Jochen Martens

Reviergesänge und Speziesdifferenzierung in der Klappergrasmücken-GruppeSylvia [curruca]

Territorial songs of the nearly trans-PalaearcticSylvia curruca complex recorded in various area parts of the three major taxa groups (curruca, althaea, minula) are analyzed. Playback experiments substantiate the differences between the three groups. In view of their locally sympatric distribution and distinct territorial songs thecurruca, althaea andminula groups are considered different species of superspeciesSylvia [curruca].

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Gene flow in the European coal tit, Periparus ater (Aves: Passeriformes): Low among Mediterranean populations but high in a continental contact zone

Abstract Extant phylogeographical patterns of Palearctic terrestrial vertebrates are generally believed to have originated from glacial range fragmentation. Post-Pleistocene range expansions have led to the formation of secondary contact zones among genetically distinct taxa. For coal tits (Periparus ater), such a contact zone has been localized in Germany. In this study, we quantified gene flow between Fennoscandian and southern European coal tits using a set of 13 microsatellite loci. STRUCTURE analysis revealed four genetic clusters, two occurring on Mediterranean islands. German populations were genetically admixed but introgression of southern alleles was evident for Fennoscandian popu…

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Phylloscopus borealoides Portenko — ein verkannter Laubsänger der Ost-Paläarktis

Ussuri-Laubsanger (Phylloscopus tenellipes) vom ostsibirischen Festland und von den Inseln des Japanischen Meeres (Sachalin, S-Kurilen, Hokkaido, Hondo) sind morphologisch kaum unterscheidbar, in der Stimme jedoch auserst verschieden. Die Festlandsform besitzt einen Heuschrecken-ahnlichen Schwirrer, die Inselform eine Serie heller Pfiffe. Da auch die Rufe betroffen sind, wird auf wenigstens partiell genetische Basis der Unterschiede geschlossen. Fur beide Formen kommt nach der Struktur der Gesange Anpassung an stark gerauschbelastete Biotope in Frage, z. B. den Uferbereich von Gebirgsbachen. Obwohl der Sympatrie-Nachweis bisher aussteht, sind die Argumente gravierend, beide Formen als eigen…

research product

Evolution and genetic structure of the great tit (Parus major) complex

The great tit complex is divided into four groups, each containing several subspecies. Even though the groups are known to differ markedly on morphological, vocal and behavioural characters, some hybridization occurs in the regions where they meet. The great tit has often been referred to as an example of a ring species, although this has later been questioned. Here, we have studied the genetic structure and phylogenetic relationships of the subspecies groups to clarify the evolutionary history of the complex using control region sequences of the mitochondrial DNA. The subspecies groups were found to be monophyletic and clearly distinct in mitochondrial haplotypes, and therefore must have h…

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Where is the line? Phylogeography and secondary contact of western Palearctic coal tits (Periparus ater: Aves, Passeriformes, Paridae)

In this study, a phylogeographic scenario of the coal tit (Periparus ater) was reconstructed based on a fragment of the mitochondrial control region, and within- and between-population genetic diversity was analysed with a focus on the western Palearctic breeding range. We inferred a first pan-European delimitation of a postulated secondary contact zone among coal tits from the north-eastern Palearctic ater subspecies group and those from the south-western Palearctic abietum group. Generally, between-population differentiation was greatest in the Mediterranean range, which was explained by a greater separation in multiple Pleistocene refuge areas compared to the lower differentiation across…

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Improved sampling at the subspecies level solves a taxonomic dilemma – A case study of two enigmatic Chinese tit species (Aves, Passeriformes, Paridae, Poecile)

Abstract A recent full species-level phylogeny of tits, titmice and chickadees (Paridae) has placed the Chinese endemic black-bibbed tit (Poecile hypermelaenus) as the sister to the Palearctic willow tit (P. montanus). Because this sister-group relationship is in striking disagreement with the traditional affiliation of P. hypermelaenus close to the marsh tit (P. palustris) we tested this phylogenetic hypothesis in a multi-locus analysis with an extended taxon sampling including sixteen subspecies of willow tits and marsh tits. As a taxonomic reference we included type specimens in our analysis. The molecular genetic study was complemented with an analysis of biometric data obtained from mu…

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Vier Dekaden Weberknechtforschung mit dem 64. Band der ‚Tierwelt Deutschlands‘ – Rückblick, aktueller Stand und Ausblick

A short history of the Opiliones volume in ‘Die Tierwelt Deutschlands’ published by Martens (1978) is presented. The area under consideration comprises Central Europe expanded by large parts of Scandinavia, the British Isles, non-Mediterranean France, Benelux, the complete Alps and in the south-east those parts of Romania and Croatia whose fauna was sufficiently well known. Additions and changes which appeared since 1978 are highlighted: new species discovered in this area, taxonomic changes, important distributional records, as well as changes of faunal composition due to human-mediated influences and climate change are addressed. Perspectives for further research concern faunal inventory …

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Phylogeography of a Palaearctic sedentary passerine, the willow tit (Parus montanus)

We analysed variation of the mitochondrial control region from willow tits through its Palaearctic distribution range. Although we found high amount of genetic variation (π=1.114%), there was almost no differentiation between subspecies or geographical localities. This may be because of a combination of several ecological and genetic factors, including a relatively homogenic habitat through the distribution range, lack of geographical barriers, high gene flow and a large long-term effective population size. On the contrary, in the songar tit, which is sometimes considered to be conspecific with the willow tit, the mitochondrial lineages seem to correlate with the geographical locality and a…

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Within regions, differences in the number of species among clades must be explained by clade age, net diversification rate, or immigration. We examine these alternatives by assessing historical causes of the low diversity of a bird parvorder in the Himalayas (the core Corvoidea, 57 species present), relative to its more species rich sister clade (the Passerida, ∼400 species present), which together comprise the oscine passerines within this region. The core Corvoidea contain ecologically diverse species spanning a large range of body sizes and elevations. Despite this diversity, on the basis of ecological, morphological, and phylogenetic information, we infer that the best explanation for t…

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The Centetostoma scabriculum complex—a group of three cryptic species (Arachnida: Opiliones: Nemastomatidae)

Nemastoma scabriculum Simon, 1879 turned out to be a group of three closely related species of the Pyrenees in SW Europe (France and Spain). Though the species are similar in general habit they can easily be recognized by external morphology (structure of the apophysis of male chelicerae) and male genital morphology (penial structure). For Nemastoma scabriculum Simon, 1879 sensu stricto a lectotype is designated. The synonymous Nemastoma ventalloi Mello-Leitao, 1936 is considered to be a distinct species and is re-described. The third species of the group is described as new, Centetostoma juberthiei sp. n. Though partly sympatric in their restricted Pyrenean area, the individual species are…

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Abstract An interim report on our ongoing revisional study is given together with a short summary of the current knowledge on the systematics and distribution of the family Oncopodidae (Opiliones, Laniatores). An exceptionally high diversity in male genitalia is shown and its possible evolution is discussed. Four major penis types are distinguished in the Oncopodidae and compared with similar forms in other laniatorean families.

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The phylogenetic relationships of Przevalski's FinchUrocynchramus pylzowi, the most ancient Tibetan endemic passerine known to date

Competing systematic hypotheses have placed the Tibetan endemic Przevalski's Finch Urocynchramus pylzowi either with the Old World buntings (Emberizidae) or with the cardueline finches (Fringillidae, Carduelinae). Recent studies based on limited genetic evidence instead suggest an isolated position within Passeroidea and advocate a separate family, Urocynchramidae, as had been suggested much earlier on the grounds of morphology. We provide a time-calibrated multi-locus phylogeny for Passeroidea including Przevalski's Finch based on three mitochondrial markers and three nuclear introns that placed U. pylzowi in a clade together with Estrildidae, Viduidae and Ploceidae. A sister group relatio…

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Molecular phylogeny, biogeographic history, and evolution of cave-dwelling taxa in the European harvestman genusIschyropsalis(Opiliones: Dyspnoi)

Abstract We estimated a multigenic molecular phylogeny and reconstructed biogeographic history for the European harvestman genus Ischyropsalis C.L. Koch 1839 (Dyspnoi). To reconstruct historical biogeographic patterns we conducted an algorithmic VIP analysis which revealed patterns consistent with a vicariance-dominated history. The existing morphology-based systematic framework for Ischyropsalis is mostly inconsistent with molecular phylogenetic results, and a new informal system is established that recognizes three main clades and several sub-clades. Species-level analyses revealed two non-monophyletic species (I. pyrenaea Simon 1872 and I. luteipes Simon 1872); subspecies of I. pyrenaea …

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Ring species – Do they exist in birds?

Abstract According to current theory, the splitting of a single species into two is best observed by a ring of intergrading populations which occupy a ring-shaped distribution area and whose terminal populations not only meet but overlap and co-occur without or with only little hybridization. The three most discussed examples in birds are revisited here. The great tit complex ( Parus major s. l.) turned out to be an assemblage of four subspecies groups forming a secondary ring of population. The herring gull/lesser black-backed gull complex ( Larus argentatus s. l.) forms a circumpolar circle of intergrading populations, but lacks the crucial cornerstone, the geographical overlap. The green…

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LautäußErungen Der Baumläufer Des Himalaya Und Zur Akustischen Evolution in Der Gattung Certhia

[Im zentralen Himalaya kommen 4 der 5 Certhia-Arten vor: discolor, nipalensis, himalayana und familiaris, nur brachydactyla fehlt dort. Sie besiedeln unterschiedliche Hohenstufen und Waldformationen mit breiten vertikalem Uberschneidungsbereich. Lokal konnen 2 Arten nebeneinander leben, ausnahmsweise 3. Die Syntax der Reviergesange von discolor, nipalensis und himalayana weicht von jener der Arten brachydactyla und familiaris (gleich welcher Herkunft) stark ab. Es sind Triller-Strophen, die aus der Wiederholung nur eines Elementes bestehen (discolor), aus 2-4 trillerartigen Phrasen aufgebaut sind (discolor, nipalensis, himalayana) oder aus Wiederholungen von Element-Gruppen bestehen (discol…

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Return flight to the Canary Islands – The key role of peripheral populations of Afrocanarian blue tits (Aves: Cyanistes teneriffae) in multi-gene reconstructions of colonization pathways

Abstract Afrocanarian blue tits (Cyanistes teneriffae) have a scattered distribution on the Canary Islands and on the North African continent. To date, the Canary Islands have been considered the species’ main Pleistocene evolutionary center, but their colonization pathways remain uncertain. We set out to reconstruct a dated multi-gene phylogeny and ancestral ranges for Cyanistes tit species including the currently unstudied, peripheral Libyan population of C. t. cyrenaicae. In all reconstructions the most easterly and westerly peripheral populations (in Libya and on La Palma) represented basal offshoots of C. teneriffae. These two peripheral populations shared all four major indels and dif…

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<p><strong><em>Sinostoma</em> <em>yunnanicum</em>, the first nemastomatine harvestman in China (Arachnida: Opiliones: Nemastomatidae)</strong></p>

The easternmost Nemastomatinae species, Sinostoma yunnanicum n. gen., n. sp., from northern Yunnan, China is described. It extends the geographic distribution of Nemastomatinae by roughly 3000 km southeastwards. Within Nemastomatinae Sinostoma displays plesiomorphic characters, including the long, basic bulb of the truncus shaft and the extremely short glans of penis, armed with short robust spines. Sinostoma may represent a relict line in the early evolution of nemastomatine harvestmen.

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Pnoepyga immaculata n. sp., eine neue bodenbewohnende Timalie aus dem Nepal-Himalaya

Pnoepyga immaculata n. sp. lebt im Areal der beiden anderenPnoepyga-Artenalbiventer (Hodgson 1837) undpusilla Hodgson 1845 und wurde durch ihren markant abweichenden Territorialgesang entdeckt. Sie besitzt eine kurze silberhelle Strophe aus kurzen, in gleichmasigen Abstanden gereihten Pfiff-Elementen, die in der Frequenz leicht abfallt. Neben der Stimme liegen die wesentlichen diagnostischen Merkmale nach jetzigem Kenntnisstand gegenuber sympatrischenalbiventer in wenig groserem Schnabel, der Fleckenlosigkeit von Oberseite, Kopf und Flugeldecken, gegenuberpusilla in den groseren Korperabmessungen, gegenuber sympatrischenalbiventer undpusilla im schwachen grunlichen Schimmer der Oberseite un…

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Revision of the genus Trogulus Latreille: the Trogulus coriziformis species-group of the western Mediterranean (Opiliones:Trogulidae)

Within the well researched European fauna of harvestmen, the genus Trogulus Latreille exhibits unexpectedly high cryptic diversity. The species’ uniform morphology hinders an exclusively morphological approach to their systematics and taxonomy, and a preliminary molecular study estimated the number of species to be three times higher than currently known. The current study focuses on a clearly defined species-group within Trogulus, combining molecular (~1700 bp 28S rRNA and the cytochrome b gene), distributional, morphometric and morphological data. Relationships are reconstructed using Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood and this information is subsequently used t…

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Calls of the Jungle Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos s. l.) as a taxonomic characterResults of the Himalaya Expeditions of J. Martens, No. 224. - For No. 225 see: Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. A598, 1999.

Summary A discriminant analysis of the call structure completely separates three Corvus taxa (levaillantii and japonensis of the ‘macrorhynchos group’, splendens) inhabiting the southern slopes of the Himalayas (Nepal, Kashmir). The acoustic differences are considered taxonomically relevant, indicating species boundaries. Therefore the Jungle Crows of lower and upper Nepal (contact zone at around 2,000 m) are assigned to two biospecies (C. japonensis and C. levaillantii), as is consistent with morphological, ecological and parasitological data. It appears possible to extrapolate the findings regarding call structure to the systematics of other ‘macrorhynchos’ populations as distant as the R…

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Additions to the Nepalese oribatid mite fauna, with description of two new species (Acari, Oribatida)

An annotated checklist of identified oribatid mite taxa from Nepal is provided. It includes 45 species/subspecies, 38 genera and 31 families; 34 species/subspecies are recorded for the first time in Nepal. Two new species, Eremaeus anichkini n. sp. (Eremaeidae) and Ghilarovizetes longiporosus n. sp. (Ceratozetidae), are described from soil and litter. An identification key to all known species of the genus Ghilarovizetes is given.urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BE27D886-1294-4E55-AD0B-25CDFC663D71

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Correction: Phylogeny of the Eurasian Wren Nannus troglodytes (Aves: Passeriformes: Troglodytidae) reveals deep and complex diversification patterns of Ibero-Maghrebian and Cyrenaican populations

The Mediterranean Basin represents a Global Biodiversity Hotspot where many organisms show high inter- and intraspecific differentiation. Extant phylogeographic patterns of terrestrial circum-Mediterranean faunas were mainly shaped through Pleistocene range shifts and range fragmentations due to retreat into different glacial refugia. Thus, several extant Mediterranean bird species have diversified by surviving glaciations in different hospitable refugia and subsequently expanded their distribution ranges during the Holocene. Such a scenario was also suggested for the Eurasian Wren (Nannus troglodytes) despite the lack of genetic data for most Mediterranean subspecies. Our phylogenetic mult…

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Paraphyly of the Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus) suggested from cytochrome b sequences

The phylogenetic relationships of the Blue Tit-Azure Tit assemblage (genus Parus; Aves: Passeriformes) were studied using mitochondrial DNA sequences of 24 specimens representing seven subspecies from Eurasia and North Africa. Previous work based on comparative morphological and acoustic data suggested a division of the Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus) into two species. Our analyses clearly indicate that the Blue Tit represents a paraphyletic assemblage, including a European/Middle Asian clade that is the sister group to the Azure Tit (Parus cyanus) and a North African clade. The North African clade (teneriffae subspecies group) is a sister group to the European Blue Tit/Azure Tit clade. We sugge…

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Niche filling slows the diversification of Himalayan songbirds.

In Himalayan songbirds, the speciation rate is ultimately set by ecological competition, rather than by the rate of acquisition of reproductive isolation. The beginnings of adaptive radiation and speciation have been widely studied — in Darwin's finches, sticklebacks and cichlid fish, for example — but relatively little is known about what happens next. Specifically, what is the rate-limiting step for the establishment of new species? This seven-year study of the 358 songbird species found on the Himalayan slopes suggests that it is the rates at which new niches are created and occupied that limits diversification, not the rate at which new species form through reproductive isolation. Speci…

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The genus Galumna in Nepalese oribatid mite fauna, with notes on systematic placement of some species (Acari, Oribatida, Galumnidae)

The oribatid mite genus Galumna (Oribatida, Galumnidae) is recorded for the first time in Nepal. A new species, Galumna tetraporosa sp. n., is described from soil of secondary mixed broadleaved forest. It is most similar morphologically to G. tokyoensis Aoki, 1966 and G. valida Aoki, 1994, however, it differs from both by the absence of interlamellar setae and the presence of two pairs of notogastral porose areas Aa. Galumna granalata Aoki, 1984 is redescribed on the basis of specimens from Nepal. Galumna floridae (Jacot, 1929) and G. hexagona Balogh, 1960 are transferred to the genus Notogalumna; G. mauritii Mahunka, 1978 is transferred to the genus Dimidiogalumna.

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Feinstruktur der Cheliceren-Dr�se von Nemastoma dentigerum Canestrini (Opiliones, Nemastomatidae)

1. Nemastoma dentigerum Canestrini besitzt als sekundares mannliches Geschlechtsmerkmal eine Apophyse auf dem ersten Chelicerenglied, die eine Druse enthalt. 2. Die einzelnen Drusenzellen schliesen sich jeweils zu Dreiergruppen zusammen, deren distales Ende immer von 3 Hullzellen umfast wird. Diese 6 Zellen bilden eine funktionelle Einheit innerhalb des komplexen Drusenorgans. Jede Drusenzelle gliedert sich in 3 Abschnitte: 1. in den basalen kernhaltigen Teil, 2. in den mittleren sehr langen Drusenzellschlauch und 3. in den distalen Kopf mit Mikrovilli-Becher. 3. An der Sekretion beteiligen sich 2 Zelltypen: die 3 Drusenzellen und die innere Hullzelle (H1). Das Sekret beider Zelltypen gelan…

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New species of oribatid mites of the genera Lepidozetes and Scutozetes (Acari, Oribatida, Tegoribatidae) from Nepal

Two new species of oribatid mites, Lepidozetes acutirostrum sp. n. and Scutozetes clavatosensillus sp. n., are described from Nepal. The genera Lepidozetes and Scutozetes are recorded for the first time for the Oriental region. The identification keys to the known species of these genera are provided.

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A survey of the function of the lethal kettle traps of Arisaema (Araceae), with records of pollinating fungus gnats from Nepal

Abstract Evidence from recent research combined with an evaluation of the literature indicates that Arisaema is adapted to pollination by fungus gnats. It apparently shares this peculiarity among aroids only with the distantly related genus Arisarum . In addition to previous records from Japan and North America, systematic collections from nine Arisaema species during several expeditions in the Himalayas in Nepal showed that, although other less efficient insect groups may participate, the nematoceran families Mycetophilidae and Sciaridae are the principal pollen vectors; they best fit the pollination apparatus of the mainly (para)dioecious kettle trap blossoms. A total of 16 fungus gnat ge…

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Phylogeny of long-tailed tits and allies inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear markers (Aves: Passeriformes, Aegithalidae)

Abstract In this paper we provide a molecular phylogeny based on three mitochondrial and three nuclear markers for all long-tailed tit species of the genus Aegithalos including several doubtful subspecies (17 taxa) plus three close allies of SE Asian Leptopoecile and North American Psaltriparus . Genus Aegithalos is divided into three major clades, two of them showing only minor differentiation. Separation of two mitchondrial haploytpe clusters in the N Palearctic Long-tailed Tit, Ae. caudatus , was dated back to the Late Pleistocene, however, descendants from both lineages underwent a rapid post-Pleistocene range expansion and largely mixed over the entire distribution area. The Chinese po…

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Molecular phylogeny of treecreepers (Certhia) detects hidden diversity†

We sequenced a part of the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene from the seven treecreeper species, including 18 subspecies, to reconstruct the phylogeny of the genus Certhia. Species status of all seven species could be affirmed. Certhia discolor, C. himalayana, C. nipalensis, and C. tianquanensis, the species with relatively small distribution ranges in southeast Asia and simple territorial song, are found at the base of all phylogenetic trees, although without good support. A comparatively recent sister species of C. tianquanensis is C. nipalensis, replacing C. discolor as closest relative. Certhia familiaris, C. brachydactyla and C. americana form a derived set of species (again only weak su…

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Hybriden vonParus melanolophus undParus ater im Nepal-Himalaya

Im Dhaulagiri-Gebiet des nepalischen Himalaya wurde eine Zone der Uberlappung (?) und Hybridisierung vonParus melanolophus undParus ater aemodius entdeckt. Das kritische Material (Anhang, Tafel 1) und die okologisch-biologische Situation (Abschnitt 1, 2) werden in ihrer Bedeutung ausfuhrlich diskutiert (Abschnitt 3–5). Nach den bisherigen Kenntnissen ist die Kontaktzone schmal. In ihr tretenaemodius- undmelanolophus-ahnliche, sowie morphologisch von beiden auffallig abweichende, zimtbauchige (Tafel 1: 3, 8) Hybriden auf. Unter Berucksichtigung aller vorhandenen okologisch-biologischen Information wird aus dem morphologischen Befund der Populationen auf das Bestehen partieller Isolationsmech…

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Phylogeography of the Eurasian Willow Tit (Parus montanus) based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene.

The phylogeographic relationships of the trans-Palearctic Willow Tit assemblage were studied by obtaining sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 34 specimens representing nine subspecies from across the species range. Four distinct genetic groups were identified: Parus montanus weigoldicus, P. m. affinis, P. m. songarus, and a clade containing six Eurasian subspecies (ssp. baicalensis, borealis, montanus, restrictus, rhenanus, and sachalinensis). P. m. weigoldicus, P. m. affinis, and P. m. songarus were reciprocally monophyletic and separated from each other and other subspecies by uncorrected genetic distances between 1.9 and 5.8%. The remaining six subspecies were clo…

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Lautäußerungen der Sommergoldhähnchen von den Inseln Madeira und Mallorca (Regulus ignicapillus madeirensis, R. i. balearicus)

Von den Inselpopulationen des Sommergoldhahnchens auf den Balearen (Mallorca),Regulus ignicapillus balearicus, und auf Madeira,R. i. madeirensis, wird die Struktur des Reviergesanges und der Rufe dargestellt. Ssp.madeirensis weicht in beiden markant von denen der Nominatform ab, ssp.balearicus nur im Strophenaufbau geringfugig. Die intra-und interindividuelle Variabilitat der Strophentypen ist bei ssp.balearicus hoher als auf dem Festland. Am Strophenende treten haufig Elementgruppen auf, die in Mitteleuropa fehlen. Seltene Elementtypen der Nominatform (ssp.ignicapillus) finden sich bei ssp.balearicus gehauft, ahnlich wie bei ssp.laeneni (Nordafrika). Drift-Effekte gelten als Ursachen fur d…

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Genetic admixture despite ecological segregation in a North African sparrow hybrid zone (Aves, Passeriformes, Passer domesticus × Passer hispaniolensis)

Under different environmental conditions, hybridization between the same species might result in different patterns of genetic admixture. Particularly, species pairs with large distribution ranges and long evolutionary history may have experienced several independent hybridization events over time in different zones of overlap. In birds, the diverse hybrid populations of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) and the Spanish sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis) provide a striking example. Throughout their range of sympatry, these two species do not regularly interbreed; however, a stabilized hybrid form (Passer italiae) exists on the Italian Peninsula and on several Mediterranean islands. The spa…

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Pilot biodiversity assessment of the Hkakabo Razi passerine avifauna in northern Myanmar – implications for conservation from molecular genetics

SummaryThe Hkakabo Razi region located in northern Myanmar is an Important Bird Area and part of the Eastern Himalayan Biodiversity Hotspot. Within the framework of the World Heritage Convention to enlist the site under criterion (ix) and (x), we conducted a biodiversity assessment for passerine birds using DNA barcoding and other molecular markers. Of the 441 bird species recorded, we chose 16 target species for a comparative phylogeographic study. Genetic analysis was performed for a larger number of species and helped identifying misidentified species. We found phylogeographic structure in all but one of the 16 study species. In 13 species, populations from northern Myanmar were genetica…

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Microevolution of eastern palaearctic Grey tits as indicated by their vocalizations (Parus [Poecile]: Paridae, Aves) I. Parus montanus: Contributions to the Fauna of the Far East, No. 2

Within the Palaearctic Region, the Willow tit (Parus montanus) displays four vicariant forms of territorial song. 1. “Alpine” form (pure single-frequency whistles, Fig. 5: 1) in the Alps and adjacent mountains to the East. 2. “Lowland” or “Normal” form (frequency change from high to low within one note, Fig. 5: 2) in the other parts of NW, Central and SE Europe. 3. In populations of N and E Europe as well as of W and E Siberia every individual bird uses - so far as known - both song types; this “Siberian” form (Figs. 1, 2) includes intergrades (Fig. 3). The comparatively type-rich Siberian repertoire is found in a vast area from N and E Europe to the Amur River and Ussuriland in Siberia. 4.…

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Phylogeny and species limits in the Palaearctic chiffchaffPhylloscopus collybitacomplex: mitochondrial genetic differentiation and bioacoustic evidence*

Nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1041 bp), analysis of vocalizations and behavioural evidence from zones of contact were used to reassess the species limits and phylogenetic relationships at the species and subspecies levels in the Phylloscopus collybita complex. A new classification is proposed which recognizes four biological species. Phylloscopus brehmii (Iberia) and P. canariensis (Canary Islands) are genetically and bioacoustically highly distinct. There is no mitochondrial gene flow between them or with P. collybita. The Mountain Chiffchaff P. sindianus (with subspecies sindianus and Iorenzii) is equally distinct genetically from southwest Asian subspecies …

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Three new species of the subgenus Neoribates (Neoribates) (Acari, Oribatida, Parakalummidae) from Nepal

Three new parakalummid mites of the subgenus Neoribates (Neoribates), N. (N.) parabulanovae sp. n., N. (N.) paramacrosacculatus sp. n. and N. (N.) pararotundus sp. n., are described from Nepalese soils. Neoribates (Neoribates) parabulanovae sp. n. is morphologically most similar to N. (N.) bulanovae Grishina, 2009, N. (N.) rotundus Aoki, 1982 and N. (N.) setiger Balogh & Mahunka, 1978, however, it differs from N. (N.) bulanovae by the body length, body and leg integument, morphology of bothridial setae, absence of aggenital setae, length of interlamellar setae and location of adanal setae ad3; from N. (N.) rotundus by the body size, body integument, morphology of bothridial setae and le…

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Gesangsformen und Verwandtschaft der asiatischen ZilpzalpePhylloscopus collybita abietinus undPh. c. sindianus

Die Territorialgesange zweier geographisch isolierter Zilpzalp-Populationen werden untersucht.Ph. c. abietinus aus dem Elbursgebirge (Iran) ist von skandinavischenc. abietinus und von mitteleuropaischenc. collybita fast nicht verschieden.Ph. c. sindianus aus dem NW-Himalaya verfugt uber Elemente, deren Frequenz zu Beginn ansteigt; sie machen etwa ein Drittel des Element-Repertoires aus.Ph. c. collybita undc. abietinus fehlen solche Elemente, jedoch besitzt sie der sibirischec. tristis in ganz ahnlicher Form.

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The Leiobunum rupestre species group: resolving the taxonomy of four widespread European taxa (Opiliones: Sclerosomatidae)

Within the central European opilionid fauna the widely used species names Leiobunum rupestre Herbst, 1799 and Leiobunum tisciae Avram, 1968 pose taxonomic and distributional problems. In addition, Nelima apenninica Martens, 1969 is close to L. tisciae in terms of external and genital morphology, but is specifically distinct. While coxal denticulation is largely lacking in N. apenninica, the validity of the genus Nelima Roewer, 1910 is questioned again. In addition, Leiobunum subalpinum Komposch, 1998, a recently described novelty from the eastern Alps, is closely related to L. rupestre. The four species are combined as the morphologically defined Leiobunum rupestre species group. Except for…

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Die Cheliceren-Dr�sen der Weberknechte nach rasteroptischen und lichtoptischen Befunden (Arachnida: Opiliones)

Die meisten Arten der Familien Dicranolasmatidae, Nemastomatidae, Ischyropsalididae und Sabaconidae besitzen als sekundares mannliches Geschlechtsmerkmal ein epidermales Drusenorgan im Chelicerengrundglied, das oft in den Cephalothorax verlagert ist. Die Austrittsstellen fur das Sekret liegen immer auf dem Grundglied entweder als Feld von Einzelporen (Porenplatte) oder als weitlumiger Einzelporus — die Porenplatte meist exponiert auf dorso-distaler Apophyse des Grundgliedes.

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Redescription of the rare European harvestman Dicranopalpus brevipes Marcellino, 1970, based on first records from Sardinia (Arachnida: Opiliones)

New records of the small, enigmatic harvestman Dicranopalpus brevipes are presented, the male is redescribed and the female is described for the first time. The species originates from Sicily, while the novel findings are from Sardinia, where it may have been introduced by man. Paedomorphic modifications such as reduced sexual dimorphism in colouration and pedipalpal morphology, regression of genital structures and shortening of the legs, appear to result from its ground-dwelling habits induced by xeric climatic conditions. Avoiding the dry and hot season, D. brevipes matures in autumn and winter and has completed its lifecycle in April. Additional information on phenology, ecology, distrib…

research product

<strong>Two new species of oribatid mites of the genera <em>Pergalumna</em> and <em>Carinogalumna</em> (Acari, Oribatida, Galumnidae) from Nepal</strong>

Two new species of oribatid mites of the family Galumnidae, Pergalumna minituberculata sp. nov. and Carinogalumna alineata sp. nov., are described from soil of secondary mixed broadleaved forest with bamboo in eastern Nepal. The genus Carinogalumna is recorded for the first time in the Oriental region. Pergalumna minituberculata sp. nov. is similar morphologically to Pergalumna longisetosa Balogh, 1960 and Pergalumna paralongisetosa Ermilov & Kaluz, 2012, however, it differs from both by the body size, length of bothridial and adanal setae, absence of porose areas Ad, and the presence of notogastral setae c, medial pore, postanal porose area, striate genital plates and striate bands in anog…

research product

Cyphophthalmi aus Brasilien (Opiliones)

Summary There are given descriptions of all species of the Subordo Cyphophthalmi so far discovered in Brazil: Neogovea immsi Hinton is redescribed; three further species are new to science. The proposals of Hoffman (1963) regarding morphological peculiarities of the Cyphophthalmi are accepted.

research product

Der sibirische Zilpzalp (Phylloscopus collybita tristis): Gesang und Reaktion einer mitteleuropäischen Population im Freilandversuch

Der Gesang des sibirischen ZilpzalpsPhylloscopus collybita tristis unterscheidet sich markant von jenem der beiden mittel- und ost-europaischen SubspeziesPh. c. collybita undPh. c. abietinus. Unterschiede betreffen Qualitat und Quantitat des Element-Repertoires, Syntax, Rhythmus innerhalb der Strophen und Frequenzumfang der Strophe.Tristis verfugt uber den reicheren und vielfaltigeren Gesang. Das wird als apomorphes Merkmal betrachtet. Eine mitteleuropaischecollybita-Population reagiert auftristis-Gesang im Feld-Experiment fast nicht. Nur solche Kunst-Strophen aus naturlichen Elementen vontristis werden vergleichsweise gut beantwortet, die Elementen entsprechen, uber die auch mitteleuropais…

research product

Neoendemic ground beetles and private tree haplotypes: two independent proxies attest a moderate last glacial maximum summer temperature depression of 3–4 °C for the southern Tibetan Plateau

Abstract Previous findings regarding the Last Glacial Maximum LGM summer temperature depression (maxΔT in July) on the Tibetan Plateau varied over a large range (between 0 and 9 °C). Geologic proxies usually provided higher values than palynological data. Because of this wide temperature range, it was hitherto impossible to reconstruct the glacial environment of the Tibetan Plateau. Here, we present for the first time data indicating that local neoendemics of modern species groups are promising proxies for assessing the LGM temperature depression in Tibet. We used biogeographical and phylogenetic data from small, wingless edaphous ground beetles of the genus Trechus , and from private junip…

research product

Molecular phylogeny of the harvestmen genus Sabacon (Arachnida: Opiliones: Dyspnoi) reveals multiple Eocene–Oligocene intercontinental dispersal events in the Holarctic

Abstract We investigated the phylogeny and biogeographic history of the Holarctic harvestmen genus Sabacon , which shows an intercontinental disjunct distribution and is presumed to be a relatively old taxon. Molecular phylogenetic relationships of Sabacon were estimated using multiple gene regions and Bayesian inference for a comprehensive Sabacon sample. Molecular clock analyses, using relaxed clock models implemented in BEAST, are applied to date divergence events. Biogeographic scenarios utilizing S-DIVA and Lagrange C++ are reconstructed over sets of Bayesian trees, allowing for the incorporation of phylogenetic uncertainty and quantification of alternative reconstructions over time. F…

research product

Crab spiders of the families Thomisidae and Philodromidae (Arachnida: Araneae) from Iran

Spiders of the families Thomisidae and Philodromidae (Arachnida, Araneae) mainly collected in the mountainous areas of Iran in 1978 are taxonomically studied and classified into 21 species of 10 genera. Most species are illustrated and described on the basis of the present specimens. Except for only two species, Xysticus kulczynskii Wierzbicki 1902 and Synaema globosum (Fabricius 1775), already known from this country, 19 species are new records to the Iranian fauna. Of these, 14 species, Tmarus stellio Simon 1875, Xysticus ninnii Thorell 1872 (subsp. fusciventris Crome 1965), X. cristatus (Clerck 1758), X. kochi Thorell 1872, X. gallicus Simon 1875, Oxyptila nigrita Thorell 1875, Heriaeus …

research product

Certhia tianquanensis Li, a treecreeper with relict distribution in Sichuan, China

Certhia tianquanensis Li, 1995, is characterised as a distinct species and is combined withC. discolor in the superspeciesC. [discolor]. This probably relict species occupies an extremely small range, and has so far been found at only four sites in western Sichuan, China. It is characterised by a long tail (likeC. discolor), an extremely short bill (similar toC. nipalensis), the patterning on the underside, with white chin and throat and beige chest and abdomen (likeC. himalayana), a striking voice (clearly different fromC. discolor and all otherCerthia species), and a large genetic distance fromC. d. discolor in the cytochrome-b gene. Unlike its closest relativeC. discolor, C. tianquanensi…

research product

Distribution, diversity patterns and faunogenesis of the millipedes (Diplopoda) of the Himalayas

The Himalayas support a highly rich, diverse, multi-layered, mostly endemic diplopod fauna which presently contains >270 species, 53 genera, 23 families and 13 orders. This is the result of mixing the ancient, apparently Tertiary and younger, Plio-Pleistocene elements of various origins, as well as the most recent anthropochore (= man-mediated) introductions. At the species and, partly, generic levels, the fauna is largely autochthonous and sylvicolous, formed through aboundingin situradiation and vicariance events. In general, the species from large genera and families tend to occupy a wide range of altitudes, but nearly each of the constituent species shows a distribution highly lo…

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Bedeutung einer Chelicerendr�se bei Weberknechten (Opiliones)

research product

A new species of <em>Metapyroppia</em> Woolley, 1969 (Acari, Oribatida, Peloppiidae) from Nepal

A new species of oribatid mites of the family Peloppiidae, Metapyroppia gigantea n. sp. , is described from Nepal. The genus Metapyroppia is recorded for the first time from the Oriental region. Metapyroppia gigantea n. sp. differs from the type species, Metapyroppia doratosa Woolley, 1969, by the absence of notogastral setae c 2 and c 3 , presence of pointed rostrum and the adanal lyrifissures distanced from the anal plates. The morphology of gnathosoma and legs are presented in detail for the first time for any member of this genus. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:EEE741F4-4C86-4625-B3FD-48E1DDA1D2D3

research product

An Enigmatic European Harvestman (Opiliones): New Record and Redescription of Dicranopalpus larvatus (Canestrini, 1874)

Dicranopalpus larvatus is redescribed based on type material. Recent first findings of this rare species on Sardinia enable to provide the essential morphological characters. Original drawings are presented with emphasis on penial and pedipalpal morphology. Dicranopalpus larvatus is a small, short-legged, ground-dwelling species endemic to Italy that matures in autumn and winter and has completed its life cycle in April. Additional information on phenology, life cycle, ecology, distribution and systematic position is given.

research product

Acoustic differentiation reflects mitochondrial lineages in Blyth's leaf warbler and white-tailed leaf warbler complexes (Aves: Phylloscopus reguloides, Phylloscopus davisoni)

The present study evaluated the degree of differentiation between closely-related species of Blyth's leaf warbler complex (Phylloscopus reguloides s.l.) and white-tailed leaf warbler complex (Phylloscopus davisoni s.l.) by molecular (cytochrome b and 16S rRNA) and bioacoustic markers (sonagraphic analysis of songs). Molecular phylogenetic results corroborate the recently suggested splittings of the two former taxa into three and two species, respectively. By contrast to previous opinion, differentiation of territorial songs parallels the genetic diversification in both groups. In the P. reguloides group, all recently established species can be distinguished by a characteristic song pattern.…

research product

A multi-gene approach reveals a complex evolutionary history in the Cyanistes species group

Quaternary climatic oscillations have been considered decisive in shaping much of the phylogeographic structure around the Mediterranean Basin. Within this paradigm, peripheral islands are usually considered as the endpoints of the colonization processes. Here, we use nuclear and mitochondrial markers to investigate the phylogeography of the blue tit complex (blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, Canary blue tit C. teneriffae and azure tit C. cyanus), and assess the role of the Canary Islands for the geographic structuring of genetic variation. The Canary blue tit exhibits strong genetic differentiation within the Canary Islands and, in combination with other related continental species, provides a…

research product

Asymmetric allelic introgression across a hybrid zone of the coal tit (Periparus ater) in the central Himalayas*

Abstract In the Himalayas, a number of secondary contact zones have been described for vicariant vertebrate taxa. However, analyses of genetic divergence and admixture are missing for most of these examples. In this study, we provide a population genetic analysis for the coal tit (Periparus ater) hybrid zone in Nepal. Intermediate phenotypes between the distinctive western “spot‐winged tit” (P. a. melanolophus) and Eastern Himalayan coal tits (P. a. aemodius) occur across a narrow range of <100 km in western Nepal. As a peculiarity, another distinctive cinnamon‐bellied form is known from a single population so far. Genetic admixture of western and eastern mitochondrial lineages was restrict…

research product

A molecular phylogeny of bullfinches Pyrrhula Brisson, 1760 (Aves: Fringillidae)

Abstract We present a molecular phylogeny of bullfinches (Pyrrhula Brisson, 1760) based on 2357 bp DNA sequence information of mitochondrial genes (cyt-b, 16S rRNA) and nuclear introns (fib-7, GAPDH-11). The genus is clearly a monophyletic group. Within the limits of Pyrrhula, molecular methods support the subdivision of three main groups: (1) “Southeast-Asian bullfinches” (P. nipalensis and P. leucogenis), (2) “Himalayan bullfinches” (P. aurantiaca, P. erythaca, P. erythrocephala), and (3) “Eurasian bullfinches” (P. pyrrhula s.l.). Within the last group there are four different subgroups: (3a) P. (p.) murina, (3b) P. (p.) cineracea, (3c) P. (p.) griseiventris, and (3d) P. pyrrhula s.str. T…

research product

The evolution of pedipalps and glandular hairs as predatory devices in harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones)

Pedipalps are the most versatile appendages of arachnids. They can be equipped with spines (Amblypygi), chelae (Scorpiones), or adhesive pads (Solifugae), all of which are modifications to grasp and handle fast-moving prey. Harvestmen (Opiliones) show a high diversity of pedipalpal morphologies. Some are obviously related to prey capture, like the enlargement and heavy spination of Laniatores pedipalps. Many Dyspnoi, by contrast, exhibit thin, thread-like pedipalps that are covered with complex glandular setae (clavate setae). These extrude viscoelastic glue that is used to immobilize prey items. Comparable setae (plumose setae) have previously been found in representatives of both Eupnoi a…

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Die Sekretdarbietung während des Paarungsverhaltens von Ischyropsalis C. L. Koch (Opiliones)

research product

Akustische Barrieren beim Waldbaumläufer (Certhia familiaris)?

Waldbaumlaufer besitzen je nach geographischer Herkunft deutlich verschiedene Reviergesangs-Strophen. Zusammenfassen lassen sich jene aus Mittel- und W-Europa (Certhia familiaris macrodactyla, mWb;C. f. britannica undC. f. corsa), aus dem weiteren Himalaya-Gebiet (Nepal,C. f. mandellii, nWb; und SW-China,C. f. khamensis, cwb) und als weitere Gruppe die aus Japan (C. f. orientalis, jWb). Differenzen im Gesang bestehen hinsichtlich der Zahl der Elemente in der Strophe, Frequenzumfang der Strophe, Frequenzverlauf der Elemente und deren Frequenzumfang. Der nWb reagiert nicht auf Gesang des mWb, umgekehrt besteht hohe Reaktionsfreudigkeit des mWb auf Str. des nWb. Freiland-Experimente mit unvera…

research product

A mysterious dwarf: Suthepiidae nov. fam., a new harvestman family from mountains of northern Thailand (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores)

A new family of laniatorean harvestmen from northern Thailand is proposed, Suthepiidae fam. nov., which comprises one new genus and one new species, Suthepia inermis sp. nov. This family stands out by characters hitherto unknown or rarely recorded for Opiliones, and close relatives of this taxon are presently not discernible. Important characters are a short and compact penis with a massively enlarged distal part with a rich armament of sclerites and membranes which can be moved and everted by hemolymph pressure during mating; the pedipalp of males and females is without raptorial adaptations, i.e. elevated sockets (= apophyses) carrying strong distal spines are completely absent, therefore…

research product

“Into and Out of” the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau and the Himalayas: Centers of origin and diversification across five clades of Eurasian montane and alpine passerine birds

Abstract Encompassing some of the major hotspots of biodiversity on Earth, large mountain systems have long held the attention of evolutionary biologists. The region of the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau (QTP) is considered a biogeographic source for multiple colonization events into adjacent areas including the northern Palearctic. The faunal exchange between the QTP and adjacent regions could thus represent a one‐way street (“out of” the QTP). However, immigration into the QTP region has so far received only little attention, despite its potential to shape faunal and floral communities of the QTP. In this study, we investigated centers of origin and dispersal routes between the QTP, its forested m…

research product

Additions to the Indian oribatid mite fauna, with description of a new species of the genus &lt;em&gt;Niphocepheus&lt;/em&gt; (Acari, Oribatida)

An annotated checklist of oribatid mite taxa from three sites of India is presented. It includes 71 species/ subspecies, 55 genera and 35 families. Twenty nine species/subspecies are recorded for the first time in India; five species/subspecies—Trhypochthonius tectorum stercus, Hermanniella aliverdievae, Sphodrocepheus tridactylus, Caenosamerus spatiosus, Dolicheremaeu distinctus—are recorded for the first time in the Oriental region. Niphocepheus neotrichus sp. nov. (Niphocepheidae) is described; it differs from other known species of Niphocepheus by the presence of epimeral neotrichy and three pairs of anal setae.

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Population differentiation in the marginal populations of the great tit (Paridae: Parus major)

The major subspecies group of the great tit, Parus major, has experienced demographic and spatial expansions during the last century in several sites at the edges of its distribution range. These expansions, although temporarily very even, have resulted in dissimilar patterns of molecular diversity. Populations locating at regions of contact to other subspecies groups (in Amur, Kirghizia–Kazakhstan, and Iran) show divergence from central population by nuclear and mitochondrial markers. In Amur, gene flow from minor group could be detected based on the existence of private minor alleles in the major population. In Kirghizia and Kazakhstan, the bokharensis and major groups share almost all th…

research product

Akustische Differenzierung verwandtschaftlicher Beziehungen in derParus (Periparus)-Gruppe nach Untersuchungen im Nepal-Himalaya

Die funf Formen der UntergattungParus (Periparus) des sudlichen Zentral-Asien(rufonuchalis, rubidiventris, beavani, melanolophus, aemodius) werden morphologisch, biologisch-okologisch und vor allem akustisch differenziert. Die Spezifitat der Gesange gilt als wesentliches Art-Kriterium; sie wird mit Attrappen-Versuchen getestet.

research product

An unidentified harvestman Leiobunum sp. alarmingly invading Europe (Arachnida: Opiliones)

Etwa seit dem Jahr 2000 breitet sich eine bisher nicht identifizierte Art der Gattung Leiobunum C. L. Koch, 1839 schnell in Mitteleuropa aus. Nachweise ab dem Jahr 2004 sind aus den Niederlanden (wahrscheinlich dem Land des ersten Auftretens in Europa), Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz bekannt. Die wahrscheinlich eingeschleppte Art besiedelt bisher lediglich Wände von Gebäuden und seltener felsähnliche Biotope in Wäldern. Adulte Individuen ruhen tagsüber selten einzeln oder in eng geklumpten Gruppen aus Dutzenden bis Hunderten von Individuen an leicht abgedunkelten Stellen in Mauerwinkeln, an glatten Hauswänden und überhängenden Dachtraufen. Jungtiere leben am Boden. Diese Art verfüg…

research product

Revision of coelotine spiders from Nepal (Araneae:Amaurobiidae)

Coelotine spiders from Nepal are studied based on collections from the Himalaya Expeditions of J. Martens carried out in the years 1969, 1970, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1988 and 1995. In total, 38 Nepalese species of the genus Draconarius Ovtchinnikov, 1999 are described, including 35 new species. These are: D. beloniforis, sp. nov. (♂), D. bifarius, sp. nov. (♂), D. brevikarenos, sp. nov. (♀), D. capitellus, sp. nov. (♀), D. communis, sp. nov. (♂♀), D. condocephalus, sp. nov. (♂♀), D. confusus, sp. nov. (♂♀), D. contiguus, sp. nov. (♀), D. cylindratus, sp. nov. (♀), D. dapaensis, sp. nov. (♂), D. distinctus, sp. nov. (♂♀), D. dorsicephalus, sp. nov. (♂♀), D. gorkhaensis, sp. nov. (♂♀), D. gurkha (…

research product

A case of possible vocal convergence between frogs and a bird in Himalayan torrents

Several species of frogs of the subgenusRana (Paa) and one species of bird of the genusPhylloscopus, which are calling in or near torrents in the Himalayas, show striking similarities in their vocal signals: 1) The calls are composed of short sequences of notes separated by periods of silence; 2) the notes are pure, short, and have a narrow frequency band; 3) within each sequence, the notes are rhythmically emitted. We suggest that these characteristics may be adaptive, the convergence being caused by the selective pressure of the acoustic constraints of the biotope.

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Artstatus vonParus rufonuchalis Blyth

Die vonVaurie (1950) mitParus rubidiventris vereinigte ArtP. rufonuchalis wird revalidiert. Die ausschlaggebenden Hinweise sind sympatrisches Sommervorkommen, Paarbildung nur zwischen auserlich gleichen Individuen und deren sehr unterschiedlicher Reviergesang.

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Two new species of the genus emNemaspela/em Šilhavý from caves in Georgia (Opiliones: Nemastomatidae).

Two highly specialized endemic troglobiotic harvestman species of the genus Nemaspela Šilhavý, 1966 are described. N. melouri sp. nov. from Melouri Cave and N. prometheus sp. nov. from Prometheus Cave (Sataplia-Tskaltubo karst massif, Imereti region, western Georgia), respectively. Despite the fact that the entrances of the caves are positioned only 2.5 km apart, the new taxa differ from each other distinctly by presence vs. absence of male cheliceral apophysis, which is lacking in the second species. A key to the Caucasian species of the genus is provided. Relationships of Nemaspela species within the genus and with hypothetical epigean ancestors are discussed. 

research product

Taxonomic pitfalls in tits - comments on the Paridae chapter of the Handbook of the Birds of the World

In the last two decades, parid systematics and taxonomy have greatly benefited from the consistent application of detailed morphological, bioacoustic and molecular genetic methods. Continuously enlarged character sets, particularly in the latter field, helped to resolve a considerable number of taxonomic controversies, and in some cases a clear grouping of molecular markers (mitochondrial DNA) and vocalizations has enabled unambiguous assignment to taxonomic category. However, in our opinion some of these assignments were inadequately reflected in the species accounts of Handbook of the Birds of the World , vol. 12 (Gosler & Clement 2007). Here we point out what we consider to be major flaw…

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Fissiphalliidae, a new family of South American laniatorean harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones)

Fissiphalliidae, a new family of the Opiliones suborder Laniatores, is described in the superfamily Gonyleptoidea, based on a new genus (Fissiphallius n. gen.) und 3 new species (F. sturmi n. sp., F. spinulatus n. sp., F. sympatricus n. sp.) from Colombia. Most emphasized are the male genitalic characters, unique in Opiliones: A honzontally split truncus which results in a long movable (glans) and an immovable finger (distal part of the truncus). Both hide the extremely long stylus with the seminal opening at its end. In an expanded state, the movable finger is bent dorsally by an erectile vesicle. It is shown that male genitalic characters in Opiliones display clear functional and construc…

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Molecular phylogeny of Old World swifts (Aves: Apodiformes, Apodidae, Apus and Tachymarptis) based on mitochondrial and nuclear markers.

We provide a molecular phylogeny for Old World swifts of genera Apus and Tachymarptis (tribe Apodini) based on a taxon-complete sampling at the species level. Phylogenetic reconstructions were based on two mitochondrial (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA) and three nuclear markers (introns of fibrinogen and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase plus anonymous marker 12884) while the myoglobin intron 2 did not show any intergeneric variation or phylogenetic signal among the target taxa at all. In contrast to previous hypotheses, the two genera Apus and Tachymarptis were shown as reciprocally monophyletic in all reconstructions. Apus was consistently divided into three major clades: (1) East Asian cl…

research product

Complete phylogeny and historical biogeography of true rosefinches (Aves:Carpodacus)

True rosefinches (Aves: Carpodacus) are restricted to Eurasia, and 19 out of 25 species occur in the Sino-Himalayas, making this the likely centre of origin. To test this hypothesis, suggested species splits had to be evaluated and potential further cryptic diversity unravelled. A taxon-complete dated molecular phylogeny was reconstructed using maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods. Maximum-parsimony and likelihood approaches were applied to deduce ancestral areas. Rosefinches, including the widespread Carpodacus erythrinus (Pallas, 1770), originated in south-west China (and the Himalayas) 14 Mya, and gave rise to a smaller clade consisting of C. erythrinus, Haematospiza sipahi (Hodgson, …

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Evolutionary history of treecreeper vocalisations (Aves: Certhia)☆

AbstractSince the vocalisations of passerine birds are in general a good means to separate taxa when external morphological differences are few, song and call recordings of 33 treecreeper (Certhia) taxa were sonagraphed and their parameters analysed. The vocalisations show low intra-individual and intra-population variation. Phylogenetic evolutionary units at the population level were delimited by time, frequency and syntax parameters by means of principal-component and discriminant analyses. Traits of territorial song were traced on a phylogenetic tree based on cytochrome b sequences, and a mean acoustic character difference was calculated. All presently recognised nine species could be di…

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Territorial song and song neighbourhoods in the Scarlet Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus

Throughout the range of the Scarlet Rosefinch, its territorial song consists of 3–9 (usually 4–5) elements, of which there are 5 different types. The differences lie in the way the pitch of the element changes in time (frequency “slope”) and the width of the frequency band. Within a given type of song, the various elements can be present in almost any combination. Therefore, so many song types can be formed that the songs in even small parts of the species’ area are clearly distinct from one another. Despite this capacity for variation, however, by chance identical songs may be sung in widely separated parts of the area, in some cases by different subspecies. The species has not developed l…

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Horizontal and elevational phylogeographic patterns of Himalayan and Southeast Asian forest passerines (Aves: Passeriformes)

Aim  Zoogeographic patterns in the Himalayas and their neighbouring Southeast Asian mountain ranges include elevational parapatry and ecological segregation, particularly among passerine bird species. We estimate timings of lineage splits among close relatives from the north Palaearctic, the Sino-Himalayan mountain forests and from adjacent Southeast Asia. We also compare phylogeographic affinities and timing of radiation among members of avian communities from different elevational belts. Location  East Asia. Methods  We reconstructed molecular phylogenies based on a mitochondrial marker (cytochrome b) and multilocus data sets for seven passerine groups: Aegithalidae, Certhiidae (Certhia),…

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Akustische Barrieren zwischen Blaumeise (Parus caeruleus) und Lasurmeise (Parus cyanus)?

Lautauserungen der Lasurmeise (Parus cyanus) besitzen fur mitteleuropaische Blaumeisen (P. caeruleus) nur geringen Auslosewert. Sie zeichnen sich durch schnelle Frequenzwechsel aus und sind somit anders aufgebaut alscaeruleus-Gesangs- und Lautelemente; auch differieren sie deutlich im Tonhohenverlauf. Einzelne Lautauserungen werden jedoch gut verstanden. Das sind solche Tonfolgen, die mitcaeruleus-Lautauserungen im Frequenzverlauf ubereinstimmen. Auch auf einzelne komplexe Lautauserungen wird reagiert, wenn wenigstens in einem Teil der Strophe die El. ubereinstimmen. Ebenfalls wichtig, aber weniger entscheidend, ist die fallende Strophenmelodie vom Anfang zum Ende der Strophe. Von geringere…

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Hidden Mediterranean diversity: Assessing species taxa by molecular phylogeny within the opilionid family Trogulidae (Arachnida, Opiliones)

This is the first comprehensive study to evaluate the relationships between the western palearctic harvestman families Dicranolasmatidae, Trogulidae and Nemastomatidae with focus on the phylogeny and systematics of Trogulidae, using combined sequence data of the nuclear 28S rRNA and the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Bayesian analysis and Maximum parsimony do not reliably resolve Dicranolasma as distinct family but place it on a similar phylogenetic level as several lineages of Trogulidae. Nemastomatidae and Trogulidae turned out to be monophyletic, as did genera Anelasmocephalus and Trogulus within the Trogulidae. The genera Calathocratus, Platybessobius and Trogulocratus each appeared p…

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Two new species of oribatid mites of Lasiobelba (Acari, Oribatida, Oppiidae) from Nepal, including a key to all species of the genus

Two new species of oribatid mites of the genus Lasiobelba (Oribatida, Oppiidae), Lasiobelba (Lasiobelba) daamsae sp. n. and Lasiobelba (Antennoppia) nepalica sp. n., are described from eastern Nepal. Lasiobelba (L.) daamsae sp. n. is most similar to L. (L.) remota Aoki, 1959 and L. (L.) gibbosa (Mahunka, 1985), however, it differs from both by the anterior part of pedotecta I specifically curved, rostrum pointed and exobothridial setae not shorter than bothridial setae. Lasiobelba (Antennoppia) nepalica sp. n. is most similar to L. (A.) granulata (Mahunka, 1986), however, it differs from the latter by the larger body size, exobothridial setae longer than rostral setae and bothridial setae n…

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&lt;p class="HeadingRunIn"&gt;&lt;strong&gt;The genus &lt;em&gt;Uracrobates&lt;/em&gt; (Acari, Oribatida, Mochlozetidae)&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

Uracrobates (Parauracrobates) truncatus sp. nov. is proposed, based on specimens from soil in Nepal. Parauracrobates subgen. nov. is distinguishable from subgenus Uracrobates by the notogaster truncated posteriorly (versus conical). An identification key to known taxa in the genus Uracrobates is given.

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Revision of the genusTrogulus Latreille: the morphologically divergentTrogulus torosusspecies-group of the Balkan Peninsula (Opiliones: Dyspnoi: Trogulidae)

Within the species-rich European harvestman genus Trogulus Latreille, 1802, the Balkan Trogulus torosus species-group as defined by Schonhofer and Martens is revised. The group is remarkable because it includes the world's largest Opiliones species, Trogulus torosus Simon, 1885, and Trogulus ozimeci sp. nov. is the first member of the family showing obvious adaption to subterranean life. According to nuclear 28S and mitochondrial cytochrome b gene data, the T. torosus species-group and the Trogulus hirtus species-group form a monophyletic unit. Only the former is treated here as a paraphyletic group. Despite this paraphyly, the T. torosus species-group members share a number of morphologica…

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Feinstruktur der Tarsal-Dr�se vonSiro duricovius (Joseph) (Opiliones, Sironidae)

Alle Arten der Sironidae tragen als sekundares mannliches Geschlechtsmerkmal ein epidermales Drusenorgan im letzten Tarsalglied des 4. Laufbeines. Das Sekret tritt dort dorsal, exponiert auf einer kanulenartigen Apophyse, dem Adenostyl, nach ausen.

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A harvestman with elaborate palpal pliers, Thunbergia gretae n. gen. n. sp. from China (Opiliones: Sclerosomatidae: Gagrellinae)

Abstract Based on the unusual characteristics of the male pedipalp and male genital morphology, a new genus and new species of Gagrellinae harvestmen, Thunbergia gretae n. gen. n. sp. (male and female) from Shaanxi Province, China, is proposed. The tibia and tarsus of the pedipalp form elaborate palpal claws, resembling gaspipe pliers, probably used to grasp the legs or the pedipalps of the female during courtship. There is no comparable modification of the pedipalp in the female. The penis lacks wing or sac-like (saccate) elements normally present in Gagrellinae, and the penis base is markedly inflated to form a bulb-like structure harbouring the penis muscle. Two or three opisthosomal ter…

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Territorial songs and intraspecific evolution of East Asian Willow Tits (Parus montanus)

Territorial songs of 4 Asian Willow Tit subspecies namelyParus montanus kamtschatkensis, P. m. songarus, P. m. affinis andP. m. stoetzneri and in addition those of a southern outpost ofP. m. baicalensis are dealt with. These far-eastern subspecies use song types of their own, but nearly identical types may used by different geographical representatives, which are not closely related. The consequences for reconstructing the evolution of the Willow Tit complex by means of acoustical characters are discussed.

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On the identity of Ischyropsalis dentipalpis Canestrini, 1872 and description of Ischyropsalis lithoclasica sp. n. (Opiliones: Ischyropsalididae)

Ischyropsalis dentipalpis Canestrini, 1872 is re-defined, and a neotype from the type locality in the Aosta Valley, Italy, is assigned. I. helvetica Roewer, 1916 (sensu Martens 1978) is shown to be conspecific and therefore is synonymised with I. dentipalpis. A population from Bergamo Province, Italy, formerly assigned to I. dentipalpis (sensu Martens 1978), is here regarded as a different species and described under the name Ischyropsalis lithoclasica sp. n. Discrimination of males is possible by genital characters and by the shape of the cheliceral and pedipalpal apophyses. Females are distinguished by peculiarities of cheliceral spination. The distribution of I. lithoclasica n. sp. is al…

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Calls of the Jungle Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos s.l.) as a taxonomic character

A discriminant analysis of the call structure completely separates threeCorvus taxa (levaillantii andjaponensis of the ‘macrorhynchos group’,splendens) inhabiting the southern slopes of the Himalayas (Nepal, Kashmir). The acoustic differences are considered taxonomically relevant, indicating species boundaries. Therefore the Jungle Crows of lower and upper Nepal (contact zone at around 2,000 m) are assigned to two biospecies (C. japonensis andC. levaillantii), as is consistent with morphological, ecological and parasitological data. It appears possible to extrapolate the findings regarding call structure to the systematics of other ‘macrorhynchos’ populations as distant as the Russian Far E…

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Data from: Gene flow in the European coal tit, Periparus ater (Aves: Passeriformes): low among Mediterranean populations but high in a continental contact zone

Extant phylogeographic patterns of Palearctic terrestrial vertebrates are generally believed to have originated from glacial range fragmentation. Post-Pleistocene range expansions have led to the formation of secondary contact zones among genetically distinct taxa. For coal tits (Periparus ater), such a contact zone has been localized in Germany. In this study, we quantified gene flow between Fennoscandian and southern European coal tits using a set of 13 microsatellite loci. STRUCTURE analysis revealed four genetic clusters two of these on Mediterranean islands. German populations were genetically admixed but introgression of southern alleles was evident for Fennoscandian populations. In t…

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Data from: Ecological limits on diversification of the Himalayan core Corvoidea

Within regions, differences in the number of species among clades must be explained by clade age, net diversification rate, or immigration. We examine these alternatives by assessing historical causes of the low diversity of a bird parvorder in the Himalayas (the core Corvoidea, 57 species present) relative to its more species rich sister clade. The core Corvoidea contain ecologically diverse species spanning a large range of body sizes and elevations. Despite this diversity, on the basis of ecological, morphological, and phylogenetic information, we infer that the best explanation for the low number of species within the core Corvoidea is one in which ecology limits diversification. Within…

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