showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Life Cycle Assessment of Asphalt Mixtures with WMR


This study aimed at providing pavement specialists with international average values of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and energy consumption related to the manufacturing of asphalt mixtures (cradle-to-gate), with and without waste and secondary materials for roads (WMRs). In order to achieve this goal, TG leaders first referred to current standards to define a methodology for obtaining benchmark values according to ISO 21678:2020. Then, a data collection tool was designed and provided to a group of international partners to build a life cycle inventory for asphalt mixtures including data from materials up to plant manufacturing (A1–A3). Partners were asked to provide information for any ty…

Asphalt mixtureLife Cycle AssessmentBenchmarkWaste Secondary materials

Traumeutsatte elever i skolen


Denne studien har hatt som mål å undersøke læreres opplevelse av traumeutsatte elever i skolehverdagen, i tillegg til hvilke forutsetninger læreren har for å følge dem opp. Bakgrunn for studien er først og fremst læreplanens vektlegging av folkehelse og livsmestring (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2017). Videre er bakgrunnen forskning som viser at traumeutsatte elevers psykiske og fysiske helse er utsatt for risikofaktorer som PTSD, vansker i emosjonsregulering, atferdsproblematikk, selvskading og selvmordstanker, i tillegg til faglige og skolemessige utfordringer (Bath, 2008; Dyb & Steinsland, 2016; Felitti et al., 1998; Hébert et al., 2018; Johannessen & Bakken, 2020; Schore, 2003; Van der Kolk …

Neural phoneme discrimination in variable speech in newborns – associations with dyslexia risk and later language skills


AbstractA crucial skill in infant language acquisition is learning of the native language phonemes. This requires the ability to group complex sounds into distinct auditory categories based on their shared features. Problems in phonetic learning have been suggested to underlie language learning difficulties in dyslexia, a developmental reading-skill deficit. We investigated auditory abilities important for language acquisition in newborns with or without a familial risk for dyslexia with electrophysiological mismatch responses (MMRs). We presented vowel changes in a sequence of acoustically varying vowels, requiring grouping of the stimuli to two phoneme categories. The vowel changes elicit…

phoneme processinginfantsCognitive Neurosciencemismatch responses (MMRs)3112 NeurosciencesExperimental and Cognitive PsychologyLanguage learningäidinkielifoneemitPhoneme processinglanguage learningneurolingvistiikkaDyslexiaMismatch responses (MMRs)Neuropsychology and Physiological PsychologyArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)kielellinen kehitysdyslexiaDevelopmental and Educational Psychologydysleksia6121 LanguagesEEGvastasyntyneetInfants

Propolis as a Cariostatic Agent in Lozenges and Impact of Storage Conditions on the Stability of Propolis


Propolis is known as a source of compounds with strong antibacterial activity. Due to the antibacterial effect against streptococci of the oral cavity, it seems to be a useful agent in decreasing the accumulation of dental plaque. It is rich in polyphenols which are responsible for a beneficial impact on the oral microbiota and antibacterial effect. The aim of the study was to evaluate the antibacterial effect of Polish propolis against cariogenic bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were determined on cariogenic streptococci related to the occurrence of dental caries. Lozenges based on xylitol, glycerin, gelatin, water, and ethan…

propolisantibacterial effectstorage conditionsoral cavitylozengesPharmaceutics

Du ciel noir à l'environnement nocturne, la construction d'un nouveau front de protection de la nature en France


Depuis les années 1970 plusieurs domaines d’expertise scientifique ont contribué à faire émerger une nouvelle dimension de la protection de l’environnement liés aux effets dégradants de la pollution lumineuse. Cette dernière constitue en soi un objet de controverse entre sciences, notamment sur les différentes façons de la saisir et la définir en tant qu’objet et que fait. Nous retiendrons ici pour qualifier cette forme de pollution le caractère d’un excès de lumière artificielle entrainant des impacts sur les écosystèmes et sur la santé humaine. L’histoire du mouvement de lutte contre l’expansion de l’éclairage artificiel commence à être relativement connue, dans le monde et en France. Les…

[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

Smart Terminal System of Systems’ Cyber Threat Impact Evaluation


Systems of system-level thinking is required when the purpose is to develop a coherent understanding of the ecosystem where every user and system requirements are divided into specific parts. The smarter project, as a part of the Sea4value program of DIMECC, aims to develop harbor operations, including passenger and cargo transportation, in a way that port processes will improve, emissions will decrease, and overall security will enhance in smart ports. This paper describes cyber-attack impacts against the Smart terminal system of systems in the cyber realm by utilizing the MITRE ATTACK® framework to map the objectives of threat actors. The Smart Terminal system environment includes ICT, IC…

kuljetusriskienhallintasatamatbusiness continuitythreat impactscyber ecosystemmerenkulkuterminal system of systemskyberturvallisuusverkkohyökkäyksetcybersecurity of ICTriskitcybersecurity of ICStietojärjestelmät

Seurat tärkeitä liikunnan sosiaalipolitiikan toteuttajia Ruotsissa


urheilu- ja liikuntaseuratsosiaalipolitiikkaliikuntamaahanmuuttajatRuotsimaahanmuuttajatyöterveyden edistäminen

Is crop happiness under our feet?


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Tutela dei crediti di lavoro e responsabilità solidale nel “contratto di logistica integrata”


Il saggio esamina la nuova disciplina dell'art. 1677 bis c.c. in chiave giuslavoristica, soffermandosi sul problema del regime di responsabilità solidale applicabile ai lavoratori impiegati nell'ambito del cd. contratto di logistica integrata

Settore IUS/07 - Diritto Del Lavorocontratto logistica integrata appalti solidarietà crediti lavoro

Problemløsning og utforskning i matematikkoppgaver i begynneropplæringen


I denne masteroppgaven har vi gjennomført en dokumentanalyse av læreverket DragonBox Skole på 2. trinn hvor vi har sett på problemløsning og utforskning. Hensikten med analysen var å se på hvordan oppgavene i læreverket la til rette for problemløsning og utforskning, ettersom LK20 har disse som ett kjerneelement.   Forskningen tar utgangspunkt i forskningsspørsmålet:   På hvilke måter legger læreverket DragonBox Skole til rette for problemløsning og utforskning gjennom oppgavene i læreverket på 2. trinn?    Som rammeverk og inspirasjon for vår analyse, har vi brukt Charalambous et al. (2010) til å utvikle vårt eget analyseverktøy. Analyseverktøyet vårt består av en horisontal analyse som er…

La historia de la educación a través de las revistas especializadas: temáticas, producción científica y bibliometría (1961-2022)


Durante las tres últimas décadas se ha producido un importante aumento en cuanto al número de investigaciones en el campo de la Historia de la Educación. Esto, a pesar de favorecer la internacionalización y creación de redes transnacionales de investigación, también aumenta la complejidad de la comprensión global de la disciplina. Debido a esto, junto con el reducido número de estudios al respecto, la presente investigación realiza un análisis bibliométrico de 11 revistas relevantes internacionalmente desde 1967 hasta la actualidad. Se ha analizado la evolución de la producción a lo largo de los años, citaciones, autores y colaboraciones, países de afiliación, instituciones y colaboraciones…


Un seminario sullo stato digitale


E' una notizia relativa a un seminario sull'amministrazione digitale It is a news on seminar about the digital public administration

digital public administration digital StateStato digitale amministrazione digitale

Supercontinuum generation in chalcogenides : application to gas spectroscopy in atmospheric band III


This thesis work aims to contribute to the development of new fiber sources emitting over a wide range of wavelengths in the IR, in particular to detect greenhouse gases in the mid-infrared range. Our spectroscopy results with nitrous oxide N2O and methane CH4 are obtained in band III. To achieve this, the generation of supercontinuum (SC) covering band III was made possible by using chalcogenide optical fibers, purified and free of highly toxic elements according to REACH regulations, in particular arsenic and antimony. The fibrable vitreous composition belonging to the Ge-Se-Te ternary system fits perfectly into the context of sustainable development, it is the one that has been identifie…

Supercontinuum large bande[CHIM.MATE] Chemical Sciences/Material chemistryOptical fiberBroadband supercontinuumCapteur de gazChalcogenideInfraredGas sensorInfrarougeChalcogénureFibre optique

Hyvinvointi- ja terveyspuheen haasteita


Nykykulttuuria voidaan pitää terveys- ja hyvinvointipuheen kyllästämänä. Esimerkiksi mediassa vedotaan toistuvasti hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden ideaaleihin, ja myös akateemiselta tutkimukselta odotetaan usein terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistämistä. Tällaiset odotukset näkyvät esimerkiksi tutkimuksen rahoittajien toiveissa ja yliopistojen sidosryhmätyössä. Tässä luvussa analysoidaan ja problematisoidaan hyvinvointi- ja terveyspuhetta ja sen keskeisyyttä kulttuuriteoreettisesta näkökulmasta eli merkitysneuvotteluiden ja vallan kysymyksiin suuntautuen. Olennaisena huomiona esitetään, että vaikka terveys ja hyvinvointi ovat sinänsä tavoittelemisen arvoisia asioita, niin nykyisen terveys- ja hyvinvo…

käsitteetmedikalisaatiohyvinvointimääritelmätmerkitykset (semantiikka)diskurssintutkimusterveyskulttuurintutkimusterveyskäsitykset

E se il punteruolo affamasse Steinernema carpocapsae?


Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), phytophagus of palms, has been used as a model to deepen the knowledge of the host-entomopathogen relationship. The effects of Steinernema carpocapsae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) on the growth and immunoactivity of R. ferrugineus larvae were compared with another model insect Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Although S. carpocapsae had a negative effect on the weight and mortality of R. ferrugineus, it was not able to replicate in the hemolymph with the same rates found for the moth. In vivo and in vitro effects of S. carpocapsae on the phagocytic responsesof the hemocytes of R. ferrugineus and G. mellone…

symbiontimmune systemSettore AGR/11 - Entomologia Generale E Applicatanematodeinsectred palm weevilbacteriapalm

L'architettura ed il pianeta malato


Global warming and building activity are strictly tied.This should lead architects to reconsider their design attitudes. Yet this does not happen if not as mere technologal answer. The reasons for this inadequacy fall within an ample process tht dates back to Cartesio and that has been delineated by Husserl and existantialist thinkers. The problematic and meaningful contribution by Paolo Soleri and the Metabolists are analyzed to understand the reasons of the complex relation between scientism, technology and environmentalism.

climate changemetamorphosistechnologyarchitectural designSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbanametabolism

Wiekopomne dzieło przez wrogów Polski szaleństwem nazwane, które życzliwi z radością przyjęli, czyli historia i teraźniejszość Konstytucji 3 Maja




This master thesis studies about how the sheet pile walls resist the lateral earth pressures on slope area. Sheet pile walls are one type of construction elements that are built by a continuous interlocking of pile segments side by side to each other. They are embedded in the soils to provide lateral supports by resisting the horizontal pressures released from sea waters, or any other earth masses. Sheet pile walls are flexible retaining systems therefore they can tolerate larger horizontal deformations compared to other types of walls such as stone and concrete. Sheet piles are made up of different types of materials in different forms and sizes. Although steel sheet pile has a higher rate…

Review : Heidegger and the Problem of Phenomena


filosofituniversalismiHeidegger Martineksistentialismifilosofiafenomenologiaontologia (filosofia)etiikkarelativismi

Matlab/Simulink Based Modeling for Industrial Electric Vehicle Design


[SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics]

Attirer plus d’étudiant·es vers les métiers de l’enseignement ? Profil des bénéficiaires et effets sur les parcours du dispositif AED en préprofessio…


Attractivité Dispositif d'accompagnement Effet Enseignant Étudiant Métier Préprofessionnalisation[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education

Tradizioni carnevalesche a Mezzojuso: dal Mastro di Campo al rogo del Nannu


Il Mastro di Campo di Mezzojuso è una performance carnevalesca tradizionale che presenta un articolato simbolismo rituale riconducibile al pattern delle cerimonie di capodanno. In particolare si osservano il tema della ierogamia e della lotta rituale come elementi di promozione della fecondità. Ambedue i simboli rituali, la rappresentazione di una danza o di uno scontro armato, con l'eventuale coinvolgimento degli astanti e la celebrazione di un matrimonio, correlati o disgiunti, sono, come è noto, costitutivi ab antico delle cerimonie di capodanno, segnatamente di quelle primaverili. Altri rituali carnevaleschi europei hanno una simile articolazione. Il saggio presenta una serie di esempi …

Nozze sacre capodanno carnevale alberi metodo storico-comparativoSettore M-DEA/01 - Discipline DemoetnoantropologicheSacred marriage New Year Carnival trees historical-comparative method

Positiivisten kohtaamisten merkityksellisyys kouluyhteisöissä


Kouluille on asetettu kasvavassa määrin merkittäviä yhteiskunnallisia tehtäviä. Yhtenä koulun tehtävänä on valmistaa uusia sukupolvia uudistamaan yhteiskuntaa. Tätä tehtävää haastaa monin tavoin kompleksiset ja kiihtyvät muutosprosessit. Oleellista onkin luoda kestävä pohja jatkuvalle oppimiselle ja hyvinvoinnille jo varhaisista kouluvuosista alkaen. nonPeerReviewed

opetustaitokouluthyvinvointitäydennyskoulutusyhteiskunnallinen muutosopettajatoppilaatinkluusioryhmäohjauskäyttäytymishäiriöt

The Yuck Factor : Reiterating Insect-Eating (and Otherness) Through Disgust


In this chapter, representing critical cultural studies and visual studies, I consider insect-eating’s media portrayals by employing discourse analysis, semiology, and visual analysis methods. I conduct a qualitative analysis of the textual and visual elements in selected media portrayals of entomophagy. The focus is on Anglophone media iterations between 2013-2020, discovered online through Google searches Spring 2019 and Spring 2021. I am particularly interested in disgust’s role in mediating entomophagy to mass audiences. Through theories of this visceral emotion, I discuss the main ways historical Western representations of revulsion against insects and insect-eating resurface despite t…

hyönteisruokauutisetmediainhososiokulttuuriset tekijäthyönteisettoiseuskulttuurintutkimusnormitdiskurssianalyysi

Coordinate-space calculation of the window observable for the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to (g−2)μ


Physical Review D

Informal learning and wellbeing outcomes of gameplay and their associations with gameplay motivation


Educational functions of digital games are often seen only in the light of the serious and purposeful activities that aim for learning outcomes, in contrast with noneducational games that are designed for entertainment. The focus of this paper is in studying players’ learning outcomes from playing non-educational games, and how these relate to wellbeing outcomes of playing, and gaming motivation. The data for this study was collected via a survey (N = 1,202) in the United Kingdom and the United States. The survey respondents answered the question regarding what players perceive they have learnt by playing digital games. A generic datadriven qualitative content analysis of the responses to t…

informal learninggameplay motivationnon-educational gamespelitpelaaminenself-determinationwellbeing outcomesoppimistuloksettietokonepelitdigitaaliset pelitinformaali oppiminen

Projekty citizen science jako metoda wzmocnienia świadomości społecznej o problemie antybiotykooporności


Problem antybiotykooporności jest według WHO jednym z najbardziej donośnych zagrożeń XXI wieku. Z roku na rok umiera coraz więcej osób na skutek zakażenia bakterią, która jest oporna na znane antybiotyki. Aby zapobiegać rozwojowi antybiotykooporności konieczny jest wzrost świadomości społecznej o niekorzystnych skutkach nadużywania i niewłaściwego stosowania antybiotyków. W tym celu prowadzone są liczne kampanie i akcje społeczne. Aby dotrzeć z tymi informacjami także do młodzieży realizowane są projekty citizen science, w które zaangażowani są studenci i uczniowie. W artykule przedstawimy cele i zakres projektów citizen science oraz service learning podejmowanych w celu edukacji społeczeńs…

świadomość społecznaservice-learning projectssociology of health caresuperbugsresistance to antibioticssuperbakterieoporność na antybiotykiakcje społecznesocjologia ochrony zdrowiapublic awarenessprojekty service-learningsocial actions

Traductions et échanges littéraires transnationaux : le cas des revues de la fin du 19e siècle


Cette proposition s’inscrit dans la perspective de la traduction comme vecteur culturel et s’intéresse plus particulièrement au rôle des traducteurs/trices, moins au sein des maisons d’édition qu’au sein de ce vecteur clé des traductions que sont les périodiques, lesquels sont trop souvent négligés dans les études sur la sociologie de la traduction et des échanges culturels. La sphère du livre ne constitue qu’une part des traductions, en particulier à la fin du 19e siècle, au moment où naissent de nombreuses revues littéraires en France. Ce constat m’a conduite à créer avec l’aide de Caroline Crépiat, post-doctorante (2019-20), la « Décabase », qui est une base de données des traductions de…

Traduction; périodiques; prosopographie; dix-neuvième siècle; littérature[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

Correlation of age and skeletal effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion


To evaluate the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) and their correlation with the age of the patients. Settings and sample population: Sample comprised 19 patients with maxillary atresia and posteri


The Functioning of Local Government Authorities in Poland in the Conditions of the Epidemic in Relation to the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus – General Consi…


Wartykule przedstawiono wybrane aspekty funkcjonowania samorządu terytorialnego wPol-sce wwarunkach epidemii wzwiązku zkoronawirusem SARS-CoV-2. Więcej miejsca poświęcono aspektom ustrojowym, natomiast aspekty materialnoprawne iproceduralne zostały zasygnalizowane, ponieważ ich rozwinięcie wykracza poza ramy niniejszego opracowania. Celem jest odpowiedź na pytanie, wjakim stopniu obecnie obowiązujące przepisy, zuwzględnieniem nowych regulacji prawnych, umożliwiają realizację zadań publicznych oraz wjaki sposób nowe regulacje modyfiku-ją dotychczasowe zadania. Wartykule sformułowano tezę, że dotychczasowe przepisy mogą być stosowane wwarunkach epidemicznych, ale po dokonaniu modyfikacji koni…

epidemiaregulacje prawnezadania publicznesamorząd terytorialnyocal self-government; legal regulations; epidemic; public tasks; digitalizationcyfryzacjaStudia Iuridica Lublinensia

Comparative analysis of biomechanical response between zygomatic implant and Facco technique through the three-dimensional finite element method


The placement of zygomatic implants is an alternative used for rehabilitation of edentulous patients with atrophic maxilla. However, the complexity of the various techniques suggested in the literature requires high skill from surgeons. Aim: The objective


Ekoloģija : "Es, topošais pilsonis" mācību resursi


Izdevums "Es, topošais pilsonis" ir metodisks līdzeklis ekonomikas, pilsoniskās izglītības un ētikas mācību satura apguvei starpdisciplinārā pieejā, kas izstrādāti Erasmus+ KA2 projekta I, Citizen to Be ietvaros. Projekta materiāli sastāv no 12 nodarbībām: personība, nabadzība, roboti, ekoloģija, patērētājs, brīvprātīgais darbs, sociālie tīkli, viltus ziņas, darbs, veselība, maiņa, uzņēmējdarbība. Katra nodarbība ir sagatavota tā, lai tā atbilstu skolēnu vecuma grupai, kā arī sociālajai un kognitīvajai attīstībai. Katrai nodarbībai tiek piedāvāts ieteicamais mācību procesa apraksts, kas ietver 3 vai vairāk fragmentus. Katrā nodarbībā tiek aktualizēta konkrēta tēma, kas atspoguļo personīgo v…


Glosa do wyroku Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z dnia 25 maja 2022 r., sygn. akt III OSK 2273/21


Glosowany wyrok dotyczy dwóch istotnych zagadnień związanych ze stosowaniem przez jednostki organizacyjne Kościoła katolickiego na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej auto- nomicznych, szczegółowych zasad ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem ich danych. Pierwsze odnosi się do możliwości dalszego stosowania tychże autonomicznych, szczegółowych zasad po wejściu w życie RODO. Drugie – zdolności powołania i statusu niezależnego odrębnego organu nadzorczego – Kościelnego Inspektora Ochrony Danych. Aprobując stanowisko zawarte w wyroku NSA, w glosie przedstawiono argumenty przemawiające za tym, że w momencie wejścia w życie RODO w Kościele katolickim istniała regulacja dotyczącą pr…

autonomous and comprehensive rules of data protectionochrona danychdata protectionautonomiczneszczegó- łowe zasady ochrony danychKościół katolickiGDPR (RODO)GDPRCatholic ChurchIus Novum

Impact of Vanadium Complexes with Tetradentate Schiff Base Ligands on the DPPC and EYL Liposome Membranes: EPR Studies


This paper investigates the effect of three vanadium complexes with Schiff base-type tetradentate ligands of general formula N,N′-1,2-cyclohexylenebis(3,5-dichlorosalicylideneiminate) (V1); LVCl2 (L = N,N′-1,2-cyclohexylenebis(5-chlorosalicylideneiminate) (V2); and N,N′-1,3propylenebis (salicylideneiminate) (V3) on the fluidity of liposome membranes obtained by the sonication of natural lecithin (EYL) and synthetic lecithin (DPPC). The study was carried out with TEMPO and 16DOXYL spin probes using the EPR technique. The results show that the effect of the complexes on the fluidity of liposomes whose membranes are in the liquid crystalline phase is much stronger as compared to the liposome m…

liposomesvanadium complexesEPRspin probesApplied Sciences-Basel

New national and regional plant records: Contribution to the flora of the Old World countries


is paper presents new data on the occurrence of 16 vascular plant species from five Eurasian countries obtained during field explorations, as well as during taxonomic revisions of herbarium materials. Five taxa (Draba fladnizensis, Gentiana orbicularis, Helianthus giganteus, Symphyotrichum cordifolium, alictrum alpinum) are recorded for the first time from Poland, five (Achnatherum jacquemontii, Arrhenatherum elatius, Dittrichia graveolens, Geranium pyrenaicum, Stipa × balkanabatica) from Tajikistan, three (Achnatherum sibiricum, Asyneuma thomsonii, Stipa × balkanabatica) from Kyrgyzstan, one (Orobanche bartlingii) from Turkey, one (Calamagrostis obtusata) from China and one (Calamagrosti…

Asia; chorologyEuropetaxonomynative speciesalien speciesdiversityActa Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae

Sharing and Other Illusions : Asymmetry in "Moments of Meeting"


This chapter tackles the question of interpersonal understanding from the point of view of so-called “moments of meeting.” Coined by Daniel Stern and his colleagues, this term refers to specific and particularly intense experiential situations, where two (or more) persons attune to each other’s affective experiences, thus “cocreating” an experiential area that exists to these two individuals exclusively—a “shared private world,” as Stern puts it (Stern, 2004). While moments of meeting have attracted a lot of interest in research on psychotherapeutic change, clinical effectivity, and outcome, the usefulness of the concept in nonclinical discussions has been overlooked. The chapter fills in t…

vuorovaikutusilluusiotaffect attunementDaniel Sternkohtaaminensosiaalinen vuorovaikutusinterpersonal understandingihmissuhteettruth of solipsismmutualitytunteetreparationillusionkokemuksetemotional sharing