Miguel Armengot Carceller
Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis and fungus ball development secondary to a dental root retained for more than 25 years. A case report
The displacement of a dental root fragment into the maxillary sinus is a serious complication of tooth extraction that can give rise to maxillary sinusitis. The condition can become chronic if the intrasinusal foreign body is not promptly removed, and Asp
Roflumilast N-oxide, a PDE4 inhibitor, improves cilia motility and ciliated human bronchial epithelial cells compromised by cigarette smoke in vitro
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSEMucociliary malfunction occurs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and compromised functions of ciliated bronchial epithelial cells may contribute to this. Cigarette smoke, a major risk factor for COPD, impairs ciliary beat frequency (CBF). cAMP augments CBF. This in vitro study addressed, in differentiated, primary human bronchial epithelial cells, whether roflumilast N-oxide, a PDE4 inhibitor, (i) augments CBF; (ii) prevents the reduction in CBF induced by cigarette smoke extract (CSE); and (iii) protects against the loss of the ciliated phenotype following long-term CSE exposure.EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHAir-liquid interface cultured human bronchial epithelia…
Discinesia ciliar primaria. Ciliopatías
Resumen La discinesia ciliar primaria es un trastorno geneticamente determinado que se caracteriza por un movimiento ciliar alterado o ausente. Genera un deficit en el aclaramiento mucociliar que se manifiesta clinicamente como infecciones cronicas de vias aereas constantes desde el nacimiento, asi como esterilidad masculina por inmovilidad del espermatozoide y situs inversus en el 40–50% de los pacientes (sindrome de Kartagener). El diagnostico se basa en el estudio de la movilidad ciliar mediante video de alta resolucion digital y alta velocidad, complementado con el estudio de la ultraestructura ciliar. La amplia distribucion ciliar en el organismo y sus numerosas funciones hacen que su …
Neurinoma intralaberíntico: manejo, exéresis y restauración auditiva con implante coclear
Resumen Introduccion y objetivo El schwannoma vestibular es un tumor benigno que se origina en el octavo par craneal. Se denomina schwannoma intralaberintico (SIL) cuando se origina en el oido interno, siendo este origen poco frecuente. Presentamos nuestra experiencia en el manejo de 3 pacientes con SIL. Material y metodos Los resultados de la exeresis tumoral e implantacion coclear fueron evaluados en 3 pacientes con SIL: 2 casos de schwannoma intracoclear y un caso de schwannoma intravestibular. Resultados Previo a la cirugia, todos los pacientes presentaban hipoacusia neurosensorial progresiva y acufeno ipsilateral. La reseccion tumoral completa y la colocacion de un implante coclear fue…
Intralabyrinthine neurinoma: Management, exeresis and auditory restoration with cochlear implant
Abstract Background and objective Vestibular schwannoma is a benign tumour that originates in the eighth cranial nerve. It is termed intralabyrinthine schwannoma (ILS) when it develops in the inner ear, this being a rare origin. We present our experience in the management of three patients with ILS. Materials and methods The results of tumour excision and cochlear implantation were evaluated in three patients with ILS: two intracochlear schwannomas (ICS) and one intravestibular schwannoma (IVS). Results Prior to surgery, all patients presented progressive sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. Complete tumour resection and cochlear implantation was possible in all patients, with favourabl…
Implementation of a gene panel for the genetic diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia
Background: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a disease characterized by an alteration in the ciliary structure that causes an abnormal clearance of respiratory secretions. Its diagnosis is complex and is based on a combination of different techniques. The objective of this study was to design a gene panel including all known caustive genes, and to verify the utility for diagnostic in a cohort of Spanish patients. Methods: Multicenter cross-sectional study of patients with high suspicion of PCD, applying the criteria of the European Respiratory Society. Design a gene panel for mass sequencing with SeqCap EZ technology, including 44 PCD-related genes. Results: 79 patients were included, 53…
Primary ciliary dyskinesia. Ciliopathies
Abstract Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a genetically inherited syndrome characterised by ciliary immotility or dysmotility. Deficiency in mucociliary clearance produces chronic respiratory infections from birth, male sterility by spermatozoid immotility and situs inversus in 40%–50% of patients (Kartagener's syndrome). Diagnosis is made by analysing ciliary motility with high-speed digital video and ciliary ultrastructure. The wide distribution and functions of the cilia in the body mean that this dysfunction can generate other ciliopathies apart from primary ciliary dyskinesia.
Posterior Lingual Abscess; Report of Two Cases
The lingual abscess is rare due to several protective mechanisms against infection in this location. Concretely, the abscess in the base of the tongue (posterior lingual abscess) is even more exceptional. Its prompt detection is crucial to avoid potentially fatal airway complications. To familiarize physicians with this condition, we report 2 cases of posterior lingual abscess. Both were referred to our emergency department due to minor oropharyngeal complaints. Finally, both were diagnosed and required surgical drainage. The clinical evolution was successful: both were discharged in less than 72 hours and follow-up one week later confirmed clinical recovery
Discinesia ciliar primaria
Malignant fibrohistiocytoma of the parotid region : report of a case
Most salivary gland tumors are benign, malignant lesions accounting for 15-30% of the total. The most frequent site of salivary gland neoplasms is the parotid gland (80% of all cases). We present a case of malignant fibrohistiocytoma with atypical features due to its location (in the parotid region), size and rapid growth. Generally, this type of tumor arises in the lower limbs and in the abdomen. When located in the parotid gland, these lesions appear as a firm, slow growing and painless mass. Due to the low frequency of such lesions and their clinical behavior, the imaging study and fine-needle aspiration biopsy findings tend to diagnose them as pleomorphic adenoma. The definitive diagnos…
Dizziness Evaluation and Characterisation of Patients with Posterior Circulation Stroke in the Emergency Department; a Case Series Study.
Introduction: Dizziness is a common scenario in the Emergency Departments (EDs). Among dizziness underlying causes, the posterior circulation stroke is especially relevant due to its mobimortality and concerning misdiagnosis rates. Therefore, we conducted this study to assess dizziness evaluation and baseline characteristics of patients with PS in the ED. Methods: We conducted a 3-year retrospective observational study on PS cases confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Concretely, we analysed the demographic profile of these patients, the initial PS clinical presentation, and diagnostic workup (with emphasis on dizziness evaluation) performed at the ED. Results: During the study per…