F. Vitale

Dinamiche della colonizzazione da pneumococco in Sicilia tra il 2009 ed il 2017: implicazioni nella vaccinazione anti-pneumococcica in soggetti di tutte le età

Introduzione Streptococcus pneumoniae è uno dei maggiori responsabili di meningiti, sepsi e polmoniti a livello globale. La colonizzazione asintomatica da pneumococco (carriage) rappresenta il reservoir di sierotipi batterici ed è considerata un pre-requisito per lo sviluppo della malattia. In questo lavoro viene descritto l’andamento del carriage da pneumococco e la distribuzione dei sierotipi circolanti in Sicilia, una delle regioni italiane a proporre nei nuovi nati, già dal 2004, la vaccinazione universale con il vaccino anti pneumococcico coniugato e dal 2013 anche nei soggetti a rischio di qualsiasi età e negli adulti over-65. Materiali e metodi Soggetti di tutte le età, giunti all’os…

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Reasons for low cervical cancer survival in new accession European Union countries: a EUROCARE-5 study.

Purpose: With better access to early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, cervical cancer (CC) burden decreased in several European countries. In Eastern European (EE) countries, which accessed European Union in 2004, CC survival was worse than in the rest of Europe. The present study investigates CC survival differences across five European regions, considering stage at diagnosis (local, regional and metastatic), morphology (mainly squamous versus glandular tumours) and patients’ age. Methods: We analysed 101,714 CC women diagnosed in 2000–2007 and followed-up to December 2008. Age-standardised 5-year relative survival (RS) and the excess risks of cancer death in the 5 years after diagnosi…

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Effects of feeding diets supplemented with fungus myceliated grains on some production, health and oxidation traits of dairy ewes.

The beneficial properties of mushrooms bioactive compounds indicate their potential use as performance enhancing natural additive for livestock animals. This paper reports the preliminary results of a research on the effects of diets supplemented with fungus myceliated grains (FMG) to lactating ewes in terms of intestinal parasites control, milk production and cheese oxidative stability. During 8 weeks, 21 ewes were divided into 3 groups fed with hay ad libitum and 1.3 kg/day per head of one of 3 concentrates with 0, 10 or 20% of FMG. In front of analogous DM and nutrients intake, the ewes fed FMG at higher levels showed a reduction of intestinal parasite infection, a tendency to improve mi…

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Cardiac risk stratification in elective non-cardiac surgery: Role of NT-proBNP

AIM: The aim of the study was to investigate the utility of NT-proBNP measurement for the stratification of presurgical cardiac risk. METHODS: Cardiac risk before elective non-cardiac surgery was evaluated in 82 consecutive patients. From each patient a venous blood sample was drawn to determinate NT-proBNP levels. Patients were followed up over three months in order to detect the occurrence of cardiac adverse events. RESULTS: NT-proBNP was positively correlated (P<0.0001) with age, days of hospitalization (P=0.001) and ASA class (P=0.001). High surgical risk (P<0.0001), diabetes (P=0.004), dyslipidemia (P=0.006) and elevated levels of NT-proBNP (P<0.0001) were significantly correlated with…

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Il metodo Joint Commission International applicato nell’ambito del Progetto Biennale per “La gestione del Rischio Clinico presso le strutture del Sistema Sanitario della Regione Siciliana: risultati preliminari”.

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Carotid plaque detection improves the predictve value of CHA2DS2-VASc score in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrilation: The ARAPACIS Study

Abstract Background and aims Vascular disease (VD), as assessed by history of myocardial infarction or peripheral artery disease or aortic plaque, increases stroke risk in atrial fibrillation (AF), and is a component of risk assessment using the CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score. We investigated if systemic atherosclerosis as detected by ultrasound carotid plaque (CP) could improve the predictive value of the CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score. Methods We analysed data from the ARAPACIS study, an observational study including 2027 Italian patients with non-valvular AF, in whom CP was detected using Doppler Ultrasonography. Results VD was reported in 351 (17.3%) patients while CP was detected in 16.6% patients. Ad…

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Increase in transmitted resistance to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors among newly diagnosed HIV-1 infections in Europe

Background: One out of ten newly diagnosed patients in Europe was infected with a virus carrying a drug resistant mutation. We analysed the patterns over time for transmitted drug resistance mutations (TDRM) using data from the European Spread program.Methods: Clinical, epidemiological and virological data from 4317 patients newly diagnosed with HIV-1 infection between 2002 and 2007 were analysed. Patients were enrolled using a pre-defined sampling strategy.Results: The overall prevalence of TDRM in this period was 8.9% (95% CI: 8.1-9.8). Interestingly, significant changes over time in TDRM caused by the different drug classes were found. Whereas nucleoside resistance mutations remained con…

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Sorveglianza della mortalità infantile nella provincia di Palermo. Dati prelminari.

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Evaluation of radon levels in indoor gymnasia of palermo (Sicily) and Sassari (Sardinia)

&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Background&lt;/strong&gt;: In the last decades, there has been increased worldwide interest in the management of health risks from indoor radon.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Methods&lt;/strong&gt;: From 2006 to 2008, a survey on air radon levels was carried out in a total of 57 indoor gymnasia respectively located in the urban area of Palermo (Sicily) and Sassari (Sardinia).&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Results&lt;/strong&gt;: The indoor radon levels were generally low with different geometric means in the two geographic areas (14.3 Bq/m3 in Palermo and 36 Bq/m3 in Sassari, respectively). Overall, in both groups increasing values of radon were found during the n…

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Genetic assessment as preliminary action for conservation of endangered species: preliminary data on Alectoris (Sicilian rock partridge) population in Sicily

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Effetti dell'utilizzazione della crusca di frumento duro nella dieta sulle risposte produttive dei ruminanti

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Incidenti occupazionali a rischio biologico nell'Azienda Universitaria Ospedaliera Policlinico di Palermo dal 2005 al 2016: indagine descrittiva

Il rischio biologico (RB) in ambito sanitario è universalmente riconosciuto per tutti gli operatori sanitari (OS) esposti al contatto con materiale biologico o strumenti medici potenzialmente contaminati da agenti biologici. In Italia, le esposizioni a RB negli OS sono molto frequenti e rappresentano la prima causa di infortunio (40% di tutti gli infortuni denunciati). MATERIALI E METODI: Un’indagine descrittiva retrospettiva degli incidenti a RB è stata condotta presso l’A.O.U.P. “P. Giaccone” di Palermo analizzando le schede di segnalazione degli incidenti pervenute presso l’U.O. di Prevenzione e Sorveglianza delle Infezioni Ospedaliere negli anni 2005-2016. RISULTATI: Sono stati registra…

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L’epidemiologia del morbillo nell’era dell’eliminazione: l’esperienza della Sicilia tra il 2012 ed il 2019

Introduzione Il morbillo è una patologia ad elevata contagiosità di origine virale e, malgrado l’Introduzione della vaccinazione universale, è an-cora causa di elevata morbilità e mortalità. In linea con la strategia globale posta dall’OMS, è in vigore in Italia un “Piano Nazionale per l’Eliminazione del Morbillo e della Rosolia congenita (PNEMoRc)”. In questo lavoro viene descritta l’epidemiologia del morbillo in Sicilia e le sue dinamiche molecolari, in accordo alle attività di sorveglianza svolte dal Laboratorio di Riferimento Regionale. Materiali e metodi Nel periodo 2012-2019, campioni biologici di soggetti con diagnosi clinica di morbillo, su tutto il territorio regionale, sono stati …

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Epidemiologia della tubercolosi in Sicilia: attività del Laboratorio di Riferimento Regionale per la Sorveglianza e il Controllo della Tubercolosi in Sicilia

Introduzione In Sicilia dal 2014 è stato istituito dall’Assessorato Regionale alla Salute il Laboratorio di Riferimento Regionale per la Sorveglianza ed il Controllo della Tubercolosi (TB), per sviluppare e integrare strumenti epidemiologici tradizionali e molecolari in una regione in cui intensi flussi migratori, insediamenti stabili frutto di pregresse migrazioni ed evoluzione demografica della popolazione autoctona compongono un complesso quadro epidemiologico. Materiali e metodi Sono stati analizzati i flussi dei dati sanitari correnti del periodo 2010- 2017, in particolare le notifiche del Sistema Informativo delle Malattie Infettive e le Schede di Dimissione Ospedaliera. Dal 2014, il …

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Trends of colorectal cancer incidence and mortality rates from 2003 to 2014 in Italy

Objective: To evaluate the trends of colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality rates from 2003 to 2014 in Italy by age groups and regions. Methods: We used the data of 48 cancer registries from 17 Italian regions to estimate standardized incidence and mortality rates overall and by sex, age groups (&lt;50, 50–69, 70+ years), and geographic area (northwest, northeast, center, south, and islands). Time trends were expressed as annual percent change in rates (APC) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Results: Incidence rates decreased from 104.3 (2003) to 89.9 × 100,000 (2014) in men and from 64.3 to 58.4 × 100,000 in women. Among men, incidence decreased during 2007–2010 (APC −4.0, 9…

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“La notifica delle malattie infettive – Vademecum per il Medico” –

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Sentieri: mortality, cancer incidence and hospital discharges. Summary

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Association of kidney disease measures with risk of renal function worsening in patients with type 1 diabetes

Background Albuminuria has been classically considered a marker of kidney damage progression in diabetic patients and it is routinely assessed to monitor kidney function. However, the role of a mild GFR reduction on the development of stage ≥3 CKD has been less explored in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic role of kidney disease measures, namely albuminuria and reduced GFR, on the development of stage ≥3 CKD in a large cohort of patients affected by T1DM. Methods A total of 4284 patients affected by T1DM followed-up at 76 diabetes centers participating to the Italian Association of Clinical Diabetologists (Associazione Medici D…

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Transmission of HIV Drug Resistance and the Predicted Effect on Current First-line Regimens in Europe

Transmitted human immunodeficiency virus drug resistance in Europe is stable at around 8%. The impact of baseline mutation patterns on susceptibility to antiretroviral drugs should be addressed using clinical guidelines. The impact on baseline susceptibility is largest for nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors.

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Survival variations by country and age for lymphoid and myeloid malignancies in Europe 2000–2007: Results of EUROCARE-5 population-based study

BACKGROUND: Significant advances in the management of patients with lymphoid and myeloid malignancies entered clinical practice in the early 2000's. The EUROCARE-5 study database provides an opportunity to assess the impact of these changes at the population level by country in Europe. We provide survival estimates for clinically relevant haematological malignancies (HM), using the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology 3, by country, gender and age in Europe. METHODS: We estimated age-standardised relative survival using the complete cohort approach for 625, 000 adult patients diagnosed in 2000-2007 and followed up to 2008. Survival information was provided by 89 participati…

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Survival in patients with primary liver cancer, gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract cancer and pancreatic cancer in Europe 1999- 2007: Results of EUROCARE-5

Abstract Background The EUROCARE study collects and analyses survival data from population-based cancer registries (CRs) in Europe in order to provide data on between-country differences in survival and time trends in survival. Methods This study analyses data on liver cancer, gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract cancers (“biliary tract cancers”), and pancreatic cancer diagnosed in 2000–2007 from 88 CRs in 29 countries. Relative survival (RS) was estimated overall, by region, sex, age and period of diagnosis using the complete approach. Time trends in 5-year RS over 1999–2007 were also analysed using the period approach. Results The prognosis of the studied cancers was poor. Age-stand…

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Indicazioni per uno Studio su Familiarità e fattori di rischio del Sarcoma di Kaposi classico

Obiettivi: Dalle analisi dei dati degli studi precedenti effettuati in Sicilia sono emerse diverse indicazioni, per cui è stata avviata un’indagine in Sicilia nel 2013 , grazie ad un finanziamento della LILT nazionale, intesa a: valutare la situazione immunologica ed ematochimica e la sieroprevalenza in persone a stretto contatto con i malati (parente di 1 grado o marito/moglie) o parenti affetti dalla stessa patologia; indagare alcuni fattori di rischio con un questionario;effettuare il follow-up dei malati ogni 6-12-18-24 mesi ; individuare un Centro di Riferimento in Sicilia per la diagnosi e cura di questo tumore raro. Materiali e Metodi: Sono stati arruolati 24 Casi (21M/3F) e 27 Contr…

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Vaccinazioni: stato dell’arte, falsi miti e prospettive. Il ruolo chiave della prevenzione.

La pratica vaccinale in Italia è organizzativamente incardinata all’interno del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) e nei Servizi Sanitari Regionali (SSR). I luoghi “classici” in cui viene effettuata la procedura/prestazione vaccinale sono i servizi di vaccinazione della Aziende Sanitarie Locali (ASL) o Provinciali (ASP) delle varie Regioni.

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Major adverse cardiovascular events in non-valvular atrial fibrillation with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the ARAPACIS study

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) increases the risk of mortality in non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) patients. Data on the relationship of COPD to major cardiovascular events (MACE) in AF have not been defined. The aim of the study is to assess the predictive value of COPD on incident MACE in NVAF patients over a 3-year follow-up. In the Atrial Fibrillation Registry for Ankle-Brachial Index Prevalence Assessment-Collaborative Italian Study (ARAPACIS) cohort, we evaluate the impact of COPD on the following clinical endpoints: MACE (including vascular death, fatal/non-fatal MI and stroke/TIA), cardiovascular (CV) death and all-cause mortality. Among 2027 NVAF patients, pati…

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The EUROCARE-5 study on cancer survival in Europe 1999-2007: Database, quality checks and statistical analysis methods

Abstract Background Since 25 years the EUROCARE study monitors the survival of cancer patients in Europe through centralised collection, quality check and statistical analysis of population-based cancer registries (CRs) data. The European population covered by the study increased remarkably in the latest round. The study design and statistical methods were also changed to improve timeliness and comparability of survival estimates. To interpret the EUROCARE-5 results on adult cancer patients better here we assess the impact of these changes on data quality and on survival comparisons. Methods In EUROCARE-5 the survival differences by area were studied applying the complete cohort approach to…

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Could university training and a proactive attitude of coworkers be associated with influenza vaccination compliance? A multicentre survey among Italian medical residents Assessment and evaluation of admissions, knowledge, skills and attitudes

Background: Although influenza vaccination has been demonstrated to be safe and effective, vaccination coverage rates among health care workers and among medical residents appear generally low. Several investigations have been performed worldwide to analyze the healthcare workers' educational deficiencies. This multicentre survey aimed to investigate at a nationwide level training quality and work environment associated with seasonal influenza vaccination uptake among Italian medical residents. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was carried out from April 2012 to June 2012 on medical residents regularly attending the post-graduate medical schools of 18 Italian Universities via an anonymo…

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Genetic diversity of fig (Ficus caricaL.) genotypes grown in Southern Italy revealed by the use of SSR markers

The genetic variability among 181 fig (Ficus carica L.) accessions found in small farms located in Campania, Basilicata, Apulia, Calabria and Sicily was investigated analysing the polymorphism of 18 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The SSR analysis revealed a large genetic diversity among accessions. A total of 117 alleles were detected with a mean of 6.5 locus-1. The average expected (He) and observed heterozygosity (Ho) were 0.56 and 0.66, respectively. The mean polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.51, suggesting a significant molecular diversity among the fig accessions taken into consideration. The UPGMA cluster analysis discriminated 174 genotypes and allowed to find 8 grou…

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Incidence of thyroid cancer in Italian contaminated sites

Some human literature suggests a possible role of endocrine disruptors (EDs) exposure in thyroid cancer (TC) development. We investigated TC incidence in selected Italian National Priority Contaminated Sites (NPCS) with documented presence of EDs considered thyroid carcinogens. Adjusted Standardized Incidence Ratios (SIRs), with their 90% confidence intervals, were computed by gender, and age-specific groups (aged 15–39 years, and 40 years or over) for each NPCS in the period 2006 to 2013. In the age group of 15–39 years, a significant excess of TC risk was found in two NPCSs in males

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Health Technology Assessment (HTA) of the introduction of influenza vaccination for Italian children with Fluenz Tetra®


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Effectiveness of an educational intervention on seasonal influenza vaccination campaign adherence among healthcare workers of the Palermo University Hospital, Italy.

Introduction. Healthcare workers are continuously exposed to the risk of being infected by influenza viruses during their work, thus representing a threat especially for fragile patients. Although the Italian Ministry of Health strongly recommends influenza vaccination for all HCWs, coverage levels in Italy are still far from the expected. Several studies report that one of the preferred strategies to improve vaccination coverage among Healthcare Workers is improving vaccination knowledge through specific multidisciplinary courses. To assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention on influenza vaccination coverage among Healthcare Workers a study was conducted at "Paolo Giaccone" U…

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Attitudes, behaviours and perceptions of Italian General Practitioner trainees towards influenza vaccination in Western Sicily (Italy)

Background: General practitioners (GPs) have to be considered as key figures of health promotion among health care workers since they are strongly asked to recommend influenza vaccination to their patients and perform on them. Despite this consideration, GPs have influenza vaccination rates that are significantly below the 75% coverage proposed by International Public Health guidelines. In order to increase future coverage of influenza vaccination within GPs, and through them within the population, the aim of this study was to assess determinants associated with influenza vaccine uptake among GP trainees. Methods: A survey was carried out on GP trainees attending the training course in Comm…

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How should vaccination services be planned, organized, and managed? Results from a survey on the Italian vaccination services

Background. Quality improvement is an increasingly recognized approach to maximize service effectiveness and minimize costs in public health. However, the Italian law never provided for the institutional accreditation of vaccination services. Furthermore, a recently approved law added six more compulsory vaccinations to the original four, which has led to a considerable increase in vaccination efforts, without any previous resources evaluation. The aim of the study was to investigate structural, organizational and managerial characteristics of the Italian vaccination services, in order to suggest the adoption of adequate quality standards. Study design. A survey involving the representative…

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Impact of the environment on the health: From theory to practice

The Erice 56 Charter titled "Impact of the environment on the health: from theory to practice" was unanimously approved at the end of the 56th course of the "International School of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine G. D'Alessandro" held from 3th to 7th November 2019 in Erice - Sicily (Italy) and promoted by the Study Group of "Environment and Health" of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health. The course, that included lectures, open discussions and guided working groups, was aimed to provide a general training on epidemiological and toxicological aspects of the environmental health impact, to be used by public health professionals for risk assessment, with…

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Treatment-associated polymorphisms in protease are significantly associated with higher viral load and lower CD4 count in newly diagnosed drug-naive HIV-1 infected patients

Background: The effect of drug resistance transmission on disease progression in the newly infected patient is not well understood. Major drug resistance mutations severely impair viral fitness in a drug free environment, and therefore expected to revert quickly. Compensatory mutations, often already polymorphic in wild-type viruses, do not tend to revert after transmission. While compensatory mutations increase fitness during treatment, their presence may also modulate viral fitness and virulence in absence of therapy and major resistance mutations. We previously designed a modeling technique that quantifies genotypic footprints of in vivo treatment selective pressure, including both drug …

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Insulin resistance and diabetes increase fibrosis in the liver of patients with genotype 1 HCV infection.

OBJECTIVES: Metabolic factors may affect the course of chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Insulin resistance (IR) determines steatosis, but its direct role in affecting progression of hepatic fibrosis is less clear. We aimed to assess whether increasing degrees of IR, up to overt diabetes, are linked to steatosis and higher stages of fibrosis in patients with CHC resulting from genotype 1 HCV (G1-HCV). METHODS: Two hundred one consecutive patients with G1-HCV infection were evaluated by liver biopsy and anthropometric and metabolic measurements, including IR, by the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA). Nondiabetic patients were defined as insulin resistant if HOMA-IR was &gt;2.7. All biopsies were …

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Visual and Hearing Impairment Are Associated With Delirium in Hospitalized Patients: Results of a Multisite Prevalence Study

Objective: Sensory deficits are important risk factors for delirium but have been investigated in single-center studies and single clinical settings. This multicenter study aims to evaluate the association between hearing and visual impairment or bi-sensory impairment (visual and hearing impairment) and delirium. Design: Cross-sectional study nested in the 2017 "Delirium Day" project. Setting and participants: Patients 65 years and older admitted to acute hospital medical wards, emergency departments, rehabilitation wards, nursing homes, and hospices in Italy. Methods: Delirium was assessed with the 4AT (a short tool for delirium assessment) and sensory deficits with a clinical evaluation. …

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Age and case mix-standardised survival for all cancer patients in Europe 1999-2007: Results of EUROCARE-5, a population-based study

Background: Overall survival after cancer is frequently used when assessing a health care service’s performance as a whole. It is mainly used by the public, politicians and the media, and is often dismissed by clinicians because of the heterogeneous mix of different cancers, risk factors and treatment modalities. Here we give survival details for all cancers combined in Europe, correlating it with economic variables to suggest reasons for differences. Methods: We computed age and cancer site case- mix standardised relative survival for all cancers combined (ACRS) for 29 countries participating in the EUROCARE-5 project with data on more than 7.5 million cancer cases from 87 population-based…

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Risk assessment in ginecology and obstetrics in Sicily: an approach based on Wolff's Criteria

Objectives To apply Wolff’s Criteria to hospital discharge records (HDR) in order to detect adverse events worthy of further study. Methods Gynecology and Obstetrics Units of three Sicilian hospitals were considered and HDR regarding ordinary and day hospital admissions in 2008 were collected. A matched case-control study was designed, by random selection of 10 controls at maximum for each case. Matching was performed on the variables age and speciality of admission (gynecology or obstetrics). Results Out of a total of 7011 HDR examined, 114 cases were identified with Wolff’s Criteria. Multivariate analysis confirmed a statistically significant association with the origin of admission, diag…

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Stato vaccinale e immunitario contro le malattie prevenibili da vaccino in un campione di operatori sanitari del Policlinico Universitario di Palermo

Introduzione La vaccinazione degli operatori sanitari (OS) riduce il rischio delle infezioni professionali, previene la trasmissione nosocomiale e garantisce la continuità delle cure sanitarie durante le epidemie di malattie vaccinoprevenibili. Nonostante le raccomandazioni del Piano Nazionale della Prevenzione Vaccinale 2017-2019, la copertura vaccinale degli OS in Italia risulta molto bassa. Scopo dello studio è valutare lo stato vaccinale e immunitario degli OS del Policlinico Universitario di Palermo. Materiali e metodi Un questionario anonimo è stato somministrato online tra Settembre e Dicembre 2018 agli OS del Policlinico Universitario di Palermo. Il questionario era suddiviso nelle …

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Campagna social #proteggitixproteggermi: andamento delle coperture vaccinali antinfluenzali degli operatori sanitari dell’AOU Policlinico “P. Giaccone” di Palermo in seguito all’implementazione di strategie comunicative ed informative

Introduzione Ogni anno il 20% circa degli operatori sanitari (OS) contrae l’influenza, continuando a lavorare e favorendo la diffusione dei virus influenzali nei reparti. La copertura media della vaccinazione antinfluenzale tra gli OS italiani si attesta attorno al 22%. Alla base del rifiuto vaccinale degli OS vi sono principalmente le scarse conoscenze, attitudini e percezioni in merito all’efficacia e alla sicurezza della vaccinazione antinfluenzale. In questo studio è stato analizzato il trend della copertura vaccinale contro l’influenza durante le ultime 12 stagioni negli OS dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) di Palermo, valutando l’impatto delle strategie comunic…

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Urinary tract cancer survival in Europe 1999-2007: Results of the population-based study EUROCARE-5

Abstract Background This work presents relative survival estimates regarding urinary tract tumours among adult patients (age ⩾ 15 years) diagnosed in Europe. It reports on survival estimates of cases diagnosed in 2000–2007, and on survival time trends from 1999–2001 to 2005–2007. Methods Data on 677,340 adult urinary tract tumour patients, (429,154 cases of invasive and non-invasive bladder and 248,186 cases of invasive kidney cancers) diagnosed between 2000 and 2007 were provided by 86 population-based cancer registries from 29 European countries. The complete approach was used to estimate survival in 2000–2007; the period approach was used to estimate survival over time. Results The age-s…

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I tumori dei bambini e degli adolescenti nella provincia di Palermo: i dati del Registro Tumori di Palermo e provincia.

Tumori infantili; Registri Tumori; Incidenza

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Survival of male genital cancers (prostate, testis and penis) in Europe 1999-2007: Results from the EUROCARE-5 study

Abstract Background We provide updated estimates of survival and survival trends of male genital tumours (prostate, testicular and penis cancers), in Europe and across European areas. Methods The complete approach was used to obtain relative survival estimates for patients diagnosed in 2000–2007, and followed up through 2008 in 29 countries. Data came from 87 cancer registries (CRs) for prostate tumours and from 86 CRs for testis and penis tumours. Relative survival time trends in 1999–2007 were estimated by the period approach. Data came from 49 CRs in 25 countries. Results We analysed 1,021,275 male genital cancer cases. Five-year relative survival was high and decreased with increasing a…

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La Genomica in Sanità Pubblica.
Sintesi delle evidenze e delle conoscenze disponibili sull’utilizzo della genomica ai fini della prevenzione.

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Sorveglianza della mortalità infantile nella Provincia di Palermo

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PrP allele frequencies in non-infected Valle del Belice and infected cross-bred flocks

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Quality analysis of population-based information on cancer stage at diagnosis across Europe, with presentation of stage-specific cancer survival estimates: A EUROCARE-5 study.

Abstract Background Cancer registries (CRs) are fundamental for estimating cancer burden, evaluating screening and monitoring health service performance. Stage at diagnosis—an essential information item collected by CRs—has been made available, for the first time, by CRs participating in EUROCARE-5. We analysed the quality of this information and estimated stage-specific survival across Europe for CRs with good data quality. Data and methods Sixty-two CRs sent stage (as TNM, condensed TNM or extent of disease) for 15 cancers diagnosed in 2000–2007. We assessed the quality, partly by comparing stage according to the three systems. We also developed procedures to reconstruct stage (categories…

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Associations of classic Kaposi sarcoma with common variants in genes that modulate host immunity

AbstractClassic Kaposi sarcoma (CKS) is an inflammatory-mediated neoplasm primarily caused by Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus (KSHV). Kaposi sarcoma lesions are characterized, in part, by the presence of proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors thought to regulate KSHV replication and CKS pathogenesis. Using genomic DNA extracted from 133 CKS cases and 172 KSHV-latent nuclear antigen-positive, population-based controls in Italy without HIV infection, we examined the risk of CKS associated with 28 common genetic variants in 14 immune-modulating genes. Haplotypes were estimated for IL1A, IL1B, IL4, IL8, IL8RB, IL10, IL12A, IL13, and TNF. Compared with controls, CKS risk was decrease…

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Survival of 86,690 patients with thyroid cancer: A population-based study in 29 European countries from EUROCARE-5

Background: Incidence rates of thyroid cancer (TC) increased in several countries during the last 30 years, while mortality rates remained unchanged, raising important questions for treatment and follow-up of TC patients. This study updates population-based estimates of relative survival (RS) after TC diagnosis in Europe by sex, country, age, period and histology.Methods: Data from 87 cancer registries in 29 countries were extracted from the EUROCARE-5 dataset. One-and 5-year RS were estimated using the cohort approach for 86,690 adult TC patients diagnosed in 2000-2007 and followed-up to 12/31/2008. RS trends in 1999-2007 and 10-year RS in 2005-2007 were estimated using the period approach…

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Improvement in vaccination knowledge among health students following an integrated extra curricular intervention, an explorative study in the University of Palermo

Summary Introduction. Vaccination coverages threaten to decrease because of false beliefs in their unsafety and inefficacy. Therefore formation of future health-care workers on this topic is fundamental to deal with any doubt and to promote active immunization among general population. Methods. In order to assess health-care students' knowledge about vaccination before an integrated seminar on this topic, and to evaluate their improvement after the educational intervention, an integrated educational intervention was held by a multidisciplinary team. Before and after the seminar, 118 students of medicine and biology schools at Palermo University were asked to answer 10 multiple-choice questi…

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Short term prognostic role of NT-proBNP in patients after myocardial infarction

Aim. The clinical and prognostic role of cardiac natriuretic peptides (CNP) in patients with heart failure is well known; recently, several studies have evaluated the possibility of using CNP to evaluate their potential prognostic role in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). The aim of this study was to evaluate the short term prognostic value of NT-proBNP in 70 patients admitted for ACS. Methods. The authors studied 70 patients with ACS, evaluating, at admission, clinical-anamnestic, instrumental and laboratory characteristics including NT-proBNP plasma levels. Patients were monitored in a 6-month-follow-up to record adverse fatal events and their possible correlation with baselin…

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The effects of the traditional producing system on physicochemical, microbial and sensory properties of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese

Caciocavallo Palermitano (CP) is a traditional cheese made with raw milk from cows of Sicilian local breeds fed pasture-based diets in extensive farms (EXT), processed by an artisanal technology (ART) based on wooden tools and the action of native microflora. CP is obtained also in intensive farms (INT) where milk from cows of specialized breeds fed dry diets is transformed by advanced procedures (ADV) using a stainless steel equipment and lactic acid starter cultures. This research was planned to investigate the changes in cheese properties due to production system and ripening., Milk was collected 3 times from an EXT and an INT farm and processed in ART and ADV conditions. The 12 produced…

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Geographical variability in survival of European children with central nervous system tumours

Survival for childhood central nervous system (CNS) tumours varies across Europe, partly because of the difficulty of distinguishing malignant from non-malignant disease. This study examines bias in CNS tumours survival analysis to obtain the reliable and comparable survival figures. We analysed survival data for about 15, 000 children (age <15) diagnosed with CNS between 2000 and 2007, from 71 population- based cancer registries in 27 countries. We selected high- quality data based on registry- specific data quality indicators and recorded observed 1-year and 5-year survival by countries and CNS entity. We provided age- adjusted survival and used a Cox model to calculate the hazard ratios …

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Therapy monitoring by real time PCR in patients with Brucellosis

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Co-circulation of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha and Gamma variants in Italy, February and March 2021

Background Several SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOC) have emerged through 2020 and 2021. There is need for tools to estimate the relative transmissibility of emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2 with respect to circulating strains. Aim We aimed to assess the prevalence of co-circulating VOC in Italy and estimate their relative transmissibility. Methods We conducted two genomic surveillance surveys on 18 February and 18 March 2021 across the whole Italian territory covering 3,243 clinical samples and developed a mathematical model that describes the dynamics of co-circulating strains. Results The Alpha variant was already dominant on 18 February in a majority of regions/autonomous provinces (…

research product

Suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis in a sample of Western Sicily residents: what correlation with occupation?

Background: Leishmaniasis is a widespread infectious disease, but there is not much information about its prevalence in high risk occupational categories. Objectives: Te aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of Leishmania immunological positivity in human skin tissues collected from subjects living in Western Sicily, with suspected cutaneous Leishmania infection, in order to explore the risk possibly related to occupation. Methods: 318 consecutive subjects (M/F ratio=1.0, mean age=40±25.4 years), attending the Dermatology Department of the University of Palermo Hospital from 2013 to 2015, without any previous history of Leishmania infection and performing various occupations, were i…

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Favorable clinical heart and bone effects of anti-thyroid drug therapy in endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism

Although subclinical hyperthyroidism (SCH) has been associated with increased risk of osteoporosis and cardiac arrhythmias, its treatment is still controversial. This study was designed as a prospective, randomized, intervention, control-study with a 1-year follow-up in order to investigate whether normalization of serum TSH in SCH using methimazole has favorable bone and heart clinical effects. Fourteen patients with endogenous SCH (not Graves' disease) were enrolled, 7 (5 women/2 men; group T) were treated with methimazole (2.5-7.5 mg/day), and 7 (5 women/2 men; group C) were followed without treatment; 10 healthy subjects were also included in the study as controls. Serum free-T3 (FT3), …

research product

Correlates of Human Herpesvirus-8 DNA detection among adults in Italy without Kaposi sarcoma.

Background: The presence of Human Herpesvirus-8 (HHV8) DNA is predictive of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) among patients with HIV-associated or iatrogenic immunosuppression. However, correlates of HHV8-DNA detection in the general population remain undefined. Methods: We assessed correlates of HHV8-DNA detection among Italian adults without KS who had antibodies against HHV8-latent nuclear antigen by immunofluorescence assay. HHV8-K6 DNA sequences were detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells using TaqMan CR. Results: Of the 158 subjects 26 (16.5%) had detectable HHV8-DNA [median copies/million cells, 53; (13-2128)]. Adjusted for age, sex, and laboratory, HHV8-DNA was detected more frequently i…

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Il Registro incontra i Sindaci: l’iniziativa di comunicazione del Registro Tumori di Palermo e Provincia

Registri Tumori; epidemiologia tumori; comunicazione rischio oncologico

research product

Effectiveness of a project to prevent HIV vertical transmission in the Republic of Congo

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of a prevention programme against the vertical transmission of HIV in a resource-limited setting and to investigate variables associated with compliance. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The Kento-Mwana project (2005-2008) provided counselling, serological and biomolecular testing and prophylaxis/therapy to HIV-positive pregnant women and their children attending four antenatal clinics in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo. Expected and actual rates of vertical transmission of HIV were compared. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed in order to identify variables associated with non-compliance. RESULTS: The observed transmission rate in the group wh…

research product

Supplementary Material for: Material and Technology: Back to the Future for the Choice of Interface for Non-Invasive Ventilation – A Concise Review

Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) has dramatically changed the treatment of both acute and chronic respiratory failure in the last 2 decades. The success of NIV is correlated to the application of the “best ingredients” of a patient’s “tailored recipe,” including the appropriate choice of the selected candidate, the ventilator setting, the interface, the expertise of the team, and the education of the caregiver. The choice of the interface is crucial for the success of NIV. Type (oral, nasal, nasal pillows, oronasal, hybrid mask, helmet), size, design, material and headgears may affect the patient’s comfort with respect to many aspects, such as air leaks, claustrophobia, skin erythema, eye irr…

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Trattamento di artropatie e tecnopatie di origine traumatica o degenerativa mediante somministrazione di polidesossiribonucleotide (PDRN)

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Associazione tra carcinoma epatocellulare (HCC) ed infezione da epatiti virali in Sicilia: dati preliminari

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