C. Sgro
Étude des cancers secondaires dans les lymphomes non hodgkiniens au sein d’un registre : impact du rituximab
Introduction Le nombre de survivants d’un lymphome folliculaire (LF) ou d’un lymphome B diffus a grandes cellules (LBDGC) est en augmentation. L’etude des cancers secondaires est un enjeu important de sante publique. Le risque lie a la chimiotherapie conventionnelle est bien decrit, mais peu de donnees existent pour le rituximab. Methode Etude retrospective au sein du Registre des hemopathies malignes de Cote d’or (RHEMCO) comparant l’incidence des cancers secondaires avant/apres l’introduction du rituximab, chez les patients ayant un LF ou un LBDGC diagnostique entre 1990 et 2010. La comparaison du taux de cancers secondaires observe au taux attendu dans la population francaise a ete expri…
The on-board calibration system of the X-ray Imaging Polarimetry Explorer (XIPE)
The calibration system for XIPE is aimed at providing a way to check and correct possible variations of performance of the Gas Pixel Detector during the three years of operation in orbit (plus two years of possible extended operation), while facilitating the observation of the celestial sources. This will be performed by using a filter wheel with a large heritage having a set of positions for the calibration and the observation systems. In particular, it will allow for correcting possible gain variation, for measuring the modulation factor using a polarized source, for removing non interesting bright sources in the field of view and for observing very bright celestial sources. The on-board …
Severe iatrogenic admissions in a coronary care unit:
Introduction: Iatrogenic complications are defined as adverse drug reactions or complications induced by non drug interventions, such as cardiac devices or stimulation techniques. Iatrogenic complications occurring during hospital stay are known to be associated with increased hospital length of stay and mortality. Only few data are available on iatrogenic as cause of hospital admission, particularly in coronary care unit. In patient admitted in coronary care unit for iatrogenic, we aimed a) to analyse their prevalence, type and characteristics, b) to analyse their in-hospital length of stay and mortality and c) to evaluate the predictive factors of severity and mortality. Methods: From 1st…
XIPE: the x-ray imaging polarimetry explorer
XIPE, the X-ray Imaging Polarimetry Explorer, is a mission dedicated to X-ray Astronomy. At the time of writing XIPE is in a competitive phase A as fourth medium size mission of ESA (M4). It promises to reopen the polarimetry window in high energy Astrophysics after more than 4 decades thanks to a detector that efficiently exploits the photoelectric effect and to X-ray optics with large effective area. XIPE uniqueness is time-spectrally-spatially- resolved X-ray polarimetry as a breakthrough in high energy astrophysics and fundamental physics. Indeed the payload consists of three Gas Pixel Detectors at the focus of three X-ray optics with a total effective area larger than one XMM mirror bu…
Generic vancomycin products: Analysis of serum concentrations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
Summary Concerns have recently emerged about the quality of generic vancomycin products. Our aim is to analyze serum vancomycin concentrations measured 48 hours after the start of an empirical treatment regimen in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who received one of the two generic vancomycin products available in France. Patients and methods Seventy-nine AML patients treated with vancomycin during two study periods were included in the study. Our vancomycin dosing regimen was based on the patients’ total body weight adjusted for renal clearance. Results A total of 93 serum vancomycin concentrations were collected: 31 in period 1 and 62 in period 2. In bivariate analysis, the mean…
Évaluation des bonnes pratiques de prescription de sortie en CHU : quels enjeux pour les traitements chroniques non substituables ?
Resume Introduction Un etat des lieux des pratiques de prescription de sortie hospitaliere a ete realise d’un point de vue local par une analyse retrospective de l’ensemble des ordonnances informatisees redigees en 2011 au CHU de Dijon. Materiels et methodes Le respect des bonnes pratiques de prescription des ordonnances de sortie a ete evalue a partir de 3 indicateurs qui determinent la possibilite de substitution des medicaments en ambulatoire, critere participant a ameliorer l’efficience de la prescription : le taux de prescription dans le repertoire des generiques (1), le taux de prescription en DCI (2) et le taux de prescription non substituable (NS) (3). Resultats Les taux de prescrip…
Les admissions pour iatrogénie sévère en unité de soins intensifs de cardiologie : étude prospective sur 7244 patients
Resume Introduction Les complications iatrogeniques sont definies comme des reactions nocives induites par l’utilisation d’un medicament, mais aussi comme complications suite aux techniques invasives ou a l’implantation de materiel. Les complications iatrogenes survenant durant un sejour hospitalier sont bien connues et associees a une augmentation de la duree du sejour hospitalier et de la mortalite. En revanche, il existe peu de donnees concernant la iatrogenie comme motif d’admission a l’hopital ; particulierement en soins intensifs cardiologiques. Les objectifs de cette etude sont : (a) d’analyser la prevalence de la iatrogenie et ses caracterisques ; (b) de connaitre le retentissement …
15GHz and jet properties of MOJAVE blazars
We investigate the Fermi Large Area Telescope {gamma}-ray and 15GHz Very Long Baseline Array radio properties of a joint {gamma}-ray and radio-selected sample of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) obtained during the first 11 months of the Fermi mission (2008 August 4-2009 July 5). Our sample contains the brightest 173 AGNs in these bands above declination -30{deg} during this period, and thus probes the full range of {gamma}-ray loudness ({gamma}-ray to radio band luminosity ratio) in the bright blazar population. The latter quantity spans at least 4 orders of magnitude, reflecting a wide range of spectral energy distribution (SED) parameters in the bright blazar population. The BL Lac objects,…