Salvatore Nuccio
A new phase locked loop strategy for power quality instruments synchronisation
Power quality instrumentation requires the accurate fundamental frequency estimation and the signal synchronization, even in presence of disturbances. In the paper the authors present an innovative synchronization technique, based on a single phase software PLL. To evaluate how the synchronization technique is adversely affected by the application of stationary and transient disturbing influences, appropriate testing conditions have been developed, taking into account the requirements of the in-force standards. In the paper the proposed technique is described and PLL performances in presence of stationary and transient disturbances are presented
I contatori di energia reattiva in regime distorto: stato dell'arte, misure e confronti teorico-sperimentali
Comparison of Nonactive Powers for the Detection of Dominant Harmonic Sources in Power Systems
This paper deals with an innovative technique for the detection of disturbing loads in distorted power systems. The technique is a single-point strategy based on a comparison among different ldquononactiverdquo power quantities already proposed in the literature, which are measured at the same metering section. In this paper, the effectiveness of the strategy is discussed, which also considered the errors of the measurement transducers; the analysis is supported by simulation tests, which were carried out on both a simple single-phase system and an IEEE standard three-phase test power system. The latter was used by other authors as a benchmark system for the analysis of multipoint measureme…
Development of Innovative Methods for Characterizing, Modeling and Correcting the Non-Ideal Behavior of A/D and D/A Conversion Channels, in Order to Contribute Towards Harmonizing and Upgrading International Standards
Current transformers effects on the measurement of harmonic active power in LV and MV networks
The harmonic active power is used to determine the location of polluting loads, the direction of harmonic power flow and to estimate how consequential a certain current harmonic source is. The highest uncertainties, when measuring harmonic active power, are introduced by the current and voltage transducers. This paper presents experimental results which show the impact of current transformers (CTs) on the accuracy of the harmonic power measurements. An expression for the evaluation of the power error in distorted conditions was developed which can be easily utilized in the case of linear current transducers. It is shown how CTs cannot be considered linear transducers and how the higher the …
Characterization and Error Compensation of a Rogowski Coil in the Presence of Harmonics
This paper reports the results of an experimental study dealing with a commercial Rogowski coil current transducer (RCCT) in the presence of harmonic distortion. The RCCT was observed under two conditions: 1) sinusoidal excitation with frequencies from 50 to 750 Hz and 2) nonsinusoidal excitation using fundamental frequency and one harmonic, with adjustable amplitude and phase shift. The experimental results show only a weak dependence of the harmonic current ratio error and phase displacement on the amplitude and phase shift of the excitation harmonic. The phase displacement is also independent of the conductor position within the Rogowski coil window. An error compensation method, based o…
Gestione dell’incertezza nelle misurazioni basate su PC
A PC-based wattmeter for accurate measurements in sinusoidal and distorted conditions: Setup and experimental characterization
This paper presents the development of a high-accuracy sampling wattmeter, which can be employed with both sinusoidal and distorted input signals. The proposed personal computer (PC)-based system is a simple, portable, and low-cost solution because it is based on two commercial data acquisition boards connected to a common PC. Owing to this solution, the voltage is sensed directly, avoiding expensive voltage dividers, while the current is sensed by means of a noninductive current shunt. Commercial software is also used for data processing and implementation of the virtual instrument. The setup of the PC-based wattmeter is described, with a detailed description of the correction strategy of …
A low cost and easy re-configurable instrument for power quality survey
In this document the development of a low cost and user friendly PC-based instrument for power quality measurement is proposed, according to IEC 61000-4-7 and standard IEC 61000-4-30. It is an easily re-configurable instrument able to measure harmonics, interharmonics and amplitude disturbances and supply unbalance. In order to verify its accuracy, the instrument has been tested according standard test procedures, by means of a built-up calibration test bench.
Valutazione dell’impatto degli ambienti industriali sugli strumenti di misura basati su personal computer
Un metodo single-point per l’individuazione delle sorgenti di armoniche nei sistemi elettrici di potenza
I contatori elettronici di energia reattiva in presenza di distorsione armonica
An harmonic test condition for the metrological characterization and the operating principle identification of reactive static meters
This paper faces the problem of the metrological characterization of the static meters for reactive energy in the presence of harmonic distortion. Starting from the only available accuracy test condition in the presence of harmonics introduced in the Standards for active static meters, an experimental approach is proposed for the verification of such meters in the presence of harmonic distortion, as well as for the individuation of their operating principle. A theoretical validation of the obtained results is presented by means of a comparison with a standard and a commercial static meter with a known operating principle.
Improvement of Hall Effect Current Transducer Metrological Performances in the Presence of Harmonic Distortion
The performance of Hall effect current transducers (HECTs), under distorted waveform conditions, is usually characterized by means of a frequency response test. In this paper, it was investigated if frequency response is able to correctly evaluate the ratio and the phase errors under distorted conditions. Two HECTs, with the accuracy class level of 1% and 0.5%, respectively, were experimentally characterized under two conditions: 1) sinusoidal excitation with frequencies ranging from 50 to 750 Hz, which is the well-known frequency response test, and 2) nonsinusoidal excitation using fundamental frequency and one harmonic with adjusted amplitude and phase shift. It was found that ratio and p…
Measurement uncertainty estimation of a virtual instrument
The law of uncertainty propagation is applied to a PC-based virtual instrument. According to the "guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement", the measuring model and the various sources of uncertainty have been taken into account. The expressions of the combined output uncertainty in various basic digital signal processing blocks, are obtained starting from each input sample absolute accuracy, without taking into account the parameters which regard the overall behavior of an acquisition board, such as the effective number of bits. In order to verify this procedure, the results obtained by means of the theoretical analysis, are compared with the ones obtained from numerical simul…
The paper deals with low-frequency magnetic field measurements, with regard to exposure of human beings, carried out by using a broadband and isotropic instrument. These measurements are characterized by a very high uncertainty values if compared with the ones usually related to other electrical measurements. These large uncertainty values imply a high risk of wrong decision when there is the need to establish if a site complies or does not comply with a specified emission limits. A reduction of the uncertainty values implies a reduction of the risk. With this aim, in the paper we propose an approach which, in case of fields generated by electric power systems (50 or 60 Hz), allows an effec…
Characterization of clamp-on current transformers under nonsinusoidal conditions
This paper reports the performance of clamp-on current transformers under nonsinusoidal conditions. A set of experimental measurements helped to determine the ratio and the phase errors under two conditions: 1) sinusoidal excitation with frequencies from 45 to 1000 Hz and 2) nonsinusoidal excitation using the fundamental frequency and one harmonic, with adjusted phase shift. It was found that ratio and phase errors are affected by the phase angle between the harmonic and the fundamental and the harmonic amplitude. The effects of conductor location in the current transformer's window and of the air-gap width were also investigated. It was concluded that harmonic phase and ratio errors measur…
Smart interface devices for distributed generation in smart grids: The case of islanding
With the increasing presence of distributed generators (DGs), the implementation of a smart sensors and actuators network in distribution grids has become crucial for different monitoring, management and protection functionalities. For DGs monitoring and control, sensors and actuators are usually embedded in so-called interface devices (IDs) or interface protection systems (IPSs). Existing IDs lack in communication interfaces both to the electrical energy Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and to the DGs inverter. In this framework, the authors have developed a new ID solution and a proper communication architecture, which allow implementing new smart functionalities based on the interact…
Arc Fault Detection Method Based on CZT Low-Frequency Harmonic Current Analysis
This paper presents a method for the detection of series arc faults in electrical circuits, which has been developed starting from an experimental characterization of the arc fault phenomenon and an arcing current study in several test conditions. Starting from this, the authors have found that is it possible to suitably detect arc faults by means of a high-resolution low-frequency harmonic analysis of current signal, based on chirp zeta transform, and a proper set of indicators. The proposed method effectiveness is shown by means of experimental tests, which were carried in both arcing and nonarcing conditions and in the presence of different loads, chosen according to the UL 1699 standard…
Un approccio sperimentale per la caratterizzazione dei contatori statici di energia reattiva in presenza di distorsione armonica
Uncertainty Management in the measurements performed by means of virtual instruments
The uncertainty management is the discipline of optimising the cost of a measurement versus the uncertainty target. In particular, the paper deals with the measurements performed by using a generic virtual instrument. The task is achieved by using the PUMA (procedure for uncertainty management) method that is an iterative technique originally conceived for geometrical and mechanical measurements. The approach is completely based on the "guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement" rules, but provides a more engineering methodology, since it allows to optimize the cost of the measurements versus the uncertainty target, avoiding the use of inadequate or, on the contrary, too expensi…
A PC-based instrument for harmonics and interharmonics measurement in power supply systems
Abstract Growing interest on power quality has led international working groups to define new standards for testing and measurement techniques to apply to power systems. Special attention has been paid to harmonic and interharmonic measurements. Here, the authors introduce a PC-based instrument capable of synchronising sampling frequency with fundamental frequency in order to perform on-line voltage or current distortion analysis. The instrument has been developed in accordance with currently available standards and international documents, IEC 61000-4-7 Ed. 2002, IEC 61000-4-30 Ed. 2003, Draft Guide IEEE P1159.1 Ed. 2003 and limits given by IEC 61000 Part. 3. A detailed description of the …
A Single-Point Strategy for the Harmonic Sources Detection in Power Systems.
Experimental comparison between direct and indirect measurement techniques for the characterization of Linear Induction Motors
Abstract An experimental comparison between direct and indirect measurement techniques for the on-line characterization of Linear Induction Motors (LIMs) is presented. Indirect measurements are based on a mathematical model of the motors. Direct measurements are carried out by means of traditional instruments and a smart sensor, located on the LIM and linked to the controller by the power supply line. Both a synthetic description of the LIM model and the sensor architecture are reported. The experimental results, achieved by applying different feeding strategy, are discussed.
Experimental EMF characterization of a secondary substation
This paper presents the results of the experimental EMC characterization of a new medium/low voltage (MV/LV) secondary substation, which was developed in the framework of the research project "NEW CAB ELARC". It has two MV/LV transformers, with total rated power of 1000 kVA. To perform the experimental characterization, firstly an analysis was performed of the Italian and European standards recommendations. Different approaches were highlighted and the most appropriate procedures were identified for the measurement of the magnetic fields emissions, at power systems frequency (50 Hz) in steady-state conditions. A dedicated test lab was set up for the secondary substation characterization. Th…
Development of a high-accuracy PC-based wattmeter with commercial data acquisition boards
This paper presents the development of a high accuracy sampling wattmeter, which makes use of two commercial data acquisition boards (DAQs) connected to a common personal computer. Commercial software is also used for data processing and implementation of the virtual instrument. The set up of the PC-based wattmeter is described and a preliminary evaluation of its metrological performances is made by means of two series of experimental tests, which were carried out with an electric power standard and a high performance multifunction calibrator. © 2011 IEEE.
Metrological characterization and operating principle identification of static meters for reactive energy: an experimental approach under nonsinusoidal test conditions
In this paper, an experimental approach is proposed for the metrological characterization of the static meters for reactive energy and for the individuation of their operating principle in nonsinusoidal conditions. The proposed approach was developed by starting from the only available accuracy test condition in the presence of the harmonics introduced by the standards for active static meters. In this paper, the proposed approach is described, and some experimental tests are presented, which were performed on some meters of different accuracy classes and with both known and unknown operating principles.
Comportamento dei contatori elettronici di energia reattiva in presenza di armoniche:problematiche aperte
Sistemi di comunicazione e dispositivi di interfaccia per l'integrazione della generazione distribuita nelle smart grids
L'integrazione della generazione distribuita (GD) nelle reti elettriche di distribuzione a media e bassa tensione uno degli elementi chiave per il pieno sfruttamento delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili (FER). Ci implica un ripensamento della gestione e del controllo delle reti elettriche , che devono passare da sistemi " passivi ", con flussi di potenza unidirezionali e un numero limitato di funzioni di monitoraggio e automazione, a reti attive e intelligenti (Òsmart gridsÒ). In tali sistemi, i flussi di potenza possono essere bi-direzionali e, se non correttamente gestiti, possono causare situazioni critiche, quali ad es. problemi di stabilit e di controllo della rete o funzionamento i…
Detection of disturbing loads in distorted and/or unbalanced power systems: a technique based on a comparison among nonactive powers
This paper presents an innovative technique for the detection of disturbing loads in distorted power systems. It is a single-point strategy, based on a comparison among different "nonactive" power quantities already proposed in literature, that are measured at the same metering section. In the paper, the results obtained with the application of the proposed technique are compared with those of other techniques for the monitoring of the harmonic pollution, both single-point and multi-point. Moreover, the effectiveness of the strategy is discussed, considering also the errors of the measurement transducers.
Virtual Instruments: Uncertainty Evaluation in the Presence of Electromagnetic Interferences
The electromagnetic interferences can influence the performances of a virtual instrument; consequently, in a generic measurement performed by using these instruments, the related uncertainty values can increase. In the paper, we report the results of various experimental tests performed with the aim to check if and how the radiated and/or conducted disturbances affect the instruments' characteristics and, in particular, the single uncertainty sources. Starting from these results and applying an already proposed method for the uncertainty estimation in the measurements performed by means of virtual instruments, it is possible to take into account and to evaluate the contribute of the electro…
A virtual instruments for the measurementsof IEEE Std 1459-2000 power quantities
Synchronisation Techniques for Power Quality Instruments
Approaches to evaluate the virtual instrumentation measurement uncertainties
This paper deals with the metrological characterization of virtual instruments. After a brief description of the features, the components and the working principle of the virtual instruments and the various uncertainty sources are analyzed. Then, two methods to evaluate the uncertainty of the measurement results are presented: a numerical method simulating the physical process of the A/D conversion, and an approximated theoretical method applying the "uncertainty propagation law" of the "guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement." With both methods, the combined standard uncertainty of the measurement result is obtained, starting from the standard uncertainty generated by each s…
Caratterizzazione metrologica di trasduttori di corrente in presenza di distorsione armonica
A virtual instrument for the measurement of IEEE Std 1459-2000 power quantities
In this paper, the authors present a PC-based instrument for the measurement of electrical-power quantities defined in IEEE Std. 1459. The instrument is based on a time-domain technique for the detection of the fundamental and harmonic components of voltages and currents. The time-domain strategy was originally developed by the authors for three-phase, three-wire systems. In that paper, the strategy had been extended to both three-phase, four-wire and single-phase systems. Simulation tests were carried out to assess the uncertainty contribution of the proposed strategy in the absence of the measurement transducers. Moreover, the accuracy of the PC-based instrument with its transducers was e…
Due problematiche di misura nei sistemi elettrici di potenza in presenza di armoniche: sincronizzazione della strumentazione di power quality - contatori elettronici di energia reattiva
Frequency response of Measurement Current Transformers
In this paper the frequency response of two CTs is experimentally evaluated in the range of 30-600 Hz. A theoretical analysis of CTs behavior has been developed by means of the equivalent circuit. It was shown, by an experimental test, that, for the frequency range analyzed, the transformer equivalent circuit is a valid tool for the evaluation of CT performances.
Can the effective number of bits be useful to assess the measurement uncertainty?
The effective number of bits (ENOB) is a well know parameter, employed to characterize the overall behavior of an A/D converter. In order to verify if the ENOB can be also used to assess the measurement uncertainty of the A/D conversion based instruments, we use a developed software tool. The results show that using the ENOB can lead to an underestimate of the uncertainties.
DAQs-based wattmeters for high accuracy measurements. Comparison with the Italian power primary standard
Abstract This paper is focused on the use of data acquisition boards (DAQs) for the development of high accuracy PC-based instruments for the measurements of electrical power. The proposed systems are simple, portable and low cost because they are based on commercial data acquisition boards (DAQs) connected to a common personal computer. Data processing is carried out by a commercial software based on an interpolating windowed FFT. In the paper it is shown how the voltage can be sensed directly, thanks to the DAQ input range, thus avoiding expensive voltage dividers. The set up of the DAQs-based solutions is described and the evaluation of their metrological features is made by means of a c…
Immunity of a Virtual Instrument to conducted electromagnetic disturbances
In the paper the performances of the Virtual Instruments under conducted electromagnetic disturbances are investigated, in order to find out if and how their metrological characteristics change with respect to the ones measured in absence of electromagnetic threats. The analysis is carried out by means of experimental tests, subjecting the AC power port of the systems under test to the conducted disturbances considered by the IEC-61326 standard and following the test procedures prescribed in the IEC-61000-4-series standards. The results show that the tested measurements instruments are sufficiently immune to these disturbances, since no variations of the distinctive parameters have been obs…
Hall Effect Clamp-on Current Transducer Characterization under Nonsinusoidal Conditions
Riferibilità dei contatori statici di energia reattiva in presenza di armoniche. Evoluzione normativa e prove sperimentali
Una tecnica innovativa per misure sui sistemi elettrici di potenza secondo lo standard IEEE 1459-2000
A PC-based wattmeter for high accuracy power measurements
This paper proposes the use of a commercial data acquisition board (DAQ) connected to a common personal computer for high accuracy power measurements. In the paper the set up of the PC-based wattmeter is described and an experimental evaluation of its metrological performances is made by means of the comparison with a simultaneous coherent digital sampling wattmeter realized with two high-precision DMMs Hewlett Packard Model 3458 A. In both cases the power source is a Fluke 6100A/E electrical power standard. © 2010 IEEE.
A simplified approach for load flow analysis in MV smart grids based on LV power measurements
This paper presents a simplified approach for load flow analysis in medium voltage (MV) distribution networks. It is a power summation Backward/Forward (B/F) algorithm, based on measurements of active and reactive powers at low voltage (LV) side of MV/LV distribution substations. The proposed solution allows achieving good accuracy, computational efficiency and fast convergence. In order to verify the algorithm performances, simulation studies are carried out in the case of a real test system, i.e. the distribution grid of Favignana Island (Mediterranean Sea, Italy). The compatibility between simulations results and power measurements at the MV bus bars of the generating substation shows th…
Figure di merito di convertitori analogico-digitali: il set ottimale per la valutazione delle incertezze.
A Phase-Locked Loop for the Synchronization of Power Quality Instruments in the Presence of Stationary and Transient Disturbances
Power quality instrumentation requires accurate fundamental frequency estimation and signal synchronization, even in the presence of both stationary and transient disturbances. In this paper, the authors present a synchronization technique for power quality instruments based on a single-phase software phase-locked loop (PLL), which is able to perform the synchronization, even in the presence of such disturbances. Moreover, PLL is able to detect the occurrence of a transient disturbance. To evaluate if and how the synchronization technique is adversely affected by the application of stationary and transient disturbing influences, appropriate testing conditions have been developed, taking int…
Impact of industrial environments on the PC-based measurements
In the paper we present a simple and fast procedure to evaluate the impact of the electromagnetic disturbances, which can be present in the industrial locations, on the measurements performed by a generic PC-based measurement instrument. The method is conceived starting from the data obtained by subjecting the instruments to the disturbances prescribed by the IEC-61326 standard. The results show that, even under heavy disturbances, the common good practices of shielding and grounding allow a correct employment of this kind of instrumentation.
Un wattmetro basato su schede di acquisizione commerciali per misure in regime distorto. Sviluppo dello strumento e prove preliminari
Synchronization techniques for power quality instruments
The measurement of voltage characteristics in power systems requires the accurate estimation of the power supply frequency and signal synchronization, even in the presence of disturbances. The authors developed and tested two innovative techniques for instrument synchronization. The first is based on signal spectral analysis techniques performed by means of the Chirp-Z transform analysis. The second is a phase-locked loop (PLL) software based on a time-domain coordinate transformation and an innovative phase-detection technique. To evaluate how synchronization techniques are adversely affected by the application of a disturbing influence, experimental tests were carried out, taking into acc…
The Measurement of Reactive Energy in Polluted Distribution Power Systems: An Analysis of the Performance of Commercial Static Meters
This paper presents a comparative analysis of the performances of both a traditional induction meter and various types of commercial static meters for reactive energy in the presence of harmonic distortion. This is a topical issue, since there are several types of static meters on the market, based on different principles of construction. In accordance with current standards, these meters are designed to operate in sinusoidal conditions and their performance is not tested in the presence of harmonic distortion. However, with the increase of pollution levels in power systems, the meters may be used even in the presence of distorted voltages and/or currents; in such cases, their accuracy may …
A Comparison of Spectrum Estimation Techniques for Periodic Nonstationary Signals in Induction Motor Drive Measurements
An induction motor speed measurement based on current harmonic analysis with Chirp-Z Transform
The paper presents a new method to measure motor speed by means of frequency estimation of rotor slot harmonics present in the supply current of squirrel single cage induction motors. The novelty of the method is the use of Chirp-Z Transform as supply current harmonic analysis. The advantages are an improved spectral resolution and accuracy. Moreover a shorter sampling time window is required reducing errors related to not stationary current signal. Experimental results are presented to validate the proposed method and to perform a comparison with FFT based one.
IEEE Std 1459–2010. IEEE Standard Definitions for the Measurement of Electric Power Quantities under Sinusoidal, Nonsinusoidal, Balanced or Unbalanced Conditions
Definitions used for measurement of electric power quantities under sinusoidal, nonsinusoidal, balanced, or unbalanced conditions are provided in this standard. Mathematical expressions that were used in the past, as well as new expressions, are listed, as well as explanations of the features of the new definitions.
La verifica dei contatori statici di energia reattiva in presenza di armoniche. Problematiche di misura e possibili soluzioni
La caratterizzazione dei contatori statici di energia reattiva in presenza di armoniche: problematiche tecniche e normative
A DAQ-based sampling wattmeter for IEEE Std. 1459-2010 powers measurements. Uncertainty evaluation in nonsinusoidal conditions
Abstract This paper presents the evaluation of the metrological performances of a DAQ-based sampling wattmeter (DAQ-SW) for the measurement of IEEE Std. 1459-2010 power quantities in non-sinusoidal conditions. The instrument makes use of two commercial data acquisition (DAQ) boards, a non-inductive current shunt, a personal computer and a commercial software for data processing. Starting from the results of an experimental characterization of the two instrument channels with non-sinusoidal voltages and currents and a correlation analysis, the combined standard uncertainties of IEEE Std. 1459-2010 quantities are evaluated, following the approach of the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertai…
Problematiche di misura nei sistemi elettrici di potenza in presenza di distorsione armonica
A back to back method for the temperature rise test of prefabricated substations: A case study
In this work a back to back method is presented which allows to develop heating tests of prefabricated secondary substations with a limited number of supplying equipment (an induction regulator and a capacitor bank). The proposed method makes use of the transformer tap changers to create a voltage difference on the medium voltage side. In this way, only an adjunctive low voltage supply is needed. With the proposed test system, the heating tests are developed on a 1000 kVA prefabricated substation. Thanks to the experimental tests, the class of enclosure of the substation and the operating temperature and resistance of the power transformers are determined, according to the recommendations o…
Una procedura per la valutazione del grado di immunità elettromagnetica di strumenti di misura basati su PC
Un approccio semplificato per il calcolo del load flow nelle smart grids basato su misure distribuite in bassa tensione
I sistemi di misura distribuiti sono alla base delle "smart distribution grids", ove la crescente presenza di generazione distribuita e sistemi di accumulo e la conseguente transizione verso sistemi attivi rendono necessarie funzionalità avanzate di monitoraggio, controllo e gestione delle reti. In tale contesto, un elemento essenziale è l'analisi dei flussi di potenza, che, com'è noto, può essere effettuata tramite algoritmi di load flow, noti il modello della rete e le potenze generate/assorbite nei vari nodi. Per la misura di tali grandezze sulla media tensione (MT), si possono utilizzare diversi strumenti (quali phasor measurement units, smart meters, power quality analyzers), che però …
Cabine secondarie: nodi intelligenti e sicuri delle smart grid
Nel futuro panorama delle Smart Grid, le cabine secondarie assumeranno il ruolo di nodi intelligenti e sicuri della rete di distribuzione, integrando diverse soluzioni innovative di monitoraggio, comunicazione, controllo e richiedendo maggiori caratteristiche di sicurezza come proposto nei due progetti di ricerca REIPERSEI e NewCabElarc
Il metodo PUMA per la stima dell’incertezza
The metrological characterization of the static meters for reactive energy in the presence of harmonic distortion
For the electricity metering for billing purposes in distribution systems, the static meters are substituting the traditional inductive meters. Thus, the evaluation of the performances of such equipments is required, also in the presence of disturbances affecting the power systems. With respect to this, this paper analyzes the main aspects related to the metrological characterization of the static meters for reactive energy in the presence of harmonic distortion. Particular attention is given to the reference standard meters, that are not considered by the actual in-force Standards. The analysis is supported by several experimental tests.
Uncertainty evaluation in load flow analysis: real MV distribution networks case studies
This work investigates the measurement uncertainty impact on load flow analysis in medium voltage (MV) distribution networks. The considered algorithm is a simplified load flow algorithm (LFA), developed by authors, which is based on the load power measurements at each secondary substation and one voltage measurement at the slack bus (i.e. the voltage at the MV bus bars of the primary substation). In the viewpoint of a real implementation, to reduce monitoring system costs, the LFA makes use of low voltage (LV) load power measurements for all the substations except those of MV users, where MV transducers are usually already installed. The uncertainties on LFA input quantities (load powers a…
Caratterizzazione delle pinze amperometriche ad effetto hall in presenza di distorsione armonica
Assessment of virtual instruments measurement uncertainty
Abstract In this paper, two methods to evaluate the measurement uncertainty of a virtual instrument are presented: a numerical method simulating the physical process of the A/D conversion, and an approximated theoretical method applying the “uncertainty propagation law” of the “guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement”. After a brief description of the features, the constitution and the working principle of the virtual instruments, the various uncertainty sources, are analyzed. With both methods, the combined standard uncertainty of the measurement result is obtained, starting from the standard uncertainty generated by each single source and without taking into account the para…
Compensazione degli effetti di disturbi elettromagnetici in un sistema di acquisizione dati
Problematiche di misura per la caratterizzazione dei contatori statici di energia reattiva in condizioni non sinusoidali
Traceability of static reactive energy meters in the presence of harmonics: theoretical considerations and a DAQ-based reference meter
This paper deals with some problems related to the measurements traceability with static meters for reactive energy. These problems arise when the meters operate in the presence of harmonics, which can negatively affect their performances, depending on implemented metric. The paper analyzes the problem in the light of both in-force and draft standards, from the viewpoint of the performances of both commercial meters and reference standard instruments. The analysis is supported by some experimental tests, which are carried out by means of a reference meter, based on data acquisition boards, which can be used in both sinusoidal and distorted conditions.
A Monte Carlo Method for the Auto-Evaluation of the Uncertainties in the Analog-to-Digital Conversion-Based Measurements
This paper concerns with the measurement uncertainty estimation in the analog‐to‐digital conversion‐based instruments. By using an ad hoc developed software tool, the Monte Carlo method is applied in order to assess the uncertainties associated with the measurement results, overcoming the possible inapplicability of the pure theoretical approach prescribed in the ISO – “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement”. By implementing the software tool in the measurement instruments, the proposed approach can be utilized in order to make the instrument itself able to auto‐estimate the measurement uncertainties.
Potenza reattiva in regime deformato
Caratterizzazione dei contatori statici di energia reattiva in presenza di armoniche – studio sperimentale e risultati
A novel approach to current transformer characterization in the presence of harmonic distortion
The current transformer (CT) performance under distorted waveform conditions is usually characterized by means of the frequency-response test. In this paper, a new way to characterize CTs, closer to real operation conditions, is proposed. The harmonic phase-angle and ratio errors are measured using a nonsinusoidal current composed of fundamental and one harmonic with adjustable phase shift. The new method was tested by determining the performance of two metering class CTs commonly used by the Italian power company. The errors measured using the proposed approach are larger than the ones obtained with the frequency response. This result suggests that the frequency-response approach for the e…
A chirp-z transform-based synchronizer for power system measurements
In the last few years, increased interest in power and voltage quality has forced international working groups to standardize testing and measurement techniques. IEC 61000-4-30, which defines the characteristics of instrumentation for the measurement of power quality, refers to IEC 61000-4-7 for the evaluation of harmonics and interharmonics. This standard, revised in 2002, requires a synchronous sampling of voltage or current signal, in order to limit errors and to ensure reproducible results even in the presence of nonstationary signals. Therefore, an accurate estimation of the fundamental frequency is required, even in the presence of disturbances. In this paper, an algorithm to detect t…
A set of indicators for arc faults detection based on low frequency harmonic analysis
In this paper a novel set of indicators is presented for arc faults detection in electrical circuits. The indicators are defined starting from an experimental characterization of the arc fault phenomenon and the study of the arcing current in several test conditions, which were chosen in accordance with the UL 1699 Standard requirements. The proposed parameters are measured by means of a high resolution low frequency spectral analysis of the arcing current, which allows to achieve a good spectral resolution even with short observation windows.
Rogowski coil current transducer compensation method for harmonic active power error
Abstract In the harmonic active power measurement, the highest uncertainties are generally introduced by the current and voltage transducers. In a previous paper, the authors showed that the current transformer (CT) can introduce significant errors in such measurement, especially if the phase shift between voltage and current is close to ±90°. In such condition the errors on harmonic power measurement are mainly due to the CT phase displacement. This paper shows that better results can be achieved with more linear transducers, such as the Rogowski coil current transducers (RCCTs), whose metrological performance in distorted condition can be improved, by means of a proper compensation method…
Static meters for the reactive energy in the presence of harmonics: an experimental metrological characterization
Electricity metering plays a crucial role for all the commercial transactions on the energy market. Thus, an accurate evaluation of the performance of the electricity metering equipment is required not only in the reference operating conditions but also in the presence of disturbances affecting the power systems. As regards this matter, this paper analyzes the main aspects related to the metrological characterization of the static meters for the reactive energy in the presence of harmonic distortion. Attention is focused not only to the meters covered by the current standards but also to the meters of better accuracy and to the reference standard meters. The analysis is supported by several…
Single-Point Strategies for the Detection of Harmonic Sources in Power Systems
A self-synchronizing instrument for harmonic sources detection in power systems
The deregulation of energy markets holds out new prospects for contract between customers and utilities, in which the price of energy can depend on voltage quality and load characteristics, as well as on the responsibility for disturbances caused to supply voltage in power systems. In this context, harmonic sources detection is one of the main problems, because of equipment sensibility and the proliferation of loads which absorb non-sinusoidal currents. In this paper the authors present a new instrument based on a time domain method for the detection of harmonic active powers in three-phase systems, which can be usefully applied even in the presence of unbalance or asymmetry. The amplitude …
Confronti Teorico-Sperimentali tra Contatori Elettronici di Energia Reattiva in Presenza di Distorsione Armonica
A new phase locked loop strategy for power quality instruments syncronization
Caratterizzazione di un sistema di acquisizione dati in presenza di disturbi elettromagnetici condotti
Metodologie di caratterizzazione dei contatori elettronici in presenza di armoniche
Behavior of the virtual instruments in presence of conductede lectromagnetic disturbances
Un nuovo approccio per l'individuazione delle sorgenti di distorsione armonica nei sistemi elettrici di potenza
Virtual instruments: Uncertainty evaluation in the presence of unknown electromagnetic interferences
A novel approach based on nonactive powers for the identification of disturbing loads in power systems
In this paper, a new approach is proposed for the detection of harmonic sources in polluted power systems. It is a single- point strategy, based on a comparison among different "nonactive" power quantities proposed in literature that, in the same working conditions, assume different values at the same metering section. Some simulations tests were carried out on a standard IEEE test system proposed by other authors as a benchmark system for the analysis of multipoint measurement techniques for harmonic pollution monitoring. The obtained results show that the proposed single-point approach is in agreement with other strategies already proposed in the literature and can provide useful indicati…
Riferibilità dei contatori statici di energia reattiva in presenza di armoniche
Un metodo basato su misure distribuite in bassa tensione per il calcolo del load flow nelle smart grids
Con la diffusione della generazione distribuita nei sistemi elettrici di distribuzione e la conseguente loro transizione verso reti attive, è diventato essenziale disporre di opportuni sistemi per il monitoraggio, il controllo e la gestione delle retistesse. In questo ambito, l'unità GMEE di Palermo, in collaborazione con l'ISSIA-CNR e la STMicroelectronics, da alcuni anni si occupa dello sviluppo di sistemi di misura e comunicazione per lo sviluppo delle "smart distribution grids". In particolare, per quanto riguarda il monitoraggio della rete, lo studio è stato focalizzato sull'analisi dei flussi di potenza, che, noti il modello della rete e le potenze generate o assorbite nei vari nodi, …
A theoretical and experimental comparison among reactive energy meters in nonsinusoidal working conditions
An induction motor speed measurement method based on current harmonic analysis with the Chirp-Z Transform
This paper presents a new method to measure motor speed by means of frequency estimation of rotor slot spectral components in the supply current of squirrel single-cage induction motors. The novelty of the method consists in the harmonic analysis of the supply current by means of the chirp-Z transform (CZT). The advantages are improved accuracy due to better spectral resolution and resolvability. Moreover, a shorter observation window is required, thus reducing errors related to nonstationary current signals. The experimental results are presented to validate the proposed method and to make a comparison with a similar method based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
Nuove tecniche di sincronizzazione per strumenti di power quality
Characterization of Current Transformers in the Presence of Harmonic Distortion
The CTs performance under distorted conditions are usually characterized by means of the frequency response test. In this paper a new way to characterize CTs, closer to real operative conditions, is proposed. The harmonic phase angle and ratio errors are measured when the CTs are excited with a nonsinusoidal current composed of a fundamental and one harmonic, with adjustable phase shift. The errors measured using the new approach were found larger than the ones obtained with the frequency response. This suggests that frequency response is not a reliable method to evaluate the CT performance under distorted conditions.
Un campione di potenza basato su schede di acquisizione commerciali. Prove sperimentali e valutazione dell'incertezza
Problematiche di misura della potenza attiva armonica
A fully-automated procedure for measuring the electrical parameters of an induction motor drive with rotor at standstill
The paper presents an automatic procedure to measure at standstill the electrical parameters of an induction motor fed by a PWM voltage source inverter. The proposed procedure executes automatically three tests using only the available PWM inverter control technique to obtain the required motor supply voltages. It allows the measurement of all the T-form circuit electrical parameters starting from the nameplate data as data-entry. It uses only a current sensor and no voltage sensor and process on line the collected data samples with a fast and easy to implement recursive least squares algorithm. Effectiveness of the automated procedure has been proved both by simulation and experimental tes…