

The Large Hadron–Electron Collider at the HL-LHC

P. AgostiniH. AksakalL. ApolinarioA. GoyalJ. GramesE. GranadosA. GrassellinoY. O. GunaydinY. C. GuoV. GuzeyC. GwenlanA. HammadC. C. HanR. ApsimonL. Harland-langF. HaugF. HautmannD. HaydenJ. HesslerI. HeleniusJ. HenryJ. Hernandez-sanchezH. HesariT. J. HobbsA. ApyanN. HodG. H. HoffstaetterB. HolzerC. G. HonoratoB. HounsellN. HuF. HugA. HussA. HuttonR. IslamG. ArduiniS. IwamotoS. JanaM. JansovaE. JensenT. JonesJ. M. JowettW. KaabiM. KadoD. A. KalininH. KaradenizV. AriS. KawaguchiU. KayaR. A. KhalekH. KhanpourA. KilicM. KleinU. KleinS. KluthM. KöksalF. KocakA. ArmbrusterM. KorostelevP. KostkaM. KrelinaJ. KretzschmarS. KudayG. KulipanovM. KumarM. KuzeT. LappiF. LariosN. ArmestoA. LatinaP. LaycockG. LeiE. LevitchevSerguei V. LevonianA. LevyR. LiX. LiH. LiangV. LitvinenkoB. AuchmannM. LiuT. LiuW. LiuY. LiuS. LiutiEwelina LobodzinskaD. LonguevergneX. LuoW. MaM. MachadoK. AulenbacherS. MandalH. MäntysaariF. MarhauserC. MarquetA. MartensR. MartinS. MarzaniJ. McfaydenP. McintoshB. MelladoG. AzuelosF. MeotA. MilaneseJ. G. MilhanoB. MilitsynM. MitraS. MochM. Mohammadi NajafabadiS. MondalS. MorettiT. MorganH. AlanS. BackovicA. MorrealeP. NadolskyF. NavarraZ. NergizP. NewmanJ. NiehuesE. A. NissenM. NowakowskiN. OkadaG. OlivierI. BaileyF. OlnessG. OlryJ. A. OsborneA. OzansoyR. PanB. ParkerM. PatraH. PaukkunenY. PeinaudD. PellegriniS. BaileyG. Perez-seguranaD. PeriniL. PerrotN. PietrallaE. PilicerB. PireJ. PiresR. PlacakyteM. PoelkerR. PolifkaF. BalliA. PoliniP. PouloseG. PownallY. A. PupkovF. S. QueirozK. RabbertzV. RadescuR. RahamanS. K. RaiN. RaicevicS. BeheraP. RatoffA. RashedD. RautS. RaychaudhuriJ. RepondA. H. RezaeianR. RimmerL. RinolfiJ. RojoA. RosadoO. BehnkeX. RuanS. RussenschuckM. SahinC. A. SalgadoO. A. SampayoK. SatendraN. SatyanarayanB. SchenkeK. SchirmH. SchopperI. Ben-zviM. SchottD. SchulteC. SchwanenbergerT. SekineA. SenolA. SeryiS. SetiniyazL. ShangX. ShenN. ShipmanM. BenediktN. SinhaW. SlominskiS. SmithC. SolansM. SongH. SpiesbergerJ. StanyardA. StarostenkoA. StastoA. StocchiJ. BernauerM. StrikmanM. J. StuartS. SultansoyH. SunM. SuttonL. SzymanowskiI. TapanD. Tapia-takakiM. TanakaY. TangS. BertolucciA. T. TasciA. T. Ten-kateP. ThonetR. Tomas-garciaD. TommasiniD. TrbojevicM. TrottI. TsurinA. TudoraI. Turk CakirS. AlekhinS. S. BiswalK. TywoniukC. VallerandA. ValloniD. VerneyE. VilellaD. WalkerS. WallonB. WangK. WangK. WangJohannes BlümleinX. WangZ. S. WangH. WeiC. WelschG. WilleringP. H. WilliamsD. WollmannC. XiaohaoT. XuC. E. YagunaA. BogaczY. YamaguchiY. YamazakiH. YangA. YilmazP. YockC. X. YueS. G. ZadehO. ZenaievC. ZhangJ. ZhangM. BonviniR. ZhangZ. ZhangG. ZhuS. ZhuF. ZimmermannF. ZomerJ. ZuritaP. ZuritaLhec CollaborationFcc-he Study GroupM. BoonekampF. BordryG. R. BorounL. BotturaS. BoussonA. O. BouzasP. P. AllportC. BraccoJ. BracinikD. BritzgerS. J. BrodskyC. BruniO. BrüningH. BurkhardtO. CakirR. CalagaA. CaldwellN. AndariA. CalıskanS. CamardaN. C. Catalan-lasherasK. CassouJ. CepilaV. CetinkayaV. ChetvertkovaB. ColeB. ColeppaA. Cooper-sarkarK. D. J. AndreE. CormierA. S. CornellR. CorsiniE. Cruz-alanizJ. CurrieD. CurtinM. D'onofrioJ. DaintonE. DalyA. DasD. Angal-kalininS. P. DasL. DassaJ. De BlasL. Delle RoseH. DenizliK. S. DeshpandeD. DouglasL. DuarteK. DuprazS. DuttaS. AntuschA. V. EfremovR. EichhornK. J. EskolaE. G. FerreiroO. FischerO. Flores-sánchezS. ForteA. GaddiJ. GaoT. GehrmannL. Aperio BellaA. Gehrmann-de RidderF. GerigkA. GilbertF. GiuliAlexander GlazovN. GloverR. M. GodboleB. GoddardV. GonçalvesG. A. Gonzalez-sprinberg


energy recoverylepton nucleus: scatteringparton: distribution functionhiukkasfysiikka7. Clean energy01 natural sciencesaccelerator physicsHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)HEAVY FLAVOR CONTRIBUTIONSenergy-recovery- linacNuclear Experimentcolliding beams [electron p]deep-inelastic scatteringtop and electroweak physicsnew physicsPhysicsSTRUCTURE-FUNCTION RATIOSMonte Carlo [numerical calculations]buildingsprimary [vertex]High Energy Physics - Phenomenologyelectron p: colliding beamskinematicsNuclear Physics - Theoryfinal state: hadronicp: distribution functionbeyond Standard Modelvertex: primarynumerical calculations: Monte Carlodistribution function [parton]High-lumiLHCSTRUCTURE-FUNCTION F-2(X[PHYS.NUCL]Physics [physics]/Nuclear Theory [nucl-th]ion: beam[PHYS.NEXP]Physics [physics]/Nuclear Experiment [nucl-ex]114 Physical sciencesNuclear Theory (nucl-th)deep inelastic scatteringquantum chromodynamicsddc:530010306 general physicsdeep-inelastic scattering; high-lumi LHC; QCD; Higgs; top and electroweak physics; nuclear physics; beyond standard Model; energy-recovery- linac; accelerator physics010308 nuclear & particles physicshigh-lumi LHCresolutionscattering [electron p]structure function [nucleus]sensitivitybeam [electron]energy-recovery-linacHiggsacceptanceNuclear TheoryHIGH-ENERGY FACTORIZATIONdistribution function [p]density [parton]Higgs; High-lumi LHCHigh Energy Physics - Experimentdesign [detector]High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)electron: linear acceleratorelectron hadron: scatteringCERN LHC Coll: upgrade[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]scattering [electron hadron]FCCelectron: beamNuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)linear accelerator [electron]Nuclear ExperimentlatticesuperconductivityEnergy-recoverylinacBeyond Standard ModeNuclear physics; QCDelectron nucleus: colliding beamsparton: densitycolliding beams [electron nucleus]Particle Physics - ExperimentNUCLEON STRUCTURE FUNCTIONSNuclear and High Energy Physicsscattering [lepton nucleus]beam [ion]FOS: Physical sciencesnucleus: structure functionhadronic [final state]electron p: scatteringTRANSVERSE-MOMENTUM DEPENDENCEnuclear physics0103 physical sciencesNuclear Physics - Experimentstructureupgrade [CERN LHC Coll]detector: designParticle Physics - PhenomenologyDEEP-INELASTIC-SCATTERINGelectroweak interaction3-LOOP SPLITTING FUNCTIONSCLASSICAL RADIATION ZEROScalibrationAccelerators and Storage RingsQCDmagnethigh [current]13. Climate action[PHYS.HPHE]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Phenomenology [hep-ph]LHeCPhysics::Accelerator PhysicsJET CROSS-SECTIONSHigh Energy Physics::Experimentcurrent: high


The Large Hadron-Electron Collider (LHeC) is designed to move the field of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) to the energy and intensity frontier of particle physics. Exploiting energy-recovery technology, it collides a novel, intense electron beam with a proton or ion beam from the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). The accelerator and interaction region are designed for concurrent electron-proton and proton-proton operations. This report represents an update to the LHeC's conceptual design report (CDR), published in 2012. It comprises new results on the parton structure of the proton and heavier nuclei, QCD dynamics, and electroweak and top-quark physics. It is shown how the LHeC will open a new chapter of nuclear particle physics by extending the accessible kinematic range of lepton-nucleus scattering by several orders of magnitude. Due to its enhanced luminosity and large energy and the cleanliness of the final hadronic states, the LHeC has a strong Higgs physics programme and its own discovery potential for new physics. Building on the 2012 CDR, this report contains a detailed updated design for the energy-recovery electron linac (ERL), including a new lattice, magnet and superconducting radio-frequency technology, and further components. Challenges of energy recovery are described, and the lower-energy, high-current, three-turn ERL facility, PERLE at Orsay, is presented, which uses the LHeC characteristics serving as a development facility for the design and operation of the LHeC. An updated detector design is presented corresponding to the acceptance, resolution, and calibration goals that arise from the Higgs and parton-density-function physics programmes. This paper also presents novel results for the Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron (FCC-eh) mode, which utilises the same ERL technology to further extend the reach of DIS to even higher centre-of-mass energies.
