Annamaria Pepi

Autostima e strategie di self-handicapping in bambini di quinta elementare con e senza disturbi dell’apprendimento

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Costrutti motivazionali e apprendimento scolastico: elaborazione di uno strumento multimediale.

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Il Profilo Motivazionale Scolastico nello sviluppo tipico e atipico.

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Scuse proattive/retroattive e intelligenza sociale: uno studio su adolescenti

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Study of quotient of gross motor ability in children with Down Syndrome

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Gross motor proficiency and intellectual functioning

Abstract This cross-sectional study examines differences in gross motor proficiency as a function of different intellectual functioning profiles. Two motor areas have been investigated as being equally essential to gross motor functions in every-day life: locomotion and object control. It aims to compare gross motor skills endorsed by children with Down syndrome (DS), children with borderline intellectual functioning (BIF), and typically developing children (TDC). Group 1 was composed of 18 children with DS (chronological age = 8.22), group 2 was composed of 18 children with BIF (chronological age = 9.32), and group 3 was composed of 18 children with typical development (TD) (chronological …

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Lo scopo del presente studio è stato quello di studiare gli effetti della “terapia multisistemica in acqua” (TMA) sulle abilità grossomotorie e cognitive in bambini con disturbo dello spettro autistico. Le attività hanno coinvolto sei soggetti e si sono svolte attraverso la “pianificazione” di un intervento individualizzato e interpersonale volto a ridurre i sintomi e migliorare le capacità comunicative e relazionali del bambino avvalendosi degli ambienti strutturati delle piscine pubbliche. Dopo l’intervento terapeutico, i soggetti hanno mostrato un miglioramento del quoziente di sviluppo grosso-motorio e una modificazione degli schemi cognitivi, comportamentali, comunicativi ed emotivi. I…

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Estudo comparativo de análise factorial confirmatória da Escala de Concepções Pessoais de Inteligência (ECPI) entre estudantes portugueses, romenos e italianos

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Livello cognitivo, stile attributivo e lessico di stati interni: analisi di una relazione.

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Demotivazione scolastica e rappresentazione dell’intelligenza: modalita’ multimediali di valutazione

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Strategie di autosabotaggio e autostima in bambini con differenti profili di apprendimento

Recenti ricerche si sono focalizzate sul ruolo dell'autostima e delle strategie di autosabotaggio nel contesto scolastico. In particolare l'autosabotaggio indica strategie disadattive impiegate da un individuo di fronte ad un compito minaccioso per proteggersi e mantenere un'autostima positiva. Abbiamo condotto due studi per confrontare il livello di autostima e le strategie di autosabotaggio in bambini di eta media 8 anni, frequentanti la terza classe della scuola primaria, con differenti profili di apprendimento. Nello specifico nel primo abbiamo confrontato due gruppi: uno con difficolta generalizzate sia di lettura che di matematica ed uno con normale livello di apprendimento. Nel secon…

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Errori accentuali in relazione alla composizione sillabica e alla frequenza d’uso: dislessici evolutivi e normolettori a confronto

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Rappresentazione delle abilità, obiettivi di rendimento e strategie di self-handicapping nel contesto sportivo.

Obiettivo di questa ricerca è studiare la relazione tra credenze motivazionali quali le concezioni personali delle abilità, gli obiettivi di rendimento e le strategie di "self-handicapping" in atleti che praticano sport individuali e di squadra. A 262 soggetti, di entrambi i generi e livello socioeconomico medio, sono stati somministrati la Scala sulle Concezioni Personali dell'Intelligenza (Faria e Fontaine, 1997), un questionario sugli obiettivi nello sport (Duda e Nicholls, 1992) ed un questionario sulle strategie di "self-handicapping" (Midgley, Arunkumar e Urdan, 1996). I principali risultati evidenziano l'esistenza di significative correlazioni positive tra la concezione statica delle…

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Concezioni personali dell’intelligenza in bambini con disturbo specifico di lettura

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Velocità e correttezza nell’attribuzione del genere grammaticale: il ruolo della trasparenza morfologica della vocale finale di parola.

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La scuola nella realtà locale

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Motor and cognitive development: the role of karate

Background: regular physical activity has an effect on biological responses in both muscles and organs that, in turn, alter the structure and functions of the brain. Therefore, this study aims at comparing motor (sprint, coordination ability and explosive legs strength skills) and cognitive abilities (working memory, attention, executive functioning) in children. Methods: 39 children with average chronological age of 9 years were divided in: Karatekas (n=19) and Sedentary (n=20) groups. Their abilities were measured by motor and cognitive tests. Motor skills were assessed through a battery composed by the 20 mt Sprint test, the Agility test and the Standing board jump Test. Cognitive profil…

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Motor and cognitive growth following a Football Training Program

Football may be a physical and sport activities able to improve motor and cognitive growth in children. Therefore the aim of this study was to assess whether a Football Training Program taken over 6 months would improve motor and cognitive performances in children. Motor skills concerned coordinative skills, running and explosive legs strength. Cognitive abilities involved visual discrimination times and visual selective attention times.Forty-six children with chronological age of ~9.10 years, were divided into two groups: Group 1 (n=24) attended a Football Exercise Program and Group 2 (n=22) was composed of sedentary children.Their abilities were measured by a battery of tests including mo…

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Incremental-Entity Personal Conceptions of Intelligence and Individualism-Collectivism in Italian Students

This article examines the relationship between Incremental-Entity personal conceptions of intelligence and the cultural dimension of Individualism-Collectivism in Italian students attending high school. Four types of individualism and collectivism were investigated: 1) Vertical-Individualism, characterized by independent and different self; 2) Horizontal-Individualism, characterized by independent and similar self; 3) Vertical-Collectivism, characterized by interdependent and different self; and 4) Horizontal-Collectivism, characterized by interdependent and similar self. The sample includes 250 students,3th and 5th graders. A battery of tests including a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the…

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L’influenza della struttura sillabico-accentuale sul processo di decodifica.

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Measuring Collectivism and Individualism in the Third Millenium

The aim in this study was to validate the Auckland Individualism-Collectivism Scale (AICS) across populations from 5 different countries and identify better ways to interpret the scores. Data were collected from New Zealand, Portugal, China, Italy, and Romania. The results indicate that the AICS is not only valid but also highly reliable (α > .70). Cluster analysis identified 4 clusters: low collectivism – high individualism; high collectivism – midlevel individualism; high collectivism – high individualism; and low collectivism – low individualism. Each group included individuals from all 4 clusters. The advantages of the AICS, the use of cluster analysis in cross-cultural measures, and…

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Emotional variables and learning profiles in children with different levels of Intellectual Functioning

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Concepções Pessoais de Inteligência: Estudo intercultural com estudantes portugueses, romenos e italianos.

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Syllabic composition and use frequency: how do they affect stress assignment? A comparison between slow readers and fluent readers

Italian words can be stressed either on penultimate or antepenultimate syllables. In both cases, stress assignment is not predictable by rules, but requires a lexical check. Italian words with stress on the penultimate syllable are defined as regular because the proportion of these words is much larger than words with stress on the antepenultimate syllable, defined as irregular. We propose to investigate the influence (in terms of correct stress positioning) of different syllabic and stress structures during "decoding” by both slow readers and fluent readers. Forty-eight children, twenty-four slow and twenty-four fluent readers, decoded “target words” selected on the basis of frequency (hig…

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Valutazione e intervento nelle difficoltà di lettura

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Levels of anxiety and self-esteem associated to sport activity in university students: a pilot study.

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Reading comprehension: think and know verbs.

Verbs such as think, know, remember, and guess play a pivotal role in understanding, monitoring, and transformation of internal states. We focus on the specific words as think and know, polysemous cognitive verbs that show hierarchical organization and high frequency of use in children's and adults' lexicons. According to Booth and Hall's model, think and know present a conceptual organization that involves low conceptual levels (perception, memory, comprehension) and high conceptual levels (evaluation, metacognition, planning). The aim of this research was to study the relationship between children's comprehension of text processing and the conceptual levels of the above-described verbs. …

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Self-protective strategies and self-esteem in students

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Gross-Motor and Cognitive Abilities in Down Syndrome: The efficacy of an integrated Exercised Training

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PMA. Programma Motorio Arricchito. Educare allo sviluppo motorio e allo sviluppo delle funzioni esecutive in età prescolare

La sinergia mente-corpo nel ciclo di vita è oggetto di interesse sempre maggiorper gli psicologi dello sviluppo e dell’educazione. I risultati di ricerche multidisciplinari di kinesiologia, anatomia, neuroscienze e scienze dello sviluppo e dell’educazione convergono nel riconoscere gli effetti benefici dello svolgimento regolardi attività motoria sulle prestazioni cognitive e sulle funzioni esecutive, in modo specifico, sia negli adulti che nei bambini (Diamond,2015; Janssen et al., 2014; Lees, Hopkins, 2013). Tuttavia, ancora carenti e contraddittori sono gli studi realizzati in età prescolae, sebbene la fascia evolutiva compresa tra tre e cinque anni sia riconosciuta come età sensibile pe…

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Predictors of risk of learning disabilities

Involves all the skills, knowledge and attitudes that are presumed to be precursors of the development of conventional forms of reading and writing (Whitehurst and Lonigan, 1998). It been traced a continuity of development between the first emergent literacy skills, starting from kindergarten, and early reading skills (Phillips BM et al). Children who have difficulty in the early stages of learning to read is very likely continue to present both in later school years further failures in this area (Cornoldi,Tressoldi, 2007) triggered a negative spiral and problematic process (Tressoldi e Vio, 1996). There are numerous empirical confirmation of the importance of early identification of diffic…

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The influence of irregular group position and frequency on decoding Italian words: a comparison between dyslexic and fluent readers

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L’influenza della struttura sillabico accentuale sul processo di decodifica

L’accento delle parole italiane può essere collocato sulla penultima sillaba (volare) o sulla terzultima sillaba (tenero). In entrambi i casi l’assegnazione dell’accento non è predicibile da regole specifiche, ma necessita di informazioni lessicali. Le parole italiane con l’accento sulla penultima sillaba sono definite regolari, perché la proporzione di queste ultime è maggiore rispetto a quelle con accento sulla terzultima sillaba, definite irregolari (Burani, Arduino, 2004). In questo studio, oltre alla tipologia accentuale, assume particolare importanza la composizione sillabica delle parole. In particolare, ci proponiamo di valutare l’influenza (in termini di corretto posizionamento del…

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Depression, Anxiety at School and Self-Esteem in Children with Learning Disabilities

Educational research places emphasis on the fact that pupils with Learning Disabilities may develop depressive and anxiety symptoms characterized by lower levels of self-esteem. The aim of this research is to compare the levels of depression, anxiety at school and self-esteem in children with learning disabilities, mathematical disabilities and a control group who showed typical learning. The participants were 132 children (52 girls and 80 boys), with an average age of 9 years, attending the fourth grade of primary school. These pupils were selected by scores on a battery of tests commonly used in Italy for the assessment of learning disabilities. On the whole, analyses revealed that childr…

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The relationship between reading and referential skills in school children

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Evaluation of Podalic Support and Monitoring of Balance Control in Children with and without Dyslexia: A Pilot Study

Background: The American Psychiatric Association has identified dyslexia as a neurobiological disorder. The aim of the study was to evaluate podalic support, balance control, and dyslexia’s effects on interpersonal relationships. Methods: Fifty-seven subjects were enrolled for this study. The subjects were divided into two groups. The experimental group was composed of children with diagnosis of dyslexia. The control group was composed of healthy subjects. Each subject underwent baropodometry and posturographic analysis. In addition, the Multidimensional Self-esteem Assessment test by Bracken was used for a precise measurement of self-esteem in both groups (TMA). Results: The static b…

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Executive functions in kindergarten children at risk for developmental coordination disorder

Executive functioning (EF) is a key cognitive process for development. Little is known about EF in Kindergarten children at risk for developmental coordination disorder (DCD), despite this age being one of the most critical and intensive period of motor and cognitive development. In our investigation we compared EF in kindergarten children at risk for DCD with Typically Developing (TD) children. Participants were 36 Italian children, 18 at risk for DCD (9 boys and 9 girls) who had a mean age of 4.6 years and 18 TD (9 boys and 9 girls) who had a mean age of 4.6. Executive functions were measured by tasks targeting cold executive functioning (working memory, fluency, inhibitory control) and t…

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Timing flickers across sensory modalities

In tasks requiring a comparison of the duration of a reference and a test visual cue, the spatial position of test cue is likely to be implicitly coded, providing a form of a congruency effect or introducing a response bias according to the environmental scale or its vectorial reference. The precise mechanism generating these perceptual shifts in subjective duration is not understood, although several studies suggest that spatial attentional factors may play a critical role. Here we use a duration comparison task within and across sensory modalities to examine if temporal performance is also modulated when people are exposed to spatial distractors involving different sensory modalities. Di…

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An Analysis of a Single Case of Comorbidity between Learning Disability and Borderline Intellectual Functioning

Abstract In this study we explored a case of comorbidity between DSA and Borderline Intellectual Functioning. The girl was fourteen years old, ninth grade of school in Palermo, with significant learning difficulties. Two interviews were conducted, one with parents and one with teachers, to investigate the history of the girl's learning. In the pre-test phase the following cognitive areas were investigated: Q.I. (Level of Intelligence), decoding ability, reading comprehension and writing skills. Motivational-emotional profile was also evaluated: school motivation, self-handicapping strategies, self esteem and school anxiety. To assess these cognitive areas we used: Reading Comprehension Test…

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Down Syndrome and Referential Communication: Understanding and Production

Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the ability of referential communication in subjects with Down Syndrome (DS). We evaluated the possibility that the referential communication is the result of a set of cognitive factors, verbal and nonverbal through the evaluation of relationship between cognitive abilities in individuals with DS and typically developing. In particular, we have identified some critical dimensions of communicative function, such as the referential communication, which means the subject's ability to produce o the listener or messages “referentially oriented”, ie messages that are characterized by “clarity or ambiguity referential”. The referential communication skills, in…

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Lodare l’impegno o l’abilita’? Uno studio sulla rappresentazione dell’intelligenza negli insegnanti

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The effects of school anxiety on self-esteem and self-handicapping in pupils attending primary school

School anxiety appears to be related to self-esteem and self-handicapping strategies. This study aims at identifying children with atypical levels of anxiety and examining the relationship between their self-esteem at school and their use of self-handicapping strategies. The sample included 120 pupils (M = 8.6 years) attending third grade of primary school and was divided into three groups: pupils with low anxiety, average anxiety and high anxiety. Children were administered the Scale for Evaluation of Anxiety (SAFA A), the TMA - Multidimensional test of Self-esteem- and the Self-Handicapping Scale for Children. On the whole, results demonstrate a nearly normative distribution of school anx…

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Rappresentazione dell’intelligenza e autostima in studenti italiani e portoghesi.

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Stile attributivo e lessico di stati interni in soggetti con ritardo mentale.

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Influence of position of the context sensitive graphemes and word frequency effect on reading speed: a performance analysis of developmental dyslexics and fluent readers

Several studies have reported how the presence of contextual letter-sound conversion rules influences both reading speed and accuracy and the effect of rule complexity holds for low frequency words only. We aimed to investigate the role of orthography complexity and, in particular, of context sensitive graphemes position and frequency of use on reading speed, analyzing the performance of developmental dyslexics and fluent readers. With regard to speed (reading speed of word lists), context sensitive graphemes position had an effect only for dyslexic children, who showed the worst performance if the context sensitive graphemes were in first position, regardless of word frequency. On the othe…

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La rappresentazione del tempo nella Discalculia evolutiva.

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Self-esteem at school and self-handicapping in childhood: comparison of groups with learning disabilities.

Recent research has focused on the role of self-esteem and self-handicapping strategies in the school domain. Self-handicapping refers to maladaptive strategies employed by adults and children for protection and maintenance of positive school self esteem. In this study the self-esteem and the self-handicapping strategies of children with dyslexia, reading comprehension disabilities, and mathematical disabilities were compared to a control group with normal learning. There were 56 children whose mean age was 8 (23 girls, 33 boys), attending Grade 3 of primary school. These pupils were selected by scores on a battery of learning tests commonly used in Italy for assessment of learning disabil…

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Profilo motivazionale e lessico di stati interni in soggetti ipoacusici

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Potenziamento delle abilità di lettura in studenti incrementali ed entitari: un'analisi longitudinale

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Il ruolo dell'informazione contestuale e delle componenti sillabico-accentuali nella decodifica del testo scritto: un confronto tra dislessici evolutivi e normolettori

L'esperimento qui presentato si propone di valutare l'importanza che assume, per un dislessico evolutivo rispetto ad un normolettore, la presenza di indizi che suggeriscano il significato del testo scritto (informazioni contestuali), nonché l'influenza di determinate caratteristiche sillabico-accentuali nelle prestazioni di lettura. Lo studio è stato condotto attraverso la somministrazione di frasi in ognuna delle quali è stata inserita una parola target secondo criteri relativi alla posizione (dislocazione a sinistra e dislocazione a destra) al fine di valutare l'influenza esercitata dall'informazione contestuale durante la decifrazione del testo. Le parole selezionate sono state accuratam…

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Physical activity and self-esteem in childhood

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Time processing in children with Tourette's syndrome.

Background: Tourette syndrome (TS) is characterized by dysfunctional connectivity between prefrontal cortex and sub-cortical structures, and altered meso-cortical and/or meso-striatal dopamine release. Since time processing is also regulated by fronto-striatal circuits and modulated by dopaminergic transmission, we hypothesized that time processing is abnormal in TS. Methods: We compared time processing abilities between nine children with TS-only (i.e. without major psychiatric comorbidities) and 10 age-matched healthy children, employing a time reproduction task in which subjects actively reproduce different temporal intervals, and a time comparison task in which subjects judge whether a …

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Current theories of intellectual disabilities underlie an approach centred on a more complete description of the development, known as “the whole child approach”, in which emphasis is placed on the reciprocal relationships between the cognitive and motivational dimensions which characterise development. In particular, subjects with intellectual disabilities, who have experienced repeated failures, may develop an attribution profile characterised by a bias towards primarily external causes. However the consideration of internal causes, such as effort and ability, requires the involvement of higher metacognitive and metalinguistic levels. Consequently, attribution to effort requires an awaren…

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A teacher-led motor programme to enhance pre-literacy and motor skills in kindergarten children

Structured motor tasks may affect cognitive development by creating a cognitively challenging “enriched environment’, giving opportunity for social cooperation, increasing the joy to learn through play, improving the sense of mastery and competence. The study investigated the association between motor and cognitive exercises, through a teacher-led programme, to provide kindergarten children with the skills necessary for school literacy. Using a cluster-randomized trial design with an intervention group (N = 110) and a control group (N = 64), we examined the effects of a 3-month teacher-led motor programme enriched by executive function tasks. In the intervention group, significant gains wer…

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Theories of Intelligence in Children with Reading Disabilities: A Training Proposal

A recent trend in the study of reading difficulties promotes multidimensional intervention, focusing on the reciprocal influences exerted by cognitive and emotional-motivational variables. This study evaluated improvements in reading performance as a function of metacognitive training in 36 children ( M age = 8.7 yr.) with different representations of intelligence. Posttest evaluations show significantly more improvement in reading comprehension in children with an incremental theory of intelligence. These results indicate the importance of treatment programmes that take into account both the specificity of deficits and factors relating to the domain of motivation.

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Studiu intercultural de validare preliminarã a scalei de conceptii personale asupra inteligentei (SCPI)

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Strategie di Self-Handicapping e Autostima in bambini con e senza Difficoltà di Apprendimento

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Strategie di Self-Handicapping e profilo motivazionale: un’indagine su studenti di scuola secondaria di secondo grado e universitari

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Physical Activity Engagement in Young People with Down Syndrome: Investigating Parental Beliefs

Background Despite the wide documentation of the physical/psychological benefits derived from regular physical activity (PA), high levels of inactivity are reported among people with Down syndrome. This study aims to explore parental beliefs concerning involvement, facilitators/barriers and benefits of PA in young people. Method Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 parents of young people with Down syndrome. Results Three facilitation themes were identified: (i) the support derived from family; (ii) the availability of APA (Adapted Physical Activity) expert instructors and coaches; (iii) the challenging nature of sport activities. Three barrier themes were identified: (i) the l…

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L'utilizzo degli indizi contestuali come strategia di lettura del dislessico evolutivo

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Metacognitive and cognitive factors underlying the understanding of the text

Reading comprehension, the construction of meaning from text is generally considered one of the most central cognitive skills children acquire during their school career. (Carreiras & Clifton, 2004; Mason, 2004; Ritchey, 2011; van den Broek, 2010). The research reported was designed to investigate the critical role played by certain factors implicated in the mental representation of text and to establish how their role varies as a function of developmental age. It would thus seem that inferential processing is powerfully influenced both by metacognitive and structural factors which can play a role during text comprehension. This research has focused in particular on two specific aspects of …

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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to investigate the Referential Communication skill in children with Down Syndrome (DS). In particular in this research, we have studied the development of pragmatic language in relation to non-verbal skills. It’s analyzed the Referential Communication skills in children with DS, both in production and comprehension of referential messages: oriented and / or ambiguous , adequate (appropriate) and inadequate (inappropriate) METHODS: The participants in this research are a total of 24 children: 12 children with DS and 12 children with typical development (TD) (control group). The mean age children with DS is 7 years and 8 months and the mean age children wi…

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Improving Children's Coordinative Skills and Executive Functions

Recent studies have focused on the positive influence of regular physical activity on executive functioning in children. Coordinative skills (agility) and executive functions (updating, attention, inhibition and planning processes) were investigated in children before and after 6 months of a Football Exercise Program compared to a control group of sedentary peers. The participants were 44 children aged 8.8 years: Group 1 comprised 24 children in a football (i.e., soccer) exercise program and Group 2 comprised 20 sedentary children. At pre-test and post-test, coordinative skills and executive functions were measured. After the Football Exercise Program, there were significant differences be…

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L’assessment del profilo motivazionale scolastico

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La comunicazione referenziale nella prospettiva evolutiva

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Personal conceptions of intelligence: Cross-cultural comparisons between Portuguese and Italian students

This article presents some results of an intercultural study on personal conceptions of intelligence. The sample includes 1,540 students, 811 Italians and 729 Portuguese, from both sexes and of different socioeconomic statuses, of secondary Grades 10 and 12 and of the 1st grade of several university courses in both countries. The instrument used was The Personal Conceptions of Intelligence Scale (Faria, 2003), with 26 items, translated and adapted to Portuguese and Italian. The level of education and the cultural context appear as the only variables with either principal and interaction effects on the differentiation of personal conceptions of intelligence, which are analyzed according to t…

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The research reported here was designed to investigate the critical role played by certain factors implicated in the mental representation of text, and to establish whether their role varies significantly as a function of developmental age. Specifically, it was decided to analyse, in a sample of 180 subjects was selected from three different age groups (7, 10 and 18 years of age respectively), the role of such factors in mediating and influencing the generation of the inferences needed to understand a piece of text characterised by a sequence of information which flows in a logical order, but leads to a conclusion which is contrary to the expectations evoked by the text. In line with this o…

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Difficoltà di lettura e funzionamento intellettivo limite: Analisi di un caso.

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Concepções pessoais de inteligência e auto-estima: que diferenças entre estudantes portuguese e italianos?

Neste artigo apresentam-se alguns dos resultados de um estudo intercultural sobre as concepções pessoais de inteligência e a auto-estima global, comparando alunos de dois níveis de ensino (secundário e superior) de Portugal e de Itália. A amostra total compreende 1540 alunos, 811 italianos e 729 portugueses, de ambos os sexos e de diferentes níveis sócio-económicos, frequentando os 10.º e o 12.º anos do ensino secundário e o 1.º ano de vários cursos universitários em ambos os países. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Escala de Con- 763 cepções Pessoais de Inteligência (Faria, 2003), com 26 itens, e a Escala de Auto-Estima Global (Rosenberg, 1965), com 10 itens, traduzidas e adaptadas para …

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Individualismo-Collettivismo e Concezioni Personali dell'Intelligenza in Adolescenti

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The Relatività of Space Time in sensorial cross-modality: one study on visual auditory interaction.

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Strategie di self-handicapping e profilo motivazionale: un’indagine su studenti di scuola superiore e universitari

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Anxiety, self-esteem and self-handicapping: A comparison between pupils with dyscalculia and normal learning | Ansia, autostima e self-handicapping: Un confronto tra bambini con discalculia e apprendimento nella norma

Clinical and educational research places emphasis on the emotional and motivational factors which characterise learning disabilities. The aim of this research is to study the relationship between the school anxiety, the school self-esteem and the employ of self-handicapping strategies in children with dyscalculia and normal learning. Sixty pupils attending third grade junior school were given a battery of tests assessing emotional and motivational variables. On the whole, the results show that children with dyscalculia have higher levels of anxiety and lower self-esteem. Moreover, the anxiety seems to influence the self-esteem only in the group of children with normal learning.

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La dislessia nello svantaggio socio-culturale: il ruolo dell’ambiente come amplificatore del problema

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Linguistic Prosody and Comprehension of Idioms and Proverbs in Subjects of School Age

Abstract A crucial component of language is represented by the prosodic system because it provides essential elements to speaker about how a sentence should be interpreted or intended (Fodor, 2002). Increasing interest from researchers also relates to the understanding of figurative language (Levorato, & Cacciari, 2002). In the figures of speech that the speaker wants the listener intends something more or different than what is explicitly stated (Glucksberg, 2001). In particular, prosodic intonation is crucial in the resolution of syntactic ambiguity and structural features that constitute the complex messages, such as idioms and proverbs. A crucial component of language, therefore, is rep…

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FARE INFERENZE Storie e attività per potenziare la comprensione del testo

Attualmente, la tematica relativa ai processi inferenziali costituisce un ampio e interessante filone di ricerca in cui convergono i contributi della scienza cognitiva e della linguistica testuale. Poiché difficoltà nell’attivazione di processi inferenziali sottesi alla comprensione del testo possono connotarsi quali significativi predittori di varie problematiche nell’ambito dell’apprendimento scolastico, diviene sempre più urgente l’individuazione di tutti i fattori capaci di inibire o favorire l’attivazione di inferenze, siano esse lessicali, quando riguardano il significato di una parola sconosciuta ma deducibile dal contesto, oppure semantiche se, invece, riguardano il significato di i…

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Disabilità di lettura e rappresentazione dell'intelligenza:efficacia di un training

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La Scala delle Concezioni Personali dell’Intelligenza: un confronto tra le caratteristiche psicometriche della versione portoghese e di quella italiana

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Comprensione prosodica e comprensione di modi di dire e proverbi in bambini di età pre-scolare: il ruolo del contesto socio culturale

L’acquisizione degli aspetti pragmatici del linguaggio comporta un processo costruttivo, di comprensione di codici non linguistici, che il bambino apprende attraverso l’interazione con il contesto socio culturale. Ne sono un esempio la comprensione prosodia e di modi dire e proverbi. La ricerca ha indagato la relazione tra comprensione prosodica e di modi di dire e proverbi, su due gruppi di bambini di 4 e 5 anni appartenenti a contesti socio-culturali diversi. Alla ricerca hanno partecipato 290 soggetti divisi in due gruppi di età: 150 bambini di 4 anni e 140 di 5 anni, equamente distribuiti per livello socio culturale. In concordanza alle nostre ipotesi, la correlazione tra le due compone…

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Strategie di self-handicapping: un confronto tra dominio sportivo e dominio scolastico

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Profilo motivazionale nella Sindrome di Prader-Willi: analisi di un caso

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Strategie di self-handicapping e profilo motivazionale: un’indagine su studenti di scuola primaria

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L'impiego di strategie di self-handicapping: un confronto tra dislessici e normolettori

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Emotional Profile and Intellectual Functioning

Insufficient literature has been produced addressing children with borderline intellectual functioning (BIF) and gifted intellectual functioning (GIF). The goal of this work is to compare levels of self-esteem, depression, anxiety at school, and insecurity among children with BIF and GIF, and a control group of average intellectual functioning (AIF). There were participants of 104 children (fourth grade of primary school). Analyses revealed that children with BIF showed a lower level of self-esteem and higher levels of depression and school anxiety. Moreover, our findings highlight the co-occurrence of school anxiety, depressed mood, and insecurity among the BIF and AIF groups. One of the …

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Motivazione e sport di squadra: il ruolo delle strategie di autosabotaggio

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Dal linguaggio orale alla lingua scritta: costruzione di un percorso

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Attribuzioni causali e lessico di stati fisiologici, emotivi e cognitivi nel ritardo mentale.

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Gross motor proficiency and intellectual functioning

This cross-sectional study examines differences in gross motor proficiency as a function of different intellectual functioning profiles. Two motor areas have been investigated as being equally essential to gross motor functions in every-day life: locomotion and object control. It aims to compare gross motor skills endorsed by children with Down syndrome (DS), children with borderline intellectual functioning (BIF), and typically developing children (TDC). Group 1 was composed of 18 children with DS (chronological age=8.22), group 2 was composed of 18 children with BIF (chronological age=9.32), and group 3 was composed of 18 children with typical development (TD) (chronological age=9.28). Gr…

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The analysis of the construct of literacy emerging in the construction of a “risk profile”

Learning the written language, is characterized by an evolutionary continuity that develops from an early acquisition phase, traditionally defined as "emergent literacy" (Pinto, 1993; Whitehurst and Loningan, 1998; Pepi, 2004). Learning the written language has its origins in the earliest stages of a child's life, before the start of formal literacy and involves all those skills (cognitive, metacognitive, language, short-memory term, etc.), knowledges and attitudes presumed to be precursors of the development of conventional reading and writing forms (Lonigan, et al, 2000). The current research shows the continuity of development between the first emergent literacy skills, starting from kin…

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Properties of the italian version of the Body Weight Image and Self-Esteem (B-WISE) in a non-clinical sample

This study aims at assessing psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Body Weight Image and Self-Esteem (B-WISE) originally developed by Awad and Voruganti (2004) with psychiatric patients. The subjects were 1,033 non-clinical Italians with an average chronological age of 27.49 years (SD = 8.91). With regard to gender, there were 547 females and 491 males. Participants were administered self-report instruments: the B-WISE Questionnaire (Awad and Voruganti, 2004) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (1965). The exploratory factor analysis revealed the existence of 3 factors explaining the 48.03% of total variance. With regard to internal consistency, our study showed a not satisf…

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Concezioni personali dell'intelligenza e individualismo-collettivismo in studenti italiani e portoghesi

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Comprensione prosodica e comprensione di modi di dire e proverbi: uno studio in soggetti di età scolare in situazioni di svantaggio socio-culturale

Le abilità di comprensione metalinguistica riguardano i processi cognitivi che consentono di riflettere sulla lingua e di manipolarne le caratteristiche. Tali capacità, indispensabili per riconoscere e risolvere le ambiguità di un messaggio complesso, permettono di controllare e pianificare il modo di produrre e comprendere il linguaggio. L'analisi dei processi implicati nel riconoscimento e risoluzione di ambiguità in un messaggio complesso, pone l'accento sulle abilità di controllare e pianificare la produzione e comprensione del linguaggio verbale, ma soprattutto sull’importanza della componente prosodica nella decodifica dell’informazione. Tale relazione è significativa ed è soggetta a …

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Lodare l'impegno o l'abilità? Uno studio sulla rappresentazione dell'intelligenza nei genitori

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Self-Esteem and Self-Handicapping in Learning Disabilities

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Il ruolo della trasparenza morfologica nell’attribuzione del genere grammaticale

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Reading decoding disabilities: the role of socio-cultural level

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Personal conceptions of intelligence affect outcome in a multimedia reading training program.

Personal conceptions of intelligence seem to make a significant contribution to overcoming a reading deficit, as indicated in our earlier research. The present aim was to assess improvements in reading-decoding following training of children with reading-decoding problems and different conceptions of intelligence (incremental or entity). It was expected that treatment of children with an incremental representation would improve more. Participants were 20 children (10 girls, 10 boys) whose average age was 8.6 yr., who attended Grade 3 of elementary school, and who were selected from 675 pupils. Children were given a multimedia test to measure motivational factors such as conceptions of inte…

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Indizi semantici e ambiguità ortografica: la sensibilità al contesto linguistico nel dislessico evolutivo

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Improvement of gross motor and cognitive abilities by an exercise training program: three case reports

Marianna Alesi,1 Giuseppe Battaglia,2 Michele Roccella,1 Davide Testa,1 Antonio Palma,2 Annamaria Pepi1 1Department of Psychology, 2Department of Law, Social and Sport Science, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy Background: This work examined the efficacy of an integrated exercise training program (coach and family) in three children with Down syndrome to improve their motor and cognitive abilities, in particular reaction time and working memory. Methods: The integrated exercise training program was used in three children with Down syndrome, comprising two boys (M1, with a chronological age of 10.3 years and a mental age of 4.7 years; M2, with a chronological age of 14.6 years and a ment…

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Le Strategie di Self – Handicapping nello Sport.

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Comprensione del linguaggio figurato in bambini con Sindrome di Down

L’acquisizione degli aspetti pragmatici del linguaggio, nello sviluppo tipico, comporta un processo costruttivo, di comprensione di codici non linguistici, che il bambino apprende attraverso l’interazione con il contesto socio culturale. I bambini con Sindrome di Down (SD) presentano un ritardo globale che interessa lo sviluppo motorio, cognitivo, comunicativo e linguistico. La non corretta espressione dei geni nel cromosoma 21 determina una serie di alterazioni nello sviluppo neurofisiologico, somatico, motorio, cognitivo e linguistico che possono variare anche considerevolmente da individuo ad individuo. Dalla letteratura si evince che tali soggetti seguano la stessa linea generale di acq…

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Rappresentazioni dell’intelligenza e apprendimento scolastico

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Velocità e correttezza nell'attribuzione del genere grammaticale: il ruolo della trasparenza morfologica della vocale finale della parola.

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Personal Conceptions of intelligence and Self-Esteem: cross-cultural comparisons between portuguese and italian students.

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Self-Esteem and body-image in individuals practicing fitness activities

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Attribution style in adolescents with Down’s sindrome

Educational research places emphasis on the fact that individuals who have experienced repeated failures may develop an attribution profile characterized by a bias towards primarily external causes. The aim of this study is to compare the attribution style of adolescents with Down's syndrome with that of normal children and adolescents matched for mental and chronological age; three groups consisting of 10 participants each were employed, an experimental group and two control groups were employed. The experimental group were Down's syndrome adolescents. Participants in the first control group were matched to the experimental groups for mental age, and those in the second for chronological a…

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La sindrome di Prader-Willi: analisi di un caso di adolescente.

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Learning Disabilities and motivational profiles

Learning disabilities

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Rendimento scolastico e intelligenza sociale in adolescenza.

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Influence of syllabic composition and lexical stress on decoding test: a comparison between dyslexic children and fluent readers

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Temporal abnormalities in children with developmental dyscalculia.

Recent imaging studies have associated Developmental dyscalculia (DD) to structural and functional alterations corresponding Parietal and the Prefrontal cortex (PFC). Since these areas were shown also to be involved in timing abilities, we hypothesized that time processing is abnormal in DD. We compared time processing abilities between 10 children with pure DD (8 years old) and 11 age-matched healthy children. Results show that the DD group underestimated duration of a sub-second scale when asked to perform a time comparison task. The timing abnormality observed in our DD participants is consistent with evidence of a shared fronto-parietal neural network for representing time and quantity.…

research product

Comprensione prosodica e comprensione di modi di dire e proverbi in soggetti in età scolare

Una componente cruciale del linguaggio è rappresentata dal sistema prosodico poiché fornisce elementi essenziali al parlante su come un enunciato debba essere interpretato o inteso (Aglioti, 2009; Davidson, 2003). Crescente interesse da parte dei ricercatori riguarda, inoltre, la comprensione del linguaggio figurato (Benelli e Bellacchi, 2007). Nelle espressioni figurate il parlante vuole che l’ascoltatore intenda un qualcosa di più o di diverso rispetto a ciò che viene affermato esplicitamente. Ne sono un esempio le espressioni metaforiche (es. Anna è una perla), quelle ironiche e le espressioni idiomatiche (ad es. tagliare la corda). Le abilità di comprensione metalinguistica riguardano i…

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Fattori sottesi alla comunicazione referenziale

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Personal conceptions of intelligence in children with reading decoding disabilities

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T.I.R.D. (Training Informatizzato per la riabilitazione della Dislessia)

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Le rappresentazioni delle abilità incrementale ed unitarie nell'apprendimento: una prospettiva evolutiva

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Self-esteem, body image and B.M.I. in people attending fitness classes

Over the last decade there have been several studies which support the role that physical exercise plays in the promotion of well-being and positive mental health. A crucial aspect in the well-being is the relationship between self-esteem and body-image. Anyway limited theoreticallybased longitudinal studies on body image and its relationship with selfesteem among adult men and women is documented (Grossbard, Lee, Neighbors, Larimer, 2009; Mellor, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, McCabe, Ricciardelli, 2010). Different cultural standards for ideal body types have been identified: for females a thin figure represents attractiveness and for males, a more muscular build symbolizes power and success. Body ma…

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Concepções Pessoais de Inteligência: estudo intercultural com estudentas portugueses, romenos e italianos

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Investigating the improvement of decoding abilities and working memory in children with Incremental or Entity personal conceptions of intelligence: two case reports

One of the most significant current discussions has led to the hypothesis that domain-specific training programs alone are not enough to improve reading achievement or working memory abilities. Incremental or Entity personal conceptions of intelligence may be assumed to be an important prognostic factor to overcome domain-specific deficits. Specifically, incremental students tend to be more oriented toward change and autonomy and are able to adopt more efficacious strategies. This study aims at examining the effect of personal conceptions of intelligence to strengthen the efficacy of a multidimensional intervention program in order to improve decoding abilities and working memory. Participa…

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Poor School Academic Performance and Benign Epilepsy with Centro-Temporal Spikes

Background: Poor academic performance of students with epilepsy seems to be a multifactorial problem related to difficulties in reading, writing, math, and logic skills. Poor school and academic performances refer to learning problems in a specific academic area due to learning disorders and learning difficulties not excluding the ability to learn in a different manner during school and academic life. Sometimes, school, academic difficulties, and Rolandic epilepsy can coexist together, and there may be comorbidities. Consequently, the risk of impaired academic performance in people with epilepsy is high. Methods: This review analyzed the relationship between Benign Epilepsy with Centro-Temp…

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PMS (Profilo Motivazionale Scolastico)

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Lessico di stati interni e rappresentazione dell’intelligenza in soggetti con ritardo mentale

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