showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Zasięg korporacyjnego upoważnienia aplikanta do zastępstwa
Upoważnienie aplikanta do zastępstwa funkcjonuje od dawna. Jako że ma charakter tylko albo aż upoważnienia korporacyjnego, stąd też na tym tle jest ono różnie postrzegane. Do tego dochodzą dylematy w zakresie pełnienia przez profesjonalnego pełnomocnika funkcji kuratora, a także kwestia udzielenia upoważnienia do zastępstwa dla aplikanta czy nawet substytucji procesowej dla innego profesjonalnego pełnomocnika w osobie adwokata lub radcy prawnego. Wielość wątków z uwagi na szerokie spektrum aktywności aplikanta, co wiązać należy z odbywaną przez niego aplikacją adwokacką albo radcowską, pociąga za sobą konieczność umiejscowienia go w szeroko rozumianym wymiarze sprawiedliwości jako osoby qua…
The Process of Selecting Influencers for Marketing Purposes in an Organisation
Influencer marketing practices are growing on social media channels, while the usage of other mass-media channels is decreasing, prompting organisations to search for new tools with which to communicate efficiently with their target audiences. Influencers can affect purchase intentions if the audience identifies with them. For a successful collaboration with an influencer, an organisation needs to ensure that the brand fit is suitable, as the audience will become suspicious if the paid collaboration is too apparent. In addition, an organisation can ask an influencer to perform many roles during the collaboration. The objectives of this study, therefore, are to discover how organisations ens…
The use of the Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Mortars (FRCMs) is nowadays a promising solution for the strengthening of both reinforced concrete and masonry structural elements. The application consists of a bond-dependent face-to-face plastering of an open grid or mesh by means of an inorganic-based matrix, i.e. a cement-based mortar. The main advantage of such a strengthening technique is the good compatibility with different types of substrates since the most suitable matrix can be selected focusing on the most similar breathability and stiffness. On the other side, the strengthening efficiency could be over-estimated if the potential bond failure is neglected. The FRCM-bond behaviour de…
Electrochemical conversion of CO2 to formic acid using a Sn based cathode: Combined effect of temperature and pressure
Electrochemical conversion of CO2 in the aqueous electrolyte into value-added chemicals is considered one of the most promising strategies to valorize waste-CO2. In the last decade, high attention was focused on the electro- chemical synthesis of formic acid (FA) via CO2 reduction using Sn cathodes. To improve the final concentration of FA in aqueous electrolytes, several approaches, including the utilization of different technologies (i.e. pressurized CO2 reactor, a gas diffusion electrode, divided cell etc...) and different operative conditions (i.e. pH, current densities, temperature, mixing rate, etc...) were investigated in detail. To date, the effect of temperature (T) on the electroc…
Tohtoreiden siskot ja veljet
Tohtorit kulkevat usein samanlaisia koulutuspolkuja: korkeakoulutettujen vanhempien perheistä samojen lukioiden kautta tutkijanuralle. Uusi tutkimus tarkastelee tohtoreiden valikoitumista heidän sisarustensa kautta. nonPeerReviewed
Evaluation of jaw bone changes in patients with asthma using inhaled corticosteroids with mandibular radiomorphometric indices on dental panoramic ra…
Inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) are an effective drug commonly used in asthma treatment. It is known that osteoporotic changes can occur secondary to steroid usage, depending on dosage and duration. The aim of this study was to compare radiomorphometric indices and fractal dimension on panoramic images of patients with asthma using ICSs and healthy controls. A total of 66 dental panoramic radiographs (DPRs) taken from 32 patients with asthma using ICSs and 34 healthy individuals were evaluated in this retrospective study. Panoramic mandibular index inferior and superior (PMI-i,PMI-s), mandibular cortical width (MCW), gonial index (GI), antegonial index (AI), mandibular cortical index (MCI), …
Estudio volumétrico de la cresta ósea infracigomática mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico
Introducción. El estudio anatómico en tres dimensiones de la cresta infracigomática bajo un protocolo de estudio común, previo a la colocación de dispositivos de anclaje temporal, proporciona al clínico una herramienta de pronóstico clave en la seguridad y estabilidad del tratamiento. Objetivos. El propósito de la presente tesis doctoral fue evaluar de forma transversal la cresta ósea infracigomática (IZC) mediante Tomografías Computarizadas de Haz Cónico (TCHC) en primeros y segundos molares superiores, para el estudio sistematizado y enfocado a la colocación de dispositivos de anclaje temporal en ortodoncia. Los objetivos fueron: determinar la altura total de la cresta infracigomática en …
REIMAR. Registro delle identità della pesca mediterranea e dei borghi marinari
Nell’arcaico, tensionale e contraddittorio rapporto tra le comunità e il mare, i saperi tecnici finalizzati allo sfruttamento delle risorse si intrecciano inestricabilmente con specifiche concezioni del mondo e della natura. Così, alla dimensione materiale relativa alla produzione degli strumenti artigianali funzionali alla pesca, si affianca un complesso e vasto orizzonte di rappresentazioni ideologiche e di pratiche simboliche che in Sicilia sono ancora vitali nonostante le profonde trasformazioni socioeconomiche. Il Registro delle Identità della Pesca Mediterranea e dei Borghi Marinari è stato istituito dal Dipartimento della Pesca Mediterranea della Regione Siciliana per salvaguardare e…
Go heavy or go home?In-season heavy load resistance training vs power/plyometric training on muscle size, architecture and strength.
Sammendrag Hensikt: Studien undersøkte effektene av tung styrketrening vs power og plyometrisk trening på muskelstørrelse-, arkitektur og styrke hos kvinnelige sub-elite håndballspillere i sesong. Metode:Trettien deltakere fra to seniorlag ble randomisert til enten en tung styrketrening gruppe (TSG; n=16, 19,5±2,8 år, 169,9±6,2 cm, 70,2±13,9 kg) eller en power/plyometrisk gruppe (PPG; n=15, 20,4±2,8 år, 170,4±5,9 cm, 65,6±6,8 kg). Under 2 økter i uken gjennomførte TSG 2-6 sett med 80-85% av 1RM, mens PPG utførte 2-4 sett med power-øvelser på ≤50% av 1RM og 75-90 plyometriske hopp. Før- og etter en 12 ukers intervensjon ble fettfri masse (FFM) og maksimal styrke estimert av Dual-X-Ray-Absorp…
Pensare in maniera inventiva. Saggio introduttivo a Ottica e Pittura di H. von Helmholtz
Il saggio ricostruisce il contesto filosofico e scientifico in cui von Helmholtz perviene all’idea che la ricerca in arte, filosofia e scienza comporti benefici reciproci. Si espone la teoria della percezione che von Helmholtz consolida per fornire una giustificazione epistemologica ai risultati della ricerca scientifica sulla percezione visiva e sonora, in cui ottica, psicologia e fisiologia ne definiscono i livelli di analisi. Si illustrano sistematicamente i problemi di percezione delle forme, della profondità, della luce e del colore rilevanti per la visione e la pittura, rendendo esplicito il collegamento tra la ricerca sperimentale di von Helmholtz, quella di Newton, Wollastone, Wheat…
Digital 3D tvilling
Denne masteroppgaven forsøker å utforske hvordan offentlige kartdata kan konverteres til en digital 3D tvilling på CityGML-format ved å bruke FME. For å svare på dette har FME blitt brukt til å utforske om og hvordan konverteringen kan gjøres samt hvilke mangler og avvik som kan oppstå ved konvertering fra kartdata til 3D-modell. Det er også blitt utforsket hvor detaljert en CityGML-modell konstruert fra kartdata kan bli og hvilke fordeler og ulemper bruk av digital 3D-tvilling har. 3D-modeller av forskjellige områder er kommersielt tilgjengelige fra forskjellige leverandører. De er imidlertid dyre. Det betyr at kun de største prosjektene og initiativene vil bruke digitale 3D tvillinger. Me…
Urheilulukiolaisten siirtymä varhaisaikuisuuteen : identiteetin yhteys urheilun ja opintojen jatkamiseen
Siirtymä varhaisaikuisuuteen tuo urheilijoiden elämään useita muutoksia, joiden vuoksi todennäköisyys lopettaa tavoitteellinen kilpaurheilu-ura kasvaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuinka suuri osa urheilulukion vuonna 2015 aloittaneista nuorista jatkoi yhtäältä tavoitteellista kilpaurheilua ja toisaalta opintoja lukion jälkeen varhaisaikuisuudessa sekä olivatko sukupuoli ja lajimuoto (yksilö- vai joukkuelaji) yhteydessä jatkamiseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin, ennustivatko lukioaikaiset urheilija- ja opiskelijaidentiteetit kilpaurheilun ja opintojen jatkamista. Tutkimus on osa Jyväskylän yliopiston Winning in the long run -pitkittäistutkimusta, jonka seurantavaihe toteutettiin sy…
Establishment of a commercial organic hopyard in a Mediterranean environment: Production attributes and their relationship with soil texture
The cultivated hops are recently moving towards new growing areas in Southern Europe, boosted by the increasing number of craft breweries and by the higher vulnerability to climate change observed, for this crop, in the traditional growing regions. Despite this clear market and geographic trend, there is a lack of knowledge about pedoclimatic needs and agronomic performances of hops grown in the Mediterranean environment. Particularly, the agronomic potential of a new hopyard during its establishment period is poorly studied even in traditional growing zones. Moreover, a restricted number of plants were usually sampled to gather the few data available, thus leading to a probable overestimat…
Condotta antisindacale nel lavoro tramite piattaforma digitale
Entrusting to the trade union the procedural instrument of guaranteeing the collective interests of workers cannot depend on the contractual form chosen by the parties to the relationship. Excluding, therefore, that the trade union has an interest in acting in the face of conduct that undermines the regularity of the collective protection action is contrary to the very raison d'être of Article 28 of the Labour Statute to defend the constitutionally relevant rights involved in industrial relations, as well as to the spirit of promotion and support of trade union action of the Workers' Statute.
Regionalismo differenziato condizione di insularità e riforma costituzionale in senso presidenziale sinergia o ingorgo
il contributo esamina sinteticamente le proposte all'esame del Governo in materia di regionalismo differenziato nello spettro delle previsione dlell'art. 119, 6 comma, Cost.
Characteristics and Actors of Impact Investing Ecosystem from the Perspective of Technology Startups
Interest in impact investing within technology startup industry is in-creasing. Regardless of the growing interest in impact investing, there is a significant deficiency in research considering practice of impact investing in the field of technology. Also, technology startup perspective on impact investing ecosystem research is novel research stream which and the existing research on topic is very limited. Ecosystem paradigm is widely adopted in economics and management research and adopting it in impact investing research could increase the comprehension of the phenomenon. Again, it may result in better business decisions among startup company management and foster impact investments alloc…
Confronto tra la nematofauna delle monoculture di mais e quella dei sistemi erbacei
Gli studi sugli effetti dell'agricoltura sulla biodiversità del suolo sono diventati molto importanti, al fine di proteggere la salute dell'ambiente e migliorare la qualità dell'agricoltura. Le comunità di nematodi hanno dimostrato di offrire un potente strumento ecologico per valutare gli effetti delle pratiche agricole sul suolo. La ricerca è stata condotta in una monocoltura di mais (della durata di 20 anni) e in un ecosistema erbaceo seminaturale, dominato da Festuca spp. e Trifolium spp.. Ciascun sistema è stato sottoposto a due diverse pratiche di gestione delle colture (input alto (H) e basso (L)). L'obiettivo era quindi quello di studiare gli effetti di due diversi ecosistemi e dive…
Ihmisarvoinen kuntoutus
Laaja-alaisesti ymmärretty kuntoutus kohdistuu sellaisiin fyysisiin, psyykkisiin, sosiaalisiin ja kognitiivisiin tekijöihin, joiden nähdään rajoittavan yksilöiden toimintakykyä. Kuntoutuksen kehittämiseen kohdistuu monista syistä sellaisia odotuksia, joita nykyisen kuntoutuksen tutkimuksen valtavirta ei täysimittaisesti tue. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy lähinnä terapeuttisten palvelujen vaikutusten tutkimiseen yhdellä toimivalla alalla (esimerkiksi fyysinen tai psyykkinen) ja usein vain yhdellä toimintarajoituksella (esimerkiksi tasapaino tai kävely). Tässä artikkelissa korostetaan tarvetta monialaiseen tieteidenväliseen tutkimukseen, koska myös kuntoutuksen tulisi olla monialaista ja moniammati…
Livet er jo en konkurranse
Denne masteroppgaven har som mål å undersøke hvordan kroppsøvingslærere oppfatter og rettferdiggjør bruken av konkurranse i kroppsøvingsfaget. Konkurranse er en hyppig brukt metode i kroppsøving, til tross for mange kritiske meninger om dens plass i kroppsøvingsfaget. På bakgrunn av det ble vi interessert i å finne ut mer rundt denne tematikken, spesielt hvordan kroppsøvingslærere begrunner bruken og hva slags tanker de har rundt konkurranse. Problemstillingen vi ønsket svar på ble dermed: “Hvordan oppfatter kroppsøvingslærere at konkurranse kan bidra til elevenes læring i kroppsøving?”. Studien har en fenomenologisk tilnærming og metoden for å hente ut materialet til oppgaven er gjennom kv…
Syrjäytymisen ehkäisemisen mahdollisuudet yläkoulun musiikinopetuksessa
Tämä kandidaatintutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus nuorten syrjäytymiseen ja sen ehkäisemiseen. Erityisesti keskityn musiikinopettajan näkökulmaan ja siihen, kuinka yläkoulun musiikinopetuksen kautta voisi ehkäistä nuorten syrjäytymistä. Esittelen aihepiiriin liittyvät keskeisimmät tutkimukset sekä siihen liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Avaan käsitteitä: sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus, sosiaaliset taidot, vuorovaikutusilmapiiri, ryhmä, syrjäytyminen ja syrjiminen sekä syrjäytymisen riskitekijät ja ehkäiseminen. Pohdin musiikinopettajan roolia syrjäytymisen ehkäisemisessä sekä siihen liittyviä teemoja. Syrjäytyminen on tärkeä aihe sekä yksilön että yhteiskunnan kannalta. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa ha…
Jet-like correlations with respect to K0S and Λ (Λ¯) in pp and central Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
Compétences transversales à l’université chez les étudiants et chez les enseignants : regard croisés
projet FOURIER - Fibre et optique ultra rapide pour l’investigation d’événements rares
Measuring self‐regulated learning in a junior high school mathematics classroom : Combining aptitude and event measures in digital learning materials
Background Measurement of students' self-regulation skills is an active topic in education research, as effective assessment helps devising support interventions to foster academic achievement. Measures based on event tracing usually require large amounts of data (e.g., MOOCs and large courses), while aptitude measures are often qualitative and need careful interpretation. Precise and interpretable evaluation of self-regulation skills in a normal K-12 classroom thus poses a challenge. Objectives The present study proposes and explores a learning analytics method of combining aptitude and event measures to evaluate student's self-regulation skills. Methods An explorative learning analytics s…
Modelling of proffesional competences in health care units – preliminary assumptions
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present the theoretical assumptions of the model of professional competencies in health care units. It was assumed that competences are a multidimensional concept and require an integrated approach that allows for the construction of a competency model that reflects their real complexity. A list of professional competencies will be presented, which will be subject to empirical verification in the course of future research by the authors in order to identify key competencies. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed lists of professional competencies (six domains) was created and are based on the analysis of healthcare competencies models - the study of…
L'open badge comme dispositif de reconnaissance
La rencontre porte sur la présentation de l'écosystème dans lequel s'inscrivent les actions de reconnaissances dans les établissement de la COMUE UBFC, l' appui sur des actions dans l'enseignement supérieur, et un focus sur la reconnaissance et la valorisation des tutorats.
L'accompagnement au projet professionnel des demandeurs d'emploi éloignés de l'emploi au prisme du territoire
Plan de acción en salud mental, drogodependencias y conductas adictivas. Comunitat Valenciana 2023-2026
La exposición permanente y acumulativa a situaciones adversas globales está descompensando a personas con enfermedad mental pero también nos avisa que cualquiera puede alcanzar la condición de persona depresiva, adicta, bebedora, angustiada, con deterioro cognitivo o con intención de morirse. Ante esta preocupación, La Generalitat Valenciana y la Universidad de Valencia llegan a un acuerdo de colaboración para la elaboración del Plan de Acción en Salud Mental, Drogodependencias y Conductas Adictivas de la Comunidad Valenciana (2023-2026) a través de un proceso deliberativo y participativo en el que se ha otorgado un papel protagonista a la ciudadanía. El resultado de este plan son 8 grandes…
Intimidad : Personne n'est parfait !
La controversia sobre el determinismo en la física: una controversia sobre estilos
El determinismo en sus diferentes acepciones fue un tema de recurrente discusión en las diferentes comunidades científicas a lo largo de los siglos XIX y XX. Para la física en particular, esta discusión se introduce con la aparición de las primeras leyes estadísticas durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y se prolonga hasta la actualidad. Dada la vigencia de este tema, considero que su análisis desde diferentes perspectivas es importante. Por este motivo, presento a continuación una serie de artículos que proponen una mirada de esta controversia a partir de la articulación de varias herramientas conceptuales: los espacios controversiales de Oscar Nudler, los estilos de razonamiento de Ian …
Nessim Znaien, Les raisins de la domination. Une histoire sociale de l'alcool en Tunisie à l'époque du Protectorat (1881-1956), Paris, Karthala, 2021
Rozdział VI. Pośrednie podatki państwowe. 24. Podatek od towarów i usług
Tsetlin Machine for Fake News Detection: Enhancing Accuracy and Reliability
This thesis aims to improve the accuracy of fake news detection by using Tsetlin Machines (TM). TMs are well suited for noisy and complex relations within the provided data, which on initial analysis, overlaps nicely with characteristics found in fake news. We provide a performant and deterministic preprocessor, which is responsible for tokenizing, lemmanzing, and encoding to a representation that the TM understands. We compare our approach with TMs against Neural Networks (NN) models over a variety of well-known datasets within the fake news domain. Our findings show from comparable results to significant improvements over state of the art. Additionally, we show how TMs allow for interpret…
Mixed and Nitsche's discretizations of frictional contact-mechanics in fractured porous media
This work deals with the discretization of single-phase Darcy flows in fractured and deformable porous media, including frictional contact at the matrix-fracture interfaces. Fractures are described as a network of planar surfaces leading to so-called mixed dimensional models. Small displacements and a linear poro-elastic behavior are considered in the matrix. One key difficulty to simulate such coupled poro-mechanical models is related to the formulation and discretization of the contact mechanical sub-problem. Our starting point is based on the mixed formulation using facewise constant Lagrange multipliers along the fractures representing normal and tangential stresses. This is a natural c…
Delayed autotransplantation as a method of single defect treatment with sinus perforation. Case report
Autotransplantation of teeth as an alternative to dental implantation is characterized by short healing periods, preservation of aesthetics and propriosensitivity in the area of the transplanted tooth and the possibility of its orthodontic movement. This
The Interconnecting Hairpin Extension "Arm": An Essential Allosteric Element of Phytochrome Activity
In red-light sensing phytochromes, isomerization of the bilin chromophore triggers structural and dynamic changes across multiple domains, ultimately leading to control of the output module (OPM) activity. In between, a hairpin structure, "arm", extends from an interconnecting domain to the chromophore region. Here, by removing this protein segment in a bacteriophytochrome from Deinococcus radiodurans (DrBphP), we show that the arm is crucial for signal transduction. Crystallographic, spectroscopic, and biochemical data indicate that this variant maintains the properties of DrBphP in the resting state. Spectroscopic data also reveal that the armless systems maintain the ability to respond t…