

XIPE: the x-ray imaging polarimetry explorer

P. SoffittaR. BellazziniE. BozzoV. BurwitzA. J. Castro TiradoE. CostaT. CourvoisierH. FengS. GburekR. GoosmannV. KarasM. BoettcherS. BogdanovI. BombaciR. BoninoJ. BragaW. BrandtA. BrezN. BucciantiniL. BurderiI. CaiazzoG. MattR. CampanaS. CampanaF. CapitanioM. CappiM. CardilloP. CasellaO. CatmabacakB. CenkoP. Cerda DuranC. CerrutiF. MuleriS. ChatyM. ChauvinY. ChenJ. ChenevezM. ChernyakovaC. C. Cheung TeddyD. ChristodoulouP. ConnellR. CorbetF. Coti ZelatiK. NandraS. CovinoW. CuiG. CusumanoA. D'aiF. D'ammandoM. DadinaZ. DaiA. De RosaL. De RuvoN. DegenaarM. PearceM. Del SantoL. Del ZannaG. DewanganS. Di CosimoN. Di LallaG. Di PersioT. Di SalvoT. DiasC. DoneM. DovciakJ. PoutanenG. DoyleL. DucciR. ElsnerT. EnotoJ. EscadaP. EspositoC. EylesS. FabianiM. FalangaS. FaloccoV. RegleroY. FanR. FenderM. FerociC. FerrignoW. FormanL. FoschiniC. FragileF. FuerstY. FujitaJ. L. Gasent BlesaD. Sabau MariaJ. GelfandB. GendreG. GhirlandaG. GhiselliniM. GirolettiD. GoetzE. GogusJ. L. GomezD. GonzalezR. Gonzalez RiestraA. SantangeloE. GotthelfL. GouP. GrandiV. GrinbergF. GriseC. GuidorziN. GurlebeckT. GuverD. HaggardM. HardcastleG. TagliaferriD. HartmannC. HaswellA. HegerM. HernanzJ. HeylL. HoJ. HoormannJ. HorakJ. HuovelinD. HuppenkothenC. TenzerR. IariaC. Inam SitkiA. IngramG. IsraelL. IzzoM. BurgessM. JacksonL. JiL. JiJ. JiangJ. VinkT. JohannsenC. JonesS. JorstadJ. J. E. KajavaM. KalamkarE. KalemciT. KallmanA. KambleF. KislatM. KissM. C. WeisskopfD. KlochkovE. KoerdingM. KolehmainenK. KoljonenS. KomossaA. KongS. KorpelaM. KowalinskiH. KrawczynskiI. KreykenbohmS. ZaneM. KussD. LaiM. LanJ. LarssonS. LaycockD. LazzatiD. LeahyH. LiJ. LiLi L. X.I. AgudoT. LiZ. LiM. LinaresM. ListerH. LiuG. LodatoA. LohfinkF. LongoG. LunaA. LutovinovA. AntonelliS. MahmoodifarJ. MaiaV. MainieriC. MaitraD. MaitraA. MajczynaS. MalderaD. MalyshevA. ManfredaA. ManousakisP. AttinaR. ManuelR. MarguttiA. MarinucciS. MarkoffA. MarscherH. MarshallF. MassaroM. MclaughlinG. Medina TancoM. MehdipourL. BaldiniM. MiddletonR. MignaniP. MimicaT. MineoB. MingoG. MiniuttiS. M. MiracG. MorlinoA. V. MotlaghS. E. MottaA. BykovA. MushtukovS. NagatakiF. NardiniJ. NattilaG. J. NavarroB. NegriM. NegroS. NenonenV. NeustroevF. NicastroR. CarpentieroA. NortonA. NucitaP. O'brienS. O'dellH. OdakaB. OlmiN. OmodeiM. OrientiM. OrlandiniJ. OsborneE. CavazzutiL. PaccianiV. S. PaliyaI. PapadakisA. PapittoZ. ParagiP. PascalB. PaulL. PavanA. PellizzoniE. PerinatiE. ChurazovM. Pesce RollinsE. PiconcelliA. G. PiliM. PiliaM. PohlG. PontiD. PorquetA. PossentiK. PostnovI. PrandoniE. Del MonteN. ProduitG. PuehlhoferB. RamseyM. RazzanoN. ReaP. ReigK. ReinschT. ReiprichM. ReynoldsG. RisalitiD. De MartinoT. RobertsJ. RodriguezM. E. RossiS. RosswogA. RozanskaA. RubiniB. RudakD. RussellF. RydeS. SabatiniI. DonnarummaG. SalaM. SalvatiM. SasakiT. SavolainenR. SaxtonS. ScaringiK. SchawinskiN. S. SchulzA. SchwopeP. SevergniniV. DoroshenkoM. SharonA. ShawA. ShearerX. SheshengI. C. ShihK. SilvaR. SilvaE. SilverA. SmaleF. SpadaY. EvangelistaG. SpandreA. StamerraB. StappersS. StarrfieldL. StawarzN. StergioulasA. StevensH. StieleV. SuleimanovR. SunyaevI. FerreiraA. SlowikowskaF. TamborraF. TavecchioRoberto TavernaA. TiengoL. TolosF. TombesiJ. TomsickH. TongG. TorokE. GalloD. F. TorresA. TortosaA. TramacereV. TrimbleG. TrinchieriS. TsygankovM. TuerlerS. TurrizianiF. UrsiniP. UttleyN. GrossoP. VarniereF. VincentE. VurgunC. WangZ. WangA. WattsJ. C. WheelerK. WiersemaR. WijnandsJ. WilmsP. KaaretA. WolterK. WoodK. WuX. WuW. XiangyuF. XieR. XuS. P. YanJ. YangW. YuE. KuulkersF. YuanA. ZajczykD. ZanettiR. ZaninC. ZanniL. ZappacostaA. A. ZdziarskiA. ZechH. ZhangS. ZhangJ. LaranagaS. ZhangW. ZhangA. ZoghbiL. LatronicoD. H. LumbJ. MacianJ. MalzacF. MarinE. MassaroM. MinutiC. MundellJ. U. NessT. OosterbroekS. PaltaniG. PareschiR. PernaP. O. PetrucciH. B. PinazoM. PincheraJ. P. RodriguezM. RoncadelliA. SantovincenzoS. SazonovC. SgroD. SpigaJ. SvobodaC. TheobaldT. TheodorouRoberto TurollaE. Wilhelmi De OnaB. WinterA. M. AkbarH. AllanR. AloisioD. AltamiranoL. AmatiE. AmatoE. AngelakisJ. ArezuJ. L. AtteiaM. AxelssonM. BachettiL. BalloS. BalmanR. BandieraX. BarconsS. BassoA. BaykalW. BeckerE. BeharB. BeheshtipourR. BelmontE. BergerF. BernardiniS. BianchiG. Bisnovatyi KoganP. BlasiP. BlayA. BodagheeM. Boer


X-ray AstronomyHigh-energy astronomyPolarimetryX-ray opticsX-ray telescopeCondensed Matter Physic01 natural sciencesObservatory0103 physical sciencesPolarimetryElectronicOptical and Magnetic MaterialsSpectral resolutionElectrical and Electronic Engineering010303 astronomy & astrophysicsGas Pixel DetectorPhysicsX-ray astronomyta115X-ray optics010308 nuclear & particles physicsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialApplied MathematicsVegaAstronomyComputer Science Applications1707 Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionGas Pixel Detector; Polarimetry; X-ray Astronomy; X-ray opticsCondensed Matter PhysicsComputer Science ApplicationsApplied MathematicGas Pixel Detector; Polarimetry; X-ray Astronomy; X-ray optics; Electronic Optical and Magnetic Materials; Condensed Matter Physics; Computer Science Applications1707 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Applied Mathematics; Electrical and Electronic EngineeringGas Pixel Detector; Polarimetry; X-ray Astronomy; X-ray optics; Electronic Optical and Magnetic Materials; Condensed Matter Physics; Computer Science Applications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Applied Mathematics; Electrical and Electronic EngineeringComputer Vision and Pattern RecognitionX-ray optic


XIPE, the X-ray Imaging Polarimetry Explorer, is a mission dedicated to X-ray Astronomy. At the time of writing XIPE is in a competitive phase A as fourth medium size mission of ESA (M4). It promises to reopen the polarimetry window in high energy Astrophysics after more than 4 decades thanks to a detector that efficiently exploits the photoelectric effect and to X-ray optics with large effective area. XIPE uniqueness is time-spectrally-spatially- resolved X-ray polarimetry as a breakthrough in high energy astrophysics and fundamental physics. Indeed the payload consists of three Gas Pixel Detectors at the focus of three X-ray optics with a total effective area larger than one XMM mirror but with a low weight. The payload is compatible with the fairing of the Vega launcher. XIPE is designed as an observatory for X-ray astronomers with 75 % of the time dedicated to a Guest Observer competitive program and it is organized as a consortium across Europe with main contributions from Italy, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Poland, Sweden.
