

Genome-wide association and longitudinal analyses reveal genetic loci linking pubertal height growth, pubertal timing and childhood adiposity

D. L. CousminerD. J. BerryN. J. TimpsonW. AngE. ThieringE. M. ByrneH. R. TaalV. HuikariJ. P. BradfieldM. KerkhofM. M. Groen BlokhuisE. Kreiner MollerM. MarinelliC. HolstJ. T. LeinonenJ. R. B. PerryI. SurakkaO. PietilainenJ. KettunenV. AnttilaM. KaakinenU. SovioA. PoutaS. DasV. LagouC. PowerI. ProkopenkoD. M. EvansJ. P. KempB. St PourcainS. RingA. PalotieE. KajantieC. OsmondT. LehtimakiJ. S. ViikariM. KahonenN. M. WarringtonS. J. LyeL. J. PalmerC. M. T. TieslerC. FlexederG. W. MontgomeryS. E. MedlandA. HofmanH. HakonarsonM. GuxensM. BartelsV. SalomaaJ. M. MurabitoJ. KaprioT. I. A. SorensenF. BallesterHans BisgaardD. I. BoomsmaG. H. KoppelmanS. F. A. GrantV. W. V. JaddoeN. G. MartinJ. HeinrichC. E. PennellO. T. RaitakariJ. G. ErikssonG. D. SmithE. HypponenM. R. JarvelinM. I. MccarthyS. RipattiE. WidenAdair LsAng WAtalay MVan Beijsterveldt TBergen NBenke KBerry DjBoomsma DiBradfield JpCharoen PCoin LCooper CCousminer DlDas SDavis OsDedoussis GvElliott PEstivill XEvans DmFeenstra BFlexeder CFrayling TFreathy RmGaillard RGeller FGillman MGrant SfGroen Blokhuis MGoh LkGuxens MHakonarson HHattersley AtHaworth CmHadley DHedebrand JHeinrich JHinney AHirschhorn JnHocher BHolloway JwHolst CHottenga JjHorikoshi MHuikari VHypponen EIñiguez CJaddoe VwJarvelin MrKaakinen MKilpeläinen ToKirin MKowgier MLakka HmLakka TaLange LaLawlor DaLehtimäki TLewin ALindgren CLindi VMaggi RMarsh JMccarthy MiMelbye MMiddeldorp CMillwood IMohlke KlMook Kanamori DoMurray JcNivard MNohr EaNtalla IOken EOng KkO'reilly PfPalmer LjPanoutsopoulou KPararajasingham JPearson ErPennell CePower CPrice TsProkopenko IRaitakari OtRodriguez ASalem RmSaw SmScherag ASebert SSiitonen NSimell OSørensen TiSovio UPourcain BsStrachan DpSunyer JTaal HrTeo YyThiering ETiesler CTimpson NjUitterlinden AgValcárcel BWarrington NmWhite SWidén EWillemsen GWilson JfYaghootkar HZeggini EElks CePerry JrSulem PChasman DiFranceschini NHe CLunetta KlVisser JaByrne EmCousminer DlGudbjartsson DfEsko TFeenstra BHottenga JjKoller DlKutalik ZLin PMangino MMarongiu MMcardle PfSmith AvStolk LVan Wingerden ShZhao JhAlbrecht ECorre TIngelsson EHayward CMagnusson PkSmith EnUlivi SWarrington MZgaga LAlavere HAmin NAspelund TBandinelli SBarroso IBerenson GsBergmann SBlackburn HBoerwinkle EBuring JeBusonero FCampbell HChanock SjChen WCornelis McCouper DCoviello AdDe Faire UDe Geus EjDeloukas PDöring ADavey Smith GEaston DfEiriksdottir GEmilsson VEriksson JFerrucci LFolsom ArForoud TGarcia MPaolo GaspariniGeller FGieger CGudnason VHall PHankinson SeFerreli LHeath AcHernandez DgHofman AHu FbIllig TJärvelin MrJohnson AdKarasik DKhaw KtKiel DpKilpeläinen ToKolcic IKraft PLauner LjLaven JsLi SLiu JLevy DMartin NgMcardle WlMelbye MMooser VMurray JcMurray SsNalls MaNavarro PNelis MNess ArNorthstone KOostra BaPeacock MPalmer LjPalotie AParé GParker AnPedersen NlPeltonen LPennell CePharoah PPolasek OPlump AsPouta APorcu ERafnar TRice JpRing SmRivadeneira FRudan ISala CSalomaa VSanna SSchlessinger DSchork NjScuteri ASegrè AvShuldiner ArSoranzo NSovio USrinivasan SrStrachan DpTammesoo MlTikkanen EToniolo DTsui KTryggvadottir LTyrer JUda MVan Dam RmVan Meurs JbVollenweider PWaeber GWareham NjWaterworth DmWeedon MnWichmann HeWillemsen GWilson JfWright AfYoung LZhai GZhuang WvBierut LjBoyd HaCrisponi LDemerath EwVan Duijn CmEcons MjHarris TbHunter DjLoos RjMetspalu AMontgomery GwRidker PmSpector TdStreeten EaStefansson KThorsteinsdottir UUitterlinden AgWiden EMurabito JmOng KkMurray A.Adamo Pio D'adamo


MaleNetherlands Twin Register (NTR)Genetic LinkageMedizinGene ExpressionGenome-wide association studyVARIANTSBody Mass Index0302 clinical medicinegenetic linkageTransforming Growth Factor betaNeoplasmsmolecular biologygeneticsChildGenetics (clinical)Adiposity2. Zero hunger0303 health sciencesadiposityMitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3Association Studies ArticlesAge FactorsACHONDROPLASIAGeneral MedicineGenome-Wide Association Study; pubertal height growth; pubertal timingPhenotypeOBESITYMenarche/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/good_health_and_well_beingbody heightFemaleSignal Transductionmedicine.medical_specialtyage factorsCHROMOSOME 16P11.2AdolescentBIRTHQuantitative Trait Loci030209 endocrinology & metabolismContext (language use)BiologyChildhood obesitypubertal height growthMENARCHEYoung Adult03 medical and health sciencesAGESDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingPrepubertyInternal medicineGeneticsmedicine/dk/atira/pure/keywords/cohort_studies/netherlands_twin_register_ntr_HumansMolecular Biology030304 developmental biologySignMenarcheFACTOR RECEPTOR-3MUTATIONSpubertal timingPubertyta3121medicine.diseaseObesityBody HeightGenetic architectureEndocrinologyPOPULATION COHORTgene expressionBody mass indexFollow-Up StudiesGenome-Wide Association Study


The pubertal height growth spurt is a distinctive feature of childhood growth reflecting both the central onset of puberty and local growth factors. Although little is known about the underlying genetics, growth variability during puberty correlates with adult risks for hormone-dependent cancer and adverse cardiometabolic health. The only gene so far associated with pubertal height growth, LIN28B, pleiotropically influences childhood growth, puberty and cancer progression, pointing to shared underlying mechanisms. To discover genetic loci influencing pubertal height and growth and to place them in context of overall growth and maturation, we performed genome-wide association meta-analyses in 18 737 European samples utilizing longitudinally collected height measurements. We found significant associations (P<1.67x1028) at 10 loci, including LIN28B. Five loci associated with pubertal timing, all impacting multiple aspects of growth. In particular, a novel variant correlated with expression of MAPK3, and associated both with increased prepubertal growth and earlier menarche. Another variant near ADCY3-POMC associated with increased body mass index, reduced pubertal growth and earlier puberty. Whereas epidemiological correlations suggest that early puberty marks a pathway from rapid prepubertal growth to reduced final height and adult obesity, our study shows that individual loci associating with pubertal growth have variable longitudinal growth patterns that may differ from epidemiological observations. Overall, this study uncovers part of the complex genetic architecture linking pubertal height growth, the timing of puberty and childhood obesity and provides new information to pinpoint processes linking these traits. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
