Adolfo Avella
Recurrence time distribution and temporal clustering properties of a cellular automaton modelling landslide events
Abstract. Reasonable prediction of landslide occurrences in a given area requires the choice of an appropriate probability distribution of recurrence time intervals. Although landslides are widespread and frequent in many parts of the world, complete databases of landslide occurrences over large periods are missing and often such natural disasters are treated as processes uncorrelated in time and, therefore, Poisson distributed. In this paper, we examine the recurrence time statistics of landslide events simulated by a cellular automaton model that reproduces well the actual frequency-size statistics of landslide catalogues. The complex time series are analysed by varying both the threshold…
Spin–orbit coupling effects on the electronic properties of the pressure-induced superconductor CrAs
We present the effects of spin-orbit coupling on the low-energy bands and Fermi surface of the recently discovered pressure-induced superconductor CrAs. We apply the L\"owdin down-folding procedure to a tight-binding hamiltonian that includes the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction, originating from the Cr 3d electrons as well as from As 4p ones. Our results indicate that As contributions have negligible effects, whereas the modifications to the band structure and the Fermi surface can be mainly ascribed to the Cr contribution. We show that the inclusion of the spin-orbit interaction allows for a selective removal of the band degeneracy due to the crystal symmetries, along specific high symmet…
The Hubbard model beyond the two-pole approximation: a Composite Operator Method study
Within the framework of the Composite Operator Method, a three-pole solution for the two-dimensional Hubbard model is presented and analyzed in detail. In addition to the two Hubbard operators, the operatorial basis comprises a third operator describing electronic transitions dressed by nearest-neighbor spin fluctuations. These latter, compared to charge and pair fluctuations, are assumed to be preeminent in the region of model-parameter space - small doping, low temperature and large on-site Coulomb repulsion - where one expects strong electronic correlations to dominate the physics of the system. This assumption and the consequent choice for the basic field, as well as the whole analytica…
Superconductivity induced by structural reorganization in the electron-doped cuprate Nd$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_4$
Electron-doped and hole-doped superconducting cuprates exhibit a symmetric phase diagram as a function of doping. This symmetry is however only approximate. Indeed, electron-doped cuprates become superconductors only after a specific annealing process: This annealing affects the oxygen content by only a tiny amount, but has a dramatic impact on the electronic properties of the sample. Here we report the occurrence of superconductivity in oxygen-deficient Nd$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_4$ thin films grown in an oxygen-free environment, after annealing in pure argon flow. As verified by x-ray diffraction, annealing induces an increase of the interlayer distance between CuO$_2$ planes in the crystal str…
Emergence of a metallic metastable phase induced by electrical current in Ca2RuO4
A comprehensive study of the behavior of the Mott insulator ${\mathrm{Ca}}_{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}_{4}$ under electrical current drive is performed by combining two experimental probes: the macroscopic electrical transport and the microscopic x-ray diffraction. The resistivity, $\ensuremath{\rho}$, versus electric current density, $J$, and temperature, $T,\ensuremath{\rho}(J,T)$, resistivity map is drawn. In particular, the metastable state, induced between the insulating and the metallic thermodynamic states by current biasing ${\mathrm{Ca}}_{2}{\mathrm{RuO}}_{4}$ single crystals, is investigated. Such an analysis, combined with the study of the resulting ${\mathrm{RuO}}_{6}$ octahedra energy le…
Emergent ultrafast phenomena in correlated oxides and heterostructures
The possibility of investigating the dynamics of solids on timescales faster than the thermalization of the internal degrees of freedom has disclosed novel non-equilibrium phenomena that have no counterpart at equilibrium. Transition metal oxides (TMOs) provide an interesting playground in which the correlations among the charges in the metal $d$-orbitals give rise to a wealth of intriguing electronic and thermodynamic properties involving the spin, charge, lattice and orbital orders. Furthermore, the physical properties of TMOs can be engineered at the atomic level, thus providing the platform to investigate the transport phenomena on timescales of the order of the intrinsic decoherence ti…
Entanglement Properties and Phase Diagram of the Two-Orbital Atomic Hubbard Model
We study the two-orbital Hubbard model in the limit of vanishing kinetic energy. The phase diagram in the $V-J$ plane, with $V$ and $J$ denoting the interorbital hybridization and exchange coupling respectively, at half filling is obtained. A singlet(dimer)-triplet transition is found for a critical value of the ratio $V/J.$ The entropy of formation, both in the mode and in the particle picture, presents a jump as the same critical line in conformity with the suggested relation between criticality and entanglement.
XXZ-like phase in the F-AF anisotropic Heisenberg chain
By means of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group technique, we have studied the region where $XXZ$-like behavior is most likely to emerge within the phase diagram of the F-AF anisotropic extended ($J-J'$) Heisenberg chain. We have analyzed, in great detail, the equal-time two-spin correlation functions, both in- and out-of- plane, as functions of the distance (and momentum). Then, we have extracted, through an accurate fitting procedure, the exponents of the asymptotic power-law decay of the spatial correlations. We have used the exact solution of $XXZ$ model ($J'=0$) to benchmark our results, which clearly show the expected agreement. A critical value of $J'$ has been found where the r…
Orbital Rotations induced by Charges of Polarons and Defects in Doped Vanadates
We explore the competiton of doped holes and defects that leads to the loss of orbital order in vanadate perovskites. In compounds such as La$_{1-{\sf x}}$Ca$_{\,\sf x}$VO$_3$ spin and orbital order result from super-exchange interactions described by an extended three-orbital degenerate Hubbard-Hund model for the vanadium $t_{2g}$ electrons. Long-range Coulomb potentials of charged Ca$^{2+}$ defects and $e$-$e$ interactions control the emergence of defect states inside the Mott gap. The quadrupolar components of the Coulomb fields of doped holes induce anisotropic orbital rotations of degenerate orbitals. These rotations modify the spin-orbital polaron clouds and compete with orbital rotat…
Localised vibrations in superconducting YBCO revealed by ultra-fast optical coherent spectroscopy
The interaction between phonons and high-energy excitations of electronic origin in cuprates and their role in the superconducting mechanisms is still controversial. Here we use coherent vibrational time-domain spectroscopy together with density functional and dynamical mean-field theory calculations to establish a direct link between the c-axis phonon modes and the in-plane electronic charge excitations in optimally doped YBCO. The non-equilibrium Raman tensor is measured by means of the broadband 'coherent-phonon' response in pump-probe experiments and is qualitatively described by our model using DFT in frozen phonon approximation plus single band DMFT to account for the electronic corre…
Quantum order by disorder in the Kitaev model on a triangular lattice
We identify and discuss the ground state of a quantum magnet on a triangular lattice with bond-dependent Ising-type spin couplings, that is, a triangular analog of the Kitaev honeycomb model. The classical ground-state manifold of the model is spanned by decoupled Ising-type chains, and its accidental degeneracy is due to the frustrated nature of the anisotropic spin couplings. We show how this subextensive degeneracy is lifted by a quantum order-by-disorder mechanism and study the quantum selection of the ground state by treating short-wavelength fluctuations within the linked cluster expansion and by using the complementary spin-wave theory. We find that quantum fluctuations couple next-n…
Signatures of enhanced superconducting phase coherence through MID-IR excitation in optimally doped Y-Bi2212
Optimally doped cuprate superconductors are characterized by the presence of superconducting fluctuations in a relatively large temperature region above the critical transition temperature. We reveal here that the effect of thermal disorder, which decreases the condensate phase coherence at equilibrium, can be dynamically contrasted by photoexcitation with ultrashort mid-infrared pulses. In particular, our findings reveal that light pulses with photon energy comparable to the amplitude of the superconducting gap and polarized in plane along the copper-copper direction [110] can dynamically enhance the optical response which is associated to the onset of superconductivity. We propose that th…
Emery vs. Hubbard model for cuprate superconductors: A composite operator method study
Within the Composite Operator Method (COM), we report the solution of the Emery model (also known as p-d or three band model), which is relevant for the cuprate high-Tc superconduc- tors. We also discuss the relevance of the often-neglected direct oxygen-oxygen hopping for a more accurate, sometimes unique, description of this class of materials. The benchmark of the solution is performed by comparing our results with the available quantum Monte Carlo ones. Both single- particle and thermodynamic properties of the model are studied in detail. Our solution features a metal-insulator transition at half filling. The resulting metal-insulator phase diagram agrees qual- itatively very well with …
Defects, Disorder, and Strong Electron Correlations in Orbital Degenerate, Doped Mott Insulators.
We elucidate the effects of defect disorder and $e$-$e$ interaction on the spectral density of the defect states emerging in the Mott-Hubbard gap of doped transition-metal oxides, such as Y$_{1-x}$Ca$_{x}$VO$_{3}$. A soft gap of kinetic origin develops in the defect band and survives defect disorder for $e$-$e$ interaction strengths comparable to the defect potential and hopping integral values above a doping dependent threshold, otherwise only a pseudogap persists. These two regimes naturally emerge in the statistical distribution of gaps among different defect realizations, which turns out to be of Weibull type. Its shape parameter $k$ determines the exponent of the power-law dependence o…
Tracking local magnetic dynamics via high-energy charge excitations in a relativistic Mott insulator
We use time- and energy-resolved optical spectroscopy to investigate the coupling of electron-hole excitations to the magnetic environment in the relativistic Mott insulator Na$_2$IrO$_3$. We show that, on the picosecond timescale, the photoinjected electron-hole pairs delocalize on the hexagons of the Ir lattice via the formation of quasi-molecular orbital (QMO) excitations and the exchange of energy with the short-range-ordered zig-zag magnetic background. The possibility of mapping the magnetic dynamics, which is characterized by typical frequencies in the THz range, onto high-energy (1-2 eV) charge excitations provides a new platform to investigate, and possibly control, the dynamics of…
Fingerprints of spin-orbital polarons and of their disorder in the photoemission spectra of doped Mott insulators with orbital degeneracy
We explore the effects of disordered charged defects on the electronic excitations observed in the photoemission spectra of doped transition metal oxides in the Mott insulating regime by the example of the $R_{1-x}$Ca$_x$VO$_3$ perovskites, where $R=$La,$\dots$,Lu. A fundamental characteristic of these vanadium $d^2$ compounds with partly filled $t_{2g}$ valence orbitals is the persistence of spin and orbital order up to high doping, in contrast to the loss of magnetic order in high-$T_c$ cuprates at low defect concentration. We demonstrate that the disordered electronic structure of doped Mott-Hubbard insulators can be obtained with high precision within the unrestricted Hartree-Fock appro…
Composite Operator Method analysis of the underdoped cuprates puzzle
The microscopical analysis of the unconventional and puzzling physics of the underdoped cuprates, as carried out lately by means of the Composite Operator Method (COM) applied to the 2D Hubbard model, is reviewed and systematized. The 2D Hubbard model has been adopted as it has been considered the minimal model capable to describe the most peculiar features of cuprates held responsible for their anomalous behavior. COM is designed to endorse, since its foundations, the systematic emergence in any SCS of new elementary excitations described by composite operators obeying non-canonical algebras. In this case (underdoped cuprates - 2D Hubbard model), the residual interactions - beyond a 2-pole…
The Composite Operator Method (COM)
The Composite Operator Method (COM) is formulated, its internals illustrated in detail and some of its most successful applications reported. COM endorses the emergence, in strongly correlated systems (SCS), of composite operators, optimally deals with their unusual features and implements algebra constraints, and other relevant symmetries, in order to properly compute the unconventional properties of SCS.
Interplay Between Spin-Orbit Coupling and Structural Deformations in Heavy Transition-Metal Oxides with Tetrahedral Coordination
Defect states and excitations in a Mott insulator with orbital degrees of freedom: Mott-Hubbard gap versus optical and transport gaps in doped systems
We address the role played by charged defects in doped Mott insulators with active orbital degrees of freedom. It is observed that defects feature a rather complex and rich physics, which is well captured by a degenerate Hubbard model extended by terms that describe crystal-field splittings and orbital-lattice coupling, as well as by terms generated by defects such as the Coulomb potential terms that act both on doped holes and on electrons within occupied orbitals at undoped sites. We show that the multiplet structure of the excited states generated in such systems by strong electron interactions is well described within the unrestricted Hartree-Fock approximation, once the symmetry breaki…
Defect-Induced Orbital Polarization and Collapse of Orbital Order in Doped Vanadium Perovskites
We explore mechanisms of orbital order decay in doped Mott insulators $R_{1-x}$(Sr,Ca)$_x$VO$_3$ ($R=\,$Pr,Y,La) caused by charged (Sr,Ca) defects. Our unrestricted Hartree-Fock analysis focuses on the combined effect of random, charged impurities and associated doped holes up to $x=0.5$. The study is based on a generalized multi-band Hubbard model for the relevant vanadium $t_{2g}$ electrons, and includes the long-range (i) Coulomb potentials of defects and (ii) electron-electron interactions. We show that the rotation of occupied $t_{2g}$ orbitals, induced by the electric field of defects, is a very efficient perturbation that largely controls the suppression of orbital order in these com…
Quantum gap and spin-wave excitations in the Kitaev model on a triangular lattice
We study the effects of quantum fluctuations on the dynamical generation of a gap and on the evolution of the spin-wave spectra of a frustrated magnet on a triangular lattice with bond-dependent Ising couplings, analog of the Kitaev honeycomb model. The quantum fluctuations lift the subextensive degeneracy of the classical ground-state manifold by a quantum order-by-disorder mechanism. Nearest-neighbor chains remain decoupled and the surviving discrete degeneracy of the ground state is protected by a hidden model symmetry. We show how the four-spin interaction, emergent from the fluctuations, generates a spin gap shifting the nodal lines of the linear spin-wave spectrum to finite energies.
Single-particle properties of the Hubbard model in a novel three-pole approximation
We study the 2D Hubbard model using the Composite Operator Method within a novel three-pole approximation. Motivated by the long-standing experimental puzzle of the single-particle properties of the underdoped cuprates, we include in the operatorial basis, together with the usual Hubbard operators, a field describing the electronic transitions dressed by the nearest-neighbor spin fluctuations, which play a crucial role in the unconventional behavior of the Fermi surface and of the electronic dispersion. Then, we adopt this approximation to study the single-particle properties in the strong coupling regime and find an unexpected behavior of the van Hove singularity that can be seen as a prec…
A minimal tight-binding model for the quasi-one-dimensional superconductor K2Cr3As3
We present a systematic derivation of a minimal five-band tight-binding model for the description of the electronic structure of the recently discovered quasi one-dimensional superconductor K2Cr3As3. Taking as a reference the density-functional theory (DFT) calculation, we use the outcome of a Lowdin procedure to refine a Wannier projection and fully exploit the predominant weight at the Fermi level of the states having the same symmetry of the crystal structure. Such states are described in terms of five atomic-like d orbitals: four planar orbitals, two dxy and two dx2-y2, and a single out-of-plane one, dz2 . We show that this minimal model reproduces with great accuracy the DFT band struc…