showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Tutela dei crediti di lavoro e responsabilità solidale nel “contratto di logistica integrata”
Il saggio esamina la nuova disciplina dell'art. 1677 bis c.c. in chiave giuslavoristica, soffermandosi sul problema del regime di responsabilità solidale applicabile ai lavoratori impiegati nell'ambito del cd. contratto di logistica integrata
Turning Heads on the Dance Floor: Synchrony and Social Interaction Using a Silent Disco Paradigm
Music and dance appear to have a social bonding effect, which some have theorized is part of their ultimate evolutionary function. Prior research has also found a social bonding effect of synchronized movement, and it is possible that interpersonal synchrony could be considered the “active ingredient” in the social bonding consequences of music or dance activity. The present study aimed to separate the effects of synchrony from other factors associated with joint experience of dancing by using a “silent disco” manipulation, in which the timing of a musical stimulus was varied within a dyad in a freestyle dance setting. Three conditions were included: synchrony, tempo-shifted (in which the …
Unelmia hyvästä vuorovaikutuksesta ja resurssipulan pelkoa
Kolmen yliopiston yhteisessä tutkimushankkeessa selvitetään ruotsinopettajaksi ja kielikylpyopettajaksi opiskelevien ajatuksia tulevaisuudesta kielen ammattilaisena. nonPeerReviewed
Robustness of radiation beam profile measurements
In this master’s thesis, profile measurements of PTW Semiflex 3D and PTW Semiflex ionisation chambers in addition to IBA MatriXX matrix detector were compared to each other using different measurement set-ups. The ionisation chamber measure- ments were done in a water phantom in horizontal and vertical orientations. Using two different set-ups in the horizontal orientation. The first horizontal set-up used the current clinical quality assurance program in Tampere University Hospital with the wire of the chamber lying deep in the water phantom. The second horizontal measurements were done with more of the wire in the radiation field by having the wire closer to the surface of the water. Meas…
Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcomes of Submacular Hemorrhage with Loss of Vision in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Daily Clinical P…
To evaluate the proportion, baseline predictors, and outcomes of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) patients treated with a high burden of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitor intravitreal injections (IVT) at two years in routine clinical practice. European retrospective data analysis from a prospectively designed observational outcomes registry: the Fight Retinal Blindness! (FRB!) Project. Treatment-naïve eyes (one eye per patient) initiating VEGF inhibitors IVT from January 2017 to March 2020 with 24 months of follow-up, a minimum of 3 injections, and no gap between visits exceeding 365 days were tracked in the registry. We analyzed three treatment burden (…
Une été 1928
Seurat tärkeitä liikunnan sosiaalipolitiikan toteuttajia Ruotsissa
The Interconnecting Hairpin Extension "Arm": An Essential Allosteric Element of Phytochrome Activity
In red-light sensing phytochromes, isomerization of the bilin chromophore triggers structural and dynamic changes across multiple domains, ultimately leading to control of the output module (OPM) activity. In between, a hairpin structure, "arm", extends from an interconnecting domain to the chromophore region. Here, by removing this protein segment in a bacteriophytochrome from Deinococcus radiodurans (DrBphP), we show that the arm is crucial for signal transduction. Crystallographic, spectroscopic, and biochemical data indicate that this variant maintains the properties of DrBphP in the resting state. Spectroscopic data also reveal that the armless systems maintain the ability to respond t…
Impacto emocional en adolescentes de Ecuador tras seis meses del inicio de la pandemia Covid-19
Durante el brote de enfermedades infecciosas y su propagación, las reacciones psicológicas de la población juegan un papel fundamental en las estrategias de afrontamiento, como en la aparición de ansiedad, miedo, tristeza, depresión durante la enfermedad y después de ella. La pandemia ha generado un gran impacto en la salud emocional, especialmente de adolescentes que presentan aspectos vulnerables, como enfermedades físicas o mentales previas, familiares con la enfermedad, conflictos económicos, exceso de información en redes acerca de estadísticas de fallecimiento y propagación de la enfermedad. El objetivo general es analizar los predictores del distrés emocional (ansiedad, depresión y e…
Nutrients biochemistry in steppe saline lakes from “La Mancha Húmeda” Biosphere Reserve (Central Spain)
La Mancha Húmeda Biosphere Reserve is one of the most important lakes districts in southern Europe. Shallow saline lakes are among the most representative ecosystems of this region. They experience different levels of cultural and natural eutrophication, in such way that most of them deserve urgent conservation and/or restoration actions. In this thesis, 17 representative lakes from the site were selected to study the seasonal patterns of nutrient dynamics (carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus) and its relationship with the ecological functioning. These lakes nearly represent the range of limnological conditions found in this Biosphere Reserve. A seasonal limnological survey was conducted, showi…
The Importance of the Variability of Leucocyte Zinc Transporter 8 (ZnT8) Gene Expression
The variability of ZnT8 expression in leukocytes develops in patients witha geneticpredisposition to this condition and it decreases with age. Greater intercellular zinc accumulation may potentially provoke increased levels of its expression, as a support mechanism in zinc homeostasis. The occurrence of ZnT8 antibodies (ZnT8A) may result in leukocyte dysfunction, which is dependent i.a. on the level of ZnT8 expression. The same correlation can be observed in non-pancreatic tissues. ZnT8A occur in approximately 16.5% of research participants without any diabetes symptoms and the frequency of their occurrence decreases with age as well. The occurence of variability of ZnT8 expression in leuko…
Lavandula × intermedia—A Bastard Lavender or a Plant of Many Values? Part I. Biology and Chemical Composition of Lavandin
This review article is the first in a series that provides an overview of the biology, chemistry, biological effects, and applications of Lavandula × intermedia (lavandin, LI). Despite its prevalence in cultivation and on the essential oil market, lavandin has received limited attention from the scientific community. Remarkably more attention is paid to Lavandula angustifolia (LA), which is commonly regarded as the superior lavender and has been extensively researched. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive review of LI, as none currently exists, and assess whether its inferior status is merited. In the first part, we outline the biological and chemical characteristics of the plant and comp…
Ser mujer en la dictadura y contra la dictadura
Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…
Sharing and Other Illusions : Asymmetry in "Moments of Meeting"
This chapter tackles the question of interpersonal understanding from the point of view of so-called “moments of meeting.” Coined by Daniel Stern and his colleagues, this term refers to specific and particularly intense experiential situations, where two (or more) persons attune to each other’s affective experiences, thus “cocreating” an experiential area that exists to these two individuals exclusively—a “shared private world,” as Stern puts it (Stern, 2004). While moments of meeting have attracted a lot of interest in research on psychotherapeutic change, clinical effectivity, and outcome, the usefulness of the concept in nonclinical discussions has been overlooked. The chapter fills in t…
Hva kjennetegner kroppsøvingsdebatten i norsk media?
Denne studien tar sikte på å undersøke hvordan kroppsøvingsfaget blir fremstilt i norsk media. Målet med studien var å svare på problemstillingen; Hva kjennetegner kroppsøvingsfaget i norsk media? Hvem uttaler seg, og om hva? Studien bidrar til å identifisere trender og temaer som utgjør mediebildet. Studien samlet inn datamateriell fra norske papiraviser i en tiårsperiode fra juli 2012 til juli 2022. Totalt ble 2225 artikler gjennomgått, hvorav 256 artikler oppfylte kravet vårt om å diskutere elementer knyttet til kroppsøvingsfaget, og ble hovedgrunnlaget for studien. Det ble brukt både deskriptiv statistikk og tematisk analyse for å svare på problemstillingen. Undersøkelsene avdekker at d…
Using transfer coefficients to model series-connected multi-junction solarcells with radiative coupling
Author's accepted manuscript This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Strandberg, R. (2023). Using transfer coefficients to model series-connected multi-junction solar cells with radiative coupling. Applied Physics Letters, 122(25), 1-6 and may be found at When the quality of multi-junction solar cells becomes sufficiently high, radiative exchange of photons between cells must be included to properly model such devices. In this work, it is shown how constants called transfer coefficients can account for radiative coupling in series-connected mult…
The Role of Anticipated Guilt and its Neutralisation in Explaining Responsible Online Shopping
Although responsible consumption has been the target of growing interest in academic research, the antecedents of responsible online shopping remain poorly understood. In this study, we address this gap in prior research by focusing on the role of anticipated guilt in explaining responsible online shopping. By using data from 479 Finnish consumers, we aim to answer two research questions: (1) how strong an antecedent of responsible online shopping intention is anticipated guilt in relation to other potential antecedents and (2) how efficiently can consumers regulate their resulting feelings of guilt by using different kinds of neutralisation techniques? We find anticipated guilt to be a str…
The Impact of Gender Equality in the Cybersecurity Sector
Nowadays, there is a shortage of cybersecurity professionals in the sector and women are disproportionately underrepresented in the field. This exploratory study examines how organizations can retain and entice women in the cybersecurity industry, as well as how enhanced gender balance affects the work environment. Because the scope is limited, we will only look at gender equality between men and women, as well as apply the study in a Norwegian context. Furthermore, the study investigates why women are underrepresented in cybersecurity and identifies barriers preventing them from pursuing this career. The findings of our systematic literature review (SLR) identifies obstacles and already ex…
Quantum effects, anomalies and renormalization in Electrodynamics, Cosmology and Black Holes
La Teoria Quàntica de Camps en Espais Corbats ha demostrat ser una teoria semi-clàssica molt útil per a l'estudi de fenòmens físics que combinen gravetat i efectes quàntics. En particular, prediu que la dinàmica d'un camp gravitacional de fons pot excitar espontàniament partícules a partir del buit quàntic. El procés de producció de partícules té una importància especial en l'estudi de l'univers primerenc en cosmologia i és la base de la radiació de Hawking en la física dels forats negres. Físicament, aquest efecte quàntic és anàleg a l'efecte Schwinger ben conegut en l'electrodinàmica quàntica. L'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi és estudiar aquest fenomen general de producció de partícules, així co…
Supplemental Material - Value Co-Destruction: A Conceptual Review and Future Research Agenda
Supplemental Material for Value Co-Destruction: A Conceptual Review and Future Research Agenda by Juuli Lumivalo, Tuure Tuunanen, and Markus Salo in Journal of Service Research
New measurement of double-β decays of 100Mo to excited states of 100Ru with the CUPID-Mo experiment
The CUPID-Mo experiment, located at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (France), was a demonstrator experiment for CUPID. It consisted of an array of 20Li2100MoO4 (LMO) calorimeters, each equipped with a Ge light detector for particle identification. In this work, we present the result of a search for two-neutrino and neutrinoless double-β decays of 100Mo to the first 0+ and 2+ excited states of 100Ru using the full CUPID-Mo exposure (2.71kgyr of LMO). We measure the half-life of 2νββ decay to the 0+1 state as T2ν→0+11/2=(7.5±0.8(stat.)+0.4−0.3(syst.))×1020yr. The bolometric technique enables measurement of the electron energies as well as the γ rays from nuclear deexcitation and this all…
La prevención de riesgos laborales en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno: obligaciones y responsabilidades
La protección de la vida y salud de los trabajadores, desde la perspectiva del Derecho del Trabajo, es quizás la principal obligación del empleador respecto de sus trabajadores, dando origen a un plexo normativo, tanto nacional como internacional, de la mayor relevancia. El trabajador, como consecuencia de la ejecución de su contrato de trabajo, se encuentra expuesto a sufrir accidentes laborales y/o enfermedades profesionales, muchas veces incapacitantes, y en no pocas veces, con consecuencias fatales que pueden afectar su calidad de vida a futuro y la de su familia. Por lo expuesto, se hace necesario analizar científicamente las distintas instituciones de prevención de riesgos laborales, …
Licenziamento e disciplina antimafia: un equilibrio complicato
Il saggio, muovendo dall'opera di Alessandro Garilli, esamina le relazioni complesse tra la disciplina antimafia e la giustificazione necessaria del licenziamento The essay, starting from the writings of Alessandro Garilli, examines the complex relationships between the anti-mafia discipline and the necessary justification of the dismissal
Local eukaryotic and bacterial stream community assembly is shaped by regional land use effects
With anticipated expansion of agricultural areas for food production and increasing intensity of pressures stemming from land-use, it is critical to better understand how species respond to land-use change. This is particularly true for microbial communities which provide key ecosystem functions and display fastest responses to environmental change. However, regional land-use effects on local environmental conditions are often neglected, and, hence, underestimated when investigating community responses. Here we show that the effects stemming from agricultural and forested land use are strongest reflected in water conductivity, pH and phosphorus concentration, shaping microbial communities a…
The Individual-level Productivity Costs of Physical Inactivity
Abstract Purpose: This study estimated the long-term individual-level productivity costs of physical inactivity. Methods: The data were drawn from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966, to which the productivity cost variables (sick leaves and disability pensions) from Finnish registries were linked. Individuals (N = 6261) were categorized into physical activity groups based on their level of physical activity, which was measured in three ways: 1) self-reported leisure-time moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) at 46 yr old, 2) longitudinal self-reported leisure-time MVPA at 31–46 yr old, and 3) accelerometer-measured overall MVPA at 46 yr old. The human capital approach…
Hyvinvointi- ja terveyspuheen haasteita
Nykykulttuuria voidaan pitää terveys- ja hyvinvointipuheen kyllästämänä. Esimerkiksi mediassa vedotaan toistuvasti hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden ideaaleihin, ja myös akateemiselta tutkimukselta odotetaan usein terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistämistä. Tällaiset odotukset näkyvät esimerkiksi tutkimuksen rahoittajien toiveissa ja yliopistojen sidosryhmätyössä. Tässä luvussa analysoidaan ja problematisoidaan hyvinvointi- ja terveyspuhetta ja sen keskeisyyttä kulttuuriteoreettisesta näkökulmasta eli merkitysneuvotteluiden ja vallan kysymyksiin suuntautuen. Olennaisena huomiona esitetään, että vaikka terveys ja hyvinvointi ovat sinänsä tavoittelemisen arvoisia asioita, niin nykyisen terveys- ja hyvinvo…
Co-precipitation of Mg-doped Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1(OH)₂:effect of magnesium doping and washing on the battery cell performance
Co-precipitation of Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1(OH)2 (NCM811) and Mg-doped (0.25 wt% and 0.5 wt%) NCM811 precursors is carried out from concentrated metal sulphate solutions. In this paper, the aim is to study the role of magnesium dopant in the co-precipitation step of NCM811, the cathode active material and further the Li-ion battery cell performance. Based on the results, magnesium was fully co-precipitated in the NCM811 precursors, as expected from thermodynamic calculations. The presence of magnesium in these precursors was also confirmed by several characterization methods and magnesium was evenly distributed in the sample. It was observed that tapped density decreased and surface area increased …
La enseñanza de la psicopatología descriptiva: estrategias educativas para la mejora de la formación de residentes de psiquiatría
La formación de futuros especialistas y el lenguaje de la psicopatología descriptiva resultan dos cuestiones esenciales para la psiquiatría. La formación de posgrado o residencia de psiquiatría cumple un papel formativo clave para los nuevos psiquiatras, ya que les proporciona no solamente herramientas (conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes, etc.) sino también escenarios de la vida real (con pacientes, familias, compañeros, directivos, recursos, etc.) para ponerlos en práctica. La psicopatología descriptiva se dedica a la descripción de unas unidades de análisis denominadas síntomas mentales y es fundamental para la psiquiatría por motivos epistemológicos y éticos. En las últimas décadas se…
Solutions de biocontrôle : Devenir dans l'environnement et impacts écotoxicologiques
51 ème congrès du Groupe Français de Recherches sur les Pesticides 31 mai-1 er juin 2023, Paris
sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 - Supplemental material for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis o…
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis of User-Generated Content Versus Firm-Generated Content by Olli Tyrväinen, Heikki Karjaluoto, and Dandison Ukpabi in Journal of Interactive Marketing
Traductions et échanges littéraires transnationaux : le cas des revues de la fin du 19e siècle
Cette proposition s’inscrit dans la perspective de la traduction comme vecteur culturel et s’intéresse plus particulièrement au rôle des traducteurs/trices, moins au sein des maisons d’édition qu’au sein de ce vecteur clé des traductions que sont les périodiques, lesquels sont trop souvent négligés dans les études sur la sociologie de la traduction et des échanges culturels. La sphère du livre ne constitue qu’une part des traductions, en particulier à la fin du 19e siècle, au moment où naissent de nombreuses revues littéraires en France. Ce constat m’a conduite à créer avec l’aide de Caroline Crépiat, post-doctorante (2019-20), la « Décabase », qui est une base de données des traductions de…
Traumeutsatte elever i skolen
Denne studien har hatt som mål å undersøke læreres opplevelse av traumeutsatte elever i skolehverdagen, i tillegg til hvilke forutsetninger læreren har for å følge dem opp. Bakgrunn for studien er først og fremst læreplanens vektlegging av folkehelse og livsmestring (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2017). Videre er bakgrunnen forskning som viser at traumeutsatte elevers psykiske og fysiske helse er utsatt for risikofaktorer som PTSD, vansker i emosjonsregulering, atferdsproblematikk, selvskading og selvmordstanker, i tillegg til faglige og skolemessige utfordringer (Bath, 2008; Dyb & Steinsland, 2016; Felitti et al., 1998; Hébert et al., 2018; Johannessen & Bakken, 2020; Schore, 2003; Van der Kolk …
Chaleur humaine
This book accompanies the second edition of the Art & Industry Triennial - Chaleur humaine (10 June 2023 — 14 January 2024), produced by the Frac Grand Large — Hauts-de-France and the Lieu d'Art et Action Contemporaine (LAAC) in Dunkirk. Its objective: connecting the history of art to forms of energy since 1972. Edited by Camille Richert, with Anna Colin, the Triennial curators, and encompassing a series of essays by social science scholars, the exhibition catalogue touches on and problematises notions of progress, resources, consumption and productivity. It further highlights the ways in which artists, through their perceptive accounts, have examined these subjects, making new forms or fun…
Soft law e Autorità indipendenti: collocazione nel sistema delle fonti, tutela giurisdizionale e giurisprudenza costituzionale
Soft law e Autorità indipendenti: collocazione nel sistema delle fonti, tutela giurisdizionale e giurisprudenza costituzionale
Konkretiseringsmateriell & Tallforståelse i Begynneropplæringen
Konkreter er et verktøy som kan støtte elever i undervisninger og finnes i ulike former. Denne studien tar for seg hvordan elever på førstetrinn arbeider matematisk med fysiske konkreter knyttet til tallkonstruksjoner. I tillegg, tar studiet for seg beskrivelser elever gir av tallkonstruksjoner de ser og bygger. Med fokus på førstetrinn elevers tallkonstruksjon ved bruk av konkreter, vil denne oppgaven ta utgangspunkt i problemstillingen: Hvordan bygger elever på førstetrinn tall ved bruk av fysiske konkreter, og hva slags beskrivelser gir de av tallenes oppbygginger? Hensikten med studien er å få et nærmere innblikk i samspillet mellom elevers tallkonstruksjoner og bruk av konkretiseringsm…