Advanced functionality for radio analysis in the Offline software framework of the Pierre Auger Observatory
B. Rouillé-d'orfeuilPaulo J. S. GonçalvesM. I. MichelettiJ. KleinfellerMartina BohacovaMartina BohacovaPatrick AllisonM. AveM. Gómez BerissoR. C. ShellardM.e. OrtizJ. SorokinG. DecerpritJ. KnappD. NitzDaniel KuempelCarlos EscobarJan PękalaA. CordierS. MalderaS. MalderaL. Del PeralA. CreusotA. CreusotRúben ConceiçãoPascal LautridouM. WommerAlberto FilevichPeter HansenPeter HansenF. GuarinoF. GuarinoJohn MatthewsP. BrogueiraMariangela SettimoMariangela SettimoMariangela SettimoA. ChiavassaA. ChiavassaMiguel MostafáIvone F. M. AlbuquerqueIvone F. M. AlbuquerqueK. B. BarberA. F. BarbosaCarla BleveL. R. WienckeE. SantosW. J. M. De Mello JuniorS. GambettaS. GambettaPeter BuchholzD. WarnerS. Dagoret-campagneJ. Rodriguez MartinoJ. Rodriguez MartinoVan Den Ad M BergP. SchifferS. SchulteI. Rodriguez-caboPiotr HomolaN. GriffithR. E. BurtonK. LouedecR. PiegaiaR. PiegaiaR. D. ParsonsT. RosslerM. SzubaH. GlassO. TascauA. C. FauthJ. Lozano BahiloSegev BenzviM. AmbrosioM. AmbrosioA. PetroliniA. PetroliniLuis A. AnchordoquiR. BruijnCorbin CovaultY. PetrovGeraldina GolupAlexander GrilloS. FliescherLino MiramontiLino MiramontiP. Facal San LuisM. D. Rodríguez-fríasJ. ChauvinRossella CarusoRossella CarusoPietro OlivaA. LuceroA. LuceroG. La RosaA. SegretoGünter SiglN. ScharfMarco AgliettaMarco AgliettaCarola DobrigkeitR. F. GamarraH. SchielerI. ValiñoI. ValiñoR. UlrichR. UlrichKarl-heinz KampertAntonella CastellinaAntonella CastellinaCarla BonifaziCarla BonifaziCarla BonifaziJose A. BellidoC. L. WilliamsH. BluemerH. M. SpinkaH. M. SpinkaE. MorenoPaul SommersG. CataldiG. CataldiA. HornefferP. PetrincaP. PetrincaV. ScheriniV. ScheriniN. PhanC. J.w.p. TimmermansM. RisseRadomir SmidaRadomir SmidaG. MuellerJ. D. HagueM. De DomenicoM. De DomenicoRémi BardenetPetr TravnicekT. HuegeP. WahrlichJaime RosadoEun-joo AhnAlan WatsonDarko VeberičDarko VeberičM. L. Díaz CastroG. FarrarJeffrey BrackOlaf ScholtenE. KempRichard DallierA. NellesA. NellesChristopher MorrisJaime Alvarez-muñizD. SchusterMaria Rita ColucciaMaria Rita ColucciaM. MuenchmeyerM. MuenchmeyerH. SchoorlemmerDomenico TegoloDomenico TegoloDomenico TegoloHumberto Ibarguen SalazarB. GarcíaM. WillN. T. ThaoB. J. WhelanMario ScuderiMario ScuderiTobias WinchenG. ParenteA. ItalianoA. ItalianoG. MatthiaeG. MatthiaeR. CesterR. CesterJ. Alvarez CastilloFabian SchmidtB. WundheilerH. R. Marquez FalconA. TamashiroP. LebrunR. LópezKaren S. Caballero-moraD. Monnier RagaigneB. MoralesC. PfendnerV. De SouzaGregory R SnowL. PerroneL. PerroneD. MaurizioD. MaurizioD. AllardJiri ChudobaA. SmialkowskiK. LinkE. PetermannD. García GámezMiroslav PechJ. D. SwainM. G. WinnickAntonio BuenoSergio PastorB. Vargas CárdenasA. TapiaA. G. MariazziA. G. MariazziJ. PallottaB. WilczynskaH. GemmekeM. UngerBalázs KéglL. ValoreL. ValoreAmin AminaeiC. AramoC. AramoM. LudwigB. RevenuMartin ErdmannC. RobledoA. HaungsJ. L. HartonMarcos SantanderC. J. Todero PeixotoC. J. Todero PeixotoC. De DonatoC. De DonatoC. De DonatoE. J. QuelMarkus RothR. BoninoR. BoninoP. H. KasperB. KeilhauerD. B. TridapalliJ. AllenA. D. SupanitskyA. D. SupanitskyHernán AsoreyN. PalmieriHeino FalckeHeino FalckeK. KoteraM. S. SutherlandM. S. SutherlandA. InsoliaA. InsoliaM. KleifgesD. ZavrtanikD. ZavrtanikB. TomeP. MantschJ. F. Valdés GaliciaSasa MicanovicA. CrissMaria GillerJ. R. VázquezBéatrice FuchsG. NavarraG. NavarraG. NavarraRoger W ClayS. JiraskovaM. HrabovskyM. HrabovskyM. GoldH. RiveraH. RiveraP. PieroniP. PieroniS. J. SciuttoS. J. SciuttoR. PesceR. PesceN. KrohmG. WieczorekT. SchmidtC. MacolinoC. MacolinoC. HojvatD. Kruppke-hansenA. FilipcicA. FilipcicJan EbrI. ZawSergio PetreraK.-h. BeckerC. A. MouraC. A. MouraC. A. MouraVincent MarinT. YamamotoR. MussaR. MussaBrian FickJ. OehlschlaegerJ. J. BeattyF. ArquerosP. NecesalF. IonitaH. WilczyńskiJ. K. KulbartzM. AvenierGualberto AvilaR. M. De AlmeidaIngomar AllekotteL. CarameteSilvia MollerachAlain HervéJ. CoppensM. PimentaT. BaeckerL. NozkaUmberto CottiH.o. KlagesI. De MitriI. De MitriMarcio Aparecido MullerG. P. GuedesH. DembinskiN. FazziniA. ParrP. T. NhungA. FerreroJ. SchovancovaV. C. HolmesD. LebrunI. DutanL. WindersS. GrebeSofia AndringaG. TristramI. C. MarişI. C. MarişDusan MandatJ. StapletonD.v. SemikozA. ShadkamHernan WahlbergHernan WahlbergA. MenshikovKai DaumillerM. GrigatA. P. FergusonP. N. DongJulien AublinJulien AublinR. SquartiniT. PaulN. KunkaMaurice StephanZbigniew SzadkowskiAngela V. OlintoJuan Carlos D'olivoT. PierogEsteban RouletPhilipp MertschK. GesterlingP. L. GhiaS. HarmsmaAzadeh KeivaniU. FroehlichC. LachaudIván SidelnikG. YuanE. D. FraenkelMichael UrbanD. HeckM. J. CoopersF. KuehnE. GrashornOlivier RavelE. MenichettiE. MenichettiW. Rodrigues De CarvalhoW. Rodrigues De CarvalhoS. WesterhoffG. RodriguezP. RistoriV. M. Olmos-gilbajaJörg R. HörandelH. CookT. AntičićJ. A.j. MatthewsXavier BertouA. ZepedaF. SalamidaF. SalamidaJ. W. CroninG. Medina-tancoL. NellenK. WeidenhauptPedro AssisJ. PetrovicA. EtchegoyenJavier TiffenbergJavier TiffenbergA. C. RoveroI. Lhenry-yvonJ. StasielakS. CoutuP. KarhanF. SuarezThomas HebbekerM. BlancoC. MorelloC. MorelloK. D. De VriesSergio DassoSergio DassoB. ZamoranoM. NyklicekWarner A. MillerM. A. Leigui De OliveiraR. TcaciucNataliia BorodaiA. TonachiniA. TonachiniMatthias BalzerA. DenkiewiczF. SchroederF. MontanetJ. C. Dos AnjosC. RiviereVincenzo RiziS. L. C. BarrosoM. TuerosM. TuerosM. TuerosD. MartelloD. MartelloM. ZiolkowskiMaria-teresa DovaMaria-teresa DovaV. PirronelloV. PirronelloIuri Muniz PepeO. Martínez BravoY. GuardincerriY. GuardincerriM. ProuzaS. J. De JongM. PontzPierre BilloirPierre BilloirD. ThomasA. CurutiuP. AbreuD. RavignaniJ. R. T. De Mello NetoPeter L. BiermannT. KarovaSubir SarkarA. GasconH. LyberisD. MeloD. MeloA. SchmidtM. PlatinoM. MonasorDenise BoncioliDenise BoncioliV. H. PonceD. Pakk Selmi-deiC. E. SantoFrancisco J. BlancoN. NierstenhoeferR. SatoF. Gomez AlbarracinF. Gomez AlbarracinGerman RosS. NavasJ. L. NavarroPaolo PriviteraP. N. DiepJ. C. DiazD. Garcia-pintoR. PelayoM. MelissasR. A. VázquezD. NosekJ. L. KelleyD. K. TiwariB. M. BaughmanN. PachecoF. SanchezM. S. A. B. LeãoA. ChouA. ChouF. SarazinMarc WeberJ. ParrisiusM. PalatkaP. W. YounkP. W. YounkG. MarsellaG. MarsellaR. M. KieckhaferJuan MorenoJuan MorenoA. WeindlJ. RautenbergKreso KadijaO. WainbergW. C. BrownV. VerziV. VerziErnesto ArgandaC. E. FracchiollaD. D'ursoD. D'ursoCorinne BeratE. ParizotW. TkaczykA. LemiereC. MeurerB. R. BeckerE. TrovatoE. TrovatoDiego HarariC. RuehleE. M. SantosRalph EngelBruce R. DawsonD. H. KoangP.o. MazurJ. RidkyT. SusaA. StutzO. KroemerJose ChinellatoT. SuomijaerviS. MuellerA. DorofeevA. Letessier-selvonA. Letessier-selvonL. VillaseñorL. MartinH. J. MathesLorenzo CazonG. De La VegaJ. Rodriguez RojoEnrique ZasM. VidelaC. Di GiulioG. SalinaG. SalinaFernando ContrerasOlivier DelignyM. ZavrtanikM. ZavrtanikA. Lopez AgueeraU. GiaccariU. GiaccariPetr Schovaneksubject
Source codeAstronomycomputer.software_genre01 natural sciencesObservatoryAuger experimentRadio detectionSOFTWARES (ANÁLISE)Instrumentationcosmic rays; radio detection; analysis software; detector simulationmedia_commonPhysicsPhysicsDetectoranalysis softwareAstrophysics::Instrumentation and Methods for AstrophysicsComputingMethodologies_DOCUMENTANDTEXTPROCESSINGFísica nuclearAstrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for AstrophysicsComputer hardwareNuclear and High Energy Physics[PHYS.ASTR.IM]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysic [astro-ph.IM]media_common.quotation_subjectAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaFOS: Physical sciencesAnalysis softwareDetector simulationCosmic rayAstrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic AstrophysicsCosmic Rayradio detectionNuclear physicscosmic raysRAY AIR-SHOWERS0103 physical sciencesDETECTORSInstrumentation (computer programming)010306 general physicsInstrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM)Cosmic raysCiencias ExactasNuclear and High Energy PhysicPierre Auger Observatory010308 nuclear & particles physicsbusiness.industrydetector simulationFísicaCosmic ray[SDU.ASTR.IM]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysic [astro-ph.IM]Software frameworkAir showerExperimental High Energy PhysicsEMISSIONbusinesscomputerMONTE-CARLO SIMULATIONSdescription
The advent of the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) necessitates the development of a powerful framework for the analysis of radio measurements of cosmic ray air showers. As AERA performs ‘‘radio- hybrid’’ measurements of air shower radio emission in coincidence with the surface particle detectors and fluorescence telescopes of the Pierre Auger Observatory, the radio analysis functionality had to be incorporated in the existing hybrid analysis solutions for fluorescence and surface detector data. This goal has been achieved in a natural way by extending the existing Auger Offline software framework with radio functionality. In this article, we lay out the design, highlights and features of the radio extension implemented in the Auger Offline framework. Its functionality has achieved a high degree of sophistication and offers advanced features such as vectorial reconstruction of the electric field, advanced signal processing algorithms, a transparent and efficient handling of FFTs, a very detailed simulation of detector effects, and the read-in of multiple data formats including data from various radio simulation codes. The source code of this radio functionality can be made available to interested parties on request.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2011-04-11 |