

First search for atmospheric and extraterrestrial neutrino-induced cascades with the IceCube detector

F. ClevermannK. MaseJ. BlumenthalK. HanP. O. HulthJ. EischD. Z. BessonG. De Vries-uiterweerdB. SemburgHg SanderG. W. SullivanH. WissingN. KemmingJames E. BraunDaniel BindigOlga BotnerC. Pérez De Los HerosM. KrasbergT. StraszheimD. J. BoersmaRasha AbbasiS. PankninA. PiegsaNathan WhitehornS. CohenS. SeunarineH. TaavolaJ. M. ClemJ. M. JosephPeter MészárosE. BlaufussJ. C. DavisP. B. PriceS.j. LafebreD. RutledgeA. GrossJon DummM. PrikockisT. WaldenmaierT. O. B. SchmidtStijn BuitinkS. YoshidaJoanna KirylukJoanna KirylukD. TosiPh. HerquetTimo KargTim RuheM. WalterA. RizzoM. KowalskiJ. AuffenbergChristian SpieringO. DepaepeK. RawlinsLarissa PaulS. H. SeoGerald PrzybylskiR. MorseM. DanningerH. S. MatisK. HoshinaS. M. MovitS. StoyanovS. BechetKurt WoschnaggPaul EvensonL. KoepkeThomas MeuresAongus O'murchadhaT. Fischer-waselsKael HansonKael HansonJustin VandenbrouckeHenrik J. JohanssonGlenn SpiczakAlbrecht KarleJames MadsenA. Van OverloopK. BeattieCh. WeaverM. LabareT. GrieselT. KringsM. MerckDmitry ChirkinT. KowarikA. SilvestriD. TurcanFrancis HalzenP. ZarzhitskyA. SchukraftJ. P. RodriguesT. StezelbergerK. MeagherO. FadiranO. SchulzChun XuJ. W. NamD. BoseAlexander KappesMartin WolfR. C. BayJuan Carlos Diaz-velezE. A. StrahlerK. LaihemJ. Van SantenK. WiebeU. NaumannDirk RyckboschTeresa MontaruliTeresa MontaruliK. SchattoP. RedlK. H. BeckerJ. J. BeattyM. OnoM. V. D'agostinoG. KohnenD. R. NygrenA. TamburroChad FinleyF. RothmaierN. MilkeGeorge JaparidzePaolo DesiatiD. BerleyG. C. HillB. VoigtJ. L. Bazo AlbaKaren AndeenT. GluesenkampSimona ToscanoS. OdrowskiXinhua BaiO. EngdegårdJ. LuenemannK. H. KampertN. Van EijndhovenT. Abu-zayyadMatthias GeislerK. HultqvistR. W. EllsworthDarren GrantM. StamatikosM. StamatikosJ. PosseltMichael J. BakerL. DemiroersS. GrullonM. J. CarsonT. FeuselsHermann KolanoskiM. VogePratik MajumdarCarsten RottC. HaElisa ResconiM. J. LarsonJ. L. KelleyMarkus AhlersJ. BerdermannA. MarottaKirill FilimonovJ. MillerJ. E. JacobsenMarcos SantanderM. L. BenabderrahmaneFabian KislatG. KrollJ. K. BeckerM. DierckxsensL. GerhardtL. GerhardtR. NahnhauerJ-p HuelssReina H. MaruyamaL. GladstoneP. RothA. GoldschmidtR. LehmannM. BissokSubir SarkarSegev BenzviSpencer KleinSpencer KleinD. SeckelM. VehringD. F. CowenR. PorrataM. M. FoersterParaic A. KennyJuanan AguilarAnatoli FedynitchJ. C. GallagherTakao KuwabaraD. BertrandA. FranckowiakXianwu XuR. EhrlichB. ChristyG. StephensA. OlivasA. IshiharaAllan HallgrenC. BohmS. WesterhoffA. R. FazelyO. TarasovaTyce DeyoungSamvel Ter-antonyanS. HussainSandro KopperD. J. KoskinenA. SlipakS. TilavP. A. ToaleA. SchultesKara HoffmanD. HeinenC. ColnardH. LandsmanP. NiessenS. BoeserYolanda Sestayo De La CerraJ. DreyerI. TaboadaY. AbdouM. WallraffM. GurtnerWolfgang RhodeR. J. LauerC. De ClercqB. D. FoxP. BerghausS. EulerA. HomeierDavid A. WilliamsDamian PielothD. HubertA. M. BrownS. W. BarwickChristopher WiebuschTodor StanevC. WendtJ. DaughheteeF. DescampsJ-h KoehneA. TepeR. FrankeC. WalckThomas K. GaisserG. B. YodhQ. SwillensB. RuzybayevW. HuelsnitzK. HelbingE. MiddellElisa BernardiniM. RibordyM. SchunckJenni AdamsK. KuehnS. HickfordA. SchoenwaldR. G. StokstadR. WischnewskiJ. PetrovicM. OlivoM. OlivoJ. A. Goodman


HIGH-ENERGY NEUTRINOSSELECTIONNuclear and High Energy PhysicsAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaHigh-energy neutrinosFOS: Physical sciencesFluxCosmic rayElementary particleAstrophysicsParticle detectorIceCubeHigh Energy Physics - ExperimentHigh Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)SCATTERINGddc:530High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)PhysicsSPECTRUMICEHigh Energy Physics::Phenomenology004Massless particlePhysics and AstronomyNeutrino detectorAMANDA-IIHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentNeutrinoAstrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomenainfo:eu-repo/classification/ddc/004Lepton


We report on the first search for atmospheric and for diffuse astrophysical neutrino-induced showers (cascades) in the IceCube detector using 257 days of data collected in the year 2007-2008 with 22 strings active. A total of 14 events with energies above 16 TeV remained after event selections in the diffuse analysis, with an expected total background contribution of $8.3\pm 3.6$. At 90% confidence we set an upper limit of $E^2\Phi_{90%CL}<3.6\times10^{-7} GeV \cdot cm^{-2} \cdot s^{-1}\cdot sr^{-1} $ on the diffuse flux of neutrinos of all flavors in the energy range between 24 TeV and 6.6 PeV assuming that $\Phi \propto E^{-2}$ and that the flavor composition of the $\nu_e : \nu_\mu : \nu_\tau$ flux is $1 : 1 : 1$ at the Earth. The atmospheric neutrino analysis was optimized for lower energies. A total of 12 events were observed with energies above 5 TeV. The observed number of events is consistent with the expected background, within the uncertainties.
