

Room-temperature efficient light detection by amorphous Ge quantum wells

Maria MiritelloCorrado SpinellaSalvatore CosentinoGiuseppe NicotraFrancesca SimoneAntonio TerrasiIsodiana CrupiSalvatore Mirabella


NanostructurePhotonMaterials sciencePhotodetectorCONFINEMENTBlue shiftOptical oscillator strengthMaterials Science(all)Quantum confinement effectLight detectionQuantum confinementGeneral Materials ScienceLight absorptionPhotodetectorQuantum wellPotential wellNano ExpressPhoton absorptionSUPERLATTICESGermaniumbusiness.industryRoom temperature Amorphous filmInternal quantum efficiencyNANOCLUSTERSSemiconductor quantum wellCondensed Matter PhysicsPhotonNanostructuresBlueshiftAmorphous solidQuantum dotOptoelectronicsPHOTOLUMINESCENCEQuantum efficiencybusinessUltrathin films GermaniumGe quantum well


In this work, ultrathin amorphous Ge films (2 to 30 nm in thickness) embedded in SiO2 layers were grown by magnetron sputtering and employed as proficient light sensitizer in photodetector devices. A noteworthy modification of the visible photon absorption is evidenced due to quantum confinement effects which cause both a blueshift (from 0.8 to 1.8 eV) in the bandgap and an enhancement (up to three times) in the optical oscillator strength of confined carriers. The reported quantum confinement effects have been exploited to enhance light detection by Ge quantum wells, as demonstrated by photodetectors with an internal quantum efficiency of 70%. © 2013 Cosentino et al.
