Paolo Aridon
Tumors preceding ALS onset and ALS: results from a case-control study.
Clinical features and disease out come in patients with pediatric and young adult onset Multiple Sclerosis
Blood levels of homocysteine, cysteine, glutathione, folic acid, and vitamin B12 in the acute phase of atherothrombotic stroke.
Blood levels of total homocysteine (tHcy), cysteine (Cys), total and reduced glutathione (tGSH and rGSH), folic acid (FA), and vitamin B(12) (B(12) change during ischemic stroke as accompaniment of the tissue damage. The relationship between these changes remains scantly investigated. We evaluated the variation of these molecules in the 48 h after acute large artery atherothrombotic stroke (LAAS) and searched for the presence of matched variation of them. The study involved 50 subjects affected by acute LAAS and 49 healthy controls. Plasma levels of tHcy and Cys were significantly higher and serum levels of FA and B(12) and plasma levels of rGSH were significantly lower in the patients than…
Italian version of the Chicago multiscale depression inventory: translation, adaptation and testing in people with multiple sclerosis.
Depression is the commonest psychiatric disturbance in people with multiple sclerosis (MS), with prevalence higher than in the general population and other chronic diseases. However, accurate assessment of depressive symptoms can be biased by somatic symptoms which are part of both MS and depression. We translated and adapted into Italian the Chicago multiscale depression inventory (CMDI) and assessed its acceptability, internal consistency and test-retest reliability in 213 MS outpatients and 213 individually matched healthy controls. The questionnaire was also tested in 32 people with major depression. Acceptability, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability were good overall. We …
First italian case with a de novo T666M mutation in the CACNA1A gene associated with hemiplegic migraine/progressive cerebellar and episodic ataxia
Acute symptomatic seizures in cerebral venous thrombosis
© 2020 American Academy of Neurology
Epidemiology of multiple sclerosis in Sicily
From epidemiological data obtained over more than 20 years by surveys conducted in different parts of Sicily, it is evident that Sicily is a high-risk area for multiple sclerosis (MS). This is in sharp contrast with the gradient hypothesis. High frequencies have been found in different parts of the island having different geoclimatic features, but at least two cities (Monreale and Enna) had had a prolonged Norman domination. This is in agreement with the hypothesis that MS originated in Northern Europe and spread around the world throughout the raids of the northern peoples. The increase in frequency estimated by follow-up and incidence studies is well established and is only in part linked…
Alpha2-I279N human nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, linked to a form of nocturnal epilepsy, presents higher sensitivity to agonists.
Impact of sociodemographic characteristics on cognitive performance in an elderly Sicilian population.
<i>Objective:</i> To assess cognitive levels in an elderly Sicilian population and to evaluate the role of education and other sociodemographic characteristics in cognitive performance. <i>Background:</i> The pattern of cognitive performance in the elderly has not been investigated extensively in well-defined Italian populations. This study was conducted as part of a door-to-door survey of common neurologic disorders (the Sicilian Neuro-Epidemiologic Study project). <i>Methods:</i> Thirteen physicians administered an Italian version of the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) to all subjects aged 50 years or older who, on November 1, 1987, r…
Recurrent Ischemic Stroke and Bleeding in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Who Suffered an Acute Stroke While on Treatment With Nonvitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants: The RENO-EXTEND Study.
Background: In patients with atrial fibrillation who suffered an ischemic stroke while on treatment with nonvitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants, rates and determinants of recurrent ischemic events and major bleedings remain uncertain. Methods: This prospective multicenter observational study aimed to estimate the rates of ischemic and bleeding events and their determinants in the follow-up of consecutive patients with atrial fibrillation who suffered an acute cerebrovascular ischemic event while on nonvitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant treatment. Afterwards, we compared the estimated risks of ischemic and bleeding events between the patients in whom anticoagulant therapy was chan…
Haploinsufficiency of ATP1A2 encoding the Na+/K+ pump alpha2 subunit associated with familial hemiplegic migraine type 2.
Headache attacks and autonomic dysfunctions characterize migraine, a very common, disabling disorder with a prevalence of 12% in the general population of Western countries(1,2). About 20% of individuals affected with migraine experience aura, a visual or sensory-motor neurological dysfunction that usually precedes or accompanies the headache(3). Although the mode of transmission is controversial(4), population-based and twin studies have implicated genetic factors, especially in migraine with aura(5,6). Familial hemiplegic migraine is a hereditary form of migraine characterized by aura and some hemiparesis. Here we show that mutations in the gene ATP1A2 that encodes the alpha2 subunit of t…
Restless legs syndrome: Epidemiological and clinicogenetic study in a South Tyrolean population isolate.
Genetic contributions to restless legs syndrome (RLS) have been consistently recognized from population and family studies. To determine the clinical and genetic features of RLS in a population isolate and explore linkage to three previously described susceptibility loci on chromosomes 12q, 14q, and 9p, respectively, an isolated population in the South Tyrolean Alps was identified and 530 adults participated in the study. Using a two-step strategy, 47 patients with idiopathic RLS were ascertained. The prevalence in the population was 8.9%. Twenty-eight patients (59.6%) had at least one affected first-degree relative and were classified as hereditary cases. In a single extended pedigree, lin…
Population-based case-control study of essential tremor.
Current epidemiologic data on the association between environmental factors and essential tremor (ET) are scanty. In a population-based case-control study we investigated the relationship between some putative risk factors and ET. In the present study, we included all subjects identified during a door-to-door prevalence survey in a Sicilian community, affected by ET, and alive on 1 November 1987 (n=31). Of the 31 prevalent cases of ET, we were able to contact 28 subjects. Twenty-eight controls were randomly selected from the general population and matched to each case for age and sex. Exposure variables were investigated by interviewing the patients and their controls or close relatives, us…
Lifestyle factors and multiple sclerosis: a case control study
A population-based survey of cognitive performance in a Sicilian elderly community.
<i>Background:</i> The global burden of neurodegenerative diseases is increasing. Previous studies reported differences related to age, gender and socioeconomic status. We calculated the cognitive performances of a Sicilian population aged 65 years or older, by means of a door-to-door population-based survey in Bagheria city, Sicily. <i>Methods:</i> A door-to-door survey was carried out in the city of Bagheria, Sicily (prevalence day September 30, 2006). A cohort of 2,200 persons was randomly stratified, obtaining a 25% sample of the whole population. Cognitive function was assessed by Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Percentile distributions by age, gender, edu…
Sleep disturbances and dysautonomic dysfunction are associated in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Cholesterol levels and risk of hemorrhagic transformation after acute ischemic stroke.
<i>Background:</i> The association between cholesterol levels and hemorrhagic transformation (HT) is still controversial. Studies investigating this issue are influenced by treatments as some are characterized by a higher risk of HT. The aim of our study was to evaluate, in a hospital-based series of patients not treated with thrombolysis, the relationship between cholesterol levels and HT. <i>Methods:</i> We retrospectively collected information about total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) levels at admission in a consecutive series of 240 patients with anterior ischemic stroke (IS). The TC and LDLC levels were arranged in 3 groups acc…
A case-control study on cigarette, alcohol, and coffee consumption preceding Parkinson's disease
<i>Objective:</i> To investigate the association between cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, coffee consumption and Parkinson’s disease (PD). <i>Methods:</i> We selected subjects affected by idiopathic PD, with a Mini-Mental State Examination of ≧24, and controls matched 1 to 1 with cases by age (± 2 years) and sex. Controls were randomly selected from the resident list of the same municipality of residence of the cases. We assessed cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, and coffee consumption preceding the onset of PD or the corresponding time for controls using a structured questionnaire, which also evaluated the duration and dose of exposure. Using conditional logi…
Multiple sclerosis in southern Europe: Monreale City, Italy. A twenty-year follow-up incidence and prevalence study.
BACKGROUND: Several follow-up studies showed increasing prevalence and incidence rates for multiple sclerosis (MS). OBJECTIVE:To ascertain, throughout a follow-up study, the incidence and prevalence of MS in the city of Monreale, Sicily, southern Italy. METHODS:We calculated crude and age- and sex-specific prevalence rates on December 31, 2000, and determined incidence rates for the period January 1, 1992 to December 31, 2000. RESULTS:The prevalence of MS was 71.2 per 100,000 population (48,5/100,000 in men; 93,0/100,000 in women). The incidence rate of MS for the period 1992-2000 was 4.0/100,000 per year. CONCLUSION:This study showed a nonsignificant increase in MS incidence rates in Monre…
Aspetti clinici e genetici della RLS familiare
Corticobasal syndrome-like variant of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease: clinical description of two cases
A Brief Overview on BDNF-Trk Pathway in the Nervous System: A Potential Biomarker or Possible Target in Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis?
The growing incidence of neurodegenerative disorders in our populations is leading the research to identify potential biomarkers and targets for facilitating their early management and treatments. Biomarkers represent the crucial indicators of both physiological and pathological processes. Specific changes in molecular and cellular mechanisms of physiological processes result in biochemical alterations at systemic level, which can give us comprehensive information regarding the nature of any disease. In addition, any disease biomarker should be specific and reliable, able to consent of distinguishing the physiological condition of a tissue, organ, or system from disease, and be diverse amon…
A whole genome screen for linkage disequilibrium in multiple sclerosis performed in a continental Italian population
We have systematically screened the genome for evidence of linkage disequilibrium (LD) with multiple sclerosis (MS) by typing 6000 microsatellite markers in case-control and family based (AFBAC) cohorts from the Italian population. DNA pooling was used to reduce the genotyping effort involved. Four DNA pools were considered: cases (224 Italian MS patients), controls (231 healthy Italians), index (185 index cases from trio families) and parents (the 370 parents of the patient included in the Index pool), respectively. After refining analysis of the most promising 14 markers to emerge from this screening process, only marker D2S367 retained evidence for association. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All r…
Answer to: The possible risk of cancer in multiple sclerosis patients: a controversial issue
Multiple sclerosis survival: a population-based study in Sicily.
Background and purpose: There are few population-based surveys on multiple sclerosis (MS) survival. To investigate MS survival in MS patients recruited during surveys conducted in Sicily. Methods: Multiple sclerosis patients identified during previous surveys were randomly matched to two referent subjects by residence, year of birth, and gender. Living status was obtained by municipality records (end of follow-up June, 30th 2007) and, for the deceased, date and causes of death were searched. Kaplan-Meier plots were used to calculate differences in mortality between MS patients and referent subjects. MS risks for mortality with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were also calculated. Results: We …
Tumor diagnosis preceding Alzheimer’s disease: a case-control study
Frequency and determinants for hemorrhagic transformation of posterior cerebral stroke : Posterior ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic transformation.
BACKGROUND: hemorrhagic transformation is a threatening ischemic stroke complication. Frequency of hemorrhagic transformation differs greatly among studies, and its risk factors have been usually studied in patients with anterior ischemic stroke who received thrombolytic therapy. We evaluated, in a hospital-based series of patients with posterior ischemic stroke not treated with thrombolysis, frequency and risk factors of hemorrhagic transformation. Patients with posterior circulation stroke were seen in our Department during the period January 2004 to December 2009. Demographic and clinical information were collected. We estimated risk for spontaneous hemorrhagic transformation by means of…
Risk of Parkinson disease in women: Effect of reproductive characteristics
Objective: To investigate the association between some fertile life characteristics and Parkinson disease (PD) in women. Methods: Women affected by PD and control subjects were matched one to one by age (±2 years). One hundred thirty-one women with idiopathic PD and 131 matched control subjects were interviewed. Controls were randomly selected from the resident list of the same municipality of residence of cases. All subjects had a Mini-Mental State Examination score of ≥24. Cumulative length of pregnancies, age at menarche, age and type of menopause, and estrogen use before and after menopause were investigated in cases and controls through a structured questionnaire. Models of matched pai…
Progressive necrotic encephalopathy following tacrolimus therapy for liver transplantation.
Previously described neurologic damage induced by immunosuppressive treatments includes transient or reversible central nervous system involvement. We describe a 57-year-old man who underwent liver transplantation and was started on immunosuppressive therapy with tacrolimus (FK506). Six months later, he started complaining of a progressive motor and sensory impairment of the left side, together with cognitive impairment. Brain MRI showed an enlarging lesion of the white matter with peripheral contrast enhancement. PET study indicated severe hypometabolism in the right hemisphere and spectroscopic MRI showed a peak of choline and relative reduction of other metabolites. Findings of CSF exami…
No evidence of ATP1A2 involvement in 12 multiplex Italian families with benign familial infantile seizures
A missense mutation in the gene encoding the alpha(2) Subunit of the Na+,K+ ATPase pump (ATP1A2) was found in a family with both familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) and Benign Familial Infantile Seizures (BFIC). As it is still unclear whether ATP1A2 is responsible for pure BFIC syndromes, we checked mutations of the ATP1A2 gene in probands of 12 Italian multiplex families with pure BFIC, who were negative for mutations in the SCN2A gene. We screened the ATP1A2 gene by denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (D-HPLC) and direct sequencing of DNA fragments showing an aberrant elution pattern. We found one exonic variant and five intronic variants, none leading to significant amino ac…
Impaired circadian heart rate variability in Parkinson’s disease: a time-domain analysis in ambulatory setting
Abstract Background Heart rate variability (HRV) decreases in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and it can be considered a marker for cardiovascular dysautonomia. The purpose of this pilot study is to evaluate long-term time-domain analysis of HRV of PD patients and compare the results with those of matched healthy individuals. Methods Idiopathic PD patients without comorbidity impairing HRV, and age-matched healthy individuals were recruited in a pilot study. A long-term time domain analysis of HRV using 24-h ambulatory ECG was performed. Results Overall, 18 PD patients fulfilling inclusion criteria completed the evaluation (mean age was 55.6 ± 8.8, disease duration: 5.0 ± 4.7). Mean SCOPA-AUT scor…
Introduction. Hemorrhagic transformation (HT), a complication of ischemic stroke (IS) is supposed to influence patient’s prognosis. Aim of our study was to evaluate, in a hospital-based series of patients not treated with thrombolysis, the relationship between HT and late mortality. Methods. Mortality of individuals with spontaneous HT was compared to that of individuals without. Medical records of patients diagnosed with anterior IS during the period 2004-2006 were reviewed. Living status was obtained from the public record office of the municipality of Palermo or indirectly by telephone interview. Outcome measure was 90 days survival after IS onset. Kaplan-Meier estimates were used to con…
Accuracy of death certificates for motor neuron disease and multiple sclerosis in the province of Palermo in southern Italy
Mortality studies based on death certificates (DCs) are relatively inexpensive and easy to conduct. Therefore, they are frequently used to evaluate variations of geographical and temporal patterns, particularly in uncommon diseases. Recent surveys of motor neuron disease (MND) and multiple sclerosis (MS) based on official mortality statistics in Italy showed a decreasing trend of mortality from northern to southern Italy. To evaluate if DCs are homogeneously recorded in Italy and whether or not they can be considered a good instrument for mortality studies, we assessed the accuracy of DCs for MND and MS in the province of Palermo, Italy, and compared our results with those reported in other…
MRI abnormalities following repeated and incoming seizures.
Abstract Neuroimaging, an important diagnostic tool frequently used in the evaluation of patients with epilepsy, has mainly the aim to identify structural abnormalities needing a treatment and to contribute to the definition of the aetiology. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in epilepsy is more sensitive than computerized tomography (CT) scan for detecting abnormalities. Status epilepticus (SE) and repeated incoming seizures may determine extensive and transient or long lasting pronounced MRI changes. We describe a case of a 41-year-old woman with a history of brain neoplasm, whose contrast-enhanced MRI images following repeated and incoming seizures were characterized either by rever…
Cigarette Smoking, coffee consumption and multiple sclerosis: a case-control study
Increased sensitivity of the neuronal nicotinic receptor alpha-2 subunit causes familial epilepsy with nocturnal wandering and ictal fear
Sleep has traditionally been recognized as a precipitating factor for some forms of epilepsy, although differential diagnosis between some seizure types and parasomnias may be difficult. Autosomal dominant frontal lobe epilepsy is characterized by nocturnal seizures with hyperkinetic automatisms and poorly organized stereotyped movements and has been associated with mutations of the α4 and β2 subunits of the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. We performed a clinical and molecular genetic study of a large pedigree segregating sleep-related epilepsy in which seizures are associated with fear sensation, tongue movements, and nocturnal wandering, closely resembling nightmares and sleep …
Cholesterol level and hemorrhagic trasformation after ischemic stroke
Reduced Admissions for Cerebrovascular Events during COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy
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Clinical Features and disease outcome in pt with pediatric and young adult onset multiple sclerosis
Stroke incidence and case fatality: a 9-year prospective population-based study in an elderly population of Bagheria, Italy
Abstract Background The incidence of stroke in high-income countries has been on the decline; however, few epidemiological surveys have been conducted in recent years to specifically estimate the incidence along with outcome of stroke, in Italy. This study aimed to examine the incidence and case fatality rates of stroke in an elderly Italian population. Methods A cohort of 2200 people > 65 years was randomly stratified from the total elderly population of Bagheria, Italy. A 9-year prospective population-based study was performed (19,800 person/years). Results We identified 112 first-ever strokes, 53 females and 59 males: 82 (73.1%) ischemic, 13(11.6%) intracerebral haemorrhages, 6 (5.35%…
Familiarity for epilepsy among multiple sclerosis patients with seizures: a pilot case-control study.
Elusive amine and cluster headache: mutational analysis of trace amines receptors cluster on chromosome 6q23
Urological dysfunctions in patients with Parkinson’s disease: clues from clinical and non-invasive urological assessment
Abstract Background Autonomic nervous system dysfunction, common in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), causes significant morbidity and it is correlated with poor quality of life. To assess frequency of urinary symptoms in patients with PD, without conditions known to interfere with urinary function. Methods Non-demented PD patients were consecutively enrolled from the outpatients clinic of our department. Scales investigating motor and non-motor symptoms were carried out. Evaluation of urinary dysfunctions was carried out using the AUTonomic Scale for Outcomes in Parkinson’s disease (SCOPA-AUT) questionnaire. Patients underwent noninvasive urological studies (nUS), including uroflowme…
Association between multiple sclerosis, cancer risk, and immunosuppressant treatment: a cohort study
Abstract Background The association between multiple sclerosis (MS) and cancer has long been investigated with conflicting results. Several reports suggest an increased cancer risk among MS patients treated with immunosuppressant (IS) drugs. Methods We performed a cohort study including MS patients recruited at the Neurological Department of the University of Palermo. Mean follow-up period was ten years for the whole cohort. We calculated cancer incidence among patients treated with IS. Incidence rates were compared in the cohort by calculating the relative risk according to length and dose of exposure to IS. Cancer incidence among MS patients was compared to cancer incidence in the general…
Clinical Onset and Multiple Sclerosis Relapse after SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has been associated with several neurological disorders including headache, facial palsy, encephalitis, stroke, demyelinating disorders. The present report will discuss cases of multiple sclerosis (MS) onset and relapse both beginning early after SARS-CoV-2 infection. In both cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed widespread bilateral subcortical and periventricular active lesions. Serum IgG against SARS-CoV-2 Spike antigens confirmed seroconversion with titers that are considered not definitely protective against possible reinfection. We hypothesize that SARS-CoV-2 infection, as previously reported for other vir…
Bilateral ptosis and internuclear ophthalmoplegia in a case of bilateral thalamic and midbrain Infarct.
Genetics in restless legs syndrome
Several studies on Restless leas syndrome (RLS) have suggested a substantial genetic contribution in the etiology of this sleep disorder. Clinical surveys of idiopathic RLS patients have shown that up to 60% report a positive family history. Investigations of single families with RLS have suggested an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with variable expressivity, and some families show possible anticipation. At present, only one twin study is available, showing a high concordance rate (83.3%) between identical twins. Despite several reports suggesting a genetic contribution to the etiology of idiopathic RLS, few molecular genetic studies have been carried out attempting to identify gene…
TBC1D24-TLDc-related epilepsy exercise-induced dystonia: rescue by antioxidants in a disease model
Genetic mutations in TBC1D24 have been associated with multiple phenotypes, with epilepsy being the main clinical manifestation. The TBC1D24 protein consists of the unique association of a Tre2/Bub2/Cdc16 (TBC) domain and a TBC/lysin motif domain/catalytic (TLDc) domain. More than 50 missense and loss-of-function mutations have been described and are spread over the entire protein. Through whole genome/exome sequencing we identified compound heterozygous mutations, R360H and G501R, within the TLDc domain, in an index family with a Rolandic epilepsy exercise-induced dystonia phenotype (http://omim.org/entry/608105). A 20-year long clinical follow-up revealed that epilepsy was self-limited in…
A population-based survey on cognitive performance in Sicily. Cognitive impairment is modified by fertile life characteristics.
Mortality in multiple sclerosis: a review
This work was undertaken to evaluate studies on mortality caused by multiple sclerosis (MS), to evaluate if useful inferences can be drawn from survival studies that can be applied to clinical practice. A literature search was carried out to find epidemiological studies on MS prognosis, survival, mortality and causes of death relevant to our aim. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports on worldwide cause-specific mortality were also considered. Studies were evaluated according to the duration of the follow-up study, the year of publication and the methodology used. We evaluated MS survival from a methodological point of view and considered if time trends could be drawn from study result…
An unexpected association between intracranial hypotension and split cord malformation
Frequency of Mitoxantrone related heart involvement in patients affected by Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple reversibile MR signals in course of Epstein-Barr virus encephalitis
Multiple ring-enhancing brain lesions in a ghanaian patient: a case report
Diabetes preceding Parkinson's disease onset. A case–control study
Abstract Objective To assess the association between diabetes preceding Parkinson's disease (PD) and PD. Methods PD individuals were matched to PD free individuals randomly selected from people in the same municipality as the cases. Occurrence of diabetes preceding PD onset among cases and controls was assessed through a structured questionnaire. Information regarding current and past medical treatment and other variables was also collected. We used univariate and multivariate logistic models to calculate crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR). Covariates are adjusted for included education, smoking habit, alcohol and coffee consumption. Results 318 PD individuals (165 women, 153 men) and 318 …
Tumor Diagnosis Preceding Alzheimer's Disease Onset: Is There a Link Between Cancer and Alzheimer's Disease?
Studies reporting an inverse association between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cancer are scant. Available data are mostly based on ancillary findings of mortality data or obtained from studies evaluating frequency of neoplasms in AD patients independently if they occurred before or after AD. Moreover, some studies estimated frequencies of neoplasms in demented individuals, who were not necessarily AD patients. We estimated frequency of tumors preceding the onset of AD in AD patients and compared it to that of age- and gender-matched AD-free individuals. Occurrence of tumors preceding AD onset was assessed through a semi-structured questionnaire. Tumors were categorized as benign, malignant,…
Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome in a patient with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is an autoimmune disorder characterised by fever, microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia, renal insufficiency, and thrombocytopenia. Neurological involvement, a prominent component of TTP, is characterised by a variety of brain lesions which include reversible cerebral oedema or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (RPLS). TTP is frequently associated with deficiency of the von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease, ADAMTS13.Here, we report a case of TTP with severe acute encephalopathy. Posterior leukoencephalopathy and brainstem oedema with triventricular hydrocephalus were observed on MRI. The …
Multiple sclerosis survival: a population-based study in Sicily
Background and purpose: There are few population-based surveys on multiple sclerosis (MS) survival. To investigate MS survival in MS patients recruited during surveys conducted in Sicily. Methods: Multiple sclerosis patients identified during previous surveys were randomly matched to two referent subjects by residence, year of birth, and gender. Living status was obtained by municipality records (end of follow-up June, 30th 2007) and, for the deceased, date and causes of death were searched. Kaplan-Meier plots were used to calculate differences in mortality between MS patients and referent subjects. MS risks for mortality with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were also calculated. Results: …
Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy: haplotype of Asian origin in 2 Italian families.
Seizure following the Use of the COX-2 Inhibitor Etoricoxib
We describe a case of epileptic seizures occurring after the use of a COX-2 inhibitor. A 61-year-old man was admitted to our department because of a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. EEG showed generalized slowdown of the activity. Neuroimaging and blood samples studies did not evidence alterations, but a careful pharmacological history revealed that the patient had taken the COX-2 inhibitor etoricoxib to treat lumbago few days before the onset of clinical symptoms. No seizures were reported after etoricoxib discontinuation and an EEG resulted to be normal two months after this. Conclusion. Knowing the pharmacological history of a patient is important for understanding the clinical presenta…
New frontiers in anticoagulation: non vitamin-K oral anticoagulants in stroke prevention
ABSTRACTIntroduction: Non vitamin-K oral anticoagulants (NOACs) are direct and specific inhibitors of the coagulation factors IIa (dabigatran) and Xa (apixaban, rivaroxaban, edoxaban) which share many pharmacokinetic properties. However, indications are lacking regarding the use of NOACs during thrombolysis, surgery and bleeding events.Areas covered: In this paper, the authors retrospectively analyzed the relevant literature on the NOACs using the PubMed and Google Scholar databases.Expert commentary: Although warfarin is effective in cardioembolic stroke prevention, easier handling and more favorable risk-benefit profile often render NOACs a more preferable therapy choice for neurologists.…
Linkage analysis and disease models in benign familial infantile seizures: a study of 16 families.
Summary: Purpose: Benign familial infantile seizures (BFIS) is a genetically heterogeneous condition characterized by partial seizures, onset age from 3 to 9 months, and favorable outcome. BFIS loci were identified on chromosomes 19q12-13.1 and 16p12-q12, allelic to infantile convulsions and choreathetosis. The identification of SCN2A mutations in families with only infantile seizures indicated that BFNIS and BFIS may show overlapping clinical features. Infantile seizures also were in a family with familial hemiplegic migraine and mutations in the ATP1A2 gene. We have examined the heterogeneous genetics of BFIS by means of linkage analysis. Methods: Sixteen families were examined. Probands …
Cardiovascular comorbidity in multiple sclerosis patients treated with mitoxantrone therapy: a cohort study
Abstract Background Mitoxantrone (MX) has been used as second line therapy for aggressive multiple sclerosis (MS). Potential cardiotoxic effects of MX limit its use; a cumulative dose of up to 100 mg/m2, has been long considered relatively safe. We calculated the frequency of cardiac side effects in MS patients treated with MX. Methods We performed a cohort study including all MS patients treated with MX at the Neurological Department of the University Hospital of Palermo, Italy. Two hundred-sixty-four MS patients diagnosed according to validated criteria were included and followed-up until the end of September 2010. Patients were treated with MX as a second line therapy if they had no prev…
Idiopathic Parkinson's disease and diabetes: results from a case-control study.
Vitamin D and Parkinson's Disease.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble secosteroid, traditionally considered a key regulator of bone metabolism, calcium and phosphorous homeostasis. Its action is made possible through the binding to the vitamin D receptor (VDR), after which it directly and indirectly modulates the expression of thousands of genes. Vitamin D is important for brain development, mature brain activity and associated with many neurological diseases, including Parkinson’s disease (PD). High frequency of vitamin D deficiency in patients with Parkinson’s disease compared to control population was noted nearly twenty years ago. This finding is of interest given vitamin D’s neuroprotective effect, exerted by the action of neur…
Acute onset parkinsonism during leukoencephalopathy and CMV infection
Extracellular vesicles isolated by cerebrospinal fluid as biomarkers of inflammation in multiple sclerosis and inflammatory neurological diseases.
Background and purpose: Previous studies on the association between Parkinson’s disease (PD) and body mass index (BMI) have reported conflicting results. We investigated the relationship between PD and BMI by a case–control study. Methods: PD patients were randomly matched to healthy individuals by sex and age. BMI distribution in cases has been compared with BMI of controls and odd ratios (ORs) with 95% CI were calculated. Results: We included 318 PD patients and 318 controls. We observed no association between PD and BMI. BMI distribution in cases and controls was similar also when we adjusted for diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and the time elapsed between PD onset and the interview (O…
Prevalence and incidence of multiple sclerosis in the city of Monreale, Italy
The prevalence and incidence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the city of Monreale, southern Italy were ascertained 10 years after a preliminary study in the same area. The study was undertaken in a population of 26,256 people. The patients were classified according to Poser’s criteria. The prevalence of MS on 31 December 1991 was 72.4 per 100,000 population. The incidence of MS for the period 1981–1991 was 3.3/100,000 per year. The mean period between onset and diagnosis of MS was 4.9 years for those patients found during this survey and 9.2 years for those in the first study. This study shows an increase of MS prevalence in Monreale city and a high incidence. The findings parallel the reduct…
Parkinson's disease and cancer: insights for pathogenesis from epidemiology .
Epidemiological evidence suggests a reduced incidence of many common types of cancers in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD). Parkinson's disease and cancer are two diseases that result from an excessive signaling by one of two forces driving cells to opposite directions. PD results from the excessive death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) in the brain, while uncontrolled growth is the key property of cancer. Parkinson's disease is a complex disorder, probably due in most of the cases to the interaction of environment and genes. Many genes responsible for familial forms of PD are supposed to have a supportive role in regulating or maintaining the cel…
Protective role of heat shock proteins in Parkinson's disease.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s disease. Despite a large amount of research, the pathogenetic mechanism of these diseases has not yet been clarified. Abnormal protein folding, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and apoptotic mechanisms have all been reported as causes of neurodegenerative diseases in association with neuroinflammatory mechanisms which, by generating deleterious molecules, could promote the cascade of events leading to neurodegeneration. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) play a central role in preventing protein misfolding and inhibiting apoptotic activity, and represent a class of proteins potentially involve…
Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome in a patient with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Predictors of caregiver burden in partners of patients with Parkinson's disease
ATP1A2 mutations in 11 families with familial hemiplegic migraine.
Abstract Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is an autosomal dominant form of migraine with aura. The disease is caused by mutations of at least three genes among which two have been identified, CACNA1A and ATP1A2. Very few mutations have been identified so far in ATP1A2. We screened the coding sequence of ATP1A2 in 26 unrelated FHM probands in whom CACNA1A screening was negative. A total of eight different mutations were identified in 11 of the probands (41%), including six missense mutations, one small deletion leading to a frameshift, and one in frame deletion. All were novel mutations. Two mutations were recurrent, in three and two families, respectively. Genotyping of 94 relatives of th…
A Door-to-Door population based survey on cognitive performance In Bagheria, Sicily.
Frequency of cognitive impairment and factors associated in outpatients with Parkinson’s disease
Risk Factors for Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation on Non–Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention
Background and Purpose: Clinical trials on stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation have consistently shown clinical benefit from either warfarin or non–vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs). NOAC-treated patients have consistently reported to be at lower risk for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) than warfarin-treated patients. The aims of this prospective, multicenter, multinational, unmatched, case-control study were (1) to investigate for risk factors that could predict ICH occurring in patients with atrial fibrillation during NOAC treatment and (2) to evaluate the role of CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc and HAS-BLED scores in the same setting. Methods: Cases were consecutive pa…
Is season of birth associated with multiple sclerosis?
Objective - To compare the monthly distribution of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients' births with that of the Sicilian population. Background -Studies on the association between season of birth and risk of MS are scanty and controversial. Design and methods - Archives of the Institute of Neuropsychiatry of the Universities of Palermo and Catania were searched up to 1995 for definite MS patients (McDonald & Halliday criteria). The monthly distribution of MS patients' births (N=965) was compared with that of the Sicilian population (N = 5,608,307). Results -The distribution of births among MS patients compared with the general population was not different when tested by the X 2 statistic (P > …
Effects of transcranial random noise stimulation combined with Graded Repetitive Arm Supplementary Program (GRASP) on motor rehabilitation of the upper limb in sub-acute ischemic stroke patients: a randomized pilot study.
We evaluated the combined use of transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS) with the Graded Repetitive Arm Supplementary Program (GRASP) in sub-acute ischemic stroke patients suffering from arm impairment. Eighteen ischemic stroke patients with upper limb disability were randomly assigned to either the GRASP + tRNS or GRASP + Sham stimulation group. Fugl-Meyer Assessment-Upper extremity (FMA-UE) was performed to evaluate upper limb impairment before treatment (T0), after the last stimulation (T1) and after 30 days (T2). At T1 and T2, beneficial effects in the tRNS group correlated with better FMA-UE score than sham stimulation group (p < 0.001) and these results did not correlate to st…
Intravenous gammaglobulin treatment in chronic progressive multiple sclerosis
Clinical and genetic study of a new familial epilepsy with nocturnal wandering and ictal fear. report of the first evidence for chrna2 mutation in human epilepsy
Elusive amines and cluster headache: mutational analysis of trace amine receptor cluster on chromosome 6q23.
Cluster headache (CH) is characterised by unilateral pain and ipsilateral autonomic features. To date, no molecular genetic evidence has been shown for CH. Small pedigrees and low penetrance render the identification of the CH-gene quite difficult. Nonetheless the association of CH and migraine to a new class of amine, namely trace or elusive amines such as tyramine, octopamine and synephrine, has recently been demonstrated. In particular, in comparison to healthy control subjects, all these neurotransmitters have been found to be greatly elevated in CH sufferers in plasma and platelets both in active and remission periods. A cluster of gene-encoding G-protein-coupled receptors that bind an…
Autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia: report of a large italian family with R581X spastin mutation
We describe a large kindred with a typical pure form of autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia (ADHSP). On the basis of maximum LOD score of 1.94 at theta (max)=0 with marker D2S367, we obtained suggestive evidence for linkage of ADHSP to SPG4 locus. Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) and direct sequence analysis allowed us to identify a nonsense mutation (1741* C > T) in exon 17 of the Spastin gene. This transition, carried by all the affected family members and two apparently healthy individuals, lead to truncation of the last 36 amino acids in the C-terminus of the protein. These results confirm the existence of mutation in the SPG4 gene with a reduced pe…
Prevalence of comorbidity in Parkinson’s disease: a case-control study
Frequency and determinants for hemorrhagic transformation of cerebral infarction.
<i>Background:</i> Frequency and associated risk factors for hemorrhagic transformation (HT), a worrying complication of ischemic stroke (IS), are not clearly defined. Our aim was to estimate the overall frequency and risk factors for HT in a hospital-based population. <i>Methods:</i> A retrospective review of medical records of patients discharged from our department during the period 2004–2006 with a diagnosis of anterior IS. Demographic, clinical and hematological information was collected. Uni- and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to estimate risk for spontaneous HT. <i>Results:</i> We included 240 patients (125 males, 52%), mean ag…
Incidence of multiple sclerosis in Bagheria City, Sicily, Italy.
We investigated the incidence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in a Sicilian community located at sea level. The study was a retrospective search for MS patients. Incidence was studied in the period from 1 January 1985 to 31 December 1994. We searched for definite MS patients, according to Poser's criteria, among the population resident in Bagheria (Palermo province). There were 25 subjects affected by MS, of which 20 were incident MS patients. The average annual incidence was 4.4 per 100 000 persons (n = 453 385 person-years). The incidence increased over time (1985-1989 = 3.5, 1990-1994 = 5.3). A parallel decrease of the interval between onset and diagnosis of MS was observed (1985-1989, 3.7 ye…
Familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 is linked to 0.9Mb region on chromosome 1q23
Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by episodes of transient hemiparesis followed by headache. Two chromosomal loci are associated to FHM: FHM1 on chromosome 19 and FHM2 on chromosome 1q21-23. Mutations of the alpha-1A subunit of the voltage gated calcium channel (CACNA1A) are responsible for FHM1. FHM2 critical region spans 28 cM, hence hampering the identification of the responsible gene. Here, we report the FHM2 locus refining by linkage analysis on two large Italian families affected by pure FHM. The new critical region covers a small area of 0.9Mb in 1q23 and renders feasible a positional candidate approach. By mutation analysis, we ex…
Clinical genetics of Restless Legs Syndrome
Risk of Parkinson’s disease in women: effect of reproductive characteristics on the age at onset
Frequency and determinants for hemorrhagic transformation of posterior cerebral stroke
Abstract Background hemorrhagic transformation is a threatening ischemic stroke complication. Frequency of hemorrhagic transformation differs greatly among studies, and its risk factors have been usually studied in patients with anterior ischemic stroke who received thrombolytic therapy. We evaluated, in a hospital-based series of patients with posterior ischemic stroke not treated with thrombolysis, frequency and risk factors of hemorrhagic transformation. Patients with posterior circulation stroke were seen in our Department during the period January 2004 to December 2009. Demographic and clinical information were collected. We estimated risk for spontaneous hemorrhagic transformation by …
Incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Sicily: A population based study
Our objective was to investigate incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Sicily, southern Italy, by means of a population based study. We included people with ALS resident in fi ve Sicilian provinces, whose onset occurred in the two-year period 2005 2006 (population at 31 December 2006: 3,481,096 inhabitants). A multisource case-fi nding procedure was adopted and patients were classifi ed as affected by ALS according to revised El Escorial criteria. During the two-year surveillance period, 97 patients meeting eligibility criteria included 57 males (58.8%) and 40 females (41.2%). Crude annual incidence rate was 1.4/100,000 person years (95% CI 1.33 1.47). The incidence rate was h…
Heart involvement in patients treated with mitoxantrone for multiple sclerosis
Mercaptopurine Treatment in an Adult Man with Orbital and Intracranial Rosai-Dorfman Disease.
Background. Rosai-Dorfmann disease (RDD) is a rare, idiopathic non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis, affecting children and young adults, that commonly presents as painless, massive cervical lymphadenopathy with fever, weight loss, and polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia. Cervical lymphadenopathy and extranodal involvement are the main presentations. On the contrary, ophthalmic involvement and localisation in the central nervous system are rare.Case Report. An old man was admitted to our hospital for first seizure. Brain imaging studies revealed on the left an extra-axial thickening of the dura mater with enhancement and perilesional oedema, infiltrating the sphenoorbital fissure and an isointen…
Multiple Sclerosis in Southern Europe: Monreale City, Italy
<i>Background:</i> Several follow-up studies showed increasing prevalence and incidence rates for multiple sclerosis (MS). <i>Objective:</i> To ascertain, throughout a follow-up study, the incidence and prevalence of MS in the city of Monreale, Sicily, southern Italy. <i>Methods:</i> We calculated crude and age- and sex-specific prevalence rates on December 31, 2000, and determined incidence rates for the period January 1, 1992 to December 31, 2000. <i>Results:</i> The prevalence of MS was 71.2 per 100,000 population (48,5/100,000 in men; 93,0/100,000 in women). The incidence rate of MS for the period 1992–2000 was 4.0/100,000 per year. <i&…
Leprosy: report of a case with severe peripheral neuropathy
Leprosy (Hansen's disease) is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease, caused by Mycobacterium leprae, with cutaneous and neurological manifestations. Leprosy is very rare in Europe but some cases are reported, especially among people coming from endemic areas. Here, we report a case of Hansen's disease and emphasize the importance of a prompt diagnosis and treatment also in non-endemic areas.
A TRAPPC6B splicing variant associates to restless legs syndrome
Abstract INTRODUCTION: RLS is a common movement disorders with a strong genetic component in its pathophysiology, but, up to now, no causative mutation has been reported. METHODS: We re-evaluated the previously described RLS2 family by exome sequencing. RESULTS: We identified fifteen variations in the 14q critical region. The c.485G > A transition of the TRAPPC6B gene segregates with the RLS2 haplotype, is absent in 200 local controls and is extremely rare in 12988 exomes from the Exome Variant Server (EVS). This variant alters a splicing site and hampers the normal transcript processing by promoting exon 3-skipping as demonstrated by minigene transfection and by patient transcripts. CON…
A case control study to evaluate the relationship between cigarette smoking or coffee consumption and multiple sclerosis
Early and late mortality of spontaneous hemorrhagic transformation of ischemic stroke.
Background Hemorrhagic transformation (HT), a complication of ischemic stroke (IS), might influence patient's prognosis. Our aim is to evaluate, in a hospital-based series of patients not treated with thrombolysis, the relationship between HT and mortality. Methods We compared mortality of individuals with spontaneous HT with that of individuals without. Medical records of patients diagnosed with anterior IS were retrospectively reviewed. Outcome measures were 30- and 90-day survival after IS onset. Kaplan–Meier estimates were used to construct survival curves. Cox proportional hazards model was used to estimate hazard ratio (HR) for the main outcome measure (death). HT was stratified in he…
Late seizures in cerebral venous thrombosis
ObjectiveTo examine the incidence, characteristics, treatment, and predictors of late seizures (LS) after cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), we described these features in a registry of 1,127 patients with CVT.MethodsWe included consecutive adult patients from an international consortium of 12 hospital-based CVT registries. We excluded patients with a history of epilepsy or with <8 days of follow-up. We defined LS as seizures occurring >7 days after diagnosis of CVT. We used multivariable Cox regression to identify predictors of LS.ResultsWe included 1,127 patients with CVT. During a median follow-up of 2.0 years (interquartile range [IQR] 1.0–6.3), 123 patients (11%) experienced ≥1 LS…
Further evidence of genetic heterogeneity in familial essential tremor.
Familial essential tremor (FET) is a common hereditary movement disorder with phenotypic variability and genetic heterogeneity. To date, linkage analyses revealed three loci associated to essential tremor (ET) (ETM1 on 3q13, ETM2 on 2p22-25, and a locus on 6p23). We performed a genetic analysis of these candidate chromosomal regions in a fifth-generation Italian kindred with autosomal-dominant ET. Of the 22 clinically evaluated family members, nine were affected by ET. The genetic study indicates that the ET in this family is not associated to any of the known ET loci. These findings support evidence of further genetic heterogeneity for such disease. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserv…