Noona Kiuru

Developmental trajectories of experiential avoidance and depressive symptoms and association to health behaviors among adolescents during brief guided online acceptance and commitment therapy

Abstract While many children and adolescents experience psychological problems with up to 20 percent estimated to develop a mental health problem, only few receive treatment. Online interventions can help respond to the need of support among young people without requiring considerable resources. However, relatively few studies have examined the efficacy of online interventions for youth and more research is needed to understand individual differences in benefiting from these interventions. The current study sought to examine different developmental trajectories of experiential avoidance and depressive symptoms and their association to health behaviors measured at baseline during a brief gui…

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The role of psychological inflexibility in adolescent satisfaction with the educational track and school dropout intentions

This study aimed to obtain novel understanding of the associations between psychological inflexibility and adolescents' engagement with upper secondary studies. The participants were 885 Finnish adolescents (mean age 15.74 at the outset) whose psychological inflexibility was measured with the short form of the Acceptance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y8) in the fall of the final (ninth) grade of basic education. School engagement was measured as satisfaction with the educational track and as school dropout intentions, and they were measured twice in the first study year after the transition to upper secondary education. The results showed that high psychological inflexibility in t…

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Friend Influence and Susceptibility to Influence: Changes in Mathematical Reasoning as a Function of Relative Peer Acceptance and Interest in Mathematics

This study investigated friend influence over mathematics achievement in 202 same-sex friendship dyads (106 girl dyads). Participants were in the third grade (around age 9) at the outset. Each friend completed a questionnaire describing interest in mathematics and a standardized mathematical reasoning assessment. Peer nominations provided a measure of peer acceptance. The results revealed evidence that interest in mathematics moderates both the degree to which the higher-accepted friend was influential and the degree to which the lower-accepted friend was susceptible to influence. Specifically, the third-grade mathematical reasoning of the higher-accepted friend predicted an increase in the…

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The role of parenting styles and teacher interactional styles in children's reading and spelling development.

Abstract This study examined the associations between parenting styles, teacher interactional styles, and children's reading and spelling skills. The sample consisted of 864 Finnish-speaking children and their parents (864 mothers, 864 fathers) and teachers ( N  = 123). Children's risk for reading disabilities and reader status were assessed in kindergarten. Children were also tested on reading and spelling skills in Grades 1 and 2. Parenting styles and teacher interactional styles were measured using parents' and teachers' self-reports in Grade 1. First, the results indicated that both an authoritative parenting style and authoritative teacher interactional style positively predicted child…

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Teachers adapt their instruction in reading according to individual children’s literacy skills

Abstract This study examined the extent to which first grade teachers adapt their reading instruction to the literacy skills of particular children in their classroom, and investigated whether teacher and classroom characteristics influence such adaptation. Three hundred seven Finnish children were tested with regard to their literacy skills at the end of their kindergarten year. At the beginning of the first grade, the teachers of these children filled in a questionnaire on the reading support they had given each child. The results showed, first, that the poorer the literacy skills a child showed at the end of kindergarten, the more personal reading instruction the teacher gave the child i…

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Longitudinal and situational associations between math anxiety and performance among early adolescents

Studies have found math anxiety and achievement to be related from the beginning of formal schooling, but the knowledge regarding the direction of the relationship is vague. The purpose of the present study was to study this relationship. We investigated math anxiety from two points of view: trait and state anxiety. In the first substudy, we investigated the longitudinal relationship between math anxiety and performance from sixth to seventh grade (n = 848) with cross-lagged modeling. In the second substudy, we investigated the situational relationship of anxiety and performance by giving the participants (n = 149) challenging and nonchallenging math tasks adapted to their skill level, and …

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Yksinäisyyden, omaehtoisen yksinolon ja vanhemmille uskoutumisen yhteydet varhaisnuorten kouluviihtyvyyteen

Tämä tutkimus on osa Jyväskylän yliopiston psykologian laitoksen tutkijoiden toteuttamaa ja Suomen Akatemian rahoittamaa TIKAPUU – Alakoulusta yläkouluun -tutkimushanketta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää yksinäisyyden ja omaehtoisen yksinolon yhteyttä varhaisnuorten kouluviihtyvyyteen. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tarkastella, ovatko yksinäisyyden ja omaehtoisen yksinolon yhteydet kouluviihtyvyyteen erilaisia sen mukaan, missä määrin nuori pystyy uskoutumaan vanhemmilleen. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu syksyllä 2014 tutkimukseen osallistuneista kuudesluokkalaisista nuorista (N = 856). Oppilaat vastasivat kysymyksiin yksinäisyydestä, omaehtoisesta yksinolemisesta, kouluviihtyvyydestä sekä v…

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The Role of Learning Difficulties in Adolescents’ Academic Emotions and Academic Achievement

The present study examines associations between learning difficulties (LD), academic emotions, and academic achievement among 845 Grade 6 adolescents (455 girls, 390 boys). Reading difficulties (RD) and math difficulties (MD) were identified based on tested reading and math skills in the fall semester of Grade 6. At this time, the students also rated their hope, enjoyment, and anxiety regarding literacy and math. Information on students' achievement in literacy and math, as well as their overall academic achievement, was gathered using questionnaires in both the fall and spring semesters of Grade 6. The results show, first, that students with RD had lower hope and higher anxiety toward read…

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When empathy matters: the role of sex and empathy in close friendships

Based on prior theory and research (Ciarrochi & Heaven, 2009; Eagly & Wood, 1999), we hypothesized that the link between empathy and friendship would be moderated by sex: Girls will nominate empathic boys as friends, whereas boys will not tend to nominate empathic girls. We collected measures of empathy, friendship social support, and close friendship nominations in grade 10 across 1,970 students in 16 schools (Mage = 15.70, SD = .44; males = 993, females = 977). Multilevel models revealed that boys high in cognitive empathy attracted an average of 1.8 more girl friendship nominations than did their low empathy counterparts, whereas empathic girls did not attract a greater number of opposit…

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The feasibility of working memory tablet tasks in predicting scholastic skills in classroom settings

Cognitive assessment in natural group settings facilitates data collection but poses threats to the validity. In this study, tablet‐based working memory (WM) tasks, the counting span, and reading span were used in predicting 12‐year‐old children's (N = 837) scholastic skills and fluid intelligence in a classroom with environmental noise. WM tasks had excellent internal consistency, correlated with scholastic skills, and accounted for more of the variance in cognitive performance (grade point average, fluid intelligence, scholastic skills) compared with individually administered (n = 190) digit span task. Furthermore, the multilevel analysis revealed that compared with the classrooms with no…

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Job Insecurity and Depressive Symptoms in Mothers and Adolescents: A Dyadic Study

AbstractIn this study, we examined whether maternal perceived job insecurity (JI) affected depressive symptoms in their adolescent children. Specifically, we tested a mediator-moderator model in which we hypothesized that maternal JI was related to adolescent depressive symptoms indirectly via maternal depressive symptoms. Most importantly, we also explored whether this indirect path was moderated by two buffering resources, i.e., maternal off-job recovery and adolescent self-esteem. There is little research on the effects of parental JI on adolescent children from the viewpoint of buffering moderators. Due to growing insecurity in the labor markets we need more information about resources …

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Developmental dynamics between children’s externalizing problems, task-avoidant behavior, and academic performance in early school years: A 4-year follow-up.

This longitudinal study investigated the associations among children’s externalizing problems, task-avoidant behavior, and academic performance in early school years. The participants were 586 children (43% girls, 57% boys). Data pertaining to externalizing problems (teacher ratings) and task-avoidant behaviors (mother and teacher ratings) were gathered, and the children were tested yearly on their academic performance in Grades 1–4. The results were similar for both genders. The analyses supported a mediation model: high externalizing problems in Grades 1 and 2 were linked with low academic performance in Grades 3 and 4 through increases in task-avoidant behavior in Grades 2 and 3. The res…

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How Do Efforts to Enhance Career Preparation Affect Peer Groups?

The present study investigated how efforts to enhance career preparation affect peer groups. The participants were 710 9th graders who were randomized into control and intervention groups and assessed 3 times during 1 academic year: at baseline (T1, Fall), immediately after the career preparation intervention (T2, 3 months after baseline), and 5 months after the intervention (T3, Spring). The results showed, first, that maintenance of a stable clique was more likely when most clique members participated in the intervention. Second, it was found that the members of adolescents' cliques resembled each other in respect of the strength of the intervention effect. Finally, the results showed tha…

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In the shadow of COVID-19: A randomized controlled online ACT trial promoting adolescent psychological flexibility and self-compassion.

Background Although some adolescents managed to cope well with the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the well-being of many was adversely affected due to school closures, distance education, restrictions on gathering with friends, and limited access to mental health services. Many adolescents reported increased anxiety and depression as well as decreased psychological wellbeing due to the pandemic. Consequently, there is a need for psychological support that exceeds the strained resources available to schools to support young people during times of crisis and societal pressure. Objective The present study aimed to explore the effects of an online-delivered ACT intervention to …

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Effectiveness of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program for adolescent career preparation : A randomized controlled trial

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) programs have rarely been used as tools for promoting adolescents' career preparation. This randomized controlled trial examined the possibility to promote the career preparation of Finnish ninth-grade adolescents (n = 249, 49% females) with a web-based five-week ACT-based online intervention program. Participants were randomly assigned to three conditions, of which two groups received an iACT including support via SMS (iACTface: iACT+two face-to-face sessions; only iACT: iACT with no face-to-face sessions) and the third (control) group received no treatment. The results showed that career-related insecurity decreased as a result of the intervention i…

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Early Oral Language Comprehension, Task Orientation, and Foundational Reading Skills as Predictors of Grade 3 Reading Comprehension

The present five-year longitudinal study from preschool to grade 3 examined the developmental associations among oral language comprehension, task orientation, reading precursors, and reading fluency, as well as their role in predicting grade 3 reading comprehension. Ninety Finnish-speaking students participated in the study. The students’ oral language comprehension (vocabulary knowledge, listening comprehension, and inference making) and task orientation were assessed in preschool, kindergarten, and grade 3. Reading precursors (letter knowledge and phonological awareness) were assessed at the first two timepoints and reading fluency at the third timepoint. Structural equation modeling sho…

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How are learning experiences and task properties associated with adolescents’ emotions and psychophysiological states?

We examined whether learning experiences (value of success, mastery experience) and task properties (challenge) are related to early adolescents’ (n = 190, median age = 12) emotional responses and psychophysiological states (autonomic nervous system, ANS) in achievement situations in an ambulatory laboratory. They completed four achievement tasks (two math and two reading) at different challenge levels in randomized order, and reported their learning and task perceptions for each task. The proportion of errors indicated the objective demandingness of each task. As indices of sympathetic nervous system activity, we recorded skin conductance response (SCR) and heart rate (HR), and, as parasym…

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Refleksiivisyyden yhteys terapeuttiseen muutokseen : masennuksen hoito kognitiivis-konstruktivistisessa ryhmämuotoisessa lyhytterapiassa

research product

Pressure to drink but not to smoke: Disentangling selection and socialization in adolescent peer networks and peer groups

Contains fulltext : 90699.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) This paper examined the relative influence of selection and socialization on alcohol and tobacco use in adolescent peer networks and peer groups. The sample included 1419 Finnish secondary education students (690 males and 729 females, mean age 16 years at the outset) from nine schools. Participants identified three school friends and described their alcohol and tobacco use on two occasions one year apart. Actor-based models simultaneously examined changes in peer network ties and changes in individual behaviors for all participants within each school. Multi-level analyses examined changes in individual behaviors for adole…

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Hiljaisia ääniä : nuorten kokemuksia koronapandemian vaikutuksesta hyvinvointiin, sosiaalisiin suhteisiin ja oppimiseen

Suomen Akatemian yhteydessä toimivan strategisen tutkimuksen neuvoston (STN) rahoittaman Resilientti koulu ja koulutus (EduRESCUE) -hankkeen tutkijoiden kirjoittamassa raportissa tarkastellaan nuorten kokemuksia koronapandemian vaikutuksista hyvinvointiin, sosiaalisiin suhteisiin ja oppimiseen. Erityinen huomio on niin sanottujen ”hiljaisten äänten” kuulemisessa eli sellaisten nuorten kokemuksissa, jotka usein jäävät yhteiskunnallisessa päätöksenteossa huomiotta. Verkkopohjainen kysely laadittiin yhteistyössä eri järjestöjen kanssa. EduRESCUE-hankkeen yhteistyötahot Autismiliitto, HelsinkiMissio, Kuurojen Liitto, Lastensuojelun Keskusliitto, Mannerheimin lastensuojeluliitto, MIELI Suomen Mi…

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Perhemuodon ja sisarusaseman yhteys lapsen sosiaaliseen suosituimmuuteen ja näkyvyyteen ensimmäisellä luokalla

Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin perhemuodon, sisaruuden ja syntymäjärjestyksen yhteyttä lapsen saamaan hyväksyntään ikätovereiden keskuudessa ensimmäisellä luokalla. Tutkittavina oli 154 keskisuomalaista lasta yhdeksältä luokalta. Lapsen sosiaalista suosituimmuutta ja näkyvyyttä arvioitiin ensimmäisen luokan keväällä pyytämällä lapsia mainitsemaan luokkatovereita, joiden kanssa he viettävät mielellään aikaansa ja joiden kanssa he vastaavasti eivät mielellään vietä aikaansa. Perhetaustasta kerättiin tietoa vanhemmilta kyselylomakkeella lasten ollessa esikoulussa. Tulokset osoittivat, että ydinperheessä elävät lapset olivat ikätovereidensa keskuudessa pidetympiä kuin uusperheissä elävät lapset. T…

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The roles of teacher–student relationship quality and self-concept of ability in adolescents’ achievement emotions: temperament as a moderator

AbstractThis study examined to what extent teacher–student conflict and closeness, on the one hand, and students’ self-concepts of ability in literacy and mathematics, on the other, are related to students’ achievement emotions (enjoyment, anxiety and boredom) in mathematics and literacy among Finnish early adolescents (N = 854). We also investigated the extent to which these associations are moderated by student temperament (surgency/extraversion, negative affectivity and effortful control). The results showed, after accounting for relevant covariates, that in both school subjects, teacher–student conflict was negatively related to enjoyment and positively to anxiety and boredom, whereas t…

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The interplay between maternal homework involvement, task-avoidance, and achievement among adolescents.

This study examined three aspects of maternal homework involvement (i.e., the quantity, quality, and source of initiative) and their direct and indirect associations with adolescents’ task-avoidant behavior in homework situations and academic achievement. The sample consisted of Finnish mothers and their adolescents who were transitioning from primary to lower secondary school. Mothers rated the quantity of their homework involvement (i.e., monitoring and help), quality of their homework involvement (i.e., autonomy support and psychological control), and source of initiative (i.e., mother- vs. adolescent-initiated monitoring and help) at the beginning of Grade 6. They also reported on adole…

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The Roles of Adherence and Usage Activity in Adolescents' Intervention Gains During Brief Guided Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

OBJECTIVEThis study investigated the roles of adherence and usage activity in adolescents’ (n = 161) gains during a 5-week web intervention program based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).METHODProgram adherence was calculated as adherence percentage in relation to intended usage, whereas completion percentage, usage time, and usage weeks were used as indicators for usage activity. Subjective well-being was measured by self-reported life satisfaction and stress before and after the intervention.RESULTSFirst, regression analysis results showed that higher adherence predicted an increase in life satisfaction during intervention. Second, three subgroups of adolescents were identified …

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Early mathematical skill profiles of prematurely and full-term born children

Abstract Preterm birth is associated with low mathematical skills in children. This study on five-year-old Finnish children investigated whether mathematical skill profiles would differ between prematurely and full-term born children and how such profiles and other cognitive skills would be related. Mathematical skills included digit knowledge, spontaneous focusing on numerosity, arithmetic, counting and geometric skills. The investigated cognitive skills were phonological processing, working memory, instruction comprehension, speeded naming, inhibition and visuomotor skills. The participants were 119 preterm children with birth weight

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Nuorten toiminnanohjauksen pulmien yhteys kaverisuhteisiin

Tämä tutkimus on osa Jyväskylän yliopiston psykologian laitoksen tutkijoiden toteuttamaa ja Suomen Akatemian rahoittamaa TIKAPUU - Alakoulusta yläkouluun -tutkimushanketta. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin seitsemäsluokkalaisten nuorten [n = 377] toiminnanohjauksen pulmien ja kaverisuhteiden välisiä yhteyksiä. Nuorten pulmia toiminnanohjauksessa tarkasteltiin opettajien täyttämällä Keskittymiskyselyllä. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin nuorten kavereiden määrää, läheisen ystävyyssuhteen laatua ja nuorten asemaa vertaisryhmässä. Kavereiden määrää mitattiin laskemalla niiden luokkakavereiden lukumäärä, joiden kanssa nuoret kertoivat viettävänsä mieluiten aikaa. Ystävyyssuhteen laatua mitattiin läheisyy…

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Adolescents as “producers of their own development”: Correlates and consequences of the importance and attainment of developmental tasks

In a four-wave longitudinal study, 228 adolescents from seven age cohorts were investigated annually regarding the importance and subjective attainment of age-specific developmental tasks. Distal outcomes (educational trajectory and residential independence) were examined when the adolescents were 21 years old. The results of latent growth models (LGM) showed that there was no mean level change in the importance of developmental tasks, whereas perceived attainment of developmental tasks increased over time. In general, whereas the importance of developmental tasks was more impacted by family factors, the attainment of tasks was more influenced by individual factors. Adolescents with more pa…

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Temperament and symptoms of stress and depression among adolescents: The mediating role of psychological flexibility

Abstract Background Early appearing temperamental differences and the psychological flexibility skills of individuals are proposed factors influencing stress and depression among adolescents. We test the theoretical assumption that temperament may form a basis for facing the outer world, while the development of psychological flexibility being another such basis and a mediator in well-being outcomes. Methods Using data on 740 adolescents (Mage = 15.7 years, 57% female) assessed at the beginning and end of the final grade of basic education, structural equation modeling (SEM) with mediation analysis was conducted to examine the associations between the key temperament dimensions, changes in …

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Word Reading Skills and Externalizing and Internalizing Problems from Grade 1 to Grade 2 : Developmental Trajectories and Bullying Involvement in Grade 3

School bullying is associated with externalizing and internalizing problems, but little is known about whether reading difficulties also play a part. We asked how, in Grades 1 and 2, word reading skills and externalizing/internalizing problems predict the degree to which students are involved in bullying in Grade 3. Using a sample of 480 Finnish children (M age = 7 years 2 months at the beginning of the study), developmental profiles were identified using mixture modeling based on reading skills, as well as externalizing and internalizing problems. In Grade 3, one fifth of the students were involved in bullying as victims, bullies, or bully/victims. Poor readers with externalizing/internali…

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Peer group homogeneity in adolescents' school adjustment varies according to peer group type and gender

This study investigated whether the members of adolescents' peer groups are similar in terms of their school adjustment and whether this homogeneity varies according to peer group type and gender. A total of 1262 peer group members who had recently moved to post-comprehensive education filled in questionnaires measuring their academic achievement, satisfaction with their educational track, school engagement, and school burnout. They also gave positive peer nominations on the basis of which 360 peer groups were identified and categorized as cliques, loose groups, and isolate dyads. The results showed that the members of adolescents' peer groups particularly resembled each other in terms of …

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Mapping pathways to adulthood among Finnish university students: Sequences, patterns and variations of family- and work-related roles

Abstract The present follow-up study examined the sequences, patterns, and variations in family- and work-related roles during the transition to adulthood among university students. Our aim was to identify typologies of transitional pathways to adulthood across their education, employment, residence, partnership/parenthood histories. The subjects were 182 first-year Finnish university students (mean age = 21) who were followed for 18 years. The Life History Calendar was used to collect data on their education, employment, residence, and partnership/parenthood histories. We also investigated the participants’ background variables (gender, age, parents’ education, school grades) and their lif…

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The role of mothers' beliefs in students' self-concept of ability development

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the child-related competence beliefs of mothers are associated with the development of Finnish adolescents' self-concept of mathematics and literacy ability during their transition from primary to lower secondary school and whether these associations depend on adolescents' level of performance. The results showed that, first, adolescents' self-concept of mathematics and literacy ability decreased over time. The impact of maternal beliefs on the linear trend of the self-concept of mathematics and literacy ability was dependent on the level of students' performance. Mothers' high beliefs buffered against the decrease in adolescents' self-concep…

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The cross-lagged associations between classroom interactions and children’s achievement behaviors

This study examined the cross-lagged associations between the quality of classroom interactions and children’s behaviors in achievement situations. The achievement behaviors in challenging test situations of 166 Finnish children from 70 classrooms were rated by trained testers in grades 1 and 2. The quality of classroom interactions in terms of emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support were observed in 25 classrooms (out of 70) in grades 1 and 2. The results of multilevel modeling showed that classroom teachers’ low emotional support predicted children’s subsequent high passive avoidance, whereas high classroom organization and instructional support predicted chil…

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Peer group influence and selection in adolescents' school burnout : A longitudinal study

The present study investigated the extent to which peer group similarity in school burnout is due to peer group influence and the extent to which it is due to peer group selection. Moreover, the roles of academic achievement and gender in school burnout were examined. A total of 611 ninth graders were examined at the beginning of the final term of comprehensive school, and 614 were examined at the end of the final term. The results of the Multilevel Latent Growth Modeling showed that peer group influence was responsible for peer group similarity, but no evidence was found for peer group selection. The results showed further that high academic achievement protected group members against an i…

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Parenting Styles and Children’s Emotional Development during the First Grade: The Moderating Role of Child Temperament

This study investigated the associations between parenting styles (affection, behavioral control, and psychological control) and children’s emotional development (emotion expression) during the first grade of primary school, and the moderating role of children’s temperament (easy, difficult, and inhibited) in these associations. Mothers and fathers of 152 children responded to a questionnaire concerning their parenting styles and their child’s temperament at the beginning of their child’s first grade (Time 1). They also filled in a structured diary questionnaire concerning their child’s negative and positive emotions over seven successive days (diary) at the beginning (Time 1) and at the en…

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Heterogeneity of executive functions among preschool children with psychiatric symptoms

The aim of the present study was to investigate associations between internalizing and externalizing symptoms and deficits in executive functions (EF) as well as to examine the overall heterogeneity of EFs in a sample of preschool children attending a psychiatric clinic (n = 171). First, based on cut-off points signifying clinical levels of impairment on the parent-completed Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), children were assigned into groups of internalizing, externalizing, combined or mild symptoms and compared to a reference group (n = 667) with regard to day care teacher ratings of EFs on the Attention and Executive Function Rating Inventory-Preschool (ATTEX-P). Second, latent profile an…

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Reciprocal Relationships Between Perceived Supportive School Climate and Self-reported Truancy : A Longitudinal Study from Grade 6 to Grade 9

This longitudinal study of 1,066 Finnish students examined bidirectional reciprocal relationships between changes in perceived supportive school climate and changes in self-reported truancy from the last year of primary school (Grade 6) to the last year of lower secondary school (Grade 9). The results of the random intercept cross-lagged panel model showed, first, that a decrease in positive perceptions of school climate at the previous time point predicted more self-reported truancy at the following time point. Second, an increase in self-reported truancy predicted less positive perceptions of supportive school climate. The study indicates that students’ perceptions of supportive school cl…

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Reducing Stress and Enhancing Academic Buoyancy among Adolescents Using a Brief Web-based Program Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy : A Randomized Controlled Trial

Acceptance and commitment therapy programs have rarely been used as preventive tools for alleviating stress and enhancing coping skills among adolescents. This randomized controlled trial examined the efficacy of a novel Finnish web- and mobile-delivered five-week intervention program called Youth COMPASS among a general sample of ninth-grade adolescents (n= 249, 49% females). The intervention group showed a small but significant decrease in overall stress (between-group Cohen’s d = 0.22) and an increase in academic buoyancy (d= 0.27). Academic skills did not influence the intervention gains, but the intervention gains were largest among high-stressed participants. The results suggest that …

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A person-oriented approach to diary data. Children’s temperamental negative emotionality increases susceptibility to emotion transmission in father-child dyads

The notion that some individuals are more prone to emotion transmission than others has prompted the need for a person-oriented approach to emotion transmission in parent-child dyads. The present study applied a person-oriented analysis to examine the patterns of emotion transmission that can be identified in the diary data of father-child dyads, and the extent to which children with high levels of temperamental negative emotionality are particularly susceptible to emotion transmission within the family. Mothers of 149 first grade children (age 6 to 7) completed questionnaires concerning their child’s temperament. Mothers and fathers maintained diary questionnaires (for a total of 7 days) c…

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Teacher– and parent–child relationships and children’s adjustment behaviors in grade 1 : The role of temperament.

This study aimed at investigating the reciprocal longitudinal associations between teacher– and parent–child relationships and children’s adjustment behaviors during Grade 1, and the role of the child’s temperament in this interplay. The longitudinal study followed Lithuanian children (229 in kindergarten [T0], 337 at the beginning of Grade 1 [T1], 341 at the end of Grade 1 [T2]), their parents, and their Grade 1 teachers (n = 24). The parents and teachers reported on the quality of their relationship with the children during Grade 1. In addition, parents reported on the children’s temperament in kindergarten, and the teachers reported on the children’s adjustment behaviors during Grade 1. …

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Positive Teacher Affect and Maternal Support Facilitate Adjustment After the Transition to First Grade

This longitudinal study, conducted among a sample of Finnish primary-school children, examined the proposition that a single high-quality relationship (either with a teacher or a parent) can buffer against adjustment problems. Teachers rated the externalizing problems and prosocial behaviors of 378 children in Grade 1 and again in Grade 2. Relationship measures gathered in Grade 1 included teacher reports of positive affect for the child and mother reports of support for the child. The results supported our proposition by showing that for child adjustment after the transition to primary school it was critical to have at least one high-quality relationship either with a teacher or a parent. …

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Is Depression Contagious? A Test of Alternative Peer Socialization Mechanisms of Depressive Symptoms in Adolescent Peer Networks

Item does not contain fulltext Purpose: This study examined the role of two different types of peer socialization (convergence, contagion) in adolescents' depression, adjusting for the effects of peer selection and deselection. Methods: The sample used in this study comprised 949 Finnish adolescents (56% females; mean age: 16 years at the outset) attending classrooms in eight secondary schools. Participants identified three school peers and reported depressive symptoms twice, 1 year apart. Sociometric and behavioral data were analyzed using dynamic social network analysis. Results: Adolescents initiated relationships with peers who reported similar levels of depression before initiation of …

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Introduction to the special section on student effects on teachers’ behaviors and attitudes

A special section of the International Journal of Behavioral Development (IJBD) devoted to the topic “Student effects on teacher behaviours and attitudes.”

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The Role of Reading Disability Risk and Environmental Protective Factors in Students' Reading Fluency in Grade 4

This study examined the role of reading disability (RD) risk and environmental protective factors in reading fluency in grade 4. The sample consisted of 538 Finnish-speaking students. Kindergarten measures included the students' risk for RD based on poor achievement in phonological awareness and letter knowledge as well as information on the three control variables: nonverbal ability, level of parental education, and gender. Measures in grades 1–3 included environmental protective factors: classmate reports of peer acceptance; teacher reports of positive affect for the student; and mother, father, and teacher reports of partnership between the home and the school. The students were also tes…

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Associations between Adolescents’ Interpersonal Relationships, School Well-being, and Academic Achievement during Educational Transitions

AbstractA youth’s ability to adapt during educational transitions has long-term, positive impacts on their academic achievement and mental health. Although supportive relationships with parents, peers, and teachers are protective factors associated with successful educational transitions, little is known about the reciprocal link between the quality of these interpersonal relationships and school well-being, with even less known about how these two constructs affect academic achievement. This longitudinal study examined how the quality of interpersonal relationships and school well-being worked together to affect academic achievement during the transition from primary school to lower second…

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Supplemental Material, sj-pdf-1-jbd-10.1177_0165025421992866 - A comparison of dyadic and social network assessments of peer influence

Supplemental Material, sj-pdf-1-jbd-10.1177_0165025421992866 for A comparison of dyadic and social network assessments of peer influence by Dawn DeLay, Brett Laursen, Noona Kiuru, Adam Rogers, Thomas Kindermann and Jari-Erik Nurmi in International Journal of Behavioral Development

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Best friends in adolescence show similar educational careers in early adulthood

The present study investigated the role of best friends in educational career development from adolescence to adulthood. Participants' (N = 476) reciprocal best friendships were identified at age 15, while their educational attainment was investigated in early adulthood (age 26), their intelligence (IQ) at age 13, and parental education, educational expectations and academic achievement at age 16. The results revealed that adolescent best friends ended up pursuing similar educational careers in adulthood. Furthermore, three kinds of partner-effects were found when adolescents' prior career behaviors were controlled for: (1) best friends' intelligence predicted adolescents' later academic pe…

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Parent contributions to friendship stability during the primary school years.

The present study examines whether characteristics of parents predict the stability of a child’s best friendships across the primary school years. Participants included 1,523 Finnish children (766 boys) who reported involvement in a total of 1,326 reciprocated friendship dyads in the 1st grade (M = 7.16 years old). At the onset of the study, mothers and fathers completed questionnaires describing their own parenting (i.e., behavioral control, psychological control, and affection toward the child) and depressive symptoms. Child scores for peer status (i.e., acceptance and rejection) were derived from 1st grade peer nomination data. Discrete-time survival analyses predicted the occurrence and…

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Children evoke similar affective and instructional responses from their teachers and mothers

In the present study, we examined the extent to which the responses of teachers and mothers toward a particular child are similar in respect to their instructional support and affect, and whether child characteristics predict these responses. The data of 373 Finnish child–teacher–mother triads (178 girls, 195 boys) were analysed. Teachers and mothers reported their instructional support and affective responses toward a child in the school/homework context in Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4. At the beginning of Grade 1, the children’s performance in reading and math was tested, and teachers evaluated the children’s externalizing and internalizing problem behaviour. The results demonstrated that mothe…

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The Quality of Maternal Homework Involvement : The Role of Adolescent and Maternal Factors

This study examined adolescent and maternal factors of the quality of maternal homework involvement and the extent to which the factors predicted adolescents' subsequent achievement through adolescents' and mothers' perceptions of the quality of maternal homework involvement. The sample consisted of 847 Finnish adolescents and their 662 mothers who both rated the quality of homework involvement (i.e., autonomy support and psychological control) in the fall of Grade 6. Adolescents rated their positive and negative academic emotions. Mothers rated their beliefs about adolescents' school success, their positive and negative emotions, and adolescents' task avoidance in homework situations. Info…

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Relationships between work-family culture and work attitudes at both individual and the department level

There is a need to better understand the nature of work-family culture and its relationships with job-related outcomes. The main objective of this study was to investigate the associations between a supportive work-family culture and work attitudes (i.e., job satisfaction, work engagement, turnover intentions) at both the individual and work departmental level. Survey-based data were gathered from 52 Finnish work departments (1219 individuals) in the domains of health care, ICT, and the paper industry. Data were analysed via multilevel structural equation modelling. Work-family culture was assessed via managers’ supportiveness, organizational time demands, and the expected career consequenc…

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Assessment of student engagement among junior high school students and associations with self-esteem, burnout, and academic achievement

Journal for educational research online 8 (2016) 2, S. 136-157

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A teacher-report measure of children's task-avoidant behavior: A validation study of the Behavioral Strategy Rating Scale

Abstract This study aims to validate a teacher-report measure of children's task-avoidant behavior, namely the Behavioral Strategy Rating Scale (BSRS), in a sample of 352 Finnish children. In each of the four waves from Kindergarten to Grade 2, teachers rated children's task-avoidant behavior using the BSRS, children completed reading and mathematics tests, and trained testers rated children's task-avoidant and social-dependent behavior after the test situation. Mothers also rated children's task-avoidant behavior in the last two waves. The results showed that a two-factor model including one factor representing task avoidance and one method factor accounting for wording effects among the n…

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Supportive Parenting Buffers the Effects of Low Peer Acceptance on Children’s Internalizing Problem Behaviors

Background Children who are not accepted in their peer group are at risk of developing internalizing problem behaviors. It is possible, however, that supportive parenting can provide a buffer against the detrimental effects of low peer acceptance. Objective This study examined maternal and paternal affection and psychological control as moderators of the association between children’s peer acceptance during the critical transition to primary school and level and subsequent development of internalizing problem behaviors from first to sixth grade. Method A total of 608 children (264 girls, 344 boys) were rated by their teachers on their internalizing problems in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Child…

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Depressive symptoms during adolescence: Do learning difficulties matter?

To examine whether learning difficulties play a role in depressive symptoms, 658 Finnish adolescents were asked to complete scales for depression three times during the transition to post-comprehensive education. They also reported on their learning difficulties and feelings of inadequacy as a student. The results showed that learning difficulties prospectively predicted depressive symptoms. Moreover, the impact of learning difficulties was mediated via inadequacy as a student: learning difficulties predicted feelings of inadequacy as a student which, in turn, contributed to greater increases in depressive symptoms. Finally, gender moderated the association between learning difficulties an…

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Siirtymä alakoulusta yläkouluun yhtenäis- ja erilliskouluissa : siirtymään liittyvät huolet nuorilla

Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, millaisia koulusiirtymään liittyviä huolia nuorilla on ennen ja jälkeen alakoulusta yläkouluun siirtymisen. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin, pysyvätkö huolet kuudennella ja seitsemännellä luokalla samanlaisina vai muuttuvatko ne ja vaikuttaako muuttumiseen mahdollinen koulun vaihtaminen. Tutkimus on osa laajempaa tutkimushanketta, jonka tavoitteena on tunnistaa koulusiirtymää edistäviä tekijöitä. Aineisto (N = 876) on kerätty keväällä 2015, kun nuoret olivat kuudennella luokalla, sekä syksyllä 2015 heidän siirryttyään seitsemännelle luokalle. Molempina ajankohtina nuoria pyydettiin ilmaisemaan omin sanoin alakoulusta yläkouluun siirtymää koskevia huoliaan. Vastaukset luoki…

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Lasten ja nuorten oikeudet oppimiseen ja hyvinvointiin vaarantuivat koronapandemian aikana

• Lasten ja nuorten oppimiseen ja hyvinvointiin liittyvät oikeudet vaarantuivat korona-aikana. • Osa lapsista ja nuorista ei saanut tarvitsemaansa ja toivomaansa tukea. • Lasten ja nuorten väliset erot hyvinvoinnissa kasvoivat. • Korona-aika lisäsi lasten ja nuorten yksinäisyyden kokemuksia. • Tulevissa etäopetustilanteissa tulisi huolehtia siitä, että lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointia ja yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta tuetaan vahvemmin. nonPeerReviewed

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The role of peer groups in adolescents' educational trajectories

The present study investigated whether the members of adolescents' peer groups show similar educational trajectories from comprehensive school to either senior secondary or vocational education, and to what extent their educational expectations, academic achievement, family structure, and parents' SES predict these trajectories. Five hundred thirty adolescents filled in a questionnaire focusing on their educational expectations, academic achievement and family background variables before the transition to post-comprehensive education. They were also asked to nominate three peers with whom they most liked to spend their time. After the transition, they reported the school form they were in. …

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The role of part-time special education supporting students with reading and spelling difficulties from grade 1 to grade 2 in Finland

AbstractPrevious studies show that many students with reading and spelling problems have a lack of progress in reading and spelling skills after years of special education services. The aim of the study is to evaluate the reading and spelling skills of Finnish children in grades 1 and 2 receiving part-time special education from special education teachers for reading and spelling difficulties (RSD) and for RSD with other learning difficulties. In this study, the focus is in the roles of the form and the amount of part-time special education in reading and spelling skills development. Of 152 children involved in the study, 98 received part-time special education for RSD, and 54 did not have …

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Students’ evocative impact on teacher instruction and teacher–child relationships

Classroom research has typically focused on the role of teaching practices and the quality of instruction in children’s academic performance, motivation and adjustment—in other words, classroom interactions initiated by the teacher. The present article presents a model of classroom interactions initiated by the child, that is, the notion that a child’s characteristics and active efforts may evoke different instructional patterns and responses among teachers. Then follows a review of previous research on the role of children’s academic performance, their motivation and their socio-emotional characteristics in their teachers’ instruction methods and teacher–child relationships. Some of the m…

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The role of teaching practices in the development of children’s interest in reading and mathematics in kindergarten

Abstract This study examined the extent to which teaching practices observed in kindergarten classrooms predict children’s interest in reading and mathematics. The pre-skills in reading and mathematics of 515 children were measured at the beginning of their kindergarten year, and their interest in reading and mathematics were assessed in the following spring. A pair of trained observers used the Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM; Stipek & Byler, 2004 ) to observe the teaching practices used by 49 kindergarten teachers. The results revealed that in classrooms in which the teachers placed greater emphasis on child-centered teaching practices than on teacher-directed practic…

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The Role of Teacher Closeness in Emotions and Achievement for Adolescents With and Without Learning Difficulties

Student–teacher relationships are crucial for adolescents’ adjustment in the school context. The aim of the present study was to examine the role of teacher closeness in academic emotions and achievement among adolescents with and without learning difficulties during the first year in lower secondary school. Students’ learning difficulties (LDs) were identified based on tested reading and math skills. In addition, students evaluated their teacher relationships and rated academic emotions in literacy and math domains. The results indicated that higher teacher closeness was related to increasing positive emotions and increasing literacy achievement during seventh grade, whereas lower levels …

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Nuorten KOMPASSI näyttää tietä, kun stressi käy liian kovaksi

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Opposites detract: Middle school peer group antipathies

This study examines variability in patterns of peer group antipathy. Same-grade adolescent peer groups were identified from sociometric nominations of preferred affiliates in a community sample of 600 Finnish ninth-grade middle school students (mean age = 15.0 years). Hierarchical linear modeling determined characteristics of youths in actor groups (nominators) that predicted antipathy for youths in target groups (nominatees) on the basis of target group characteristics. Most antipathies were based on dissimilarity between groups representing the mainstream culture and groups opposed to it. The higher a peer group’s school burnout, the more its members disliked students in peer groups with …

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The role of educational track in adolescents' school burnout: a longitudinal study.

Background Transition from comprehensive school to later educational tracks is challenging for many adolescents. The present three-wave longitudinal study conducted in Finland considers this issue from the perspective of school burnout. Aims The study investigated the extent to which school-related burnout (exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of inadequacy) changes during the transition from comprehensive school to an academic or vocational track. Sample The participants of the present study were 658 ninth graders, who filled in questionnaires twice during their final term of comprehensive school and once after the transition to post-comprehensive schooling. Methods The participants filled i…

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Longitudinal associations of physical activity and pubertal development with academic achievement in adolescents.

Highlights • Boys with higher levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity had better academic achievement than those with lower levels of physical activity at baseline. • Physical activity was not associated with academic achievement at follow-up in boys or girls. • Continuously inactive adolescents had poorer academic achievement over the follow-up period than their more active peers. • Girls with more advanced pubertal status had better academic achievement than other girls.

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Stable same-sex friendships with higher achieving partners promote mathematical reasoning in lower achieving primary school children

This study is designed to investigate friend influence over mathematical reasoning in a sample of 374 children in 187 same-sex friend dyads (184 girls in 92 friendships; 190 boys in 95 friendships). Participants completed surveys that measured mathematical reasoning in the 3rd grade (approximately 9 years old) and one year later in the 4th grade (approximately 10 years old). Analyses designed for dyadic data (i.e., longitudinal Actor-Partner Interdependence Models) indicated that higher achieving friends influenced the mathematical reasoning of lower achieving friends, but not the reverse. Specifically, greater initial levels of mathematical reasoning among higher achieving partners in the …

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How do early family systems predict emotion recognition in middle childhood?

Facial emotion recognition (FER) is a fundamental element in human interaction. It begins to develop soon after birth and is important in achieving developmental tasks of middle childhood, such as developing mutual friendships and acquiring social rules of peer groups. Despite its importance, FER research during middle childhood continues to be rather limited. Moreover, research is ambiguous on how the quality of one's early social-emotional environment shapes FER development, and longitudinal studies spanning from infancy to later development are scarce. In this study, we examine how the cohesive, authoritarian, disengaged and enmeshed family system types, assessed during pregnancy and inf…

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Profiles of early career insecurity and its outcomes in adolescence : A four‐wave longitudinal study

This study investigated the developmental profiles of perceived early career insecurity (ECI) and their outcomes among adolescents (n = 1416) during a critical educational transition from basic education to upper secondary education. We found three distinct latent profiles with varying amounts of ECI: Profile 1: Moderate and decreasing ECI before the transition (57%); Profile 2: Low-decreasing ECI before the transition but increasing ECI after the transition (31%); and Profile 3: High and stable ECI during the transition (12%). Moreover, the ECI profiles related to school and life satisfaction as well as to school stress and dropout intentions in a meaningful way consistent with the stresso…

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Task-Focused Behavior Mediates the Associations Between Supportive Interpersonal Environments and Students’ Academic Performance

In the longitudinal study presented here, we tested the theoretical assumption that children’s task-focused behavior in learning situations mediates the associations between supportive interpersonal environments and academic performance. The sample consisted of 2,137 Finnish-speaking children. Data on supportive interpersonal environments (characterized by authoritative parenting, positive teacher affect toward the child, and peer acceptance) were gathered in Grade 1. The children’s task-focused behavior was measured in Grades 2 and 3, and academic performance was measured in Grades 1 and 4. The results supported our assumption by showing that all three supportive environments were positiv…

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A person-oriented approach to maternal homework involvement during the transition to lower secondary school

This study examined patterns of mothers' homework involvement (n = 680 in Grade 6 and 665 in Grade 7) and changes in them during 12-year-old Finnish adolescents' (n = 848; 391 boys) transition to lower secondary school. Moreover, the extent to which adolescents' motivational behavior and prior academic achievement predicted these patterns was examined. The latent transition analyses identified four relatively stable latent patterns of maternal homework involvement in Grades 6 and 7: averagely involved, psychologically controlling and intrusive, noninvolved, and intrusive monitoring and helping. The higher task avoidance and the poorer achievement adolescents showed, the more likely their mo…

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Social withdrawal in children moderates the association between parenting styles and the children's own socioemotional development.

Background: Social withdrawal in early childhood is a risk factor for later socioemotional difficulties. This study examined the joint effects of children’s social withdrawal and mothers’ and fathers’ parenting styles on children’s socioemotional development. Based on diatheses-stress, vantage sensitivity, and differential susceptibility models, socially withdrawn children were assumed to be more prone to parental influences than others. Methods: Teachers rated 314 children on prosocial skills, and internalizing and externalizing behaviors at three points in time between grades 1–3. Mothers (n = 279) and fathers (n = 182) filled in questionnaires measuring their affection, and their behavio…

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Dropout intentions in secondary education : Student temperament and achievement motivation as antecedents

Introduction As early school leaving and dropping out from education pose a challenge for later life adjustment, it is important to identify antecedent factors for the risk of school dropout to tailor individual support for adolescents. Consequently, this study examines the role of adolescents' motivational beliefs and behaviors (i.e., success expectations, planning, and task-avoidance) as well as their temperament (i.e., extraversion/surgency, negative affectivity, effortful control, and affiliativeness) in their dropout intentions in the first year of upper secondary education. Methods Participants were Finnish adolescents' (n = 536; 57% girls, mean age 12.39 at outset, standard deviation…

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Socioemotional functioning across the transition to lower secondary school : The role of temperament and relationships with mothers and teachers

This Finnish longitudinal study investigated the role of relationships with mothers (n = 631) and teachers (n = 56), and adolescents' (n = 848; 53.9% girls, 46.1% boys) temperament in the development of the adolescents' socioemotional functioning during the transition to lower secondary school (Grade 6 to Grade 7; age in Grade 6: M = 12.32, SD = 0.36). The results showed that mother–adolescent closeness predicted a higher level and teacher–adolescent closeness predicted a smaller decrease in prosocial behavior. Teacher–adolescent conflict predicted a higher level, and mother–adolescent conflict predicted an increase in externalizing problems. Only temperament predicted internalizing problem…

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The Role of Perceived Social Support as a Contributor to the Successful Transition from Primary to Lower Secondary School

Following approximately 1,800 Finnish children, this longitudinal study examined the associations between students’ perceived social support (teacher-student relationships, family support, and peer support), behavioral engagement, cynicism towards school, and academic achievement during the transition from primary to lower secondary school. After controlling for parental educational level and cynicism before the school transition, the results showed that the more students experienced pre-transition peer support, the less they reported post-transition cynicism. Furthermore, pre-transition peer support contributed to students’ increased academic achievement and behavioral engagement after the…

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The role of adolescents' peer groups in the school context

Nuoruusvuosina ikätovereiden merkitys kasvaa ja ikätoverisuhteet muuttuvat aikaisempaa läheisemmiksi. Nuorilla on erityinen huoli siitä, mitä muut ihmiset itsestä ajattelevat. He alkavat myös yhä enemmän ajatella tulevaisuuttaan, esimerkiksi koulutustaan ja ammatin valintaa.Noona Kiuru tutki toveriryhmien merkitystä nuorten koulutussuunnitelmissa ja koulutuspoluissa sekä koulusopeutumisessa siirtymävaiheessa toisen asteen koulutukseen.- Toveriryhmillä on suuri merkitys nuorten koulutussuunnitelmissa ja koulusopeutumisessa. Samaan toveriryhmään kuuluvat nuoret muistuttavat toisiaan useiden asioiden kuten koulumenestyksen, koulutussuunnitelmien, koulutuspolkujen, sosiaalisen taustan ja koulus…

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Associations of temperament types and gender of early adolescents and teachers with adolescents’ school well‐being

This study examined the role of temperament type and gender of adolescents and teachers in adolescents’ well‐being in school. The sample consisted of 677 Finnish students and 56 classroom teachers. Parents rated adolescent temperament and teachers rated their own temperament in autumn of Grade 6. Self‐reports of school well‐being among adolescents were obtained in autumn and the fall of Grade 6. The results showed that being a girl and having resilient temperament type predicted higher school well‐being. In turn, boys with undercontrolled temperament, who were otherwise at risk for decreased school well‐being, particularly benefited from having a female teacher with resilient temperament. O…

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Finnish teachers’ and students’ programming motivation and their role in teaching and learning computational thinking

Introduction: Despite the growing importance of teaching and learning computational thinking (CT) through programming in schools, research has shown major individual differences in teachers’ instruction emphasis and students’ skills in these topics. Objective: This study aims to shed further light on the role that teachers’ and students’ programming motivation plays in CT. Methods: The topic is approached from the viewpoint of the self-determination theory, which can help to understand teachers’ instruction and students’ learning. Our sample consisted of Finnish Grade 8 teachers (N = 1,853) and students (N = 2,546) who participated in the International Computer and Information Literacy Stud…

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Adolescents’ Stress and Depressive symptoms and Their Associations with Psychological Flexibility before Educational Transition

Introduction: Relatively little is known about individual differences in adolescent psychological flexibility and its associations with symptoms of stress and depression. This study examined different profiles of adolescent stress and depressive symptoms and their associations with developing psychological flexibility before the critical educational transition. Methods: The data were derived from a general sample of 740 Finnish ninth-grade adolescents (Mage = 15.7 years, 57% female) who were assessed twice during the final grade of their basic education. The data were analyzed using growth mixture modeling. Results: Four profiles of stress and depressive symptoms were identified during a sc…

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Elementary school teachers adapt their instructional support according to students' academic skills – A variable and person-oriented approach

This study examined the longitudinal associations between children’s academic skills and the instructional support teachers gave individual students. A total of 253 Finnish children were tested on reading and math skills twice in the first grade and once in the second grade. The teachers of these children rated the instructional support that they gave each child in reading and mathematics. The results showed that the poorer the student’s reading and math skills were, the more support and attention the student received from his or her teacher later on. However, instructional support did not contribute positively to the subsequent development of the students’ academic skills. The person-orie…

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Hope, Friends, and Subjective Well-Being: A Social Network Approach to Peer Group Contextual Effects

Research on adolescence has previously shown that factors like depression and burnout are influenced by friendship groups. Little research, however, has considered whether similar effects are present for variables such as hope and subjective well‐being. Furthermore, there is no research that considers whether the degree of hope of an adolescent's friends is associated with well‐being over the individual's level of hope. Data were collected in 2012 from a sample of 15‐year‐olds (N = 1,972; 62% Caucasian; 46% identified as Catholic; 25% had professional parents) from the East Coast of Australia. Findings suggest that individuals from the same friendship group were somewhat similar in hope and…

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Off on the wrong foot : Task avoidance at the outset of primary school anticipates academic difficulties and declining peer acceptance

The present study examined the academic antecedents of declining peer social status. Participants included 545 (311 boys, 234 girls) Finnish students followed from the 1st through the 4th grade (ages 6–8 at outset). Each year, teachers completed assessments of academic task avoidance and students completed standardized measures of reading and math achievement. Acceptance was assayed through peer nominations. Supporting the hypothesized model, the results indicated that a lack of interest and motivation at the outset of primary school leads to a downward spiral of academic difficulties and diminished peer acceptance. Specifically, academic task avoidance in 1st and 2nd grade anticipated decl…

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Maternal teaching of reading and children's reading skills in Grade 1: Patterns and predictors of positive and negative associations

Abstract The main aim of the study was to identify subgroups of children based on the associations between the reported frequency of maternal teaching of reading and children's reading skills, and whether these subgroups differ with respect to mother-related (i.e., education, controlling behavior, and emotions in homework situations) and child-related (i.e., reading habits and gender) background factors. Data were gathered from 1460 mother–child dyads. The reading skills of 6- to 7-year-old Finnish-speaking children were measured at the beginning and at the end of Grade 1. Information from mothers was gathered by questionnaires. Regression Mixture Modeling identified four latent subgroups o…

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Alakoulusta yläkouluun yhtenäis- ja erilliskouluissa

Suomessa alakoulusta yläkouluun siirrytään tavallisimmin 12‒13 vuoden iässä. Tuolloin nuoren elämässä tapahtuu monia haasteellisia muutoksia, kuten puberteettiin liittyviä fyysisiä ja psyykkisiä muutoksia sekä alakoulusta yläkouluun siirtymiseen liittyviä fyysisen ja sosiaalisen lähiympäristön muutoksia. TIKAPUU-pitkittäishankkeessa selvitettiin, miten yhtenäis- tai erilliskoulua käyvät nuoret kokevat alakoulusta yläkouluun siirtymisen. nonPeerReviewed

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Usage activity, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction in a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program among Finnish ninth-grade adolescents.

Understanding adolescent usage activity and experiences in web-based psychological intervention programs helps in developing universal programs that can be adopted for promotion of adolescent well-being and prevention of mental health problems. This study examined the usage activity, perceived usefulness (i.e., learning of mindfulness, acceptance and value-related skills), and program satisfaction of 157 Finnish ninth-grade adolescents, who participated in a school-based five-week universal acceptance and commitment therapy web intervention called Youth Compass. Individual and growth environment-related antecedents were measured before the five-week intervention, adolescents' usage activity…

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The role of adolescents' temperament in their positive and negative emotions as well as in psychophysiological reactions during achievement situations

Abstract This study examined the role of adolescents' (n = 190) temperament in their emotional reactions in achievement situations. Adolescents rated their temperament (i.e., surgency/extraversion, negative affectivity, effortful control) and completed achievement tasks in Grade 6. They also reported their emotions before and during challenging and non-challenging tasks. In addition, adolescents' autonomic nervous system reactions (i.e., skin conductance levels) were recorded. The results showed that high effortful control was related to higher levels of positive emotions independent of the degree of task difficulty. Low negative affectivity and high effortful control were related to lower …

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Selecting and Retaining Friends on the Basis of Cigarette Smoking Similarity

This study examines whether friend selection, deselection, and socialization differ as a function of the level of cigarette smoking in the friendship group. A total of 1419 students (median age = 16) from upper secondary and vocational schools in Finland were included as targets in the peer network. Targets in the peer network were asked to nominate friends and describe their own cigarette smoking at two time points one year apart. Network analyses revealed similarity arising from selection and deselection on the basis of smoking. Selection effects (i.e., selecting new friends based on similarity) were stronger for adolescents in low-smoking groups. Deselection effects (i.e., dropping frien…

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Friends, academic achievement, and school engagement during adolescence : A social network approach to peer influence and selection effects

Abstract Peers become increasingly important socializing agents for academic behaviors and attitudes during adolescence. This study investigated peer influence and selection effects on adolescents' emotional (i.e., flow in schoolwork, school burnout, school value), cognitive (i.e., school effort), and behavioral (i.e., truancy) engagement in school. A social network approach was used to examine students of post-comprehensive education in Finland (N = 1419; mean age = 16). Students were asked to nominate peers to generate peer networks and to describe their own school engagement at two time points (one year apart). Network analyses revealed that the degree to which peer influence and selecti…

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Reciprocal Relations between Adolescents’ Self-Concepts of Ability and Achievement Emotions in Mathematics and Literacy

This longitudinal study examined cross-lagged relations of self-concepts of ability and achievement emotions (i.e., enjoyment, boredom, anxiety) in two central school subjects (i.e., mathematics and literacy). Adolescents (N = 848) reported their achievement emotions and self-concepts of ability four times during Grades 6 and 7. The pattern of results was different for mathematics and literacy subjects. For mathematics the results of random intercept cross-lagged panel models showed a positive reciprocal relationship between self-concepts of ability and enjoyment and a negative reciprocal relationship between self-concept and anxiety. Lower self-concepts of ability in mathematics also predi…

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Adolescents’ and mothers’ temperament types and their roles in early adolescents’ socioemotional functioning

The present study examined adolescents’ and mothers’ temperament types and their roles in the socioemotional functioning of early adolescents. A total of 869 sixth-grade students and 668 mothers participated in the study. The students rated their temperament and socioemotional functioning and the mothers rated their own temperament. Latent profile analyses identified four temperament types among the adolescents (resilient, reserved, average, and mixed) and three types among the mothers (resilient, average, and mixed). The results showed that the adolescents with resilient or reserved temperaments reported significantly fewer conduct problems and emotional symptoms, less hyperactivity, and …

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Iso osa nuorista kärsi korona-ajasta : hyvinvointi heikkeni, oppiminen vaikeutui ja yksinäisyys lisääntyi

Nuorten eristäminen pitkäksi aikaa kotiin koronapandemian aikana ei ollut hyvä ratkaisu. Poikkeusoloissakin on keskeistä tukea nuorten yhteisöllisyyttä ja joukkoon kuulumista, apulaisprofessorit Noona Kiuru ja Eija Pakarinen Jyväskylän yliopistosta kirjoittavat. nonPeerReviewed

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A new approach for estimating a nonlinear growth component in multilevel modeling

This study presents a new approach to estimation of a nonlinear growth curve component with fixed and random effects in multilevel modeling. This approach can be used to estimate change in longitudinal data, such as day-of-the-week fluctuation. The motivation of the new approach is to avoid spurious estimates in a random coefficient regression model due to the synchronized periodical effect (e.g., day-of-the-week fluctuation) appearing both in independent and dependent variables. First, the new approach is introduced. Second, a Monte Carlo simulation study is carried out to examine the functioning of the proposed new approach in the case of small sample sizes. Third, the use of the approac…

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School-related stress among sixth-grade students : Associations with academic buoyancy and temperament

The present study examined to what extent sixth-grade students' academic buoyancy and temperament contributed to their school-related stress. A total of 845 students rated their school-related stress at the beginning and end of the school year and their academic buoyancy at the beginning of the year. Parents rated students' effortful control and negative affectivity. The results showed that high academic buoyancy, high effortful control, and low negative affectivity at the beginning of the school year were related to lower school-related stress at the end of the school year, after controlling for gender, GPA, and previous level of stress. Effortful control and negative affectivity had no si…

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The role of part-time special education supporting students with reading and spelling difficulties from grade 1 to grade 2 in Finland

Previous studies show that many students with reading and spelling problems have a lack of progress in reading and spelling skills after years of special education services. The aim of the study is to evaluate the reading and spelling skills of Finnish children in grades 1 and 2 receiving part-time special education from special education teachers for reading and spelling difficulties (RSD) and for RSD with other learning difficulties. In this study, the focus is in the roles of the form and the amount of part-time special education in reading and spelling skills development. Of 152 children involved in the study, 98 received part-time special education for RSD, and 54 did not have RSD and …

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Digitaalisen Nuorten Kompassi plus -hyvinvointiohjelman soveltuvuus lukiolaisille

Psyykkinen hyvinvointi on kulmakivi, johon nuoren oppiminen nojaa; hyvinvointi vaikuttaa merkittävättä tavalla nuoren opintosuoriutumiseen ja työelämävalmiuksien omaksumiseen. Tämä on tiedostettu nykyisessä lainsäädännössä, joka velvoittaa oppilaitoksia vahvistamaan opiskelijoiden hyvinvointia. Tarvitaan tutkittuja, vaikuttavia, helposti saatavilla olevia menetelmiä, jotta voidaan laaja-alaisesti tukea nuorten hyvinvointia erilaisista ammatillisista viitekehyksistä käsin. Jyväskylän yliopiston psykologian laitoksella on kehitetty tähän haasteeseen vastaava Nuorten Kompassi plus -hyvinvointiohjelma, joka perustuu hyväksyntä- ja tietoisuustaitojen harjoitteluun sekä arvotyöskentelyyn. Se toim…

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Instructional support predicts children’s task avoidance in kindergarten

Abstract This study examined the role of observed classroom quality in children's task-avoidant behavior and math skills in kindergarten. To investigate this, 1268 children were tested twice on their math skills during their kindergarten year. Kindergarten teachers ( N  = 137) filled in questionnaires measuring their professional experience and also rated the children on their task-avoidant versus task-focused behaviors. Trained observers used the CLASS instrument ( Pianta, La Paro, & Hamre, 2008 ) to observe 49 kindergarten teachers (out of 137) on their emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support. The results of multilevel modeling showed that kindergarten classro…

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Associations Between Adolescents' Subjectively Experienced Emotions and Psychophysiological Reactions in Achievement Situations

This study investigated associations of early adolescents' (N=190, median age = 12) subjectively experienced emotions and psychophysiological reactions in achievement situations. Self-reported questions assessed adolescents' experienced emotions. Additionally, adolescents' autonomic nervous system (ANS) reactions were recorded; skin-conductance response (SCR) and heart rate (HR) were used to measure sympathetic nervous system activity, and heart rate variability (HRV) was used to measure parasympathetic nervous system activity. The between-person-level results of multilevel modeling showed that increased HR was associated with higher levels of hope and fear and that decreased SCR was associ…

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The role of academic buoyancy and emotions in students' learning-related expectations and behaviours in primary school.

Background. Academic buoyancy refers to students’ ability to come through ordinary challenges they face in the academic context, and it can positively contribute to students’ beliefs and behaviours in learning situations. Although buoyancy has been found to be related to positive academic outcomes, previous studies have not examined how buoyancy influences academic emotions in learning situations and how these emotions further affect students’ learning-related expectations and behaviours. \ud Aims. This study investigated to what extent academic buoyancy predicts students’ failure expectations, avoidance behaviour, and task-oriented planning in learning situations, and to what extent academ…

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Social engagement from childhood to middle age and the effect of childhood socio-economic status on middle age social engagement: results from the National Child Development study

ABSTRACTSocial engagement has powerful effects on wellbeing, but variation in individual engagement throughout the lifecourse is wide. The trajectories may differ by gender and be affected by socio-economic status (SES). However, long-term development of social engagement is little studied and the effect of childhood SES on later-life social engagement remains obscure. We aimed to describe the social engagement development from childhood to middle age by gender and test the effect of childhood SES on middle age social engagement. Data (N=16,440, 51.3% male) are drawn from the on-going National Child Development Study, following British babies born in 1958. Social engagement was measured by …

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A guided online ACT intervention may increase psychological well-being and support school engagement in adolescents

Objective The aim of the present study was to investigate the extent to which initial levels and changes in ninth-grade adolescents' (n = 243) psychological well-being were associated with their school engagement after the transition to upper secondary education. In addition, we investigated whether a brief guided online acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) intervention program delivered during ninth grade was associated with adolescents’ subsequent school engagement through changes in their psychological well-being. Method Latent growth modeling (LGM) was used to examine the levels of and changes in well-being during ninth grade. Next, school engagement (measured by school satisfaction …

research product

The role of peer groups in male and female adolescents' task values and physical activity.

The purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine the role of peer groups and sex in adolescents' task values and physical activity. The participants were 330 Finnish Grade 6 students (173 girls, 157 boys), who responded to questionnaires that assessed physical education task values during the spring semester (Time 1). Students' physical activity was assessed one year later (Time 2). The results indicated that adolescent peer groups were moderately homogeneous in terms of task values toward physical education and physical activity. Girls' peer groups were more homogeneous than those of boys in regards to utility and attainment values. Furthermore, the results for both girls and boys sh…

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Incoherent Yet Still Moral? Followers’ Perceptions of Their Leaders’ Integrity

The aim of this study was to broaden the current understanding of leader integrity by applying a social-cognitive process model to leaders’ moral decision-making. Leaders (n = 223) were classified into different integrity styles (informational, normative, or diffuse-avoidant) based on their personal descriptions of how they approach moral questions and make moral decisions at work. We then investigated how followers (n = 963) perceived these leaders’ integrity (moral behavior, behavioral integrity, and consistency) and their leader-member exchange (LMX) quality by using a hierarchical leader-follower sample. Followers evaluated normative leaders to show the highest amount of consistency com…

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Externalizing behavior problems and interest in reading as predictors of later reading skills and educational aspirations

This study examined the developments in children’s externalizing problems and interest in reading during their first four years of school (Grades 1–4) and investigated whether this development predicted the children’s Grade 6 reading skills and educational aspirations. Data comprised (1) teachers’ ratings of externalizing problems and children’s (N = 642; 43% girls) self-ratings of their interest in reading, collected between Grades 1 and 4, and (2) measures of reading fluency and comprehension, and children’s self-reports of educational aspirations, collected at Grade 6. First, latent growth modeling showed that a higher level of externalizing problems in Grade 1 was associated with a lowe…

research product

Maternal Affection Moderates the Associations Between Parenting Stress and Early Adolescents’ Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior

The present study investigated the role of parenting stress in early adolescents’ externalizing and internalizing behavior and, particularly, the moderating effect of maternal affection on these associations. The data of 992 early adolescents ([Formula: see text]; 454 girls) and their mothers during the transition from primary school to lower secondary school were analyzed. The results showed that when maternal affection was low, parenting stress was not related to the changes in early adolescents’ externalizing or internalizing behavior. In contrast, when maternal affection was high, low parenting stress related to a decrease and high parenting stress to an increase in such behavior. The …

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A Comparison of Dyadic and Social Network Assessments of Peer Influence.

The present study compares two methods for assessing peer influence: the longitudinal actor–partner interdependence model (L-APIM) and the longitudinal social network analysis (L-SNA) Model. The data were drawn from 1,995 (49% girls and 51% boys) third grade students ( Mage= 9.68 years). From this sample, L-APIM ( n = 206 indistinguishable dyads and n = 187 distinguishable dyads) and L-SNA ( n = 1,024 total network members) subsamples were created. Students completed peer nominations and objective assessments of mathematical reasoning in the spring of the third and fourth grades. Patterns of statistical significance differed across analyses. Stable distinguishable and indistinguishable L-AP…

research product

Effectiveness of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program for adolescent career preparation: A randomized controlled trial

Abstract Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) programs have rarely been used as tools for promoting adolescents' career preparation. This randomized controlled trial examined the possibility to promote the career preparation of Finnish ninth-grade adolescents (n = 249, 49% females) with a web-based five-week ACT-based online intervention program. Participants were randomly assigned to three conditions, of which two groups received an iACT including support via SMS (iACTface: iACT+two face-to-face sessions; only iACT: iACT with no face-to-face sessions) and the third (control) group received no treatment. The results showed that career-related insecurity decreased as a result of the inter…

research product

The development of school well-being in secondary school: High academic buoyancy and supportive class- and school climate as buffers

Abstract Students experience increasing pressure to perform well and worry about their academic performance before critical school transitions. These challenges may compromise students' school well-being. Drawing on the Model of Personality and Affect for Education (Matthews et al., 2005) as well as on the Conservation of Resources Theory (Hobfoll, 1989), we investigated the buffering role of high academic buoyancy and supportive class- and school climate against decreases in school well-being (i.e., school-related stress, anti-school attitude, and satisfaction with school) among Finnish lower secondary school students (N = 1024) from grades seven to nine. Controlling for gender, fluid inte…

research product

Adolescents’ Academic Emotions and Academic Achievement Across the Transition to Lower Secondary School : The Role of Learning Difficulties

This study examined the role of learning difficulties in academic emotions and achievement across the transition to lower secondary school among 848 Finnish adolescents. Reading difficulties (RD) and math difficulties (MD) were identified based on test scores in Grade 6 and 7. Students with difficulties were identified as having resolving, emerging, or persistent RD/MD. Students rated their academic emotions and information on students’ academic achievement was acquired from school registers. The results showed that a decline in academic emotions and achievement was typical among all students across the transition. Resolving, emerging, or persistent types of RD/MD were also meaningfully ref…

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Classroom management practices and their associations with children’s mathematics skills in two cultural groups

The aim of the study was to examine the extent to which contextual factors predict children’s mathematics skills in different cognitive domains. The sample consisted of 1734 students from 26 Estonian- and 17 Russian-language schools in Estonia. Mathematics and non-verbal reasoning tests were carried out at the beginning of the third grade. In addition, teachers were asked about their classroom management practices. The results of multilevel modelling showed that applying supportive practices in the classroom contributes to higher achievement in mathematics. Teachers from Estonian- and Russian-language schools were also found to differ with regard to their management practices, and these pra…

research product

Adaptive Number Knowledge in Secondary School Students: Profiles and Antecedents

Cited By :1 Export Date: 10 February 2021 Correspondence Address: McMullen, J.; Department of Teacher EducationFinland; email: jake.mcmullen@utu.fi The present study aims to examine inter-individual differences in adaptive number knowledge in secondary school students. Adaptive number knowledge is defined as a well-connected network of knowledge of numerical characteristics and arithmetic relations. Substantial and relevant qualitative differences in the strategies and expression of adaptive number knowledge have been found in primary school students still in the process of learning arithmetic. We present a study involving 879 seventh-grade students that examines the structure of individual…

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The Role of a Supportive Interpersonal Environment and Education-Related Goal Motivation During the Transition Beyond Upper Secondary Education

This longitudinal study investigated the role of parents and peers as well as of education-related goal motivation during educational transitioning in late adolescence. The sample consisted of 1520 upper secondary education students attending either academic or vocational upper secondary school in Finland. They were surveyed three times: (1) in the first year of their upper secondary education, (2) in the second year of their upper secondary education, and (3) two years later. The results show, first, that when students in upper secondary education pursued their educational goals out of autonomous motivation they also invested more effort in their goals, which was reflected in high levels o…

research product

Äitien antaman tuen merkitys nuorten ongelmakäyttäytymiselle alakoulusta yläkouluun siirryttäessä

Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin äitien antaman tuen yhteyttä nuorten sisään- ja ulospäinsuuntautuvaan ongelmakäyttäytymiseen alakoulusta yläkouluun siirryttäessä. Äitien antaman tuen osa-alueina tarkasteltiin äitien nuorelleen osoittamaa lämpimyyttä, tietämystä nuoren tekemisistä, nuoren kanssa keskustelemista sekä kotitehtävissä auttamista, ohjaamista ja nuoren autonomian tukemista. Tutkimus on osa laajempaa Alkuportaat-seurantatutkimusta, jossa oppilaita on tutkittu esiopetuksesta yhdeksännelle luokalle. Aineisto kerättiin keväällä 2013 oppilaiden ollessa kuudennella luokalla (922 oppilasta ja 508 äitiä) ja keväällä 2014 oppilaiden ollessa seitsemännellä luokalla (860 oppilasta ja 428 äitiä). …

research product

Does School Matter?

School burnout can be defined as consisting of exhaustion due to school demands, cynical, and detached attitude toward one’s school, and feelings of inadequacy as a student ( Kiuru, Aunola, Nurmi, Leskinen, & Salmela-Aro, 2008 ; Salmela-Aro & Näätänen, 2005 ; Schaufeli, Martínez, Pinto, Salanova, & Bakker, 2002 ). The first aim of the present study was to examine the extent to which schools differ in school-related burnout. Moreover, the aim was to examine the extent to which school-related and background factors are associated with school burnout at the school level and at the individual level. The participants were 58,657 students from 431 comprehensive schools and 29,515 stu…

research product

Vanhempien osallistuminen kuudesluokkalaisten kotitehtävien tekemiseen

Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, kuinka paljon ja kenen aloitteesta vanhemmat osallistuvat kuudesluokkalaisten lastensa kotitehtävien tekemiseen sekä missä määrin vanhempien osallistuminen riippuu lapsen taitotasosta ja sukupuolesta. Tämän lisäksi tutkittiin, onko äidin omilla oppimisen pulmilla ja lapsen opiskelussa kohtaamilla vaikeuksilla yhteyttä osallistumiseen ja äidin kotitehtävätilanteissa kokemiin positiivisiin ja negatiivisiin tunteisiin. Tutkimus on osa TIKAPUU – Alakoulusta yläkouluun -tutkimushanketta. Tämän tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kuudennen luokan oppilaille (n = 607) tehtyihin lukemisen ja matematiikan testeihin sekä kyselylomakkeeseen. Vanhempien aineisto (n = 494) pe…

research product

The dynamics of motivation, emotion, and task performance in simulated achievement situations

Abstract This study aimed to examine associations between motivation, emotion, and task performance in simulated achievement situations. A group of sixth grade students (n = 190) completed an achievement task. Situational information on task value, success expectations, emotions, effort, task performance, and causal attributions was collected and information on subsequent academic achievement was obtained from school registers. The results showed, first, that high task value, high expectancy of success, and high positive emotions before a task contributed to a higher level of effort during the task. This, in turn, was related to better task performance. Second, high expectancy of success pr…

research product

School Burnout Inventory (SBI)

This study introduces a measure for school burnout and examines its validity and reliability among students in upper secondary high schools and vocational schools by using confirmatory factor analysis. School-related burnout comprises three dimensions: (a) exhaustion at school, (b) cynicism toward the meaning of school, and (c) sense of inadequacy at school. A total of 1418 (709 girls, 709 boys) adolescents from 13 postcomprehensive schools (6 upper secondary high schools, 7 vocational schools) filled in a questionnaire concerning their school burnout and background variables. The results showed that the three-factor solution, compared to one- or two-factor solutions, fit the data best and…

research product

Child-centered versus teacher-directed teaching practices: Associations with the development of academic skills in the first grade at school

This study examined the extent to which child-centered versus teacher-directed teaching practices predicted the development of children's reading and math skills in the first year of elementary school. In addition, we investigated whether associations between teaching practices and children's academic skills development in Grade 1 differed among children who had low, average, or high initial academic skills at the beginning of school. The reading and math skills of 1,132 Finnish children from 93 classrooms were assessed at the beginning and end of Grade 1, and the Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM) was used to observe teaching practices in 29 classrooms. The results of mu…

research product

The Role of Adolescents’ and Their Parents’ Temperament Types in Adolescents’ Academic Emotions: A Goodness-of-Fit Approach

Abstract Background Academic emotions (e.g., enjoyment of learning or anxiety) play a significant role in academic performance and educational choices. An important factor explaining academic emotions can be students’ temperament and the goodness-of-fit between their temperament and their social environment, including parents. Objective This study investigated the unique and interactive effects of early adolescents’ and their parents’ temperament types on adolescents’ academic emotions in literacy and mathematics. Method The participants in the study consisted of 690 adolescent–parent dyads. Parents rated their own and their adolescents’ temperaments, and adolescents reported their positive…

research product

Peer selection and influence : Students’ interest-driven socio-digital participation and friendship networks

Digital technologies have been increasingly embedded in students’ everyday lives. Interest-driven socio-digital participation (ISDP) involves students’ pursuit of interests mediated by computers, social media, the internet, and mobile devices’ integrated systems.ISDPis likely to intertwine closely with young people’s social networks that has been scarcely studied quantitatively. To close this gap, the present paper investigated students’ peer selection and influence effects of the intensity of their ISDP and friendship networks. We collected two-wave data by administering a peer nomination to trace students’ friendship networks with peers and a self-reported questionnaire to examine student…

research product

Students with reading and spelling disabilities: peer groups and educational attainment in secondary education.

The present study investigated whether the members of adolescents’ peer groups are similar in reading and spelling disabilities and whether this similarity contributes to subsequent school achievement and educational attainment. The sample consisted of 375 Finnish adolescents whose reading and spelling disabilities were assessed at age 16 with the Finnish dyslexia screening test. The students also completed a sociometric nomination measure that was used to identify their peer groups. Register information on participants’ school grades also was available, and educational attainment in secondary education was recorded 5 years after completion of the 9 years of basic education. The results re…

research product

Kaveripiirin merkitys ammattikoululaisten koulumotivaatiossa

Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kaveripiirin merkitystä ammattikoululaisten koulumotivaatiossa. Tutkimuksessa oltiin kiinnostuneita siitä, muistuttavatko nuoret kavereitaan motivaation suhteen, solmivatko he uusia kaverisuhteita samanlaisen motivaation perusteella sekä vaikuttaako kaveripiirille tyypillinen motivaatio heidän omaan motivaatioonsa. Motivaatiota tutkittiin sisäisenä koulumotivaationa sekä käyttäytymiseen liittyvinä suoritusstrategioina: tehtävään suuntautumisena ja tehtävän välttelynä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin ammattikoulun opiskelijoilta ensimmäisenä (n = 1293) ja toisena (n = 644) opiskeluvuotena Niilo Mäki Instituutin Motivoimaa-hankkeen yhteydessä. Kyselyt toteut…

research product

Teacher-perceived supportive classroom climate protects against detrimental impact of reading disability risk on peer rejection

Abstract This study examined the role of a supportive classroom climate, class size, and length of teaching experience as protective factors against children's peer rejection. A total of 376 children were assessed in kindergarten for risk for reading disabilities (RD) and rated by their teachers on socially withdrawn and disruptive behaviors. The grade 1 measures included sociometric peer assessment and teachers' self-ratings of their supportiveness in the classroom, together with information on class size and teaching experience. The results showed, first, that the studied social and learning risk factors positively predicted peer rejection in grade 1. Moreover, teacher-reported supportive…

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Patterns of word reading skill, interest and self-concept of ability

AbstractThe majority of previous research on academic skills, self-concept of ability and interest has deployed the variable-oriented approach and focused on self-concept, or ability, or interest only. This study examined the patterns and dynamics of pattern change in Finnish children’s word reading skill, self-concept of ability and interest from kindergarten to Grade 2. Six groups of children were identified by using the I-states as objects analysis (ISOA) procedure: (a) low skills, negative self-concept but high interest; (b) high skills but low interest; (c) average; (d) high skills, positive self-concept and high interest; (e) low skills, negative self-concept and low interest; and (f)…

research product

A Validation of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System in Finnish Kindergartens

Research Findings: This study examined the validity and reliability of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS; R. C. Pianta, K. M. La Paro, & B. K. Hamre, 2008) in Finnish kindergartens. A pair of trained observers used the CLASS to observe 49 kindergarten teachers (47 female, 2 male) on two different days. Questionnaires measuring teachers' efficacy beliefs, exhaustion at work, and classroom interactional style (i.e., affection, behavioral control, and psychological control) were completed by the teachers. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that when the item measuring Negative Climate was excluded, the 3-factor solution assuming three positively correlated latent factors (i.e.…

research product

The role of reading difficulties in the associations between task values, efficacy beliefs, and achievement emotions

The aim of this study was to examine the situational associations of reading-related task values and efficacy beliefs with achievement emotions, and whether these associations are moderated by reading difficulties (RD). The sample comprised 128 Finnish sixth-grade students (66 with no reading difficulties [No RD], 31 with mild reading difficulties [Mild RD], and 31 with severe reading difficulties [Severe RD]) who were randomized to complete either a non-challenging or challenging reading task. Students reported their reading-related task values (attainment and interest) and efficacy beliefs right before and their achievement emotions both before and after performing the reading task. The r…

research product

The Youth Compass -the effectiveness of an online acceptance and commitment therapy program to promote adolescent mental health: A randomized controlled trial

Abstract Purpose Mental health problems affect 10-20% of adolescents worldwide. Prevention and early interventions for promoting adolescent mental health are therefore warranted. The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to examine the effects of a 5-week web-intervention (Youth COMPASS) based on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on adolescents’ depressive symptoms, life satisfaction and psychological flexibility. Methods The sample comprised 243 adolescents at the age of 15-16 years (51%females) from 15 lower secondary schools. Participants were randomly assigned to three groups of which two groups received an ACT-based online-intervention including support via What…

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