showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Additional file 7 of Intracellular osteopontin protects from autoimmunity-driven lymphoma development inhibiting TLR9-MYD88-STAT3 signaling


Additional file 7: Supplementary Figure S4. Characterization of OPL239 and OPL241 DLBCL cell lines. A. Flow cytometry analysis showing the expression of B220, IgM, IgD and IgA in OPL239 and OPL241 cell lines. B. Hardy’s multiparametric flow cytometry panel illustrating the expression of CD93, CD21/35 and CD23 on OPL239 and OPL241 cell lines. C. Flow cytometry analysis showing the expression of TLR9 on OPL239 and OPL241 cell lines. D. RT-PCR analysis showing Spp1 mRNA level in overexpressing cell variants. E. Western blot for OPN protein expression (in presence or not of BFA, that blocks protein secretion) in parental and IRES-Green-based cell variants. 4T1 mammary cell line was used as posi…

Prise en compte du concept de compétences non académiques développées par les élèves et les étudiants : difficultés et intérêts


Le concept de compétences non académiques est difficile à définir, difficile à mesurer tant ses définitions peuvent être diverses et ses mesures variées. Pour autant, l’intérêt de sa prise en compte dans les domaines de l’éducation et de la formation ne fait plus de doutes. Les effets de ces compétences non académiques sur les parcours scolaires/universitaires et professionnels sont prouvés. Elles favorisent d’une part l’acquisition de compétences académiques, qui définissent les situations de réussite et d’échec, et permettent de comprendre des inégalités de réussite entre élèves. De la même façon, sur le marché du travail, elles permettent aux individus de se démarquer et semblent liées n…

Compétence sociale Concept Élève Étudiant[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education

Foulques V, de l’Occident à l’Orient : les réseaux du comte d’Anjou


[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/History

Environmental Law in Transformation – Key Developments Under the European Green Deal


Première victoire pour Yuka !


Observations sous Aix-en-Provence, ch. 3-1, 8 déc. 2022, no 2022/354 - Qualification de la décision : Importante

Dénigrement[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawReseaux et CommunicationPratique commerciale déloyaleConcurrencePratique commerciale trompeuse

Quasi-rational solutions of the Hirota equation depending on multi-parameters and rogue waves


Quasi-rational solutions to the Hirota equation are given. We construct explicit expressions of these solutions for the first orders. As a byproduct, we get quasi-rational solutions to the focusing NLS equation and also rational solutions to the mKdV equation. We study the patterns of these configurations in the (x, t) plane.

Hirota equationquasi-rational solutions[MATH] Mathematics [math]

The participation of Non-State Actors in the UNESCO Cultural Diversity Convention: Current Status and Proposals for Reform


The paper is articulated into four sections. The first section illustrates the CPPDCE’s legal framework for engagement with actors other than States. It shows that this framework expresses a ''functionalist'' emphasis on NSAs’ capacity of contrib-uting to the adoption of higher quality decisions on the part of States and facilitating their implementation. The second section investigates the relationship between NSAs and the Convention’s bodies. It argues that the existing ''functionalist-oriented'' regula-tion not only has prevented basic stakeholders from having access to the Convention’s processes, but has also created imbalances among participants, to the detriment of the Convention’s ve…

ParticipationCultural DiversityNon-State Actor

Chaleur humaine


This book accompanies the second edition of the Art & Industry Triennial - Chaleur humaine (10 June 2023 — 14 January 2024), produced by the Frac Grand Large — Hauts-de-France and the Lieu d'Art et Action Contemporaine (LAAC) in Dunkirk. Its objective: connecting the history of art to forms of energy since 1972. Edited by Camille Richert, with Anna Colin, the Triennial curators, and encompassing a series of essays by social science scholars, the exhibition catalogue touches on and problematises notions of progress, resources, consumption and productivity. It further highlights the ways in which artists, through their perceptive accounts, have examined these subjects, making new forms or fun…

[SHS.SOCIO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Sociology[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/History[SHS.ART] Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art history

Traumeutsatte elever i skolen


Denne studien har hatt som mål å undersøke læreres opplevelse av traumeutsatte elever i skolehverdagen, i tillegg til hvilke forutsetninger læreren har for å følge dem opp. Bakgrunn for studien er først og fremst læreplanens vektlegging av folkehelse og livsmestring (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2017). Videre er bakgrunnen forskning som viser at traumeutsatte elevers psykiske og fysiske helse er utsatt for risikofaktorer som PTSD, vansker i emosjonsregulering, atferdsproblematikk, selvskading og selvmordstanker, i tillegg til faglige og skolemessige utfordringer (Bath, 2008; Dyb & Steinsland, 2016; Felitti et al., 1998; Hébert et al., 2018; Johannessen & Bakken, 2020; Schore, 2003; Van der Kolk …

Low-pT direct-photon production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 39 and 62.4 GeV


The measurement of direct photons from Au+Au collisions at √sNN=39 and 62.4 GeV in the transverse-momentum range 0.4<3Gev/c is presented by the PHENIX collaboration at the BNLRelativistic Heavy Ion Collider. A significant direct-photon yield is observed in both collision systems. A universal scaling is observed when the direct-photon pT spectra for different center-of-mass energies and for different centrality selections at √sNN=62.4 GeV is scaled with (dNch/dη)α for α=1.21±0.04. This scaling also holds true for direct-photon spectra from Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV measured earlier by PHENIX, as well as the spectra from Pb+Pb at √sNN=2760 GeV published by ALICE. The scaling power α se…


Life Cycle Assessment of Asphalt Mixtures with WMR


This study aimed at providing pavement specialists with international average values of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and energy consumption related to the manufacturing of asphalt mixtures (cradle-to-gate), with and without waste and secondary materials for roads (WMRs). In order to achieve this goal, TG leaders first referred to current standards to define a methodology for obtaining benchmark values according to ISO 21678:2020. Then, a data collection tool was designed and provided to a group of international partners to build a life cycle inventory for asphalt mixtures including data from materials up to plant manufacturing (A1–A3). Partners were asked to provide information for any ty…

Asphalt mixtureLife Cycle AssessmentBenchmarkWaste Secondary materials

Konkretiseringsmateriell & Tallforståelse i Begynneropplæringen


Konkreter er et verktøy som kan støtte elever i undervisninger og finnes i ulike former. Denne studien tar for seg hvordan elever på førstetrinn arbeider matematisk med fysiske konkreter knyttet til tallkonstruksjoner. I tillegg, tar studiet for seg beskrivelser elever gir av tallkonstruksjoner de ser og bygger. Med fokus på førstetrinn elevers tallkonstruksjon ved bruk av konkreter, vil denne oppgaven ta utgangspunkt i problemstillingen: Hvordan bygger elever på førstetrinn tall ved bruk av fysiske konkreter, og hva slags beskrivelser gir de av tallenes oppbygginger? Hensikten med studien er å få et nærmere innblikk i samspillet mellom elevers tallkonstruksjoner og bruk av konkretiseringsm…

Problemløsning og utforskning i matematikkoppgaver i begynneropplæringen


I denne masteroppgaven har vi gjennomført en dokumentanalyse av læreverket DragonBox Skole på 2. trinn hvor vi har sett på problemløsning og utforskning. Hensikten med analysen var å se på hvordan oppgavene i læreverket la til rette for problemløsning og utforskning, ettersom LK20 har disse som ett kjerneelement.   Forskningen tar utgangspunkt i forskningsspørsmålet:   På hvilke måter legger læreverket DragonBox Skole til rette for problemløsning og utforskning gjennom oppgavene i læreverket på 2. trinn?    Som rammeverk og inspirasjon for vår analyse, har vi brukt Charalambous et al. (2010) til å utvikle vårt eget analyseverktøy. Analyseverktøyet vårt består av en horisontal analyse som er…

The Treatment of Old Age at Court. The Kings of Sicily from Roger II to Martin II (11th–15th Century)


Nella concezione galenica, la vecchiaia perde la sua connotazione di ineluttabile processo degenerativo per soggiacere alle stesse regole terapeutiche messe in atto per mantenere la salute e prolungare la vita. L'aspirazione a ritardare i malanni della vecchiaia, richiamando e riproponendo il mito della prolongatio vite, anima il pensiero e l'operato di quanti (filosofi, medici) diventarono figure di riferimento per i sovrani siciliani. Analizzando i contesti culturali che videro l'isola attraversare varie dominazioni (normanna, sveva, angioina, aragonese), il contributo si propone di mettere a fuoco le strategie seguite dai re di Sicilia vissuti più a lungo - in tal senso il concetto di ve…

Settore M-STO/01 - Storia MedievaleVecchiaia re di Sicilia storia delle mentalità medioevoOld Age Kings of Sicily History of mentalities Middle ages

Restitution condensée de la partie scientifique du projet La truffe de Bourgogne, un produit de qualité à forte valeur aJOUtée


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

The microscopy studies of Román Alberca Lorente


The figure of Román Alberca Lorente (1903-1967) has received well-deserved social and scientific recognition in Spain, mainly due to his work as a neurologist and psychiatrist, which is certainly the best-known feature of his life. However, knowledge of his microscopy research activity during his training is more limited and restricted. He initially conducted this research at the laboratory of the Residencia de Estudiantes, under the direction of Pío del Río-Hortega, and later at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, with Levaditi. His microscopy activity, which concluded in 1928, represents a solid scientific foundation on which Alberca' s neuropsychiatric activity is built. This study, based on …


Amor y matrimonio en la literatura ilustrada


En los años setenta del siglo XX cobraron relevancia los estudios sobre la historia de las mujeres, un modo de interpretar el pasado en el que ellas ya no eran concebidas como objetos pasivos, sino como sujetos conscientes y activos. Por tanto, había que reescribir su historia, elaborar un relato que entrara en diálogo e interacción con la Historia general para poder inscribirlas en esta de manera más completa y real. Se trata, pues, de una historia de las mujeres, pero que comprende y afecta también a los hombres, y a cómo las relaciones entre los sexos se han ido construyendo en los distintos momentos de la historia, tanto en los espacios sociales y políticos como en los privados. El libr…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

Tradizioni carnevalesche a Mezzojuso: dal Mastro di Campo al rogo del Nannu


Il Mastro di Campo di Mezzojuso è una performance carnevalesca tradizionale che presenta un articolato simbolismo rituale riconducibile al pattern delle cerimonie di capodanno. In particolare si osservano il tema della ierogamia e della lotta rituale come elementi di promozione della fecondità. Ambedue i simboli rituali, la rappresentazione di una danza o di uno scontro armato, con l'eventuale coinvolgimento degli astanti e la celebrazione di un matrimonio, correlati o disgiunti, sono, come è noto, costitutivi ab antico delle cerimonie di capodanno, segnatamente di quelle primaverili. Altri rituali carnevaleschi europei hanno una simile articolazione. Il saggio presenta una serie di esempi …

Nozze sacre capodanno carnevale alberi metodo storico-comparativoSettore M-DEA/01 - Discipline DemoetnoantropologicheSacred marriage New Year Carnival trees historical-comparative method

E se il punteruolo affamasse Steinernema carpocapsae?


Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), phytophagus of palms, has been used as a model to deepen the knowledge of the host-entomopathogen relationship. The effects of Steinernema carpocapsae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) on the growth and immunoactivity of R. ferrugineus larvae were compared with another model insect Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Although S. carpocapsae had a negative effect on the weight and mortality of R. ferrugineus, it was not able to replicate in the hemolymph with the same rates found for the moth. In vivo and in vitro effects of S. carpocapsae on the phagocytic responsesof the hemocytes of R. ferrugineus and G. mellone…

symbiontimmune systemSettore AGR/11 - Entomologia Generale E Applicatanematodeinsectred palm weevilbacteriapalm

Il dovere di solidarietà nelle dinamiche della responsabilità da attività lecita della pubblica amministrazione


Il tema della responsabilità da atto lecito o da attività lecita della p.A. è al centro di un dibattito molto risalente. Alla luce di un’articolata ricostruzione storica e dogmatica, connotata da un significativo disordine, lo studio mira a disegnare un quadro completo e sistematico di tale modello di responsabilità. In particolare, l’indagine contribuisce a chiarire i molteplici profili oscuri sorti nel corso del tempo: quando si configura la responsabilità in esame? Quali sono gli elementi costitutivi della medesima? Qual è la sua funzione? Si potrebbe accettare quale principio fondamentale quello c.d. di giustizia distributiva, il cui carattere variabile - secondo Giovanni Vacchelli - co…

ResponsabilitàSettore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativoatto legittimopubblica amministrazioneattività lecita

L'architettura ed il pianeta malato


Global warming and building activity are strictly tied.This should lead architects to reconsider their design attitudes. Yet this does not happen if not as mere technologal answer. The reasons for this inadequacy fall within an ample process tht dates back to Cartesio and that has been delineated by Husserl and existantialist thinkers. The problematic and meaningful contribution by Paolo Soleri and the Metabolists are analyzed to understand the reasons of the complex relation between scientism, technology and environmentalism.

climate changemetamorphosistechnologyarchitectural designSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbanametabolism

Kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilun seurannan ja arvioinnin tuloksia 2021–2022 : Osaraportti 2: Kokeilun järjestämistavat, toiminta lapsiryhmissä sek…


Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön toteuttama Kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilu käynnistyi elokuussa 2021. Tämä raportti on osa kokeilun seurantaa ja arviointia. Sen tulokset perustuvat kahteen keväällä 2022 toteutettuun kyselyyn, joissa tarkasteltiin kaksivuotisen esiopetuksen kokeilun järjestämistapoja, toimintakäytäntöjä sekä lasten oppimisen polun siirtymiä ja jatkumoita kokeilun ensimmäisenä toimintakautena 2021–2022. Ensimmäiseen kyselyyn vastasivat kuntien varhaiskasvatuksesta vastaavat viranhaltijat (N = 120). Toiseen kyselyyn vastasivat kokeilu- ja verrokkiryhmien vastaavat varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat (N = 872). Tulokset osoittivat, että esiopetuskokeilu on voinut muuttaa sekä viisi…

Syrjäytymisen ehkäisemisen mahdollisuudet yläkoulun musiikinopetuksessa


Tämä kandidaatintutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus nuorten syrjäytymiseen ja sen ehkäisemiseen. Erityisesti keskityn musiikinopettajan näkökulmaan ja siihen, kuinka yläkoulun musiikinopetuksen kautta voisi ehkäistä nuorten syrjäytymistä. Esittelen aihepiiriin liittyvät keskeisimmät tutkimukset sekä siihen liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Avaan käsitteitä: sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus, sosiaaliset taidot, vuorovaikutusilmapiiri, ryhmä, syrjäytyminen ja syrjiminen sekä syrjäytymisen riskitekijät ja ehkäiseminen. Pohdin musiikinopettajan roolia syrjäytymisen ehkäisemisessä sekä siihen liittyviä teemoja. Syrjäytyminen on tärkeä aihe sekä yksilön että yhteiskunnan kannalta. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa ha…

positiivinen pedagogiikkamusiikkikasvatusvuorovaikutusnuoretmusiikinopettajatyhteismusisointiennaltaehkäisysyrjäytyminenyläkouluopetusoppilaat

Kehopositiivisuus : radikaalista yhteiskunnallisesta liikkeestä uusliberaalin terveyden tuottajaksi?


sukupuolittuminenkaupallistuminenmedikalisaatiodiskurssilihavuusyhteiskunnalliset liikkeetkauneusihanteetaktivismiuusliberalismikehopositiivisuusterveys

Evolución social de virus


Durante muchos años se ha asumido que los virus se transmiten como elementos individuales, en forma de partículas (viriones) que contienen un único genoma. En los últimos años, se ha incrementado sustancialmente la evidencia de que muchos virus son capaces de transmitirse en grupos de viriones, lo que les permite iniciar infecciones con más de un individuo, ya sea en un nuevo hospedador, o en una nueva célula, dentro de un organismo pluricelular. Concretamente, se han descrito multitud de estructuras, promovidas por genes virales, a las que se conoce como unidades de infección colectivas, que permiten el agrupamiento, transporte, y llegada conjunta de múltiples genomas o partículas virales.…

evolución socialadaptabilidadUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::VirologíaVSVbacteriofagosvirología

Quelles preuves au champ des effets de l'allélopathie ?


De nombreuses études ont montré des effets de lallélopathie surles adventices au laboratoire, mais quen est-il au champ ? Les travauxpermettent-ils de dissocier les effets de lallélopathie de ceux de lacompétition, principal mécanisme de régulation des adventices ?¾Contexte - Dans quelle mesure l’allélopathie peutelle contribuer à réguler les adventices au champ ?C’est une question controversée qui revêt un intérêtmajeur en agroécologie. Quantifier ses effets présentetoutefois une difficulté : dissocier les effets de l’allélopathie de ceux de la compétition pour les ressources(lumière, eau et minéraux).¾ÉtUDe - Une revue systématique de la littératurescientifique a visé à déterminer s’il ex…

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]compétitionAllélopathiesélection variétaleadventice

Informal learning and wellbeing outcomes of gameplay and their associations with gameplay motivation


Educational functions of digital games are often seen only in the light of the serious and purposeful activities that aim for learning outcomes, in contrast with noneducational games that are designed for entertainment. The focus of this paper is in studying players’ learning outcomes from playing non-educational games, and how these relate to wellbeing outcomes of playing, and gaming motivation. The data for this study was collected via a survey (N = 1,202) in the United Kingdom and the United States. The survey respondents answered the question regarding what players perceive they have learnt by playing digital games. A generic datadriven qualitative content analysis of the responses to t…

informal learninggameplay motivationnon-educational gamespelitpelaaminenself-determinationwellbeing outcomesoppimistuloksettietokonepelitdigitaaliset pelitinformaali oppiminen

The Yuck Factor : Reiterating Insect-Eating (and Otherness) Through Disgust


In this chapter, representing critical cultural studies and visual studies, I consider insect-eating’s media portrayals by employing discourse analysis, semiology, and visual analysis methods. I conduct a qualitative analysis of the textual and visual elements in selected media portrayals of entomophagy. The focus is on Anglophone media iterations between 2013-2020, discovered online through Google searches Spring 2019 and Spring 2021. I am particularly interested in disgust’s role in mediating entomophagy to mass audiences. Through theories of this visceral emotion, I discuss the main ways historical Western representations of revulsion against insects and insect-eating resurface despite t…

hyönteisruokauutisetmediainhososiokulttuuriset tekijäthyönteisettoiseuskulttuurintutkimusnormitdiskurssianalyysi

Carolina Castellano, Una questione di provincia. Criminalità e camorra tra età giolittiana e fascismo, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2021, pp. 166.


CamorraSettore M-STO/04 - Storia Contemporanea

Positiivisten kohtaamisten merkityksellisyys kouluyhteisöissä


Kouluille on asetettu kasvavassa määrin merkittäviä yhteiskunnallisia tehtäviä. Yhtenä koulun tehtävänä on valmistaa uusia sukupolvia uudistamaan yhteiskuntaa. Tätä tehtävää haastaa monin tavoin kompleksiset ja kiihtyvät muutosprosessit. Oleellista onkin luoda kestävä pohja jatkuvalle oppimiselle ja hyvinvoinnille jo varhaisista kouluvuosista alkaen. nonPeerReviewed

opetustaitokouluthyvinvointitäydennyskoulutusyhteiskunnallinen muutosopettajatoppilaatinkluusioryhmäohjauskäyttäytymishäiriöt

Language Education for Everyone? Busting Access Myths


AbstractFinland has, rather successfully, promoted an image of itself as a model of educational excellence and linguistic equity. This chapter problematises this image by analysing Finnish language education policies at the comprehensive school level. For our analysis we use a three-fold understanding of access as; (a) having the opportunity to participate in language education (getting in); (b) participating in education that is meaningful and effective for the pupil (getting it); and (c) receiving credentials that are societally legitimate and valuable assets (getting out). We elaborate on each aspect of access by debunking three myths for the Finnish context that: (a) Multilingualism is …

ethnic diversity and educationpolicy developments and educationpolicy sociology and educationkoulutusjärjestelmätkaupunkitutkimuskoulutustavoitteetkoulutuspalvelutFinnish educationurban studies and educationFoucault and educationsosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuuskoulutuspolitiikkakoulutussosiologiatasa-arvogender inequalities and educationkoulutuspolitical structures and educationkoulutussuunnittelusocial class and educationFinnish education systemtasa-arvokasvatusFinnish policies and educationsocial justice and educationFinnish schoolingBourdieu and education

Ekoloģija : "Es, topošais pilsonis" mācību resursi


Izdevums "Es, topošais pilsonis" ir metodisks līdzeklis ekonomikas, pilsoniskās izglītības un ētikas mācību satura apguvei starpdisciplinārā pieejā, kas izstrādāti Erasmus+ KA2 projekta I, Citizen to Be ietvaros. Projekta materiāli sastāv no 12 nodarbībām: personība, nabadzība, roboti, ekoloģija, patērētājs, brīvprātīgais darbs, sociālie tīkli, viltus ziņas, darbs, veselība, maiņa, uzņēmējdarbība. Katra nodarbība ir sagatavota tā, lai tā atbilstu skolēnu vecuma grupai, kā arī sociālajai un kognitīvajai attīstībai. Katrai nodarbībai tiek piedāvāts ieteicamais mācību procesa apraksts, kas ietver 3 vai vairāk fragmentus. Katrā nodarbībā tiek aktualizēta konkrēta tēma, kas atspoguļo personīgo v…


Projekty citizen science jako metoda wzmocnienia świadomości społecznej o problemie antybiotykooporności


Problem antybiotykooporności jest według WHO jednym z najbardziej donośnych zagrożeń XXI wieku. Z roku na rok umiera coraz więcej osób na skutek zakażenia bakterią, która jest oporna na znane antybiotyki. Aby zapobiegać rozwojowi antybiotykooporności konieczny jest wzrost świadomości społecznej o niekorzystnych skutkach nadużywania i niewłaściwego stosowania antybiotyków. W tym celu prowadzone są liczne kampanie i akcje społeczne. Aby dotrzeć z tymi informacjami także do młodzieży realizowane są projekty citizen science, w które zaangażowani są studenci i uczniowie. W artykule przedstawimy cele i zakres projektów citizen science oraz service learning podejmowanych w celu edukacji społeczeńs…

świadomość społecznaservice-learning projectssociology of health caresuperbugsresistance to antibioticssuperbakterieoporność na antybiotykiakcje społecznesocjologia ochrony zdrowiapublic awarenessprojekty service-learningsocial actions

Correlation of age and skeletal effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion


To evaluate the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) and their correlation with the age of the patients. Settings and sample population: Sample comprised 19 patients with maxillary atresia and posteri


Mahler Measuring the Genetic Code of Amoebae


Amoebae from tropical geometry and the Mahler measure from number theory play important roles in quiver gauge theories and dimer models. Their dependencies on the coefficients of the Newton polynomial closely resemble each other, and they are connected via the Ronkin function. Genetic symbolic regression methods are employed to extract the numerical relationships between the 2d and 3d amoebae components and the Mahler measure. We find that the volume of the bounded complement of a d-dimensional amoeba is related to the gas phase contribution to the Mahler measure by a degree-d polynomial, with d = 2 and 3. These methods are then further extended to numerical analyses of the non-reflexive Ma…

High Energy Physics - TheorytopologygeometryMathematics - Number TheoryFOS: Physical scienceshomology[PHYS.MPHY] Physics [physics]/Mathematical Physics [math-ph]programmingMathematics - Algebraic GeometryDimernumber theorymachine learningHigh Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)FOS: Mathematics[PHYS.HTHE] Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Theory [hep-th]Number Theory (math.NT)Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)

Development of Motion Control Systems for Hydraulically Actuated Cranes with Hanging Loads


Automation has been used in industrial processes for several decades to increase efficiency and safety. Tasks that are either dull, dangerous, or dirty can often be performed by machines in a reliable manner. This may provide a reduced risk to human life, and will typically give a lower economic cost. Industrial robots are a prime example of this, and have seen extensive use in the automotive industry and manufacturing plants. While these machines have been employed in a wide variety of industries, heavy duty lifting and handling equipment such as hydraulic cranes have typically been manually operated. This provides an opportunity to investigate and develop control systems to push lifting e…

VDP::Teknologi: 500::Bygningsfag: 530