Rémi Chaussod
Présence et impact des éléments en traces dans les sols.
National audience
Travail du sol et activités microbiologiques
Caractérisation et dynamique du carbone organique du sol
Rapport final des recherches engagées dans le cadre du GIP ECOFOR "Fonctionnement de l'écosystème forestier landais"*INRA Orléans, Documentation de centre, Ardon 45166 Olivet Diffusion du document : INRA Orléans, Documentation de centre, Ardon 45166 Olivet; National audience
Observatoire de la qualité des sols. Rapport sur les travaux 1995-1998
*INRA Orléans, Documentation de centre, Ardon 45166 Olivet Diffusion du document : INRA Orléans, Documentation de centre, Ardon 45166 Olivet; National audience
Des mesures microbiologiques pour évaluer la fertilité des sols viticoles
National audience
L'influence à long terme des contraintes anthropiques sur les interactions entre activités biologiques, matière organique et structure du sol en système viticole
National audience
Importance of relating chemical to biological data in microcosms studies to asses s impact of copper on soil bacteria
International audience
Relevance of different soil fauna and microflora groups in the monitoring of soil biodiversity: RMQS-Biodiv, a french Pilote area experience
affiche, résumé; Soil biota play essential roles in delivering key ecosystem goods and services, and are both directly and indirectly responsible for acting in many important functions (nutrient release, soil structure maintain, contribution to water storage). It is thus essential to characterize both the species diversity and the biological functions. In order to monitor soil biodiversity (species and function) in relation to land use (mainly agricultural practices) and pedoclimatic parameters, a French program « RMQS-biodiv » was developed at a wide regional scale (Brittany). An important national research collaboration (12 research teams) supported the program, that undertook the study o…
Estimer le volume de la microflore sera bientôt possible
Gestion durable de l'épandage agricole des boues de station d'épuration d'eaux usées urbaines
National audience
La vie microbienne des sols
The relationship between copper accumulated in vineyard calcareous soils and soil organic matter and iron
Summary The intensive use for over 100 years of copper sulphate (Bordeaux mixture) to fight mildew in vineyards has led to a substantial accumulation of copper (Cu) in surface soils. To assess the effects of such large concentrations, the surface soils of 10 Burgundy vineyards were sampled and analysed for total organic matter (carbon and nitrogen) and metal (copper and iron) contents. Physical (i.e. size fractionation) and chemical (sequential extraction) methods were used to determine the distribution of these elements. The most Cu-contaminated plots showed the largest accumulation of organic carbon and Cu in the coarse sand and fine sand fractions. Copper was strongly correlated with org…
Procedures and protocol for soil biodiversity monitoring : ‘RMQS-Biodiv', a french pilot area experience.
Clear-cutting effects on soil organic matter content and quality in a temperate maritime pine forest a spatial and temporal assessment
International audience
Can we rely on agriculture for organic wastes disposal? Problems and prospects related to waste management in agriculture
National audience
Les indicateurs de l'état biologique des sols : Guide de sélection selon le type d’application et/ou la problématique
National audience
Copper Dynamics and Impact on Microbial Communities in Soils of Variable Organic Status
International audience; The effect of soil organic status on copper impact was investigated by means of a microcosm study carried out on a vineyard soil that had been amended with varying types of organic matter during a previous long-term field experiment. Soil microcosms were contaminated at 250 mg Cu kg−1 and incubated for 35 days. Copper distribution and dynamics were assessed in the solid matrix by a sequential extraction procedure and in the soil solution by measuring total and free exchangeable copper concentrations. Copper bioavailability was also measured with a whole-cell biosensor. Modifications of microbial communities were assessed by means of biomass-C measurements and charact…
Long-term Additions of Organic Amendments in a Loire Valley Vineyard. I. Effects on Properties of a Calcareous Sandy Soil
International audience; A long-term experiment (28 years) was conducted to Study the effects of various organic amendments oil physical, chemical, and biological properties of a sandy vineyard soil. Annual applications of either crushed pruned vine-wood (2 t/ha fresh wt), cattle manure (10 and 20 t/ha fresh wt.), or spent mushroom compost (8 and 16 t/ha fresh wt) were compared to all unamended treatment, In plots unamended for 28 years, total organic C (TOC) showed a slow and limited decrease (19%). For the highest rates of exogenous organic amendments, the increase in TOC reached a saturation Value after 20 years and carbon (C) sequestered after 28 years reached 30 Mg/ha. Final predicted T…
Impacts d'applications répétées de sulfate de cuivre sur les activités et la biodiversité microbiennes. Application à l'étude des sols viticoles
Démarche statistique pour la sélection des indicateurs par Random Forests pour la surveillance de la qualité des sols
The volume of data, and the large number of biological variables to be tested (one hundred), require analytical techniques, such asRandom Forests, which can overcome the problem of multi-colinearity for the selection of indicators, sensitive to various factors.Random Forests methodology is appropriate for the selection of the most discriminant variables. So, we searched for the best wayto select them, by bringing together all biological variables, representing the Microflora and Fauna. This approach focuses on impactindicators from the Bio2 program, indicators of flora and indicators of accumulation (snails) were not included.This work has been implemented on the three factors of discrimina…
Cumulative Effects of Short-Term Polymetal Contamination on Soil Bacterial Community Structure
ABSTRACT In this study we evaluated the short-term effects of copper, cadmium, and mercury, added singly or in combination at different doses, on soil bacterial community structure using the bacterial automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (B-ARISA) fingerprinting technique. Principal-component analysis of B-ARISA profiles allowed us to deduce the following order of impact: (Cu + Cd + Hg) >> Hg ≥ Cd > Cu. These results demonstrated that there was a cumulative effect of metal toxicity. Furthermore, the trend of modifications was consistent with the “hump-backed” relationships between biological diversity and disturbance described by Giller et al. (K. E. Giller, E. Witler, an…
L’arganier et l’huile d’argane au Maroc : vers la mutation d’un système agroforestier traditionnel ?
; Les formations ligneuses à arganiers (arganeraies) occupent environ 800 000 hectares au sud-ouest du Maroc. Dans ces zones semi-arides et arides, 1,3 million de personnes sont concernées par l’exploitation de systèmes agroforestiers traditionnels reposant sur l’arganier, arbre multi-usage. Mais en raison d’une surexploitation, ce milieu fragile est menacé. Depuis une quinzaine d’années, des efforts sont déployés pour définir les conditions d’un développement véritablement durable. Des travaux de recherche et de recherche-développement ont participé activement à des programmes dans ce sens. L’huile d’argane, produite à partir de l’amande oléagineuse des fruits de l’arganier, est certainem…
Field and microcosm experiments to evaluate the effects of agricultural Cu treatment on the density and genetic structure of microbial communities in two different soils
The effects of Cu amendment on indigenous soil microorganisms were investigated in two soils, a calcareous silty clay (Ep) and a sandy soil (Au), by means of a 1-year field experiment and a two-month microcosm incubation. Cu was added as 'Bordeaux mixture' [CuSO(4), Ca(OH)(2)] at the standard rate used in viticulture (B1=16 kg Cu kg(-1) soil) and at a higher level of contamination (B3=48 kg Cu ha(-1) soil). More extractable Cu was observed in sandy soil (Au) than in silty soil (Ep). Furthermore, total Cu and Cu-EDTA declined with time in Au soil, whereas they remained stable in Ep soil. Quantitative modifications of the microflora were assessed by C-biomass measurements and qualitative modi…
Effet du statut organique des sols pollués sur la dynamique et l'impact du cuivre sur les communautés microbiennes
National audience; L’effet du statut organique des sols (SOS) sur l’impact du cuivre a été évalué par une approche en microcosmes et lysimètres d’un sol de vigne amendé en diverses matières organiques lors d’une expérience de terrain de long terme. Des microcosmes et des lysimètres du sol de vigne ont été contaminés à 240 mg Cu kg-1 et incubés à 23°C pendant 12 mois. La distribution et la dynamique du cuivre ont été caractérisées par fractionnement granulométrique et spéciation solide en extraction séquentielles et par spéciation liquide par mesure de concentration de cuivre échangeable total (ICP-AES), libre (électrode sélective) et biodisponible (biosensor). L’impact du cuivre sur les com…
Comment déterminer l'azote "minéralisable" dans des boues résiduaires ?
Soil bioindicators: how to select them in function of the site issues?
Soil bioindicators: how to select them in function of the site issues?. 13th International AquaConSoil Conference
Epandage de matières organiques exogènes : indicateur de potentialité de stockage de carbone dans les sols et définition de classes de disponibilité d'azote
National audience
The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as soil quality indicator. Application to trace elements contaminated soil
Assessment of tillage systems in organic farming: influence of soil structure on microbial biomass. First results. Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems
International audience
Contribution à la domestication de l'arganier pour la production de l'huile
A survey conducted in 5 sites in the argan tree forest showed that argan oil represents an important part of the users' incomes. Nut-breaking is the most time-consuming and tedious step for the women involved in oil production. In 3 sites, the women were capable of distinguishing between those trees that yield nuts easy to break and trees yielding nuts difficult to break. These trees were named F and D, respectively. In each site, fruits were harvested from trees identified as F or D by the users, or at random. Those fruits were characterized by a set of measurements, including the force needed to break the nuts. Our measurements pointed out that the nuts harvested from F trees require a lo…
The dynamics of soil bacterial community structure in response to yearly repeated agricultural copper treatments
International audience; The annual dynamics of soil bacterial community structure, including early, dose-dependent and transient modifications, was observed consecutively at different levels of copper contamination (high: 48 kg Cu ha−1, low: 16 kg Cu ha−1) repeated yearly over a three-year field experiment. Repeated low-level Cu contamination led to an increase in community stability to metal stress without a long-term shift in the population structure, whereas repeated high-level Cu contamination induced a novel and stable bacterial community structure. Furthermore, field experimentation highlighted that episodic climatic stress can modulate copper impact by enhancing community stability.
Effects of repeated applications of copper sulfate on the diversity of bacterial populations as estimated by ardra analysis
International audience
Application of soil bioindicators for risk assessment, monitoring and soil characterization in contaminated soils. Results from the French national “Bioindicators Programme”
International audience; absent
Effect of repeated applications of copper sulfate on the structure of rhizobium communities
Ultrafiltration as a Means to Investigate Copper Resistance Mechanisms in Soil Bacteria
Copper is a trace element of major concern for agricultural soils. It exhibits a high toxicity against microorganisms and is widely introduced into soils as a component of pesticide treatments or urban wastes such as sewage sludges or refuse composts. In most French vineyards, “Bordeaux mixture” (copper sulfate) has been applied for more than a century, sometimes leading to copper concentrations in soils much higher than the threshold values (100 mg kg−1 in France). Microorganisms exposed to high concentrations of copper or other trace elements are known to develop resistance mechanisms and represent a suitable material for the study of such processes, both at a physiological and molecular …
Connaissance et utilisation des microorganismes du sol
Impact du cuivre sur les populations de Pseudomonas fluorescents. Variabilité génétique et capacités adaptatives
National audience
Préserver au mieux la vie microbienne du sol
Faut-il craindre des effets secondaires du cuivre sur la biocoenose des sols viticoles?
National audience
Apport de matières organiques exogènes en agriculture: indicateur de potentialité de stockage de carbone dans les sols et définition de classes de disponibilité d’azote
CT3; absent
Typology of exogenous organic matters based on chemical and biochemical composition to predict potential nitrogen mineralization
Our aim was to develop a typology predicting potential N availability of exogenous organic matters (EOMs) in soil based on their chemical characteristics. A database of 273 EOMs was constructed including analytical data of biochemical fractionation, organic C and N, and results of N mineralization during incubation of soil–EOM mixtures in controlled conditions. Multiple factor analysis and hierarchical classification were performed to gather EOMs with similar composition and N mineralization behavior. A typology was then defined using composition criteria to predict potential N mineralization. Six classes of EOM potential N mineralization in soil were defined, from high potential N minerali…
Water-stable aggregates and organic matter pools in a calcareous vineyard soil under four soil-surface management systems
The organic carbon derived from sewage sludge as a key parameter determining the fate of trace metals.
8 pages; International audience; In a sandy agricultural soil of south-west of France, continuously cultivated with maize and amended with sewage-sludge over 20 years, the behavior of three trace metals (Cu, Pb, and Zn) was studied during the sludge applications (1974-1993) and after its cessation (1993-1998). Using the delta13C analysis, the dynamics of different sources of organic matter were followed in order to elucidate the influence of the sludge-derived organic matter on the fate of trace metals in the soil and its particle size fractions. This study revealed that sludge-derived organic matter contributed to the formation of macroaggregates through the binding of preexisting microagg…
Epandage de produits résiduaires : le programme de recherches "AGREDE"
National audience
Investigation of side-effects of repeated applications of coppersulfate on microbial activities and biodiversity in order to define bioindicator groups of soil contamination by copper
International audience
Le rôle fondamental des microbes du sol. Maintien de la fertilité et dépollution
Trois modes de production comparés en Bourgogne viticole. Indicateurs environnementaux, d'utilisation des produits phytos, d'état sanitaire de la vigne, de production et de coûts: quatre ans de résultats
International audience; Un essai viticole de moyenne durée a été mis en place en Bourgogne en 2005 afin de comparer trois modes de production: viticulture de référence, viticulture biologique, viticulture « Ecophyto 2018 » (avec réduction d'intrants). Pour chaque mode de production, les principaux paramètres agronomiques quantitatifs et qualitatifs sur la plante et le sol sont déterminés. Les aspects environnementaux sont appréhendés à travers la biocénose du sol et des critères définis dans le cadre du Grenelle de l'Environnement (nombre de passages, quantités de substances actives, IFT). Les incidences économiques sont évaluées. Les premiers résultats montrentque leschoixd'itinéraire tech…
Microbial Community Structure and Density Under Different Tree Species in an Acid Forest Soil (Morvan, France)
Overexploitation of forests to increase wood production has led to the replacement of native forest by large areas of monospecific tree plantations. In the present study, the effects of different monospecific tree cover plantations on density and composition of the indigenous soil microbial community are described. The experimental site of "Breuil-Chenue" in the Morvan (France) was the site of a comparison of a similar mineral soil under Norway spruce (Picea abies), Douglas fir (Pseudotuga menziesii), oak (Quercus sessiflora), and native forest [mixed stand dominated by oak and beech (Fagus sylvatica)]. Sampling was performed during winter (February) at three depths (0-5, 5-10, and 10-15 cm…
La dégradation des herbicides est-elle influencée par le cuivre accumulé dans les sols ?
DNA extraction from soils: old bias for new microbial diversity analysis methods.
ABSTRACT The impact of three different soil DNA extraction methods on bacterial diversity was evaluated using PCR-based 16S ribosomal DNA analysis. DNA extracted directly from three soils showing contrasting physicochemical properties was subjected to amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis and ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA). The obtained RISA patterns revealed clearly that both the phylotype abundance and the composition of the indigenous bacterial community are dependent on the DNA recovery method used. In addition, this effect was also shown in the context of an experimental study aiming to estimate the impact on soil biodiversity of the application of farmyard manure o…
Long-term effects of metal-containing farmyard manure and sewage sludge on soil organic matter in a fluvisol
Abstract Our aim was to establish the long-term effects of repeated applications after 20 y of organic amendments (farmyard manure at 10 t ha −1 y −1 , and urban sewage sludge at two different rates, 10 t ha −1 y −1 and 100 t ha −1 every 2 y) on the quality of a sandy and poorly buffered soil (Fluvisol, pH 6). Chemical characteristics and biodegradability of the labile organic matter, which is mainly derived from microbial biomass and biodegradation products of organic residues, were chosen as indicators for soil quality. The organic C content had reached a maximal value (30.6 g C kg −1 in the 100 t sludge-treated soil), i.e. about 2.5 times that in the control. Six years after the last a…
Application of soil bioindicators for risk assessment, monitoring and soil characterization in contamined soils. Results from the French national "Bioindicators Programme"
EA GenoSol IPM CT?; International audience
La fertilidad de los suelos viticolas: los indicadores microbiologicos
Water-stable aggregates and organic matter pools in a calcareous vineyard soil under four soil-surface management systems
. Vineyards in Champagne, France are generally situated on slopes where the soils are subject to erosion. Therefore it is important to find a soil-surface management practice that protects the soil against water erosion. We assessed the potential of mulches or grass covers to stabilize soil aggregates in a calcareous sandy loam from a vineyard in Champagne after 9 years under different management systems. Four different treatments were studied: (i) a bluegrass (Poa pratensis) surface cover between the vine rows (GC) with bare soil under the vines (R); two organic mulches of (ii) coniferous (CB) or (iii) poplar (PB) bark that covered the entire soil surface, and (iv) bare soil between the ro…
100 years spreading of urban waste water on market-garden soils close to Paris (France) : subsequent impacts and hazards
International audience
Déchets urbains : impacts sur la qualité des sols et des produits
National audience
Sampling strategy in molecular microbial ecology: influence of soil sample size on DNA fingerprinting analysis of fungal and bacterial communities.
Assessing soil microbial community structure by the use of molecular techniques requires a satisfactory sampling strategy that takes into account the high microbial diversity and the heterogeneous distribution of microorganisms in the soil matrix. The influence of the sample size of three different soil types (sand, silt and clay soils) on the DNA yield and analysis of bacterial and fungal community structure were investigated. Six sample sizes from 0.125 g to 4 g were evaluated. The genetic community structure was assessed by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (A-RISA fingerprint). Variations between bacterial (B-ARISA) and fungal (F-ARISA) community structure were quantified b…
Interactions between soil, biological activities and organic matter enrichments in switzerland old vineyards soils.
International audience
Estimation of atrazine-degrading genetic potential and activity in three French agricultural soils
The impact of organic amendment (sewage sludge or waste water) used to fertilize agricultural soils was estimated on the atrazine-degrading activity, the atrazine-degrading genetic potential and the bacterial community structure of soils continuously cropped with corn. Long-term application of organic amendment did not modify atrazine-mineralizing activity, which was found to essentially depend on the soil type. It also did not modify atrazine-degrading genetic potential estimated by quantitative PCR targeting atzA, B and C genes, which was shown to depend on soil type. The structure of soil bacterial community determined by RISA fingerprinting was significantly affected by organic amendmen…
La qualité biologique des sols : des concepts aux applications
Microbiological aspects of copper contamination of soil.
National audience
Effet de la substitution d'essence sur le fonctionnement et la durabilité des écosystèmes forestiers : l'apport des travaux pluridisciplinaires menés en forêt de Breuil Chenue - Morvan
National audience; Le site-atelier de Breuil (Morvan), appartenant à l’Observatoire de Recherche sur l’Environnement F-ORE-T, est un support opérationnel des travaux actuels sur les cycles biogéochimiques en relation avec la diversité biologique du sol. De nombreux projets multidisciplinaires sont en cours sur ce site dont l’objectif commun est d’améliorer les connaissances sur les effets physiques, chimiques et biologiques des substitutions d’essences. Des travaux y sont menés à différentes échelles temporelles et spatiales, de l’instantané au pluriannuel, du microsystème fonctionnel jusqu’à l’écosystème complet. Les travaux développés à Breuil depuis 2001, montrent que les essences ont af…