogen reactor, operated with hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 5 h and organic loading rate (OLR) of 25.1 kg COD/m 3 /d, hydrogen yield was 0.73 mol/mol glucose added . Methane was produced in second stage from hydrogen reactor effluent. In methane reactor operated with HRT of 13 h and OLR of 7.8 kg COD/m 3 /d, methane yield was 117.5 ml/g COD added . These resul…

research product

Semi-continuous anaerobic digestion of solid poultry slaughterhouse waste: effect of hydraulic retention time and loading.

Abstract We studied the effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and loading on anaerobic digestion of poultry slaughterhouse wastes, using semi-continuously fed, laboratory-scale digesters at 31°C. The effect on process performance was highly significant: Anaerobic digestion appeared feasible with a loading of up to 0.8 kg volatile solids (VS)/m 3  d and an HRT of 50–100 days. The specific methane yield was high, from 0.52 to 0.55 m 3 /kg VS added . On the other hand, at a higher loading, in the range from 1.0 to 2.1 kg VS/m 3  d, and a shorter HRT, in the range from 25 to 13 days, the process appeared inhibited and/or overloaded, as indicated by the accumulation of volatile fatty acids an…

research product

The closure of water circuits by internal thermophilic (55 and 70�C) anaerobic treatment in the thermomechanical pulping process

The suitability of an internal thermophilic anaerobic treatment system for closing the water circuits in thermomechanical pulp (TMP) production was studied. The dissolution of wood organics in the water circuit was simulated by hot disintegration of TMP pulp, while the water system closure was simulated by repeated hot disintegration of TMP pulp with recirculated water. The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors were started at 55 and 70°C with mesophilic inoculum, and stable performances were established within 60 days at both temperatures. Closing the water circuits without internal treatment rapidly resulted in increased chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the recirculated water. In…

research product

Co-digestion of manure and biowaste according to the EC Animal By-Products Regulation and Finnish national regulations

The objective of this study was to compare methane production and characteristics of digested material in anaerobic digestion concepts according to the Animal By-Products Regulation (ABP-Regulation) of the EC (hygienisation of biowaste for 1 hour at 70 °C, particle size &amp;lt;12 mm) and Finnish national regulations (treatment temperature 55 °C, feeding interval 24 h, hydraulic retention time (HRT) 20 d, particle size &amp;lt;40 mm) and with small variations in treatment methods for treating manure and biowaste. Moreover, the survival of three different salmonella bacteria in these processes was studied. Hygienisation of biowaste prior to digestion at 35 °C enhanced methane production by 1…

research product

Mechanically-biologically treated municipal solid waste as a support medium for microbial methane oxidation to mitigate landfill greenhouse emissions.

The residual fraction of mechanically-biologically treated municipal solid waste (MBT residual) was studied in the laboratory to evaluate its suitability and environmental compatibility as a support medium in methane (CH(4)) oxidative biocovers for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from landfills. Two MBT residuals with 5 and 12 months total (aerobic) biological stabilisation times were used in the study. MBT residual appeared to be a favourable medium for CH(4) oxidation as indicated by its area-based CH(4) oxidation rates (12.2-82.3 g CH(4) m(-2) d(-1) at 2-25 degrees C; determined in CH(4)-sparged columns). The CH(4) oxidation potential (determined in batch assays) of the MBT re…

research product

Characterisation and Anaerobic Batch Degradation of Materials Accumulating in Anaerobic Digesters Treating Poultry Slaughterhouse Waste

We characterised materials accumulating in two failed mesophilic semi-continuous anaerobic digesters treating poultry slaughterhouse waste and, for reference, materials in the two well-performing digesters, to find the anaerobic degradability of these materials and the factors affecting their degradation. We also studied materials accumulating and stratifying in various layers in one of the two well-performing digesters. The material from the most severely failed digesters produced methane sluggishly and did not improve appreciably even with 33 percent dilution suggesting that the recovery of failed process is slow. The methane production was apparently affected by the accumulated long-chai…

research product

Landowners’ willingness to promote bioenergy production on wasteland − future impact on land use of cutaway peatlands

Landowners are the key players in bioenergy production on wasteland; such as cutaway peatlands. In this study, the landowner's interest to use cutaway peatlands for bioenergy production was investigated using a survey and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) methods in an area in South Ostrobothnia, Finland. The focus was to identify which different bioenergy production chains are preferred by the respondents: combustion, gasification or biogas production from agriculture, energy-willow short-rotation forestry or forestry based energy crops. Also, the influence of personal environmental values on the selection was measured and the future impacts and barriers for the land use were assessed. …

research product

Anaerobic thermophilic (55°C) treatment of TMP whitewater in reactors based on biomass attachment and entrapment

Abstract Thermomechanical pulping (TMP) whitewater was treated in thermophilic (55°C) anaerobic laboratory-scale reactors using three different reactor configurations. In all reactors up to 70 % COD removals were achieved. The anaerobic hybrid reactor, composed of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) and a filter, gave degradation rates up to 10 kg COD/m 3 d at loading rates of 15 kg COD/m 3 d and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 3.1 hours. The anaerobic multi-stage reactor, consisting of three compartments, each packed with granular sludge and carrier elements, gave degradation rates up to 9 kg COD/m 3 d at loading rates of 15–16 kg COD/m 3 d, and HRT down to 2.6 hours. Clogging and …

research product

Hydrolysis rates, methane production and nitrogen solubilisation of grey waste components during anaerobic degradation.

Abstract Municipal grey waste (i.e. the remaining fraction in municipal waste management systems in which putrescibles (biowaste) and other recyclables (paper, metals, glass) are source-segregated) was manually sorted into six main fractions on the basis of composition and also separated by sieving (100 mm mesh size) into two fractions, oversized and undersized, respectively. In practice, in waste management plant the oversized fraction is (or will be) used to produce refuse-derived fuel and the undersized landfilled after biological stabilisation. The methane yields and nitrogen solubilisation of the grey waste and the different fractions (all studied samples were first milled to 5 mm part…

research product

Upgrading landfill gas using a high pressure water absorption process

Abstract The upgrading of landfill gas (methane 54.2 ± 2.0%, carbon dioxide 42.1 ± 2.4% and nitrogen 3.7 ± 1.2%) was studied with a pilot-scale high pressure water absorption system consisting of absorption, desorption and gas drying units. The gas was upgraded in two phases and with two absorption columns operating in sequence in pressures up to 180 bar, and with initial pressures of 8 and 10 bar. This type of high pressure process, where water is used for increasing the gas pressure, does not need a separate compression unit to produce the gas pressure required by gas vehicles. Product gas with a methane contents ranging from 83.0% to 92.1% was achieved with differing process parameters, …

research product

Determination of organic silicon compounds in biogas from wastewater treatments plants, landfills, and co-digestion plants

Abstract The study determined the organic silicon compounds in biogases from landfills, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), and biogas plants processing different organic material. The aim was to provide information for gas utilisation applications, as siloxanes are reported to shorten the life time of engines when biogas is used for energy production. In total, 48 samples were measured. The total concentration of organic silicon compounds in landfill and WWTP gases varied from 77 to 2460 μg/m3 while the concentrations in biogases from biogas plants varied from 24 to 820 μg/m3. The total concentration of organic silicon compounds was lowest (24 μg/m3) in the biogas plant processing grass a…

research product

Ultrasound assisted method to increase soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) of sewage sludge for digestion

The aim of this study was to clarify the possibilities to increase the amount of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) and methane production of sludge using ultrasound technologies with and without oxidising agents. The study was done using multivariate data analyses. The most important factors affected were discovered. Ultrasonically assisted disintegration increased clearly the amount of SCOD of sludge. Also more methane was produced from treated sludge in anaerobic batch assays compared to the sludge with no ultrasonic treatment. Multivariate data analysis showed that ultrasonic power, dry solid content of sludge (DS), sludge temperature and ultrasonic treatment time have the most signi…

research product

Aerobic composting and anaerobic digestion of pulp and paper mill sludges

The feasibility of aerobic vessel composting and anaerobic digestion for the treatment of pulp and paper mill sludges were studied. The composting studies made use of primary and secondary sludge from a de-inking and paper mill. In six parallely aerated 500 1 vessels with various carbon : nitrogen (C:N) -ratios, the most optimal performance was obtained with C:N -ratios of c. 22–35, while higher and lower ratios delayed the temperature increase. With the optimal ratios, the thermophilic stage was reached within 36 h, and the stage lasted for about seven days. In the scale-up study (18 m3 compost vessel), the thermophilic stage was reached within 24 h. An effective dehydratation of the mass …

research product

Anaerobic digestion of grass silage in batch leach bed processes for methane production.

Abstract Anaerobic digestion of grass silage in batch leach bed reactors, with and without a second stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, was evaluated. Sixty six percent of the methane potential in grass was obtained within the 55 days solids retention time in the leach bed–UASB process without pH adjustment, whereas in the one-stage leach bed process 20% of the methane potential in grass was extracted. In two-stage operation, adjustment of the pH of influent to the leach bed reactor to 6 with HCl led to inhibition of both hydrolysis/acidogenesis and methanogenesis. In the leach bed–UASB process 39% of the carbohydrates and 58% of the acid soluble lignin were solubilised wi…

research product

Effects of storage on characteristics and hygienic quality of digestates from four co-digestion concepts of manure and biowaste.

This study evaluated the effects of storage in northern winter conditions (5 degrees C) on the characteristics and nutrients separation of digestates from co-digestion of manure and biowaste as well as the hygienic quality of the digestates after digestion and storage. During 3-11 months' storage average nitrogen losses and reductions of total solids (TS) and volatile solids (VS) were 0-15%. With some exceptions, soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) had increased slightly (from approximately 6.5 to approximately 7.5g/l) after 3 months' storage, while after 9-11 months' it had decreased from 8.3-11 to 5.6-8.4g/l. The concentrations of P(tot) and PO4-P in the separated liquid fractions decre…

research product

The analysis of methods for measurement of methane oxidation in landfills

Landfills and dumps are important sources of atmospheric methane. There is no generally accepted estimate of the influence of methane oxidation on landfill methane emissions. The present work aimed to analyse different methods for the investigation of methane emission and oxidation in methane-producing environments (wetlands, landfills, sludge checks), and to develop the precise procedure for the landfills. The combination of geochemical and microbiological methods to estimate and monitor the oxidation and emission of methane in landfills during different seasons is proposed. It includes the measurements, both on the surface and at different depths (up to 1 m) of landfill ground of the foll…

research product

Biological nitrogen removal from municipal landfill leachate: low-cost nitrification in biofilters and laboratory scale in-situ denitrification.

The slow leaching of nitrogen from solid waste in landfills, resulting in high concentrations of ammonia in the landfill leachate, may last for several decades. The removal of nitrogen from leachate is desirable as nitrogen can trigger eutrophication in lakes and rivers. In the present study, a low-cost nitrification-denitrification process was developed to reduce nitrogen load especially in leachates from small landfills. Nitrification was studied in laboratory and on-site pilot aerobic biofilters with waste materials as filter media (crushed brick in upflow filters and bulking agent of compost in a downflow filter) while denitrification was studied in a laboratory anoxic/anaerobic column …

research product

Anaerobic on-site black water and kitchen waste treatment using UASB-septic tanks at low temperatures.

Anaerobic on-site treatment of black water (BW) and a mixture of black water and kitchen waste (BWKW) was studied in a two-phased upflow anaerobic sludge blanket septic tank (UASBst) at 10–20 °C. The processes were fed either continuously or discontinuously (twice per weekday). Moreover, BWKW was post-treated for nitrogen removal in an intermittently aerated moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) at 20 °C. Removal of total chemical oxygen demand (CODt) was efficient at minimum 90% with all three UASBst at all temperatures. Removal of dissolved COD (CODdis) was also high at approx. 70% with continuously fed BW and discontinuously fed BWKW, while with discontinuous BW feeding it was 20%. Temperatu…

research product

Internal leachate quality in a municipal solid waste landfill: Vertical, horizontal and temporal variation and impacts of leachate recirculation

The aim of this study was to monitor and characterise internal leachate quality at a Finnish municipal solid waste landfill (Lahti, Kujala, in operation for approximately 50 years) to provide information about its horizontal and vertical variation as well as effects of leachate recirculation on leachate quality. The study area (approximately 4h) of the landfill had 14 monitoring wells for leachate quality monitoring over a 2-year period. The leachate was monitored for COD, BOD, TKN, NH4-N, Cl, pH and electric conductivity. The results showed high horizontal and vertical variability in leachate quality between monitoring wells, indicating that age and properties of waste, local conditions (e…

research product

Anaerobic batch degradation of solid poultry slaughterhouse waste

We studied anaerobic batch degradation of solid poultry slaughterhouse wastes with different initial waste and inoculum concentrations and waste-to-inoculum ratios and simulated the dynamics of the process with a new generation &amp;lt;METHANE&amp;gt; model. Our modelling results suggest that inhibited propionate degradation by long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) and inhibited hydrolysis by a high propionate concentration constituted the rate-limiting step in the waste degradation. Palmitate was the most abundant LCFA in the assays. Within 27 days of incubation, up to 0.55 to 0.67 m3 of methane (STP)/kg VS added was produced under the studied conditions. Lower waste-to-inoculum ratios exhibited a…

research product

Biometaanin ja -vedyn tuotantopotentiaali Suomessa

Globaali tarve edistää kestävää kehitystä, vähentää ympäristökuormitusta ja hidastaa ilmastonmuutosta edellyttää mm. materiaalivirtojen tehokasta hallintaa ja paluuta uusiutuvien ja kierrätettävien resurssien käyttöön. Biokaasuteknologia tarjoaa yhden ratkaisun, yhdistäen jätteiden käsittelyn ja energian tuotannon. Kiinnostus biokaasuteknologian käyttöön on lisääntynyt viime vuosina myös Suomessa. Suunnitteilla on useita biokaasulaitoksia. Lisäksi useat tahot ovat tehneet selvityksiä biokaasun hyödyntämiseksi. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää biokaasuprosessin raaka-aineeksi soveltuvien erilaisten biomassojen määrät ja sijainnit Suomessa. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää näiden jakeiden m…

research product

Stabilisation of MSWI bottom ash with sulphide-rich anaerobic effluent.

Effluent of an anaerobic sulphate-reducing wastewater treatment process was used to stabilise bottom ash. The effect of stabilisation on the concentration and binding of Ca, P, S, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Cr, and Mo were studied by comparing results of sequential extraction from fresh and stabilised bottom ash. The stabilisation treatment improved the retention of Ca, Cu, Pb, S, and Zn in bottom ash compared to a treatment with ion-exchanged water. In addition to retention, Cu, S, and Zn were accumulated from the anaerobic effluent in the bottom ash. Concentrations of As, Cr, and Mo remained on the same level, whereas leaching of P increased compared to control treatment with ion-exchanged water. Im…

research product

Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Industrial Orange Waste

Thermophilic anaerobic digestion of industrial orange waste (pulp and peel) with subsequent aerobic post-treatment of the digestate was evaluated. Methane production potential was first determined in batch assays and the effects of operational parameters such as hydraulic retention times (HRT) and organic loading rates (OLR) on process performance were studied through semi-continuous digestion. In batch assays, methane production potential of about 0.49 m(3) kg(-1) volatile solids (VS)(added waste) was achieved. In semi-continuous digestion, loading at 2.8 kgVS m(-3) d(-1) (2.9 kg total solids (TS) m(-3) d(-1)) and HRT of 26 d produced specific methane yields of 0.6 m(3) kg(-1) VS (added wa…

research product

Effects of heat treatment on hydrogen production potential and microbial community of thermophilic compost enrichment cultures

Cellulosic plant and waste materials are potential resources for fermentative hydrogen production. In this study, hydrogen producing, cellulolytic cultures were enriched from compost material at 52, 60 and 70°C. Highest cellulose degradation and highest H(2) yield were 57% and 1.4 mol-H(2) mol-hexose(-1) (2.4 mol-H(2) mol-hexose-degraded(-1)), respectively, obtained at 52°C with the heat-treated (80°C for 20 min) enrichment culture. Heat-treatments as well as the sequential enrichments decreased the diversity of microbial communities. The enrichments contained mainly bacteria from families Thermoanaerobacteriaceae and Clostridiaceae, from which a bacterium closely related to Thermoanaerobiu…

research product

Co-digestion of energy crops and industrial confectionery by-products with cow manure: batch-scale and farm-scale evaluation.

The possible co-digestion of energy crops and industrial confectionery by-products with cow manure was evaluated firstly, through long-term batch experiments and secondly, in a farm-scale digester. In batch assays, digestion with mesophilically digested cow manure as inoculum resulted in specific methane yields (m3 kg−1 VSadded waste) of 0.35 for grass hay (particle size &amp;lt;1.0 cm); 0.26 for oats (0.5 cm) and 0.21 for clover (2.0 cm) harvested at vegetative stage and 0.14 (2.0 cm) for clover harvested at flowering stage. Specific methane yields (m3 kg−1 VSadded waste) for confectionery by-products were 0.37 for chocolate, 0.39 for black candy and 0.32 for confectionery raw material. Ou…

research product

Leachate and gaseous emissions from initial phases of landfilling mechanically and mechanically-biologically treated municipal solid waste residuals.

In this study, the behaviour, and leachate and gaseous emissions during the initial phases of landfilling mechanically (M) and mechanically-biologically (MB) treated municipal solid waste residuals in northern climatic conditions was compared using two landfill lysimeters (112 m3). The results demonstrate that the strong acid phase of M residuals degradation lasts at least 2 years, while in the MB residuals the acid phase lasts only a few months. The SCOD and NH4-N concentrations varied 20-100g/l and 600-1800 mg/l in M leachate and 1-4 g/l and 100-400mg/l in MB leachate, respectively. The leaching of SCOD was approximately 40-fold (24.2 and 0.6 kg/t TS) and leaching of NH4-N approximately 5…

research product

The effect of organic loading rate and retention time on hydrogen production from a methanogenic CSTR.

Abstract The possibility of shifting a methanogenic process for hydrogen production by changing the process parameters viz., organic loading rate (OLR) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) was evaluated. At first, two parallel semi-continuously fed continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTR) were operated as methanogenic reactors (M1 and M2) for 78 days. Results showed that a methane yield of 198–218 L/kg volatile solids fed (VS fed ) was obtained when fed with grass silage at an OLR of 2 kgVS/m 3 /d and HRT of 30 days. After 78 days of operation, hydrogen production was induced in M2 by increasing the OLR from 2 to 10 kgVS/m 3 /d and shortening the HRT from 30 to 6 days. The highest H 2 yield …

research product

Planning land use for biogas energy crop production: The potential of cutaway peat production lands

Each year, thousands of hectares of peatland that had been harvested are being released in Finland, which can offer an opportunity to increase energy crops and attain the bioenergy targets for non-agriculture lands. In this study, the Geographic Information System (GIS) method was used to improve the assessment of decentralized renewable energy resources. The amount of peat production lands and future cutaway areas for energy crop production was calculated as a case study by using ArcGIS and the Finnish Topographic database. There are almost 1000 km2 of peat production lands in Finland, and theoretically, approximately 300 km2 of cutaway peatlands could be used for energy crops after 30 yea…

research product

The methane production of poultry slaughtering residues and effects of pre‐treatments on the methane production of poultry feather

The biological methane production rate and yield of different poultry slaughtering residues were studied. Poultry offal, blood, and bonemeal were rich in proteins and lipids and showed high methane yields, 0.7-0.9, 0.5, and 0.6-0.7 m3 kg(-1) volatile solids(added), respectively (270-340, 100, and 150-170 m3 ton(-1) wet weight). Blood and bonemeal produced methane rapidly, whereas the methane production of offal was more delayed probably due to long-chain fatty acid inhibition. The length of delay depended on the source and concentration of inoculum and incubation temperature, sewage sludge at 35 degrees C having the shortest delay of a few days, while granular sludge did not produce methane…

research product

Storing energy crops for methane production: Effects of solids content and biological additive

The effect of storage on chemical characteristics and CH4 yield (taking into account loss of VS during storage) of a mixture of grasses and ryegrass, ensiled as such (low solids content) and after drying (medium and high solids) with and without biological additive, were studied in field and laboratory trials. Up to 87% and 98% of CH4 yield was preserved with low solids grass (initial TS 15.6%) and high solids ryegrass (initial TS 30.4%), respectively, after storage for 6months, while under suboptimal conditions at most 37% and 52% of CH4 yield were lost. Loss in CH4 yield was mainly due to VS loss, presumably caused by secondary fermentation as also suggested by increasing pH during storag…

research product

Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions by adopting anaerobic digestion technology on dairy, sow and pig farms in Finland

Abstract The impact of anaerobic digestion (AD) technology on mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from manure management on typical dairy, sow and pig farms in Finland was compared. Firstly, the total annual GHG emissions from the farms were calculated using IPCC guidelines for a similar slurry type manure management system. Secondly, laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to estimate methane (CH4) potentials and process parameters for semi-continuous digestion of manures. Finally, the obtained experimental data were used to evaluate the potential renewable energy production and subsequently, the possible GHG emissions that could be avoided through adoption of AD technology on th…

research product

Modeling solid waste decomposition.

The hydrolysis rate coefficients of sorted municipal waste were evaluated from the biochemical methane potential tests using non-linear regression. A distributed mathematical model of anaerobic digestion of rich (food) and lean (non-food) solid wastes with greatly different rates of polymer hydrolysis/acidogenesis was developed to describe the balance between the rates of hydrolysis/acidogenesis and methanogenesis. The model was calibrated using previously published experimental data [Biores. Technol. 52 (1995) 245] obtained upon various initial food waste loadings. Simulations of one- and two-stage digestion systems were carried out. The results showed that initial spatial separation of fo…

research product

Screening for potential fermentative hydrogen production from black water and kitchen waste in on-site UASB reactor at 20 degrees C.

The potential of black water and a mixture of black water and kitchen waste as substrates for on-site dark fermentative hydrogen production was screened in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors at 20 degrees C. Three different inocula were used with and without heat treatment. With glucose, the highest specific hydrogenogenic activity was 69 ml H2 g volatile solids(-1) d(-1) in batch assays and the highest hydrogen yield 0.44 mol H2 mol glucose(-1) in upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor. The mixture of black water and kitchen waste degraded readily into volatile fatty acids in the reactors, thus showing potential for hydrogen production. In the conditions applied, however, the highest en…

research product

Development of microbial populations in the anaerobic hydrolysis of grass silage for methane production

Six batch leach bed (LB) reactors, installed in parallel and connected to a common upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor, were fed with grass silage and operated at 35 (+/-1) degrees C. The development and distribution of microorganisms, which firmly and loosely attached to solid materials, and presented in the leachate in the LB reactors, were investigated by 16S rRNA gene-based terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and clone library analyses. The phylotypes and their relative abundance changed in the respective bacterial community throughout the 49-day run and showed differences between the communities. Large numbers of phylotypes were detected from day 10 onwards. On day 17…

research product

Removal of bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate from reject water in a nitrogen-removing sequencing batch reactor.

Reject water from sewage sludge processing may contain high concentrations of nutrients and organic pollutants and cause internal pollution load at a sewage treatment plant (STP) if circulated to the headworks of an STP. In the present study removal of nitrogen and bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) from reject water was studied in two sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) with different aerobic/anoxic periods during a 6-h total cycle period. Ammonia-nitrogen (NH(4)-N) was almost totally removed in both reactors, apparently by nitrification throughout the run, while denitrification declined with decreasing SCOD in the influent resulting in an increase in the effluent nitrate-nitrogen (NO(3)-N) …

research product

Removal of DEHP in composting and aeration of sewage sludge.

The potential of composting and aeration to remove bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) from municipal sewage sludge was studied with two dewatered sludges: raw sludge and anaerobically digested sludge. Composting removed 58% of the DEHP content of the raw sludge and 34% of that of the anaerobically digested sludge during 85 days stabilisation in compost bins. A similar removal for the anaerobically digested sludge was achieved in a rotary drum in 28 days. Less than 1% of DEHP was removed with the compost leachate. Although DEHP removal was greater from raw sludge compost than anaerobically digested sludge compost, the total and volatile solids removals were on the same level in the two compo…

research product

Methane oxidation at a surface-sealed boreal landfill.

Abstract Methane oxidation was studied at a closed boreal landfill (area 3.9 ha, amount of deposited waste 200,000 tonnes) equipped with a passive gas collection and distribution system and a methane oxidative top soil cover integrated in a European Union landfill directive-compliant, multilayer final cover. Gas wells and distribution pipes with valves were installed to direct landfill gas through the water impermeable layer into the top soil cover. Mean methane emissions at the 25 measuring points at four measurement times (October 2005–June 2006) were 0.86–6.2 m 3  ha −1  h −1 . Conservative estimates indicated that at least 25% of the methane flux entering the soil cover at the measuring…

research product

Trace compounds affecting biogas energy utilisation – A review

Abstract This paper investigates the trace compounds affecting energy utilisation in biogas that come from different production sites. With biogas being more widely used in different energy applications more interest has arisen for the specific composition of biogas. In traditional energy applications, methane and hydrogen sulphide contents have had the most influence when energy utilisation application has been considered. With more advanced processes also the quantity and quality of trace compounds is more important. In regards to trace compounds, it was found that the concentrations and the variations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be high in different landfills, especially, wi…

research product

GIS-data related route optimization, hierarchical clustering, location optimization, and kernel density methods are useful for promoting distributed bioenergy plant planning in rural areas

Currently, geographic information system (GIS) models are popular for studying location-allocation-related questions concerning bioenergy plants. The aim of this study was to develop a model to investigate optimal locations for two different types of bioenergy plants, for farm and centralized biogas plants, and for wood terminals in rural areas based on minimizing transportation distances. The optimal locations of biogas plants were determined using location optimization tools in R software, and the optimal locations of wood terminals were determined using kernel density tools in ArcGIS. The present case study showed that the utilized GIS tools are useful for bioenergy-related decision-maki…

research product

Methane production from maize in Finland – Screening for different maize varieties and plant parts

Abstract The objective of the study was to determine how the harvest time and maize variety (12 varieties) affects the methane yield and dry matter yield per hectare in southern Finland (Piikkio) and in Central Finland (Laukaa). The specific methane yields and methane yields per hectare were also determined for different plant parts (stem, leaves and cobs). The methane yield per hectare varied from 2130 to 9170 m 3  ha −1 . The methane yields per hectare were ∼50% lower in Laukaa than in Piikkio due to a shorter growing season and lower total solid (TS) yields. TS yields were on average 16.7 and 15.5 Mg ha −1 in Piikkio and 8.7 and 6.8 Mg ha −1 in Laukaa in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The …

research product

Anaerobic on-site treatment of black water and dairy parlour wastewater in UASB-septic tanks at low temperatures.

Anaerobic on-site treatment of synthetic black water (BW) and dairy parlour wastewater (DPWW) was studied in two-phased upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB)-septic tanks at low temperatures (10-20 degrees C). At all temperatures, total chemical oxygen demand (COD(t)) removal was above 90% with BW and above 80% with DPWW and removal of total suspended solids (TSS) above 90% with both wastewaters. Moreover, dissolved COD (COD(dis)) removal was approx. 70% with both wastewaters indicating good biological activity of the sludges. With BW, a single-phased reactor was found sufficient for good COD removals, while with DPWW, a two-phased process was required. Temperature optimum of reactor sludg…

research product

Kinetics and characteristics of 70 °C, VFA-grown, UASB granular sludge

We studied in batch reactors the kinetics and characterization of 70 °C, volatile fatty acids (VFAs)-grown, upflow anaerobic sludge blanket granular sludge with 55 and 35 °C sludge as reference. The half-saturation constant (Ks), the inhibition constant (Ki), the maximum specific methane production rate (μCH4max), and the inhibition response coefficient (n) of the 70 °C sludge were 6.15 mM, 48.2 mM, 0.132 h−1, and 2.48, respectively, while no inhibition occurred at 55 and 35 °C, where the Ks was 3.67 and 3.82 mM, respectively. At 70 °C, the highest initial specific methanogenic activity (ISMA, 0.311 gCH4-COD per gram volatile solids per day) on VFAs was about 12–15% lower than that on aceta…

research product

Sulphate-Reducing Laboratory-Scale High-Rate Anaerobic Reactors for Treatment of Metal- and Sulphate-Containing Mine Wastewater

Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors were used in this study to evaluate the feasibility of the sulphate-reducing, anaerobic high-rate process to treat metal- and sulphate-containing mining wastewater (MWW). Four simultaneous reactors, inoculated with different inocula (mesophilic granular sludge from two UASB reactors, one treating sugar refinery wastewater and the other board mill wastewater) and operated with different loadings, were for 95 days fed with synthetic feed consisting of glucose and sulphate. In all reactors, 23-72% of sulphate and 12-93% of COD were removed. Subsequently, two reactors were fed with diluted MWW (zinc as the main metal) for 77 days with hydraulic re…

research product

Pilot-scale comparison of thermophilic aerobic suspended carrier biofilm process and activated sludge process in pulp and paper mill effluent treatment

Thermophilic aerobic treatment of settled pulp and paper mill effluent was studied under mill premises with two comparative pilot processes; suspended carrier biofilm process (SCBP) and activated sludge process (ASP). Full-scale mesophilic activated sludge process was a reference treatment. During the runs (61 days) hydraulic retention times (HRTs) were kept 13 ± 5 h and 16 ± 6 h for SCBP and ASP, respectively. Corresponding volumetric loadings rates (VLR) were 2.7 ± 0.9 and 2.2 ± 1.0 kg CODfilt m-3d-1. Temperatures varied between 46 to 60°C in both processes. Mesophilic ASP was operated with HRT of 36 h, corresponding VLR of 0.7 kg CODfilt m-3d-1. Both SCBP and ASP achieved CODfilt (GF/A f…

research product

Leachate formation and characteristics from gasification and grate incineration bottom ash under landfill conditions

Characteristics and formation of leachates from waste gasification and grate firing bottom ash were studied using continuous field measurements from 112 m(3) lysimeters embedded into landfill body for three years. In addition, the total element concentrations of the fresh ash were analysed and laboratory batch tests were performed to study leachate composition. The three-year continuous flow measurement showed that about one fifth of the leachates were formed, when the flow rate was200 l/d, covering3.5% of the study time. After three years, the liquid/solid-ratio for the quenched grate ash was 1 (l/kg (d.m.)) and for the initially dry gasification ash 0.4 (l/kg (d.m.)). The low initial wate…

research product

Control of matrix interferences by the multiple linear regression model in the determination of arsenic, antimony and tin in lead pellets by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry

A multiple linear regression technique was used to evaluate the matrix interferences in the determination of hydride-forming elements in lead shotgun pellets by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The determination of arsenic, antimony, and tin in SRM C2416 (Bullet Lead) by ICP-AES failed to obtain the certified concentrations at the 95% level of confidence using the t-test. However, it proved possible, by using the multiple linear regression technique, to correct the concentrations of all three elements to a statistically acceptable level. This method of correction is based on the multiple regression line obtained from the analysis of 19 synthetic mixtures of matrix el…

research product

Long-term thermophilic mono-digestion of rendering wastes and co-digestion with potato pulp

In this study, mono-digestion of rendering wastes and co-digestion of rendering wastes with potato pulp were studied for the first time in continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) experiments at 55°C. Rendering wastes have high protein and lipid contents and are considered good substrates for methane production. However, accumulation of digestion intermediate products viz., volatile fatty acids (VFAs), long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N and/or free NH3) can cause process imbalance during the digestion. Mono-digestion of rendering wastes at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 1.5 kg volatile solids (VS)/m(3)d and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 50 d was unstable and resu…

research product

Organic silicon compounds in biogases produced from grass silage, grass and maize in laboratory batch assays

Abstract In the present study the occurrence of volatile organic silicon compounds in biogas produced from grass silage, grass and maize in laboratory batch assays was analyzed and methane potentials were determined. Inoculum from a mesophilic farm digester was used, and its effects were subtracted. Methane yields from grass silage, grass and maize were 0.38, 0.42 and 0.34 m3CH4/kg – volatile solids added (VSadd), respectively. Trimethyl silanol, hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D3), octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) were detected from all the biogases. Higher yields of volatile organic silicon compounds in the grass (from 21.8 to 37.6 μg/kgVSadd) were detec…

research product

Screening boreal energy crops and crop residues for methane biofuel production

Abstract The purpose of the study was to screen potential boreal energy crops and crop residues for their suitability in methane production and to investigate the effect of harvest time on the methane production potential of different crops. The specific methane yields of crops, determined in 100–200 d methane potential assays, varied from 0.17 to 0.49 m 3  CH 4  kg −1 VS added (volatile solids added) and from 25 to 260 m 3  CH 4  t ww −1 (tonnes of wet weight). Jerusalem artichoke, timothy-clover grass and reed canary grass gave the highest potential methane yields of 2900–5400 m 3  CH 4  ha −1 , corresponding to a gross energy yield of 28–53 MWh ha −1 and ca. 40,000–60,000 km ha −1 in pas…

research product

Weathering of gasification and grate bottom ash in anaerobic conditions

Abstract The effect of anaerobic conditions on weathering of gasification and grate bottom ash were studied in laboratory lysimeters. The two parallel lysimeters containing the same ash were run in anaerobic conditions for 322 days, after which one was aerated for 132 days. The lysimeters were watered throughout the study and the quality of leachates and changes in the binding of elements into ash were observed. The results show that organic carbon content and initial moisture of ashes are the key parameters affecting the weathering of ashes. In the grate ash the biodegradation of organic carbon produced enough CO 2 to regulate pH. In contrast the dry gasification ash, containing little org…

research product

One-stage H2 and CH4 and two-stage H2+ CH4 production from grass silage and from solid and liquid fractions of NaOH pre-treated grass silage

Abstract In the present study, mesophilic CH4 production from grass silage in a one-stage process was compared with the combined thermophilic H2 and mesophilic CH4 production in a two-stage process. In addition, solid and liquid fractions separated from NaOH pre-treated grass silage were also used as substrates. Results showed that higher CH4 yield was obtained from grass silage in a two-stage process (467 ml g−1 volatile solids (VS)original) compared with a one-stage process (431 ml g−1 VSoriginal). Similarly, CH4 yield from solid fraction increased from 252 to 413 ml g−1 VSoriginal whereas CH4 yield from liquid fraction decreased from 82 to 60 ml g−1 VSoriginal in a two-stage compared to …

research product

Sodium nitrate and tungsten as matrix modifiers for the determination of arsenic in shotgun pellets by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry

A method for the determination of arsenic in a complicated sample matrix by Zeeman effect electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry using tungsten and sodium nitrate as matrix modifiers was developed. The determination of arsenic in SRM C2416 (Bullet Lead) and SRM 2710 (Montana Soil) by ETAAS using a mixture of palladium and magnesium nitrate as a matrix modifier failed to obtain the certified concentrations at the 95% level of confidence using the t-test. Both tungsten and sodium nitrate as matrix modifiers stabilized arsenic so that the certified concentrations of the SRMs were determined with high accuracy and precision (RSD   0.999), with low detection and quantification limits, wer…

research product

Anaerobic digestion of organic solid poultry slaughterhouse waste – a review

This work reviews the potential of anaerobic digestion for material recovery and energy production from poultry slaughtering by-products and wastes. First, we describe and quantify organic solid by-products and wastes produced in poultry farming and poultry slaughterhouses and discuss their recovery and disposal options. Then we review certain fundamental aspects of anaerobic digestion considered important for the digestion of solid slaughterhouse wastes. Finally, we present an overview of the future potential and current experience of the anaerobic digestion treatment of these materials.

research product

Modeling of anaerobic degradation of solid slaughterhouse waste: inhibition effects of long-chain fatty acids or ammonia.

The anaerobic bioconversion of solid poultry slaughterhouse wastes was kinetically investigated. The modified version ofMETHANEsimulation model was applied for description of experimental data in mesophilic laboratory digester and assays. Additionally, stages of formation and consumption of long chain fatty acids (LCFA) were included in the model. Batch data on volatile solids, ammonium, acetate, butyrate, propionate, LCFA concentrations, pH level, cumulative volume, and methane partial pressure were used for model calibration. As a reference, the model was used to describe digestion of solid sorted household waste. Simulation results showed that an inhibition of polymer hydrolysis by volat…

research product

Methane and leachate pollutant emission potential from various fractions of municipal solid waste (MSW): effects of source separation and aerobic treatment.

The effects of source-separation of putrescibles as well as aerobic pre-treatment and landfill aeration on the pollutant emission potential of methane and leachate pollutants were studied in the fresh (PFMSW) and composted (CPFMSW) source-separated putrescible fraction of municipal solid waste, and in the grey waste, and in lysimeter landfilled grey waste and ten-year-old unsorted MSW from our landfill lysimeter study. After 0, 23 and 51 days, an aerobic lysimeter experiment, an elution test and biochemical methane potential (BMP) test was done on samples. PFMSW had high methane (CH4) potential (410 m3CH4 t-1TS) as well as a high amount of ammonium-nitrogen (3.6 kg NH4-N) was eluted, where…

research product

CO2 capture from biogas: Absorbent selection

The development of proper biogas upgrading technology offers a viable means to utilize biogas in conventional power systems. In this paper, various molecular and ionic solvent systems were evaluated for CO2 removal from biogas in a loop reactor system. The performance of amine solutions, ionic liquids and their mixtures, amino acid salts and solutions blended with piperazine was compared in terms of their CO2 loading capacity. The experimental results revealed that addition of small amounts of piperazine can increase on average by 30 vol% the efficiency of above-mentioned solutions. The CO2 capturing capacity achieved for the most promising solvents was in the range of 50–60 L CO2/L absorbe…

research product

Impact of crop species on bacterial community structure during anaerobic co-digestion of crops and cow manure

The bacterial communities in three continuously stirred tank reactors co-digesting cow manure with grass silage, oat straw, and sugar beet tops, respectively, were investigated by 16S rRNA gene-based fingerprints and clone libraries. The analyses revealed both clearly distinct and similar phylotypes in the bacterial communities between the reactors. The major groups represented in the three reactors were Clostridia, unclassified Bacteria, and Bacteroidetes. Phylotypes affiliated with Bacilli or Deltaproteobacteria were unique to the sugar beet and straw reactor, respectively. Unclassified Bacteria dominated in sugar beet reactor while in the straw and grass reactor Clostridia was the domina…

research product

Removal of bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate at a sewage treatment plant

Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) concentrations were measured at different stages in a full-scale sewage treatment plant (STP) and mass balances were calculated. The DEHP load to treatment process coming from the sewer system and the internal load comprising returned supernatants and filtrate from sludge treatment and excess secondary sludge were at the same level. The DEHP removal efficiency from the water phase at the STP was on average 94% of sewage DEHP, the main removal process being sorption to primary and secondary sludges. On average 29% of DEHP was calculated to be removed in the biological nitrifying-denitrifying activated sludge process, which was much less than expected from l…

research product

Microbial diversity in a thermophilic aerobic biofilm process: analysis by length heterogeneity PCR (LH-PCR).

A two-stage pilot-scale thermophilic aerobic suspended carrier biofilm process (SCBP) was set up for the on-site treatment of pulp and paper mill whitewater lining. The microbial diversity in this process was analyzed by length heterogeneity analysis of PCR-amplified 16S ribosomal DNA. The primer pair selected for PCR amplification was first evaluated by a computational analysis of fragment lengths in ten main phylogenetical eubacterial groups. The fragment contained the first third of the 16S rRNA gene, which was shown to vary naturally between 465 and 563 bp in length. The length heterogeneity analysis of polymerase chain reaction (LH-PCR) profile of the biomass attached to carrier elemen…

research product

Generation of heat and power from biogas for stationary applications: boilers, gas engines and turbines, combined heat and power (CHP) plants and fuel cells

Biogas is produced during the anaerobic degradation of organic material. The produced biogas can be used for heat, electricity or cogeneration of heat and electricity in a combined heat and power plant (CHP). This chapter first discusses the key issues related to combustion of biogas/biomethane in different stationary equipments. It then describes the utilisation of biogas for the generation of electric power and heat in different stationary applications such as boilers, gas engines (CHP), micro turbines and fuel cells.

research product

Biogas from energy crops--optimal pre-treatments and storage, co-digestion and energy balance in boreal conditions.

The objective of this research was to evaluate the biogas production from crops in boreal conditions, focusing on the optimal pre-treatment and storage methods, co-digestion and energy balance of farm-scale crop based biogas plants. Alkaline treatments offered some potential for improving the methane yield from grass and sugar beet tops. The results show that the CH4 yield of energy crops can be maintained by appropriate ensiling conditions for even after 11 months in ambient conditions. The CH4 yield was best preserved with wet grass mixture without additives. Co-digestion of manure and crops was shown to be feasible with feedstock volatile solids (VS) containing up to 40% of crops. The hi…

research product

Evaluation of the current status of operating and closed landfills in Russia, Finland and Ireland with regard to water pollution and methane emission

The annual production of municipal solid wastes (MSW) in Russia, Finland and Ireland in the late 1990s accounts for 37.5, 2.5 and 2.05 mln. tonnes or 252, 488 and 566 kg per capita, respectively. 96.5, 64 and 91% of these wastes (for Russia, Finland and Ireland, correspondingly) are currently disposed of via landfilling. However, nowadays, MSW management in these countries is undergoing drastic changes (source separation, closure of old landfills, reduction of the number of landfills etc.) forced by recent legislation set by the European Union and Russian authorities. This paper evaluates the current status of MSW landfills, as well as information on current leachate and methane emissions i…

research product

Screening pretreatment methods to enhance thermophilic anaerobic digestion of pulp and paper mill wastewater treatment secondary sludge

Abstract The effect of hydrothermal (150 °C for 10 min and 70 °C for 40 min), enzymatic (Accelerase 1500, 0.07 g/g volatile solids (VS)), ultrasound (45 kHz for 30 min) and chemical pretreatments (HNO3 at pH 3 and NaOH at pH 12) alone or in combination on the chemical composition and methane yield of the pulp and paper mill secondary sludge was studied in batch assays at 55 °C. In total, 12 different pretreatment combinations were compared. Chemical analyses showed that all pretreatments except for HNO3 and ultrasound pretreatments improved the organic matter solubilization. Among the studied pretreatments, hydrothermal (150 °C, 10 min) pretreatment alone or in combination with enzymatic an…

research product

Screening of novel plants for biogas production in northern conditions.

Abstract The objective of this study was to screen nine annual or perennial novel plants for biogas production cultivated in years 2007–2010 in Finland. The most promising novel plants for biogas production were found to be brown knapweed, giant goldenrod and Japanese millet producing 14–27 t total solids/ha and 4000–6100 Nm 3  CH 4 /ha. The specific methane yields of all studied plants varied from 170 to 381 Nm 3  CH 4 /t volatile solids (VS), depending on harvest time and plant species. Co-digestion of brown knapweed with cow manure in continuously stirred tank reactor was investigated and the highest methane yield was 254 NL CH 4 /kg VS, when the share of brown knapweed was 50% in the fe…

research product

Nitrification of anaerobically pretreated municipal landfill leachate at low temperature

Abstract Nitrification of anaerobically pretreated municipal landfill leachate (270–1000 mg COD l −1 , 53–270 mg NH 4 –N l −1 ) was studied in laboratory-scale activated sludge reactors without (AS) and with (ASC) the addition of plastic carrier material. The reactors were run at 10°C (149 d), 7°C (21 d) and 5°C (16 d). With a loading rate of 0.027 g NH 4 –N g MLVSS −1  d −1 and a hydraulic retention time of ca. 3 d, at 10°C, complete nitrification was obtained in both reactors. At 7°C, and in loading rate of 0.023 g NH 4 –N g MLVSS −1  d −1 , both reactors appeared to be overloaded and ammonium removal was only ca. 93%. At 5°C, with a lower loading rate of 0.010 g NH 4 –N g MLVSS −1  d −1 …

research product

Agricultural potential of anaerobically digested industrial orange waste with and without aerobic posttreatment

The potential of anaerobically digested orange waste with (AAD) and without (AD) aerobic post-treatment for use in agriculture was evaluated through chemical analyses, short-term phytotoxicity and long-term plant assays. Chemical analyses showed that AD contained ammonia and organic acids, and aerobic post-treatment did not significantly remove these phytotoxins. The N:P2O5:K2O ratio in AD was 1:0.26:0.96 and aerobic post-treatment did not change the composition in AAD except for K2O (1:0.26:1.24). Heavy metal contents in AD and AAD were more or less the same and were below the upper limit recommended for non-sewage sludge application on agricultural soils. Short-term phytotoxicity tests sh…

research product

Mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of rendering plant and slaughterhouse wastes.

Co-digestion of rendering and slaughterhouse wastes was studied in laboratory scale semi-continuously fed continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) at 35 and 55 °C. All in all, 10 different rendering plant and slaughterhouse waste fractions were characterised showing high contents of lipids and proteins, and methane potentials of 262-572 dm(3)CH(4)/kg volatile solids(VS)(added). In mesophilic CSTR methane yields of ca 720 dm(3) CH(4)/kg VS(fed) were obtained with organic loading rates (OLR) of 1.0 and 1.5 kg VS/m(3) d, and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 50 d. For thermophilic process, the lowest studied OLR of 1.5 kg VS/m(3) d, turned to be unstable after operation of 1.5 HRT, due to ac…

research product

Biokaasusta energiaa maatalouteen : raaka-aineet, teknologiat ja lopputuotteet

research product

Anaerobic on-site treatment of kitchen waste in combination with black water in UASB-septic tanks at low temperatures.

Anaerobic on-site treatment of a mixture of black water and kitchen waste (BWKW) was studied using two-phased upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) septic tanks at the low temperatures of 20 and 10 degrees C. Black water (BW) was also treated alone as reference. The two-phased UASB-septic tanks removed over 95% of total suspended solids (TSS) and 90% of total chemical oxygen demand (COD(t)) from both BWKW (effluent COD(t) 171-199mg/l) and BW (effluent COD(t) 92-100mg/l). Also, little dissolved COD (COD(dis)) was left in the final effluents (BW 48-70mg/l; BWKW 110-113mg/l). Part of total nitrogen (N(tot)) was removed (BW 18% and BWKW 40%) and especially at 20 degrees C ammonification was ef…

research product

Trace compounds of biogas from different biogas production plants

Biogas composition and variation in three different biogas production plants were studied to provide information pertaining to its potential use as biofuel. Methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulphur compounds were measured in samples of biogases from a landfill, sewage treatment plant sludge digester and farm biogas plant. Methane content ranged from 48% to 65%, carbon dioxide from 36% to 41% and nitrogen from <1% to 17%. Oxygen content in all three gases was <1%. The highest methane content occurred in the gas from the sewage digester while the lowest methane and highest nitrogen contents were found in the landfill gas during winter. The amoun…

research product

Laboratory investigations on co-digestion of energy crops and crop residues with cow manure for methane production: Effect of crop to manure ratio

Abstract Anaerobic co-digestion of grass silage, sugar beet tops and oat straw with cow manure was evaluated in semi-continuously fed laboratory continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs). Co-digestion of manure and crops was shown to be feasible with feedstock volatile solids (VS) containing up to 40% of crops. The highest specific methane yields of 268, 229 and 213 l CH4 kg−1 VSadded in co-digestion of cow manure with grass, sugar beet tops and straw, respectively, were obtained with 30% of crop in the feedstock, corresponding to 85–105% of the methane potential in the substrates as determined by batch assays. Including 30% of crop in the feedstock increased methane production per digeste…

research product

Thermophilic anaerobic digestion of pulp and paper mill primary sludge and co-digestion of primary and secondary sludge

Anaerobic digestion of pulp and paper mill primary sludge and co-digestion of primary and secondary sludge were studied for the first time in semi-continuously fed continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTR) in thermophilic conditions. Additionally, in batch experiments, methane potentials of 210 and 230 m³CH₄/t volatile solids (VS)(added) were obtained for primary, and 50 and 100 m³CH₄/tVS(added) for secondary sludge at 35 °C and 55 °C, respectively. Anaerobic digestion of primary sludge was shown to be feasible with organic loading rates (OLR) of 1-1.4 kgVS/m³d and hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 16-32 d resulting in methane yields of 190-240 m³CH₄/tVS(fed). Also the highest tested OLR o…

research product

Co-digestion of grass silage and cow manure in a CSTR by re-circulation of alkali treated solids of the digestate.

Three laboratory, continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) co-digesting grass silage and cow manure (forming 30% and 70% of substrate volatile solids (VS), respectively) were operated to evaluate the effects of re-circulating an alkali-treated and untreated solid fraction of the digestate back to the reactors. The CSTRs were operated at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 2 kg VS m(-3) day(-1) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 20 days with a semi-continuous mode of feeding. The feasibility of co-digestion with substrate VS containing 30% VS of crop was reinforced, resulting in average specific methane yield of about 180-185 1 CH4 kg(-1) VS. Re-circulation of the solid fraction of digesta…

research product

Treatment of leachate from MSWI bottom ash landfilling with anaerobic sulphate-reducing process

Abstract Removal of sulphate and toxic elements from the leachate of a field landfill lysimeter ( 112 m 3 ) , containing municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash, was studied. The leachate was treated in two parallel laboratory upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors without and with ethanol as additional carbon source. With ethanol more than 65% of sulphate was removed, while without ethanol removal was negligible. The treatment removed Ba, Ca, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Tl, Sb, Se, Sr, and Zn of the studied 35 trace and other elements. The sequential extraction of the reactor sludge at the end of runs confirmed that with a few exceptions (Ba, Ca, and Cu) the main mechanism by…

research product

Aerobic moving bed biofilm reactor treating thermomechanical pulping whitewater under thermophilic conditions.

The continuously operated laboratory scale Kaldnes moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) was used for thermophilic (55 degrees C) aerobic treatment of TMP whitewater. In the MBBR, the biomass is grown on carrier elements that move along with the water in the reactor. Inoculation with mesophilic activated sludge gave 60-65% SCOD removal from the first day onwards. During the 107 days of experiment, the 60-65% SCOD removals were achieved at organic loading rates of 2.5-3.5 kg SCODm(-3) d(-1), the highest loading rates applied during the run and HRT of 13-22h. Carbohydrates, which contributed to 50-60% of the influent SCOD. were removed by 90-95%, while less than 15% of the lignin-like material (3…

research product

Methane oxidation in a boreal climate in an experimental landfill cover composed from mechanically–biologically treated waste

The present study evaluated microbial methane (CH4) oxidation in a boreally located outdoor landfill lysimeter (volume 112 m3, height 3.9 m) filled with mechanically-biologically treated waste (MBT residual) and containing a cover layer made from the same MBT residual. The calculations based on gas emission and pore gas measurements showed that, between April and October 2005, a significant proportion (96%) of the methane produced (23 l CH4 m(-2) d(-1)) in the lysimeter was oxidized. Methane was oxidized mainly at the depths of 35-75 cm, as indicated by the upward decrease both in the methane concentration and in the methane-to-carbon dioxide ratio in the pore gas. Lower methane oxidation (…

research product

Toxicity of waste gasification bottom ash leachate

Abstract Toxicity of waste gasification bottom ash leachate from landfill lysimeters (112 m3) was studied over three years. The leachate of grate incineration bottom ash from a parallel setup was used as reference material. Three aquatic organisms (bioluminescent bacteria, green algae and water flea) were used to study acute toxicity. In addition, an ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) assay was performed with mouse hepatoma cells to indicate the presence of organic contaminants. Concentrations of 14 elements and 15 PAH compounds were determined to characterise leachate. Gasification ash leachate had a high pH (9.2–12.4) and assays with and without pH adjustment to neutral were used. Gasifi…

research product

Effects of solid–liquid separation on recovering residual methane and nitrogen from digested dairy cow manure

The feasibility of optimizing methane and nitrogen recovery of samples obtained from farm biogas digester (35 degrees C) and post-storage tank (where digested material is stored for 9-12 months) was studied by separating the materials into different fractions using 2, 1, 0.5 and 0.25 mm sieves. Mass-balances revealed that digested material mainly consists of0.25 mm (60-69%) and2 mm (18-27%) fractions, while fractions between 2 and 0.2 mm made the rest. Incubation of solid fractions0.25 mm of digester material at 35 degrees C resulted in specific methane yields of 0.060-0.085 m(3)kg(-1) volatile solids (VS) during initial 30-50 d and 0.16-0.18 m(3)kg(-1)VS at the end of 340 d incubation. Sim…

research product

Effect of micro-aeration and leachate replacement on COD solubilization and VFA production during mono-digestion of grass-silage in one-stage leach-bed reactors

The effect of micro-aeration and leachate replacement with fresh water on chemical oxygen demand (COD) solubilization and volatile fatty acid (VFA) production during the mono-digestion of grass-silage in one-stage leach-bed reactors (LBRs) was investigated in four LBRs, L0 (control), L1, L2 and L3 in batch mode at 35 + or - 1 degrees Celsius for 57 days. Results showed that leachate replacement without pH adjustment (L3) resulted in 2.7 and 1.3 times more SCOD in the leachate compared to control (L0) or leachate replacement with initial pH adjustment (L1), respectively. Micro-aeration at flow rate of 1 L min(-1) (2.5 L of air) in L2 resulted in 4-fold increase in VFA production (from 2.2 to…

research product

Extreme thermophilic (70°C), VFA-fed UASB reactor: performance, temperature response, load potential and comparison with 35 and 55°C UASB reactors

Abstract The paper evaluates the reactor performance, load potential and temperature response of a 70°C, VFAs-fed UASB reactor, seeded with mesophilic granular sludge. Batch experiments were, in addition, conducted to assess the effect of temperature on the achievable residual VFAs in the 70°C effluent. The performance of similarly-fed and seeded 35 and 55°C UASB reactors was also tested. At a short HRT (2–3 h) and a moderate VLR of 12–20 g COD l−1 d−1, the 70°C UASB achieved 66–74% VFAs removal (acetate and butyrate 84–90%, propionate

research product

Anaerobic solubilisation of nitrogen from municipal solid waste (MSW)

This paper reviews anaerobic solubilisation of nitrogen municipal solid waste (MSW) and the effect of current waste management practises on nitrogen release. The production and use of synthetically fixed nitrogen fertiliser in food production has more than doubled the flow of excessive nitrogenous material into the community and hence into the waste disposal system. This imbalance in the global nitrogen cycle has led to uncontrolled nitrogen emissions into the atmosphere and water systems. The nitrogen content of MSW is up to4.0% of total solids (TS) and the proteins in MSW have a lower rate of degradation than cellulose. The proteins are hydrolysed through multiple stages into amino acids …

research product

Responses of methane oxidation to temperature and water content in cover soil of a boreal landfill

Abstract Methane oxidation in a cover soil of a landfill located in a boreal climate was studied at temperatures ranging from 1–19 °C and with water content of 7–34% of dry weight (dw), corresponding to 17–81% of water-holding capacity (WHC) in order to better understand the factors regulating CH 4 oxidation at low temperatures. CH 4 consumption was detected at all the temperatures studied (1–19 °C) and an increase in CH 4 consumption rate in consecutive incubations was obtained even at 1 °C, indicating activation or increase in enzymes and/or microorganisms responsible for CH 4 oxidation. CH 4 consumption was reduced with low water content (17%WHC) at all temperatures. The response of CH 4…

research product

Data from: Inter-annual variation and long-term trends in proportions of resident individuals in partially migratory birds

Partial migration – a part of a population migrates and another part stays resident year-round on the breeding site – is probably the most common type of migration in the animal kingdom, yet it has only lately garnered more attention. Theoretical studies indicate that in partially migratory populations, the proportion of resident individuals (PoR) should increase in high latitudes in response to the warming climate, but empirical evidence exists for few species. We provide the first comprehensive overview of the environmental factors affecting PoR and the long-term trends in PoR by studying 27 common partially migratory bird species in Finland. The annual PoR values were calculated by divid…

research product