Claude Yven
Chewing simulation as a tool for understanding food oral processing
International audience
Combined effect of cheese characteristics and food oral processing onin vivoaroma release
The aim of this work was to clarify the influence of the properties (firmness and fat content) of a solid processed model cheese on in vivo aroma release while considering the role of the in-mouth process during both mastication and post-swallowing steps, and the hydrophobicity of aroma compounds, on a large number of well characterized subjects. In vivo aroma release was studied on 44 subjects who freely consumed six processed model cheeses flavoured with the same concentration of nonan-2-one and ethyl propanoate. Globally, an increase in firmness induced an increase in chewing duration, amount of saliva incorporated into the food bolus, total amount of aroma released and rate of release. …
Assessment of interactions between hydrocolloids and flavor compounds by sensory, headspace, and binding methodologies
International audience
Effect of Oral Physiology Parameters on In-Mouth Aroma Compound Release Using Lipoprotein Matrices: An In Vitro Approach
Temporal aroma compound release during eating is a function of the physicochemical properties of the food matrix, aroma compounds, and oral physiology of individuals. However, the influence of each parameter on the release of each aroma component should be clarified. Two flavored lipoprotein matrices varying in composition were chewed in a chewing simulator that reproduced most of the physiological functions of the mouth. Aroma compound releases (butanoic acid, 2-heptanone, ethyl butyrate, 3-octanone, and 2-nonanone) were followed in real time by direct connection of the device to APCI-MS (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry). Each oral parameter was controlled and de…
In-mouth mechanisms leading to flavor release and perception.
Review; International audience; During eating, foods are submitted to two main oral processeschewing, including biting and crushing with teeth, and progressive impregnation by saliva resulting in the formation of a cohesive bolus and swallowing of the bolus. Texture influences the chewing behavior, including mastication and salivation, and in turn, these parameters influence texture perception and bolus formation. During this complex mouth process, flavor compounds are progressively released from the food matrix. This phenomenon is mainly dependent on the food texture, the composition and in-mouth breakdown, and on saliva impregnation and activity, but an individual's anatomical and physiol…
Dynamics of Aroma Release during Cheese Consumption
The influence of satiation before and after a pasta meal was studied through the evaluation of aroma release and chewing activity during the consumption of a flavored model cheese. Aroma release during cheese consumption was found to be higher after satiation than before. The difference can be explained by an increase in the duration of the chewing sequence and an increase in the chewing muscular work after satiation. However, the pulmonary flow was not affected by satiation.
Understanding the dynamics of flavor compounds release during food mastication of cheese products in function of oral physiology
ISBN-10: 3-938896-38-9 ISBN-13: 978-3-938896-38-9; International audience
The GOHAI: A new tool for panel selection
International audience
In-mouth aroma compound release during cheese consumption: Relationship with food bolus formation
International audience; The present study describes the changes in mechanical properties and saliva incorporation for cheese samples with different composition and texture, and their influence on the rate of aroma release. Chewing work per cycle, salivary flow rate and chewing rate varied highly among subjects. Despite the differences in cheese hardness, at the end of mastication, bolus texture was the same for cheeses with the same lipid content. Low-fat cheeses gave harder bolus than high fat ones, despite being chewed longer, with higher work per cycle and more moisture. Salivary flow rate did not vary among cheese samples but, at the end of mastication, the amount of saliva in boluses d…
Chewing simulation: a way to understand relationships between mastication, food breakdown and flavour release
International audience; Flavour release during eating foods is mainly function of the physico-chemical properties of the food matrix and of what occurs in mouth during the chewing process. The understanding of in-mouth mechanisms leading to food breakdown should help to understand flavour release phenomenon.
Kinetics of aroma release and consumer physiology
International audience
Aroma release and chewing activity during eating different model cheeses
International audience; This study focused on the effect cheese properties had on chewing behaviour and aroma release as well as the relationship between them. Chewing activity and the kinetics of aroma release were simultaneously monitored during the consumption of eight model cheeses with the same flavour content. Differences in chewing behaviour explained most of the variability in aroma release among subjects. Aroma release increased with chewing work, bursts’ number and amplitude. For cheese samples, the chewing behaviour varied according to texture. Interaction between cheese composition and the chewing behaviour effects affected aroma release: (i) decreasing fat content increased aro…
Dynamics of aroma release during cheese consumption: influence of the physiological state
Studies dealing with food intake usually focus either on in vivo aroma release or on subject physiology and behaviour. However, no approach combining all the parameters is known and the effect of changes in the physiological state (for instance satiation state) has been slightly studied until now. Yet, the evolution of aroma perception during food intake is important because it can modify the consumption behaviour, in particular when the subject is satiated. The objective of this project is to study the dynamics of the evolution of aroma release from model cheese, according to physiological modifications such as satiation attainment. . The present study is a preliminary test led on a small …
Chewing simulation: a way to understand the relationships between mastication, food breakdown and flavour release
International audience; Understanding in-mouth mechanisms is necessary to understand flavour release and perception phenomena. To overcome the limitations of in-vivo flavour release measurements, we developed a chewing simulator that faithfully reproduced many mouth functions. Using brittle foods, we showed that in-vitro food breakdown was very comparable to that obtained in-vivo. We also studied on model cheeses in-vitro flavour release by connecting on-line the chewing simulator to APCI-MS. Preliminary results are discussed.