showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Nouvelles données sur l'occupation tardo-antique du site de hauteur de Châtel d'Arruffens (Montricher)


Accroché au flanc du Jura, avec un panorama imprenable sur le lac Léman et la chaîne des Alpes, l’éperonbarré de Châtel d’Arruffens est l’un des sites emblématiques de Suisse occidentale. Lieu stratégique et de prestige à l’âge du Bronze, il est réinvesti dans l’Antiquité tardive. De nouvelles investigations associées à un réexamen des collections anciennes offrent un éclairage inédit, loin du mythe des « sites-refuges » qui a longtemps caractérisé les occupations perchées de cette période.

[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory

Le imposte sul reddito


Il capitolo ha per oggetto le imposte sul reddito. Con l’ausilio di esemplificazioni, sono presentate le procedure per la determinazione delle imposte correnti e di quelle differite e anticipate. Conformemente a quanto indicato nel principio contabile OIC 25, viene decritta la rappresentazione e la valutazione delle imposte sul reddito nel conto economico, nello stato patrimoniale e in nota integrativa. Il capitolo ha quindi per obiettivi di apprendimento la conoscenza dei tratti distintivi delle imposte sul reddito correnti, anticipate e differite, le modalità di determinazione delle imposte sul reddito e la capacità di lettura dell’informativa riguardante le imposte sul reddito nei docume…

bilancio di esercizioSettore SECS-P/07 - Economia Aziendaleimposte sul redditoimposte anticipate e differitecontabilizzazione imposte sul reddito

DigiPhysLab : kokeellista fysiikkaa kännykällä


Koronapandemia pakotti yliopistot ympäri maailman muuttamaan toimintatapojaan ja siirtymään etäopetukseen sukupolvelle ennennäkemättömässä laajuudessa. Erityisesti kokeellisen fysiikan kurssien osalta pakotettu etätyöskentely tuli useimmille fysiikan laitoksille puskista, eikä valmista toimivaa ratkaisua kokeellisen työskentelyn tekemiseen muualla kuin kampuksen laboratoriotilassa ollut. nonPeerReviewed

etäopetuskokeet (tutkimustoiminta)laboratoriotyötverkko-opetusfysiikkaälypuhelimet

Arviointi voi tukea oppimista ja liikuntainnostusta


liikuntakasvatusosallistaminenkoululiikuntaoppilasarviointipalauteformatiivinen arviointikoululaisetoppimisprosessimotivointi

Static Obstacles Avoidance of Autonomous Mobile Robots Based on Limit Cycle Approach


[SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics]

The influence of social support on the wellbeing of immigrants residing in Italy: Sources and functions as predictive factors for life satisfaction l…


Moving from one country to another involves not only separation from the country of origin, but also the tiring process of integration into a new physical, institutional, and sociocultural context, which may expose migrants to acculturation stress. The loss of former support networks, or at the very least their transformation, presents immigrants with the need to rebuild their social support systems in the host country, involving an active search for support. Therefore, the aim of study is to analyze the structure of informal social support and its capacity to predict immigrants’ sense of community, resilience, and satisfaction with life. The results confirm that social support predicts sat…

Sense of community and resilienceSocial supportSociology and Political ScienceSocial PsychologyImmigrantsSettore M-PSI/07 - Psicologia DinamicaLife satisfactionBusiness and International ManagementSettore M-PSI/05 - Psicologia SocialeInternational Journal of Intercultural Relations

Trajectory Design and Resource Allocation for Multi-UAV Networks : Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches


The future mobile communication system is expected to provide ubiquitous connectivity and unprecedented services over billions of devices. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which is prominent in its flexibility and low cost, emerges as a significant network entity to realize such ambitious targets. In this work, novel machine learning-based trajectory design and resource allocation schemes are presented for a multi-UAV communications system. In the considered system, the UAVs act as aerial Base Stations (BSs) and provide ubiquitous coverage. In particular, with the objective to maximize the system utility over all served users, a joint user association, power allocation and trajectory desi…

wireless networksreinforcement learningComputer Networks and Communicationssyväoppiminenmiehittämättömät ilma-aluksetcommunication systemsComputer Science ApplicationskoneoppiminenControl and Systems Engineeringtrajectoryresource managementautonomous aerial vehiclesthroughputlangattomat verkot

VADER: A novel decay station for actinide spectroscopy


Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / B 540, 148 - 150 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2023.04.021

Nuclear and High Energy Physicsactinidesalpha decaydecay spectroscopytutkimuslaitteetspektroskopiaDecay spectroscopy530ActinidesGamma spectroscopyconversion electronsgamma spectroscopyddc:530Conversion electronsAlpha decayydinfysiikkaInstrumentation

Water leaching of roasted vanadium slag : Desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate from vanadium solution


This research investigated water leaching of roasted vanadium slag and studied the effects of leaching parameters, such as agitation speed, temperature, liquid-to-solid ratio, and leaching time. Further, solution purification via desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate were studied using the vanadium solution obtained from the water leaching of roasted vanadium slag. Vanadium solution contains residual silicon (1.67 g/L), which should be removed before ammonium vanadate precipitation. Based on the results, vanadium can be effectively recovered from vanadium slag and a recovery efficiency of 96.9% was obtained under optimal water leaching conditions. During solution purificat…

desiliconizationsaostuskemiavanadateMaterials ChemistryMetals and Alloysprecipitationlannoitteetwater leachingIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineeringvanadiinivanadium slag

En dynamisk agenda i ICE-sesjoner


An increasing number of companies in the construction industry are adopting the VDC framework. VDC is a framework of existing methods, theories, and practices that support the use of multi-disciplinary, virtual models of product, and process to achieve the project’s business objectives. Effective collaboration among project stakeholders is a fundamental part of the VDC framework. The framework utilizes the ICE methodology to enhance collaboration. The ICE methodology is a systematic approach to collaboratively identify, and solve project challenges. The starting point for achieving a successful ICE session is establishing an agenda. Therefore, qualitative research through interviews, observ…

Motivationaaliset ulottuvuudet tutkivassa nettilukemisessa


Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kuudesluokkalaisten nettilukemisen motivationaalisia ulottuvuuksia ja niiden yhteyttä tutkivan nettilukemisen tehtävässä menestymiseen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 426 kuudesluokkalaista oppilasta. Nettilukemisen motivationaalisia ulottuvuuksia mitattiin Yhdysvalloissa validoidulla mittarilla. Tutkivan nettilukemisen taitoja arvioitiin verkkopohjaisella tehtävällä, jossa oppilaat tutkivat energiajuomien terveysvaikutuksia. Tehtävä mittasi oppilaiden tiedonhakutaitoja, arviointitaitoja, taitoa laatia synteesi usean nettitekstin pohjalta sekä taitoja muodostaa ja kommunikoida perusteltu kanta tutkimastaan asiasta. Konfirmatorisessa faktorianalyysissä havaittiin neljä n…

motivaatiominäpystyvyysverkkojulkaisutmonilukutaito516 Kasvatustieteetyläkoululaisettutkiva oppiminenmedialukutaitooppimispsykologiafaktorianalyysitiedonhankinta

The Multidisciplinary Approach for the Diagnosis of Laryngohyoid Lesions: a Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis


Background: The diagnosis of neck lesions remains a medico-legal diagnostic challenge because of the complexity of the anatomical relationship of the neck's organs and their anthropometric morphological variability. We compared the multidisciplinary approach using autopsy and postmortem computed tomography (PMCT), postmortem fine preparation (PMFP), postmortem micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), and postmortem magnetic resonance (PMMR) with the performance of a single diagnostic method among them evaluating the significance of different results. The multidisciplinary approach significantly reduced the number of unidentified neck lesions. The analysis demonstrates the need to better define…

PMCTmagnetic resonanceautopsythyroid cartilage lesionshyoid bone fracturesLaryngohyoid lesions

A web-based and mobile intervention with brochure support providing complementary feeding guidelines to first-time parents in France: Randomized Cont…


Purpose: In light of the latest epidemiological and nutritional knowledge and scientific evidence supporting responsive feeding, the French feeding guidelines for 0-3 years were recently updated and nationally disseminated through a brochure and media campaign by Santé publique France. Moreover, smartphone apps become increasingly popular and is likely relevant to provide timely information across development to inform parents about child feeding practices but their effect is seldom evaluated. This randomized controlled trial (RCT) aims to investigate whether the provision of guidelines through an app and a brochure (vs. brochure alone, usual service) results in healthier parental feeding p…

weight statusresponsive feeding[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and NutritioneHealthchildren eating behaviourparental feeding practicesinfantcomplementary feedingobesity prevention

Aamujumppa edistää sydänterveyttä


kuntoliikuntaajoitus (suunnittelu)terveysvaikutuksetsydän- ja verisuonitauditaamuterveyden edistäminen

Base-Controlled Regiospecific Mono-Benzylation/Allylation and Diallylation of 4-Aryl-5-indolyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione : Thio-Aza Allyl Rearrangement


The regiospecific S-benzylation/allylation of two 4-aryl-5-indolyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione precursors was carried out using Et3N as a base. Allyl group migration from exocyclic sulfur to the triazole nitrogen (N3) was successfully achieved in a short time via thermal fusion without the need for any catalyst. The allylation of indole nitrogen, along with exocyclic sulfur or triazole nitrogen (N3), was carried out using K2CO3 as stronger base. S,N-Diallylated products were converted to N,N-diallylated analogues using a simple fusion approach. Structural analyses of the two newly synthesized hybrids 2b and 5b investigated via the X-ray diffraction of a single crystal combined with Hirshfeld ca…

124-triazole-3-thioneX-ray single-crystal analysisthio-aza allyl rearrangementheterosykliset yhdisteetallylationorgaaniset yhdisteetröntgenkristallografia

Sub-cultures effect on Information security culture in an organization


This study investigates the influence of subcultures on information security culture with-in organizations. The research focuses on the cultural and policy dimensions of infor-mation systems security and aims to explore how subcultures within an organization affect information security culture. The study employes a qualitative case study ap-proach, conducting interviews with employees from different departments of a Norwe-gian IT consultant company. The findings reveal variations in information security ownership, knowledge and awareness, and work goals and challenges among departments. The study emphasizes the need for tailored information security measures that consider the unique charact…

Juoksijoiden perusteita digitaalisten liikuntateknologioiden käyttämättä jättämiselle


Digitaalisen liikuntateknologian käytöstä on tullut 2020-luvulla enemmän sääntö kuin poikkeus Suomen kaltaisissa digitalisoituneissa yhteiskunnissa. Teknologian käytön normatiivisuus on läsnä myös tutkimuskirjallisuudessa, sillä liikuntateknologian käyttämättä jättämistä tarkasteleva tutkimus on vähäistä ja ihmiskuvaltaan yksipuolista. Tässä artikkelissa olemme valinneet hermeneuttisen eli ymmärtämään pyrkivän näkökulman liikuntateknologian käyttämättä jättämiseen ja näemme sen olevan aktiivinen ja tietoinen valinta, joka heijastaa ihmisen suhdetta digitalisoituneeseen yhteiskuntaan, liikuntaan sekä omaan itseensä. Liikuntalajien suhteen olemme rajanneet tutkimuskontekstiksi juoksun, joka y…


Giovanna d'Austria, Granduchessa di Toscana (1547-1578). Edizione del carteggio, introduzione e note


La tesis de doctorado Giovanna d’Austria, Granduchessa di Toscana (1547-1578). Edizione del carteggio, introduzione e note, presentada por Massimiliano Spiga y dirigida por la doctora Júlia Benavent, ofrece la edición de 170 cartas inéditas relativas a Giovanna d’Austria, hija del emperador Fernando I y de Anna Jagellón de Polonia, recibidas y emitidas por ella y conservadas en el fondo Mediceo del Principato en el l’Archivio di Stato di Firenze. Concretamente hay 121 cartas de remitentes femeninas, hermanas y mujeres en y extra corte, y 49 escritas por ella, a Cósimo de Médici y a su esposo. Francesco I. El corpus comprende los años 1565-1578, los años que transcurrió como Granduquesa de T…

UNESCO::HISTORIAGiovanna d’Austria

A comparison of ensemble algorithms for item-weighted Label Ranking


Label Ranking (LR) is a non-standard supervised classification method with the aim of ranking a finite collection of labels according to a set of predictor variables. Traditional LR models assume indifference among alternatives. However, misassigning the ranking position of a highly relevant label is frequently regarded as more severe than failing to predict a trivial label. Moreover, switching two similar alternatives should be considered less severe than switching two different ones. Therefore, efficient LR classifiers should be able to take into account the similarities and individual weights of the items to be ranked. The contribution of this paper is to formulate and compare flexible i…

Label RankingRandom ForestBaggingEnsemble MethodBoosting

Patrimoni immaterial a la Ribera del Xúquer


Per a poder comprendre la identitat d’un poble com a tal, cal dur a terme investigacions històriques del seu patrimoni immaterial o patrimoni viu. El marc jurídic esmenta quines expressions podrien considerar-se patrimoni immaterial i reconeix les tradicions, les locucions orals, els usos socials, els rituals, els espectacles i els actes festius, els usos de la naturalesa i les tècniques artesanals, inclosa la gastronomia; totes elles han d’estar acompanyades dels instruments o espais culturals que els són inherents per a ser salvaguardades per a la posteritat. En aquest volum s’han reunit treballs d’estudiosos que han aprofundit en el coneixement de les festes populars, de la seua simbolog…

patrimoniUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍAhistòria localculturaribera del xúquerfestes

“Historical fiction is back”: (Non)Fictional Pasts and Presents in Fred Khumalo’s metahistorical romance, The Longest March


International audience; This article examines the ways Fred Khumalo’s second historical novel, The Longest March, blends different genres – from the use of gothic tropes to the rewriting of historical romances – to reflect on both the fabricated and limited nature of narrative, as well as its necessity in the South African context. The article concludes that The Longest March qualifies as a “metahistorical romance”, as it blurs the boundary between fiction and nonfiction while questioning historical discourse.

South African history[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Literature[SHS.LITT]Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureFred KhumaloGothic literatureSouth African literatureHistorical fiction

Design e poetica


Conoscere nell’intimo la poetica che caratterizza l’opera di un Maestro dell’Architettura o del Design è una impresa culturale molto impegnativa, perché non sono unicamente gli apparati tecnici o la formazione tecnologica che la definiscono. Altro si aggiunge a tale assunti di base, come il sentimento, il rapporto con il materiale da plasmare, da trasformare, trasferendo le conoscenze acquisite, gli stati d’animo, gli umori, l’amore per il materiale che si arrende e si dona all’Artigiano-Designer. L’interesse ad indagare su Riva e sulla sua poetica stimola inevitabilmente l’autore di questo breve testo a sostenere come vi sia un legame molto stretto fra tecnologia e poetica.

Tecnologia poetica artigiano-designerSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura

La lectora imaginada en el siglo XVIII: una aproximación transatlántica a partir de la literatura religiosa


El estudio de las lectoras imaginadas durante la Ilustración, así como de la lectura femenina, ha sido abordado desde diversas perspectivas en Gran Bretaña, Francia, Italia o España. Sin embargo, han predominado los trabajos sobre el centro y el norte de Europa, sobre mujeres eruditas y sobre bibliotecas nobiliarias. Mi objetivo en este trabajo, por lo tanto, es plantearme otros espacios geográficos y otros entornos culturales, poniendo en el centro las relaciones entre España y América y la literatura y el discurso de carácter religioso. Me centraré especialmente en los textos dirigidos a las religiosas, y manuales del Setecientos como La religiosa instruida o La religiosa ilustrada. En el…


Ajuste psicosocial en mujeres y personas no binarias queer. Intersecciones entre género y orientación sexual


Las personas con identidades de género y sexuales minoritarias se enfrentan a estresores específicos que pueden poner en riesgo su ajuste psicosocial. Además, el estudio de la interseccionalidad indica que el solapamiento entre estigmatizaciones podría tener un efecto sinérgico en la salud mental y el bienestar de las minorías sexuales. Por ello, es importante estudiar los factores específicos que influyen en el ajuste psicosocial de identidades minoritarias fruto de la intersección entre la identidad sexual y de género, como en las personas no binarias y mujeres queer (lesbianas, bisexuales, pansexuales, asexuales y arrománticas). El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar los fact…

mujerorientación sexualajuste psicosocialqueerUNESCO::PSICOLOGÍAgénerono binarioestrés de minorías

Non-standardised ways of speaking and language-policy regimes


kieli ja kieletromanikielikielipolitiikkavähemmistökieletmonikielisyys

Varhaismodernin Ruotsin säätyjä käsittelevien väitöstutkimusten jakautuminen yliopistoittain ja ohjaajittain



Luontosuhteiden luonto: Taiteentutkimuksen ja ekologian näkökulmia


Ihmiskunnan olemassaolo vaatii nykyistä tasavertaisempaa yhteiseloa muun luonnon kanssa. Luontosuhde elääkin kiinteässä yhteydessä sekä kriisin eksistentiaaliseen uhkaan että sen voittamisen mahdollisuuteen. Jotta voisimme ymmärtää ihmisten luontosuhteita, tarvitsemme monitieteistä yhteistyötä. Suhdetta muovaavat paitsi luontokokemukset, myös kulttuuriset representaatiot, taidekokemukset ja tieto luonnosta. Teos lähestyy aihepiiriään taiteentutkimuksen, taiteen ja ekologian näkökulmista ja esittelee eri tutkimusmenetelmiä. Elokuvien ja ääniteosten vastaanottotutkimukset sekä taiteellisia ja ekologisia menetelmiä yhdistävät työpajat avaavat uusia keinoja luontosuhteiden ja luonnon monimuotoi…

Residual a posteriori error estimation for frictional contact with Nitsche method


We consider frictional contact problems in small strain elasticity discretized with finite elements and Nitsche method. Both bilateral and unilateral contact problems are taken into account, as well as both Tresca and Coulomb models for the friction. We derive residual a posteriori error estimates for each friction model, following [Chouly et al, IMA J. Numer. Anal. (38) 2018, pp. 921-954]. For the incomplete variant of Nitsche, we prove an upper bound for the dual norm of the residual, for Tresca and Coulomb friction, without any extra regularity and without a saturation assumption. Numerical experiments allow to assess the accuracy of the estimates and their interest for adaptive meshing …

residual a posteriori error estimates[PHYS.MECA.SOLID] Physics [physics]/Mechanics [physics]/Solid mechanics [physics.class-ph]Coulomb frictionNitsche methodelasticity[MATH.MATH-MP] Mathematics [math]/Mathematical Physics [math-ph][MATH.MATH-NA] Mathematics [math]/Numerical Analysis [math.NA]Tresca frictionLagrange finite elementsunilateral contact

Hva kreves egentlig av en kroppsøvingslærer?


Bakgrunnen for studien er den økende interessen for å forbedre kroppsøvingslærerutdanningen, slik at utdanningsløpet samsvarer bedre med kroppsøvingsfaget, som stadig stiller nye og komplekse krav til kroppsøvingslæreren. Hensikten med studien har vært å identifisere og beskrive profesjonskunnskaper som er viktig at kroppsøvingslærerutdanningen utvikler i løpet av utdanningsløpet, for at kroppsøvingslæreren skal kunne drive god kroppsøvingsundervisning, sett fra perspektivet til kroppsøvingslærerutdannere. Med dette har jeg utformet problemstillingen: «Hvilke profesjonskunnskaper anser kroppsøvingslæreren som viktige for kroppsøvingslæreren?» Studien er forankret i sosialkonstruksjonismen, …

The Work of Special Education Teachers in the Tiered Support System : The Finnish Case


This study investigated primary school special education teachers’ (SETs’) (N = 283) conceptions on their work descriptions and uses of pedagogical documents after a reform in the national support framework. The respondents of this survey reported working mostly in Tiers 1 and 2 when all their tasks (instruction, consultation, and managerial tasks) were considered. The responsibilities of the SETs were, however, more clearly defined in Tier 3. The SETs allocate their work autonomously, but their work description is related to their workload. Clarifications in work descriptions and further elaboration of school’s tiered support functions, emphasizing collaborative practices, are suggested. p…

erityisopettajattyömääräspecial education teachersopettajatkasvatustavoitteetworkloadtyönkuvatukimuodotpedagogiikkatiered supportpedagoginen suunnitteluerityisopetuserityiskasvatuspedagogical documentssurvey

Early Childhood Education Leadership in Times of Crisis


The COVlD-19 pandemic has dramatically affected all aspects of professional and private life worldwide, including the field of early childhood education and care (ECE). This volume sheds light on leadership in ECE: How did leaders experience the challenges they were facing and what coping strategies did they apply in order to deal with the changes in everyday life and practices in ECE centres? Authors from twelve countries present empirical findings gaining information on different crisis management mechanisms in ECE systems around the world. peerReviewed


Kohti psykoosia ja sen yli! : mielenterveysmeemit ja hyvinvoinnin tulkintojen etiikka


Sosiaalisessa mediassa viraalisti leviävissä huumorikuvissa eli meemeissä käsitellään yhä enenevässä määrin myös mielenterveyttä. Meemit heijastelevat ja tuottavat kulttuurisia käsityksiä mielenterveydestä, sen hoidosta ja merkityksistä. Tässä artikkelissa paneudutaan mielenterveysmeemien tutkimiseen liittyviin tutkimuseettisiin ja metodologisiin kysymyksiin erityisesti etnografian ja multimodaalisen diskurssianalyysin näkökulmasta. Erilaiset lähestymistavat tuottavat erilaista tietoa meemeistä ja niiden tekemiseen ja jakamiseen liittyvistä tekijöistä, ja asettavat erilaisia haasteita tutkimukselle ja aineistosta tehtäville tulkinnoille. Myös meemeissä viljelty usein mustakin huumori lisää …

etnografiameemitrepresentaatiomielenterveysmusta huumoritutkimusetiikkatutkimusmenetelmätsosiaalinen mediatulkintamultimodaalisuusmielenterveysongelmatdiskurssianalyysi

An Analysis of Phishing Susceptibility Through the Lens of Protection Motivation Theory


Users of communication tools are vulnerable to a cyberattack called phishing which aims to trick a recipient into giving away information or access that the attacker should not have. There is a great need to protect the recipient from becoming a victim of phishing. Protection can be done a multitude of ways; however, the human will be last barrier of entry when all digital protection fails. This is why anti-phishing training is used to enable email users to see the difference between real email and phishing attacks. This research explores the use of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to analyse phishing susceptibility by interviewing ten employees in a large financial company. The analysis …

Black Bioinks from Superstructured Carbonized Lignin Particles


A renewable source of carbon black is introduced by the processing of lignin from agro-forestry residues. Lignin side streams are converted into spherical particles by direct aerosolization followed by carbonization. The obtained submicron black carbon is combined with cellulose nanofibers, which act as a binder and rheology modifier, resulting in a new type of colloidal bioink. The bioinks are tested in handwriting and direct ink writing. After consolidation, the black bioinks display total light reflectance (%R) at least three times lower than commercial black inks (reduction from 12 to 4%R). A loading of up to 20% of nanofibers positively affects the cohesion of the dried bioink (1 to 16…

carbon materialsparticlenetworkspigmentshiiliselluloosacarbonizationnanotekniikkacoatingskoksauscellulose nanofibers

sj-pdf-1-cre-10.1177_02692155231170687 - Supplemental material for Neck–Shoulder Region Training for Chronic Headache in Women: A Randomized Controll…


Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-cre-10.1177_02692155231170687 for Neck–Shoulder Region Training for Chronic Headache in Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial by Marjo Rinne, Sanna Garam and Katriina Kukkonen-Harjula, Kari Tokola, Arja Häkkinen, Jari Ylinen, Riku Nikander in Clinical Rehabilitation

FOS: Clinical medicine110604 Sports MedicineFOS: Health sciences110904 Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases110314 Orthopaedics

Measuring self‐regulated learning in a junior high school mathematics classroom : Combining aptitude and event measures in digital learning materials


Background Measurement of students' self-regulation skills is an active topic in education research, as effective assessment helps devising support interventions to foster academic achievement. Measures based on event tracing usually require large amounts of data (e.g., MOOCs and large courses), while aptitude measures are often qualitative and need careful interpretation. Precise and interpretable evaluation of self-regulation skills in a normal K-12 classroom thus poses a challenge. Objectives The present study proposes and explores a learning analytics method of combining aptitude and event measures to evaluate student's self-regulation skills. Methods An explorative learning analytics s…

learning analyticsself-regulated learningoppiminenmatematiikkamathematicsmittausyläkoululaisetevent measuresoppilaataptitude measuresitsesäätely (psykologia)junior high schoolyläkouluarviointidigitaalinen oppimateriaali