showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
K∗(892)0 and φ(1020) production in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 8.16 TeV
The production of K∗(892)0 and ϕ(1020)resonances has been measured in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 8.16 TeV using the ALICE detector. Resonances are reconstructed via their hadronic decay channels in the rapidity interval −0.5 8 GeV/c), the RpPb values of all hadrons are consistent with unity within uncertainties. The RpPb of K∗(892)0and ϕ(1020)at √sNN = 8.16 and 5.02 TeV show no significant energy dependence. peerReviewed
«Donna dottissima […] e d’ingegno acutissimo»: per una biografia di Margherita Sarrocchi
Il saggio ricostruisce la vita di Margherita Sarrocchi, autrice del poema "La Scandebeide" (1606, 1623, 1703), amica del matematico Luca Valerio e corrispondente di Galileo Galilei. La sua figura di donna e di poetessa gode ancora oggi di grande interesse per gli studi di genere. Rilevante è la sua opera anche eprché si inscrive in un genere, quello della lirica cavalleresca, tradizionalmente riservato all'ambito maschile
Black Bioinks from Superstructured Carbonized Lignin Particles
A renewable source of carbon black is introduced by the processing of lignin from agro-forestry residues. Lignin side streams are converted into spherical particles by direct aerosolization followed by carbonization. The obtained submicron black carbon is combined with cellulose nanofibers, which act as a binder and rheology modifier, resulting in a new type of colloidal bioink. The bioinks are tested in handwriting and direct ink writing. After consolidation, the black bioinks display total light reflectance (%R) at least three times lower than commercial black inks (reduction from 12 to 4%R). A loading of up to 20% of nanofibers positively affects the cohesion of the dried bioink (1 to 16…
Multi-Cloud Information Security Policy Development
Organizations’ ever lasting desire to utilize new trending technologies for optimizing their businesses have been increasing by the years. Cloud computing has been around for a while, and for many became a vital part of their day-to-day operations. The concept of multi-cloud has allowed organizations to take advantage of every cloud vendor’s best services, hinder vendor lock-in, resulting in cost optimization, and resulting in more available services. With every new technology, there are new vulnerabilities ready to be exploited at any time. As there is little prior research regarding this field, threat actors can exploit an organization’s ignorance on important challenges such as interoper…
Faith- based diplomacy and cultural security: Between pluralism and particularism
Two basic approaches to faith-based diplomacy (FBD) have developed over the last twenty years. For some, it is a synonym of supra-denominational conflict prevention and resolution, and for others, it is an element of the state’s foreign policy exploited to achieve not just cultural but also political goals. The purpose of the chapter is to present the interrelationships between FBD and cultural security in the context of the “return of religion” and the “post-secular turn”. The conducted analysis, which is theoretical in nature, contributes to the discussion on the role of the religious determinant, pointing to the existence of two fundamentally separate approaches to the application of rel…
Energy System Modeling for the Integration of Offshore Wind and Onshore Power in Decarbonizing the Oil and Gas Industry
Achieving the green energy transition is a pressing issue to mitigate climate change. This thesis investigates the feasibility and potential of electrifying the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) to reduce emissions to comply with the government's ambitious climate goals towards 2050. An analysis of various scenarios using offshore wind and/or power from shore as electrification alternatives are conducted to determine the most cost-effective solutions, it's impact on the Norwegian energy system, and exploring possibilities of offshore wind in meeting the NCS energy demands. The existing IFE-TIMES-Norway model was updated to implement additional offshore regions and various scenarios were app…
Modalités d’attachement et maternité : étude des remaniements psychiques à partir d’un cas
Resume Cet article presente les premiers resultats d’une recherche sur les modifications de l’attachement en ante- et en post-natal, dans une population de femmes primipares, au sein d’un service de maternite d’un Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire. La maternite, percue dans notre societe comme une source d’epanouissement et de plenitude, resulte de processus psychiques complexes et delicats. Le style d’attachement est considere comme une donnee constante tout au long de la vie. Nous faisons l’hypothese de sa variation durant la periode perinatale. Pour la mesurer et la comprendre, nous nous appuyons sur la notion de strategies d’attachement. Sur le plan methodologique, nous avons me…
Localisation of gamma-ray bursts from the combined SpIRIT+HERMES-TP/SP nano-satellite constellation
Multi-messenger observations of the transient sky to detect cosmic explosions and counterparts of gravitational wave mergers critically rely on orbiting wide-FoV telescopes to cover the wide range of wavelengths where atmospheric absorption and emission limit the use of ground facilities. Thanks to continuing technological improvements, miniaturised space instruments operating as distributed-aperture constellations are offering new capabilities for the study of high energy transients to complement ageing existing satellites. In this paper we characterise the performance of the upcoming joint SpIRIT + HERMES-TP/SP nano-satellite constellation for the localisation of high-energy transients th…
50 years of fiber solitons
The study of temporal solitons has revolutionized fiber optics, yielded new classes of ultrafast laser and opened multiple interdisciplinary applications.
Does symmetry preclude the evolution of senescence? : A comment on Pen and Flatt 2021
Water leaching of roasted vanadium slag : Desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate from vanadium solution
This research investigated water leaching of roasted vanadium slag and studied the effects of leaching parameters, such as agitation speed, temperature, liquid-to-solid ratio, and leaching time. Further, solution purification via desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate were studied using the vanadium solution obtained from the water leaching of roasted vanadium slag. Vanadium solution contains residual silicon (1.67 g/L), which should be removed before ammonium vanadate precipitation. Based on the results, vanadium can be effectively recovered from vanadium slag and a recovery efficiency of 96.9% was obtained under optimal water leaching conditions. During solution purificat…
Topical treatment of oral chronic graft-versus-host- disease in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: A systematic review
Oral graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a common complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. This study systematically reviewed Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) with the objective to investigate the effectiveness and side effects of topical agents used for the treatment of oral GVHD. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines were followed to perform this study. An electronic search of four databases was conducted. RCTs published between January 2011 and March 2022 were included that were carried out on hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients receiving topical treatment for oral GVHD. The Critical Ap…
Professional vision in the classroom: Teachers’ knowledge-based reasoning explaining their visual focus of attention to students
This study investigated Grade 2 teachers' (N = 50) professional vision through eye-tracking methodology and retrospective think-aloud interviews. The study examined the extent to which teachers' knowledge-based reasoning explains their visual focus of attention to whole class and individual students. We found that teachers' descriptions of students' social relations and emotions associated positively with teachers' visual focus of attention to the whole class. Teachers' descriptions of teacher-related information/elaboration and pedagogy linked negatively with teachers' visual focus of attention to individual students. The findings suggest that teachers' visual focus of attention to student…
Assessment of Cyber Security risks : A Smart Terminal Process
In Finland, the connections to global maritime transportation logistics systems are an essential part of the national critical infrastructure. As a part of maritime logistics systems, the port's operations are important elements for global maritime traffic and the transportation supply chain. Digitalization of seaport services makes it possible to increase the efficiency of terminal systems in the logistic processes. At the same time, port logistic processes can notably reduce its CO2 emissions by optimizing port operations. The improvement of port processes relies very much on the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) or Operatio…
Conceptual foundations : Reimagining roles, relations, and processes
This chapter establishes a conceptual foundation for investigating the reimagining of roles, relations, and processes in collaborations among civil society organizations in development. The chapter starts by introducing the notion of imagination. It then proceeds to review the existing research literature on challenges related to power and privilege in civil society organization collaborations. Further, it explores new ideas and practices that have been identified as practical translations of the potential new foundations for collaboration. The discussion presented in this chapter forms not only an overall conceptual context for the chapters that follow, all of which speak from, but also to…
Literacyundervisning, fagskriving og bærekraft
Sammendrag Denne masteroppgaven handler om å støtte elever på 4.trinn i deres utvikling som fagskrivere ved hjelp av et undervisningsdesign basert på multiliteracy. Prioritering av bokstavinnlæring og grunnleggende ferdigheter tidlig i skoleforløpet har ifølge forskning blitt fremmet framfor utvikling av fagbegreper og fagskriving. Forskere påpeker viktigheten av å lære elevene å utvikle sitt hverdagsspråk til et skolespråk gjennom å lære dem å forstå og bruke fagbegreper samt å skrive på fagets premisser. I følge Gee (1990/2008) har elever i mer eller mindre grad en utfordring i overgangen av dette. Ved å utvikle et undervisningsdesign av ulike teksthendelser inspirert av Cope & Kalantzis …
sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254231165837 – Supplemental material for The structure of mental well-being and its relationship with generativity in midd…
Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-jbd-10.1177_01650254231165837 for The structure of mental well-being and its relationship with generativity in middle adulthood and the beginning of late adulthood by Emmi Reinilä, Tiia Kekäläinen, Milla Saajanaho and Katja Kokko in International Journal of Behavioral Development
Supporting Inter-Agency Collaboration in Emergency Management: Recurring Challenges Relevant for CSCW
Emergency management requires effective collaboration between different agencies. This work implies several challenges due to a heterogeneous mix of actors with different procedures, practices, and support tools. Despite being focused in various research streams, emergency responders still report challenges with sharing information and establishing shared situational awareness in responding to complex events. The paper presents results from a large-scale digital tabletop exercise that illustrate recurring challenges related to support for collaborative procedures, a communication network structure combining several media, use of geocollaborative tools, and configuration of collaborative env…
National high-resolution conservation prioritisation of boreal forests
The continuous decline of forest biodiversity highlights the importance of the development of cost-effective and ecologically sustainable land-use planning approaches. Spatial conservation prioritisation (SCP) can be regarded as a useful tool for this challenge. We produced high-resolution, national scale SCP analyses to identify unprotected forest areas that host valuable forest biodiversity. We used stand-based modelled dead wood potential (DWP) data as a primary surrogate for conservation value. In addition, data on forestry operations that have negative impacts on biodiversity, connectivity between forest areas, the observations of red-listed forest species, connectivity to forest habit…
Suomiräpin ja suomalaisuuden moninaisuudesta
Rapmusiikki eri alalajeineen nauttii Suomessa tällä hetkellä suurta suosiota erityisesti nuorten keskuudessa. Entistä monimuotoisemmaksi muuttuva suomirap voi toimia avaimena erilaisiin kokemuksiin ja identiteetteihin sekä rakentaa ja välittää entistä rasisminvastaisempaa tulevaisuutta. nonPeerReviewed
Redox and guest tunable spin-crossover properties in a polymeric polyoxometalate
A bifunctionalized polyoxometalate (POM), [V6O19(C16H15N6O)2]2−, which contains a redox active hexavanadate moiety covalently linked to two tridentate 2,6-bis(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine (1-bpp) ligands, has been prepared and characterized. Reaction of this hybrid molecule with Fe(II) or Zn(II) ions produces crystalline neutral 1D networks of formula Fe[V6O19(C16H15N6O)2]·solv (2) and Zn[V6O19(C16H15N6O)2]·solv (3) (solv = solvent molecules). Magnetic properties of 2 show an abrupt spin-crossover (SCO) with the temperature, which can be induced by light irradiation at 10 K (Light-Induced Excited Spin-State Trapping, LIESST effect). Interestingly, this porous and flexible structure enables reversi…
It is well known that the disciplines of representation contain many souls, from visual communication to the history of representation, from relief drawing to project drawing, from descriptive geometry to digital transitions; and then there are two great strands, the architectural and the engineering, one more humanistic, the other more technical.
Energibesparingspotensiale og lønnsomhet ved energioppgradering av nybygg
Formålet med denne masteravhandlingen er å undersøke lønnsomheten ved å investere i energieffektive nybygg, fra et økonomisk perspektiv. Selv med nåtidens relative lave nybyggrate kan økt energieffektivitet i nybygg ha en positiv innvirkning på norsk strømproduksjon, befolkningens privatøkonomi og klimagassutslipp. Avhandlingen blir sett på fra privatpersoners ståsted, og svarer på problemstillingen: Under hvilke forutsetninger vil det være lønnsomt å investere i energieffektive løsninger i et nybygg for å redusere energiforbruket? Gjennom et samarbeid med Mestergruppen har en casestudie blitt studert av et prosjektert nybygg kalt Meløy. Boligen er hentet fra hus-katalogen til Systemhus, so…
VADER: A novel decay station for actinide spectroscopy
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / B 540, 148 - 150 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2023.04.021
Parte IV Capitolo IV Impresa agricola e sistema agro alimentare
This chapter deals with the regulation of the responsibility of the agricultural entrepreneur with regard to his multiple functions
This contribution in terminology aims at taking into consideration the semantic and functional constituents of terms in a cognitive and discursive perspective. To this end, Geeraerts’ model of cognitive lexicology is used to study and exemplify the dimensions of linguistic signs. This discussion opens the door to a modern understanding of linguistic meaning that is provided for a holistic approach by frames, constructions and patterns. The observation of in-context-meaning in terminology is necessary in the broader perspective of a specialized discourse analysis based on the qualitative and quantitative investigation of authentic language material from documented interpersonal communication…
A novel 2,6-bis(benzoxazolyl)phenol macrocyclic chemosensor with enhanced fluorophore properties by photoinduced intramolecular proton transfer
Macrocyclic ligand L, in which a 2,6-bis(2-benzoxazolyl)phenol (bis-HBO) group is incorporated in triethylenetetramine, was designed and synthesized with the aim of creating a chemosensor with high selectivity and specificity for metal cations in an aqueous environment. The availability of several proton acceptors and donors, and amine and phenol hydroxy groups, respectively, affects the keto-enol equilibrium in both the ground and excited states, and the ligand properties show dependence on the pH of the solution. L is fluorescent in the visible range, through an excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) mechanism. The results of an exhaustive characterization of L by spectrosco…
En dynamisk agenda i ICE-sesjoner
An increasing number of companies in the construction industry are adopting the VDC framework. VDC is a framework of existing methods, theories, and practices that support the use of multi-disciplinary, virtual models of product, and process to achieve the project’s business objectives. Effective collaboration among project stakeholders is a fundamental part of the VDC framework. The framework utilizes the ICE methodology to enhance collaboration. The ICE methodology is a systematic approach to collaboratively identify, and solve project challenges. The starting point for achieving a successful ICE session is establishing an agenda. Therefore, qualitative research through interviews, observ…
Una chiesa scomparsa “dentro della nuova, assai più magnifica”. Progetti e ricostruzioni della cattedrale di Mdina tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna
A corpus of drawings attributable to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and preserved in the Diocesan archive of Mdina, allows us to better understand the reconstruction of the Cathedral of Malta after the earthquake of 1693, which damaged the medieval building. This had already been interested, a few years earlier, bu some works that had affected the presbytery area. The survey and project drawings, partly published but never studied in depth, offer valuable information on the medieval church and on the transformation process, on the relationship between the pre-existing buildings and the new projects. Starting from the available drawings, and with the support of documentary data an…
Additional file 10 of Subtype-specific kinase dependency regulates growth and metastasis of poor-prognosis mesenchymal colorectal cancer
Additional file 10. Full Western blot membrane images represented in the manuscript.
La construcción de las agendas políticas digitales: comunicación on-line, emociones y polarización en elecciones presidenciales latinoamericanas
La sociedad digital ha propiciado cambios de carácter instrumental y una actualización de la epistemología que ayuda a comprender un nuevo espacio público en dónde interactúan partidos políticos, instituciones, medios de comunicación y ciudadanía. En este sentido, la Ciencia Política, en conjunto con el resto de las Ciencias Sociales, ha respondido en los últimos años a cada uno de los retos y desafíos planteados, que se manifiestan diariamente en las redes sociales como parte más visible de esta sociedad. En virtud de ello, la interacción o la competición política tiene varias manifestaciones: en primer lugar, las estrategias partidarias basadas en comunicación política algorítmica, la aut…
Refugee Hierarchies in Poland: between Legitimizing and Resisting Injustice amid the Reception of Ukrainian War Refugees
A web-based and mobile intervention with brochure support providing complementary feeding guidelines to first-time parents in France: Randomized Cont…
Purpose: In light of the latest epidemiological and nutritional knowledge and scientific evidence supporting responsive feeding, the French feeding guidelines for 0-3 years were recently updated and nationally disseminated through a brochure and media campaign by Santé publique France. Moreover, smartphone apps become increasingly popular and is likely relevant to provide timely information across development to inform parents about child feeding practices but their effect is seldom evaluated. This randomized controlled trial (RCT) aims to investigate whether the provision of guidelines through an app and a brochure (vs. brochure alone, usual service) results in healthier parental feeding p…
The Multidisciplinary Approach for the Diagnosis of Laryngohyoid Lesions: a Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Background: The diagnosis of neck lesions remains a medico-legal diagnostic challenge because of the complexity of the anatomical relationship of the neck's organs and their anthropometric morphological variability. We compared the multidisciplinary approach using autopsy and postmortem computed tomography (PMCT), postmortem fine preparation (PMFP), postmortem micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), and postmortem magnetic resonance (PMMR) with the performance of a single diagnostic method among them evaluating the significance of different results. The multidisciplinary approach significantly reduced the number of unidentified neck lesions. The analysis demonstrates the need to better define…
Chasing the Winners: Investigating the Performance of Momentum Strategies
Momentum strategies are receiving increasing attention in the field of finance due to their potential to generate superior returns. Momentum investing is based on the premise that assets that have exhibited strong performance in the recent past are likely to continue to perform well in the near future. This thesis explores the different momentum strategies in diverse markets and asset classes, such as the US equity market utilizing industry portfolios, multi-asset funds, and developed countries. Our study involves a comprehensive analysis of various momentum strategies, including relative momentum and absolute momentum, as well as more recently extended strategies such as dual and triple mo…
Interprofessional simulation-based learning used to prepare perioperative nursing students for acute situations
Background: Perioperative nursing focuses on care for patients with life-threatening crisis, illness or injury undergoing planned or acute surgery, treatment and/or examination. Performing care requires advanced knowledge and skills to ensure safe outcomes for surgical patients. Perioperative nurses work in interprofessional surgical teams and must develop team skills, such as communication and interprofessional collaboration, as teamwork is an essential component of patient safety. Therefore, perioperative nurses need a distinct form of higher education that builds a close relationship between higher education, science and the profession’s occupational field. Interprofessional simulation-b…