showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Gioacchino Ventura: la Sicilia nell’Italia confederale
Gioacchino Ventura è stato un filosofo e religioso teatino dalla vita intensa e a tratti perfino avventurosa, conosciuto prevalentemente per la sua partecipazione ai moti indipendentistici siciliani del Quarantotto, auspicando una soluzione di tipo confederale per l’unità d’Italia.
Metacognición y hábitos lectores en la formación de docentes
La relación personal del docente con la lectura, su grado de afición por esta actividad y sus experiencias como lector son factores que condicionan las acciones didácticas que realiza en el aula para desarrollar la competencia lecto-literaria y el hábito lector de sus estudiantes. Por esta razón, conocer los rasgos de la identidad lectora que presentan los futuros maestros es un paso necesario en el camino de enriquecer su proceso de lectura y fortalecer su comportamiento lector, en lo posible hacia la consolidación de un gusto por la lectura autónomo y fruitivo. Desde esta premisa, la presente tesis doctoral tiene por objetivo principal analizar la percepción de la conciencia metacognitiva…
Transmission patterns in the production of Bronze Age solid- hilted swords
Bronze Age swords with a bronze hilt were a highly specialised production. Casting hilts and blades and fixing them to each other require lots of precision and very specific skills. We hardly know anything about the production organisation as moulds are extremely rare, preventing us from locating workshops. However, studying swords themselves using X-ray imaging techniques allows us to reconstruct a part of the chaîne opératoire and gain insight into some aspects of the production processes. We identify three periods in the production of solid-hilted swords at the European scale:1. Experimental phase (1800-1450 BC): small-scaled productions by multiple workshops experimenting various ways o…
La qualità delle istituzioni di un Paese ha un effetto significativo sulla sua performance economica. Istituzioni forti possono garantire un'allocazione efficiente delle risorse, ridurre l'incertezza e gli attriti e favorire il coordinamento tra gli agenti economici. Al contrario, istituzioni deboli determinano una riduzione degli investimenti, un rallentamento della crescita della produttività e una minore crescita del PIL. Buone istituzioni favoriscono le sinergie tra gli investimenti diretti esteri e le imprese locali, nonché le ricadute di produttività. Al contrario, istituzioni poco sviluppate possono interferire con le attività produttive e impedire lo sfruttamento delle ricadute di c…
Transparens i kunst- og håndverksoppgaver
Denne masteroppgaven inviterer til å reflektere over begrepet transparens. Frida Hansens vevde portierer i transparents teknikk (Leithe et al., 2015) har inspirert og ledet meg til dette arbeidet. Oppgaven er en undersøkelse i konteksten av kunst- og håndverksdidaktikk, og problemstillingen er hvordan jeg som lærer kan vise transparens i kunst- og håndverksoppgaver til elevene. Der det å være bevisst på hva jeg vil med oppgavene og hva elevene opplever, spiller en stor del i undersøkelsen. Jeg valgte å bruke tilnærminger fra aksjonsforskning (Ulvik et al., 2022) og autoetnografi (Karlsson et al., 2021) i metodedelen. Min rolle var læreren som planla og gjennomførte en kunst- og håndverksopp…
La croyance dans le fumoir : “The Portrait of Mr. WH”, l’éthique de la croyance de William Kingdon Clifford et l’assentiment selon John Henry Newman
Wilde’s story “The Portrait of Mr. W.H.” blurs literary genres, asserts the importance of the false and plays with reader expectations. It has generated a substantial exege- sis, perhaps lacking in interest in the multi-faceted debates on belief running through the 1870s-1880s. Wilde takes part in that debate through a text of uncertain status and complex editorial history, contrasting Newmanian assent with W.K. Clifford’s ethics of belief (1877), before asserting the supremacy of desire, thus ruining all assent and epistemically justified belief. To the demanding philosophical-religious theories of Clifford and Newman, Wilde responds with an ambiguous, subversive narrative, intended to com…
"Les graffiti", dans Mathieu Ribolet et Fabienne Creuzenet (dir.), Rapport sur l’opération 2022 Alésia, Monument d’Ucuetis, Secteur nord, p. 182-184
Na stykach iskrzy: literackie konteksty rocka
David Bowie and dystopian literature; Nick Cave and the four phases of experiencing trauma; Lou Reed and the politics of sexual transgression (inspired by Frank Wedekind’s plays); P.J. Harvey’s socio-political, photographic poetry; Maciej Maleńczuk and his reinterpretations of Emily Dickinson’s poetry; Swans and the quest for metaphysics in the spirit of William Blake’s thought; Prince and Jehovah’s Witnesses’ utopian projections; Queen and the fine arts of Richard Dadd and Grandville; The Beatles and Charles Manson’s insane pseudo-philosophy (as well as their impact in Nine Inch Nails); Nina Simone and the policy of racial and gender equality; Peaches and her hypersexy subversion of the cu…
Vastaus ministeri Saarikon kommenttiin
Tässä kirjoituksessa kertaamme lyhyesti Talouspolitiikan arviointineuvoston vuoden 2022 raportin keskeisen sisällön ja kommentoimme ministeri Annika Saarikon puheenvuorossaan esiin nostamia seikkoja. Arvostamme suuresti sitä, että ministeri osallistui neuvoston raportin julkistusseminaariin sekä kiitämme häntä perustelluista huomioista. nonPeerReviewed
Physical qualities and body composition predictors of running performance in national level women’s official soccer matches
The purpose of the study was to (1) determine match running performance, anthropometry and various physical qualities of national level women soccer players and (2) identify key physical qualities and anthropometric predictors of match running profile during a competitive season. Twenty-five national level Finnish soccer players participated in the study. Players performed countermovement jump, loaded squat jumps, 30-meter sprint, maximum isokinetic knee flexor and extensor contractions, an incremental treadmill test and underwent body composition assessment in the lab. Match running performance was analyzed from 115 match observations during competitive league matches over 11 weeks after t…
En kasusstudie om matematikkfaget, det tverrfaglige temaet livsmestring og økonomisk mobilbruk
For å forberede elevene på aktuelle samfunnsutfordringer, ble det i Læreplanen for Kunnskapsløftet 2020 innført tre overordnede tverrfaglige tema. I praksis har vi erfart at temaene er komplekse, og at det er et behov for økt kompetanse i hvordan disse skal inngå i fagene. I denne studien har vi valgt å forske på hvordan det tverrfaglige temaet livsmestring kan inngå i matematikkundervisningen. Studien bygger på sosiokulturell læringsteori, situert læring, overføring av læring, matematisk literacy og elevers holdninger til matematikklæring. Dette ledet til følgende overordnede problemstilling: Hvordan kan det tverrfaglige temaet livsmestring inngå som en del av matematikkundervisningen? For…
La chapelle du clocher de l'abbaye Saint-Vincent de Besançon et la Pietà attribuée à Conrad Meit
The encounter between Appraisal and Valuation and other social sciences, such as Geography and Urban Planning, but also Philosophy and Psychology, can be considered as a valuable opportunity to combine approaches expressing different points of view on the same phenomena. The interpretative paradigms and opera-tional tools of Appraisal and Valuation are therefore questioned and should be re-vised to be adopted in the appraisal practice or to support decision-making pro-cesses related to real estate market and urban, territorial and environmental plan-ning, according to a perspective of social inclusion and multiculturalism.
Producing Disgust : Profanation, the Carnivalesque, and Queering as Keys for Understanding the Unsettling Pop Cultural Performance of Die Antwoord
This chapter looks at the terminology that we have for discussing deliberate disgust production. Terms such as profanation, the carnivalesque and queering describe processes that attack, highlight, and possibly question a society’s norms and power relations by portraying something that might otherwise be sacred or conventional in an inappropriate, parodic or weird manner. Since norm violations may induce disgust, these terms may be considered as engaging with disgust. Yet the aims and outcomes of the engagement that they describe seem different. Via a case study of the irritating, disgust inducing performances of the South African rap rave trio Die Antwoord, I show how these terms provide d…
Pathological endometrial function characterization in the mid-secretory phase in infertile patients
Las principales causas potenciales de fallo de implantación recurrente (FIR) de origen endometrial en pacientes de fecundación in vitro (FIV) son una ventana de implantación (WOI; del inglés window of implantation) desplazada y/o patológica. La WOI desplazada está bien caracterizada y puede ser diagnosticada usando tests transcriptómicos, aunque sus beneficios clínicos son controvertidos. Sin embargo, los mecanismos moleculares que subyacen a la WOI patológica son poco conocidos y requieren más investigación para caracterizar molecularmente su heterogeneidad y desarrollar herramientas diagnósticas adecuadas. El objetivo de esta tesis es identificar y caracterizar la WOI patológica en pacien…
Traumeutsatte elever i skolen
Denne studien har hatt som mål å undersøke læreres opplevelse av traumeutsatte elever i skolehverdagen, i tillegg til hvilke forutsetninger læreren har for å følge dem opp. Bakgrunn for studien er først og fremst læreplanens vektlegging av folkehelse og livsmestring (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2017). Videre er bakgrunnen forskning som viser at traumeutsatte elevers psykiske og fysiske helse er utsatt for risikofaktorer som PTSD, vansker i emosjonsregulering, atferdsproblematikk, selvskading og selvmordstanker, i tillegg til faglige og skolemessige utfordringer (Bath, 2008; Dyb & Steinsland, 2016; Felitti et al., 1998; Hébert et al., 2018; Johannessen & Bakken, 2020; Schore, 2003; Van der Kolk …
Konkretiseringsmateriell & Tallforståelse i Begynneropplæringen
Konkreter er et verktøy som kan støtte elever i undervisninger og finnes i ulike former. Denne studien tar for seg hvordan elever på førstetrinn arbeider matematisk med fysiske konkreter knyttet til tallkonstruksjoner. I tillegg, tar studiet for seg beskrivelser elever gir av tallkonstruksjoner de ser og bygger. Med fokus på førstetrinn elevers tallkonstruksjon ved bruk av konkreter, vil denne oppgaven ta utgangspunkt i problemstillingen: Hvordan bygger elever på førstetrinn tall ved bruk av fysiske konkreter, og hva slags beskrivelser gir de av tallenes oppbygginger? Hensikten med studien er å få et nærmere innblikk i samspillet mellom elevers tallkonstruksjoner og bruk av konkretiseringsm…
Narrating Environmental Citizenship. Norwegian picturebooks and comics in the Anthropocene
In my project, I examine how aspects of “environmental citizenship” are discussed in Norwegian picturebooks and comics. The term “environmental citizenship” encompasses several concepts that originate from political sciences and discuss what it can mean to be a responsible, or “good”, citizen with regard to the environment. The concepts are characterised by various understandings of what citizenship means and which role the environment and its intrinsic value play. Common for the concepts is an argument for the need to change something in our behaviour towards the world we live in. An econarratological perspective: I examine seven multimodal texts in my dissertation, four picturebooks and t…
Searching for Syntax in the Early Medieval Commentaries on Donatus
This study aims at contributing to the reconstruction of the metalanguage and the specific terminology used by grammarians with reference to the reflection on syntax, as it emerges from the analysis of Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages grammar texts. The study focuses on the description of prepositions within the commentaries on Donatus’s Artes. Despite the overall lack of a systematic treatment of syntax within the Greek-Latin grammatical tradition, the description of specific partes orationis, e.g. praepositio, shows actually traces of a certain reflection on syntax. The metaterminology used by grammarians to describe the mutual relation between linguistic elements seems to go even bey…
Algorytmy postępowania w nagłym niedowładzie kończyn dolnych
Reproduksjon av ulikheter, eller utdanningsrettferdighet
Ideen om en skole for alle har sine røtter langt tilbake i tid (Telhaug, 1994; Solstad, 2004: Bjørnsrud & Nilsen, 2021). Fra og med L97, har det blitt vektlagt inkluderende opplæring som viktig for alle barns utvikling og læring, men menneskeverd i denne utviklingen har også vært sentralt. Alle mennesker er like mye verdt uansett av hva det er som skiller oss fra hverandre. Lærerne blir rollemodellene i dette arbeidet. Når de selv viser omsorg og respekt og ser den enkelte eleve, annerkjennes deres verdighet (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2020). Derfor vil jeg i lys av Læreplanverket overordnede del kap. 3. Prinsipper for skolens praksis, finne ut hvordan skolen og lærerne tilrettelegger for real…
Réduction des intrants chimiques de la vigne au vin par le biocontrôle et la bioprotection
Assessment of students’ agency in Finnish and Spanish university courses: Analysis of measurement invariance
This study reports on the measurement invariance of the Agency of University Students Scale in data consisting of Finnish and Spanish university students (n = 645) and presents cross-national findings on student agency assessment. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the metric invariance for 10 factors, which allows comparisons of covariance structures and correlation analyses, and can, for example, be used to examine background factor effects on agency across groups. At least partial scalar invariance was confirmed for six factors, allowing comparisons of mean values between Finnish and Spanish students. Differences were found in the experiences of personal and relational res…
Agriculture : un puissant herbicide pour les céréaliers bientôt interdit. France 2. JT 19/20 heures mercredi 15 fevrier 2023. Sur site internet Franc…
Problemløsning og utforskning i matematikkoppgaver i begynneropplæringen
I denne masteroppgaven har vi gjennomført en dokumentanalyse av læreverket DragonBox Skole på 2. trinn hvor vi har sett på problemløsning og utforskning. Hensikten med analysen var å se på hvordan oppgavene i læreverket la til rette for problemløsning og utforskning, ettersom LK20 har disse som ett kjerneelement. Forskningen tar utgangspunkt i forskningsspørsmålet: På hvilke måter legger læreverket DragonBox Skole til rette for problemløsning og utforskning gjennom oppgavene i læreverket på 2. trinn? Som rammeverk og inspirasjon for vår analyse, har vi brukt Charalambous et al. (2010) til å utvikle vårt eget analyseverktøy. Analyseverktøyet vårt består av en horisontal analyse som er…
Tradizioni carnevalesche a Mezzojuso: dal Mastro di Campo al rogo del Nannu
Il Mastro di Campo di Mezzojuso è una performance carnevalesca tradizionale che presenta un articolato simbolismo rituale riconducibile al pattern delle cerimonie di capodanno. In particolare si osservano il tema della ierogamia e della lotta rituale come elementi di promozione della fecondità. Ambedue i simboli rituali, la rappresentazione di una danza o di uno scontro armato, con l'eventuale coinvolgimento degli astanti e la celebrazione di un matrimonio, correlati o disgiunti, sono, come è noto, costitutivi ab antico delle cerimonie di capodanno, segnatamente di quelle primaverili. Altri rituali carnevaleschi europei hanno una simile articolazione. Il saggio presenta una serie di esempi …
La cultura ci salverà? Processi di touristification a base culturale nel centro storico di Palermo
Negli ultimi tre decenni la cultura ha avuto un ruolo chiave nella costruzione delle politiche urbane, divenendo uno strumento decisivo nella definizione delle strategie di sviluppo economico e nell’accesso alla competizione globale che caratterizzano l’attuale regime di neoliberismo urbano (Miles e Paddison 2005). Anche nel sud Europa la cosiddetta rigenerazione a base culturale ha rappresentato e continua ancora oggi a rappresentare una vera e propria ortodossia urbana, che trova nel turismo tanto una ragione di esistenza quanto un campo di attuazione. In particolare, negli ultimi anni i centri storici di molte città sudeuropee sono stati oggetto di trasformazioni profonde in cui pratiche…
E se il punteruolo affamasse Steinernema carpocapsae?
Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), phytophagus of palms, has been used as a model to deepen the knowledge of the host-entomopathogen relationship. The effects of Steinernema carpocapsae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) on the growth and immunoactivity of R. ferrugineus larvae were compared with another model insect Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Although S. carpocapsae had a negative effect on the weight and mortality of R. ferrugineus, it was not able to replicate in the hemolymph with the same rates found for the moth. In vivo and in vitro effects of S. carpocapsae on the phagocytic responsesof the hemocytes of R. ferrugineus and G. mellone…
Conrad Without Borders : Transcultural and Transtextual Perspectives
L'architettura ed il pianeta malato
Global warming and building activity are strictly tied.This should lead architects to reconsider their design attitudes. Yet this does not happen if not as mere technologal answer. The reasons for this inadequacy fall within an ample process tht dates back to Cartesio and that has been delineated by Husserl and existantialist thinkers. The problematic and meaningful contribution by Paolo Soleri and the Metabolists are analyzed to understand the reasons of the complex relation between scientism, technology and environmentalism.
La traducción audiovisual en España e Hispanoamérica: aspectos históricos y estudio de caso sobre técnicas de traducción
La presente tesis doctoral pretende profundizar en una serie de cuestiones que, en nuestra opinión, resultan de interés en el ámbito de los estudios en traducción audiovisual. Por un lado, se presenta un estudio histórico y de archivo acerca de la traducción audiovisual que presta especial atención al desarrollo de esta modalidad general de traducción desde los años del cine mudo hasta la llegada del cine sonoro y a las razones detrás de la adopción del doblaje y el subtitulado en España e Hispanoamérica mediante la lectura de bibliografía especializada y la lectura y análisis de fuentes primarias, así como al origen y las características del español neutro y el español europeo en el ámbito…
Life Cycle Assessment of Asphalt Mixtures with WMR
This study aimed at providing pavement specialists with international average values of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and energy consumption related to the manufacturing of asphalt mixtures (cradle-to-gate), with and without waste and secondary materials for roads (WMRs). In order to achieve this goal, TG leaders first referred to current standards to define a methodology for obtaining benchmark values according to ISO 21678:2020. Then, a data collection tool was designed and provided to a group of international partners to build a life cycle inventory for asphalt mixtures including data from materials up to plant manufacturing (A1–A3). Partners were asked to provide information for any ty…
Ekoloģija : "Es, topošais pilsonis" mācību resursi
Izdevums "Es, topošais pilsonis" ir metodisks līdzeklis ekonomikas, pilsoniskās izglītības un ētikas mācību satura apguvei starpdisciplinārā pieejā, kas izstrādāti Erasmus+ KA2 projekta I, Citizen to Be ietvaros. Projekta materiāli sastāv no 12 nodarbībām: personība, nabadzība, roboti, ekoloģija, patērētājs, brīvprātīgais darbs, sociālie tīkli, viltus ziņas, darbs, veselība, maiņa, uzņēmējdarbība. Katra nodarbība ir sagatavota tā, lai tā atbilstu skolēnu vecuma grupai, kā arī sociālajai un kognitīvajai attīstībai. Katrai nodarbībai tiek piedāvāts ieteicamais mācību procesa apraksts, kas ietver 3 vai vairāk fragmentus. Katrā nodarbībā tiek aktualizēta konkrēta tēma, kas atspoguļo personīgo v…
The Yuck Factor : Reiterating Insect-Eating (and Otherness) Through Disgust
In this chapter, representing critical cultural studies and visual studies, I consider insect-eating’s media portrayals by employing discourse analysis, semiology, and visual analysis methods. I conduct a qualitative analysis of the textual and visual elements in selected media portrayals of entomophagy. The focus is on Anglophone media iterations between 2013-2020, discovered online through Google searches Spring 2019 and Spring 2021. I am particularly interested in disgust’s role in mediating entomophagy to mass audiences. Through theories of this visceral emotion, I discuss the main ways historical Western representations of revulsion against insects and insect-eating resurface despite t…
Urheilijoiden hyvinvointi unohtuu olympiatasolla
Supplemental Material - Cohort Differences in Depressive Symptoms and Life Satisfaction in 75- and 80-Year-Olds: A Comparison of Two Cohorts 28 Years…
Supplemental Material for Cohort Differences in Depressive Symptoms and Life Satisfaction in 75- and 80-Year-Olds: A Comparison of Two Cohorts 28 Years Apart by Tiia Kekäläinen, Kaisa Koivunen, Katja Pynnönen, Erja Portegijs, and Taina Rantanen in Journal of Aging and Health.