Jaana Kettunen

Career practitioners' conceptions of competency for social media in career services

This article reports findings from a phenomenographic investigation into career practitioners' understanding of competency for social media in career services. Sixteen Danish and Finnish practitioners with experience using social media in career services were interviewed in focus groups. Competency for social media in career services was conceived as (i) an ability to use social media for delivering information, (ii) an ability to use social media for delivering career services, (iii) an ability to utilise social media for collaborative career exploration and (iv) an ability to utilise social media for co-careering. The findings can be used to develop pre-service and in-service training of …

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The Perceived Role of Technology in Career Guidance among Practitioners Who are Experienced Internet Users

The increasing use of technology is placing new demands on career guidance practitioners. This article examines what changes, if any, have occurred in the perceptions of guidance practitioners regarding their role and the role of the internet in meeting guidance goals and delivering career guidance services. The data were collected in focus groups in 2001–2002 and a follow-up study in 2010. A total of seven focus groups were held. The data were analysed using combined methods. The results indicated that practitioners now observe that the need for differentiated service delivery modes is more explicit due to varied levels of readiness in decision-making and ICT literacy.

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The Validity of Social Media-Based Career Information

The use of social media expands the availability and sources of career information. However, the authorship of this information has changed from traditional print media and multimedia sources created by experts to social media–based career information created by the users themselves. Although variability in career information validity has been an issue for some time, rapid growth in the use of social media creates some unique challenges. The ease with which social media–based career information can spread creates the potential for rapid widespread dissemination of disinformation and biased perceptions. Potential sources of invalidity include intentional bias (with or without profit motive),…

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IAEVG 44. kansainvälinen konferenssi 19.-22.10.2021 Riika, Latvia

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Four essentials for using digital technologies in career guidance

Information and communication technology (ICT) has gradually gained a firm foothold within the field of guidance and counselling. There has been significant progress in integrating new technologies into career services and related practices – but potential for further improvement persists. nonPeerReviewed

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Career guidance policy and practice in the pandemic : results of a joint international survey

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Struggle over joint audit: on behalf of public interest?

International audience; European Commission (EC 2011) has recently suggested joint audit - broadly defined as an audit where two independent auditors are jointly liable for the audit report - as a way a way to increase audit quality after the financial crisis and to mitigate audit market concentration, by enlarging the audit offer. Big 4 audit firms have fought this proposal by arguing its unbearable cost while 2nd Tier audit firms have supported it by arguing its added quality. This conflicting position leads us to question their claim of public interest concern. As group-interest economic regulation theories predict that the absence of any effect of a new regulation (here: joint audit) is…

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A Phenomenographic Research Study of Students’ Conceptions of Mobile Learning: An Example From Higher Education

This article aims to identify different ways of using mobile devices in students’ learning in higher education. This qualitative research presents the findings from a phenomenographic research of students’ conceptions of mobile learning (m-learning) in higher education. A cohort of 16 students from four universities of Bangladesh took part in semi-structured interviews to explore their in-depth understandings and experiences of m-learning. The findings indicate that university students perceived five qualitatively different ways of using mobile devices in their learning: a medium for communication; a medium for management of learning materials; a tool for effective learning; a means for co…

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International review of the effects of COVID-19 on career guidance policy and practice

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ICCDPP International Symposium Norway 2019 Synthesis Report : Theme 4 : Leading innovative change for the future

This paper summarises how countries participating in the ICCDPP symposium are innovating and addressing change in career development practice and policy. Some innovations are concerned with the development and implementation of guidance policies while others focus on new ways to design and organise the career development services and innovations. nonPeerReviewed

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Identifying standards for career professionalism

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Interlingual translation of the International Financial Reporting Standards as institutional work

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been widely adopted well beyond English-speaking jurisdictions. Using the Finnish translation of the IFRS as a primary object of investigation, this article analyses the way in which the standards are translated into another language. Drawing on interviews with translators and translation review committee members and on an analysis of archival materials, it provides an empirically grounded understanding of practical problems of linguistic equivalence, and the institutional work required to maintain the IFRS as a global, translingual institution. Accordingly, the article highlights the constructed and negotiated nature of the lingui…

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Die Praxis der Online-Bildungsberatung und Implikationen für die Skills der Beraterinnen und Berater

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European Guidance Week 2017 : EU Presidency Conference on Lifelong Guidance Policy and Practice 27th-28th September 2017. Background paper

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Editorial for the Third Volume of NJTCG

It is with great pleasure that we present the third issue of the Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance (NJTCG). This issue continues to promote exciting articles and researchers at all stages of their careers. nonPeerReviewed

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Kehittämishankkeet korkeakoulutuksen työelämärelevanssin edistäjänä

Tiivistelmä Muuttuvan työelämän tarpeet ohjaavat entistä painokkaammin kehittämään yhteistyötä korkeakoulutuksen ja työelämän välillä sekä vahvistamaan jatkuvan oppimisen kulttuuria. Yksilötasolla paremmat yleiset työelämätaidot avaavat uusia työllistymismahdollisuuksia ja tukevat opiskelijaa opitun soveltamisessa. Yhteiskunnan tasolla korkeakoulujen työelämäyhteyksien kehitystyöllä varmistetaan työvoiman saatavuutta ja nopeutetaan työllistymistä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan käynnissä olevia ja jo päättyneitä korkeakoulutuksen ja työelämän väliseen yhteistyöhön liittyviä kehittämishankkeita (n=12), niissä tunnistettavia erilaisia työelämäyhteyksien kehittämiseen liittyviä malleja sekä…

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Bridging the gap between research and practice : using phenomenographic findings to develop training for career practitioners

AbstractThis study contends that phenomenography offers both a useful research method and practical tools for developing education and training for career practitioners. After introducing the basic principles of phenomenography, the study reviews previous research on its potential in developing pedagogical practices. It explores how the phenomenographic findings were utilized to design an online skills training programme for career practitioners. The study finds that phenomenographic research serves three practical pedagogical purposes: (1) revealing how learners understand certain concepts or phenomena, (2) elucidating how these understandings differ; and (3) identifying critical aspects i…

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Työelämään tutustumisen kohtauspaikka verkossa - TET-tori

Työelämä elää murroskautta. Nuoren työvoiman määrä on ollut vuodesta 2003 alkaen pienempi kuin työelämästä poistuvien määrä. Taitekohdan ajoittuminen vaihtelee alueittain, mutta muutoksen arvioidaan tapahtuvan koko maassa vuoteen 2009 mennessä. Ikäluokkien pienentyessä ammattitaitoisista nuorista tulee haluttua työvoimaa. Maakunnat tarvitsevat kaikki oman alueensa nuoret jatkokouluttautumaan ja tulevaisuudessa työskentelemään kotiseudullaan. peerReviewed

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The 3rd International Summer School on the use of ICT in guidance was a great success

The use of lCT, including social media, is a natural part of the work of more and more guidance practitioners. What skills and competences practitioners need to work professionally in technological contexts? This was one of the issues discussed and practiced at the Jyväskylä International Summer School in August 2018. nonPeerReviewed

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European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network representatives’ conceptions of the role of information and communication technologies related to national guidance policies

This article reports findings from a phenomenographic investigation into European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network representatives’ conceptions of the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) related to national lifelong guidance policies. The role of ICT in relation to national lifelong guidance policies was conceived as (1) unexploited, (2) emerging, (3) acknowledged but fragmented, and (4) strategic. The hierarchical structure of the findings may serve as a tool to enable policy makers and other stakeholders to deepen their understanding of critical aspects that may have an important role in relation to further developments and the successful implementation of existing an…

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Expanding CGC Professionals´Understanding of ICT

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Practitioners’ Experiences of Social Media in Career Services

A growing number of career practitioners and career centers are reaching out to individuals and community members in new ways by integrating various social media tools, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, into their professional practices (e.g., Dyson, 2012; Osborn & LoFrisco, 2012). To many, social media are simply online tools to share information and to communicate and socialize with one another. In the broader sense, social media is defined as a process whereby individuals and groups build a common understanding and meaning with contents, communities, and Web 2.0 technology (e.g., Ahlqvist, Back, Heinonen, & Halonen, 2010; Kangas, Toivonen, & Back, 2007).An extensive body of litera…

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The role of practitioners in helping persons make effective use of information and communication technology in career interventions

We examine the role of counselors and other practitioners in delivering career interventions using Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Current benefits and limitations of ICT use provide the basis for recommendations. Potential benefits of increased ICT engagement include cost-effectiveness and improved access to resources and support. Potential limitations include poor assessment and information quality, limited practitioner support when needed, problems with distance intervention and social media, confidentiality of client records, inequality of access, inadequate competencies, and poor implementation. Specific practitioner roles are identified, and those related to social med…

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"Learning Online" for Vocational Teachers : Visualisation of a Competence-Based Approach in Digital Open Badge-Driven Learning

Vocational education in Finland is based on competence-based qualification requirements. Meanwhile, digital open badges promote competence-based assessment and shared expertise in digital environments. The educational setting supports gamified learning solutions and enhances student motivation. The current study aims to examine how learners experience the competence-based approach in the badge-driven learning process of professional development. The theoretical framework focuses on the concept of instructional badging in the competence-based approach. Coordinated by the country’s northernmost school of profesional teacher education, “Learning Online” is a national professional development p…

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Kansainvälinen tilannekatsaus COVID-19 pandemian vaikutuksista ohjaukseen

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Urasuunnittelutaitoja jäsentävä selvitys ja näkökulmia jatkokehittämistä varten

Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan kansalliseen ja kansainväliseen kirjallisuuteen pohjautuen sitä, kuin- ka yksilöiden ja ryhmien urasuunnittelutaidot vahvistuvat eri elämänvaiheissa ja konteksteissa. Lisäksi kuvataan sitä, millaisilla julkisilla ja yksityisillä palveluilla voidaan tukea urasuunnittelutaitojen kehittymistä. Urasuunnittelutaidot nähdään monitahoisina, metakognitiivisina koko elämän ajan rakentuvina kompetensseina, joita yksilö kehittää vuorovaikutuksessa yhteiskunnan kanssa. Raportissa tarkastellaan eri maiden urasuunnittelutaitojen viitekehyksiä ja kootaan yhteen kansallisten ja kansainvälisten arviointien sekä kehittämishankkeiden kautta havaittuja urasuunnittelutaitojen osat…

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Uusi teos : Career and Career Guidance in the Nordic Countries

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IAEVG:n kansainvälinen konferenssi Göteborgissa 2-4.10.2018

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Career practitioners´ conceptions of ethical practice in social networking

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The European Status For Career Service Provider Credentialing : Professionalism in European Union (EU) Guidance Policies

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Ohjaajilla vaihtelevat käsitykset urasuunnittelutaidoista

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Alueellisen elinikäisen ohjauksen kehittäminen : viestintä ja jatkuva oppiminen

Raportissa jatketaan aiemmin aloitettua elinikäisen ohjauksen alueel- lisen koordinaation tarkastelua. Empiirinen aineisto koostuu kyselyai- neistosta, johon ovat vastanneet alueelliset ryhmät. Aineiston perus- teella ELO-ryhmien toiminta näyttää kokonaisuutena vakiintuneen alueilla ja ryhmien edustajat ovat sitoutuneita alueellisen toiminnan kehittämiseen. Keskeisenä haasteena on ELO-ryhmien erilaiset toi- mintaedellytykset alueilla ja ohjaushenkilöstön täydennyskoulutuksen kansallinen koordinaatio. Haasteena on alueellisen ohjauksen yhteis- työn koordinaatio tulevan maakuntauudistuksen edetessä, ja osa ryhmistä on jo integroinut ohjauksen yhteistyön kehittämisen valmis- teilla oleviin hal…

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Ohjausalan toimijoiden käsityksiä tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käyttöönoton haasteista

Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan (TVT) integrointi TNO-palveluihin ja niihin liittyviin käytäntöihin on edennyt merkittävästi, mutta kehittämisen varaa on yhä. Tämä tutkimus pyrkii osaltaan vastaamaan tähän tarpeeseen tarkastelemalla, millaisia haasteita TVT:n käyttöönotossa on havaittu. Tutkimus pohjautuu 16:n eri maan ohjausalan edustajille tehtyyn kyselyyn, joka toteutettiin elinikäisen ohjauksen toimintapolitiikkaa käsittelevän symposiumin (ICCDPP) yhteydessä. nonPeerReviewed

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Musiikkikurssin toteuttaminen Peda.netin verkkotyövälineiden avulla

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Setting Nordic Career Guidance in Context

The introduction to this volume discusses the importance of situating career and career guidance in context. It makes a connection to wider research and writing that challenges the idea that career theory can be global and universal and argues that there is a need for attention to local context and culture. It then moves on to set the scene for a volume focusing on the Nordic countries, by defining the ‘Nordic’ and exploring key features of the region including the Nordic welfare model and the history of collaborations in career guidance across the region. It proposes the four ‘COs’ of Nordic career guidance (context, community, co-construction and collaboration) before outlining the struct…

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Developments in the Use of ICT in Lifelong Guidance : Implications for Guidance Services and Related Practices

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Maailmanlaajuinen ohjauksen ja urasuunnittelun kuukausi - Global Careers month

Kansainvälisten organisaatiot (Euroopan komission, EU:n ammatillisen koulutuksen kehittämiskeskus Cedefop, Euroopan koulutussäätiö ETF, ILO, OECD, UNESCO ja Maailmanpankki World Bank) järjestävät yhdessä maailmanlaajuisen ohjauksen ja urasuunnittelun kuukauden 8.10. - 12.12.2022. Tänä aikana järjestetään useita ohjausalan tapahtumia yhteistyössä kansainvälisten ja kansallisten toimijoiden kanssa. nonPeerReviewed

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Tuki ja ohjaus työelämäpedagogiikassa : johdanto

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ICT – the new frontier? Pushing the boundaries of careers practice

Much progress has been made in integrating information and communications technology ICT into careers practice, but there is still room for improvement. An international lens is adopted to examine some key elements that contribute to the successful integration of information communications technology (ICT) into careers practice. We start by exploring the role of policy, using the UK as a case study. Next, the perceptions that Finnish career practitioners have of ICT are reviewed using research findings into the different ways they think about social media and its purpose in career services. Finally, lessons learned from the design and integration of online services within career development…

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Digital transitions lifelong guidance : Rethinking careers practitioner professionalism

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Tuki ja ohjaus työelämäpedagogiikassa : pohdinta

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The educational paradigm shift—a phenomenographic study of medical teachers’ experiences of practices

Abstract Background This paper proposes a novel approach to the development of competence-oriented higher education, a national transformation aimed at harmonising and digitising undergraduate medical and dental education in Finland. Methods We apply phenomenography as a viable qualitative method for medical education research. To better understand medical teachers’ expectations towards the change in the educational paradigm, we need to study teachers’ experiences of the current practices in undergraduate medical and dental education. The phenomenographic approach facilitates solid links between research, educational development, and change. Results The phenomenographic study maps the quali…

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Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käyttöönoton haasteita ohjauksessa

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Enhancing practitioners’ skills to work in the digital context

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One-Stop Guidance Service Centres in Finland

This chapter describes Finnish efforts to introduce and expand the service model known as the ‘One-Stop Guidance Centre’ as a tool for Youth Guarantee implementation. A One-Stop Guidance Centre is a physical location where a young person can access the entire service provision. Firstly, the chapter explores the levels of youth unemployment in Nordic countries. Secondly, the evolution and development of the One-Stop Guidance Centres based on the private-public-people-partners approach is presented. Lastly, some emerging outcomes are reviewed. peerReviewed

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Enhanced Customer Cooperation : Experiences with cooperative compliance in Finland

This report examines the experiences with a collaborative compliance project – Enhanced Customer Cooperation (ECC) – introduced by the Finnish Tax Administration. The ECC was introduced by the Large Taxpayers’ Unit of the Finnish Tax Administration at the beginning of 2013, and it ran as a pilot until the end of 2015. Since the start of 2016, the ECC has been a part of the permanent operations of the Large Taxpayers’ Unit. Based on the interviews with tax officers, corporations participating in the ECC and tax lawyers and tax consultants, the ECC is bringing about a cultural change in the administrative practices and ways of communicating between tax authorities and taxpayers. In general, t…

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Fifth CareersNet annual meeting : New directions for partnerships in lifelong guidance and career development

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Millaista osaamista ohjausalan työtehtävissä tarvitaan nyt ja tulevaisuudessa?

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Career experts' conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance

AbstractThis article reports the findings from a phenomenographic study of career experts’ conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance settings. The results show that conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance varied from minimal, aspirational, strategic to systemic. By exploring the logical relationship between qualitatively different conceptions, it provides policymakers and other stakeholders with a way of holistically viewing the varying levels of lifelong guidance systems development. The matrix presented in this article may serve as a catalyst for reflection on crucial elements, such as legislation, leadership and cooperation, that have the potential to improv…

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Ohjaajien näkemyksiä verkkoyhteisöpalvelujen eettisestä käytöstä

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Nordic Section of NICE (Vala Network) Established Summer School on the Use of ICT in Guidance and Counselling

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Merkittävä kansainvälinen tunnustuspalkinto Raimo Vuoriselle

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Millaisia taitoja sosiaalisessa mediassa tapahtuva ohjaus edellyttää?

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Inside IAEVG : IAEVGs website renewal

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OECD : Career Readiness -hanke

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Exploring Finnish Guidance Counselors’ Conceptions of Career Management Skills

This article reports the findings from a phenomenographic investigation into guidance counselors’ conceptions of career management skills (CMS). The results show that CMS was conceived as (a) information-based knowledge, (b) personal skills development, (c) interpersonal skills development, and (d) autonomous application of skills. The differences appeared along six dimensions of variation that included awareness of CMS, emphasis, promotion of CMS, teaching practice, assessment, and attitude. The findings give us a more profound understanding of critical aspects that may have an important role in the development of individual’s CMS.

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Ohjaamot eurooppalaisessa elinikäisen ohjauksen kontekstissa

Puheenvuoro tarkastelee Ohjaamojen kehittämistä eurooppalaisten elinikäisen ohjauksen periaatteiden, suuntaviivojen sekä EU:n koulutus-, työvoima- ja nuorisotakuun tavoitteiden näkökulmasta. Tarkasteltavina teemoina ovat muun muassa kansalaiskeskeisyys, osallistava lähestymistapa, palvelujen saatavuus ja tasa-arvoisuus sekä sidosryhmien osallisuus sekä suunnittelussa että sopimuksiin perustuvissa paikallisissa ratkaisuissa. Eurooppalaisessa kontekstissa Ohjaamot ovat toimiva esimerkki monihallinnollisesta poliittisesta päätöksenteosta, monialaisista paikallisista ratkaisuista sekä moniammatillisesti toimivista palveluprosesseista. nonPeerReviewed

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Uusi pohjoismainen ohjausalan tutkimuslehti on täällä

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Elinikäisen ohjauksen kaksi vuosikymmentä ja ohjauksen tulevaisuus

Jyväskylän yliopiston Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitoksella juhlistettiin KT Raimo Vuorisen uraa ja eläköitymistä ”Elinikäisen ohjauksen kaksi vuosikymmentä ja ohjauksen tulevaisuus” -seminaarilla 9. kesäkuuta 2022. Vuorisen uran keskeisiä teemoja mukaillen seminaarissa keskusteltiin elinikäisen ohjauksen ja siihen liittyvien politiikkatoimien kehityksestä Suomessa ja maailmalla. Tapahtumaan osallistui paikan päällä reilut 70 henkilöä ja suorassa verkkolähetyksessä keskusteluja seurasi yli 200 katsojaa ympäri maailman. nonPeerReviewed

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Continuity and discontinuity in lifelong guidance and career development policy 18.-19.11.2022

Euroopan unionin ammatillisen koulutuksen kehittämiskeskuksen (Cedefop) johtama CareersNet -verkosto järjesti yhteistyössä Tšekkien EU-puheenjohtajuuden kanssa 18.-19. joulukuuta 2022 verkkokokouksen, jonka teemana oli jatkuvuus ja epäjatkuvuus elinikäisessä ohjauksessa ja ohjauksen toimintapolitiikassa. EU:n jäsenmaissa CareersNet -verkostoon kuuluu Cedefopin nimeämä asiantuntijataho, jonka tehtävänä on koota elinikäisen maakohtaisia perustietoja ohjauksen järjestelyistä yhteisesti sovitun jäsennyksen mukaisesti. Tavoitteena on, että tietoja päivitetään vähintään kahden vuoden välein. Verkoston suomalaisena asiantuntijana toimii Jaana Kettunen Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitoksesta. nonPeerReview…

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Raportti : Lifelong guidance policy and practice in the EU: trends, challenges and opportunities

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Career practitioners' conceptions of social media in career services

This article reports the outcomes of a study, undertaken from a phenomenographic perspective, of career practitioners' conceptions of social media usage in career services. Fifteen Finnish career practitioners – representing comprehensive, secondary and higher education as well as public employment services – were interviewed in focus groups. The analysis of the interview data revealed five distinct descriptive categories reflecting the career practitioners' conceptions of social media's use in career services. Social media in career services was conceived as (1) unnecessary, (2) dispensable, (3) a possibility, (4) desirable and (5) indispensable. The results indicated associations between …

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OECD : Career guidance for adults in a changing world of work

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Career experts’ conceptions of innovation in career development

AbstractThis article reports the findings from a phenomenographic investigation into career experts’ conceptions of innovation in career development. The results show that conceptions of innovation in career development varied from (1) initiating service, (2) developing demographic-based programmes, (3) professionalising the sector to (4) exploiting cross-sectoral synergies. The findings give us a more profound understanding of critical aspects that may have an important role in improving innovation in career development.

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Sosiale media gir nye moglegheiter for karriererettleiarar

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Toisen asteen opiskelijat pääosin tyytyväisiä opinto-ohjauksen saatavuuteen ja riittävyyteen

Jyväskylän yliopiston Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos (KTL) on selvittänyt OKM:n toimeksiannosta lukiokoulutuksen ja ammatillisen koulutuksen opinto-ohjauksen määrällistä saatavuutta ja riittävyyttä sekä resursoinnin keskeisiä puutteita ja kehittämiskohteita opiskelijoiden, ohjausta toteuttavan henkilöstön ja koulutuksen järjestäjien näkökulmista. nonPeerReviewed

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Strategic competence and the transformative role of ICT in lifelong guidance

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Oppilaiden urasuunnittelutaitojen osaamisessa tapahtuneet muutokset 2012–2018

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The rise of social media in career guidance

Social media is regularly in the ‘news’ for good and for not so good reasons. In career development social media can be used by organisations to further develop a common understanding with clients. For many, social media is simply a collection of online tools that enable communities to share information, communicate and socialise. Social media provides new opportunities for career practitioners, but it also creates a demand in terms of new competencies. Following on from NCGE’s recent webinar that covered areas including using ICT tools and Social Media in guidance, in this article Jaana Kettunen explores the use and importance of social media in and for career guidance services. nonPeerRev…

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Perceived challenges in implementing ICT in career services

Information and communication technology (ICT) has gradually gained a firm foothold within the field of guidance counselling. There is evidence of significant progress in integrating ICT into career services and related practices; however, the potential for further improvement persists. With the continuous proliferation of new technologies, improving the implementation of ICT in career services has become increasingly important. In this article Dr Jaana Kettunen outlines research from career development experts’ perspectives; providing important insights into the perceived challenges involved in the implementation of ICT in career services. nonPeerReviewed

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Ohjausalan toimijoiden käsityksiä ohjauksen innovaatioista

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Editorial for the Second Volume of NJTCG

It is our great pleasure to introduce the second issue of Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance (NJTCG), a new international forum for the growing body of career research in the Nordic region. nonPeerReviewed

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The Birth of a New Nordic Career Guidance Journal

Welcome to the first issue of the Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance (NJTCG), a new international forum for the growing body of research in the Nordic region. Resume Velkommen til forste udgave af Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance (NJTCG), et nyt internationalt forum for en stodt stigende publicering af forskning om indenfor overgange, karriere og vejledning i Norden. Abstrakti Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance (NJTCG) on uusi kansainvalinen julkaisufoorumi kasvavalle pohjoismaiselle ohjausalan tutkimukselle. Tervetuloa ensimmaisen numeron pariin. Utdrattur Velkomin, og takk fyrir innlitið i fyrsta hefti Nordic Journal of Transitions, Car…

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Practitioners’ conceptions of ethical practice in social networking in career services

AbstractThis article reports on a phenomenographic investigation into practitioners’ conceptions of ethical practice in social networking in career services. The results show that ethical practice was conceived as stemming from: (1) an information orientation, (2) a networking orientation, (3) an educational orientation, and (4) a collaborative orientation. Differences appeared along six dimensions including: approach, activities, level of usage, perception, strategy and ethical principles. The findings give us a more profound understanding of critical aspects that may have an important role in relation to further developments and the successful implementation of existing and emerging techn…

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Applying phenomenography in guidance and counselling research

This paper examines phenomenography as a viable qualitative approach in guidance and counselling research. A phenomenographic study maps the qualitatively different ways in which people experience a specific phenomenon and helps researchers to describe the aspects that make one way of experiencing a certain phenomenon qualitatively distinct from another. This paper presents an overview of phenomenographic research, encompassing theoretical, methodological and practical considerations. The application of this approach in guidance and counselling studies is illustrated with examples. peerReviewed

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Sosiaalisen median taidot ohjauksessa

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Enhancing career practitioners’ competence in the use of ICT

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Career practitioners' conceptions of social media and competency for social media in career services

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Challenges in implementing ICT in career services : perspectives from career development experts

This article reports the findings from a phenomenographic investigation into career development experts’ conceptions of challenges involved in the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in career services. The results show that these challenges varied from (1) inadequate access to ICT, (2) inadequate access to information, and (3) inadequate skills and competencies, to (4) inadequate integration. These findings provide a deeper understanding of critical aspects that may have an important role in the further development and successful implementation of existing and emerging technologies within the guidance service sector. peerReviewed

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Yhteiset eurooppalaiset laatukriteerit elinikäiselle ohjaukselle

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Nordic Experiences of Co-Operative Compliance Programmes : Comparisons and Recommendations

For the last decade a major trend within tax administrations has been to shift from a roughly one size fits all approach—where close to all taxpayers experience a deterrence approach—to a more responsive and collaborative approach as in co-operative compliance programmes. Such programmes build on the idea that the participating corporations disclose relevant information including their tax risks and are transparent to the tax administrations and in return will tax administrations provide real-time predictability and clarity concerning taxation issues of relevance for the corporation. In brief, co-operative compliance builds on the slogan: “…certainty in exchange for transparency” (OECD 2016…

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OECD Conference | Disrupted futures: International lessons on how schools can best equip students for their working lives

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Consequences of the Abandonment of Mandatory Joint Audit : An Empirical Study of Audit Costs and Audit Quality Effects

Abstract This paper focuses on the unique Danish setting in examining the consequences of abandoning a mandatory joint audit regime. We study the effects on audit costs (measured by audit fees) and audit quality (measured by abnormal accruals) of the abandonment of the mandatory joint audit in Denmark in 2005. We perform our analysis on non-financial listed Danish companies for the 2002–2010 period. Our results show that a joint audit is associated with higher fees, but that the association between joint audit and abnormal accruals is insignificant. This suggests that the higher audit fees cannot be explained by higher audit quality. Our results are robust to alternative measurements of fee…

research product

Tuore raportti luo pohjaa elinikäisten urasuunnittelutaitojen vahvistamiselle

Jyväskylän yliopiston Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos on julkaissut raportin, jossa tarkastellaan kansalliseen ja kansainväliseen kirjallisuuteen pohjautuen urasuunnittelutaitojen vahvistumista eri elämänvaiheissa ja konteksteissa. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Työelämäpedagogiikka korkeakoulutuksessa : hyväksi havaittuja ja kehitteillä olevia käytänteitä

Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan korkeakoulupedagogiikkaa työelämäosaamisen vahvistamisen näkökulmasta ja luodaan katsaus korkeakoulutuksen toimintakulttuuria uudistavan Työelämäpedagogiikka korkeakoulutuksessa -hankkeen (myöhemmin TYÖPEDA) kehittämistoimenpiteiden lähtötilanteeseen: mitä on jo kehitetty tai kehitteillä. Työelämäpedagogiikalla tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä toimintamalleja, joissa korkeakoulut ja työelämä luovat yhdessä teoriaa ja käytäntöä yhdistäviä oppimisympäristöjä. Artikkeli perustuu kymmeneen työelämäpedagogiikkaa kehittävään korkeakoulutuksen käytänteeseen 2010-luvulta. Käytänteitä tarkastellaan korkeakoulujen ja työelämän yhteistyön, opiskelijoiden työelämätaitojen …

research product

Petri Lempinen toiseksi ELO-foorumin puheenjohtajaksi

research product

Joint Audit: Issues and Challenges for Researchers and Policy-Makers

International audience; The publication of the European Commission Green Paper, ‘Audit Policy: Lessons from the Crisis’ in October 2010, has stirred up a lively debate on the role of joint audits. This literature review identifies and evaluates, for the benefit of future research and regulators, existing evidence about joint audits. We find limited empirical support to suggest that joint audits lead to increased audit quality, but some empirical support to suggest that joint audits lead to additional costs. Overall, this paper indicates that joint audit should be seen as a mechanism that is embedded in a broader institutional context and not be considered in isolation from other factors tha…

research product

IAEVG 45. kansainvälinen konferenssi 6.-8.12.2022 Soul, Korea

Ohjausalan kansainvälisen keskusjärjestön IAEVG:n kansainvälinen konferenssi toteutettiin 6.-8.12.2022 hybridinä, eli niin että osallistuminen oli mahdollista niin paikan päällä kuin verkossa. Konferenssin järjestäjänä Koreassa toimivat kansallinen nuorisoasioita ja -politiikkaa käsittelevä tutkimuslaitos National Youth Policy Institute (NYPI) yhteistyössä mm. Aasian alueellisten ohjausalan yhdistysten kanssa. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Enhancing Career Practitioners’ Understanding and Use of ICT in Guidance and Counselling

This chapter describes the Nordic jointly developed international course on ICT in guidance and counselling. Firstly, the rational for developing such a course is discussed. Secondly the use of research-based framework is elaborated and application of it to the curriculum development is demonstrated. peerReviewed

research product

Investing in Career Guidance

research product