Thomas Mouillot

Taste disorders in disease

Among the different sensory systems, gustation is one of the most elaborate. In its sensory task, gustation is helped by interactions with other sensory systems (olfaction, vision, audition, and somatosensory, trigeminal and thermal sensations). It allows the detection and identification of soluble compounds which can be ingested or must be avoided. This function is fundamental to ingestive behavior (energy intake and selection of nutrients) in order to meet physiological needs. Taste is also fundamental to the genesis of hedonic sensations and, therefore, the desire to eat (appetite). The tasting step is also the first stage of the digestion, absorption, and storage of nutrients due to ant…

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Dietary components modulate the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients.

Abstract Eighty percent of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cases occur after cirrhosis from various etiologies. The association between diet and cancer is well accepted, but the links with cirrhosis progression and HCC risk have been poorly investigated. However, we hypothesized that diet could be a modifiable preventive factor for HCC. Thus, the aim of our study was to explore the relationships between dietary factors and the risk of HCC in a population of cirrhotic patients. A total of 582 cirrhotic patients were studied: 401 without HCC (controls) and 181 with HCC (cases). These patients were recruited between 2008 and 2012 for the “CiRCE” case-control study conducted in six French univer…

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Gustatory evoked potentials activity and fatty taste

International audience; Introduction: Gustatory evoked potentials (GEP), detected in response to an intermittent stimulation of the gustatory receptors by a primary flavor, are a reliable and safe record of the human gustatory function. We previously highlighted the modifications of GEP in response to saccharose stimulation by the concentration of the saccharose solution and its hedonic sensation. Fatty taste might be considered as the sixth primary flavor. We aimed to demonstrate that GEP in response to fatty taste stimulation do exist, and to compare these GEP with the GEP in response to saccharose and salty taste.Methods: Healthy and voluntary male subjects were included. Each subject un…

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Diagnostic accuracy of the Periscreen (TM) reagent strip in diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in cirrhotic patients (PerDRISLA study)

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Personality types in individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Objective The Type A personality, characterized by impatience, strong career ambition and competitiveness, is associated with greater sensitivity to external stress. Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an auto-immune disease, which is potentially influenced by stress, unlike type 2 diabetes (T2D). The aim of this study was to assess whether individuals with T1D and T2D exhibited significant differences on the Type A personality scale. We also assessed personality in patients with thyroid auto-immune diseases to validate potential links between auto-immune disease and Type A personality. Design and methods The Bortner questionnaire was used to assess Type A personality in 188 patients with T1D, 430 pa…

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Modification des ingestions protéiques par la séance d’hémodialyse : une piste pour lutter contre la dénutrition

Introduction La denutrition proteino-energetique est un facteur de risque de mortalite chez les patients (P) en hemodialyse (HD). Le but de l’etude est de determiner si les apports alimentaires sont modifies par la seance d’HD et d’en rechercher d’eventuels mediateurs. Patients et methodes Un large choix d’aliments est propose a des P dialyses, non diabetiques, non fumeurs, sans comorbidite evolutive, 2 jours consecutifs a 12 heures apres l’HD et un jour sans HD. Les P choisissent la nature et la quantite d’aliments et leurs ingestions sont quantifiees. Des questionnaires avec echelle visuelle analogique permettent d’evaluer les criteres de choix des aliments. Les concentrations plasmatique…

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Potentiel inflammatoire de l’alimentation et risque de carcinome hépatocellulaire chez des patients atteints de cirrhose

Introduction et but de l’etude La repetition d’episodes inflammatoires de plusieurs origines (virales, alcooliques, metaboliques) conduisant a la cirrhose sont sans doute des causes majeures de carcinogenese hepatique. La relation entre alimentation et carcinome hepatocellulaire (CHC) sur cirrhose a encore ete peu exploree. Notre objectif etait d’examiner l’association entre le potentiel inflammatoire de l’alimentation (evalue par Dietary Inflammatory Index, DII) et le risque de CHC chez des patients cirrhotiques. Materiel et methodes Dans l’etude multicentrique CiRCE (Cirrhose et Risque de Carcinome hepatocellulaire dans le grand Est), 181 patients cirrhotiques avec CHC (cas) et 401 patien…

research product

A new method to calculate external mechanical work using force-platform data in ecological situations in humans: Application to Parkinson's disease

Abstract Background and aim To accurately quantify the cost of physical activity and to evaluate the different components of energy expenditure in humans, it is necessary to evaluate external mechanical work ( W EXT ). Large platform systems surpass other currently used techniques. Here, we describe a calculation method for force-platforms to calculate long-term W EXT . Methods Each force-platform (2.46 × 1.60 m and 3.80 × 2.48 m) rests on 4 piezoelectric sensors. During long periods of recording, a drift in the speed of displacement of the center of mass (necessary to calculate W EXT ) is generated. To suppress this drift, wavelet decomposition is used to low-pass filter the source signal.…

research product

Specific norovirus interaction with Lewis x and Lewis a on human intestinal inflammatory mucosa during refractory inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), are progressive diseases affecting millions of people each year. Flare-ups during IBD result in severe mucosal alterations of the small intestine (in CD) and in the colon and rectum (in CD and UC).

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Impact pronostique de la concentration de 3-hydroxymyristate sur la survie des patients atteints de cirrhose alcoolique ou virale

Etat de la question Le role de l’endotoxemie liee a la translocation bacterienne sur l’aggravation de la cirrhose fait l’objet de nombreuses etudes, mais son impact sur la mortalite au cours de la cirrhose est mal connu. Le but de ce travail etait d’etudier l’impact de la concentration sanguine de 3-hydroxymyristate (3-HM) total (composant specifique des lipopolysaccharides, endotoxine), sur le risque de deces et de complications des malades cirrhotiques. Materiel et methodes Au total, 593 patients atteints de cirrhose alcoolique ou virale, sans carcinome hepatocellulaire ont ete inclus entre 2008 et 2012 dans six centres hospitalo-universitaires francais. Le dosage de 3-HM total, libre et …

research product

Taste of Fat and Obesity: Different Hypotheses and Our Point of View

Obesity results from a temporary or prolonged positive energy balance due to an alteration in the homeostatic feedback of energy balance. Food, with its discriminative and hedonic qualities, is a key element of reward-based energy intake. An alteration in the brain reward system for highly palatable energy-rich foods, comprised of fat and carbohydrates, could be one of the main factors involved in the development of obesity by increasing the attractiveness and consumption of fat-rich foods. This would induce, in turn, a decrease in the taste of fat. A better understanding of the altered reward system in obesity may open the door to a new era for the diagnosis, management and treatment of th…

research product

Facteurs nutritionnels et risque de carcinome hépatocellulaire chez des personnes atteintes de cirrhose

Introduction et but de l’etude Le carcinome hepatocellulaire (CHC) se developpe dans 80 % des cas sur un foie cirrhotique. En France, l’incidence augmente et les traitements restent peu efficaces. L’alimentation peut etre un moyen de prevention interessant mais les resultats d’etudes dans ce domaine restent rares et divergents. Notre objectif etait donc d’etudier les liens entre differents facteurs alimentaires et le risque de CHC dans une population francaise atteinte de cirrhose. Materiel et methodes Pour l’etude multicentrique Cirrhose et risque de carcinome hepatocellulaire dans le grand est (CiRCE), des patients cirrhotiques avec CHC histologiquement confirme (cas) et des patients cirr…

research product

potentiels évoqués gustatifs chez l'Homme en réponse à une stimulation sucrée

International audience

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Nutrition and physical activity: French intergroup clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up (SNFGE, FFCD, GERCOR, UNICANCER, SFCD, SFED, SFRO, ACHBT, AFC, SFP-APA, SFNCM, AFSOS)

International audience; This document is a summary of the French intergroup guidelines regarding the nutrition and physical activity (PA) management in digestive oncology. This collaborative work was produced under the auspices of all French medical and surgical societies involved in digestive oncology, nutrition and supportive care. It is based on published guidelines, recent literature review and expert opinions. Recommendations are graded according to the level of evidence. Malnutrition affects more than half of patients with digestive cancers and is often underdiagnosed. It has multiple negative consequences on survival, quality of life and risk of treatment complications. Consequently,…

research product

Gustatory evoked potentials and cerebral control of food intake in obese subjects (PEGASE study)

research product

Cortical taste activity in response to sucrose and sweeteners solutions: a study using gustatory evoked potential

Introduction: Sweeteners are widespread in overweight or diabetic patients because of their high sweetening power and their light effect on glycaemia. Sweeteners effects on cortical activity, reflecting both cortical analysis and gustatory signalization pathway, are not well known. We observed previously that gustatory evoked potentials (GEPs) in response to sucrose varied in latency and/or in amplitude with sucrose concentration of the solution, the pleasantness of taste and the feeding status. The aim was to compare the gustatory cortical activity by recording GEPs in response to sucrose, aspartame and stevia solutions.Methods: Twenty healthy non-smoker adult volunteers were included (mea…

research product

La privation de sommeil fait grossir : mythe ou réalité ?

Resume Notre rythme de vie actuel a entraine une diminution progressive du temps alloue au sommeil. En France, une personne sur 3 dormirait moins de 7 heures par nuit. Dans le meme temps, le nombre de patients souffrant d’obesite a augmente. De nombreuses etudes epidemiologiques soulignent le lien entre la faible duree du temps de sommeil et la prise de poids. En parallele, les etudes experimentales ont observe que la privation de sommeil modifiait le comportement alimentaire en augmentant la sensation de faim et la prise alimentaire. Le cycle nycthemeral induit par l’alternance lumiere–obscurite a une influence majeure sur le sommeil mais aussi sur le comportement alimentaire : la lumiere …

research product

Prognostic Impact of 3-HM Concentration in Patients with Alcoholic or Viral Cirrhosis

The role of endotoxemia related to intestinal bacterial translocation in worsening liver disease is the subject of many studies, but its impact on cirrhosis mortality has not been well evaluated. In this study, 3-hydroxymyristate (3-HM) (specific lipid of lipopolysaccharides) was directly quantified by an innovative patented assay with the aim of assessing the impact on cirrhosis mortality. The 3-HM concentration was measured in 593 patients with alcoholic or viral cirrhosis in stable clinical condition. A Cox hazards regression model was used to evaluate association between 3-HM and its fractions bound or nor bound to lipoprotein and the mortality. The 3-HM concentration was increased in p…

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