showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 - Supplemental material for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis o…


Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis of User-Generated Content Versus Firm-Generated Content by Olli Tyrväinen, Heikki Karjaluoto, and Dandison Ukpabi in Journal of Interactive Marketing

FOS: Economics and business150402 Hospitality Management

Correlation of age and skeletal effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion


To evaluate the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) and their correlation with the age of the patients. Settings and sample population: Sample comprised 19 patients with maxillary atresia and posteri


Bounds on the number of maximal subgroups of finite groups


In this paper we obtain significant bounds for the number of maximal subgroups of a given index of a finite group. These results allow us to give new bounds for the number of random generators needed to generate a finite $d$-generated group with high probability.

Mathematics (miscellaneous)Applied MathematicsFOS: MathematicsGroup Theory (math.GR)20P05 20E07 20E28MatemàticaMathematics - Group Theory

2022 : quelle réponse de la vigne à la contrainte climatique ?


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Atelier d'observation 3D des micro-organismes du sol, des champignons, des bactéries...


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

On the mathematical properties of multi-loop scattering amplitudes through the loop-tree duality


El asombroso desarrollo de los experimentos de física de altas energías, como el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones del CERN, ha permitido obtener datos de gran calidad. El interés por comprender estos datos ha dado lugar a la necesidad de aumentar la precisión de las predicciones teóricas correspondientes. En esta tesis se desarrolla desde sus fundamentos matemáticos un método enfocado en cálculos de alta precisión denominado Loop-Tree Duality (dualidad lazo-árbol). Presentamos una clasificación de los diagramas de Feynman con respecto a su topología más que en el número de loops, en donde todas las clases topológicas pueden tener un número arbitrario L de loops y que se distinguen en su topolo…

loop-tree dualityUNESCO::FÍSICAquantum field theoryscattering amplitudes

8.trinn elevers første møte med tekstprogrammering


Programmering er fortsatt nytt i skolen, men inntil nå har hovedsakelig blokkprogrammering blitt brukt. Likevel er blokkprogrammering stort sett bare brukt i grunnskolen, og fra videregående og utover i arbeidslivet er det tekstprogrammering som foretrekkes. Denne studien undersøker 8.trinn elevers første møte med tekstprogrammering, og forsøker å svare på disse forskningsspørsmålene; 1. Hvilke utfordringer har elever i sitt første møte med Python? 2. Hvordan bruker 8.trinn elever sine erfaringer i Scratch til å løse oppgaver i Python? Teorien som danner grunnlaget for å besvare disse spørsmålene er teorien om instrumentell skapelse, her representert av Buteau et al. (2020) og en studie av …

Understanding altered contractile properties in advanced age : insights from a systematic muscle modelling approach


Age-related alterations of skeletal muscle are numerous and present inconsistently, and the effect of their interaction on contractile performance can be nonintuitive. Hill-type muscle models predict muscle force according to well-characterised contractile phenomena. Coupled with simple, yet reasonably realistic activation dynamics, such models consist of parameters that are meaningfully linked to fundamental aspects of muscle excitation and contraction. We aimed to illustrate the utility of a muscle model for elucidating relevant mechanisms and predicting changes in output by simulating the individual and combined effects on isometric force of several known ageing-related adaptations. Simu…

mallintaminenkalsiumikääntyminenageingspecific forceforce-frequency relationshipcalcium sensitivitylihaksetvoimantuotto (fysiologia)simulointitwitchcalcium uptake and releaselihassolut

Estudio de las propiedades estructurales y electrónicas de metavanadatos, pirovanadatos y ortovanadatos bajo altas presiones


En este trabajo presentaré un estudio de óxidos ternarios, en concreto un subconjunto de estos: vanadatos con distintos metales polivalentes. Los vanadatos que vamos a estudiar son tanto metavanadatos, pirovanadatos como ortovanadatos. El estudio será experimental y teórico, aunque la parte teórica será en la que me centre más. La ciencia de materiales hoy en día es una rama muy activa de la ciencia, ya sea en el sector público como en el sector privado. Vivimos en la era tecnológica, en cada instante se están inventando nuevos dispositivos o mejorándolos. Ya sea en el campo, en las telecomunicaciones, en la automoción, etc. A la par que estos dispositivos se están desarrollando, convivimos…

UNESCO::FÍSICAfísica del estado sólidoaltas presiones

How the Love of Truth Affects the Role of the Researcher : References to the “Third Mission” of Universities and References to the Field of Business …


This chapter discusses and highlights the role and, therefore, the responsibility of the researcher, of the scholar, in the context of a university institution, which is not usually limited to knowledge, but also to its transfer into the sphere—in primis—of the universitas studiorum, as well as scolarium (in addition to magistrorum), starting with the concept of “truth” and, subsequently, that of “love”1. Certain prescriptive considerations, which could involve the aforementioned role and, therefore, the ethics of the modus operandi of the researcher in question, with inevitable references to the purposes of their work and their goal of progress for mankind and society, will tendentially be…

Settore SECS-P/07 - Economia AziendaleScientific researching activity Love of Truth "Third Mission"

The Solution Path of SLOPE


The SLOPE estimator has the particularity of having null components (sparsity) and components that are equal in absolute value (clustering). The number of clusters depends on the regularization parameter of the estimator. This parameter can be chosen as a trade-off between interpretability (with a small number of clusters) and accuracy (with a small mean squared error or a small prediction error). Finding such a compromise requires to compute the solution path, that is the function mapping the regularization parameter to the estimator. We provide in this article an algorithm to compute the solution path of SLOPE.

[MATH] Mathematics [math][STAT] Statistics [stat]

Mentiras piedosas para lugares de memória? O mito das Cortes de Lamego na história constitucional de Portugal


Despite their dubious authenticity, the laws adopted at the Cortes de Lamego of 1143 (an equally disputed date) were seen as the basis of Portugal's customary constitution from the time of their timely rediscovery in the early 17th century during Spanish rule (1580-1640). Until the period of the New State (1933-1974), their political and constitutional use served almost every cause, even the most opposed: Portuguese independence, at the time of the Restoration (1640-1668); national sovereignty and human constituent power at the time of the liberal revolution of Porto (1820-1822); the submission of men to the divine constituent power, implying the respect of the historical and/or natural con…

[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Law

MAFLD: a multisystem disease


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), affecting about 25% of general population and more than 50% of dysmetabolic patients, is an emerging cause of chronic liver disease and its complications. Recently, an international consensus of experts proposed to rename this disease as ‘Metabolic dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease’ (MAFLD) to focus on the bidirectional interplay between fatty liver and metabolic alterations and to stress the need of assessing fatty liver independently from alcohol consumption and other coexisting causes of liver disease. The peculiarity of NAFLD/MAFLD lies in the presence of a higher risk of not only – as expected – liver-related events but also of extrah…

Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolismfatty liver MAFLD NAFLD

Bruken av 3D-laserskanning i produksjon av bygg


The construction industry has vast potential for improving productivity and efficiency, and in the era of Construction 4.0 the spotlight has been put on the integration of state-of-the-art digital technologies and automation to improve productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. The use of 3D laser scanning to collect as-built data on construction sites have been given increased attention over the last few years, with numerous potential areas of application. The aim of this study was to investigate how 3D laser scanning can be used to streamline the production process of buildings. This also includes existing buildings with rehabilitation needs or missing/lacking as-built documentation. T…

« Les Ménines (2018) de Simone Leigh. Du stéréotype occidental à l’archétype métissé »


Simone Leigh[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Literature[SHS.ANTHRO-SE] Humanities and Social Sciences/Social Anthropology and ethnologyHéritages artistiquesDiego de VelázquezLes Ménines[SHS.ART] Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art history:Arte y Humanidades [Materias Investigacion]

Preoperative oral practices and incidence of postoperative complications in hospital medical-surgical procedures: A meta-analysis


 Oral decay prior to a hospital medical-surgical procedure is a risk factor for the development of postoperative complications. However, perioperative oral practices as a protective factor have not been studied. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of perioperative oral practices in the reduction of risk of developing postoperative complications in in-hospital medical surgical procedures. This review and meta-analysis was conducted according to Cochrane guidelines. Medline, Scopus, Scielo, and Cochrane were consulted. Articles of the previous 10 years concerning adult patients undergoing perioperative oral practices prior to hospital medical-surgical procedures, were included. Dat…

meta-analysisoral lichen planussystematic reviewOtorhinolaryngologyhepatitisSurgeryhepatocellular carcinomaGeneral DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASMedicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugia Bucal

Supplemental Material - Value Co-Destruction: A Conceptual Review and Future Research Agenda


Supplemental Material for Value Co-Destruction: A Conceptual Review and Future Research Agenda by Juuli Lumivalo, Tuure Tuunanen, and Markus Salo in Journal of Service Research

FOS: Economics and business150310 Organisation and Management Theory150402 Hospitality Management

Diosas, reinas y mujeres en Egipto y Mesopotamia


Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

Understanding the Microfoundations of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Toward a Value-Based Method and Theory


Despite the progress made by scholars, empirically investigating entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) remains problematic because of the inherent complexities and nonlinearities of interactions among EE actors. The research to date has shown a tendency to focus on macrolevel ecosystem dynamics while neglecting the microfoundations of EEs. We contend that this negligence is due to a lack of appropriate methodologies that can capture EE microfoundations through a systemic value-based perspective. To fill this gap, in this article, we propose a novel methodological approach, the value system method, which enables framing EEs through critical causal interdependences between key actors’ business mod…

Settore SECS-P/07 - Economia AziendaleBusiness model entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) microfoundations systems design value capture value creationStrategy and ManagementElectrical and Electronic EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

Annex 1. Prova inicial gramatical pronoms "en" i "ho"


Prova inicial gramatical sobre el pronom "en" i el pronom "ho" amb activitats distractores. Annex 1 a la seqüència didàctica sobre "en" i sobre "ho".

pronoms feblescatalà com a segona llenguaprova gramaticalpronom clític enUNESCO::LINGÜÍSTICApronom clític ho

Heterometallic Au(I)–Cu(I) Clusters : Luminescence Studies and 1O2 Production


Two different organometallic gold(I) compounds containing naphthalene and phenanthrene as fluorophores and 2-pyridyldiphenylphosphane as the ancillary ligand were synthesized (compounds 1 with naphthalene and 2 with phenanthrene). They were reacted with three different copper(I) salts with different counterions (PF6–, OTf–, and BF4–; OTf = triflate) to obtain six Au(I)/Cu(I) heterometallic clusters (compounds 1a–c for naphthalene derivatives and 2a–c for phenanthrene derivatives). The heterometallic compounds present red pure room-temperature phosphorescence in both solution, the solid state, and air-equilibrated samples, as a difference with the dual emission recorded for the gold(I) precu…


L-Shaped Heterobidentate Imidazo[1,5-a]pyridin-3-ylidene (N,C)-Ligands for Oxidant-Free AuI/AuIII Catalysis


In the last decade, major advances have been made in homogeneous gold catalysis. However, AuI/AuIII catalytic cycle remains much less explored due to the reluctance of AuI to undergo oxidative addition and the stability of the AuIII intermediate. Herein, we report activation of aryl halides at gold(I) enabled by NHC (NHC=N-heterocyclic carbene) ligands through the development of a new class of L-shaped heterobidentate ImPy (ImPy=imidazo[1,5-a]pyridin-3-ylidene) N,C ligands that feature hemilabile character of the amino group in combination with strong σ-donation of the carbene center in a rigid conformation, imposed by the ligand architecture. Detailed characterization and control studies r…

Angewandte Chemie-International Edition

Libro de Actas del V Simposio de Investigación Criminológica: La Criminología del futuro, hoy


Libro de Actas del V Simposio de Investigación Criminológica (6 y 7 de julio de 2023) coorganizado por la SEIC y la UV.

Investigación criminológicaCriminologíaUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO

Parental influences on the development of single and co-occurring difficulties in reading and arithmetic fluency


This study investigated how single and co-occurring difficulties in reading and arithmetic fluency developed among Finnish children across Grades 1–9 (N = 2151). Latent profile analysis among 391 children who had reading and/or arithmetic fluency difficulties in Grade 9 revealed profiles that followed three distinct patterns: reading difficulties (N = 121), mathematical difficulties (N = 94), and comorbid difficulties (N = 176). The profiles and typical performers were compared on parental reading and mathematical difficulties, parental education, the early home learning environment, and parental assistance with school homework across Grades 1–9. Results showed that although parents whose c…

oppimisympäristömatematiikkakotilapset (ikäryhmät)lukeminenmathematical difficultiescomorbidityvanhemmatoppimisvaikeudetnuorethome learning environmentreading difficultiesfamilial riskkomorbiditeetti

Multimodality toolkit for political discourse analysis: a focus on visual rhetoric


Andrzej Antoszewski : Doctor Honoris Causa Universitatis Opoliensis


Thermodynamic analysis of the interactions between human ACE2 and spike RBD of Betacoronaviruses (SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2)


There are many scientific reports on the interaction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus S protein (and its RBD) with the human ACE2 receptor protein. However, there are no reliable data on how this interaction differs from the interaction of the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-1 with ACE2, in terms of binding strength and changes in reaction enthalpy and entropy. Our studies have revealed these differences and the impact of zinc ions on this interaction. Intriguingly, the binding affinity of both RBDs (of SARS-CoV-1 and of SARS-CoV-2) to the ACE2 receptor protein is almost identical; however, there are some differences in the entropic and enthalpic contributions to these interactions.

binding interactions; human ACE2; isothermal titration alorimetry; receptorbinding domain; SARS-CoV-1; SARS-CoV-2FEBS Open Bio

Spectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. III : Details on experiment, analysis, 282Cn, and spontaneous fission branches


Flerovium isotopes (element Z=114) were produced in the fusion-evaporation reactions 48Ca+242,244Pu and studied with an upgraded TASISpec decay station placed in the focal plane of the gas-filled separator TASCA at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany. Twenty-nine flerovium decay chains were identified by means of correlated implantation, α decay, and spontaneous fission events. Data analysis aspects and statistical assessments, primarily based on measured rates of various events, which laid the foundation for the comprehensive spectroscopic information on the flerovium decay chains, are presented in detail. Various decay scenarios of an excited state obse…


Ministeri muistelee järjestöremonttia


poliitikoturheiluvaikuttajatmuistelmatrakennemuutosurheilu- ja liikuntajärjestötSuomen valtakunnan urheiluliittoliikuntapolitiikkaurheilujohtajaturheiluhallintohistoriakeskusjärjestötSuomen työväen urheiluliitto [Isohookana-Asunmaa Tytti]1990-lukuliikuntakulttuurirahoituskirja-arvostelutSuomen liikunta ja urheiluSuomiuudistuksetlajiliitottulosohjaus

Programa de Intervención Cognitivo Conductual para la Ansiedad en las personas con Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo


Los estudiantes autistas a menudo experimentan trastornos de ansiedad (TA) como una condición concurrente y se asocia con un deterioro funcional considerable. La universidad proporciona apoyo académico a los estudiantes con discapacidad, sin embargo, pocas instituciones proporcionan apoyos preventivos a los estudiantes TEA-AF. Entre las necesidades más solicitadas se encuentra el apoyo para hacer frente a ansiedad derivada de la propia actividad académica y social. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es demostrar el nivel de eficacia de un breve programa en de una forma modificada de MBCT, Programa de Intervención Cognitivo Conductual para Ansiedad PICCA, en la reducción de los niveles de an…

mindfulnessterapia cognitiva basada en mindfulnessUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICASestudiantes universitariostrastornos del espectro autistatrastornos de ansiedadUNESCO::PSICOLOGÍA

Climate Change Impact on the Hydropower Potential in Agder County


Climate change poses significant uncertainties for the future of hydropower, both in terms of challenges and opportunities. This study uses an educational version of the HBV model to investigate climate change impact on the hydropower potential in Agder County over the next century. The results show that the model tends to overestimate the observed values, but results in a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 73.4\% for calibration and 77.7\% for validation with a correlation of 89.0\%. This indicates that the model's simplicity does not surpass its accuracy. For annual discharge the study found that the RCP4.5 scenario predicted a 9\% increase close to 2100. The RCP8.5 scenario projected a more si…

Transparisation de racines tanniques pour étudier les interactions plantesmicroorganismes symbiotes


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Libertà personale e libertà di circolazione tra emergenza presente e incertezza futura


The article deals with the notion of personal freedom as it is regulated by art. 13 of Italian Constitution, drawing the main differences with other fundamental rights, in particular with the freedom of movement (art. 16 Cost.). To this end, the paper explores the main doctrinal orientations and the most recent constitutional case-law on the subject; specifically, it proposes a reading of the motivational points of the judgment n. 127 of 2022 of the Italian Constitutional Court which resolved some touchy issues of constitutionality that arose during the pandemic emergency. In conclusion, the text questions, with a look at the near future, on the usability of traditional tools for the protec…

Settore IUS/08 - Diritto CostituzionalePersonal freedom Freedom of movement Constitutional Court judgment n. 127/2022 pandemic emergency

The physical activity of Spanish speleologists: accomplishment of recommendations and differences by sociodemographic variables


Outdoor adventure activities are becoming more popular due to their potential health benefits, although there is little scientific information on speleology as a physical activity (PA). The purpose of this study is to expand the scientific evidence in this field in two ways: (a) describe the PA performed by speleologists, taking into account the variables of interest such as gender, age, education, speleological level, participation in 'Alpine' explorations and body mass index (BMI) and (b) identify how far the World Health Organization's (WHO) PA recommendations were accomplished (i.e.,150 min of moderate-intensity aerobic PA or 75 min of vigorous-intensity aerobic). A cross-sectional stud…

ExerciciSalut pública

Sequential Iron-Catalyzed C(sp2)–C(sp3) Cross-Coupling of Chlorobenzamides/Chemoselective Amide Reduction and Reductive Deuteration to Benzylic Alcoh…


Benzylic alcohols are among the most important intermediates in organic synthesis. Recently, the use of abundant metals has attracted significant attention due to the issues with the scarcity of platinum group metals. Herein, we report a sequential method for the synthesis of benzylic alcohols by a merger of iron catalyzed cross-coupling and highly chemoselective reduction of benzamides promoted by sodium dispersion in the presence of alcoholic donors. The method has been further extended to the synthesis of deuterated benzylic alcohols. The iron-catalyzed Kumada cross-coupling exploits the high stability of benzamide bonds, enabling challenging C(sp2)–C(sp3) cross-coupling with alkyl Grign…

amidesironchemoselective reductioncross-couplingdeuterated compoundssequential catalysissodiumN–C cleavageiron catalysisbenzylic alcoholsMolecules

Kurt Vonnegut and the Postmodern Satire


A broad look at the reformative qualities in Kurt Vonnegut's writing, through the analyses of three of his novels (The Sirens of Titan, Cat's Cradle, and Slaughterhouse-Five).