showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Projekty citizen science jako metoda wzmocnienia świadomości społecznej o problemie antybiotykooporności
Problem antybiotykooporności jest według WHO jednym z najbardziej donośnych zagrożeń XXI wieku. Z roku na rok umiera coraz więcej osób na skutek zakażenia bakterią, która jest oporna na znane antybiotyki. Aby zapobiegać rozwojowi antybiotykooporności konieczny jest wzrost świadomości społecznej o niekorzystnych skutkach nadużywania i niewłaściwego stosowania antybiotyków. W tym celu prowadzone są liczne kampanie i akcje społeczne. Aby dotrzeć z tymi informacjami także do młodzieży realizowane są projekty citizen science, w które zaangażowani są studenci i uczniowie. W artykule przedstawimy cele i zakres projektów citizen science oraz service learning podejmowanych w celu edukacji społeczeńs…
Educación para la Ciudadanía Mundial y los Derechos Humanos
Los dos textos que componen este libro configuran una suerte de díptico que permite adentrarnos en una rica constelación de reflexiones y cuestiones en torno a la educación para la ciudadanía mundial, uno de los referentes centrales del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible número 4 hasta 2030. Un concepto, el de ciudadanía mundial, siempre incardinado en el propio concepto y sentido de lo que son y deben ser en su aplicación y desarrollo los Derechos Humanos aprobados en 1948 en su enriquecimiento ampliado por el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos y el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, aprobados ambos en 1966. The two texts that make up this bo…
Positiivisten kohtaamisten merkityksellisyys kouluyhteisöissä
Kouluille on asetettu kasvavassa määrin merkittäviä yhteiskunnallisia tehtäviä. Yhtenä koulun tehtävänä on valmistaa uusia sukupolvia uudistamaan yhteiskuntaa. Tätä tehtävää haastaa monin tavoin kompleksiset ja kiihtyvät muutosprosessit. Oleellista onkin luoda kestävä pohja jatkuvalle oppimiselle ja hyvinvoinnille jo varhaisista kouluvuosista alkaen. nonPeerReviewed
Lower Cretaceous formations (Berriasian/Valanginian to Albian) from the East of the Paris Basin: lithostratigraphy and depositional environments.
The Paris Basin is a Meso-Cenozoic intracontinental basin characterised during the Early Cretaceous by a continental evolution. However, in its southeastern part, due to transgressions originating from the Tethys, the Lower Cretaceous continental deposits were occasionally interrupted by the deposition of marine sediments. In this area, the sedimentary succession includes above the Lower Tithonian “Calcaires du Barrois”, the transgressive “Sables de Soulaines” Formation on the Late Jurassic emersion surface. This formation showing facies characteristic of a tidal flat is reputed to be Valanginian in age, but there is no dating element and could as well begin in the Late Berriasian. Above,…
The armed forces as guardians of institutions and freedoms
“Let arms yield to the toga” (Cicero). It is generally from this angle that legal and political thought studies the military, with the idea of subjecting them to the civil authorities. This book takes the opposite view, analysing the role of the armed forces, whether professional or not, as protectors of institutions and liberties, in the light of doctrines. It explains why several countries have chosen to offer the military the deposit of their constitution, in other words their guardianship, going so far as to ratify their regulatory power. As an alternative to the right of resistance, this guardianship is not without danger, and can sometimes lead to a "democracy in the shadow of swords"…
Kyky toimia arvossaan turvallisuusaloilla
Turvallisuusalojen henkilöstön fyysisen toimintakyvyn ylläpito korostuu Euroopan kiristyneessä turvallisuustilanteessa. nonPeerReviewed
Sécheresse et inconfort thermique : Le changement climatique se fait ressentir
Biodiversité, rendements agricoles, élevage, pêche… Rien n’est épargné par le changement climatique. Zoom sur deux effets en passe de devenir tristement familiers.
Building Situational Awareness of GDPR
Because previous academic research does not comment sufficiently on how the relevant content of the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR has been properly communicated to the organisations, or how the situational awareness (SA) of GDPR has been built in the organisations, this qualitative empirical research was regarded as a valuable approach for gathering authentic research material on the practical bases of this phenomena. The aim of this empirical case study (CS) is to develop a picture of what processes organisations use to build SA of the GDPR requirements. To guide the CS, we asked how the SA for decision-making was constructed and how it was perceived in organ…
Fadrique Furió Ceriol. Obra completa II. Los tres libros de las instituciones retóricas
Los ‘Institutionum Rhetoricarum libri tres’, de Fadrique Furio Ceriol, fue la primera obra publicada por el humanista valenciano en Lovaina en 1554 y constituye el segundo volumen de sus obras completas. Precedido de tres estudios introductorios que aportan claves para facilitar la comprensión e interpretación de la obra –abordando su entramado técnico, el uso y sentido de los ejemplos y sus valores básicos implícitos y explícitos–, se presenta el texto original en latín, con aparato crítico y de fuentes, acompañado de la traducción al castellano, que se completa con abundantes notas explicativas. No solo nos hallamos ante un manual de retórica dirigido a todo aquel que tenga interés por do…
Boudon contre Bourdieu : d'où viennent les inégalités scolaires ?
C’est une des polémiques, les plus célèbres de la sociologie française. Pierre Bourdieu et Jean-Claude Passeron expliquent les inégalités sociales à l’école par l’héritage culturel, quand Raymond Boudon considère qu’elles résultent de choix individuels dans une société inégale. Que valent ces explications un demi-siècle plus tard ?
Correlation of age and skeletal effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion
To evaluate the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects after miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) and their correlation with the age of the patients. Settings and sample population: Sample comprised 19 patients with maxillary atresia and posteri
Transmisión de señales mecánicas en células indiferenciadas neuroblásticas. Estudios biológicos y preclínicos en modelos in vitro 3D
La biotensegridad es un principio físico de autoequilibrio en el que las fuerzas de tensión y compresión sostienen las estructuras biológicas y permiten la mecanotransducción de señales durante las interacciones célula-célula y célula-entorno. De esta manera, las células y los tejidos responden a las condiciones de su entorno y se adaptan a él. En este sentido, el cáncer muestra sus propios sistemas biotensegrales aberrantes que impulsan la carcinogénesis y la evolución de la enfermedad. La biotensegridad tumoral se define por la intercomunicación entre las poblaciones de células tumorales, los elementos de la matriz extracelular y las estructuras y moléculas del microambiente tumoral. En l…
Postpartum Hemorrhage: Conservative Treatments
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is an obstetric emergency representing the first cause of obstetric mortality and a frequent cause of severe maternal morbidity. It can complicate vaginal or cesarean deliveries and accounts for 25% of all maternal deaths worldwide, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). Primary PPH is defined as blood loss from the genital tract of at least 500 ml after vaginal or 1000 ml following cesarean delivery within 24 h postpartum, whereas secondary PPH is defined as any significant bleeding from the birth canal occurring between 24 h and 12 weeks postnatally. Uterine atony is reported as the main cause of PPH and accounts for 75%–90% of primary PPH. When ut…
Brisures du romaneque: 'La Malédiction de la Madone', ou d'une pratique ironique du docufiction.
La Malédiction de la Madone, pubblicato nel 2022, è il primo romanzo in cui Philippe Vilain, scrittore tra i maggiori rappresentanti dell’autofinzione, ab- bandona la narrazione in prima persona per un “docufiction” in terza persona basato sulla vita della camorrista Pupetta Maresca. questo cambio di rotta, an- cor più sorprendente per un autore come Vilain che aveva sempre vilipeso que- sto genere letterario, è occasione di mettere in questione le sue concezioni del romanzo e della letteratura. Ne vien fuori una narrazione tesa tra l’aspirazione a far corpo unico con la sua precedente produzione letteraria e le condizioni im- poste dalla “docufinzionalizzazione” della storia. La Maléd…
Cancro e Invecchiamento
Gli studi epidemiologici hanno dimostrato che la mortalità per cancro aumenta con l’età fino al novantesimo anno, in cui raggiunge il plateau e quindi declina (Fig. 61.1). La mortalità per cancro è di circa il 40% dai 50 ai 70 anni e inferiore al 4% nei centenari. Questo non è strano perché è noto che i longevi ritardano o evitano quasi tutte le malattie infiammatorie legate all’età e il can-cro è una malattia in cui la componente infiammatoria gioca un ruolo rilevante........................................
This master’s thesis aims to explore the application of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) in the Norwegian construction industry. EMA is an accounting method that assists companies in identifying, measuring, and managing their environmental impacts, costs, and benefits. With the introduction of the Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the EU, more actors in the industry will be required to report in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which include Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) reporting requirements. To achieve the objectives of the thesis, a qualitative multi-case study has been conducted, involving five selected actors…
Preoperative oral practices and incidence of postoperative complications in hospital medical-surgical procedures: A meta-analysis
Oral decay prior to a hospital medical-surgical procedure is a risk factor for the development of postoperative complications. However, perioperative oral practices as a protective factor have not been studied. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of perioperative oral practices in the reduction of risk of developing postoperative complications in in-hospital medical surgical procedures. This review and meta-analysis was conducted according to Cochrane guidelines. Medline, Scopus, Scielo, and Cochrane were consulted. Articles of the previous 10 years concerning adult patients undergoing perioperative oral practices prior to hospital medical-surgical procedures, were included. Dat…
Barnehagens arbeid med barn det er knyttet bekymring til. En kvalitativ studie om BTI-modellens implementering og praktisering i to barnehager i Agde…
Denne studien søker innsikt i to barnehagers arbeid med barn det er knyttet bekymring til, i en kommune i Agder ved bruk av BTI-modellen, som står for «Bedre Tverrfaglig Innsats». BTI-modellen er en samhandlingsmodell som kom som et tilskudd til Norge i 2012, med ønske om å forbedre den tverrfaglige samordningen i kommuner det var særlig behov for utbedring av tverrfaglig samarbeid. I tillegg er hensikten med modellen å fremme tidlig innsats og brukermedvirkning i tjenesters arbeid med både gravide, barn, unge og foreldre det er knyttet bekymring til. I Agder fylkeskommune kom BTI-modellen i 2017, som et tilskudd som del av et nasjonalt program for folkehelsearbeid i kommunene (folkehelsepr…
Do large‐scale associations in birds imply biotic interactions or environmental filtering?
Aim There has been a wide interest in the effect of biotic interactions on species' occurrences and abundances at large spatial scales, coupled with a vast development of the statistical methods to study them. Still, evidence for whether the effects of within-trophic-level biotic interactions (e.g. competition and heterospecific attraction) are discernible beyond local scales remains inconsistent. Here, we present a novel hypothesis-testing framework based on joint dynamic species distribution models and functional trait similarity to dissect between environmental filtering and biotic interactions. Location France and Finland. Taxon Birds. Methods We estimated species-to-species association…
Fra «dørgende kjedelig» til «det forlokkende land»: Seks læreres oppfatninger av grammatikk i norskfaget i videregående opplæring
I denne artikkelen spør vi åssen seks norsklærere ser på si egen grammatikkundervisning i lys av kjerneelementet språket som system og mulighet i LK20. Vi undersøker åssen lærerne legitimerer grammatikkundervisning og hva slags syn de har på grammatikk i skolen. Lærernes syn på grammatikk er særlig aktuelt å kartlegge på dette tidspunktet ettersom LK20 er under innføring i skolen. Datamaterialet består av seks semistrukturerte kvalitative forskningsintervjuer. Vi unngikk bevisst å bruke begrepet «grammatikk» i forberedelsene til intervjua, for ikke å legge føringer på lærernes oppfatninger av innholdet i kjerneelementet. I sjølve kodinga ble empirien mer eksplisitt knytta til grammatikk. I …
Ser mujer en la dictadura y contra la dictadura
Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…
Palermo-Patricolo. Il ripristino dell’architettura dei Normanni nel programma del riscatto ottocentesco della città
L’architetto Giuseppe Patricolo e la città di Palermo sono indissolubilmente legati, e forse senza le azioni del primo la notorietà della seconda sarebbe certamente ridimensionata. Non tutti lo sanno, ma Patricolo è stato il promotore e l’esecutore della riedizione della Pa-lermo capitale dell’epoca d’oro dei Normanni e preminente metropoli medievale che nel 2015 l’UNESCO ha inserito nel suo elenco con il noto riconoscimento di patrimonio dell’umanità di un itinerario di visita, denominato: Palermo arabo-normanna e le cattedrali di Cefalù e Monreale. Anche se l’accostamento potrebbe sembrare azzardato, il contributo che Eugène Viollet-le-Duc ha dato alla riscoperta e reinvenzione dell’archi…
Mecanismos Bioquímicos y Moleculares de la Neurodegeneración en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer
La enfermedad de Alzheimer se caracteriza por la presencia de placas amiloideas, hiperfosforilación de la proteína TAU e incremento de la inflamación cerebral. El uso de modelos animales de experimentación, como APP/PS1 (proteína precursora de amiloide/presenilina 1), permite observar los cambios producidos tanto a nivel de bioquímico como de biología molecular. Las células encargadas de intervenir en el proceso inflamatorio cerebral son los astrocitos y la microglía. Los resultados de esta tesis nos indican que los cambios en las quimiocinas y los receptores de quimiocinas son importantes debido a la implicación que podrían tener en la inflamación relacionada con la enfermedad de Alzheimer…
Actors, Processes and the Impact of 15 Years of the UNESCO Cultural Diversity Convention: An Introduction
Amarelli's Industry 4.0 Transformation with IoT and Digital Advertisement: Optimizing Operations and Engaging Customers
This paper presents a vertical IoT solution for Amarelli, a licorice producing company, aiming to optimize their operations and enhance their customer engagement through the integration of IoT technology, Enterprice Resource Planning (EPR) system, e-commerce and social media advertising. The proposed solution includes several key components, such as IoT-enabled production monitoring, warehouse monitoring, RFID tracking, and real-time data analysis. The solution also integrates an ERP system, to provide business intelligence and e-commerce combination to enhance online presence and customer engagement through social media advertising. This vertical solution will enable Amarelli to improve ef…
Poèmes figurés entre imprimé et manuscrit, lectures d'un livre de prestige à la Renaissance
Inconnu ou presque, demeuré dans la même sphère privée depuis des siècles, entré récemment dans les collections publiques, le manuscrit offert en 1593 à Jean Froissard (8 juin 1536-3 décembre 1595), président du Parlement de Dole (1592-1595), a conservé son aspect extraordinaire. L'éclat de son dédicataire trouve, aujourd'hui encore, un écho dans les matières employées pour sa confection, ainsi que dans son contenu, nourri de grandeur antique. Cette célébration témoigne du rôle important joué par la compagnie de Jésus, maîtres d'oeuvre, au sein de l'élite des villes en Europe au XVIe siècle. Entre autres formes poétiques, elle convoque dans ce livre un exemple inédit de poèmes figurés, lesq…
European Modernity and the Passionate South
En el largo siglo XIX, los estereotipos dominantes mostraban a las personas del sur mediterráneo como particularmente apasionadas e ingobernables y, por tanto, incapaces de adaptarse a los deberes morales y políticos impuestos por la civilización y la modernidad europeas. Este libro estudia, por primera vez en perspectiva comparada, la dimensión de género de un proceso que legitimó jerarquías internas entre el Norte y el Sur del continente. También analiza cómo se respondió a este fenómeno desde España e Italia, señalando las similitudes y diferencias entre ambos países. Empleando como fuentes de estudio los relatos de viajes, sátiras, obras filosóficas, novelas, obras de teatro, la ópera y…
Comparing Link Filtering Backbone Techniques in Real-World Networks
Fifth Cartesian Meditation (§§ 55–64): The Schema »Unity-Multiplicity« as the (Not-So) Hidden Metaphysics in Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations
The paper analyzes the last of the Husserlian Meditations with a focus on the metaphysical issue of unity and multiplicity.
Disinformazione nelle città
Nell‘ambito della Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3), strategie di innovazione nazionali o regionali per la crescita intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva nell’Unione Europea per il prossimo decennio, finanziata dall’Unione Europea, la Regione Siciliana ha promosso il progetto Fake News in accordo con la finalità di sviluppare strumenti di scambio informativo e confronto in rete. L’obiettivo è di concentrare le risorse europee in settori tecnologici emergenti che realmente possono svilupparsi nella stessa regione puntando sulla costruzione di saperi locali, piuttosto che sul trasferimento di risorse tecnologiche esterne. Si sperimenta un’applicazione di tecnologie ICT al fenomeno della di…
Halogen-Bonded [N–I–N]− Complexes with Symmetric or Asymmetric Three-Center–Four-Electron Bonds
A series of LH[Z–I–Z] halogen(I) complexes, where Z = saccharinato or phthalimido anions and LH = pyridinium, pyrazinium, tetrabutyl (TBA)- or tetramethylammonium (TMA) cations, were prepared, structurally characterized, and discussed as complexes consisting of a [N–I–N]− anion with a three-center–four-electron (3c-4e) halogen bond, and a hydrogen-bonding (pyridinium or pyrazinium) or inert (TBA or TMA) cation. The symmetric [N–I–N]− anion, reminiscent of the triiodide [I–I–I]− anion, is found to be structurally equivalent to its cationic analogue [N–I–N]+ with N–I bond lengths of 2.26 Å. In contrast to the homoleptic [N–I–N]+ complexes, asymmetry of the N–I bond lengths (2.21 and 2.28 Å) w…
This contribution in terminology aims at taking into consideration the semantic and functional constituents of terms in a cognitive and discursive perspective. To this end, Geeraerts’ model of cognitive lexicology is used to study and exemplify the dimensions of linguistic signs. This discussion opens the door to a modern understanding of linguistic meaning that is provided for a holistic approach by frames, constructions and patterns. The observation of in-context-meaning in terminology is necessary in the broader perspective of a specialized discourse analysis based on the qualitative and quantitative investigation of authentic language material from documented interpersonal communication…
Comparative evaluation of Hand, Rotary and Reciprocation motion on Dentin thickness and instrumentation time in Primary anterior teeth using CBCT: An…
Ultimate goal of BMP is to extirpate the pulp tissue completely, microorganisms, debris & shaping the canal which preserves the original course of the canal to receive an obturating material. Due to various morphological challenges present in deciduous root canal, there is high demand of an improved quality & design of file system with less working length to prevent undesirable complication & reduce treatment time. Aim: To evaluate & inter-compare the dentin thickness and instrumentation time in root dentin of deciduous teeth after BMP in Hand, Rotary & Reciprocation motion with single-file systems. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 60 extracted primary single rooted teeth with un-resorbed roots were i…
Accompagnement de l'évaluation d'un programme d'aide à la réussite étudiante par un comité scientifique et d'évaluation
Cette contribution présente comment une instance d’évaluation d’un programme d’aide à la réussite étudiante s’est construite durant quatre ans. Il retrace le cas du comité scientifique et d’évaluation d’un projet pédagogique pluri-établissements démarré en 2018 dans le cadre du programme NCU-ANR-PIA d’une durée de 10 ans. Elle raconte les différents pas de la mise en place d’une évaluation instituée structurée par les statuts de ses membres, par l’adhésion à des principes sous-jacents inspirés de Thélot (2008) et inspirée par la recherche en évaluation et pas seulement par les demandes et évaluations spontanées. Elle précise les modalités de construction du jugement de l’évaluation par cett…
The Truth is Out There : Focusing on Smaller to Guess Bigger in Image Classification
In Artificial Intelligence (AI) in general and in Machine Learning (ML) in particular, which are important and integral components of modern Industry 4.0, we often deal with uncertainty, e.g., lack of complete information about the objects we are classifying, recognizing, diagnosing, etc. Traditionally, uncertainty is considered to be a problem especially in the responsible use of AI and ML tools in the smart manufacturing domain. However, in this study, we aim not to fight with but rather to benefit from the uncertainty to improve the classification performance in supervised ML. Our objective is a kind of uncertainty-driven technique to improve the performance of Convolutional Neural Netwo…
Parte II Capitolo I L'impresa agricola
this chapter examines the discipline of the agricultural enterprise in the light of the reform of the Italian civil code and the requests of European legislation towards the multifunctionality of the agricultural enterprise