showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Optimal capacity density of offshore wind farms : An analysis for the prospective wind energy projects in the North Sea


The North Sea and Norwegian continental shelf have been identified to possess some of the world's best wind resources. Nine countries, including Norway, have signed the Ostend Declaration and established their offshore wind development targets for 2050. However, space constraints, current consumption, siting regulations, and spatial planning risks accentuate the need for finding an optimum design parameter, i.e., capacity density (MW/km2) for offshore wind farms. A thorough understanding of this optimization problem seems to be missing in the offshore wind energy industry including leading offshore wind developers. Achieving an optimal capacity density involves a collaborative effort while …

Sexual Satisfaction: Pornography Consumption


Rodzina niepełna w przestrzeni oddziaływań wychowawczo-socjalizacyjnych


incomplete familysocializationsamotne rodzicielstwowychowaniesingle parenthoodsocjalizacjarearingrodzina niepełna

Kulttuuriset ennakkoluulot sosiaalityön ongelmanmäärittelyn resursseina : esimerkkinä kunniaan liittyvä väkivalta


Esitys perustuu vielä työn alla olevaan artikkelikäsikirjoitukseen, jonka olen kirjoittanut pro gradu -tutkielmani ”Kunnia, etnisyys ja kulttuuri. Sosiaalityöntekijöiden käsityksiä kunniaan liittyvästä väkivallasta” (Elfving 2017) pohjalta. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää miten sosiaalityöntekijät määrittelevät ongelmia kunniaan liittyvän väkivallan tapauksissa. Aineistoni perusteella sosiaalityöntekijät käyttävät kulttuurisia ennakkoluuloja ongelmanmäärittelyn resursseina. Väkivaltaisuuden katsotaan olevan kiinteä osa ”muslimikulttuuria” ja sen perinteitä. Väkivallan mahdollistaa naisen huono asema. Asiakkaan muslimitausta erotetaan suomalaisuudesta tarkkarajaisesti ja sillä selitet…


Palermo e la guerra. Narrazioni: dalle immagini alle proposte di rinnovamento urbano


The images of the bombing in Palermo in May 1943 are still etched in the collective memory. Some of the lacerations caused by the bombs are still clearly visible in the historic city centre, which has been the subject, since the post-war period, of numerous proposals that have remained in the drawer, images of an ethical and civil responsibility that has remained unheard. Old images of war and maps of ideas intersect in a history only apparently concluded in which they become generators of meaning and also bearers of messages relating to a desire for renewal.

war images plansSettore ICAR/17 - DisegnoSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Production et circulation des épées à poignée métallique de l'âge du Bronze en Europe occidentale


Âge du Bronze[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryArmementAlliages cuivreuxMétallurgieArtisanat

Study of archaeological ceramics from northern Bactria in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages (3rd-7th centuries AD)


Esta tesis se centra en el análisis arqueológico y arqueométrico de cerámicas kusháno-sasánidas (ss. III-IV d.C.) y altomedievales (ss. V-VIII d.C.) procedentes de diferentes yacimientos localizados en el sector septentrional de la antigua Bactriana (Asia Central). Bactriana, o Tokharistán, como fue llamada desde finales del siglo IV d.C. (Litvinsky, 1998), fue una de las satrapías del Imperio Aqueménida que incluía los territorios al norte y al sur del antiguo río Oxus (ahora Amu Darya), actualmente correspondientes al sur de Uzbekistán, sur de Tayikistán y norte de Afganistán. La región se caracterizó por contactos continuos entre pueblos, debidos a migraciones, invasiones y comercio. Des…

UNESCO::HISTORIAprovenancearchaeometryarchaeologyUzbekistanproduction technologyearly medieval pottery

Book Review : Instituting thought: Three paradigms of political ontology


kirja-arvostelutpolitical ontologybook reviewsparadigmspoliittinen filosofiapolitiikan teoriaparadigmat

George Edward Moore and the philosophy of “common sense”: idealism and anti-idealism


Se prendiamo in esame la storia del pensiero europeo del XX secolo, l’anno della frattura tra idealismo e anti-idealismo è rappresentato dal 1903, quando Bertrand Russell pubblica “The Principles of Mathematics”, dando corso al neo-positivismo, che nel continente europeo si sarebbe sviluppato come empirismo logico con i rappresentanti del Circolo di Vienna, del Circolo di Berlino della Scuola di Leopoli-Varsavia. Nello stesso anno 1903 George Edward Moore, nella rivista “Mind”, pubblica il saggio “The Refutation of Idealism”; ma non solo, perché ancora nel 1903 dà alle stampe il volume “Principia Ethica”. A Moore, non meno che a Russell, va prestata la dovuta attenzione per l’elaborazione d…

idealismophilosophy of common senseNeopositivismoanalytic philosophyfilosofia del senso comuneNeopositivismidealismanti-idealismoSettore M-FIL/06 - Storia Della Filosofiaanti-idealismfilosofia analitica

Annerledes, men lik - bildebøkers potensiale i forebygging av sosioemosjonelle vansker hos skeive elever.


Denne masteroppgaven undersøker potensialet til å bruke skeiv barnelitteratur med den hensikt å forebygge sosioemosjonelle vansker hos skeive elever. Forskningsmaterialet for studien er bildebøkene Wilma har to mammaer (2015) av Lone Halvorsen og Maria Therese Olsen, og Prinsesse Ivar og vennene på fest (2020) av Marion Arntzen, Mona Renolen og Alva Swanstrøm Løvgren. Utgangspunktet for masteroppgaven er problemstillingen: Hvilket potensial har barnelitteratur som omhandler tematikken kjønn og seksualitet, ved forebygging av sosioemosjonelle vansker hos skeive elever? Wilma har to mammaer er en bildebok skrevet for barn, som tematiserer seksualitet, der leserne blir kjent med Wilma og henne…

Brexit : Public Relations Campaign with Integrated Social Media Changed Political World


Both the 2016 US election of President Trump and the outcome of the 2016 United Kingdom European Union Membership Referendum, in favour of the Vote Leave campaign, are frequently given as examples to illustrate the power of micro-targeting in PR campaigns. Harvesting data to profile audiences has made it possible to identify people who are likely to be especially receptive to particular ways of framing issues. It is allowing political campaigns with sufficient funding to buy access to many discrete audiences through Social Media (SM), and it is making it possible to develop psychological profiles to send tailored messages, designed as powerful triggers, to people who are judged to be potent…

politiikkademokratiavaikuttaminenpoliittinen viestintäsosiaalinen mediayhteiskunnalliset vaikutuksetverkkoviestintääänestäminenkampanjatviestintäbrexitkansanäänestykset

A performative approach to wool felting : Rhizomatic relations in visual arts making and art education


As the first combined dissertation in Fine Arts with the specialisation Arts in context submitted to the University of Agder, comprising artistic and scientific works, this research evolves between artistic and written acts. It is a performative exploration of a performative approach to the ancestral technique of wool felting. The dissertation includes six explorations: three public exhibitions, three articles, and a 7th element consisting of a series of ongoing ‘minor’ moments related to the topic of the thesis that I carry out in my everyday practices as an artist, teacher and researcher. Alongside with that, I provide a mantle that is a metatext of the dissertation. In dialogue with the …

VDP::Humaniora: 000

Climate Change Impact on the Hydropower Potential in Agder County


Climate change poses significant uncertainties for the future of hydropower, both in terms of challenges and opportunities. This study uses an educational version of the HBV model to investigate climate change impact on the hydropower potential in Agder County over the next century. The results show that the model tends to overestimate the observed values, but results in a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 73.4\% for calibration and 77.7\% for validation with a correlation of 89.0\%. This indicates that the model's simplicity does not surpass its accuracy. For annual discharge the study found that the RCP4.5 scenario predicted a 9\% increase close to 2100. The RCP8.5 scenario projected a more si…

Diritto alla privacy e accesso agli atti del fascicolo telematico processuale da parte di terzi-giornalisti: “quo vadis” Italia?


In this work, we want to try to examine what might be – today – the consequences of a contrast between the national legislation, artt. 51 and 52 of 30 June 2003, n. 196 (so-called Privacy Code) and art. 17 of the d.P.C.M. of 16 February 2016, n. 40, and the European legislation, art. 55 of the Privacy Regulation of 25 May 2016, n. 679, regarding the relationship between the protection of personal data, the right of access to the deeds of the electronic file of the administrative process by third parties (here of interest to journalists) and the right to information.

Privacy regulationSettore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativoprotection of personal data

A new playing field : Changing logics in the use of spaces by Finnish sport clubs


Purpose: Using an institutionalist approach, this paper examines the changing logics in the organisational field of Finnish sport clubs. More specifically, the utilisation of physical spaces by sport clubs is investigated. Research methods: Data were collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with 26 sport clubs from the Central Finland region and by obtaining club documents. Findings: Sport club’ expectations of spaces have diversified. They have started to use a broad range of spaces by various providers, to work towards innovative solutions with stakeholders, and to rely on club-owned facilities. In the process, the prerequisites for running and using the facilities have become m…

urheilu- ja liikuntaseurattilapalvelutliikuntatilatjärjestötoimintainstitutionalismi

Kurt Vonnegut and the Postmodern Satire


A broad look at the reformative qualities in Kurt Vonnegut's writing, through the analyses of three of his novels (The Sirens of Titan, Cat's Cradle, and Slaughterhouse-Five).

Eettisiä pohdintoja taideperustaisesta pakkomaahanmuuton tutkimuksesta


Taideperustainen tutkimus herättää myös eettisiä pohdintoja esimerkiksi toiminnan vapaaehtoisuudesta ja valtasuhteista, anonymiteetin ja tunnistettavuuden jännitteistä sekä siitä, miten taideperustaisessa tutkimuksessa pidetään huolta osallistujien hyvinvoinnista tutkimuksen aikana ja sen jälkeen. nonPeerReviewed

nuorisotyöprojektitetnografianuoretsoveltava kielitiedetutkimusetiikkataidelähtöiset menetelmättutkimuspakolaisetturvapaikanhakijat

Choisir une filière scientifique : l’importance des « role models » pour les lycéennes


Égalité des sexesUniversitéMétierPorfession scientifiqueFemme[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationÉtudiantGenreLycée

Filtering Real World Networks: A Correlation Analysis of Statistical Backbone Techniques


Networks are an invaluable tool for representing and understanding complex systems. They offer a wide range of applications, including identifying crucial nodes, uncovering communities, and exploring network formation. However, when dealing with large networks, the computational challenge can be overwhelming. Fortunately, researchers have developed several techniques to address this issue by reducing network size while preserving its fundamental properties [1-9]. To achieve this goal, two main approaches have emerged: structural and statistical methods. Structural methods aim to keep a set of topological features of the network while reducing its size. In contrast, statistical methods elimi…

Graph SummarizationSparsificationBackbone Filtering TechniquesNetwork Compression[INFO] Computer Science [cs]Complex Networks

Sisters of the Brotherhood: Alienation and Inclusion in Learning Philosophy


This open access book explores the gendered reality of learning philosophy at the university level, investigating the ways in which women and minority students become alienated from the social practices of a male-dominated field, and examining pedagogical solutions to this problem. It covers the roles and the interactions of the professor and student in the following ways: (1) the historical situation, (2) the affective, social and bodily situation, and (3) the moral situation. This text analyzes women’s passion for philosophy as a quest for truth, as well as their partial alienation from the social practices of philosophy. It demonstrates that recognition, generosity, and care are central …

naisetwomen studentspassion for philosophyphilosophy and educationinclusion in philosophyteaching philosophyvähemmistötminorities in philosophyphilosophical canonsituatedness of learningsocrates tenuredunderrepresentation of womenvieraantuminenfilosofiainclusive learningrenewal of philosophywomen in philosophyfeministinen filosofiaalienation from philosophykorkeakoulupedagogiikkainkluusio

Exploring The Impact of Gaming on L2 English Proficiency.


The findings of this thesis suggest that playing the game "Human: Fall Flat" positively impacted second language learning for most participants, mainly due to extensive social interactions in the target language. The game provided opportunities for L2 learners to practice English. While the peer-to-peer interactivity and comfortable environment within the game facilitated significant language input and output for students, a few participants did not find the game enjoyable or valuable for language learning. The results from the study, combined with previous research and second language learning theories, suggest that gaming can be a valuable tool for second language learning for many studen…

A subjective load monitoring profile: A case study on an elite woman`s football team


ABSTRACT PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to present a subjective load monitoring profile from two consecutive seasons from one Norwegian elite women’s football team. METHODS: One elite women’s football team (n=26) playing in the highest level in Norway was monitored for two consecutive seasons (2020 and 2021). Both seasons was divided in pre-season, in season part one (P1) and in-season part two (P2). Borg`s rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scaled 1-10 and duration of training was answered after each training/match. By multiplying RPE and duration, sessional rating of perceived exertion (sRPE) was used as a metric for training load. Wellness metrics answered before training/match ba…

Girolamo Cardinale: le belle lettere per una pedagogia tra premesse morali e prospettive sociali


L’impegno intellettuale di Girolamo Cardinale è sostanzialmente rivolto verso l’approfondimento di tematiche letterarie relative alla retorica, da lui trattata attraverso lo studio dei classici e in prospettiva pedagogica e morale.

pedagogiaOttocentoSiciliaCompagnia di GesùeloquenzaSettore SPS/02 - Storia Delle Dottrine Politiche

Kroppsøvingslæreres refleksjoner rundt bruk av tverrfaglige temaer i friluftslivsundervisningen


Gjennom egen praksis og arbeidserfaring har vi erfart at store deler av undervisningen bærer preg av stillesitting i klasserommet og teoretisk vektlegging. Unntaket er såkalte praktiske fag som kunst & håndverk, mat og helse og kroppsøving. Gjennom kroppsøvingsfagets sentrale verdier og kjerneelement blir viktigheten av å komme seg ut i naturen i skolen synliggjort (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2019). Denne studien har til hensikt å undersøke hvordan friluftsliv kan integreres i undervisningen for å styrke tverrfaglig læring, med fokus på faget kroppsøving. Vi vil analysere hvordan de tre tverrfaglige temaene i den overordnede læreplanen folkehelse og livsmestring, demokrati og medborgerskap, og…

La redazione del Domani d’Italia 1922-1924 : valori cristiani e difesa delle libertà democratiche


Noto periodico edito a Milano dal 24 dicembre 1922 al 9 luglio 1924 e ispirato dal popolarismo, il «Domani d’ItaLia» nacque come una «piccola fiaccola» che avrebbe dovuto illuminare in quel momento di “buio” «fino all’alba del domani». Grazie allo sforzo congiunto, la redazione organizzò una resistenza “armata” solo di inchiostro per denunciare le conseguenze che il 28 ottobre 1922 avrebbe determinato nella storia italiana ed europea e per contribuire a creare una coscienza democratica ritenuta necessaria nella formazione della generazione che sarebbe stata chiamata a rinnovare le istituzioni politiche dopo la fine del fascismo. Attraverso il dibattito condotto dai redattori nelle pagine de…

Il domani d'Italia popolarismo Francesco Luigi Ferrari antifascismoSettore SPS/02 - Storia Delle Dottrine Politiche

Prefazione a: "Metaversi culturali" : nuove frontiere digitali per le imprese e la cultura


Preface to the volume by Claudio Calveri "Cultural metaverses. New digital frontiers for business and culture"

Settore L-ART/06 - Cinema Fotografia E TelevisioneMetaverse digital culture




Aproximaciones en la preparación de contenido de vídeo para la transmisión de vídeo bajo demanda (VOD) con DASH


El consumo de contenido multimedia a través de Internet, especialmente el vídeo, está experimentado un crecimiento constante, convirtiéndose en una actividad cotidiana entre individuos de todo el mundo. En este contexto, en los últimos años se han desarrollado numerosos estudios enfocados en la preparación, distribución y transmisión de contenido multimedia, especialmente en el ámbito del vídeo bajo demanda (VoD). Esta tesis propone diferentes contribuciones en el campo de la codificación de vídeo para VoD que será transmitido usando el estándar Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH). El objetivo es encontrar un equilibrio entre el uso eficiente de recursos computacionales y la garantí…

codificación de vídeotranscodificación de vídeoserverlessmétricas de calidad de vídeoUNESCO::CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICASnube multimediacomputación en la nube

Udar niedokrwienny mózgu u chorego na cukrzycę


Polish Literature as World Literature


Approximation problems in linear and non-linear analysis


En esta tesis estudiamos problemas relacionados con aplicaciones de varios tipos que alcanzan su norma u operadores que alcanzan su radio numérico. Tras un capítulo introductorio donde se comentan las notaciones, los principales conceptos, y un resumen histórico del estado del arte, hay 4 capítulos de contenido matemático donde se estudian diversos tipos de problemas. En el capítulo 2, se estudian clases de operadores entre espacios de Banach tales que cuando casi alcanzan su norma (respectivamente, su radio numérico) en un punto (respectivamente, un estado), necesariamente la alcanzan en un punto cercano (respectivamente, en un estado cercano). Se obtienen resultados positivos para dominio…

UNESCO::MATEMÁTICAS::Análisis y análisis funcional::Álgebra de operadoresUNESCO::MATEMÁTICAS::Análisis y análisis funcional::Algebras y espacios de Banachlipschitz mappingsprojective tensorsnumerical radius attainingnorm-attainingnuclear operatorsbishop-phelps-bollobásspaceabilityUNESCO::MATEMÁTICAS::Análisis y análisis funcional::Teoría de la aproximación

Highly-parallelized simulation of a pixelated LArTPC on a GPU


The rapid development of general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is allowing the implementation of highly-parallelized Monte Carlo simulation chains for particle physics experiments. This technique is particularly suitable for the simulation of a pixelated charge readout for time projection chambers, given the large number of channels that this technology employs. Here we present the first implementation of a full microphysical simulator of a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) equipped with light readout and pixelated charge readout, developed for the DUNE Near Detector. The software is implemented with an end-to-end set of GPU-optimized algorithms. The alg…

multiplication and inductionpulse formationscintillationtutkimuslaitteethiukkasfysiikkaelectric fieldsnoble liquid detectorscharge transportdetector modelling and simulations IIsimulation methods and programsMonte Carlo -menetelmätilmaisimetelectron emissiondouble-phaseprosessointiionizationalgoritmittime projection chamberssimulointiTPC

Mentiras piedosas para lugares de memória? O mito das Cortes de Lamego na história constitucional de Portugal


Despite their dubious authenticity, the laws adopted at the Cortes de Lamego of 1143 (an equally disputed date) were seen as the basis of Portugal's customary constitution from the time of their timely rediscovery in the early 17th century during Spanish rule (1580-1640). Until the period of the New State (1933-1974), their political and constitutional use served almost every cause, even the most opposed: Portuguese independence, at the time of the Restoration (1640-1668); national sovereignty and human constituent power at the time of the liberal revolution of Porto (1820-1822); the submission of men to the divine constituent power, implying the respect of the historical and/or natural con…

[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Law

sj-docx-2-cre-10.1177_02692155231170687 - Supplemental material for Neck–Shoulder Region Training for Chronic Headache in Women: A Randomized Control…


Supplemental material, sj-docx-2-cre-10.1177_02692155231170687 for Neck–Shoulder Region Training for Chronic Headache in Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial by Marjo Rinne, Sanna Garam and Katriina Kukkonen-Harjula, Kari Tokola, Arja Häkkinen, Jari Ylinen, Riku Nikander in Clinical Rehabilitation

FOS: Clinical medicine110604 Sports MedicineFOS: Health sciences110904 Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases110314 Orthopaedics

Iodination of antipyrine with [N–I–N]+ and carbonyl hypoiodite iodine(i) complexes


A series of iodine(I) complexes, both known and new, were synthesised and the dependence of iodination reactivity on the identity of the Lewis bases and anions present was investigated. Using a previously established screening protocol based on the iodination of antipyrine to iodo-antipyrine, the capability of the iodine(I) species to perform the iodination was tested and compared, especially in relation to Barluenga's reagent, [I(pyridine)2]BF4. The results indicated that the identity of both the Lewis bases and the anion influence the iodination capability of the iodine(I) species, and that the less efficient reagents can deliver favourably comparable percentage conversions with longer re…

jodikemiallinen synteesikompleksiyhdisteetkarbonyylit

Results of Angioplasty With Double-Layer Mesh Stent and Protection Systems of the Extra- and Intracranial Dissection of Cephalic Arteries


Purpose: Although a majority of cervical artery dissections can be managed conservatively, patients presenting with cerebral embolization or significant stenosis require a more aggressive approach. However, complications associated with endovascular repair are quite frequent and optimal interventional technique still remains to be established. Materials and methods: The aim of this post hoc survey was to analyze results of endovascular treatments for symptomatic dissections of the internal carotid and vertebral arteries, which were performed under protection and with the use of double-layer mesh stents. During endovascular procedure catheters, stents and protection systems were tailored acc…

carotid artery; dissection; distal protection system; mesh stent; proximal protection systemRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingSurgeryCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineJournal of Endovascular Therapy