showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Da Downtown is for People a The Florida Project : nuovi attraversamenti in spazi destrutturati


Il saggio esplora il ruolo delle pratiche spontanee in ambiti destrutturati, attraverso “fonti non convenzionali” comparate con scritti interni alle discipline territoriali. Con attenzione al contesto nordamericano (New York e Florida) e ad autori come Jane Jacobs, Robert Moses, Sean Baker, Walt Disney, in un periodo compreso tra gli anni ’60 e la fase contemporanea.

Pratiche spontanee vita quotidiana auto-costruzione paesaggio americanoSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Foulques V, de l’Occident à l’Orient : les réseaux du comte d’Anjou


[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/History

Blasco Ibáñez, Sorolla y Benlliure: rumores de fama, ecos de celebración


Esta tesis doctoral se aproxima a la construcción de una triada artística, compuesta por Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Joaquín Sorolla y Mariano Benlliure, como un artefacto cultural arraigado, en el contexto del cambio de siglo. Con motivo de sus éxitos artísticos y literarios en el extranjero, la proyección de sus trayectorias y el aumento de su visibilidad va a encontrar una importante vía propagadora en la prensa. A principios del novecientos, la victoria de tres valencianos eminentes será interpretada, por estos medios periodísticos, según una pauta vivificadora. Un contrapunto discursivo que se enfrenta a las señales de una decadencia endémica. En su condición de creadores, de emergente noto…

UNESCO::HISTORIAsiglos XIX-XXblasco ibáñezbenlliuresorollahistoria cultural



The encounter between Appraisal and Valuation and other social sciences, such as Geography and Urban Planning, but also Philosophy and Psychology, can be considered as a valuable opportunity to combine approaches expressing different points of view on the same phenomena. The interpretative paradigms and opera-tional tools of Appraisal and Valuation are therefore questioned and should be re-vised to be adopted in the appraisal practice or to support decision-making pro-cesses related to real estate market and urban, territorial and environmental plan-ning, according to a perspective of social inclusion and multiculturalism.

migration flowSettore ICAR/22 - EstimoMulticultural CityReal estate market

Generatore di sentimenti


A brief portrait of Kamilia Kard and her work Toxic Garden about perfomance and metaverse.

Settore L-ART/06 - Cinema Fotografia E Televisionepostcinema digital art new media art metaverse digital performance

Las palabras y las cosas en el corral de comedias


A modo de ensayo, se reivindica el valor fundacional de la palabra como escritura y como puesta en escena a través de una reflexión sobre la identidad y la dramaturgia del teatro clásico español. Sin abandonar una perspectiva histórica y documental, se propone un viaje en torno al espacio fundacional del teatro del Siglo de Oro –el corral de comedias– y su importancia como embrión de una concepción de la puesta en escena y de una primera industria cultural en un contexto de patente afinidad con el teatro europeo de la época. In the form of an essay, it vindicates the foundational value of the word as writing and staging through a reflection on the identity and dramaturgy of classical Spanis…

estudios literariosdramateatro

The Solution Path of SLOPE


The SLOPE estimator has the particularity of having null components (sparsity) and components that are equal in absolute value (clustering). The number of clusters depends on the regularization parameter of the estimator. This parameter can be chosen as a trade-off between interpretability (with a small number of clusters) and accuracy (with a small mean squared error or a small prediction error). Finding such a compromise requires to compute the solution path, that is the function mapping the regularization parameter to the estimator. We provide in this article an algorithm to compute the solution path of SLOPE.

[MATH] Mathematics [math][STAT] Statistics [stat]

Infertility as a lonely struggle? : Coping stories of previously infertile women


In this narrative study, we explored the meaning infertile women attribute to social support in coping with their infertility-related challenges. Written accounts and episodic interviews with 26 previously infertile Finnish women were used as data. Two different coping story types emerged: coping alone and coping with support. In the coping alone type women neither sought nor received support. Their coping appeared as a lonely struggle. In the coping with stories, women turned to their spouses, peers, or professionals, but still emphasized that they would have needed more support. Based on our findings, we underline the need for individually tailored support. peerReviewed

copinghedelmöityshoitonarratiivinen tutkimusselviytyminenmotherhoodfertility treatmentslapsettomuussosiaalinen tukihedelmättömyyssocial supportäitiysinfertilitynarrative study

Le codesign en santé : un outil de légitimation ?


codesign[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciencessantéengagement

Topical treatment of oral chronic graft-versus-host- disease in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: A systematic review


Oral graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a common complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. This study systematically reviewed Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) with the objective to investigate the effectiveness and side effects of topical agents used for the treatment of oral GVHD. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines were followed to perform this study. An electronic search of four databases was conducted. RCTs published between January 2011 and March 2022 were included that were carried out on hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients receiving topical treatment for oral GVHD. The Critical Ap…

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

Evidence for protein leverage in a general population sample of children and adolescents


Background/ObjectivesThe strong regulation of protein intake can lead to overconsumption of total energy on diets with a low proportion of energy from protein, a process referred to as protein leverage. The protein leverage hypothesis posits that protein leverage explains variation in energy intake and potentially obesity in ecological settings. Here, we tested for protein leverage and the protein leverage hypothesis in children and adolescents.Subjects/MethodsA population sample of children, mean (SD) age 7.6 (0.4) years (n = 422), followed up at age 9.8 (0.4) years (n = 387) and at age 15.8 (0.4) years (n = 229), participating for the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) st…

energiansaantiNutrition and DieteticsnuoretMedicine (miscellaneous)610 Medicine & healthravintoaineetlapset (ikäryhmät)proteiinit610 Medicine & healthravitsemusenergiankulutus (aineenvaihdunta)kehonkoostumus

Does the site of blood collection and sex of crucian carp (Carassius carassius) affect hematological and blood biochemical results?


Blood analysis is used to evaluate the effects of various environmental factors on fishes and to assess fish health and welfare. Fish blood is routinely sampled from the caudal vein or the heart. The aim of the present study was to determine the differences between venous and cardiac crucian carp (Carassius carassius (L.)) blood parameters. Additionally, the influence of sex was tested. The fish were divided into two groups: group I consisted of 10 males and 9 females, group II consisted of 8 males and 8 females. The fish from group I had blood sampled first from the caudal vein and then from the heart. The fish from group II had the procedures in the opposite order. The hematological param…

blood parametersblood samplingmethodologycrucian carpFisheries & Aquatic Life

The effect of removing a natural migration barrier on a previously isolated population of Brown trout (Salmon trutta L.) – Kvåsfossen, Norway.


In the years of 1970s and 1980s acidic rain threatened coastal freshwater fish populations in European rivers. Several fish populations in western and southern Norway were particularly affected including the Norwegian brown trout (Salmon trutta L.). Liming of lakes and rivers has had positive effects on re-establishment of fish populations in many Norwegian rivers. Migration barriers, natural or man-made is another challenge for anadromous coastal fish populations. By completely or partially isolating upstream populations from downstream migration, these barriers hinder gene flow and thereby reduce genetic diversity in the upstream populations. In 2014 a fish ladder was built in Kvåsfossen …

L’informativa antimafia dopo Corte cost. n. 180 del 2022: un’indagine in prospettiva costituzionale degli itinerari di riforma e della giurisprudenza…


The essay addresses the problematic knot underlying the anti-mafia interdiction measures and their “connections” with the discipline of the “anti-mafia code” from a constitutional perspective: the need that those measure do not harm in a disproportionate way Constitutional freedoms and do not endanger deeply the functioning of the economic system. The A. considers the analysis of the itineraries of constitutional jurisprudence of which, in particular Constitutional Court Nos. 57 of 2020 and 180 of 2022 constitute the latest landfalls. Both from the constitutional jurisprudence examined and the fundamental elements of the amendments to the regulation of disclosure adopted at the end of 2021,…

Informativa antimafia Corte costituzionale e giudice amministrativo Rafforzamento del contradditorio procedimentale Prevenzione collaborativa Ragionevolezza e proporzionalità dell’azione amministrativaSettore IUS/08 - Diritto Costituzionale

Patient with McCune albright syndrome: Case report and 10 Years of follow-up imaging examination


The McCune Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare, multi-system disease composed of the triad of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone (PFDB), café-au-lait skin hyperpigmentation, and endocrine disorders. The diagnosis involves clinical, biochemical and imagin

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

AI-IoT Platform for Blind Estimation of Room Acoustic Parameters Based on Deep Neural Networks


Room acoustical parameters have been widely used to describe sound perception in indoor environments, such as concert halls, conference rooms, etc. Many of them have been standardized and often have a high computational demand. With the increasing presence of deep learning approaches in automatic monitoring systems, wireless acoustic sensor networks (WASNs) offer great potential to facilitate the estimation of such parameters. In this scenario, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) offer significant reductions in the computational requirements for in-node parameter predictions, enabling the so-called Artificial Intelligence-Internet of Things (AI-IoT). In this paper, we describe the design a…

InternetComputer Networks and CommunicationsHardware and ArchitectureInformàticaSignal ProcessingComputer Science ApplicationsInformation SystemsIEEE Internet of Things Journal

VADER: A novel decay station for actinide spectroscopy


Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / B 540, 148 - 150 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2023.04.021

Nuclear and High Energy Physicsactinidesalpha decaydecay spectroscopytutkimuslaitteetspektroskopiaDecay spectroscopy530ActinidesGamma spectroscopyconversion electronsgamma spectroscopyddc:530Conversion electronsAlpha decayydinfysiikkaInstrumentation

Motivationaaliset ulottuvuudet tutkivassa nettilukemisessa


Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kuudesluokkalaisten nettilukemisen motivationaalisia ulottuvuuksia ja niiden yhteyttä tutkivan nettilukemisen tehtävässä menestymiseen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 426 kuudesluokkalaista oppilasta. Nettilukemisen motivationaalisia ulottuvuuksia mitattiin Yhdysvalloissa validoidulla mittarilla. Tutkivan nettilukemisen taitoja arvioitiin verkkopohjaisella tehtävällä, jossa oppilaat tutkivat energiajuomien terveysvaikutuksia. Tehtävä mittasi oppilaiden tiedonhakutaitoja, arviointitaitoja, taitoa laatia synteesi usean nettitekstin pohjalta sekä taitoja muodostaa ja kommunikoida perusteltu kanta tutkimastaan asiasta. Konfirmatorisessa faktorianalyysissä havaittiin neljä n…

motivaatiominäpystyvyysverkkojulkaisutmonilukutaito516 Kasvatustieteetyläkoululaisettutkiva oppiminenmedialukutaitooppimispsykologiafaktorianalyysitiedonhankinta

Articaine versus lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block in posterior mandible implant surgeries: a randomized controlled trial


Background: The aim of this study is to compare the effects of %4 articaine and %2 lidocaine on inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) for implant surgery in the posterior mandible.Material and Methods: The patients who have inserted implants in the posterior mandible were divided into 2 groups for IANB: lidocaine and articaine. VAS = visual analog scale, pain during surgery and injection, lip numb-ness time, mandibular canal-implant apex distance, age, gender, bone density, implant number, release incision, adjacent teeth, and duration of surgery were analyzed using t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, Spearman's coefficient, and, Pearson's chi-squared test. This trial followed the recommendations o…

Double-Blinddouble blind procedureEpinephrinemandibular nerveAnesthesia DentalExtractionlocal anesthetic agentCarticaineMandiblepain perceptionAdrenalineHypesthesiamapping reviewAnesthetic EfficacyDouble-Blind Methodle fortHumanshumanblood lossrandomized controlled trial (topic)Anesthetics LocalBuccal InfiltrationGeneral DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASRandomized Controlled Trials as Topicrelapsedental implantorthognathic surgery4-Percent ArticaineLidocainePulpitisNerve BlockMolarinfectionOtorhinolaryngologyarticaine2-Percent LidocaineSurgerylocal anesthesiadental anesthesiaMedicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugia Bucal

En dynamisk agenda i ICE-sesjoner


An increasing number of companies in the construction industry are adopting the VDC framework. VDC is a framework of existing methods, theories, and practices that support the use of multi-disciplinary, virtual models of product, and process to achieve the project’s business objectives. Effective collaboration among project stakeholders is a fundamental part of the VDC framework. The framework utilizes the ICE methodology to enhance collaboration. The ICE methodology is a systematic approach to collaboratively identify, and solve project challenges. The starting point for achieving a successful ICE session is establishing an agenda. Therefore, qualitative research through interviews, observ…

Water leaching of roasted vanadium slag : Desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate from vanadium solution


This research investigated water leaching of roasted vanadium slag and studied the effects of leaching parameters, such as agitation speed, temperature, liquid-to-solid ratio, and leaching time. Further, solution purification via desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate were studied using the vanadium solution obtained from the water leaching of roasted vanadium slag. Vanadium solution contains residual silicon (1.67 g/L), which should be removed before ammonium vanadate precipitation. Based on the results, vanadium can be effectively recovered from vanadium slag and a recovery efficiency of 96.9% was obtained under optimal water leaching conditions. During solution purificat…

desiliconizationsaostuskemiavanadateMaterials ChemistryMetals and Alloysprecipitationlannoitteetwater leachingIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineeringvanadiinivanadium slag

Tilrettelegging for en vellykket og varende implementering av Lean


Denne masteroppgaven belyser hvordan ledelsesgruppen best mulig kan tilrettelegge for en varende og vellykket Lean implementering i en små og mellomstor bedrift gjennom en casestudie av et mekanisk verksted på Sørlandet. Masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan ledelsesgruppen på et tidlig stadige av Lean implementering kan arbeide og tilrettelegge for å sikre at Lean blir varende praksis i bedriften. På bakgrunn av dette ble problemstillingen til studien følgende: \textit{Hvordan kan ledelsesgruppen best mulig tilrettelegge for en vellykket og varende implementering av Lean hos Sigurd Seland AS?}. Masteroppgaven har som mål å dekke kunnskapshullene i forskningslitteratur som omhandler Lean implem…

Sicilian silver in Malta: an eighteenth century ciborium in Mdina


A ciborium in the cathedral museum in Mdina is here identified as a work by the Sicilian silversmith Decio Furnò, made in Syracuse in 1781–82. It was commissioned by a Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, Fra’ Corrado Arezzo e Zacco.

Settore L-ART/02 - Storia Dell'Arte ModernaDecio Furnò Sicilian Decorative Arts Syracuse Fra’ Corrado Arezzo e Zacco.

Additional file 5 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling


Additional file 5: Supplementary Figure S2. Evaluation of the different spenic B cell subsets. A. Example of Hardy’s gating strategy to discern the different CD93+ immature (Transitional T1, T2, T3) and CD93- mature [follicular B (FOB), marginal zone B (MZB) and CD21/35-CD23-] B cell subsets in the spleen from a BALB/c mouse. B. Flow cytometry analysis based on Hardy’s multiparametric panel illustrating the fraction of splenic CD23+ FOB, CD21/35+ MZB cells, and CD23-CD21/35- cells from the spleens of naive and autoimmune mice. 3 mice per group were used for the experiment. Data are referred to one representative experiment out of 3 (***, P<0.001; Two-way ANOVA) (****, P<0.0001; Two-wa…

effects of early combined pheromone and food exposure on the behavioral development of adult drosophila melanogaster


In Drosophila melanogaster, pheromonal communication is mainly mediated through sex-specific cuticular hydrocarbons (and derived compounds) and the male lipidic pheromone 11 - cis - Vaccényl Acétate (cVA). When deposited together on the feeding substrate they attract conspecifics males and females, promoting mating and collective behaviors. Initially described as stereotyped, recent findings showed that adult response to pheromones could be plastic and depend on the juvenile experience of an individual (i.e. imprinting). In this context, we studied cVA imprinting through its aggregative effect in individuals whose imprinting has been manipulated.The first goal, behavioral, was to study long…

Drosophila melanogasterCis-Vaccenyl AcetateElectroantennographieElectroantennographyPhéromonesTunnel de volImprinting[SDV.NEU] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Neurons and Cognition [q-bio.NC]Flight tunnelPheromonesImprégnation

New measurement of double-β decays of 100Mo to excited states of 100Ru with the CUPID-Mo experiment


The CUPID-Mo experiment, located at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (France), was a demonstrator experiment for CUPID. It consisted of an array of 20Li2100MoO4 (LMO) calorimeters, each equipped with a Ge light detector for particle identification. In this work, we present the result of a search for two-neutrino and neutrinoless double-β decays of 100Mo to the first 0+ and 2+ excited states of 100Ru using the full CUPID-Mo exposure (2.71kgyr of LMO). We measure the half-life of 2νββ decay to the 0+1 state as T2ν→0+11/2=(7.5±0.8(stat.)+0.4−0.3(syst.))×1020yr. The bolometric technique enables measurement of the electron energies as well as the γ rays from nuclear deexcitation and this all…


A web-based and mobile intervention with brochure support providing complementary feeding guidelines to first-time parents in France: Randomized Cont…


Purpose: In light of the latest epidemiological and nutritional knowledge and scientific evidence supporting responsive feeding, the French feeding guidelines for 0-3 years were recently updated and nationally disseminated through a brochure and media campaign by Santé publique France. Moreover, smartphone apps become increasingly popular and is likely relevant to provide timely information across development to inform parents about child feeding practices but their effect is seldom evaluated. This randomized controlled trial (RCT) aims to investigate whether the provision of guidelines through an app and a brochure (vs. brochure alone, usual service) results in healthier parental feeding p…

weight statusresponsive feeding[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and NutritioneHealthchildren eating behaviourparental feeding practicesinfantcomplementary feedingobesity prevention

The Multidisciplinary Approach for the Diagnosis of Laryngohyoid Lesions: a Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis


Background: The diagnosis of neck lesions remains a medico-legal diagnostic challenge because of the complexity of the anatomical relationship of the neck's organs and their anthropometric morphological variability. We compared the multidisciplinary approach using autopsy and postmortem computed tomography (PMCT), postmortem fine preparation (PMFP), postmortem micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), and postmortem magnetic resonance (PMMR) with the performance of a single diagnostic method among them evaluating the significance of different results. The multidisciplinary approach significantly reduced the number of unidentified neck lesions. The analysis demonstrates the need to better define…

PMCTmagnetic resonanceautopsythyroid cartilage lesionshyoid bone fracturesLaryngohyoid lesions

Demokratiakasvatus elämäntapana ja koulutuspolkuna opettajakoulutuksessa


Kannatatko sinä demokratiaa? Kukapa ei kysyttäessä vastaisi kannattavansa. Mutta mitä oikeastaan tarkoitamme demokratialla? Mitä on, tai voisi olla, demokratia elämäntapana? Tarkastelimme näitä kysymyksiä luokanopettajakoulutuksen demokratiakasvatukseen painottuneessa opiskelijaryhmässä. Havaitsimme, että tie kohti demokratiaa elämäntapana on mutkikas, mutta demokratiakasvatuksessa päämäärä voi olla utopiaa ja olennaista on matka. nonPeerReviewed


L'Orchestra di Auschwitz. Inchiesta su Alma Rosé


Il libro è un'inchiesta sulla vita e il tempo di Alma Rosé (1906-1944), nipote di Gustav Mahler, debuttante e ragazza alla moda fra gli anni Venti e Trenta del secolo scorso, violinista il cui talento matura – paradossalmente – mentre l’ombra del nazismo si dispiega sull’Europa e infine direttrice dell’orchestra di Auschwitz. in un’epoca in cui la carriera del direttore d’orchestra era declinata soltanto al maschile. Giunta ad Auschwitz nell’estate 1943 e assegnata dapprima al Block degli esperimenti medici, Alma riuscì in breve tempo a diventare – nel piccolo mondo terribile del Lager – una specie di celebrità: ed è in quelle tenebre, d’altronde, che si svolge l’atto finale del dramma, oss…

Settore L-ART/07 - Musicologia E Storia Della MusicaThe book is an investigation into the life and time of Alma Rosé (1906-1944) granddaughter of Gustav Mahler debutant and fashionable girl between the twenties and thirties of the last century violinist whose talent matures – paradoxically – while the shadow of Nazism unfolds over Europe and finally director of the Auschwitz orchestra. at a time when the career of the conductor was declined only to men. Arriving at Auschwitz in the summer of 1943 and first assigned to the Block of medical experiments Alma managed in a short time to become – in the small terrible world of the Lager – a kind of celebrity: and it is in those darknesss moreover that the final act of the drama takes place that is the mysterious death and without a reason of the protagonist.

NeuroTeaching. To bring educational neuroscience into the classroom


How neuroscientific research can help educational sciences and education and understand cognitive pro-cesses is the challenge of those involved in educational neuroscience. Neuroscience seems to be an invisible matrix of other sciences and practices, and it is easy to be tempted to fall into a neurocentric logic to understand aspects with evidence considered more authoritative than others. The NeuroTeaching approach aims to present current scientific debates and the prospective impact of the field of educational neuroscience with the science of teaching. The present paper aims to explore teaching methods through a framework based on recent neuroscientific findings in real contexts, such as …

Pratica educativa.Processo di insegnamento/apprendimentoNeuro-TeachingEducational NeuroscienceSettore M-PED/04 - Pedagogia SperimentaleNeurodidattica

Fra «dørgende kjedelig» til «det forlokkende land»: Seks læreres oppfatninger av grammatikk i norskfaget i videregående opplæring


I denne artikkelen spør vi åssen seks norsklærere ser på si egen grammatikkundervisning i lys av kjerneelementet språket som system og mulighet i LK20. Vi undersøker åssen lærerne legitimerer grammatikkundervisning og hva slags syn de har på grammatikk i skolen. Lærernes syn på grammatikk er særlig aktuelt å kartlegge på dette tidspunktet ettersom LK20 er under innføring i skolen. Datamaterialet består av seks semistrukturerte kvalitative forskningsintervjuer. Vi unngikk bevisst å bruke begrepet «grammatikk» i forberedelsene til intervjua, for ikke å legge føringer på lærernes oppfatninger av innholdet i kjerneelementet. I sjølve kodinga ble empirien mer eksplisitt knytta til grammatikk. I …

VDP::Humaniora: 000::Språkvitenskapelige fag: 010::Nordiske språk: 018

Agriculture : un puissant herbicide pour les céréaliers bientôt interdit. France 2. JT 19/20 heures mercredi 15 fevrier 2023


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Investigación sobre la arqueología de la muerte en Pompeya. Investigating the archaeology of death in Pompeii


En el año 2008 Mary Beard publicaba: "Pompeii: the life of a Roman town" , el libro comienza narrando la huida durante la erupción del Vesubio de un grupo de quince fugitivos que se aventuró a escapar por una de las puertas al este de ciudad, se trataba concretamente de Porta Nola. Beard relata detalladamente cómo fue aquella fuga desesperada, los objetos que acompañaban a aquellos desafortunados pompeyanos y de qué forma perecieron finalmente en el área funeraria, apenas al salir de la ciudad. Beard también describe lúcidamente el monumento funerario de Esquilia Polla y la tumba de Marcus Obellius Firmus, su inscripción y los jocosos grafitis garabateados en sus paredes. Para nosotros, la …

rituales funerariosarqueología romanabioantropologíabioarqueologíapompeyaUNESCO::ANTROPOLOGÍAarqueología clásicaarqueología funerariaarqueología de la muerteUNESCO::HISTORIA::Ciencias auxiliares de la historia::Arqueologíaantropología física

Sisters of the Brotherhood: Alienation and Inclusion in Learning Philosophy


This open access book explores the gendered reality of learning philosophy at the university level, investigating the ways in which women and minority students become alienated from the social practices of a male-dominated field, and examining pedagogical solutions to this problem. It covers the roles and the interactions of the professor and student in the following ways: (1) the historical situation, (2) the affective, social and bodily situation, and (3) the moral situation. This text analyzes women’s passion for philosophy as a quest for truth, as well as their partial alienation from the social practices of philosophy. It demonstrates that recognition, generosity, and care are central …

naisetwomen studentspassion for philosophyphilosophy and educationinclusion in philosophyteaching philosophyvähemmistötminorities in philosophyphilosophical canonsituatedness of learningsocrates tenuredunderrepresentation of womenvieraantuminenfilosofiainclusive learningrenewal of philosophywomen in philosophyfeministinen filosofiaalienation from philosophykorkeakoulupedagogiikkainkluusio

Additional file 1 of Does inflammation markers or treatment type moderate exercise intensity effects on changes in muscle strength in cancer survivor…


Additional file 1. Supplementary Table 1. Baseline characteristics of participants included in the analysis vs. participants not included.