Gabriele Tornambè
Effect of legume grains as dietary protein source on the quality of organic lamb meat
Influenza della specie foraggera pascolata sulla produzione di latte ovino
Effetti del sistema di allevamento e della tecnologia di caseificazione sulla qualità del caciocavallo palermitano: prime valutazioni
Intake and milk production of goats grazing Sulla forage under different stocking rates
This investigation aimed to individuate the dietary factors affecting the milk urea nitrogen (MUN) concentration in goats grazing herbaceous pasture and, particularly, to verify the relationship linking the diet crude protein (CP) content to MUN. A total of 205 individual observations regarding dietary and milk variables of 37 Girgentana goats involved in two experiments were used. Goats, averaging 154±14 days in milk and 38.1±5.4 kg of live weight, grazed on swards and received 500 g/d of barley meal. Sward biomass, herbage selected by goats and individual milk yield were measured and sampled weekly. The herbage intake and diet digestibility were estimated by the n-alkane method. Milk urea…
Effects of mountain grassland maturity stage and grazing management on carotenoids in sward and cow's milk
Carotenoids are involved in the sensorial and nutritional values of dairy products. In grazing systems, both herbage maturity stage and grazing management may affect the amount of carotenoid ingested, thus these factors may affect carotenoid concentrations in milk. Two homogenous plots of mountain grassland (1.4 and 2.0 ha) were grazed during two cycles of growth by 6 dairy cows in mid lactation, in strip (SG) and rotational grazing (RG), respectively. We monitored the changes in carotenoid concentrations in sward and milk, measured by HPLC twice a week. Seven carotenoids were identified in the sward: violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, epilutein, lutein, zeaxanthin, ß-carotene and 13-cis ß-carot…
Effetti della specie foraggera e della tecnica di pascolamento sulla produzione di latte ovino.
L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di valutare gli effetti del pascolamento su specie botaniche differenti, utilizzando sia il sistema continuo che quello turnato, sulla produzione di latte ovino. Le risorse foraggere utilizzate erano rappresentate dalla sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.), da un erbaio in consociazione di trifoglio alessandrino (Trifolium alexandrinum) ed avena (Avena sativa) e da un prato di cicoria (Cichorium intybus). Sono state utilizzate 40 pecore in lattazione suddivise in 5 gruppi omogenei, ciascuno assegnato ad uno dei seguenti trattamenti: pascolamento continuo su sulleto; pascolamento turnato su sulleto; pascolamento continuo su consociazione; pascolamento turn…
Effects of mountain grassland maturity stage and grazing managment on carotenoids in sward and cows’ milk.
Grazing sulla and/or ryegrass forage for 8 or 24 hours daily. 1. Effects on ewes milk production
Effect of production systems on a sensory characteristics of PDO Cantal cheese
Effect of legume grains as a source of dietary protein on the quality of organic lamb meat.
BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the effects on lamb growth, carcass traits and meat quality of replacing conventional soybean meal in the diet with alternative legume grains. RESULTS: Twenty-eight male lambs of Comisana breed weighing 16.9 ± 2.7 kg at weaning (66 ± 6 days old) were assigned to one of four diets. Until slaughter at 129 ± 6 days of age, each group received ad libitum pelleted alfalfa hay and concentrates differing in the source of protein: chickpea, faba bean, pea or soybean meal. Lambs fed chickpea showed higher dry matter and protein intakes from concentrate than those fed soybean. Lambs' growth, carcass weight and net dressing percentage did not vary by protein source, al…
Influenza del tipo di salatura sulle caratteristiche del Pecorino Siciliano DOP
Comparing quality characteristics of “Caciocavallo Palermitano” cheese from traditional and intensive production systems
The “Caciocavallo Palermitano” is a typical stretched curd (pasta filata) cheese, made mainly in the Palermo area, in the Western Sicily, from cow milk. The aim of this investigation was to verify the influence of the on-farm production system (traditional vs. intensive) on some qualitative characteristics of “Caciocavallo Palermitano” cheese, with particular regard to fatty acid (FA) profile. On June 2008, 1-month aged cheeses were sampled from 6 traditional farms (TRD) and 5 intensive farms (INT). In TRD farms, local cow breeds (Cinisara, Modicana or Siciliana) were fed pasture-based diet and cheeses were manufactured using artisanal wood tools by following the traditional technique. The …
Effects of continuous and rotational grazing of different forage species on ewe milk production
Abstract The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of continuous and rotational grazing of different forage species on milk production in ewes. The forage species were chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), a mixture of oat (Avena sativa L.) and berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), and sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.). Forty ewes were divided into 5 groups, and subjected to one of the following treatments: continuous grazing on chicory, continuous grazing on the mixture, continuous grazing on sulla, rotational grazing on the mixture, or rotational grazing on sulla. Among the species continuously grazed, chicory showed a lower biomass than the mixture, or sulla. Ewes grazing chicor…
Effects of proteic concentrates different from soja-bean on growth performances and meat quality of 130 day lambs.
Effects of grazing Trifolium subterraneum and Lolium multiflorum in various proportions on forage intake and milk production of dairy ewes
The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of grazing Trifolium subterraneum (T) and Lolium multiflorum (L), as pure or associated crops, on forage intake and milk yield and composition in Comisana ewes. The four following fenced subplots, each of 2500 m2, were used for grazing: T, 100% of surface; L, 100% of surface; TL, T and L on 66.6 and 33.3 % of surface; LT, T and L on 33.3 and 66.6% of surface, respectively. Each subplot was divided into two parcels in order to have two replicates. Forty ewes were divided into eight homogeneous groups, with regard to milk yield, days in milk and live weight. In spring for 70 days, each group grazed daily for 8 h one of the fenced parcels. M…
Energy intake effects at pasture on milk production and coagulation properties in girgentana goats with different as1-cn genotypes
The aim of this study was to investigate whether proerties of milk from Girgentana goats of different as1-CN genotypes were affected by the energy intake at pasture. Thirty six goats were genotyped at as1-CN locus using several genomic techniques and milk protein analysis. Eight genotypes associted with low (FF, 2 goats), medium (AF, AN, BF, BN, 21 goats) and high (AA, AB, BB, 13 goats) as1-CN level have beed typed. The increase in energy intake (E) of goats from low (2.0 Mcal/d) corresponded to an increasing dry matter intake, diet CP percentage, milk yield and clotting parameters, and a reduction in milk fat. Depending on genotypes linked to increasign as1-CN, milk was higher in casein, c…
Effect of diet and CSN1S1 genotype on nutritional, productive and metabolic responses of milking Girgentana goats
Effects of feeding green forage of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) on lamb growth and carcass and meat quality.
The nutritional effects of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) forage containing condensed tannins (CT) on growth of lambs, and carcass and meat quality were investigated. Thirty-two male Comisana lambs aged 100 ± 8 days weighing 19.0 ± 2.8 kg were fed fresh forage of sulla or CT-free annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. subsp. Wersterwoldicum) for 49 days until slaughter; in addition, each lamb was supplied with 200 g/days of concentrate. Eight lambs per diet had been previously treated with anthelmintic drugs to remove nematode parasites. Measurements of BW and feed intake, and counts of faecal nematode eggs were made. Carcass parameters were recorded after slaughter, and tissue component…
Salvaguardia della tradizione casearia: indagine microbiologica sulla lavorazione tradizionale del Caciocavallo Palermitano
Impiego di granelle di leguminose in alternativa alla soia nella produzione di carne ovina biologica
Use of legume grains in substitution of soybean meal in organic lamb meat production. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of replacing soybean meal in the diet with alternative legume grains without GMO presence and at low aflatoxin risk, on the growth and carcass and meat quality traits of lambs. After weaning at 66±6 d of age, 28 male Comisana lambs were divided into 4 groups and gradually adapted to diets over a 15-d period. Until slaughter at 129±6 d of age, each group received ad libitum pelleted alfalfa hay and concentrates differing for the protein source: chickpeas (CP), faba beans (FB), peas (PE) and soybean meal (SM). Lambs growth and carcasses weight were not modified by the…
Regime alimentare e caratteristiche nutrizionali ed aromatiche del Caciocavallo Palermitano
Zootecnia: uno studio per l’integrazione alimentare con granelle prodotte localmente.
Effetti del pascolamento della sulla e/o della loiessa per 8 o 24 ore sul comportamento alimentare e sulla produzione lattiero-casearia di pecore Comisane
This experiment aimed to examine the effects of the utilization of monocultures of ryegrass (R), sulla (S) or both of them (RS), and the prolongation of daily grazing from 8 h (8:00-16:00) to 24 h, evaluating behaviour, selectivity, intake and milk and cheese production of ewes at pasture. The experiment involved 42 Comisana ewes averaging 146±55 days in milk, divided into 6 homogeneous groups which, since 19th April for 42 days, continuously grazed under a stocking rate of 34 ewes/ha. Ewes involving in eating activity were higher in R and for 24-h grazing, in relation to lower intake rate. RS ewes reduced eating time and increased lying activity. During daytime, the eating gradually decrea…
La gestione dell’alimentazione dei ruminanti in produzione biologica e riflessi sulle proprietà nutraceutiche dei prodotti
Utilizzo del pisello proteico in alternativa alla farina di estrazione di soia in un allevamento biologico di bovine da latte
Utilizzazione del pisello proteico in alternativa alla farina di estrazione di soia in un allevamento biologico di bovine da latte. Nella sperimentazione è stata verificata la possibilità di impiego del pisello proteico in sostituzione totale della farina di estrazione di soia nel concentrato destinato a bovine da latte allevate in regime biologico. Sono state utilizzate 14 bovine di razza Bruna suddivise in due gruppi omogenei ognuno alimentato, per l’intera durata della prova (292 d), con uno dei due diversi concentrati. La produzione di latte non si è differenziata fra i gruppi, sebbene le bovine che ricevevano il pisello proteico abbiano prodotto, rispetto alla soia, una quantità di lat…
Effetto del regime alimentare delle bovine sulla composizione in acidi grassi del formaggio Caciocavallo Palermitano
Sono stati verificati gli effetti dell’alimentazione al pascolo e dell’integrazione con concentrato sulla composizione in acidi grassi (AG) del Caciocavallo Palermitano. Bovine di razza Cinisara suddivise in 4 gruppi sono state sottoposte ai trattamenti alimentari: PN: pascolo naturale; PMF: pascolo naturale e concentrato a base di mais e favino; POC: pascolo naturale e concentrato a base di orzo e cece; ST: fieno e concentrato in stalla. La dieta ha influenzato la produzione media di latte (P<0,05) e il suo tenore in grasso (P<0,05), ma non ha modificato la resa del latte alla caseificazione e la composizione chimica del formaggio. L’alimentazione al pascolo, con o senza il concentrato, ha…
Effects of feeding regime on nutritional and aromatic characteristics of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese
Relationships between dietary factors and milk urea nitrogen level in goats grazing herbaceous pasture
This investigation aimed to individuate the dietary factors affecting the milk urea nitrogen (MUN) concentration in goats grazing herbaceous pasture and, particularly, to verify the relationship linking the diet crude protein (CP) content to MUN. A total of 205 individual observations regarding dietary and milk variables of 37 Girgentana goats involved in two experiments were used. Goats, averaging 154±14 days in milk and 38.1±5.4 kg of live weight, grazed on swards and received 500 g/d of barley meal. Sward biomass, herbage selected by goats and individual milk yield were measured and sampled weekly. The herbage intake and diet digestibility were estimated by the n-alkane met…
Endocrine and ovarian response after a 2-day controlled suckling and eCG treatment in lactating rabbit does.
Synchronization methods are used to obtain higher fertility when artificial insemination (AI) is applied to lactating rabbit does. The most common methods are eCG administration or temporary doe–litter separation. Nevertheless, drawbacks have been reported, such as negative side effects of hormonal treatment in the doe and low litter growth due to absence of suckling, respectively. Recently, improved reproductive performance (without visible consequences on young rabbit growth), has been obtained by applying a 2-day controlled nursing method before AI, by allowing for a 10 min nursing of the litter 24 h of separation. The present study was undertaken to examine the pituitary (PRL, LH, FSH) …
Influence of fresh forage-based diets and αS1-casein (CSN1S1) genotype on nutrient intake and productive, metabolic, and hormonal responses in milking goats
Abstract Polymorphism at the α S1 -casein locus ( CSN1S1 ) in goats influences several milk production traits. Milk from goats carrying strong alleles, which are associated with high α S1 -casein (α S1 -CN) synthesis, has higher fat and casein contents, longer coagulation time and higher curd firmness than milk from goats with weak alleles linked to low α S1 -CN content. Nutrition also affects these milk properties; therefore, it is important to better understand the interaction between dietary characteristics and the CSN1S1 genotype in goats. This study aimed to investigate the effect of fresh forage based diet or energy supplement on feeding behavior, milk production, and metabolic and ho…
Latte tutto l'anno, con gli ovini conviene
Il Caciocavallo Palermitano tra tradizione e innovazione del sistema produttivo
Effetti della dieta sul profilo acidico del latte di capre con diverso genotipo per l’αs1-CN.
Preliminary Evaluation of the Influence of Traditional Dairy Plant Equipment on the Microbiological Quality of “Caciocavallo Palermitano” Cheese
Caciocavallo Palermitano” is a raw cows’ milk cheese produced within Palermo province (Sicily), processed according to “pasta-filata” cheese technology without starter addition. Production flow-sheet includes a 15-minute milk bulk resting in “tina”, the traditional wooden vat used for cheese-making. This study was aimed to evaluate the influence of traditional equipment on the characteristics of cheese; at this stage, it was forwarded to the characterization of the microbiological populations of “Caciocavallo Palermitano” during each step of manufacturing. Two milk bulks (A and B), from different farming systems, were compared before and after resting in tina. After delivery at dairy factor…
Integrazione con granelle di leguminose per la produzione di latte ovino biologico
Lo stadio di sviluppo dell’erba e la tecnica di pascolamento giocano un ruolo sul contenuto in terpeni del latte.
Gli ovini al pascolo sulle stoppie producono più latte
Analisi degli isotopi stabili e della composizione acidica per l’identificazione dei formaggi ovini biologici
Dietary factors associated with the concentration of milk urea nitrogen in grazing goats
Transfer of milk fatty acids to Pecorino Siciliano cheese
In previous studies it was observed that milk fatty acid (FA) composition is mainly affected by diet, and when ruminants graze pasture the percentages of polyunsaturated FA and conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) are higher than in milk from preserved forage. The maintenance in the cheese of the beneficial FA profile of milk from grazing ruminants is advisable. Little number of study exists concerning the effect of milk processing conditions on cheese FA profile, but no study was done with regard to Pecorino Siciliano cheese. The aim of this study was to evaluate the transfer of FA from ewes milk to cheese manufactured according to the Pecorino Siciliano technology, in order to verify if the ch…
Effets de sources protéiques alternatives au soja sur les performances de croissance et sur la qualité de la viande d'agneaux à 130 jours.
Effet du système d’élevage et de la technologie fromagère sur les caractéristiques sensorielles du fromage Caciocavallo Palermitano.
Utilization of mulberry leaves (Morus latifolia cv. Kokusou 21) in diets for dairy ewes
Twelve Valle del Belice lactating ewes were divided into three homogeneous groups and fed ad libitum the following diets in a 3 x 3 Latin square design: sulla hay (HA); sulla hay and Mulberry leaves (M. leaves) (HM); M. leaves (MU). DM intake of MU ewes was lower than that of HM ewes, with an intermediate level for HA ewes. HM ewes showed to prefer M. leaves to hay, but their need to balance the high protein and low NDF contents of M. leaves by eating hay also emerged. Milk yield increased as the dietary content of M. leaves increased- In addition, the use of HM and MU diets led to higher milk fat and urea content in comparison with the HA diet. The results confirmed that M. leaves are a su…
Essential Oil in Milk: Its Influence on Milk and Cheese Chemical and Sensory Properties.
Influenza del genotipo per l'alfa s1 caseina sulla qualità del latte di capre Maltesi
INTRODUZIONE I numerosi studi sui polimorfismi lattoproteici della capra hanno evidenziato per il gene che codifica per l’alfa (s1)-caseina (CSN1S1) 17 alleli: A, B1, B2, B3, B4, C, D, E, F, G, O1, O2, H, I, L, M, N. Tali alleli sono stati associati a differenti tassi di sintesi di caseina e classificati in quattro gruppi quantitativi: alleli forti (A, B1, B2, B3, B4, C, H, L, M) intermedi (E ed I) e deboli (D, F e G) che sintetizzano rispettivamente un alto (circa 3,5 g/l), medio (circa 1,1 g/l), e basso (0,45 g/l) quantitativo di alfa (s1)-caseina, più alleli nulli (01, 02 e N) che non sintetizzano alfa (s1)-caseina (1, 2). Le varianti genetiche per l’alfa (s1)-caseina influenzano in misu…
Effect of stocking rate on selective behaviour and milk production of Girgentana goats grazing a ryegrass and berseem clover mixture
Comportamento alimentare al pascolo per 8 o 24 ore in funzione della risorsa utilizzata
Mode de pâturage et empreinte terpénique du lait.
Changes in Terpene Content in Milk from Pasture-Fed Cows
Changes of terpene content in milk from cows grazing natural diversified upland pasture were examined in this observational trial. A homogeneous plot divided into 2 subplots was used from May 31 to July 1, 2003 (first growth) and again from October 1 to October 7, 2003 (vegetative regrowth). Each subplot was grazed by 6 dairy cows in 2 ways: strip grazing (SG), with new allocations of pasture strips at 2-d intervals, and paddock grazing (PG). The PG subplot was divided into 3 paddocks and the cows were moved to a new paddock on June 13 and June 24, 2003. Milk from the 6 cows was collected twice a week, pooled, and used for terpene analyses by dynamic headspace gas chromatography-mass spectr…
La produzione lattiero-casearia ovina in funzione della durata del pascolamento giornaliero
Indagine microbiologica sulla lavorazione artigianale del Caciocavallo Palermitano.
Addition of pasture plant essential oil in milk: Influence on chemical and sensory properties of milk and cheese
The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of the addition, to milk, of an essential oil (EO) obtained from the hydrodistillation of plants collected from a mountain natural pasture on the milk and cheese sensory properties. The EO was mainly composed of terpenoid compounds (67 of the 95 compounds identified) as well as ketones, aldehydes, alcohols, esters, alkanes, and benzenic compounds. In milk, the addition of this EO at the concentration of 0.1 microL/L did not influence its sensory properties, whereas at 1.0 microL/L, sensory properties were modified. In cheeses, the effect of adding EO into milk was studied in an experimental dairy plant allowing the production of small Canta…
Etude pour l’application du Protocole Welfare Quality® dans des élevages bovins laitiers en Sicile
Quality evaluation of cheese from raw or pasteurized milk of ewes grazing sulla forage (Hedysarum coronarium L.) for different daily time
Pasteurization is the more effective method for eliminating pathogens contaminating milk. However, the high temperature of pasteurization destroys either pathogens or lactic endemic flora, this latter involved in cheese ripening, thus impairing the development of sensory properties of cheese. It was previously observed that longer permanence at pasture allows the ewes to spend more time for eating; accordingly, ewes increase feed intake and milk yield. Aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of the prolongation of ewes daily grazing from 8 to 24 h and the effect of the milk pasteurization process on milk and cheese quality, with particular regard on fatty acid (FA) composition. In…
Effects of nutritional level on lactating response of Girgentana goats with different CSN1S1 genotype
Goat polymorphism at αs1-casein loci (CSN1S1) influences milk yield and composition. Milk of goats with strong alleles associated to high αs1-casein shows higher fat and casein, longer coagulation time, firmer curds and variation in fatty acids than milk from goats with weak alleles linked to low αs1-casein. Since these milk properties are also affected by nutrition, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of nutritional level on milk production traits of Girgentana goats with different CSN1S1 genotype. From a group of goats genotyped using PRC protocols at DNA level, 12 goats having the same genotype at αs2, β and κ- casein loci and differing for CSN1S1 genotype were selected: …
Both grass development stage and grazing management play a major role on milk terpene content
International audience
Persistence of wild Streptococcus thermophilus strains on wooden vat and during the manufacture of a traditional Caciocavallo type cheese
The present work was undertaken to evaluate the influence of the wooden dairy plant equipment on the microbiological characteristics of curd to be transformed into Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese. Traditional raw milk productions were performed concomitantly with standard cheese making trials carried out in stainless steel vat inoculated with a commercial starter. Milk from two different farms (A and B) was separately processed. The wooden vat was found to be a reservoir of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), while unwanted (spoilage and/or pathogenic) microorganisms were not hosted or were present at very low levels. All microbial groups were numerically different in bulk milks, showing higher lev…
Effet de la diversité botanique des pâturages de montagne sur le profil en acides gras et les caractéristiques sensorielles des laits.
Both 48-hour doe-litter separation and 2-day controlled suckling improved fertility of 11-day lactating does similarly to 20 IU of PMSG
Use of green sulla forage for feeding 2. Effects on lamb carcass and meat quality
Effect of production system on sensorial characteristics of PDO Cantal cheese
National audience
Effect of farming system and cheesemaking technology on the physicochemical characteristics, fatty acid profile, and sensory properties of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese
Abstract Caciocavallo Palermitano is a typical stretched-curd cheese that has been produced over the centuries in Sicily according to traditional cheesemaking technology and using raw milk from autochthonous cow breeds reared at pasture. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of the farming system and processing technology on the characteristics of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese, with particular regard to the fatty acid profile. The farming system was either extensive, using autochthonous cows fed a pasture-based diet, or intensive, with specialized dairy cow breeds fed mainly hay and concentrate. The cheese-processing technology was either artisanal, using traditiona…
Effetti della tecnologia tradizionale di caseificazione sulle caratteristiche microbiologiche e organolettiche del Caciocavallo Palermitano
Both grass development and grazing management influence milk terpene content.
Microbiological characteristics of traditional Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese making
Effect of farming system and cheese making technology on quality traits and fatty acid profile of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese at different ripening time
The Caciocavallo Palermitano is a typical stretched curd cheese made from cow milk, mainly in the Western Sicily. The aim of this investigation was to verify the influence of farming system and cheese making process (traditional with wood tools and natural endemic flora vs. innovative with modern stainless steel tools and selected lactic bacteria) on qualitative characteristics, including fatty acid (FA) profile, of Caciocavallo Palermitano at different ripening time. Cheeses were obtained from bulk milk from two farms: one extensive rearing a local breed fed at pasture and one intensive rearing a specialized dairy breed fed mainly hay and concentrate. Milk and cheese properties and FA prof…
La destagionalizzazione della produzione lattiero casearia degli ovini in Sicilia
Milk fatty acids of cows grazing a mountain diversified grassland is highly affected by the maturity stage of the grass.
Valorisation des productions laitieres et fromageres ovines fermieres en dessaisonnalisant des agnelages
Effet de la pasteurisation sur les caractéristiques du lait et du fromage de brebis “Comisana” conduites au pâturage de Sulla pendant des durées différentes
L’impiego alimentare di orzo germinato nella produzione di latte ovino biologico
Food use of barley sprouts in organic sheep milk production. Hydroponic forage, used when fresh forage is scarce, represents a good alternative feed for milking ruminants, also in organic farming systems, where it can reduce the forage/concentrate ratio. This study evaluated the effect of barley sprouts (BS) in the diet on nutrients utilization and milk production from organic ewes. Eighteen ewes were divided into 3 groups and fed with 3 diets. Animals was fed with hay ad libitum and supplemented by: 0.6 kg/d of concentrate and 4 kg/d of BS (B100); 0.9 kg/d of concentrate and 2 kg/d of BS (B50); 1.2 kg/d of concentrate (C). Supplied and residual feeds and milk yield were recorded and sample…