Didier Arnal
Ideaux à gauche dans les quotients simples de l'algèbre enveloppante de sl(2)
International audience
Algèbres et cogèbres de Gerstenhaber et cohomologie de Chevalley–Harrison
Resume Un prototype des algebres de Gerstenhaber est l'espace T poly ( R d ) des champs de tenseurs sur R d muni du produit exterieur et du crochet de Schouten. Dans cet article, on decrit explicitement la structure de la G ∞ algebre enveloppante d'une algebre de Gerstenhaber. Cette structure permet de definir une cohomologie de Chevalley–Harrison sur cette algebre. On montre que cette cohomologie a valeur dans R n'est pas triviale dans le cas de la sous algebre de Gerstenhaber des tenseurs homogenes T poly hom ( R d ) .
Hom-Lie quadratic and Pinczon Algebras
ABSTRACTPresenting the structure equation of a hom-Lie algebra 𝔤, as the vanishing of the self commutator of a coderivation of some associative comultiplication, we define up to homotopy hom-Lie algebras, which yields the general hom-Lie algebra cohomology with value in a module. If the hom-Lie algebra is quadratic, using the Pinczon bracket on skew symmetric multilinear forms on 𝔤, we express this theory in the space of forms. If the hom-Lie algebra is symmetric, it is possible to associate to each module a quadratic hom-Lie algebra and describe the cohomology with value in the module.
Basic theory of solvable Lie algebras and Lie groups
Separation of representations with quadratic overgroups
AbstractAny unitary irreducible representation π of a Lie group G defines a moment set Iπ, subset of the dual g⁎ of the Lie algebra of G. Unfortunately, Iπ does not characterize π. If G is exponential, there exists an overgroup G+ of G, built using real-analytic functions on g⁎, and extensions π+ of any generic representation π to G+ such that Iπ+ characterizes π.In this paper, we prove that, for many different classes of group G, G admits a quadratic overgroup: such an overgroup is built with the only use of linear and quadratic functions.
Le cône diamant symplectique
Resume Si n + est le facteur nilpotent d'une algebre semi-simple g , le cone diamant de g est la description combinatoire d'une base d'un n + module indecomposable naturel. Cette notion a ete introduite par N.J. Wildberger pour sl ( 3 ) , le cone diamant de sl ( n ) est decrit dans Arnal (2006) [2] , celui des algebres semi-simples de rang 2 dans Agrebaoui (2008) [1] . Dans cet article, nous generalisons ces constructions au cas des algebres de Lie sp ( 2 n ) . Les tableaux de Young semi-standards symplectiques ont ete definis par C. De Concini (1979) [4] , ils forment une base de l'algebre de forme de sp ( 2 n ) . Nous introduisons ici la notion de tableaux de Young quasi standards symplec…
Plancherel formula and related topics
Construction of canonical coordinates for exponential Lie groups
Given an exponential Lie group G, we show that the constructions of B. Currey, 1992, go through for a less restrictive choice of the Jordan-Holder basis. Thus we obtain a stratification of g * into G-invariant algebraic subsets, and for each such subset Ω, an explicit cross-section Σ C Ω for coadjoint orbits in Ω, so that each pair (Ω, Σ) behaves predictably under the associated restriction maps on g * . The cross-section mapping σ: Ω → Σ is explicitly shown to be real analytic. The associated Vergne polarizations are not necessarily real even in the nilpotent case, and vary rationally with ∈ Ω. For each Ω, algebras e 0 (Ω) and e 1 (Ω) of polarized and quantizable functions, respectively, a…
Jeu de taquin and diamond cone for Lie (super)algebras
Abstract In this paper, we recall combinatorial basis for shape and reduced shape algebras of the Lie algebras gl ( n ) , sp ( 2 n ) and so ( 2 n + 1 ) . They are given by semistandard and quasistandard tableaux. Then we generalize these constructions to the case of the Lie superalgebra spo ( 2 n , 2 m + 1 ) . The main tool is an extension of Schutzenberger's jeu de taquin to these algebras.
Une Algèbre de Lie non semi-simple rigide et sympathique
International audience
Erratum to “Separation of representations with quadratic overgroups” [Bull. Sci. Math. 135 (2) (2011) 141–165]
Abstract In the paper entitled “Separation of representations with quadratic overgroups”, we defined the notion of quadratic overgroups, and announced that the 6-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebra g 6 , 20 admits such a quadratic overgroup. There is a mistake in the proof. The present Erratum explains that the proposed overgroup is only weakly quadratic, and g 6 , 20 does not admit any natural quadratic overgroup.
Kontsevich formality and cohomologies for graphs
A formality on a manifold M is a quasi isomorphism between the space of polyvector fields (Tpoly(M)) and the space of multidifferential operators (Dpoly(M)). In the case M=R d , such a mapping was explicitly built by Kontsevich, using graphs drawn in configuration spaces. Looking for such a construction step by step, we have to consider several cohomologies (Hochschild, Chevalley, and Harrison and Chevalley) for mappings defined on Tpoly. Restricting ourselves to the case of mappings defined with graphs, we determine the corresponding coboundary operators directly on the spaces of graphs. The last cohomology vanishes.
Analyticity of a restricted formality
International audience; The Kontsevich formality can be viewed as a non-linear map ℱ from the L∞ algebra of poly-vector fields on ℝd to the space of poly-differential operators. The space of the half-homogenous poly-vector fields is a sub-L∞ algebra. We prove here that the restriction of ℱto this subspace is weakly analytic.
The structure of sl(2,1)-supersymmetry:irreducible representations and primitive ideals
International audience
Moment Map and Gelfand Transform for the Enveloping Algebra
International audience; Describing the Gelfand construction for the analytic states on an universal enveloping algebra, we characterize pure states and re-find the main result of a preceding work with L. Abdelmoula and J. Ludwig on the separation of unitary irreducible representations of a connected Lie group by their generalized moment sets.
We introduce the Chevalley cohomology for the graded Lie algebra of polyvector fields on $R^d$. This cohomology occurs naturally in the problem of construction and classification of fomalities on the sapce $ R^d$. Considering only graphs formalities, we define the Chevalley cohomology directly on spaces of graphs. We obtain some simple expressions for the Chevalley coboundary operator and we give examples and applications.
In a recent article, Cattaneo, Felder and Tomassini explained how the notion of formality can be used to construct flat Fedosov connections on formal vector bundles on a Poisson manifold $M$ and thus a star product on $M$ through the original Fedosov method for symplectic manifolds. In this paper, we suppose that $M$ is a fibre bundle manifold equipped with a Poisson tensor tangential to the fibers. We show that in this case the construction of Cattaneo-Felder- Tomassini gives tangential (to the fibers) star products.
Separation of unitary representations of connected Lie groups by their moment sets
AbstractWe show that every unitary representation π of a connected Lie group G is characterized up to quasi-equivalence by its complete moment set.Moreover, irreducible unitary representations π of G are characterized by their moment sets.
Séparation des orbites coadjointes d'un groupe exponentiel par leur enveloppe convexe
Resume Revenant sur la question de la separation des representations unitaires irreductibles d'un groupe de Lie exponentiel G par leur application moment, nous presentons ici une nouvelle solution : au lieu de prolonger l'application moment a l'algebre enveloppante de G , nous proposons de definir une application (non lineaire) Φ de g ∗ dans le dual g + ∗ de l'algebre de Lie d'un groupe resoluble G + , de prolonger les representations de G a G + de telle facon que les orbites coadjointes correspondantes de G + soient caracterisees par l'adherence de leur enveloppe convexe. Ceci nous permet de separer les representations irreductibles de G .
Relative cohomology spaces for some osp($n|2$)-modules
International audience; In this work, we describe the H-invariant, so(n)-relative cohomology of a natural class of osp(n|2)-modules M, for n ≠ 2. The Lie superalgebra osp(n|2) can be realized as a superalgebra of vector fields on the superline R1|n. This yields canonical actions on spaces of densities and differential operators on the superline. The above result gives the zero, first, and second cohomology spaces for these modules of densities and differential operators.
Jeu de Taquin and Diamond Cone for so(2n+1, C)
International audience; The diamond cone is a combinatorial description for a basis of a natural indecomposable n-module, where n is the nilpotent factor of a complex semisimple Lie algebra g. After N. J. Wildberger who introduced this notion, this description was achieved for g = sl(n) , the rank 2 semisimple Lie algebras and g = sp (2n).In this work, we generalize these constructions to the Lie algebra g = so(2n + 1). The orthogonal semistandard Young tableaux were defined by M. Kashiwara and T. Nakashima, they index a basis for the shape algebra of so(2n + 1). Defining the notion of orthogonal quasistandard Young tableaux, we prove that these tableaux describe a basis for a quotient of t…
Chevalley cohomology for aerial Kontsevich graphs
Let $T_{\operatorname{poly}}(\mathbb{R}^d)$ denote the space of skew-symmetric polyvector fields on $\mathbb{R}^d$, turned into a graded Lie algebra by means of the Schouten bracket. Our aim is to explore the cohomology of this Lie algebra, with coefficients in the adjoint representation, arising from cochains defined by linear combination of aerial Kontsevich graphs. We prove that this cohomology is localized at the space of graphs without any isolated vertex, any "hand" or any "foot". As an application, we explicitly compute the cohomology of the "ascending graphs" quotient complex.