Manuel Martínez-sellés
Impact of Frailty and Other Geriatric Syndromes on Clinical Management and Outcomes in Elderly Patients With Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: Rationale and Design of the LONGEVO-SCA Registry
The incidence of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is high in the elderly. Despite a high prevalence of frailty and other aging-related variables, little information exists about the optimal clinical management in patients with coexisting geriatric syndromes. The aim of the LONGEVO-SCA registry (Impacto de la Fragilidad y Otros Sindromes Geriatricos en el Manejo y Pronostico Vital del Anciano con Sindrome Coronario Agudo sin Elevacion de Segmento ST) is to assess the impact of aging-related variables on clinical management, prognosis, and functional status in elderly patients with ACS. A series of 500 consecutive octogenarian patients with non-ST-segment elevation ACS from 57 centers in Spain …
Complicaciones infecciosas relacionadas con la asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración en candidatos a trasplante cardiaco urgente
Introducción y objetivos El uso de dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente a trasplante es frecuente en España. Se desconocen la epidemiología y la repercusión de las complicaciones infecciosas en estos pacientes. Métodos Descripción sistemática de la epidemiología y análisis de la repercusión pronóstica de las complicaciones infecciosas en un registro multicéntrico retrospectivo de pacientes tratados con dispositivos de asistencia circulatoria mecánica de corta duración como puente a trasplante cardiaco urgente entre 2010 y 2015 en 16 hospitales españoles. Resultados Se estudió a 249 pacientes; 87 (34,9%) de ellos tuvieron un total de 102 infecciones.…
Recommendations of the Geriatric Cardiology Section of the Spanish Society of Cardiology for the Assessment of Frailty in Elderly Patients With Heart Disease
Frailty is an age-associated clinical syndrome characterized by a decrease in physiological reserve in situations of stress, constituting a state of vulnerability that involves a higher risk of adverse events. Its prevalence in Spain is high, especially in elderly individuals with comorbidity and chronic diseases. In cardiovascular disease, frailty is associated worse clinical outcomes and higher morbidity and mortality in all scenarios, in both acute and chronic settings, and could consequently influence diagnosis and treatment. However, frailty is often not addressed or included when planning the management of elderly patients with heart disease. In this article, we review the available s…
Advanced interatrial block predicts new-onset atrial fibrillation and ischemic stroke in patients with heart failure: The “Bayes' Syndrome-HF” study
Advanced interatrial block (IAB) is characterized by a prolonged (≥120 ms) and bimodal P wave in the inferior leads. The association between advanced IAB and atrial fibrillation (AF) is known as “Bayes' Syndrome”, and there is scarce information about it in heart failure (HF). We examined the prevalence of IAB and whether advanced IAB could predict new-onset AF and/or stroke in HF patients. Methods and results: The prospective observational “Bayes' Syndrome-HF” study included consecutive outpatients with chronic HF. The primary endpoints were new-onset AF, ischemic stroke, and the composite of both. A secondary endpoint included all-cause death alone or in combination with the primary endpo…
Results of heart retransplantation: subanalysis of the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry
Resumen Introduccion y objetivos El retrasplante cardiaco (ReTC) representa un tema controvertido actualmente. Nuestro objetivo es describir y analizar los resultados del ReTC en Espana. Metodos Analisis retrospectivo del Registro Espanol de Trasplante Cardiaco de 1984 a 2018. Se recogieron datos sobre donante, receptor, cirugia, inmunosupresion y supervivencia. La mortalidad por todas las causas o la necesidad de ReTC postrasplante fueron el objetivo principal. Se estudiaron diferencias en supervivencia segun indicacion, tiempo entre trasplantes y epoca del ReTC. Resultados Se estudiaron en total 7.592 trasplantes cardiacos (TxC) y 173 (2,3%) ReTC (mediana de edad, 52,0 y 55,0 anos respect…
Infectious complications associated with short-term mechanical circulatory support in urgent heart transplant candidates
[Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Short-term mechanical circulatory support is frequently used as a bridge to heart transplant in Spain. The epidemiology and prognostic impact of infectious complications in these patients are unknown. Methods. Systematic description of the epidemiology of infectious complications and analysis of their prognostic impact in a multicenter, retrospective registry of patients treated with short-term mechanical devices as a bridge to urgent heart transplant from 2010 to 2015 in 16 Spanish hospitals. Results. We studied 249 patients, of which 87 (34.9%) had a total of 102 infections. The most frequent site was the respiratory tract (n = 47; 46.1%). Microbiol…
Antithrombotic Therapy in Elderly Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes
The treatment of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in elderly patients continues to be a challenge because of the characteS.G.B.ristics of this population and the lack of data and specific recommendations. This review summarizes the current evidence about critical points of oral antithrombotic therapy in elderly patients. To this end, we discuss the peculiarities and differences reported referring to dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) in ACS management in elderly patients and what might be the best option considering these population characteristics. Furthermore, we analyze antithrombotic strategies in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), with a particular focus on those cases that also presen…
Chest pain unit: Don’t forget the clinical indices
Sin financiación 6.975 JCR (2021) Q1, 33/143 Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems 0.407 SJR (2021) Q3, 205/356 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine No data IDR 2021 UEM
Mitral Regurgitation and Prognosis After Non-ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Very Old Patients.
Background/Objetctives: Mitral regurgitation (MR)after an acute coronary syndrome is associated with a poor prognosis. However,the prognostic impact of MR in elderly patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardialinfarction (NSTEMI) has not been well addressed. Design: Prospective registry. Setting And Participants: The multicenter LONGEVO-SCA prospective registry included 532 unselected NSTEMI patients aged ≥80 years. Measurements: MR was quantified using echocardiography during admission in 497 patients. They were classified in two groups: significant (moderate or severe) or not significant MR (absent or mild). We evaluated the impact of MR status on mortality or readmission at 6 months…
Carga de comorbilidad y beneficio de la revascularización en ancianos con síndrome coronario agudo
Introduction and objectives: To evaluate the interaction between comorbidity burden and the benefits of in-hospital revascularization in elderly patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS). Methods: This retrospective study included 7211 patients aged ≥ 70 years from 11 Spanish NSTEACS registries. Six comorbidities were evaluated: diabetes, peripheral artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic pulmonary disease, renal failure, and anemia. A propensity score was estimated to enable an adjusted comparison of in-hospital revascularization and conservative management. The end point was 1-year all-cause mortality. Results: In total, 1090 patients (15%) died. Th…
Prognosis Impact of Diabetes in Elderly Women and Men with Non-ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome
Few studies have addressed to date the interaction between sex and diabetes mellitus (DM) in the prognosis of elderly patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS). Our aim was to address the role of DM in the prognosis of non-selected elderly patients with NSTEACS according to sex. A retrospective analysis from 11 Spanish NSTEACS registries was conducted, including patients aged ≥70 years. The primary end point was one-year all-cause mortality. A total of 7211 patients were included, 2,770 (38.4%) were women, and 39.9% had DM. Compared with the men, the women were older (79.95 ± 5.75 vs. 78.45 ± 5.43 years, p <
Frequency of Renal Dysfunction and Frailty in Patients ≥80 Years of Age With Acute Coronary Syndromes.
While a significant association between renal function and outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) has been consistently described, little information exists about the magnitude of this association in patients at older ages. No study assessed the prognostic role of renal function according to frailty in patients with ACS. The LONGEVO-SCA registry included unselected ACS patients aged≥80 years. Frailty was asessesed by the FRAIL scale, and baseline creatinine clearance was calculated by the Cockroff-Gault formula. We evaluated the impact of renal function on mortality or readmission at 6-months according to frailty status by the Cox regression method. A total of 473 patients…
Update on Ischemic Heart Disease and Critical Care Cardiology
This article summarizes the main developments reported in 2013 on ischemic heart disease, together with the most important innovations in the management of acute cardiac patients. 3.792 JCR (2014) Q2, 34/123 Cardiac & cardiovascular systems UEM
Actualización en cardiopatía isquémica y cuidados críticos cardiológicos
This article summarizes the main developments reported during the year 2012 concerning ischemic heart disease, together with the most relevant innovations in the management of acute cardiac patients. Full English text available from: www.revespcardiol.org/en.
Recomendaciones de la Sección de Cardiología Geriátrica de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología para la valoración de la fragilidad en el anciano con cardiopatía
Resumen La fragilidad es un sindrome clinico que ocurre durante el envejecimiento, que se caracteriza por una disminucion de la reserva fisiologica ante una situacion de estres y constituye un estado de vulnerabilidad que conlleva mayor riesgo de un resultado adverso. Su prevalencia en Espana es alta, especialmente en ancianos con comorbilidad y enfermedades cronicas. En el caso de la enfermedad cardiovascular, la fragilidad determina peores resultados clinicos, con mayor morbimortalidad en todos los escenarios, agudos y cronicos; por lo tanto, puede condicionar el diagnostico y el tratamiento de los pacientes. A pesar de todo ello, se trata de un problema que con frecuencia no se aborda ni…
Clinical and prognostic implications of delirium in elderly patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes
Altres ajuts: This study was supported by the funding from the Spanish Society of Cardiology. Elderly patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTE-ACS) may present delirium but its clinical relevance is unknown. This study aimed at determining the clinical associated factors, and prognostic implications of delirium in old-aged patients admitted for NSTE-ACS. LONGEVO-SCA is a prospective multicenter registry including unselected patients with NSTE-ACS aged ≥ 80 years. Clinical variables and a complete geriatric evaluation were assessed during hospitalization. The association between delirium and 6-month mortality was assessed by a Cox regression model weighted for a …
Results of heart retransplantation: subanalysis of the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry
Heart retransplantation (ReHT) is controversial in the current era. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the results of ReHT in Spain. Methods We performed a retrospective cohort analysis from the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry from 1984 to 2018. Data were collected on donors, recipients, surgical procedure characteristics, immunosuppression, and survival. The main outcome was posttransplant all-cause mortality or need for ReHT. We studied differences in survival according to indication for ReHT, the time interval between transplants and era of ReHT. Results A total of 7592 heart transplants (HT) and 173 (2.3%) ReHT were studied (median age, 52.0 and 55.0 years, respectively…
Global Geriatric Assessment and In-Hospital Bleeding Risk in Elderly Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes: Insights from the LONGEVO-SCA Registry.
Background: Bleeding risk scores have shown a limited predictive ability in elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). No study explored the role of a comprehensive geriatric assessment to predict in-hospital bleeding in this clinical setting. Methods: The prospective multicentre LONGEVO-SCA registry included 532 unselected patients with non-ST segment elevation ACS (NSTEACS) aged 80 years or older. Comorbidity (Charlson index), frailty (FRAIL scale), disability (Barthel index and Lawton-Brody index), cognitive status (Pfeiffer test) and nutritional risk (mini nutritional assessment-short form test) were assessed during hospitalization. CRUSADE score was prospectively calculated …
Prognostic impact of anemia according to frailty status in elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes.
Aims Anemia is associated with poorer outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS), but the magnitude of this association in elderly patients remains poorly understood. No study has assessed the prognostic impact of anemia according to frailty status in this setting. Methods The LONGEVO-SCA registry included unselected ACS patients aged at least 80 years. A geriatric assessment was performed during hospitalization, including frailty assessment using the FRAIL scale. Anemia was defined by the WHO criteria. We evaluated the impact of anemia on 6-month mortality according to the presence of frailty. Results A total of 517 patients were assessed. Mean age was 84.3 years, and a total…
Nutritional status and all-cause mortality in older adults with acute coronary syndrome.
Background & aims The present analysis investigated the prevalence and the prognostic implication of nutritional status in older adults hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods The analysis is based on older ACS patients included in the FRASER and LONGEVO SCA studies. The Global Risk of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) risk score was computed in all patients. Nutritional status was assessed with the Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF, normal for values between 12 and 14, at risk of malnutrition for values between 8 and 11, and malnutrition for values ≤ 7). Physical performance was assessed with the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Primary outcome was all-ca…
An Easy Assessment of Frailty at Baseline Independently Predicts Prognosis in Very Elderly Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes.
Background: Information about the impact of frailty in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is scarce. No study has assessed the prognostic impact of frailty as measured by the FRAIL scale in very elderly patients with ACS. Methods: The prospective multicenter LONGEVO-SCA registry included unselected patients with ACS aged 80 years or older. A comprehensive geriatric assessment was performed during hospitalization, including frailty assessment by the FRAIL scale. The primary endpoint was mortality at 6 months. Results: A total of 532 patients were included. Mean age was 84.3 years, 61.7% male. Most patients had positive troponin levels (84%) and high GRACE risk score values (mean 16…
Acute Coronary Syndrome in the Older Patient
Coronary artery disease is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality, and its prevalence increases with age. The growing number of older patients and their differential characteristics make its management a challenge in clinical practice. The aim of this review is to summarize the state-of-the-art in diagnosis and treatment of acute coronary syndromes in this subgroup of patients. This comprises peculiarities of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) management, updated evidence of non-STEMI therapeutic strategies, individualization of antiplatelet treatment (weighting ischemic and hemorrhagic risks), as well as assessment of geriatric conditions and ethical issues in…
Impact of donor-recipient age on cardiac transplant survival. Subanalysis of the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry.
[Abstract] Introduction and objectives. The age of heart transplant recipients and donors is progressively increasing. It is likely that not all donor-recipient age combinations have the same impact on mortality. The objective of this work was to compare survival in transplant recipients according to donor-recipient age combinations. Methods. We performed a retrospective analysis of transplants performed between 1 January 1993 and 31 December 2017 in the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry. Pediatric transplants, retransplants and combined transplants were excluded (6505 transplants included). Four groups were considered: a) donor < 50 years for recipient < 65 years; b) donor < 50 years for r…
Statin Treatment and Prognosis of Elderly Patients Discharged after Non-ST Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome
<b><i>Background:</i></b> Statins are recommended for secondary prevention. Our aims were to describe the proportion of very elderly patients receiving statins after non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NST-ACS) and to determine the prognostic implications of statins use. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> This prospective registry was performed in 44 hospitals that included patients ≥80 years discharged after a NST-ACS from April 2016 to September 2016. <b><i>Results:</i></b> We included 523 patients, the mean age was 84.2 ± 4.0 years and 200 patients (38.2%) were women. Previous statin treatment was recorded in 282 p…
Carga de comorbilidad y beneficio de la revascularización en ancianos con síndrome coronario agudo
Resumen Introduccion y objetivos El objetivo es evaluar la interaccion entre carga de comorbilidad y beneficio de la revascularizacion en ancianos con sindrome coronario agudo sin elevacion del ST (SCASEST). Metodos Estudio retrospectivo que incluyo a 7.211 pacientes de edad ≥ 70 anos y procedentes de 11 registros de SCASEST espanoles. Se evaluaron 6 comorbilidades (diabetes mellitus, arteriopatia periferica, enfermedad cerebrovascular, enfermedad pulmonar cronica, insuficiencia renal y anemia). Se calculo una puntuacion de propension para comparar el efecto de la revascularizacion frente al tratamiento conservador. El objetivo fue la mortalidad a 1 ano. Resultados Al ano habian fallecido 1…
Baseline CHA 2 DS 2 ‐VASc score and prognosis in octogenarians with non‐ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome
Background CHA2DS2-VASc Score is widely used to predict thromboembolic risk in patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF). We sought to study if this score predicts outcomes in elderly patients with Non-ST segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes (NSTEACS). Methods The multicenter LONGEVO-SCA prospective registry included 532 unselected patients with NSTEACS aged ≥80 years. Data to calculate CHA2DS2-VASc Score were available in 523 patients (98.3%). They were classified according to CHA2DS2-VASc Score: group 1 (score ≤ 4), and 2 (5-9). We studied outcomes in terms of mortality or readmission at 6 months follow-up. Results A total of 266 patients (51%) had a high CHA2DS2-VASc Score (group 2). …
Comorbidity assessment for mortality risk stratification in elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Background The Charlson's is the most used comorbidity index. It comprises 19 comorbidities, some of which are infrequent in elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), while some others are manifestations of cardiac disease rather than comorbidities. Our goal was to simplify comorbidity assessment in elderly non-ST-segment elevation ACS patients. Methods The study group consisted of 1 training (n = 920, 76 ± 7 years) and 1 testing (n = 532; 84 ± 4 years) cohorts. The end-point was all-cause mortality at 1-year follow-up. Comorbidities were assessed selecting those medical disorders other than cardiac disease that were independently associated with mortality by multivariable analys…